7/24/2019 Dr. P 40 Vocab Words http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dr-p-40-vocab-words 1/6 Annie Reznik P. 3 Vocabulary Project 40 Word List 1. impedin !".# $e%& 'o retard or obstruct t(e proress o% )t(er %orms& impeder* impediment +uote in conte,t& -uliet /(ipped o (er mask* /(ic( /as impedin (er "ie/ o% t(e screen.- !0#  2. enraptured !adj.# $e%& illed /it( rapture or deli(t. )t(er %orms& rapturous* ent(ralled +uote in conte,t& -utler /ondered (o/ t(ins could et muc( /orse as (undreds o% enraptured /restlin %ans sured do/n t(e aisles.- !0# 3. sibilant !adj.# $e%& )%* c(aracterized by* or producin a (issin sound like t(at o% !s# or !s(# )t(er %orms& sibilance* sibilancy* siblin +uote in conte,t& -56o/ kill t(e bear and t(e princess*5 said t(e layered "oice* a %e/ layers takin a moment to catc( up* lendin a sibilant sssss to princess.- !0#  4. lackeys !n.# $e%& A ser"ile %ollo/er7 a toady. )t(er %orms& lackeyin* lackeyed +uote in conte,t& -8o to /ork* my (uman lackeys.- !1#  9. loistician !n.# $e%& a person /(o specializes in or is a sc(olar or student o% symbolic loic )t(er %orms& loistical* loistics* loically +uote in conte,t& -Artemis /as not t(e clinical loistician (e used to be.- !3# :. a%orementioned !adj.# $e%& ;poken o% earlier. )t(er %orms& a%oresaid* a%oret(ou(t* +uote in conte,t& -<olly may (a"e been blus(in* or it may (a"e been t(e a%orementioned dramatic backli(tin.- !13:#  =. bi"ouac !n.# $e%& A temporary encampment o%ten in an uns(eltered area. )t(er %orms& bi"ouacked* bi"ouackin +uote in conte,t& -'(e manual* /(ic( you (elped to /rite* /ould ad"ise me to retreat to a sa%e distance and construct a bi"ouac.- !>4#

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Annie Reznik

P. 3

Vocabulary Project 40 Word List

1. impedin !".#

$e%& 'o retard or obstruct t(e proress o% 

)t(er %orms& impeder* impediment

+uote in conte,t& -uliet /(ipped o (er mask* /(ic( /as impedin (er "ie/ o%

t(e screen.- !0#


2. enraptured !adj.#

$e%& illed /it( rapture or deli(t.

)t(er %orms& rapturous* ent(ralled

+uote in conte,t& -utler /ondered (o/ t(ins could et muc( /orse as (undreds

o% enraptured /restlin %ans sured do/n t(e aisles.- !0#

3. sibilant !adj.#

$e%& )%* c(aracterized by* or producin a (issin sound like t(at o% !s# or !s(#

)t(er %orms& sibilance* sibilancy* siblin

+uote in conte,t& -56o/ kill t(e bear and t(e princess*5 said t(e layered "oice* a

%e/ layers takin a moment to catc( up* lendin a sibilant sssss to princess.- !0#


4. lackeys !n.#

$e%& A ser"ile %ollo/er7 a toady.

)t(er %orms& lackeyin* lackeyed

+uote in conte,t& -8o to /ork* my (uman lackeys.- !1#

 9. loistician !n.#

$e%& a person /(o specializes in or is a sc(olar or student o% symbolic loic

)t(er %orms& loistical* loistics* loically

+uote in conte,t& -Artemis /as not t(e clinical loistician (e used to be.- !3#

:. a%orementioned !adj.#

$e%& ;poken o% earlier.

)t(er %orms& a%oresaid* a%oret(ou(t*

+uote in conte,t& -<olly may (a"e been blus(in* or it may (a"e been t(e

a%orementioned dramatic backli(tin.- !13:# 

=. bi"ouac !n.#

$e%& A temporary encampment o%ten in an uns(eltered area.

)t(er %orms& bi"ouacked* bi"ouackin

+uote in conte,t& -'(e manual* /(ic( you (elped to /rite* /ould ad"ise me to

retreat to a sa%e distance and construct a bi"ouac.- !>4#

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. c(asm !n.#

$e%& A deep* steep?sided openin in t(e eart(5s sur%ace7 an abyss or ore.

)t(er %orms& c(asmal* c(asmoamous* c(asmoamy

+uote in conte,t& -;econds later* Artemis5s @ce ube nano?/a%er cannon tumbled

into t(e ne/born c(asm.- !13#

 >. obsidian !adj.#

$e%& A usually black or banded* (ard "olcanic lass t(at displays s(iny* cur"ed

sur%aces /(en %ractured and is %ormed by rapid coolin o% la"a.

