Completamento frasi INGLESE N° domande:

Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

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Page 1: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

Completamento frasi INGLESE��

N° domande: ���

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Page 2: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

� #%$'&)(+*-,%.�&0/ / /'/21 ,3*4&�(5/ / / /-67$'&41�$98 *2:'&<;�=>

who / outs of?

this / out of@

which / out of

� #%$'&4,�A A78 1�&0/ / / /B&<C+&+D ;)E+F<;G/ / / /IH�J3K L L�=>

will close / to?

closes / at@

close / on

� #%$'&�;G/ / / / /NM'&OF+:�P%D ;'Q�8 A+RS&0/ /'/ /�/IT'F<;�67$'&-M98 U U =>

will / don’t?

won’t / to@

will / have

� V $ &9:B$'&0/ / / /I8 :BW+,%:�E9,%:B$'&0/ /'/ /4C�&+D ;S& F+D7U ;48 :)6X$�&4*-,%D7:98 :�P"=>

was / wakes?

was / woke@

were / waken

� Y ,%Z-*2Z ( 6'/ / / /-6[,-67$'&-D &�( 6 F+Z9D F+: 6\:'&<]'6%E9,9,%DXQ�8 6 ^ (5/ / / /N8 :)6[,'R4:9=>

go / the best?

gone / a best@

going / better

� /'/ /�/_1�8 P+F+D &�6 6 &�(4E3,O; ,%Z5/ / / /2F)E+F�; `>

How much / smokes?

How lot of / moking@

How many / smoke

� a\U &�F ('&0/ / / / /B&�C�&�D ;<67$98 :�PS/ / / /'/O;',%Z9DbM'F'P%=>

do put / that?

put / into@

putting / in

� cb&B8 (5/ / / /2,�A'/ /'/ /%=>

making fun / you?

to make fun / you@

makes fun / your

� /'/ /�/'/ /-(98 P%:OF41�,": 67D F'1<6'/ / / / / /ID &'F'E%8 :�P_8 67=>

All ways / after?

Never / before@

Always / between

�� V &-$'F<C�&0/ / / / /'/_D[&+T�,%D 6 (5/ / / / /'/4R4D78 6 &+=>

much / to?

many / that@

Lots of / to

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 3: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� cb&B8 (B$9Z9D7D ;�8 :�PNZ+T�/ / / /BF+D7D78 C�&0/ /'/ /"=>

in order / time?

for / time@

to / on time

�� cb&�^ (�/ / / / / /-6[,46f$ &4,�A A78 1�&0/ / / /'/-(9T'& F+.06[,O; ,%Z9=>

come / for?

comes / for to@

coming / to

�� g A+RS&0/ / / / /N$'F+DXEB,%Z9DbM�,�( (5/ / / /'/4C�&+D ;4$'F+T9T�;�=>

work / will be?

do work / is@

are / is

�� h ,3DfD ;'Q�g�E9,%:�^ 6'/ /'/ /_Q�/ / / /4; ,%Z)(3T'& F+.0(9U ,'R4U ; `>

understand / does?

understand / could@

see / does

�� V &0/ / / /-6 &+U U'$98 *i/'/ / /-67D7Z 67$9=>

had / any?

did / a@

must / the

�� /'/ /�/'/-67$'&-Z9:�E+&+DXP%D ,"Z9:�ES/ / / / /ND[&�U 8 F+M9U &S67$'F+:)6f$'&4M3Z (�`>

Is / most?

Does / be@

Is / more

�� Y ,%Z5/ / / /ND & F'E-67$98 (BM�,9,%.�Q�8 6'/ /'/ /-(�,_8 : 6 &+D &�( 678 :'P"=>

musted / was?

must to / is@

must / is

�� /'/ /�/I8 (9:�^ 6'/ / / /NM3D & F'E_U &�A 67=>

There / any?

That / some@

Here / an

�� #9,)/ / / / / /-(9$�,%Z9U E_g<F'E9E%D &�( (5/ /'/ /�/'/NU &�6 6 &+D[`>

whom / this?

who / the@

whose / a

�� j ,4; ,%Z5/ / / / /N8 69R48 U U'D F+8 :�`_g'$�,"T'&G/'/ / / /"=>

thinking / nots?

think / not@

thinks / not

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ek ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 4: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� #%$'&4,�A A78 1�&O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5/ /'/�/ /b=>

earlier / Thursday?

never / the Thursday@

not / Thursday

�� #%$'&5/ / / /-( 6[,%T9T'&'E-67$'F�6%1�D F�l�;G/ /'/ /"=>

polisman / driving?

policeman / driver@

policemens / drive-in

�� #%$'&BM�,9,%.)8 (5/ / /'/ /�/N*-,%D &-8 : 6 &9D & ( 678 :�P467$'F+:Bg�/�/ /'/ / /"=>

very / thought?

too / think@

much / thought

�� h $ &B8 (5/ / / / / /-(9T'&'F+.m/ / / / / /-6f$'&O*-& &�678 :�P%=>

often / in?

not / at@

going to / at

�� /'/ /�/'/ /2,�A A78 1�&�(5/'/ / / / /2,%T'&+:OF 6�RS&'&+.�&+:�E�(9=>

This / not?

These / do not@

They / can’t

�� h $ &OF+U RSF<;<(SRS& F+D (O67$'&0/ / / / /B&�]3T'&+: (98 C�&0/ / / / /b=>

so / dressing?

very / cloth@

most / clothes

�� /'/ /�/b8 ()67$'&4*4F9:SR48 6f$)(9Z9:�P%U F�( ('& (0/'/ / /3`>

What / wait?

For who / to wait@

Who / waiting for

�� cb&5/ / / /-6[,_. :�,�Ri; ,%Z9D96 &+U &+T9$�,%:�&0/ / / /"=>

to want / number?

want / namber@

wanted / number

�� /'/ /�/IU ,�( 6'/ / / /IM',3,%. =>

She / hers?

She / her@

She / yours

�� /'/ /�/_1�F+:SRS&0/ /'/�/2FOP9,9,9E_D &�( 6 F9Z+D[F+: 6[`>

Where / found?

Where / find@

From where / to find

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���en ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 5: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� V $ &9:B8 6'/ / / /Ng�( 6[F<;G/ / / /"=>

rained / in home?

rains / at home@

to rain / home

�� /'/ /�/_1�$'&'1�.067$'&B8 : C+,%8 1�&o/ / / /-(�&+:�E%8 :�P_8 696[,467$'&41�U 8 &+: 67=>

Allway / behind?

