SilverTouch Technologies Limited © copyright 1992-2014 all rights reserved. Property of SilverTouch Technologies Ltd. Client Overview About Client: Client is based in U.S. and providing business in top-quality luxuries beauty items. Client is also working with world-class companies who need an extra channel for selling some of their products. Client has physical stores in various states of the US. Client has an effective and wide distribution channel for selling products. The major products of client are beauty related products so it is useful to women. The products include perfumes, lipsticks, eye-liner and creams etc. Client has been striving to give people the opportunity to enjoy and benefit from lifestyle, using his knowledge and experience to guide customers through the process from start to finish. Proposed Solution: Silver Touch has proposed developing the website using Magento open source platform as Magento provides many default functionalities for e-commerce website. We have proposed custom java script for product image slider on description page and CMS functionality for static pages, managed by the administrator. Silver Touch has proposed Backorder button extension for displaying customers about backorder products. Site visitor has to register to access the product details. It will decrease the abandoned users on the website. Website is integrated with payment gateway Paymentech orbital provided by client for secure online payment. Requirement Overview: The client required to develop multiple websites for selling beauty products online. Client also required integrating the shopping cart and online payment functionalities for each website with separate admin interface. Website should exhibit the features of product image slider and display the offers & discounts for specific or selected products for all the websites. Following were the major requirements of the client: 1. Product Category listing on home page 2. Registration and Login functionalities for end users 3. Recently viewed product list 4. Category wise product list / sort and paging functionality 5. Display current backorder list for customers 6. Email integration functionality for end users to share the product description and wish list information with friends 7. Admin interface should provide the following features: a. Order Management b. Stock Management c. Product Management d. Category Management e. User Management f. Content Management Case Study ® eCommerce Website for Beauty Products Client: U.S. Based Client Client Vertical: FMCG/Consumer Durables Project Type: Online eCommerce Store Technology Used: Magento, PHP, MySQL

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Si lverTouch Techno log ies L imi ted

© copyr ight 1992-2014 a l l r igh ts reser ved. Proper ty o f S i l verTouch Techno log ies L td .

Cl ient Over v iew

About C l ien t : C l i en t i s based i n U.S. and p rov id i ng

bus i ness i n top-qua l i t y l u xu r i es beau t y i t ems. C l i en t

i s a l so wo rk i ng w i t h wo r l d -c l ass compan ies who

need an ex t r a channe l f o r se l l i ng some o f t he i r

p roduc t s. C l i en t has phys i ca l s to res i n va r i ous

s t a tes o f t he US. C l i en t has an e f f ec t i ve and w ide

d i s t r i bu t i on channe l f o r se l l i ng p roduc t s.

The ma jo r p roduc t s o f c l i en t a re beau t y re l a t ed

p roduc t s so i t i s use fu l t o women. The p roduc t s

i nc l ude pe r f umes, l i p s t i cks, eye- l i ne r and c reams

e tc. C l i en t has been s t r i v i ng to g i ve peop le t he

oppo r tun i t y t o en joy and bene f i t f r om l i f e s t y l e, us i ng

h i s know ledge and expe r i ence to gu ide cus tomers

t h rough the p rocess f rom s ta r t t o f i n i sh .

Proposed So lu t ion :

S i l ve r Touch has p roposed deve lop ing t he webs i t e us i ng

Magen to open sou rce p l a t f o rm as Magen to p rov ides

many de fau l t f unc t i ona l i t i e s fo r e -commerce webs i t e.

We have p roposed cus tom j ava sc r i p t f o r p roduc t image

s l i de r on desc r i p t i on page and CMS func t i ona l i t y f o r

s t a t i c pages, managed by t he adm in i s t r a to r. S i l ve r Touch

has p roposed Backo rde r bu t ton ex tens ion fo r d i sp l ay i ng

cus tomers abou t backo rde r p roduc t s.