)t(er %orms& )bsius* !name o% a Roman alleed by Pliny to (a"e %ound t(is rock

in Bt(iopia.#

+uote in conte,t& -'(e cra%t /as stripped do/n by t(e brute %orce o% nature until

only a small section remained* an obsidian arro/(ead jammed point do/n into t(e

ice and rock.- !13>#


10. kindlin !n.#$e%& Basily inited material* suc( as dry sticks o% /ood* used to start a Cre.

)t(er %orms& kindle* kind*

+uote in conte,t& -Per(aps /e could at(er kindlin %or a campCre.- !10=#


11. (arbiner !n.#

$e%& a person or t(in t(at %ores(ado/s or %oretells t(e comin o% someone or


)t(er %orms& (arbor* (erbier

+uote in conte,t& -our is no more a (arbiner o% deat( t(an any ot(er /(ole

number.- !10:# 

12. espionae !n.#

$e%& '(e act or practice o% spyin or o% usin spies to obtain secret in%ormation* as

about anot(er o"ernment or a business competitor.

)t(er %orms& espial* espy* !spy#

+uote in conte,t& -'(at5s (ardly industrial espionae- !294#


13. ballast !adj.#

$e%& (ea"y material used to steady a s(ip)t(er %orms& ballad* bare* ballet* ballistic

+uote in conte,t& -<olly opened t(e ballast tanks /ide be%ore s(e le%t* sinkin t(e

cra%t.- !2:0#


14. psyc(oacti"e !adj.#

$e%& Aects t(e mind or mental processes.

)t(er %orms& psyc(osis* psyc(ed* acti"ity* actual !related to act and psyc(#

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+uote in conte,t& -Atlantis omple, can be cured only t(rou( t(e care%ul use o%

psyc(oacti"e drus.- !2:4#


19. "olatile !adj.#

$e%& B"aporatin readily at normal temperatures and pressures

)t(er %orms& "olant* "olatileness* "olatility

+uote in conte,t& -'(e outer s(ell /as body armor /it( a "olatile sur%ace- !2=4# 

1:. buoyed !".#

$e%& 'o be encouraed* reassured* or c(eered up

)t(er %orms& buoyant buoyancy* buoyantly* buoy

+uote in conte,t& -@ am not buoyed by t(at.- !2=4#


1=. ostracized !".#

$e%& 'o e,clude %rom a roup.

)t(er %orms& ostracism* ostric(

+uote in conte,t& -'(e /(ole team ostracized me t(e /(ole /ay back on t(etrain.- !:#


1. reciprocal !adj.#

$e%& Per%ormed* e,perienced* or %elt by bot( sides

)t(er %orms& recipe* reciprocally* recipient* reciprocate

+uote in conte,t& -Dou5ll learn %rom t(em??i% you /ant to. ust as someday* i% you

(a"e somet(in to oer* someone /ill learn somet(in %rom you. @t5s a beauti%ul

reciprocal arranement.- !1=#


1>. unscrupulous !adj.#$e%& /it(out morals* obli"ious to or contemptuous o% /(at is ri(t or (onorable.

)t(er %orms& scrupulous* scruple* unscrupulousness

+uote in conte,t& -@% you kne/ ;tradlater* you5d (a"e been /orried* too. . . <e

/as unscrupulous.- !40#


20. stenorap(er !n.#

$e%& someone skilled in stenorap(y* especially someone employed to take and

transcribe dictation or testimony.

)t(er %orms& steno* stenotopic* stenorap(y* rap(ite

+uote in conte,t& -)r you may end up in some business oEce* t(ro/in paperclips at t(e nearest stenorap(er.- !1>9#


21. "alorous !adj.#

$e%& ra"e* (a"in or s(o/in "alor

)t(er %orms& "aliant* "alorize* "alorization

+uote in conte,t& -rom t(is Parliament let some "alorous* ne/* stron* and

couraeous inFuence o %ort(- !=:#


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22. promontories !n.#

$e%& (i( pieces o% land e,tendin out o"er a body o% /ater

)t(er %orms& promorp(oloist* promont* promonopolistic* prominent*

+uote in conte,t& -'o /(ic( @ ans/er* t(at t(e present %ace o% t(e Bart( /it( all its

mountains and (ills* its promontories and rocks* as rude and de%ormed as t(ey

appear* seems to me a "ery beauti%ul and pleasant object.- !>4#

 23. immolation !n.#

$e%& deat( or destruction

)t(er %orms& molest* immolate* molten* molecular* molecule

+uote in conte,t& -B"eryone /as (orriCed by t(e immolation t(at took place in

t(ere to/n.- !344#


24. sGuander !".#

$e%& to spend or use /aste%ully

)t(er %orms& sGuanderer* sGuanderinly* resGuander* unsGuandered

+uote in conte,t& -Bac( is under t(e most sacred obliation not to sGuander t(ematerial committed to (im* not to sap (is strent( in %olly and "ice* and to see at

