Creating a PMRM Schedule

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  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    How to.Create a PMRM Schedule

    Most PMRM programs consist of a small set of basic schedules that are repeated, withsome slight differences, for every asset being maintained or location being serviced.

    A successful strategy is to start small, both in terms of the domain (type of work) andsize (geographic area and/or individuals involved), with a controlled test to make surethe schedules and resulting PMRM work orders behave as desired before expanding.

    A good way to do this is to create prototype schedules manually, through the interface,as this is the best way to understand all of the different options and nuances of thePMRM schedule. Do this at one or two locations for every schedule that will be

    repeated throughout your portfolio. Test them by manually generating them (or evenletting them generate automatically if you have the time) and looking at the resultingwork orders to ensure the details are correct.

    Once youre confident in your basic schedules, roll-them out to other locations orassets using the import/export feature as described later in this document.

    First, lets learn how to create a PMRM Schedule manually:

    1) Access the PMRM Schedule list by going to: Work Orders > PM/RM Schedules

    2) Use the scope selector to choose the correct location to create the PMRM Schedule, thenpress the Create New PM/RM button to bring up a Blank Maintenance Schedule page.

    Figure 1: PMRM Schedule List

    Scope selector

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    3) Name your schedule with a descriptive label. The Schedule Name is an important searchfield for managing your PMRM program.

    Figure 2: Blank Maintenance Schedule

    4) Choose the appropriate Customer by clicking the (triangle) icon and using the search

    dialog. (Optional)

    5) Back on the Maintenance Schedule screen, define the appropriate: Location,Asset/Item/Service, and Taskby clicking on the (triangle) icon and using the drill-downdialogs that appear.

    6) Optionally add details of the service to be performed in the Description field.

    Note: All the fields you are defining here will translate into the PMRM work orderswhen they are generated.

    7) Next, define the Schedule. You have an option of setting the schedule according to arepeating frequency or you can simply specify a date in the future. Well focus here on theformer, but if you choose specific dates, you will see a tab that allows you to Add Newdates.

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    Note: In defining the schedule, you are specifying the Start Date of the work ordersto be created.

    Figure 3: Schedule Dialog

    8) Select a radio button to set the frequency of the task. There are 7 types of frequencies:

    a) Daily, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually are pretty much what you would expect them tobe. E.g.: Monthly means there will be one work order generated every month.

    b) Weekly frequency allows you to define every 1, 2, 3, etc. weeks AND define the dayswithin those weeks on which the schedule will run. Every 2 weeks on Monday,Wednesday and Friday will mean that you will get 3 work orders generated every otherweek, which, if it were a real schedule might be better suited for visits. (describedelsewhere)

    c) The 2 other frequency types allow you to define odder monthly schedules like: the 3rd

    day of every 3rd

    month or the second Thursday of every month.

    9) Select a start and end date to specify when the task should begin and end.

    a) The start date is the date the schedule will begin. Depending on your frequency, that willbe the start date of the first work order automatically generated by the schedule or thefirst work orders start date will be some day after that date.

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    Hint: an easy way to confirm the first start date is to save your frequency bypressing OK and looking at the Next Occurrence date as illustrated below.

    b) The End Date stops the schedule from creating work orders. Select the No End Datecheck box if you want the schedule to run indefinitely.

    10) If the work is seasonal, click the Seasonal Maintenance radio button, then enter start andend dates for it. (You select the season start and end days on a calendar and then it repeatsthe same month/day start and end every successive year.

    11) The remaining fields on the screen are optional, but usually filled out:

    a) Generate Work Ticket days before start. This important field defines howmany days prior to the start date of the work order will the work order be generated. Forexample, you might use 7 days on a monthly frequency. This means one week before itsscheduled to start, the work order will be generated and (usually) the assignee will benotified that they will need to perform this work starting in 1 week.

    Note: After you update this field and save the Schedule, the day on which the schedulewill be generated will appear in parentheses next to the Next Occurrence date as shownbelow.

