Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector

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  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector



    Customer Switching in Pakistani mobile carriers


  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector



     The purpose of our study is to examine which factor inuence switching

    intention in Pakistan telecommunication sector.


    In Pakistan, from past few years mobile communication has emerged

    as a fast growing industry. Pakistan is considered one of progressive

    country of the world in which Mobile phone subscribers has increased

    over !".# million. That$s the reason that many foreign companies are

    interested to invest in this sector. Telephone % Telegraph &T%T'

    department provided telecom services for the (rst time in Pakistan.

     T%T department was run by the )overnment. T%T department was

    later merged into a *orporation. Presently there are about # cellular

    agencies &+fone, -arid, Telenor, ong, and Mobilink' that areproviding their services.

    Problem statement:

    In Pakistan mobile communication sector has showed rapid growth and

    now it is considered one of the important sectors of economy from

    di/erent prospective like foreign investment % economic growth. 0ut

    important thing is that still cellular networks have not yet satis(ed their

    customers due to low performance of services. 1lthough they have high

    market share but it$s di2cult for the companies to provide good service

    3uality due to which they are unable to satisfy their customers.


    4ur study will provide guidance to other researchers in (nding which factors

    inuence switching intention.

    5ey words6 *ustomers switching, service 3uality, 7witching intentions, -ord

    of mouth.

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    Literature Review:

    Service Quality 

    8Providing the customer with what he wants, when he wants it, and at

    acceptable cost, within the operating constraints of the business8, and8providing a better service than the customer expects8 &p 9:, 9; ational

    construct &*rosby ;?;', service 3uality and its re3uirement are not easy to

    accumulated for customers &Takeuchi and @uelch ;:"', 3uality

    measurement also creates problems for the researchers & Monroea nd

    5rishnan ;:"', better service 3uality also contribute to raise the market

    share &1nderson and eithaml ;:9A Phillips, *hang, and 0u>>ell ;:"', the

    search for 3uality is most important thing to creates the customer intention

    &Babin ;:"', Cay by day customers demanding of 3uality increases

    &ations starts

    work to understand the term service 3uality and what is meant in the mind

    of customers and after understanding that they developed the strategies toincrease the service 3uality &Parasuraman, eithaml, and 0erry ;:#, ;::',

    (nancial success is only possible when you increase the service 3uality

    &)ermano ;;!A 5eams and Eadler ;;!', if your service 3uality is better

    your pro(t will be higherthannormal &Ford Motor *ompany$s researchers

    ;;D', service 3uality depends on loyalty if services are better than

    customer will be more loyal to your organi>ation &Ten ner % CeTbro, ;;!',

    the service recipient is customer if service 3uality is better customer will be

    in contact with you &eithaml, Para suraman, % 0erry, ;;D', service 3uality

    is that how was the services. 1re these services delivered to the customers

    in better 3ualityG 1re these services are ful(lling the customer$s needs anddemandsG &0abbar, ;;!'

    Customer Satisaction:

     There are several dimensions of satisfaction, generally di/er in service,

    product context and by industry &1aker;;H'.In service organi>ations,

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    satisfaction is considered as powerful measure &1aker ;;H'. *ustomer

    satisfaction is used by companies to evaluate the product or services

    supplied to customer &Eemati !DD'. 7tudy of &1li et al. !DD' found that

    reasonable pricing can be the determinant of consumer satisfaction for

    longer period of time. -hile &Eemati !DD' discusses that the mental

    satisfaction is received by customers on paying high price in the country like

    Pakistan. Innovation in the mobile phone has a positive e/ect, though was

    not measured very strong &Eemati !DD'. igher the satisfaction will leads to

    higher retention, so operators should be satisfying the customers in order to

    retain them &1li et al. !DD'. The de(nition of satisfaction is borrowed from

    &4liver, ;;?', which is used for this research, *ustomer satisfaction

    generally means customer reaction to the state of ful(llment, and customer

     Judgment of the ful(lled state. There are multidimensional aspects of 

    customer satisfaction in mobile services &Min % -an, !DD'. 1s per &

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    consumer reali>e that product is important for that then he or she thinks

    about that if he or she received the positive credibility about the product

    then the purchase intention of consumer will be high and he or she will not

    be switch to another brand his or her switching intention will be low due to

    positive credibility &Flynn and )oldsmith &;;"', customer retention is core

    concern of each organi>ation and its depend on that how a customer loyal

    and satisfy with your organi>ation. If a customer switched by your product to

    another product so that organi>ation not only losing your future it$s also

    increasing your own cost to (nding new customer &7tanton et al., ;;9', In

    service sector switching intention is most important e/ect on a customer. If 

    you know that what are the factors increasing your customers switching

    intention and if you stopped that factors it$s also increase your customer

    retention and will minimi>e customer$s switching intention &-an

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    Parasuraman et al. &;::' de(ned service 3uality as Lthe overall evaluation