Always / because@

Always / before

�� g ^ *p(�,%D7D ;4M9Z 6bq4D ? &+D7:5/ / / /BF<RSF�;G/ / / /"=>

gone / in a minute?

went / a minute ago@

goes / at the minute

�� /'/ /�/'/ /BF+D &S67$'&BceZ9:�P+F+D78 F+:4E%8 T9U ,3*4F�6 (5/ / / / / /3`>

When / arriving?

What time / arrive@

Where / come

�� #%$'&BD &�(9Z9U 6 (4,�A96f$'&),"T98 :98 ,%:5/ / /'/)/ / / /NZ9:'&<]3T�& 1<6[&'E%=>

poll / be?

pole / is@

poll / were

�� g A967$'&<;G/ / / / /_*-&�6f$'&0/ / / / /%Q�g ^ U U<F'1�1 &+T 6b8 67=>

offering / jobs?

will offer / work@

offer / job

�� g ^ *r/ / / / /N=�/ / /'/ /4; ,%Z)(9T'& F+.S*-,"D &S(9U ,'R4U ; `>

stranger / Can?

a foreigner / Could@

strange / Do

�� #%$'&B:'&<RpM�,�( (5/'/�/'/ /2sG&+DX*4F+: ;4M9Z 6'/ / / / /N8 :4sG&9:'&<C�F+=>

comes from / lives?

does / lived@

comes / lives

�� tu/ /�/'/BF+D &�; ,%Z)(+*_8 U 8 :�P9`9tGtf/ / /'/Ng ^ *v$'F+T9T�;+w t>

Why / Because?

White / Because@

Why / Become

�� /'/ /�/'/ /BFOP9,9,9ES/'/ / / / /bw>

Have / trip?

Do / trip@

Be / travel

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���mx ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 6: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� j ,4; ,%Z4,�A 6 &+:5/ /'/�/B67$'&-:'&<R�(9T'F9T &9D (5/ / / /-67$'&4*-,"D7:98 :�P9`>

reading / in?

read / in@

reads / on

�� /'/ /�/_P9,%8 :�PS/ / / /-6f$'&O1�8 :'&�*4FS67$98 (OF�A 6 &+D7:�,9,%:9=>

I / in?

I am / to@

I have / in

�� g�/'/ / / / /4R),%D7. 8 :�P_8 :)67$98 (4,�A A78 1 &0/ / / / / /-6 R),O;�&'F+D (9=>

will been / since?

have been / for@

be / for

�� #%$'&9D &)F+D &0/ / / /'/2*_8 ( 6 F+.�&�(5/ / /'/�/B67$98 ()(9Z+*B*4F+D ;+=>

the many / in?

lots of / in@

some / to

�� y 8 U U�/ / / /BF+U U�/ / / /_*B,%:'&<;),%:BM�,9,".�(9=>

will spend / her?

will spent / of hers@

spend / hers

�� a\DX8 1�&�(5/ / / /NM�;)z'Q {)|}/ / / /"=>

increased / last year?

increases / yearly@

have increased / last year

�� #%$'&4E%8 D &'1<6[,%D'/ /'/�/'/-67$'&)&�*2T9U ,';�&'&�(5/ / / / /B&<]'67D FB$�,%Z9D (9=>

want / to?

wants / to work@

will / to work

�� #%$'&B8 : 6 &+D C38 &<R~/'/�/'/ /NM'&-T9Z9M9U 8 (+$�&'E_8 :)67$'&0/ / / / /B&�E%8 678 ,%:4,�A96f$ &-:�&<R�(9T'F+T'&+D7=>

will / near?

will / next@

will not / yesterday

�� V $ &9:5/ / / / /-6f$ &-:�&<R~/ / / / /21 ,3*-&-8 : 6[,4A[,%D[1�&�`>

doesn’t / laws?

will / law@

don’t / laws

�� /'/ /�/_E+F<;<(OF'P9,_g'U ,'('6'/ / / /4RSF+U U &<67=>

Tree / those?

Thre / mine@

Three / my

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ����� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 7: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� /'/ /�/'/-67$'&-:'&<Rr&+*2T9U ,';�& &0/ / /'/�/ /I�b:�P%U 8 (9$)A7U Z'&+: 6fU ; `>

Does / speak?

Don’t / speaking@

Do / speaks

�� g�/'/ / /NU 8 C38 :�P_$'&+D[&0/ / / /NH<{5;�& F+D (+=>

has been / since?

are been / since@

have been / for

�� /'/ /�/'/BFOP9,9,9EORS& &9.�&+:�E"w�/ / / /'/4; ,%Z4,%:BqS,%:�E+F<;+=>

Have you / See?

Do / be@

Have / See

�� qSF+D7.m/ / / /NU F�6 &5/ /�/'/NZ (9Z'F+U w>

would be / so?

will be / as@

been / as

�� /'/ /�/_1�F+:BD7Z9:5/ /'/ /-67$'F+:S; ,%Z9=>

None / fastest?

Nobody / faster@

No bodies / faster

�� #%$98 (B8 (5/ / / /ND &�( 6[F+Z9D F+: 6'/ / / /+6[,�R4:9=>

the best / in?

the good / in the@

best / than the

�� /'/ /�/I8 (5/ / / /B&<]3T�&�:'(98 C�&)F+D 678 1�U &B8 :-,%Z9D%1�F�6 F+U ,9P"Z &9=>

These / the much?

Those / the very@

That / the most

�� /'/ /�/'/BF+D &�; ,%Z5/ /'/ / /-67$'F�6bU &�6 6 &+D36[,9`>

What / writing?

Who / sending@

Why / sent

�� g<F+*�P9,%8 :�PS/ / /'/2*O;G/ / / /"=>

to / parents’?

at / parent@

by / parents

�� #%$'&)A78 D ( 63F�6[,3*28 1-M�,3*2M (5/ / / /2E"D[,3T3T'&'ES/ / / /Nce8 D[,�(9$98 *4F)F+:�EN�bF'P+F�('F+. 8 =>

were / on?

was / in@

had / to

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���0� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 8: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� #%$'&BM'F+:9.m/ / / / /)/'/ / / /2�SF+= *2=<&�C�&�D ;)E+F<;�=>

opened / in?

is open / on@

opens / at

�� /'/ /�/'/-('F+U F+D ;48 (5/'/ / / /-67$'F+:OF<C�&+D[F P9&+=>

These / higher?

The / higher@

A / more

�� /'/ /�/N*4F+:5/ / / /NU F+:�E+&'EB,%:)67$'&4*-,3,%:SRSF�( > *-&�Df8 1 F+:9=>

A / who?

