Cooking for Two - Johna Blinn

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$1.95 $2.9b, |nCanadaD27940803 U5899960 A slendidcolecton of recipescreatedespeciay for inmatediningoran inforal mewa &end. DELICIOUS by Johna Blinn . Edited byTomDorsey PublishedbyPlaymoreInc.,Publishers andWaldmanPublishingCorp., NewYork,New York PrintedinCanada/CoverPrinted intheUnitedStatesofAmerica Editedby JoshuaHanf Cover Photo:Pat LCrolxeImageBak Acknowledgments TheautorIsIndebtedtotefollowingforassistanceinmakingthisauseflcookbook:Olive Dempsey,A.C.Collins,Bess Robers,Gretchen Ziesmer,Ruth Lundgren,AnitaFlal,PatMason, CarlSaunder, ClaireBoast,LisWestlund,MarjorieZ.Ashby,YvonneMarin,AnitaMizner, TunaResearch Foundation,McilhennyCo.,AmercanDair Association,AmericanSpiceTrade Associaton, Alaska KingCrab Marketing and Quality Control Board,Campbell SoupCo., Florida CitsCommission,AngostraInterationalLtd.,CaliforiaFreshMarketTomatoAdvisor Board,NationalPorkPrducersBoard,CaliforniaTurkeyIndustBoard,NationalMacaroni Manuactrs Association, Lawr's Foods, Inc.,South Afican Rock Lobster SericeCororaton, NorAmericanBlueberCouncil,StandardBrands,Hellman's/BestFoodsRealMayonnaise, United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association, American Mushroom. Institute, Califoria Avocado Commission,Miror Cororation,RiceCouncil,FreshGarlicAssociation,Stokely-VanCamp, Inc eLea&Perns,andCastle&Cooke. I 8kk0kLT800k5BARONEBOOKSisa trademarkofPlaymoreInc.,Publishers andWaldmanPublishingCorp.,NewYork,N.Y. ..8. Copyrght MCMX by Johna Blinn.All rights resred.NoHof this cokbok mayDused or reproduced in any manner whatoever without wrtten prission except in the case of bref quottons embodied in crtcl artcles and rviews.For inforaton or prission wrte to Waldman Publishing Cor., 18 East 41st Steet, New York, N.Y.1017. 1eRutUt To many ofthe topmovieandtelevisionstars,JohnaBlinnisacelebrity.Foralmost20years theyhavewelcomedherintotheirhomes,ontosets,justaboutanywheretotalkaboutfood; entertainingandlifestyles.Hercolumn,"CelebrityCookbook,"issyndicatedthroughoutthe worldandappearsweeklyinmorethan140newspapersandperiodicals.Acollectionofhundredsof these conversations andrecipesappearsin CelebrityCookbook,publishedbyWaldman PublishingCorporation.Currently,JohnaBlinniswritingaseriesonCelebrityFood-stylesfor FAMILY CIRCLE,America'slargestsupermarketmagazine{circulation,20million),whereshe hasalreadyprofiledTomBrokaw,AngelaLansbury,JohnMadden,MichaelLandon,Roert Urich,RaymondBurr,Steve Garvey,Diane Sawyer and others. BlinnisaformerassistantfoodeditorofLOOKmagazineandistheauthorofanumberof books,includingTheShangri:laCookbook,FabulousAppetizers,FabulousSoups,Fabulous Salads,FabulousVegetarianRecipes,Fabulous Poultry&Game,FabulousMeats,FabulousFish &Seafood,FabulousDesserts,FabulousLowCalorieRecipes,FabulousOrientalRecipes, FabulousOven&StovetopRecipes,andFabulousItalianRecipes,allpublishedbyWaldman. PublishingCorporation.Inaddition,Blinn is afrequentcontributorof up close and personal inter-.views,profilesandentertainmentfeaturestoUSATODAYandotherAmericanandforeign, newspapers and magazines. AgraduateoftheStateUniversityofIowa,BlinntookgraduateworkinHomeEconomicsat theUniversityofWisconsinandtaughthomeeconomicsinIowa,VirginiaandNewYork.Now basedinLosAngeles,sheismarriedtoanationallyknownnewspapersyndicateeditor,writer andmanagementconsultant,and theyhave twogrownchildren. CONTENTS Openers Drinksf Soups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 MainCourse Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Seafood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Meat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Poult. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Pasta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f1 Vegetables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f2 Salads... . 56 Desserts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 DRNKS LtuH@euHuHuteuKustzHK 6tablespoons fozen concentatedorangejuice, thawedand undiluted 3/4cupcold water Seres2 1cupmilk 1medium banana 1cupcorflakes 1egg 1tablespoonsugar OPENERS Combineallingedientsinblendercontainer;coverandprocessathighspeeduntl smooth. MutttUnuteukusttnk 2envelopesorange-flavored drnkinggelatin 2tablespoonsmolasses Seres 2 Z tablespoonsbrewers'yeast 2cupnon-fatdrmilkpowder 11cupwheatgerm Z cupscoldwater Combine allingredientsinblender container;mix at topspeeduntilsmooth. NOTE:I desired,awholeeggcanbewhipped intothedrnkHealthy and fast! ugugu-ununu-MUneguke 1smallor medium papaya, peeled,seededand sliced 1banana,broken Seres 2generously 11feshlime,squeezed 1tablespoonhoney 3eggs 1cupmilk dash pure vanillaextract Whirlallingredientsinblender;tasteforsweetness.(Addmoremilkifmixtureistoo thick. ) 2cupspufedwheat l1/2cupsmilk 1cupcrshedice TrgoShake Serves 2 4tablespoonssugar 11teaspoonpurevanillaextract dashof salt Combine allingredientsinablender;cover andblend thoroughly.OPENERS 1cup drwhite wine 1smallclove garlic.minced WnUnUug Seres 2 1can(lOI2ounces)condensed onionsoup 11soupcanwater SOUPS 1.Combine wine and garlic in a saucepan;simmer a few minutes to blend favors. 2.Addsoup and water;heat;stirring occasionally. HVOcuOWnUHUuguUGratn 1packagedr onion soup mix 1cupdicedham Makes 2heartdinner serings 1Californiaavocado.diced Z to4slices French bread Z to4slicesCheddarcheese gratedParmesancheese 1.Prepare onion soup as directed onpackage. 2.Addhamandavocado to soup. 3.Divde soup into bowls;top with bread and slices of cheese. 4.Sprinkle topping withParmesan cheese and placeunder broiler untl cheese melt. 5.Sere at once. 'NOTE:These sme ingredientscan make4 frst-courseservngs. MeuM1UtKegNe@etuDeOUg 2cupsTurkeyStock 1/4cupregular pearledbarley salt to taste 14teaspoonpepper 1smallonion.chopped Seres 2 cupchoppedparsley 12cupchoppedceler 1cupslicedcarots 11cupcannedwholekerel cor.drained 1cupcookedcubedturkey 1.Combine stock,barley,salt,peper,onionandparsley in 3-quart saucepan;bring to a boil.2.Lower heat,cover and simmer 40 minutes,stirring occasionally.Add morestock if necessar. 3.Add celery and carrots;cook an additional20 minutes,stirring frequenty. 4.Add corn and turkey;bring to a boil, and boil2 minutes toheat through.SOUPS TurkeyStock 1turkeycarcass coldwater 1/2mediumcarot,sliced 1/2mediumonion,sliced l2garlicclove,peeled 1teaspoonsalt Z to3celeryleaves Z to3sprigsparsley 11bayleaf 1. Placecarcassinlargekettle; coverwithcoldwater. 2.Addremaining ingredients; coverandbring toaboil. 3.Reduceheat andsimmer 2hours. 4.Strainbroth. OPENERS 5.Useat onceor storeinaclosed jarintherefrigerator1to2days.Storein feezer ifnotusedwithi n2days. Mue&MeuttgLeeseUug Makes 4CU[51 tablespoonbutterlpackage(10ounces) 1/4 cup minced celerfrozenpeas 1 tablespoon flour1can(8ounces)salmon, 111 cupsmilkdrained,bonedand flaked 1 cupdicedcookedpotatoes%cupshreddedC!tddar cheese dillweed(optionalgarnish) 1 . Melt butter insaucepanoverlowheat;addceleryandsauteuntiltender.2. Str in four untilmixtureissmooth.Removefromheatand stir inmilk.3. Heatmixtureto boiling,stirring constantly.Boiland stir1mi nute. 4.Strinpotatoes,peasandsalmon; heat toservi ngtemperature. 