t(e least t(at (e deli"ers a product /ort(y t(e labor and cost /(ic( (a"e been

e,pended on (im.- !313#


29. prosaic !adj.#

$e%& dull7 commonplace !see prose#

)t(er %orms& prose* prosaically* prost(etic* prospect

+uote in conte,t& HDou see* @ am a "ery prosaic* unromantic* sensible sort o% %ello/

mysel%7 and @ (a"e al/ays (ad my (eart set on Cndin t(e most sensible* prudent*

le"el?(eaded /i%e in t(e /orld.- !314# 

2:. mananimous !adj.#

$e%& 8enerous

)t(er %orms& anonymous* manitude* manet* mana* manate

+uote in conte,t& -6o* magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and

they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it."!342#


2=. ostensibly !adj.#

$e%& seeminly7 to all out/ard appearances* %rom appearance alone

)t(er %orms& ostentatious* ostric(* ostracize+uote in conte,t& -'(e ostensibly nonpartisan roup kept a lo/ proCle until

earlier t(is /eek* ;ir.- !413#


2. poinant !adj.#

$e%& in a pro%oundly mo"in manner

)t(er %orms: poynaunt, poignantly

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+uote in conte,t& all of us want that, and it gets more poignant as we get more anonymous

in this world. (412#


2>. unredressed !adj.#

$e%& not set ri(t* not relie"ed %rom injustice

)t(er %orms& unrepressed* underdressed

Quote in context:“A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is

equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done

the wrong.”(52)


30. abscond !".#

$e%& to o a/ay suddenly and secretly* o%ten used idiomatically as to

-abscond /it(&- to steal* run o /it(#

)t(er %orms& absence* abstinence* condone* condiment* abscission

+uote in conte,t:“'You are unlikely to abscond with the silver,' Pickles drawled.”!34:#

31. myriad !n. /it( idiomatic preposition -o%-#

$e%& a "ery reat or indeCnitely reat number o% persons or t(ins* or as adjecti"e

by itsel%& innumerable

)t(er %orms& myriadly* Iyriare* muriate

+uote in conte,t& "Jazz fans love Miles and I love him for a myriad of reasons, but the

overviews are always too simplistic.-!332#

32. inoramus 34> !n.#

$e%& inorant* stupid person7 dunce7 dolt7 dullard7 nincompoop

)t(er %orms& inore* inition* inite

+uote in conte,t& -The man who pretends that the distribution of income in this countryreflects the distribution of ability or character is an ignoramus.- !=3#

33. sacrileious !adj.#

$e%& disrespect%ul to/ard a sacred person* place* or t(in

)t(er %orms& sacrilee* sacrum* sacred* sacrileist

+uote in conte,t& -;ally said @ /as a sacrileious at(eist- !143#

34. entrails !n.#

$e%& internal orans collecti"ely !especially t(ose in t(e abdominal ca"ity#

)t(er %orms& entrain* entresol* entrapped+uote in conte,t& "Sometimes, when I clean a kill, I feed Buttercup the entrails." !421#

39. supplication !n.#

$e%& a (umble reGuest or prayer

)t(er %orms& supply* supplicate* supplement*

+uote in conte,t& !331#


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3:. stoicism !n.#

$e%& indierence to pleasure or pain7 a lack o% "isible emotion

)t(er %orms& stolid* stoic* stolidness* stolidity* stone* stop* stoics

+uote in conte,t& -'(at my %riend is t(e ;loan o% t(e ;toicism& 5@ don5t %eel a

t(in.5- !414#


3=. azure !adj.#$e%& a li(t s(ade o% blue

)t(er %orms& Root is azur /(ic( comes %rom a %alse separation o% Arabic !al#?

laza/ard !no ot(er related /ords could be %ound e,cept lapis and lazuli7 bot( %rom


+uote in conte,t& H5@t is t(e distance t(at lends enc(antment to t(e "ie/* and

robes t(e mountain in its azure skiesJ!342#


3. mar !".#

$e%& make imper%ect* to damae or de%ace7 spoil

)t(er %orms& maritime* married* marly+uote in conte,t& H@ couldn5t (elp askin (im /(et(er t(ere (ad been not(in to

mar t(e pleasure o% t(eir stay in Atlanta.-!43>#


3>. c(ary !adj.#

$e%& sparin or stiny* /ary7 cautious

)t(er %orms& c(eris(* c(arism* c(arred* c(arade

+uote in conte,t& -Dour /omen o% (onor* as you call em* are only c(ary o% t(eir

reputations* not t(eir persons7 and 5'is scandal t(at t(ey /ould a"oid* not

men.- !412#

 40. benin !adj.#

$e%& 8ood?/illed

)t(er %orms& enitor* enus* malin* benin

+uote in conte,t& -6o* (e /as certain t(at not(in benin /ould issue %rom t(at

screen.- !0#