First / whom@

The first / who

�� V &0/ / / / / /NU ,9,%. 8 :�P4A[,%D3F-:'&<Ro/�/'/ / / /"=>

don’t / assistants?

are / assistant@

have / assistance

�� Y ,%Z5/ / / /2P%8 C�&+:)A7Z3D 67$'&+D'/ / / /"=>

are / information?

has / information@

have to / information

�� #%$'& ('&-8 : ( 67D7Z�1�6X8 ,%:'(OF+D &0/ / / / /2E"8 A A78 1�Z9U 696[,S/ / / /'/"=>

so / understanding?

least / follow@

less / follow

�� g 6'/ / / /)/ / / /-A78 (3$+=>

feel / likes?

smells / like@

smell / like

�� /'/ /�/'/N$'&0/ / / /'/_8 :)67$'F�6%,�A A78 1�&'`>

Does / job?

Doesn’t / work@

Works / not

�� #%$'&BU F�( 6967D F+8 :5/'/ /�/'/ /)/ / / / / /NH'H�T3= *2= =>

go / at?

is / to@

leaves / at

�� j ,4; ,%Z5/ / / /)/ /'/�/I8 :OFS6 & F�*-`>

love / work?

do / work@

like / working

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���m� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 9: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� Y ,%Z5/ / / / / /-A78 :98 (9$)67$'&�R),%D7.)M�;G/'/ / / / /"=>

mustn’t / time?

must to / Friday@

must / Friday

�� /'/ /�/-R4$'F�69678 *4&OE3,+&�()67$'&4*4& & 6X8 :�P)/ / / /3`>

At / start?

From / started@

When / start

�� /'/ /�/_1 ,%Z9D ('&O,�A%F'1�6f8 ,%:5/ / / /21 ,3*_T9Z9U (�,%D ;�A7D[,3*�:�,'R�,%:�RSF+D[E�(3=>

Those / will?

This / will be@

Tis / are

�� q4D ? D[,'R4:OF+:�ES/ /'/ / / / /4R48 U U'$'F<C+&)F4*4& &�678 :�PB,":5/ / / / / / /"=>

mine / January?

I / Tuesday@

my / next week

�� q4D ( h *28 67$5/ / / /2F�(OF+:B8 : 6 &+D7T9D[&<6 &9D'/ / / /-67$'&-U F ( 696 &+:S;�& F+D (9=>

have worked / since?

is working / all@

has worked / for

�� g 6+RSF�()67$'&0/ / / / /'/_M+,9,%.)g'$'F<C�&5/�/'/ / / /ND & F'E%=>

worst / ever?

bad / never@

worse / ever

�� #%$'&BT�,%U 8 678 1�8 F+:5/ /'/ / /N$98 ()('& F�6'/ /'/ / /NH<� � ��=>

won / in?

had / ago@

wins / by

�� cb&SR),%D7.�(5/ / / / /BF9:�ES/ / / / /"=>

good / efficient?

well / quickly@

quick / efficient

�� /'/ /�/2F'1 1 ,%Z9: 6 F+: 6�/ / / /-67$'&-8 :�C+,%8 1�&�()6[,9E+F<;�=>

Ours / checked?

Theirs / check@

Our / is checking

�� /'/ /�/'/-67$'&-8 : A[,%D7*4F�678 ,%:5/ / / / /BF (9.�&�E4A[,%D7=>

Here is / you?

This / you@

There are / do

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���m� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 10: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� q4D h 8 *-,%: (41 ,3*-&�(5/ / / /N�e:98 6 &�E h 6 F�6 &�(OF+:�ES/ / /'/N8 :B�b&<R Y ,"DX.'=>

from / live?

from the / lives@

at the / leave

�� /'/ /�/'/Na3F+Z9U�/ /'/�/ /Iq�F+D ;)1�F+:41 ,%*4&S6[,467$'&-T'F+D 6 ;'=>

The / and?

Neither / nor@

But / so

�� #%$'&BT�,�( 6%,�A A78 1�&B8 (0�fZ ( 6'/ / / / / /B67$'&O1�$9Z9D[1�$+Q�/'/�/ /'/ /-67$'&S(�1�$�,9,"U =>

in / near?

past / next to@

to / at

�� #%$'& j 8 D &'1<6[,%D[^ (4,�A Af8 1�&-8 (5/ / / /B6X$�F+:5/ / / /"=>

much large / the your?

more large / your@

larger / yours

�� #%$'&B:'&<R�(9T'F+T'&+D'/ /'/ / /-67$'&-D &�(3Z9U 6 (-,�A967$'&0/ / /'/�/+6f$'&SA[,%U U ,'R48 :�P2E�F�;�=>

published / electeds?

publicised / elect@

published / election

�� h $ &-*2Z ( 6'/ / / /N8 :BM'&'E3Q<(9$'&0/ /'/ /BFS6 &+D7D78 M9U &O1',3U E%=>

stays / have?

stay / has@

staying / is having

�� W'F�('6"*-,%: 67$SRS&5/�/'/ /)/ / / /NqO8 U F+:OA[,%D967$'&)F+:9:9Z�F+U *4& &�678 :�P%=>

walked / at?

go / to@

went / to

�� /'/ /�/-; ,%Z4E9,2*4&)6X$38 (5/ / / /3`>

Can / favour?

Can / flavour@

Does / pleasure

�� g�/'/ / / / /-6[,_8 : A[,"DX*�; ,%Z)67$'F�6967$'&-*4& &�678 :�POR48 U U�M &-8 :5/ / / / / /2E+F�;�(3=>

am writing / ten?

will / tens@

be writing / ten

�� /'/ /�/'/N8 (BT'F+D 6'/ / /'/ /-67$'&-�bZ9D[,%T'& F9: @ ,3*B*2Z9:98 6 ;'=>

Italian / at?