5.Strincheese j ustuntilmelted.6.Garnish with dill weedif desired.LgstetteW 1 can(8ounces)water-packed oysters 1cupheavycreamor evaoratedmilk 1tablespoonbutteror margarne Seres 2 salttotaste pincheach:whitepepper, nutmeg,paprikaandoregano 1teaspoon mincedfesh parsley(forgarnish) 1. Placeall ingredientsexcept parsleyinsaucepan; heatuntilmixturestartsto bubble.Donot let it boil.2.Pour intosoup bowls andgarnish with minced parsley.NOTE:I available,usefreshoysters,heatingthemincreamuntlthey curl. MAINCOURSECHEESE/EGGS MH@tMUVeMuHce Seres 2 dash of garllc salt 1BourtoHllla (heshorhozen)1teaspoon butter3/4 cup Lheddar orAmerlcancheese, grated1 Lallfomla avocado,peeled, seededand cutlnto sllces1. Buter the torlla; spread cheese evenly over entire tortilla. 2.Sprinkle torlla with garlic salt; top with slices of avocado. 3.Broil untl cheese is bubbly. BroccoliFrittata 211tablespoons mlnced onlon2teaspoons butter or margarlne1package (10ounces) hozenchopped broccoll, cooked anddralned112clove garllc, cmshed(optlonal)1cupcooked rlceSeres 2 2%tablespoons grated Farmesanor Komano cheese2eggs, llghtlybeatenlcup mllk1teaspoonsaltdash ofpepper%cup shredded mozzarellacheese1.Saute onion in butter until tender but not brown.2.Add broccoli,garlic,rice and Parmesan cheese to onion;mix well. 3.Combine eggs,milk, salt and pepper; stir into rice mixtue. 4.Tum into a well-buttered,shallow1-quart casserole;top withmozarella cheese. 5.Bake in preheated 350F. oven 20 to 25minutes,or until set. CreamedEggsGoldenrod 4eggs, hard-cooked and peeled2tablespoons butter ormargarlne2tablespoons flourSeres2 %teaspoon salt1/s teaspoon pepper1cup mllkToast Lups1 . Chop eggs,resering1whole egg yolk for garnish;set aside.2.Melt butter in saucepan;blend in flour, salt and pepper untl smooth.3. Gradually str in milk and bring to a boil,stirring constantly. 4.Str in chopped eggs andheat through, keeping warm over low heat if necessar.5.Spoon mixture into Toast Cups; top with egg yolk that has been pressed through sieve. EGGSMAINCOURSE Fruit-FlavoredCottageCheeseCrepes wthStrawberSauce 3tablespoons buUer3/4cup all-puqose flourSeres 2 FortheCrepes Makes about12 teaspoon salt3eggs1cup mllk1 . Melt butter ina small skillet;set aside.2.Combine four and salt inabowl ;addeggs,milk andmeltedbuter. 3.Beatmixturewithrotarybeateruntilsmooth. 4.Heat butteredskilletovermedium-lowheat. 5. For eachcrepe, pour 2tablespoonsbater intoskillet;immediately rotatepan.6. Cook crepeuntillight brown;turnand brownother side. ' 7.Stackcrepesbetweensheetsof waxedpaper or paper toweling untlreadyto use. NOTE:Crepesmaybemadeahead,wrapped andrefrgeratedoverightor fozenfor longer storage.Removefromfreezer asneeded. 11cup coUage cheeseFortheFilling. (For4crepes)nutmeg1/4 cup hnely chopped apple orbanana or dralned, crushed plneapple1 . Combinecottagecheesewithoneof thefruits.( Makes about 3/4 cup. ) 2.Dividefillingamong 4crepes; sprinklewithnutmeg. 3.Rollcrepes;placeinbuteredshallowbakingpan; bakeinpreheated 350 F. oven15 to20 minutes,or untilheatedthrough. NOTE:Dipappleorbanana inlemon juice to avoiddiscoloraton. Variaton:Fillcrepeswithplaincottagecheese;sere2crepesperserngwth1/4cup StrawberrySauce.2tablespoons sugar1teaspoon comstarchStrawberSauce Makes about1cup %cup orangejulce1teaspoon butter1 cup sllcedfresh strawberrles1. Combine sugarandcornstarchin1-quart saucepan;stir inorange juice. 2.Cookmixtureovermediumheat,stirringconstantly,untilthickened;boil 2 minuteslonger. 3.Strinbutter;removefomheat. 4.Str instrawberries. MAINCOURSE ggs,geWVes&RVUcuO teuRtust SingleSering 2teaspoonsbutter 2eggsatroomtemperature 1 tablespoonmilk salttotaste peppertotaste 5to8pittedripeolives, sliced lteaspoonchoppedchives 1 ripeCaliforiaavocado half-shell,peeled 1 . Melt buter infrypan.TwoSerings 1 11tablespoonsbutter 4eggsatroomtemperature 1cupmilk salt totaste peppertotaste 1/4cuppittedripeolives, sliced 11teaspoon choppedchives Z ripe