    of a speci(c service (rm that results from comparing that (rm$s performance

    with the customer$s general expectations of how (rms in that industry should

    performN. Fornell &;;!' declared that better the service 3uality then high

    will be the customer$s satisfaction. Turel and 7erenko &!DDH' stated that

    there is a strong correlation between perceived value and consumer


    There is a positive relationship between service 3uality and customers


    Relations!ip b%w Service Quality ' Switc!ing Intention

    If an organi>ation service 3uality is better than it is satisfy to retain a

    customer and do not switched to another organi>ation &4yeniyi and 1biodun,

    !DD', service 3uality enhance the customer retention and also address the

    switching intention &ellier et al., !DD"' &Fernandes and 7antos, !DD?', If 

    service 3uality changing and its going high to low then customer can switch

    to another brand because all customerRs perceptions associated with 3uality

    services &=ones et al., !DDD', level of services might very well inuence in

    customer switching intention your company$s service go down then customer

    might be switched to another service &Cick and 0asu &;;9', 3uality

    conscious customers can switched easily to another 3uality services if your

    service do not compare with those perceptions &1ndreasen &;:!A ;:#', youcan change your customer$s switching behavior by given them 3uality

    services &5eaveny, ;;#', negative service experience increase the switching

    intention of customers and changed the actual behavior of customers for

    your product or services &7ingh, ;;', if you creates valueadded

    relationship between you and your customer by given them extra 3uality

    services then you can retain your customer and customer will be more loyal

    with your organi>ation and customer$s switching intention day by day will be

    resolve &)ruen and Ferguson, ;;9'.

    ! &a' There is a negative relationship bKw 7ervice 3uality and switchingintention

    Relations!ip b%w Service Quality ' "ord # $out!

    If service 3uality is ful(lling the customerRs perceptions then customer will be

    recommended to others &artline % =ones, ;;H' if service 3uality is better

    then, it will create a good relationship between purchase intention and word

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    of mouth &0urnham, Frels, % MahaJan, !DD"', &)winner, )remler, % 0itner,

    ;;:' when buyers cannot choose the 3uality service then positive word of 

    mouth may help to attain best service &0haradwaJ , 7 . ) . , aradaraJan , P .

    B . and Fahy , = . & ;;" ' customer$s satisfaction and service 3uality creates

    the positive word of mouth &

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    9 &a' *ustomer$s satisfaction mediates the relationship bKw service 3uality

    and switching intentions

    *ustomer satisfaction and 7ervice 3uality enhance the customer retention

    and also address the switching intention &ellier et al., !DD"' &Fernandes and

    7antos, !DD?', customer satisfaction increase level of services might verywell inuence in customer switching intention your company$s service go

    down then customer might be switched to another service &Cick and 0asu

    &;;9', dissatisfaction of customers decrease the service experience and

    increase the switching intention of customers and changed the actual

    behavior of customers for your product or services &7ingh, ;;'

    9 &b' *ustomer$s satisfaction mediates the relationship bKw service 3uality

    and word of mouth

    4rgani>ations interest must be on the service sector and the need for service

    organi>ation to attract customer and then maintain and enhance customer

    satisfaction &)aski ;:9', if in a company customers are satis(ed with

    service 3uality then customer will be recommended to others &artline %

     =ones, ;;H', word of mouth tells the others consumers about the usage,

    3uality and characteristic of a service or their sellers &-estbrook ;:?, p.

    !H', customers satisfaction plays an important role in strengthening the

    relationship of service 3uality and word of mouth &kholi and Javorski ;;D'.

    Researc! met!odology 

    Researc! model


    intention &C'

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector



    Researc! met!od The method we use in our research will be 3uantitative.   To test

    hypotheses, look at cause % e/ect, % make predictions.

    $et!odological approac!-e will use survey approach to distribute 3uestionnaire. 4ur survey will

    consist of students from di/erent universities of

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    Cata will be analy>ed by using software called 7P77.

    Limitations o study Besults may vary because our data is limited to only one city of Pakistan.


    Cick, 1. 7. % 0asu, 5. &;;9'. *ustomer loyalty towards an integrated

    framework. =ournal of the 1cademy of Marketing 7cience

    Fornell, *., =ohnson, M. C., 1nderson, Q. -., *ha, =. % 0ryant, 0. Q. &;;H'.

     The 1merican customer satisfaction index6 nature, purpose, and (ndings.

     =ournal of Marketing

    *arman, =. M. &;;D'. *onsumer perceptions of service 3uality6 1n

    assessment of the7erv3ual dimensions.

    1nderson, Q. -., Fornell, *., %

  • 8/20/2019 Customers switching in Pakistani mobile sector


    Parasuraman, 1., iethaml, ., % 0erry,