Italy’s / of@

Italy / of

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����f� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 11: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

�� #%$'&SR),%D7.�&+D (SR48 U U�/ / / / / /BF'P%D &'&S6[,S/ / / / / /21 ,%:+E38 678 ,%: (9=>

not / these?

never / said@

not / this

�� #%$'&O&<]�F�*28 :'F�678 ,":SRSF�(5/ / / / / /_E%8 A Af8 1�Z9U 6'/ / / / / /Ng�&<]3T'&'1<6 &'E%=>

lots / than?

less / than@

the more / but

�� V &0/ / / /-A[,%D"*2Z'(9$9D[,9,3*O(5/ / / /-67$�&�R),9,9E%=>

looking / inside?

are looking / in@

are looking / at

�� #%$'& ('&��X,%M4,�A A &+D (�/�/'/ /NM'&-T9Z9M9U 8 (+$�&'ES/ / / /N8 :)6f$ &BU ,91�F+U'T'F+T'&+D (9=>

are / after?

will / next week@

had / before

�� #%$98 (G�[F'1�.�&�6b8 (5/ /'/ / /B&<]3T'&+: (98 C�&)6X$�F+:5/ / / / /2,+6X$�&+D%,%:'&+=>

very / to?

more / the@

most / an

�� /'/ /�/2F+T'F+D 6X*4&+: 6\8 (O(+*4F+U U &+D967$'F+:5/'/ / /"=>

The Paul / the mine?

The Paul’s / me@

Paul’s / mine

�� > :OF+D 678 1�U &0/ / / /)/'/ / /-67$'&-:'&<R�(3T F9T'&+D7=>

published / in?

published / over@

published / at

�� W'F�('6+RS& &+.S*);�AfDX8 &�:+ES/ / / / / /-67$9D[& &-:'&<R~/ / / / / /b=>

bought / books?

buys / books@

brought / book

�� q5;G/ / / / /-(�1�$+,+,%U�8 (5/ / / / /N:'& F+D%,"Z9Db$�,%Z ('&+=>

child’s / the?

daughter / no@

daughter’s / quite

��� cb&B$'F�(BM'& &+:5/ /'/ /�/BA[,%D'/ / / / /_E+F<;�(3=>

in / fifties?

there / fives@

here / fifteen

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ������� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 12: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� /'/ /�/'/ /21�F+:Bg�(9T'& F9.m/ / / / / /Nq4Dba%,%D 6 &+D[`>

Who / to?

Where / the@

When / to

��� V &0/ / / / /2E%8 (�1+Z�('(98 :�P_8 6'/ / / / /-6f$ &B:'&<]'6%1 ,%: A[&�D[&+:�1�&+=>

have / in?

are / at@

is / at

��� g ^ *r/ / / /%Q�/ / / /B67$'&+D &'^ (B:�,�67$98 :�P-6[,-& F�67=>

hungry / bat?

hungry / end@

hungry / but

��� /'/ /�/'/ /4R48 :'&0/ /'/�/'/ /4; ,%Z4E%D78 :9.OU F ( 6b:98 P%$ 6[`>

How much / did?

How many / did@

The / don’t

��� #%$'&B:'&<R}('&'1�D &�6 F9D ;-8 ()67$'&OP%8 D7U�/'/�/'/)/ / / /2P%U F�( (�&�(+=>

who / wears?

which / wearing@

what / wearing

��� #%$'&5/ / / / /4RSF�(O6[,S/ / / / /BF+M�,%Z 69R),%D7. 8 :�PB1 ,%:�E%8 6f8 ,": (9=>

workers / protest?

strike / protest@

protest / angry

��� h $ &OF�(9.�&'ES/ / / / /'/)/ / / / / /21�U ,+( &)67$'&OE9,9,%D7=>

he / the?

me / not to@

me / to not

��� h T F98 :OF+:�E_a%,%D 6fZ�P�F9U�/ / / /-67$'&-�\Z+DX,%T'& F+:B�e:98 ,":5/�/'/ /NH<� � ��=>

enters / at?

entering / since@

entered / in

��� g�/'/ / /�FO1 ,%T�;),�A36X$�&-D &+T�,%D 6'/ /'/�/b=>

does need / for to read it?

need / to read it@

needs / for reading it

��� g'$�F�C+&0/ / / /)/ / /'/46[&+U U�; ,%Z9=>

some / for?

something / to@

thing / to

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����7d ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 13: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� /'/ /�/2F+D 678 1�U &0/ / /'/NT9Z9M9U 8 (9$'&'E4(�,%*4&S678 *4&)F'P9,%=>

These / were?

There / was@

This / was

��� �b&�]'6 @ $9D78 ( 6X*4F�(2g<F�*�P9,%8 :�PS/ /'/�/'/_*);G/ / / / /"=>

in / cousins’?

to / cousin’s@

by / cousin

��� c\,�R~/ / / / /4R48 U U<6X$�&4*4& &�678 :�PS/ / /'/ /3`>

much /last?

long / last@

many time / be

��� W�,3,%.'w�/ / / / / /ND[&+T�,%D 6b8 (5/ / / / / /-;�,"Z9D%E+&�(9. =>

My / to?

A / onto@

The / on

��� q5;�('&'1�D &�6 F+D ;G/'/�/ /'/�/ / / / /B&�A A78 1'8 &+: 67=>

is / very?

has / much@

hasn’t / more

��� V &0/ / / / /-6[,_8 :'A[,%D[*�; ,%Z)67$'F�6+; ,%Z3D3F+T9T9U 8 1�F�678 ,%:�/ / / / /-(9Z�1 1�&�( ('A7Z9U =>

regrets / isn’t?

regret / wasn’t@

must / is

��� /'/ /�/_1�F+:Bg�/ / / /BFBT9$�,%:'&O1�F+D[E9`>

Who / buys?

Where / buy@

What / bought

��� ? F9:9.�1�U &+D7.�(5/ / / /4RO,%D7.m/ / / / h Z9:'E9F<;<(9=>

does not / at?

do not / on@

have not / in

��� /'/ /�/'/NT'&',%T9U &SR),3Df.m/ / / / /-67$'F 63E+&9T'F+D 6X*4&+: 6[`>

Do / very?

How many / in@

How / so

��� h $ &5/ / / /)/ / / /-A[,"Db$98 *2=>

worry / more?

worries / too much@

worries / too more

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����7k ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 14: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� �b&98 67$'&+D"*);4M�,+(�(�/ / / / / /N$98 (O( &'1+D & 6 F+D ;G/ / / /'/�/2F<C�F+8 U F+M9U &+=>

not / were?

and / is@

nor / was

��� /'/ /�/2F+U 1 ,%$�,%U'8 (4E9F+:�P+&+D[,%Z ()A[,%D'/'/ / /"=>

To drink / child?

