Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers

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  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    Depict the following operational terms and graphics. CO boundaries, Air and ground axis of advance for shaping and decisive Opsunit symbols, targets, and other graphics used during OPORDS.(ADRP 1-02)

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    Troop Leading Procedres. (!-21."# $-%) (!PT)

    . Receive the mission

    !. "ssue a #arning order 

    $. %a&e a tentative plan

    '. "nitiate movement

    (. Conduct reconnaissance

    ). Complete the plan

    *. "ssue the operations order 

    +. Supervise and refine

    &orse of action de'elopment. (!-21."# $-1%)

     Acronym AADAP. Analy-e relative combat po#er 

    !. enerate options

    $. Array forces

    '. Develop concept of operations

    (. Assign responsibilities

    ). Prepare COA statement and s&etch

    dentif the forms of mane'er *ased and draw the pictre. (!-21."# +-1). nvelopment!. /urning movement$. "nfiltration'. Penetration

    (. 0rontal attac&

    Ranges of the ,20/S1 !2*)

    • 3ipod4point5 )66m /ripod4point5 +66m

    • 3ipod4area5 +66m /ripod4area5 ,66m

    • Suppression5 ,+66% ra-ing5 )66m

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    The for maor r*an patterns (, !-0%# 2-%). Satellite!. 7et#or&$. 8inear  '. Segment

    rgani3ation tas4 to s5ads to condct a *reach6 (!-21."# -+). Support 0orce 9 Suppress, Obscure!. 3reach 0orce 9 Suppress, Obscure, Secure, Reduce$. Assault 0orce 9 Assault, Suppress:if necessary;

    ,o'ement techni5es (78 21-+%). /raveling!. /raveling over#atch$. 3ounding over#atch

    Descri*e and depict 77RA (!-21."# -%). Suppress5 suppress enemy direct fire systems covering the reduction area!. Obscure5 control obscuring smo&e$. Secure5 provides local security'. Reduce5 eliminating the obstacle(. Assault5 destroy the enemy on far side of obstacle

    or tpes of platoon *attle positions and depict them. (, !-21.10# $-$%)

    1. Primary

    2. Alternate

    3. Supplementary

    '. Subsequent

    + steps of engagement area de'elopment. (, !-21."# "-1%). "dentify li&ely enemy avenues of approach!. "dentify the enemy scheme of maneuver 

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    $. Determine #here to &ill the enemy'. Plan and integrate obstacles(. mplace #eapons systems). Plan and integrate indirect fires*. Conduct an engagement area rehearsal

    9 Line ,ede'ac Re5est (, 0-2.2# -!2;

    8ine . 8ocation of the pic&2up site

    8ine !. Radio fre

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    &all for fire and adst fire. (, !-22.91# $-+# "-2)1. ID: Warning Order: (Adjust ire!ire "r #$$e%t!Suppress!Immediate Suppressi"n& ' (P"lar!Si$t $r"m )n"*n P"int!+rid&

    2. ,"%ati"n: (P"lar& Dire%ti"n Distan%e

      (Si$t r"m )n"* P"int& Dire%ti"n - ,e$t!/igt!Add!Dr"p


    3. Des%ripti"n:

    0. et"d "$ #ngagement:

    . et"d "$ "ntr"l:

    Rates of ire for an ,29 ,achine =n

    S1 !2*)

    • 3ipod4point5 )66m 3ipod4area5 +66m

    • /ripod4area5 ,666m ra-ing5 )66mTactical mission tas4s (, !-90# -1)

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers



    &onditions of >r*an perations. (!-21.10# 12-). Surgical!. Precision$. 1igh intensity

    Tpes of &onseling. (ATP %-22.1). vent counseling

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers


    !. Performance counseling.$. Professional gro#th counseling.

    :ho ad'ises the platoon leader in all administrati'e# logistical# and tactical matters/(!-21." 1-1!)Platoon Sergeant

    Three forms of defense. (ADRP !-90# -!). Defense of a linear obstacle!. Perimeter defense

    $. Reverse slope defense$ tpes of &ommand and 7ppl Discipline Responsi*ilities (Arm Reglation +!$?$# pg $)

    . Command!. Supervisory$. Direct'. Custodial(. Personal

    :eapons sstems and 'ehicle identification and weapons on 'ehicles

    Range &ard

  • 8/19/2019 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide Answers
