1 Creating and Implementing Records Management Policy for Social Media October 17, 2019

Creating and Implementing Records Management Policy for ... - VAGARA...Maintains records in an organized and accessible manner Capture content with original metadata and edits/revisions

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Crea t in g an d Im p lem en t in g Records Man agem en t Policy for

Socia l Med iaOctober 17, 2019

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NARA’s Guidance

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What are Social Media Records?

Cr ea t ed or r eceived in t h e cou r se of agen cy bu s in ess

In an y for m

Wor t h y of p r eser va t ion

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What are Social Media Records?

If an y an swer s a r e YES, t h en con t en t is likely a

r ecor d :

Does it con t a in eviden ce of an

agen cy’s p o licies , bu s in ess , o r

m iss ion ?

Is t h e in form a t ion on ly ava ilable on t h e socia l m ed ia

s it e?

Does t h e agen cy u se t h e t oo l t o con vey officia l

agen cy in form a t ion ?

Is t h ere a bu s in ess n eed for t h e

in form a t ion ?

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Credit: www.medicalofficecareers.com.

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Recordkeeping System

Storage Devices

and Drives

Social Media


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Program Schedule

General Records Schedule

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A Tweet Has:•280 characters•>150 metadata points

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Social Media Type Example Platform(s) Example Types of Content

Blogs Wor dPr ess Pos t s , Com m en t s , Associa t ed m et ada t a

Socia l n et wor ks FacebookGoogle+Lin ked In

Pos t s , Com m en t s , Dir ect / p r iva t e m essages , Associa t ed m et ada t a

Collabor a t ion p la t for m s Git h u b Code, Is su es , Pu ll r equ es t s , Pr oject s ,In s igh t s , Com m it s , Br an ch es , Releases , Con t r ibu t or s

Micr obloggin g Twit t erTu m blr

Tweet s , Ret weet s , Favor it es , Dir ect Messages , Follower s , Associa t ed m et ada t a

Example Platforms

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Records Management Policy

• Ar eas t o con s ider in clu de: – Iden t ifyin g r ecor ds– Defin in g own er sh ip– Ter m s of ser vice (TOS)– Com m u n ica t in g p olicies– Mon it or in g u se an d va lu e– Mon it or in g ch an ges t o TOS

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Considerations for Scheduling

Som e m ay be t em p ora ry; w it h a t r an s it ory, sh or t ,

o r lon g t erm r et en t ion .

Som e m ay be p erm an en t , su ch a s

a Twit t er feed or b log of a sen ior

officia l.

Con s ider a Cap s t on e- like

ap p roach

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Scheduling Social Media Records

● No sch edu le? Pr et en d it ’s a ll p er m an en t .

● Wh en d r a ft in g t h e sch edu le , m ake su r e you r socia l m ed ia con t en t fo lks a r e p a r t of t h e t eam

" Ju s t Meet Th ose Sch ed u les , Will You ?“ NARA ID 514 756

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Permanent Records

For exam p le:● Or igin a l con t en t cr ea t ed by Sen ior Execu t ives (or t h eir

r ep resen t a t ives ) for m a jor m iss ion p rogram s it es● In clu des an y s ign ifican t com m en t s r eceived wh ich

im p act m a jor decis ion s

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Temporary Records

● Copies of con t en t p os t ed by a ll o t h er s t a ff (Don ’t delet e t h e live p os t s !)

● In clu des com m en t s n o t act ed u p on in su p p or t o f agen cy bu s in ess

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Federal GRS


GRS 5.1, item 020

• Covers non-recordkeeping copies of records on social media sites• e.g. Selection of photographs on

Flickr when recordkeeping copy of the agency photograph collection is maintained separately

GRS 6.4, item 020

• comments posted by the public on an agency website that do not require response or that the agency does not collect for further use

• agency postings on social media accounts (if they are captured and maintained by the agency) that consist of information released or captured elsewhere in other agency records

