Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

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  • 8/10/2019 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview


    Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

    Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

    EDU 305

    November 10, 2014

    Tiffany Sahadeo

  • 8/10/2019 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview


  • 8/10/2019 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview


    Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

    Me: What are the developmental issues you deal with in your classroom?


    Me: What are the academic abilities and challenges in your age group?

    Mrs. Russell: In my class the studentscognitive skills of my students range from high to low. Their learning

    ability ranges from entering kindergarten ready to read, to never being read to. Kindergarteners have a different

    range in cognitive skills.


    Me: Do you feel that there is an academic difference with gender?

    Mrs. Russell: I have seven girls and 11 boys enrolled in my class. All children are physically similar.


    Me: Do they seem overwhelmed or stressed? Do they solve their own problems?

    Mrs. Russell: Children at this age, are sometimes very emotional. They oftentimes display mixed emotions in

    different circumstances. For children this age this is normal and, I have to explain that to parents. Stress,

    overtired, or grief maybe reflected by crying. Crying seems to be a good stress reliever for my children. I tell the

    parents to allow them to cry, they will get a sense of their emotions and how to deal with them eventually.

    d. Social

  • 8/10/2019 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview


    Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

    Me: How are their social skills, do they make friends easily?

    Mrs. Russell: Majority of my students attended a preschool program. This provided the social

    skills and readiness to learn with other children. A few of my students had never attended a

    preschool or daycare prior to kindergarten, first they were lacking in social skills, and had

    difficulty adjusting to the school environment. Some students at first were frightened by the

    school bells and would seem very timid. As time passed those students easily blended in with the


    Me: What are the specific challenges of your age group?

    Mrs. Russell: Specific challenge: At this age children are not independent learners they have a

    difficult time sitting quietly for 10 minutes. They are easily distracted and their attention span is

    limited. Amongst 18 of them there is a wide range of skills. Some of my children can follow

    direction whereas others need my full attention.

    Me: What is the most challenging developmental in your career? What are the details of the


    Mrs. Russell: I would have to say that learning to read is the most significant developmental

    issue I have worked with. I work very diligently with my students by encouraging reading

    strategies and reading at home. I have many parents that are supportive and involved and I have

    some that are not. I feel that child will learn to read when they are developmentally ready.

    Me: How did you address the issue?

    Mrs. Russell: I explain to parents that some children may not developmentally be ready and

    provide literature that shows this. I give them reading strategies to use at

  • 8/10/2019 Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview


    Classroom Observation and Teacher Interview

    home such as, getting your mouth ready for the sounds, identifying pictures, and recognizing

    words within other words.

    Me: What was the outcome?

    Mrs. Russell: Once I show parents these simple strategies, their children usually pick on sight

    words quicker. Children eventually learn to read when they are developmentally ready.

    Classroom Observation

    Mrs. Russell used small white boards with her reading groups to help them with word

    recognition, while re-telling the story. Mrs. Russell made up flash cards to take home. Students

    that have difficulty developing basic reading skills go to the Title 1 reading program designed to

    provide extra help in reading throughout the day. I noticed Mrs. Russell incorporating flash cards

    quite often during lessons to emphasize high frequency words. The use of flash cards and the

    ability of the students understanding what are on the flash cards falls under the cognitive theory.

    The more a student sees the words or problem the more likely they will remember the word or

    problem the next time they see it. I was able to see Mrs. Russell use flash cards with her students.

    Some of the words came easy, such as their high frequency words and other words came harder

    for them to identify. Mrs. Russell provided the students with laminated flash cards. These flash

    cards are great for when you are on the go, in class, in small groups, individually, or at home. We

    you find an attached three photos, two examples of the high frequency words and one example of

    a sheet of flash cards.