Technical Note Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau J.E. Ramõ Ârez-Bribiesca a,* , J.L. To Ârtora a , M. Huerta b , A. Aguirre c , L.M. Herna Ândez a a Coordinacio Ân de Posgrado en Ciencias de la Produccio Ân y de la Salud Animal, FES-C, Universidad Nacional Auto Ânoma de Me Âxico. AP. No. 245, Cuautitlan Izcalli, 54700, Edo. de Me Âxico City, Mexico b Posgrado en Produccio Ân Animal, Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad Auto Ânoma de Chapingo, km 38.5 Carr. Me Âxico-Texcoco. Edo. de Me Âxico City, 56230, Mexico c Laboratorio de Quimica Agricola. FES-C., Universidad Nacional Auto Ânoma de Me Âxico. Carr. Cuautitlan-Teoloyucan Km. 2.5, Cuautitlan Izcalli 54700, Mexico Accepted 24 October 2000 Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of Selenium Se) in soils, forages and the tissues of kids and does under extensive grazing conditions in two regions of the Tlaxcala state, Mexico Carrillo Puerto and Ixtenco) in the dry and rainy season. There were no differences in the concentration of Se in soil 0.051 and 0.047 ppm), pH of the soil 6.1 and 5.9), concentration of Se in the forage 0.052 and 0.075 ppm) and blood serum of goats 0.02 and 0.021 ppm) during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The Carrillo Puerto region had a signi®cantly higher content of Se in the soil 31%), soil pH 7%), content of Se in forage 25.9%), and content of Se in blood serum of goats 16%) compared to the corresponding values obtained in Ixtenco. The mean concentration of Se in the serum of kids with clinical signs of white muscle disease, was signi®cantly lower 36.3%) compared to the kids from the same farm that were apparently healthy. The results of this study suggest that soil, forages, and goats have a marginal Se status in both regions during the dry and rainy seasons. Further research is required to ®nd the most appropriate method to correct the Se-de®ciency in goats from these regions. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Selenium; Goats; Kids; Soil 1. Introduction Selenium was initially known due to its toxic effect in animals NRC, 1983). The main function of Se is as a component of selenoproteins Sunde, 1990). The mammalian selenoproteins include glutathione perox- idases, iodothyronine deiodinases, selenoprotein P and selenoprotein W Sunde, 1997). Some of the known functions of these proteins include antioxidant activity and catalysis in iodine metabolism. Selenium status also modi®es immune function, reproduction, and animal production McDowell, 1997). Selenium content of soils, forages, and animal tissue can be used as diagnostic tools for determining the Se status in ruminants Puls, 1994). Although the Se status in different regions of the world has been established NRC, 1983; McDowell, 1997), in Mexico there is little information on this element. Strouth 1985) found a Se-de®ciency in dairy cows located in the Mexican plateau. Preliminary work in this Small Ruminant Research 41 2001) 81±85 * Corresponding author. Tel./fax: 52-58811078. E-mail address: [email protected] J.E. Ramõ Ârez-Bribiesca). 0921-4488/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0921-448801)00188-2

Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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Page 1: Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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Page 2: Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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Page 3: Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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Page 4: Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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Page 5: Diagnosis of selenium status in grazing dairy goats on the Mexican plateau

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