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Implementing Capture


Assess business needs and evaluate risks

Temporary records may not need to be captured

Capture long-term and permanent records

Export into a recordkeeping system

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Approach to Evaluating Risk



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Approach to Evaluating Risk


● Leave t h e in form a t ion wh ere it is● Low level in form a t ion m an agem en t● Mon it or in g- based in form a t ion m an agem en t● Needs- based in form a t ion m an agem en t● Rep or t in g a s an in form a t ion m an agem en t● In form a t ion for r eu se● In form a t ion m an agem en t for accou n t abilit y● In form a t ion m an agem en t t h rou gh broadcas t sys t em s

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Factors in Methods of CaptureCompleteness

● Did you cap t u r e ever y r ecor d?● Ar e a ll t h e com pon en t s of r ecor d cap t u r ed? ( lin ks , em bedded video/ au d io , im ages , e t c.)● Is t h er e access t o t h e r equ ir ed p lu g- in s? Has a ll m et ada t a been cap t u r ed?

Authenticity/Reliability● Is it was it cla im s t o be?● Has it s t ayed t h e sam e over t im e? Can you p r ove t h is?

Context● Has en ou gh been cap t u r ed t o u n der s t an d t h e r ecor d?

Frequency● How qu ickly is n ew con t en t cap t u r ed? ● Ar e o ld t h r eads ch ecked for n ew con t en t ?C




s of



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Capture Options - Native Platform Exports

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Capture Options - Native Platform Exports

Are n a t ive p la t form exp or t s r igh t for you r con t en t ? Con s ider ...

● How m an y p la t form s do you u se? Wh ich on es?

● How m an y in d ividu a l accou n t s a r e you ru n n in g?

● Are a ll you r accou n t s r u n by on e p er son fam ilia r wit h t h e p rocess? Or is t h e r ecords m an agem en t r esp on s ibilit y sp r ead ou t across m u lt ip le offices or t eam s?

● Do you fr equ en t ly h ave t o m odera t e an d r em ove u ser - gen era t ed con t en t t h a t vio la t es you r com m en t p olicy? (Side n ot e- you sh ou ld defin it ely h ave a com m en t p olicy.)

● Wh at m et ada t a does you r agen cy / organ iza t ion wan t cap t u r ed?

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DOI Twitter Archive


h t t p s :/ / www.doi.gov/ s it es / doi.gov/ files / a r chive/ n ews / a r ch ive/ t weet s / in dex.h t m l

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Capture Options - Automated Capture Tool

Pros: ● Main t a in s r ecor ds in an

or gan ized an d access ib le m an n er

● Cap t u r e con t en t w it h or ig in a l m et ada t a an d ed it s / r evis ion s (p r ovides an au d it t r a il)

● May be ab le t o p r ogr am r et en t ion p olicies

● Can eas ily p lace lega l h old s

Cons:● May be a lea r n in g

cu r ve t o u s in g t h e sys t em t o it s fu ll p o t en t ia l

● Th er e will be an im p act on you r bu dget

● Not a lways easy t o get a ll o f t h e s t akeh older s on boa r d

Costs:● Var ies fr om com p an y

t o com p an y● Can be based on t h e

n u m ber / t yp e of p la t for m s bein g a r ch ived

● Can be based on t h e n u m ber of p os t s cr ea t ed each m on t h

● Do you r r esea r ch

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Market Research Shopping List

● Abilit y t o iden t ify socia l m ed ia con t en t a s a r ecor d an d cla ss ify a s eit h er p er m an en t or t em p or a r y

● Abilit y t o en su r e t h e au t h en t icit y, in t egr it y, an d com p let en ess

● Abilit y t o cap t u r e legacy socia l m ed ia con t en t t o t h e ext en t in d ividu a l socia l m ed ia p la t for m s m ake it ava ilab le.