Drink / childrens@

Drinking / children

��� V &0/ / / /)/ / / /-6X,467$'&S('& F�(98 E+&+=>

frequently / to go?

often / go@

had / going

��� g'$�F�C+&0/ / / /ND &�1<&+8 C�&'E467$'&O1�F�6 F+U ,+P"Z'&-g�/ / / /"=>

finally / ordered?

fine / order@

finally / ordering

��� g�/'/ / / /BFS(98 :�P%U &-DX,9,3*�A[,%D967$9D &'&G/'/ / / /"=>

like / nights?

will / nights@

would like / nights

��� V &'^ D &0/ / / / /2,%:OF0/'/ / / /NT9D[,��[&'1<6f=>

working / newly?

working / new@

worked / good

��� g�(�F<R�*);G/ / / / /'/46f$9D & &�RS& &+.�(5/'/ / / / /"=>

brother / lately?

brother / ago@

brother / since

��� cb&5/ / / / /BFOP9,9,3EB1�F+D & &+D'/ / / /'/-67$'& j 8 T9U ,3*4F 6X8 1 h &9D C38 1�&+=>

has / being?

had had / for@

had / in

��� a\U &�F ('&�QG/ / / /-67$�&-D &9T�,%D 63F+:�ES/'/ /�/-R4$'F�6+; ,%ZO6X$38 :3.�,�Ab8 67=>

read / tell me?

to read / tell it@

reading / telling it

��� #%$'&B:'&<R}('&'1�D &�6 F9D ;0/ / / /N�b:�P%U 8 (9$�/ / / /"=>

speaks / fluently?

speak / flou@

spoke / flew

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����7n ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 15: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� /'/ /�/'/N$'F�()6 F+.<&�:-*O;G/ / / / /NM98 1�;'1'U &9w>

Who / one?

Somebody / new@

Nobody / newly

��� /'/ /�/B(9Z�P+F+D%E9,4;�,"Z5/ / / /N8 :S; ,%Z9D%1',�A A & &'`>

How / likes?

How many / love@

How much / like

��� a%&�6 &+D[^ (4,�A A78 1�&-8 (-*2Z+1�$5/ / / / /-67$'F9:5/ / / / /"=>

the larger / mine?

larger / mine@

too large / my

��� g�/'/ / / > :9:'&0/ / /'/-67$'&S( 67D & &�67=>

meets / in?

mets / over@

met / in

��� /'/ /�/2F+:BZ9:�E+&+D[P%DX,%Z9:�ES/ / / /2,'C�&9Db$'&+D &'`>

Is there / station?

Are there / stop@

There are / line

��� #'RO,O;�& F+D (5/ / /'/�/-RS&�RS&+: 6'/ / /'/�/2#9,%D[,%: 6[,4A[,%D967$�&4*4& &�678 :�P%=>

before / in?

ago / to@

last / in

��� #'RO,S/ / / / /NT'&',%T3U &BU 8 C�&-8 :5/ / / / /21+8 6 ;�=>

millions of / that?

million / that@

million / to

��� g'U 8 C+&0/ / / / /NW�,%:�E3,%:BM9Z 6bg�/ / / /'/BP3,46[,_qO8 U F+:4,":BM9Z (98 :'&�( (9=>

in / often?

The / often@

to / will

��� q5;)1 ,3*2T'F+:�;G/ /'/�/'/-('&+:�E�(-*4&5/ /�/'/ /Na3F+D78 (9=>

frequently / to?

never / out@

often / from

��� /'/ /�/B6 &�( 6b8 (5/ / / /-6f$'F+:Bg�67$�,%Z�P%$ 67=>

This / easier?

Those / more easy@

Than / much easy

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����fx ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 16: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� j ,9&�(Ba3F+Z9U�/ / / /O/�/'/ /N:'&<R��X,%M�`>

like / his?

likes / her@

to like / it

��� /'/ /�/'/ /-67$'&S( 6 F�678 ( 6X8 1<(BM'&�A[,%D &�; ,%Z5/'/ / / / /-67$'&-U & 6 6 &9D7=>

Check / send?

Checking / send@

Control / sent

��� #%$'&B$�,�6 &+U�/ / / /'/�/O/ / / / / / y F+:9Z�F�D ;�=>

will closed / in?

be closer / on@

will close / in

��� j ,":�^ 6967Z9D7:5/ / / /"Q�RS&0/ / / /2P9,-(�67D[F�8 P%$ 6%,%:9=>

left / have to?

on / had@

toward left / are

��� V &O1 ,%: 6 F'1<6 &'E_$98 *}/ / / / /B&'� *4F98 U�6f$'&0/ / / / /2E+F�;'=>

with / near?

by / some@

by / next

��� /'/ /�/�; ,%Z9D9(9$�,+&�(�/ / /-67$'&S6 F+M9U &9=>

To not leave / to?

Doesn’t leave / between@

Don’t leave / under

��� q4D7= h 6 &<C�&+: (5/ / /'/NM'& &+:O&<]3T�,"D 6f8 :+P_�b:�P%U 8 (9$OF+:'678 �"Z'&�(5/ / / /NH<�'J�L+=>

has / since?

will / from@

have / in

��� #%$'&BT�,%U 8 1�&�*4F+:5/'/ / / /-6[,_. :�,'R�*O;G/ / / / /"=>

wants / address?

won’t / address@

would / addresses

��� #%$'&4P9,9,9E�(5/ / / /_E+&+U 8 C�&+D &'EB,%:)678 *4&�Q�/ / / /4R),%D7D ;'=>

are / won’t?

will be / don’t@

is / doesn’t

��� #%$'&41 ,3*B*28 6 6 & &0/ /'/ / /-A[,%DX*4&'ES/ /'/ / /NH<� ��H =>

will be / at?

is / by@

was / in

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����u� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 17: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� ce8 ()A F�67$'&+D'/ / / / /'/-67$'&4*4F+:'F'P+&+D",'A367$'&0/ / / / / / /BA F�1<6[,%D ;�=>

were / car’s?

is / car@

has / cars

��� #%$'&)( 67Z�E+&+: 6'/'/�/ /'/-A78 :98 (9$'&'E_$98 (S('67Z�E%8 &�(5/ / / /'/%=>

hasn’t / yet?

does / now@

is / soon

��� a%&�6 &+D'/ / / /)/ / /'/-67$'&4*-,%D7:98 :�P46fD F+8 :4F�6b:98 :'&+=>

alway / catch?

always / catches@

catch / alway

��� � Z9D%1 ,%Z9D7D78 &+D'/ /'/�/�,%Z9D%P9,9,9E�(5/'/ / /"=>

delivers / on Mondays?

deliver we / the Mondays@

delivered / at Mondays

��� /'/ /�/I$'F<C�&�; ,%Z5/'/ / /N$98 *-`>

Who / meet?