    Figure 4: This detail shows a schedule which will create its next work order on April 29th

    with a start date

    of May 6th.

    b) Initial State (usually New)c) Start Time (optional)d) Assigned Toe) Not to Exceedf) Priorityg) Specialtyh) Auto-send to Providers (usually Yes)

    i) Note (Add a note that will be copied into every work order from the Note tab at thebottom of the screen)

    Whatever value is given in the Schedule to the above fields will be populated in the workorder when generated.

    12)After you click Save your schedule will be added to the system or updated.

    Congratulations on creating a new Schedule!

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    Test Your Schedule

    Test your schedule by pressing the Generate button, but first make sure that you have assigned the

    schedule to yourself or left it unassigned so that you do not unnecessarily notify someone during your


    The generated work order will appear in the Work Orders tab as seen below.

    Using Export/Import to Roll-Out a PMRM ProgramAs referred to above, the import/export mechanism is the most effective way of managing a large

    number of schedules.

    Use the import/export mechanism to populate those schedules across many locations, by:

    1) Exporting the manually created schedules to Excel

    2) Using other exports or the reports to collect the proper data fields for the new locations.

    3) Copying the prototype schedules into new rows that will create the new schedules.

    4) Adjusting the fields on the new schedules (e.g; ScheduleName, WorkZoneNumber,AssignedToUserID, etc.) in the new schedules as appropriate for the new assets/locations

    5) Re-import the updated spreadsheet to create the new schedules

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    Advanced Topics

    Using Check (Punch) Lists with PMRM Schedules

    Punch list can help you to more effectively control quality of work performed by reminding your workers

    of specific, detailed tasks to perform each time.

    To add a punch list to the PMRM Schedule:

    1) Click the Punch Lists tab at the bottom of the schedule.

    2) Click the Add Punch Lists button and the Add Punch Lists popup screen appears

    3) In the left column on the screen, select the punch list you want to add to the PM/RMschedule.

    4) Click Attach Punch Lists. The Inclusion Frequency popup screen appears.

    5) Enter a number for the frequency that the punch list should be attached to thePM/RM schedule. For example, for a weekly schedule:

    a) A frequency of 1 means that this punch list is included in the work order every time yourweeklyschedule is run.

    b) A frequency of 4 means that this punch list is included in the work order every fourthtime yourweeklyschedule is run (once a month).

    c) A frequency of 52 means that this punch list is included in the work order every fifty-second time yourweeklyschedule is run (once a year).

  • 7/29/2019 Creating a PMRM Schedule


    Work Order Network 2012 Corrigo Incorporated

    6) Click OK and the punch list is added to your schedule.

    7) (Optional) Edit the punch list Start Date for punch lists you do not want to be generated untillater.

    a) If you are creating a weeklyschedule on March 1, for example, and you want your first

    monthly work order to be generated 4 weeks later, you might set your start date for themonthly punch list to March 27. You might set the date for a yearly punch list toFebruary 26 of the following year. This will ensure that your punch lists are included inthe appropriate work orders when they are generated by the PM/RM schedule.

    b) Letting the punch list start dates all default to the same date when you create yourPM/RM schedule means that the first time the schedule runs, a work order with all threepunch lists is generated.

    Defining the Customer Invoice

    If you are using Customer Invoicing, the Customer Invoice tab allows you to pre-define the invoice or

    billing amount that will be on every work order generated by the schedule.

    Defining the Vendor Invoice

    The Vendor Invoice tab allows you to pre-define the vendor invoice which will be sent to your vendor or


    Using the pre-bill feature forces your vendor to invoice you for the work when they accept the work

    order as opposed to waiting until the work has been completed.


    The visits section allows you to define a visit work order. Visit work orders are useful for when there isvery frequent, repetitive work like nightly cleaning. In the case of a visit work order, a single work order

    is generated with many visits.

    Custom Fields

    Custom fields are specific to the PMRM Schedule and DO NOT populate into the generated work orders.