● Near - r ea l t im e cap t u r e (n ot p er iod ic web cr awls )

● Pr eser va t ion of lin ks , m ed ia , an d in t er act ive con t en t in r ep layable for m a t s

Sh op p in g Lis t fo r Pr ess Recep t ion , 12/ 9 / 19 4 7. NARA ID 758 30 71

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Market Research Shopping List

● In d ividu a l an d bu lk r ecords exp or t s in NARA- com p lian t t r an s fer form a t s (p er NARA Bu llet in 20 14 - 0 4 )

● Abilit y t o cap t u r e m et ada t a (p er NARA 20 15- 0 4 , Met ada t a Gu idan ce for t h e Tran s fer of Perm an en t Elect ron ic Records ) an d add add it ion a l m an u a lly if n eeded

● Fu ll t ext , filt er able en t erp r ise sea r ch in g

● Sca lable su p p or t for ou r cu r r en t socia l m ed ia p la t form s an d flexibilit y t o add n ew p la t form t yp es wit h in a r eason able t im esp an of t h eir adop t ion

● Access ib ilit y com p lian ce (p er Sect ion 50 8 St an da rds for Elect ron ic an d In form a t ion Tech n ology)

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Additional Considerations

● Do you n eed each r ecord t o h ave a p u blica t ion t im es t am p , p os t t yp e, p os t ID, an d d igit a l s ign a t u r e?

● Do you n eed a ll ed it ed or delet ed con t en t t o be cap t u r ed? Som e t ools r ecord t h e t im e of delet ion an d flag t h e r ecord for easy r eview.

● Do you n eed t o p r eserve t h e or ig in a l con t en t , in clu d in g r esp on ses wh ile m a in t a in in g t h e u n iqu e look an d feel of in d ividu a l p la t form s?

● Do you n eed t o be able t o r ep lay in t er act ive con t en t in it s or ig in a l form ?

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Example Capture Tools

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Open Source Tools

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Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative


Two goa ls :

● To h elp agen cies obt a in e lect ron ic r ecords m an agem en t (ERM) solu t ion s an d services fit t in g t h eir n eeds t h rou gh an im p roved p rocu rem en t p rocess ; an d

● To p roact ively address ch an gin g t r en ds in ERM by set t in g p olicy for n ew solu t ion s an d services .

Photo of Enrico Fermi, ca. 1950, National Archives Identifier 595043

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Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative


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FERMI Benefits


● Cr ea t in g gover n m en t wide s t an da r ds t o fos t er p a r t n er sh ip s wit h t h e p r iva t e sect or an d su p p or t lon g- t er m in n ova t ion .

● Ven dor s kn ow wh a t Feder a l agen cies n eed for ERM.

● Lever age bu yin g p ower by wor kin g t oget h er .

● ERM in clu ded in sh a r ed ser vices wh ich a llevia t es bu r den fr om in d ividu a l u ser s .

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Universal Electronic Records Management (ERM) Requirements

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Requirements Example 1

● Sh ar e Un iver sa l ERM Requ ir em en t s wit h IT

Peter Kemp / Paul Smith [CC BY 3.0]

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Requirements Example 2

● At t ach t h e Un iver sa l ERM Requ ir em en t s t o r equ es t s for in for m at ion (RFIs ) t o say you n eed a so lu t ion t h a t m eet s t h ese r equ ir em en t s

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Requirements Example 3

● Add colu m n s t o in d ica t e u ser act ion , if cu s t om develop m en t is n eeded , im p lica t ion ap p r oach , an d LOE

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Federal Integrated Business Framework

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Business Lifecycle and Capabilities

• Based on USSM Feder a l In t egr a t ed Bu s in ess Fr am ewor k (FIBF)

• Iden t ifies t h e key fu n ct ion s , act ivit ies , an d cap abilit ies

• Bas is for u se cases

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Use Cases

● Docu m en t t h e s t an dar d wor kflows .

● Iden t ify t h e r o les an d act ion s for act or s .

● Can be u sed t o eva lu a t e an d dem on s t r a t e a so lu t ion ’s fu n ct ion a lit y.

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● Will be h os t ed p u blicly on GSA’s Discover y Tool

● Up dat ed as ven dor s p r ovide dem os

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GSA Schedule 36 Electronic Records Management Solutions

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Contacts for More InformationRecords Express – Official Blog h t t p :/ / b logs .a r ch ives .gov/ r ecords -

exp ress /

NARA Records Management webpageh t t p :/ / www.a rch ives .gov/ r ecords - m gm t /

FERMI Websiteh t t p s :/ / www.a rch ives .gov/ r ecords - m gm t / policy/ ferm i

Beth [email protected]