Where / meets@

Where / met

��� cb&B$'F�(B:�,�6'/ / /'/ /-67$'&-D &+T�,%D 6'/ /'/ / /"=>

writing / now?

written / yet@

wrote / since

��� /'/ /�/I8 ()67$'&OP%8 D7U�/'/ / /Ng'$'F<C�&S6[,"U EO;',%ZOF+M�,%Z 67=>

Here / where?

Here / whom@

Here / when

��� #%$'&9D &)F+D &+:�^ 6'/ /'/ /�/IT'&+: (5/ / / / /-67$�&O1�Z9T9M�,+F+DXE3=>

any / in?

some / with@

some / before

��� /'/ /�/'/ /4; ,%Z9D3F9:�( RS&+D (5/ / / / / /4;',%Z9D96 & F'1�$'&+D7=>

Giving / to?

Given / and@

Give / to

��� cb&B$'F�(5/ / / /NU 8 C�&�ES/ / / /"=>

almost / Paris?

always / in Paris@

all / at Paris

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ������� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 18: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� g 6b8 (+:+^ 6'/ / / / / /bw�g 6X^ (�/ / / / / /"=>

hers / mine?

her / our@

hers / him

��� /'/ /�/'/BF+D &�; ,%Z)(�,BF+:�P%D ; `S/ / / /'/_g ^ C�&-U ,�( 6"*);)E%8 F+D ;�=>

While / Because?

But / Because@

Why / Because

��� g (BqOD (9='a3F+D7.�&+D'/'/ /�/'/ /-67$'&O1 ,%:'A &+D[&+:�1�&0/ / / / / /%`>

be / now?

attending / tomorrow@

attend / yesterday

��� > 6XD[&�*4&+:�E9,%Z (O& F9D 6f$��%Z'F+.�&0/ / /'/ h F+:B�9D F+:�1�8 (+1 ,S/ / / /-67$'&S6 RS&9: 678 &�(9=>

has destroyed / for?

destroyed / in@

destroy / on

��� j ,-67$'&<;G/ / / / /)/'/ /�/'/N8 :)67$'&+8 D9(3T'F+D &S678 *4&'`>

can / swimming?

love / the swim@

like / swimming

��� #%$'&�;G/ / / /-67$'&-$�,"Z ('&-8 A967$'&-T9Df8 1 &G/'/ / /ND & F�(�,%:�F+M9U &+=>

are buying / are?

will buy / is@

don’t buy / is

��� /'/ /�/'/N8 ()67$'&-M+,+,%.Og'U &+: 6O/ / / / /%`>

Were / he?

Where / you@

We’re / me

��� /'/ /�/I8 ()67$'&-�b:�P%U 8 (3$4E+&+U &'P+F�678 ,%:�/ / / /3`>

When / arriving?

Who / arrived@

What / arrive

��� Y &<('6 &+D[E+F<;�67$'&S(9$�,"TOF�( (98 ( 6 F+:'6 /'/ / /-A[,%Z9D'/ / / /b=>

to sale / show?

sold / shirts@

selled / shirt

��� #%$'&5/ / / / /4RSF�(O6 F�.<&+:)(�,3*4&0/ / /'/ /BF'P9,%=>

decision / long?

decided / time@

decision / time

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����f� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 19: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� #%$'&)A78 DX*}/ / / /2�%Z38 6[&0/ / / /-A7D[,3*�$�,3*4&+=>

were / away?

is / far@

was / on

��� g'$�F�C+&0/ / / / /-( 6fZ'E"8 &'ES/ / / / /NW�,%:+E9,%:9=>

never / in?

always / next@

not / by

��� h $ &5/ / / / /-67$'&O,�A Af8 1�&0/ / / / /"=>

left / immediately?

leaves / quick@

leave / immediately

��� #%$'&5/ / / / /NT9D[,<�[&'1�6�/ / / / /2E+&<C�&+U ,3T�&'E_8 : > *4&+D78 1�F�=>

first / was?

main / be@

fist / is

��� q4D ? D[,'R4:5/ / / /B67$'&4*4F+:'F'P+&+D",'A96f$'&0/ / / /-(98 6 &9=>

is / building?

have / house@

are / home

��� Y ,%Z-*2Z ( 6'/ / / /-67$�&O,%U E_$�,%Z ('&)F+:+ES/ / / /BFSA7U F�6b8 :)6[,'R4:9=>

to sell / to buy?

sold / bought@

sell / buy

��� #%$'&5/ / / /4; ,%Z4F�D[&�RS& F+D78 :�PS/ / /'/BE"8 D 6 ;�=>

clothes / are?

clothes / is@

clothe / to be

��� /'/ /�/�/ / / /NZ9T�E+F�6[&'E_T9D78 1�&-U 8 ( 67=>

Is here / ours?

Here is / our@

Thee are / the

��� #%$'&)( 67D78 .�&0/ / / /-6[,%*-,%D7D[,'R~/ /'/�/I:98 :'&+=>

start / to?

will start / at@

started / from

��� g : A7U F 678 ,%:5/ / / / / /NM ;4H<|}/ / / / / /_*-,": 67$9=>

grew / last?

growed / last@

has grown / the last

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� �����f� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 20: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� h $ &BU 8 .�&�(5/ / / / /�/'/ / / /ND &+U F�678 C+&<(3=>

visiting / him?

to visit / this@

visiting / her

��� cb&B$'F�(5/ / / /NM�,3,3.�(5/ / / /ND & F'E"=>

lots / to?

a lot of / to@

loft / to

��� /'/ /�/'/ /2,�A A78 1�&-8 (B8 :41�$'F+D[P+&0/ /'/�/ /'/_*4F+D7.�&�678 :�P%=>

Ours / of?

Out / to@

Our / of

��� g�/'/ / / /NT9U F<;�6 &+:3:+8 (5/ / / / /-67$'&�R)&�&9.�Q ,%:9U ;),%: h F 67Z9D[E+F<;<(9=>

never / during?

am / during@

can / without

��� #%$'&�;G/ / / /ND7Z9:9:38 :+P467$9D & &0/ / / /BFSRS& &+. =>

go / times?

gone / times@

goes / time

��� ? ;),"D[E+&+D%,�A'/ / /'/-6[,'R4:41 ,%Z9:�1�8 U Q+:�,S/ / / /BF+D &)F+U U ,�RS&'E_$'&+D &+=>

the / bicycles?

a / bicicle@

these / bicycle

��� #%$'&41 ,3*2T'F+:�;G/'/�/'/ /-A F+D'/ / / / /B6X$�&O1�8 6 ;)1�&+: 67D &9=>

is much / from?

isn’t / from@

now / on

��� /'/ /�/'/BF-:'&<R�('F'P+&+:'6[^ (5/ / / / /N$'&+D &�`>

Is there / near?

