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  • 8/18/2019 Click here to view my evaluation


    Carroll Community CollegeDivision of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health

    Department of NursingNURS !"#$%%

    Student Clinical Performance Evaluation - SummativeStudent___________ Date (Term/Year)_______ Location___________ Faculty______________

    S & Satisfa'tory  N & Needs (mprovement  & Unsatisfa'tory (!) Denotes 'riti'al )ehaviors.Students *ho meet any of the follo*ing 'riteria *ill )e given a remediation plan and may )e pla'ed on pro)ation+ailure to progress in these areas may result in failure of the 'ourse+- .ne unsatisfactory  grade in a 'riti'al )ehavior - T*o needs improvements in a 'riti'al )ehavior 

    - T*o unsatisfactory  grades in a non-'riti'al )ehavior - our needs improvements in non-'riti'al )ehaviors

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% Conte&t and Environment'utcome % "dentifie $olicie* $rocedure* afety concern* $atient c+aracteritic* andteam,or ,it+in t+e or#ani.ational tructure* ,it+ aitance (P'/0NL1 2% Nursing Judgment *P'/0NL1 3% Spirit of Inquiry)




    /Maintains ethi'al a''ounta)ility for nursing pra'ti'e in a''ordan'e *ith the ANA Code of Ethi's+ S

    /Maintains legal a''ounta)ility for nursing pra'ti'e in a''ordan'e *ith the Maryland Nurse 0ra'ti'e A't+ S

    /Adheres to H(0AA guidelines regarding patient 'onfidentiality+ S

    Demonstrates the role of the nurse as patient advo'ate+ S

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% 4no,led#e and Science'utcome 2% "dentifie no,led#e from nurin# cience and allied +ealt+ dici$line to 5e#indei#nin# and im$lementin# $atient centered care for individual* familie* and communitie* ,it+aitance (P'/0NL1% 2 Nursing Judgment * P'/0NL1% 3 Spirit of Inquiry )




    Colle'ts eviden'e related to 'lini'al pra'ti'e from appropriate resour'es+ S

    (ntegrates 1no*ledge of eviden'e )ased theory from nursing and other dis'iplines to plan 'are+ S

    Demonstrates a''urate and holisti' patient assessment s1ills+ S

    Esta)lishes appropriate nursing diagnoses )ased on patient assessment+ S

    Determines patient spe'ifi' etiology related to nursing diagnoses+ S

    Determines patient spe'ifi' signs and symptoms related to nursing diagnoses S

    Determines patient spe'ifi' out'omes for nursing diagnoses+ S

    Determines patient spe'ifi' interventions for nursing diagnoses and out'ome2s3+ S

    (mplements 'are a''ording to esta)lished plan and desired out'omes+ SEvaluates patient response to 'are and revises plan as needed+ S

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% Peronal and Profeional Develo$ment'utcome 6% "dentifie t+e need for t+e lifelon# $roce of learnin# nurin# ill* value* and5e+avior* ,it+ aitance (P'/0NL1% 6 Professional Identity * P'/0NL1% 3 Spirit of Inquiry )




    Dis'usses patient4s plan of 'are *ith instru'tor+ S

    Completes assignments as re5uired and su)mits on time S

    .rgani6es time effi'iently+ S

    Demonstrates professional appearan'e and demeanor+ S

    Engages in self-refle'tion and 'ommuni'ates learning needs to instru'tor+ S

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% 7uality and Safety'utcome 3% "dentifie no,led#e from nurin# cience and allied +ealt+ dici$line to 5e#in$rovidin# com$etent care 5aed on current tandard of $ractice to minimi.e ri of +arm to all

    mem5er of t+e +ealt+ care ytem t+rou#+ ytem effectivene and individual $ractice* ,it+aitance (P'/0NL1% Human Flourishing * P'/0NL1 2% Nursing Judgment * P'/0NL1 3% Spiritof Inquiry)




    /0rovides safe 'are a''ording to esta)lished standards of nursing pra'ti'e+ S

    0rioriti6es patient 'are )ased on assessment+ S

    Readily in'orporates te'hnology into 'lini'al pra'ti'e+ S

    /.)serves infe'tion 'ontrol pre'autions+ S

    Demonstrates a''ounta)ility and responsi)ility for o*n a'tions and attitudes+ S

    /Demonstrates 1no*ledge of medi'ations for assigned patients+ S

    /Administers medi'ation safely using si7 rights of medi'ation administration+ S

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% 0elation+i$ Centered Care StudentSelf-Eval


    N!"8N$%% Clini'al Eval !#9#$":

  • 8/18/2019 Click here to view my evaluation


    Carroll Community CollegeDivision of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health

    Department of NursingNURS !"#$%%

    'utcome 8% 0eco#ni.e t+at nurin# i $art of a colla5orative interdici$linary team ,+ic+$rovide +olitic care to individual* family* community* and team relation+i$ t+rou#+ t+e ue oft+era$eutic communication* ,it+ aitance (P'/0NL1% Human Flourishing * P'/0NL1% 6Professional Identity) S/N/

    Demonstrates a)ility to develop and maintain therapeuti' relationships *ith diverse populations+ S

    /Respe'ts patients4 rights *ith regard to their dignity and human *orth+  S

    (dentifies patient#family health edu'ation needs and implements patient tea'hing+ S

    Do'uments patient 'are a''urately and in a timely manner using the *ritten or ele'troni' health re'ord+ S

     Applies therapeuti' 'ommuni'ations s1ills+

    "nte#ratin# Conce$t% Team,or'utcome 9% 0eco#ni.e t+e im$ortance of effective communication and mutual re$ect ,+en,orin# ,it+ all mem5er of t+e +ealt+ care team* ,it+ aitance (P'/0NL1% 6 ProfessionalIdentity)




    Demonstrates initiative in assisting peers and health 'are team mem)ers in the 'lini'al setting+ S

    See1s input from patient, instru'tor, peers, and health'are team in the delivery of patient 'are+ S

    /Updates instru'tor and health'are team regarding 'hanges in the patient4s 'ondition in a timely manner+ S

    Demonstrates professional 'ommuni'ation s1ills using S;AR+ S0arti'ipates a'tively in all aspe'ts of the 'lini'al e7perien'e+ S

    Student 0eflection- Looin# 5ac on t+e rotation%

    :o, +ave you #ro,n a a nure; Pleae e&$lain and ue $ecific e&am$le

    " #ave my very firt "< +ot* and alo $ut my firt trai#+t cat+ in a little 5oy

    Do you +ave any continuin# concern a5out your $erformance; Pleae e&$lain

    " could ue more confidence in myelf ,+en doin# certain ta

    Faculty Comment/ Student Learnin# 1oal (!!"f an item ,a identified a N or * narrative comment are nececlarify tudent $erformance!!);roo1e sho*ed 'onfiden'e and professionalism *hen intera'ting *ith families and staff+