Dissemination, Outreach and Training Johannes Keizer, Virginie Viollier, Erna Klupàcs, Teresa Iniesta FAO D4Science Final Review Meeting 16 March 2010 Brussels (Belgium) www.d4science.eu

Dissemination, Outreach and Training

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Dissemination, Outreach and Training. D4Science Final Review Meeting 16 March 2010 Brussels (Belgium). Johannes Keizer, Virginie Viollier, Erna Klupàcs, Teresa Iniesta FAO. www.d4science.eu. Topics. objectives of D4Science outreach the audiences major achievements - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Dissemination, Outreach and Training

Dissemination, Outreach and Training

Johannes Keizer, Virginie Viollier, Erna Klupàcs, Teresa Iniesta FAO

D4Science Final Review Meeting16 March 2010

Brussels (Belgium)


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Brussels 16 March 2010

objectives of D4Science outreach the audiences major achievements key elements for success


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Brussels 16 March 2010

Diffuse information and raise awareness about the D4Science project to different audiences;

Promote participation and strengthen ties with user communities;

Promote the e-Infrastructure to be a tool assisting the work of scientists;

Training on how to use the VREs to user communities;

Links and synergies with related projects and initiatives.

Main Objectives

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Brussels 16 March 2010


Actual Users in FAO, ESA, WFC


Researchers in the area of Environmental Monitoring

Researchers in Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Management

Other specific communities


The scientific community at large General public The media !

Target Audiences





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Brussels 16 March 2010

Close collaboration with and support to D4Science communities

Meetings with the Fishery and Aquaculture Resources Management community (FARM)

D4Science World User Meeting with 80 participants from different communities

Creation of a rich, complete and comprehensive web site

Easy documentation and broadcasting of all project activities Automatic linking from and to related activities in research

infrastructures Exploiting most existing Web2 methodologies Based on advanced open Source Technology Generic template for project websites


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Brussels 16 March 2010

The first review recommended that greater emphasis should be placed on communication and explanation of the project outcomes; this was addressed during the second year of D4Science through

Clearer explanation of the origin and aims of the project at the website (http://d4science.eu/about)

Better description of the Virtual Research Environments (VREs) (http://d4science.eu/aquamaps)

New videos helping contribute to the overall understanding of the project (http://www.blip.tv/file/1912552)

New gCube website with improved documentation (http://www.gcube-system.org)

Responding the first review

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Brussels 16 March 2010

30 selected dissemination events Almost 80 participants in the World User Meeting Web site with 239.186 visits, 70 Pages, 100 Blog post, 75 Published Events, 33 Online Tools 14 Collaborating projects involved 16 Papers published 3 Videos filmed and edit 350 photos posted on the net 6 posters designed 12 technical sheets (gCube Descriptions, Factsheets...)

Some Numbers

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Publicity Material

A whole set of graphic materials has been created following the guidelines, like posters, brochures, cards, etc. with the contribution of all Consortium partners.

A generic D4Science flyer A folder containing a number of specialized flyers describing a specific aspect of the project Posters for conferences, workshops and exhibitions Photos, posted on the D4Science Flickr gallery to illustrate the participation at events

In 2009 “print on demand” material added

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Brussels 16 March 2010


For both internal and external users Supports dissemination and sharing

of results and project progress Background information, news and events, links to partners’ web sites, press releases, publications, search functionalities, etc Based on Open Source

2009: The project’s web presence was increased via the creation of wikis, portals, the organization of link exchanges with related web sites, the addition of project descriptions on partners’ web sites, etc.

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Website: VRE representation

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Website: Project Deliverables

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Website Numbers

D4Science web site logs – selected numbers (Jan 09 – Dec 09)

70 Pages 100 Blog post 75 Published Events 33 Online Tools 3 Videos

Unique Visitors Number of visits Pages

71.550 239.186 1.118.094

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Dissemination, Outreach and Training


D4Science blogRSS feedsAgriFeedsDelicious bookmarking and sharing services Flickr image galleryWikis

Wikipedia EGI Knowledge base

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Dissemination: Research Papers

16 Papers were written (all available on the D4Science site) 2008

Castelli D. e-Infrastructures designed for demanding science, In eStrategies Europe Vol 2 No 4 on "Europe's new flagship for innovation", British Publishers, November 2008

Fusco L., Cossu R., van Bemmelen J., Guidetti V., Li Santi E., and Rossi A. The Advance Technology Fusion for EO Application, 21st International CODATA Conference, Scientific Information for Society - from Today to the Future, October 2008

Assante M. and Frosini L. Extensible Digital Library User Portals for e-Infrastructures, In proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries, VLDL2008, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008

Assante M., Candela L., Castelli D., Frosini L., Lelii L., Manghi P., Manzi A., Pagano P., Simi M. An Extensible Virtual Digital Libraries Generator, In proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2008, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008, pp 122-134

Simeoni F., Castelli D., Pagano P., Simi M. and Connor R. Application-level Research e-Infrastructures: the gCube Approach, UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2008, September 2008

Floros E., Kakaletris G., Polydoras P., Ioannidis Y. Query Processing Over The Grid: The Role Of Workflow Management, In Grid Computing, Springer, July 2008, pp 1-12

Castelli D. and Michel J. D4Science - Deploying Virtual Research Environments, In ERCIM News 74 Special theme: Supercomputing at Work, July 2008, pp 8-9

Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. gCube: A Service-Oriented Application Framework on the Grid, In ERCIM News 72 Special theme: The Future Web, January 2008, pp 48-49

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Dissemination: Research Papers

2009 : 8 new papers D4Science-II - An e-Infrastructure Ecosystem for Science, In ERCIM News 79 Special theme: Towards

Green ICT, October 2009, pp 9 Simeoni F., Candela L., Lievens D., Pagano P. and Simi M. Functional Adaptivity for Digital Library

Services in e-Infrastructures: The gCube Approach in proceedings of the Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 13th European Conference, ECDL 2009, Corfu, Greece, September 27 - October 2, 2009, pp 51-62

Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. On-demand virtual research environments and the changing roles of librarians, In: Library Hi Tech, vol. 27 (2) pp 239 - 251. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2009

Guidetti V. Earth Science as an e-Infrastructures Application: Practices at the ESA , In Zero-In Second edition eMagazine on "Earth sciences and astronomy", April 2009

Tsangaris M., Kakaletris G., Kllapi H., Papanikos G., Pentaris F., Polydoras P., Sitaridi E., Stoumpos V., Ioannidis Y. Dataflow Processing and Optimization on Grid and Cloud Infrastructures, Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, Vol. 32 No. 1, March 2009

Simeoni F., Lievens D. Matchmaking for Covariant Hierarchies, 8th Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS '09), March 2009

Pagano P., Simeoni F., Simi M. and Candela L. Taming Development Complexity in Service-Oriented e-Infrastructures, In Zero-In First edition eMagazine on "Building Insights, Breaking Boundaries", January 2009

Candela L., Castelli D., Pagano P. D4Science: an e-infrastructure for supporting virtual research environments. In: IRCDL 2009 - 5th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (Padova, Italy, 29-30 January 2009). Atti, pp. 166 - 169. M. Agosti, F. Esposito, C. Thanos (eds.). DELOS Association for Digital Libraries, 2009.

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Dissemination Events

Project’s members organized and/or participated in about 30 selected dissemination events over the project period

Some particularly orientated to the user communities and potential scientific users, others addressing technological/standards aspects (ECDL-European Conference on Digital Libraries , VLDL-Very Large Digital Libraries Workshop, AHM-All-Hands Meeting , OGF-Open Grid Forum etc.)

Key achievement 2009

Word User Meeting with 80 participants

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Brussels 16 March 2010

World User Meeting Objectives

Showing opportunities and innovative projects implementing advanced e-Infrastructures for multi-disciplinary scientific communities;

Share experiences, best practices and discuss the most recent advances in e-Infrastructures with emphasis on how to exploit possible synergies;

Showcase the latest experiences in building advanced applications operating on distributed heterogeneous sources, like dynamic monitoring progress reports,

most recent results in harmonization and combination of distributed structured data sources;

Identify the perspectives of the user communities and discuss the road map for D4Science-II Virtual Research Environments.

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Brussels 16 March 2010

World User Meeting Participation

Professionals from the information technology domain from other communities

European Commission representatives and members of large International projects;

D4Science, External Advisory Board, D4Science-II members;

Policy and decision makers in the various above-mentioned fields.

Scientists and information managers from the D4Science Communities

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Brussels 16 March 2010

World User Meeting Outcomes

8 initiatives expressed their interest to use D4Science technology: BarCodeof life initiative Biofresh 4D4life - Catalog of life IOC- OceanDataPortal IOC-OceanDocs - Ocean Experts CoML- OBIS CoML- OTN Stock assessment VRE

Positive feedback from user communities, D4Science technology and D4Science based VREs highly relevant for their work

Future meetings can emphasize much more on interaction and practical implementation

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Training Activities

Work performed Training focus shifts to user communities Several events are performed targeting

• Community developers • Community administrators• Project developers

New material is produced• >90% is “private” material

Deviations Unforeseen needs are risen to

• Setup a standalone training infrastructure (ESA)• Adopt a new on-line training instrument for D4Science events (*)• Increase travel costs

Minor changes from originally planned events• ECDL Tutorial cancelation• Shifted external tutorials to dissemination events (OGF25, EGEE ‘09)

DNA4.1c deliverable slightly postponed to capture latest developments(*) http://videosrv.di.uoa.gr/openmeetings/

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Training Sum Up

Event Training Objective Form Number Audience

Training of users on gCube capabilities Class 3 20

Training of developers on gCore Class 3 15

Training of gCube and community developers on Application Support Layer (ASL) Class 1 3

ASL developer training Class 1 15

Training of community administrators for infrastructure rolout (ESA . FCPPS) Class 5 10

Total 13

Brussels 16 March 2010

Instrument Type Number

Updated training material for gCore Developers, administrators and users Wiki 3

Training material (Presentations) In CMS & BSCW ~30

Real Time On-line Training Environment eClass 1

Training Infrastructure17 VM gCube Infrastructure


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Training Activities

Brussels 16 March 2010

Priority Shift

Unplanned Extensions

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Brussels 16 March 2010

Elements for Success

.....and also in the further work with D4ScienceII

Define your audiences, concentrate on your audiences in appropriate ways! Address strongly user communities ! Demonstrate clearly your technological advantage! Outreach is not a work package, but an issue of the entire project consortium!

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D4Science Final ReviewBrussels - March 16th 2010

Dissemination, Outreach and Training

Thank You !

Next : Administrative and Financial Management (P. Rohou)