S i t e v i s i t o r has to reg i s t e r t o access t he p roduc t

de ta i l s. I t w i l l dec rease t he abandoned use r s on t he

webs i t e. Webs i t e i s i n t eg ra ted w i t h paymen t ga teway

Paymen tech o rb i t a l p rov ided by c l i en t f o r secu re

on l i ne paymen t .

Requi rement Over v iew:

The c l ient requi red to develop mul t ip le webs i tes for

se l l ing beauty products on l ine. C l ient a lso requi red

in tegrat ing the shopping car t and onl ine payment

funct iona l i t ies for each websi te wi th separate admin

in ter face. Websi te should exh ib i t the features of product

image s l ider and d isp lay the of fers & d iscounts for

speci f ic or se lected products for a l l the websi tes.

Fol lowing were the major requi rements of the c l ient :

1. Product Category l is t ing on home page

2. Regis t ra t ion and Login funct iona l i t ies for end users

3. Recent ly v iewed product l i s t

4. Category wise product l ist / sort and paging funct iona l i ty

5. Disp lay current backorder l i s t for customers

6. Emai l in tegrat ion funct iona l i ty for end users to share

the product description and wish list information with f r iends

7. Admin in ter face should prov ide the fo l lowing features:

a. Order Management

b. Stock Management

c. Product Management

d. Category Management

e. User Management

f. Content Management

Case Study®

eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

Cl ient : U.S. Based Client Cl ient Vert ical : FMCG/Consumer Durab les

Project Type: On l ine eCommerce Store Technology Used: Magento , PHP, MySQL

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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

Fol lowing were the genera l requi rements of the c l ient :

1. Wish l is t funct iona l i ty for fu ture purchase

2. Newslet ter funct iona l i ty

3. Product compar ison features to compare more than two products

4. Product image s l ide show on product descr ip t ion page

5. Rev iew and rat ing funct iona l i ty for users

1. Administrators can easily manage all database operations of website via single interface

2. Roles and privi leges are managed easily

3. Secure online payment faci l i ty through credit card

4. Easy to import / export the orders and stocks

5. Users can easily compare more than two similar products

6. User gets email notif ication when “out of stock” product is back in stock

Benef i ts

Pro jec t Descr ip t ion & Workf low

Pro jec t Workf low

Appl ica t ion Spec i f ic Benef i ts

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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

Two websites were developed to sell beauty products online. Websites are developed using Magento open source platform with MySQL

as backend. In this web websites backend is managed by store manager.

User needs to get registered with the website in order to browse or purchase the products. After product selection users can add the

products to cart. User can also update product quantity or remove products from the cart. Once the shopping is completed the user

has to checkout by confirming the order. After confirmation, website asks the user to make the payment. Paymentech Orbital Payment

Gateway was integrated as per cl ient’s suggestion for online payment. After making the payment end users receive the confirmation mail

with unique order number that helps user to track order.

Administrator can manage the orders, stocks, products and its categories, out-of-stock products, end users’ accounts and static content

pages of the website.

With the help of Backorder extension, website notif ies the users whenever “Out of Stock” products are back “In Stock”.

The websites include fol lowing functionality:

1. Various shipping options such as UPS, FedEx and USPS

2. Wish l ist features includes fol lowing functionality:

a. User wil l be able to move shopping cart items to wish l ist

b. Share wish l ist i tems to fr iends via email

c. Shift the wish l ist products to shopping cart

3. Send product detai ls to fr iends via email

4. Newsletter functionality

5. Administrator can add multiple images of single product from backend and those images will be displayed as image slider on front end

6. Users wil l be able to compare more than two products on the website and also able to view recently added products in the cart

7. Product review and rating features

Pro jec t Descr ip t ion

1. To develop mul t ip le webs i tes wi th d i f ferent domains managed by d i f ferent admin is t ra tors

2. To customize Magento defau l t funct iona l i ty as per c l ient ’s requi rement

3. To develop secure on l ine payment process ing on websi te through c l ient prov ided SSL

4. To in tegrate Backorder extens ion for out of s tock product not i f icat ions

5. To in tegrate s ta t ic content pages wi th e-commerce websi te as per c l ient requi rement

Object ives

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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

The Pro ject was d iv ided in to var ious phases to achieve the best resu l ts in less t ime wi th opt imal ut i l i za t ion of ava i lab le features,

capabi l i t ies and new enhancements.

