diet for improving memory

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2. MEMORY improvement is one thing that we strugglewith from our childhood,so that we can grow and havesuccessful careers.Our brain is like a muscle the more we use it,the morepowerful it becomes.We require our brain to functionoptimally at every age-as students,professionals & inold age-as well as retrieve information that we havelearnt or experienced.Page 2 3. IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE OUR MEMORY THAT POWERFUL????? Sure we can.instead of following treatments that are basedon drugs, people should pay more attention to the foods thatthey are consuming, as these can enhace the mentalprocesses, too. Following a healthy habits regularly like, a good diet, a goodsleep help in memory consolidation. It also helps to maintain anormal functioning of the brain. BUT most important way is through diet and foods because thefoods do not have effects and contraindications. Of course, aselection must be made, as not all foods are proper forimproving the brain function. Page 3 4. DIET TO IMPROVE MEMORY First of all, a diet to improve memory should be based on foodsthat contain high amounts of iron. IRON deficiency anemia represents one of the main causes ofpoor school performance. Learning, thinking & recalling theinformation are performed with difficulty when the iron levelsare below the normal limits. Also ,a low level of iron in the bodydetermines concentration problems. Women who are between 19 and 50 years old require a greateramount of iron than men of the same age do. As many studies have shown, the iron level is correlated to theIQ. Page 4 5. BRAIN FOODS-GOOD FOR MEMORYYou can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brainif you add "smart" foods and beverages to your diet. IRON RICH DIET- In order to increase the iron level back to normal, people areadvised to follow a diet to improve memory that is based onwhole grain cereals and breads, beef, dried apricot andraisins. When the diet does not supply the necessaryamount of iron, it is better to take some supplements.Page 5 6. Nuts & ChocolateNuts and seeds are good sources of the antioxidantvitamin E, which is associated with less cognitivedecline as you age. Dark chocolate also haspowerful antioxidant properties, and containsnatural stimulants like caffeine, which can enhancefocus and concentration. Enjoy up to an ounce a dayof nuts and dark chocolate to provide all the benefitsyou need without excess calories, fat, or sugar.Page 6 7. FRUITS AND VEGGIESThe fruits and vegetables must be a part of the diet to improve memory too. These, along with carbohydrates, contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. They stimulate the brain and improve the overall health condition. The fruits and vegetables also acts as energy boosters. This way, they can be used in the treatment of depression, which is the major cause of memory loss.Page 7 8. BLUEBERRIES ARE SUPERNUTRITIOUS!!! Blue berries contain anthocyanin, a known memory boostingphytochemical. They also contain many other phytochemicalsthat may contribute too a healthy brain function, also theyimprove the immune system by fighting the free radicals. Theaction of free radicals is enhanced by the environment toxins,such as radiations and air pollution. Page 8 9. APPLE!!! An apple a day keeps doctor away, This is so true.Apple contains high levels of quercetin, anantioxidant that has been shown in the recentstudies to protect against Alzheimers disease.Although it is also present in the flesh, the mostquercetin is found in the skin. Red apples alsocontain anthocyanin in their skin. Page 9 10. SPINACH-GREEN LEAFYVEGETABLES One study found that feeding rats with spinachprevented and even reversed memory loss. This maybe due to high folic acid content, a nutrient that isbelieved to be protective against Alzheimersdisease and age-related memory loss. Just a half-cup cooked spinach provides two third your dailyrequirement of folic acid. Page 10 11. ONIONS!!! Red onions contain anthocyanin andquercetin. Yellow and white onions alsocontain good levels of quercetin. In India ,where onions are an important staple, onionshave been used as a folk remedy to boostmemory for centuries.Page 11 12. BROCCOLI,REDBEETS,GRAPES,CHERRIES Broccoli contains quercetin. Its also a good sourceof folic acid. Beets are good source of anthocyanin and folic acid. Grapes all color red, purple, black all containquercetin and anthocyanin. Red wine also containsgood levels of these phytochemicals , butoverindulging in red wine may negate the benefits sokeeping consumption to one glass per day may bewise. Cherries another red food that is good for memoryas it contain anthocyanin.Page 12 13. Ginseng & Fish!!! They can do everything from sharpen focus and concentration,to enhance memory, attention span, and brain function. Fish,such as sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids.omega-3 fats,which represents an important part of the brain cellsmembrane, is found in fish. A part of the omega-3 fats, whichare also known as alpha linolenic acids ,is transformed by thebody into DHA. Page 13 14. EGGS!!!! Another protein source associated with a great brainboost are EGGS It contains nasunin, an antioxidantthat protects the lipids in brain cell membrane.These healthy fats have amazing brain power. Theyare linked to lower dementia and stroke risks; slowermental decline; and may play a vital role inenhancing memory, especially as we get older. Forbrain and heart health, eat one serving of egg weekly Page 14 15. Proper and right nutrition can help one stayfit and keep the body relaxed. keep in mindthat food is not just meant to satiate oneshunger, but has chemicals which go tobrains also and helps to improve memory. Be free from smoking and alcohol. smokingcan lead to constriction of arteries whichdeliver oxygen to the brain thus have anadverse effect on memory power. So give upboth addictions if you want to improve yourmemory. Make these habits a part of daily routine andwatch your memory boost manifold.Page 15 16. Page 16