There are / next@

Be / next

��� /'/ /�/'/21�F+:Bg'D &9:�63F41�F+D'/ / / / /3`>

What / of?

Were / from@

Where / from

��� cb&5/ / / /4C�&+D ;�678 D &'E%Q�$'&4*2Z ( 6'/ /'/ /BF-$�,%U 8 E+F<;�=>

look / taking?

looks / take@

was looking / took

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 21: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� W'F�('6+RS& &+.)g�/ / / /'/2*O;)1�F+D96[,S/'/ /�/'/-A7D78 &+:�E%=>

sold / a?

am selling / my@

sell / my

��� #%$'&)6[,'R4:B$'F+U U�/ /'/ /N8 : @ &+: 67D F+U h �"Z'F+D &�Q�/ / / /-6f$ & h 1�8 &+:�1�&-qOZ'( &9Z+*2=>

are / the right of?

here / to the right of@

is / on the right of

��� #%$'&41 ,�A A & &0/ / / /O/�/'/ /2P9,9,9E%=>

ist / very?

is / much@

is / very

��� /'/ /�/I8 ()67$'&4*4F�6 6[&+D'/ / / /4; ,%Z�`>

What / which?

Who / wit@

What / with

��� #%$98 (41�F+Db8 (5/ / / /2&<]3T'&+: (98 C�&0/ / /'/46f$'F�6%,%:'&+=>

less / than?

much / then@

very / thus

��� g�/'/ / /-6[,_8 : A[,%DX*�; ,%Z)67$'F�6967$'&S6fD F98 :B8 (5/ / / /_*28 :9Z'6 &�(BU F�6 &+=>

release / tweny?

regret / twenty@

regreted / twenties

��� �b&98 67$'&+D y ,%$9:5/ /'/ /Nq�F+D ;G/ / / /BF�C�F+8 U F+M9U &+=>

nor / is?

neitter / has@

nor / have

��� V $ F 6O/ / / / /2E9,"8 :+P9`_g�/ / / / /-6f$ &-:�&<R�(9T'F+T'&+D7=>

do you / read?

are you / ’m reading@

you / read

��� q5;G/ / / /2P%8 D7U A7D78 &�:+E4(9T'& F+.�(5/ / / /b=>

brotherhood / Japaneses?

brother’s / Japanese@

brother / Japan

��� q4D h *28 67$OF+:�ES/ /'/ /4R48 U U�C38 (98 6+;',%Z4,%:5/ / / /"=>

my / Uednesday?

me / Weneday@

I / Wednesday

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed'� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 22: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� V &)F+D &0/ / / /_*-& &<6367$'&-:'&<RpM�,�('(0/'/ / /N$'F+U A3F+:B$+,%Z9D7=>

going to / in?

did / at@

go to / on

��� V &0/ / / / /4; ,%Z9D3F+T3T9U 8 1�F�678 ,%: (5/ /'/ / /-67$'&)&+:�EB,�A\�'&+M9D7Z'F+D ;�=>

need / by?

has / since@

do / at

��� g'$�F�C+&+:�^ 6'/ / / /-A[F+8 :'6 &�( 6'/ / / /"=>

the / ideale?

they / ideas@

the / idea

��� g ^ *�F�A7D F+8 E_qOD7= ? F�U U�/ / / / /BF<RSF�;G/ /�/'/ /NM9Z (98 :'&�('(+=>

do / in?

will / at@

has gone / on

��� /'/ /�/'/21�F+:)(98 :�P_M'& 6 6 &+D'/ / / / /4;',3Z3=>

No-one / that?

Not / than@

Nobody / than

��� h $ &5/ / / /4C�&+D ;G/'/�/'/"=>

am / tired?

is / tired@

are / tired

��� V &0/ / / /BF'1 1�&+T'63E9&+U 8 C�&+D78 &�(4E%Z9Df8 :+P467$'&0/ / / /-678 *4&9=>

cannot / lunch?

cannot / lanche@

canot / late

��� q5;G/ / / / / /-A7D78 &+:�E4(3T'& F+.�(5/ / / /'/�/-C�&+D ;5RS&+U U =>

sisters / Frances?

sister’s / French@

sisters’ / french

��� /'/ /�/ID &�67Z9D7:S; ,"Z+D367D F<;G/ / / /NU Z9:�1�$3=>

Place / after?

Peace / after@

Please / after

��� /'/ /�/2FOP%U F�( (5/ /'/ /ND &'EOR48 :'&9w>

Drinks / with?

Have / of@

Are / of

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�d ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 23: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� /'/ /�/'/ /N8 (B:�,�6%F�U U ,'RS&'ES/ / / / / /-67$38 ()67$'& F�67D &+=>

To smoke / in?

A smoke / by@

Smoking / in

��� cb&5/ / / /N$98 (41�F+D'/ /'/ /4;�& F+D7=>

bought / last?

buy / one@

buyes / one

��� /'/ /�/'/_*-,%:'&<;)E3,O;�,"Z5/ / / / /2,%:OA[,9,9E_T'&+D+RS&'&�.<`>

How often / cost?

How many / cost@

How much / spend

��� j 8 :9:'&+D'/ / / /)/ /'/ /%=>

is / ready?

be / ready@

are / reading

��� g A967$'&-T9U F+:'&0/ / /'/NU F�6 &�Q�RS&�R48 U U�/ /'/ /4RSF+8 63F�6967$�&)F+8 DfT�,%D 67=>

will be / had to?

is / have to@

won’t be / have

��� #%$'&)A78 D ( 6bT�,%U 8 678 1�8 F�:�/ / / / / /NT9DX,3T�,+('&'E467$98 (BU F<R}RSF�(5/ / / / / /"=>

whom / Italian?

who / Italian@

that / Italy

��� /'/ /�/'/-67$'&S67D F�A A78 1-U 8 P%$ 6 ()67Z9D7:5/ / /'/ /"=>

At / left?

To / left@

In / on the left

��� #%$'&BM�,+F+D[EOR48 U U�/ /'/ /BF�( ('&+: 696[,S/'/ / /BF'P%D & &�*4&9:�6f=>

never / this?

never / thiis@

nevers / those

��� /'/ /�/'/ /BF�6b:98 P%$ 6\8 (2M'F'E4A[,%D'/ / /'/�/'/"=>

Studying / the eyes?

