Cloud Computing Training Personal2013

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  • 8/12/2019 Cloud Computing Training Personal2013


    Learn cloud computing

    Part 1 - Introduction to Cloud Computing- What is the cloud?

    - History of Cloud Computing

    - How Cloud Computing Works

    - Advantages & Disadvantages

    - Applications for Businesses

    - ntroducing Cloud !ervice "roviders- Cloud Computing #erminology

    o nfrastructure-as-a-!ervice $aa!%

    o !oftware-as-a-!ervice $!aa!%

    o "latform-as-a-!ervice $"aa!%

    o Dataase-as-a-!ervice $Daa!%- Cloud Delivery models

    o "ulic Cloud

    o "rivate Cloud

    o Hyrid Cloud

    o 'ederated Cloud

    o Community Cloud

    Part 2 Virtualization- (irtuali)ation Basics

    - *+ectives

    - #ypes and enefits of (irtuali)ation

    - (irtuali)ation for Desktops and ,nterprise

    o VMware



    oCreating a Virtual Machine with VMWare Workstation and VMWare ESX or ESXi LiveDemonstration

    Part 4- Implementing a Private Cloud - [Either Eucalyptu or !pen"e#ula$

    o Eucalyptu [%#untu Enterprie Cloud and Eucalyptu &'1$o Single server Private Cloud implementation

    o Dual server Private Cloud implementation

    o Creating Virtual Machines

    o Steps to Create a custom Virtual Machine

    o Implementing a Dashboard

    o Web interface with Elasticfox!"bridfox

    Part 4a' (ecurity in Private Cloud)o Securit" issues in Private Cloud

  • 8/12/2019 Cloud Computing Training Personal2013


    oSecuring the #ccess $ Creating a %S# PublicPrivate &e" for VMs

    oCreating a software firewall

    oConfiguring firewall rules

    oIsolating a VM using firewall rules

    o !pen"e#ulla)

    o mplementing a "rivate Cloud with *pen eula .World/s only most fle0ile cloud1o Single server implementation

    o Dual server implementation

    o Creating 'inux VMs

    o Creating Windows (P)**+ server Vms

    o Implementing a Dashboard with Sunstone

    o mplementing a "rivate Cloud with *pen !tacko Dual server implementation

    o Creating 'inux VMs

    o Creating Windows Vms

    Part * Pu#lic cloud ) [Iaa( $+mazon ,e# (ervice Live emontration- AW! *verview

    - Ama)on ,C2o,verview of EC) Dashboard-oCreating a 'inux InstanceoCreating a Windows Instance

    - Images [AMI]

    oCreating a Private #MI .#ma/on Machine Image0

    - Elastic Block Storage [EBS]

    oStorage for Virtual Machines 1Elastic 2loc3 Storageo4"pes of Volumes .!arddis3 for VMs0

    oCreating a Volume

    o#ttaching Volume to a Virtual Machine !ot plugging

    oPartitioning a Volume

    o5ormatting a Volume

    oDetaching a Volume from Virtual Machine

    - Snapshots

    oCreating and Deleting SnapshotsoCreating Volumes from SnapshotsoCreating #MIsImages from Snapshots

    oCop"ing Snapshots

    -Network Interfaces

    oCreating and assigning 6etwor3 interfaces

    Part *a' (o.t/are + a (ervice )oImplementing a Webserver in a #ma/on 'inuxWindows Instance

    oConfigure the firewall to access a Webserver

  • 8/12/2019 Cloud Computing Training Personal2013


    Part *#' (ecurity in Pu#lic Cloud)o Securit" issues in Public Cloud

    oSecuring the #ccess $ Creating a %S# PublicPrivate &e" for VMs

    oCreating a software firewall

    oConfiguring firewall rules

    oIsolating a VM using firewall rules

    oSecuring the access with an Elastic IPs

    -Load Balancers

    oCreating and using 'oad 2alancers

    - Cloudwatcho ,verview of Monitoring and Setting #larms

    Part *c' 0ini Proect Configuring Ama)on nstance as a Content 3anager4

    Part [(torage + + (ervice$- Cloud (torage Live emontration- Ama)on !5o Creating 2uc3ets

    o Creating 5olderso 7ploading ,b8ects

    o Ma3ing ,b8ects Public

    o Creating 2uc3ets

    o Securing 2uc3et,b8ect access

    o Configuring a 2uc3et as Static Web Page

    o Controlling 'ife C"cle of 2uc3ets

    o #ccessing #ma/on 2uc3ets from Windows'inux des3tops

    +dditional 3opic to elect)

    Part [ata5ae + + (ervice$- +mazon 6( [+t an e7tra charge$- Ama)on 6D!o Creating a M"S9' D2 instance

    o D2 Instance Classes

    o Single and Multiple :one Deplo"ment of Databases

    o #utomating the 2ac3up

    o Configuring Maintenance2ac3up Period

    o Creating 2ac3upSnapshot of D2 Instance

    o Configuring 5irewall rules to restrict access to D2 instance

    o ,verview of Parameter and ,ption ;roups

    o Creating 4ables in D2 instance

    o 'oading external data to D2 table

    o ,verview of Parameter and ,ption ;roups

    o Creating a %E#D1,6'< D2 instance

    o %estoring D2 from a Snapshot

    Part 8 9y#rid cloud [,ith !pen"e#ula$ [+t e7tra Charge$o mplementing a Hyrid cloud with *peneula and Ama)on ,C2

    o Creating (irtual machines on Ama)on using "rivate cloud interface

    o 3anaging Ama)on (3s using "rivate cloud interface4