Easy Ways to Burn Calories

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  • 8/7/2019 Easy Ways to Burn Calories


    Easy Ways to Burn Calories

    1. Consuming Vitamin D

    A nutritional journal based out of the UK wrote that women who lack Vitamin D take longer to lose

    weight. Therecommended daily dose of vitamin D is 2,000mg.

    2. Drinking Coffee

    Caffeine increases the rate at which one consumes calories.

    3. Getting enough sleep.

    Sleeping less than four hours a day slows your metabolism. Maintaining an active metabolism helps you

    consumeenergy in a healthy way. Experts recommend 7~9 hours of sleep daily.

    4. Doing household chores

    By spending calories through doing daily chores, such as washing the dishes and cleaning the house, you

    will besurprised to feel how much energy you use.

    5. Walk to places that are nearby

    Try walking more each week.

    6. Eat small portions frequently

    Generally, those who eat in smaller portions more frequently consume more energy than those who take in

    their dailycalorie consumption by eating two or three times a day.7. Move Busily

    Walk as if you are late for a meeting.

    8. Have Breakfast

    Do not skip your breakfast. If you do not feel starving, then your body consumes fat faster, even though

    you are notexercising.

    9. Laugh

    If you laugh for 10~15 seconds a day, then you can consume a total of 50kcal .

    10. Take Low-Carbohydrates, High-Fiber

    Foods with low-carbohydrates and high-fiber give us help us to feel more full for a longer period of

    time. SpinachBroccoli and Asparagus are recommended.

    11. Develop habits

    Increase the amount of exercise by climbing two steps at once or taking longer ways for restroom, etc.12. Make your own rules

    Develop your own exercise routine. For instance, for every 55 minutes, you can move around your office

    or climb stairsfor 5 minutes.

    13. Always be in movement

    It is said that moving more can help consume an additional 350kcal over staying motionless. If you do not

    have anyparticular habits, make one up! Tap the floor with your feet or move around.

    14. Maintain a Good Posture

    Keeping a good posture can help make you look taller and more , slender while also strengthening your


    15. Bring Comfortable Shoes (such as flats)

    Instead of giving up stilettos, bring shoes that are easy to walk in instead. That way, you wond t have to

    preclude a goodwalk because of your shoes.

    16. Stay away from Late Night SnacksEating late at night may prevent you from getting a good nightd s

    sleep and lead you to skip breakfast. This is one of thebad factors to harm your normal metabolism.

    17. Drink Enough Water

    Our metabolism slows down if our body lacks of water. A German research institution announced that

    drinking morethan eight cups of water increases the metabolism by 30%. Please remember that the

    recommended amount of waterper a day is eight cups!

    18. Avoid Sugar

    Sugar makes our body release insulin. It identifies sugar as a tissue and uses it as a source of energy or

    saves it in theform of fat.

    19. Move while you have a Conversation


    Seoul International



  • 8/7/2019 Easy Ways to Burn Calories


    Move even when you are on the phone. This can equate to big differences, even though it is only for a

    few minutes.

    20. Chew Gum

    Chewing gum not only leads to consuming calories, but may also develop the habit of subconsciously eating


    21. Exercise your Legs

    While you are seated, occasionally lift your thighs as if you were marching.

    22. For Sleep, Quality is more important than Quantity

    Research by the University Pennsylvania uncovered that those who did not have a good nightd s sleep

    chose foods thatdo not have enough nutrition. Other research concluded that those who lack sleep tendto exercise less.

    23. Alternating Sides

    When carrying heavy bags or a child, shift the weight to another side every five minutes. This way, you

    will use a widervariety of muscles.

    24. Have Spicy Foods

    Some researchers say that spicy food temporarily increases the metabolism, especially Capsaicin, which

    are abundant inKorean pepper powder, improving the catabolism of fat that will help your diet.

    25. Move Your Arms

    When walking, move both your arms and legs. The more you use the various parts of your body, the more

    calories youd llburn.

    26. Drink Oo-long Tea

    Researchers says Oo-long tea increase metabolism by up to 10%.

    27. Stay away from Stress

    If you are under stress, your body releases Cortisol, which makes gaining abdominal, or stomach, fat


    28. Cook for Yourself

    Cooking and washing dishes causes you to move more, as opposed to ordering take-out.

    29. Drink Strong Green Tea Daily

    Though green tea has caffeine, it also has Catechin Poly-phenol, which helps stimulate your metabolism.

    30. Dond t throw out peels

    Fruit and vegetable peels have high amounts of fiber, causing your body to consume more energy to