Studying / see@

Student / the eye

��� g�/'/ / /NU ,9,%. 8 :�P4A[,%D3FBD[,9,3*}/ / / /ND[&+: 67=>

has / to?

is / for@

am / to

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�k ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 24: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� g (BqOD (B�\,�( (5/ / /'/-67$'&-D &+T�,%D 6�/�/ /'/3`>

written / now?

write / today@

writing / now

��� @ F9:S; ,%Z5/ / / /)/'/�/'/21�F+Db:'& F+D967$'F�63(9$�,%T�`>

parc / your?

park / your@

park / you

��� /'/ /�/-RS&-$'& F+D[E)/ /�/'/NU ,%Z�E_:�,%8 ('&9=>

Quickly / a?

Suddenly / a@

Quick / one

��� /'/ /�/I$98 *}/ / / /\w>

To live / among?

Leaves / single@

Leave / alone

��� > D 6f$9Z9D ? D[,'R4:5/ /'/ / / /)/ / / / / /BFS(�&'1�Z9D78 6 ;)P%Z'F+D[E"=>

is / being?

works / as@

has / working

��� /'/ /�/'/-67$'&-U &�6 6 &+D3F9:�ES/ / / / /-6[,_*4&�=>

Writing / showing?

Write / show it@

Do / make it

��� g'$�F�C+&-:�,�6'/ / / /B6X$�&O1�F�6 F+U ,9P%Z'&5/�/'/ /"=>

see / just?

saw / till@

seen / yet

��� /'/ /�/'/4; ,%Z5/ / / /'/2*-&S67$'&S678 *4&O,�A367$'&-:'&<]'6967D F+8 :+`>

Do / say?

Are / tell@

Can / tell

��� h $ &�^ (5/ / / /-6 &+:9:98 (SR48 67$B$'&+D'/ /'/�/"=>

playing / brother?

gaming / broder@

played / brather

��� #%$�,+('&-T9U F+:'&�(5/ /'/ / / /2E+&+U F<;�&'ENM &�1�F+Z ('&0/ / / / / /IM'F'EORS& F�67$'&9DX=>

were / of?

can / a@

are / the

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�n ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 25: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� /'/ /�/I$'F�(4P+F�67$'&9D &�ES/ / / /-67$'&S6 F9M+U &+=>

Everybody / around?

Everibodies / around@

Every / in

��� h $ &4P9,+&�(5/ / / /O/�/'/ /-A7D78 &+:�E�(9=>

to visit / her?

visits / hers@

visited / theirs

��� h $ &5/ / / /4C�&+D ;O*_Z�1�$5/ / / /N$'&+D9A[F�6X$�&+D7=>

looks / like?

looks / likley@

look / to

��� /'/ /�/-; ,%Z9D9('& F 6"M'&9U 63F+:�ES/ / / /b=>

Fastened / did not smoke?

Does fasten / does not smoke@

Fasten / do not smoke

��� q4D h *28 67$5/ / / /4C+&+D ;S& F+D7U ;G/ / / /"=>

could leave / never?

did leave / tomorrow@

will leave / tomorrow

��� cb&5/ / / /)/ / / /�6X,'R4:9=>

walking / in?

walks / in@

walk / in

��� /'/ /�/O/ / / /4; ,%Z9Db:'F98 U (3w>

Don’t / to chew?

Don’t / chew@

Dont / chew

��� �9]+1�Z ('&4*4&�Q<67$'F�63( &'F�6'/ / / / /�/�/ /'/ /"=>

yours / is?

is / mine@

are / my

��� cb&5/ / / / /BF�C�&+D ;G/ / / / /NT'&+D (�,%:3=>

his / importantly?

has / imports@

is / important

��� g�/'/ / / /NM'& &+:)6X,46X$�F�6bT9U F'1�&0/ /'/�/ /2F�6bU & F�( 6967$9D &'&�;�& F+D (9=>

haven’t / for?

have / since@

’ve / by

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�x ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 26: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� g A+; ,%Z5/ / / / /NZ9:�E9&+D ( 6 F+:�E3Q�/ / / /'/�/B67$'&-T'&+D (�,%:)6[,ND &+T'& F�67=>

’ll / for?

doesn’t / will@

don’t / ask

��� a%F+Z9U�/ / / /Ng 6 F+U ;o/ /�/IH<� � ��=>

leaves / on?

leave / during@

left / in

��� g�6f$+8 :9.)8 6'/ / / / /ND[F+8 :5/ / / / /"=>

will / tomorrow?

is / today@

be / all days

��� cb&5/ / / / /NM'& &+:OF-*4&�*2M'&+D%,�A967$�&-�bZ9D[,%T'& F+:BT�F�DfU 8 F�*4&+: 6'/ / / /'/�/IH<� � {�=>

has / from the?

was / for@

has / since

��� #%$98 (41 ,3*2T'F+:�;G/ /'/ / /-A[,%DX*4&'ES/ /'/ / /NH<� ��H =>

is / by?

did / before@

was / in

��� Y ,%Z-*2Z ( 6'/ / / /-67$�&0/ / / /"=>

makes / wash up?

does / washing up@

do / washing up

��� /'/ /�/'/-A[,%D[P+&�696X,_M9DX8 :�PO; ,%Z9D'/ / / /'/"=>

Don’t / passport?

No / documents@

Do / document

��� /'/ /�/B67$'&-8 : ( 67D7Z+1<6X8 ,%: (41�F+D &�A7Z9U U ;)F�:+ES/ / / /NZ (B8 A+;',%ZB:'& &'E-F�( (38 ( 6[F+:�1�&+=>

Reads / calls?

Read / call@

To read / to call

��� #%$'&BM�,9,%.�(5/ / /'/ND & 67Z9D7:'&'E_M�;S6X$�&)&+:�ES/ / / /4RS& &9. =>

will be / of the?

were / on the@

are / in the

��� g ^ *r/ / / /NM'F'1�.06X,3*-,%D7D[,'R~/ / / /-6X,467$'&4*4F+:'F'P+&9DX=>

to / for talking?

having to / talking@

coming / to talk

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!

Page 27: Completamento frasi INGLESE - riqualificazione.formez.itriqualificazione.formez.it/sites/all/files/Completamento frasi Inglese.pdf · #%$'&4, A A78 1 &O,%T'&+:'(5/ / / / /2,%:5

��� #%$'&9D &)F+D &0/ / / /'/-&�]'67D F-T'&+: (5/ / /'/ /-67$'&S6 F+M9U &+=>

an / under?

the / before@

some / on

��� ��������� ����� �� � ������� ���ed�� ��������������� ��� ��� �"!