Phase I : System requi rement Study document and re-est imat ion

Phase I I : Extens ion checking for compat ib i l i ty (Payment Gateway)

Phase I I I : Preparat ion of Wiref rames of the ent i re s i te

Phase IV: Des ign ing

Phase V: Development & Des ign In tegrat ion

Phase VI : Test ing

Phase VI I : Deployment and prov ide documentat ion

Pro jec t Approaches / Ac t iv i t ies

Techno logy

Techno logy Spec i f ica t ions

Techno logy & Framework Magento 1 .7 .0 .2

Languages PHP 5 .x

Da tabase My SQL 4x/5x Ser ver Da tabase

Web Ser ver /Host ing P la t fo rm Apache

Opera t ing System (Deve lopment ) Windows XP

Techno logy Spec i f ica t ions

Techno logy & Framework Magento 1 .7 .0 .2

Languages PHP 5 .x

Da tabase My SQL 4x/5x Ser ver Da tabase

Web Ser ver /Host ing P la t fo rm Apache

Opera t ing System Linux

Deve lopment P la t fo rm

Deployment P la t fo rm

1. Pro ject Man Hours: 740 hours

2. Pro ject L i fe Cyc le: 18 Months

1. Cl ient d idn’ t prov ided c lear funct iona l / requi rement speci f icat ion so we need to d iscuss wi th the c l ient on day-to-day bas is

together and understand pro ject requi rements

2. In tegrat ion wi th Backorder extens ion & customized i t as per c l ient ’s requi rements

3. Implement g iven Paymentech Orb i ta l payment gateway

Dura t ion

Key Cha l langes

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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

1. Shopping car t based e-commerce websi te wi th secure on l ine payment

2. Orders and Payments are managed by ind iv idua l admin is t ra tors on each s i te

3. Easy and quick CMS page management by admin is t ra tors

4. S i te users can post the rev iew / ra t ing about products

5. Author ized users can send product deta i ls to the i r f r iends v ia emai l

6. Wi th the he lp of mul t ip le webs i tes, c l ient gets large number of customers across US

7. Admin is t ra tor eas i ly manage the products & stocks

Resu l ts Ach ieved


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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

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eCommerce Website for Beauty Products

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Th i s s t a temen t o f wo rk i s p rop r i e t a r y o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td . and con ta i ns t r ade sec re t s and con f i den t i a l i n fo rma t i on wh ich i s so l e l y t he

p rope r t y o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td . Th i s s t a temen t o f wo rk i s i n t ended fo r i n t e r na l use on l y. The re fo re, i t sha l l no t be used , rep roduced , cop ied ,

d i sc losed and t r ansm i t t ed , i n who le o r i n pa r t , w i t hou t t he exp ress consen t o f S i l ve rTouch Techno log ies L td .


Deliver best products, software solutions and services,

on time with quality, and as per customer expectations

About S i l verTouch

S i l ve rTouch , a company es tab l i shed i n 1992 i s w ide l y accep ted fo r i t s I T so l u t i ons w i t h a huge cus tomer base i n more t han

20 coun t r i e s ac ross t he wo r l d .

S i l ve rTouch i s ac t i ve l y engaged i n En te rp r i se so f twa re deve lopmen t , en te rp r i se con ten t managemen t , documen t managemen t

and IT consu l t i ng se r v i ces such as Bus iness p rocess op t im i za t i on , p rocess consu l t i ng, imp lemen ta t i on and cus tom i za t i on o f

ERP. S i l ve rTouch l eads b r i l l i an t l y i n new techn i ca l deve lopmen ts such as : Mob i l e App l i ca t i on deve lopmen t se r v i ces on iPhone,

iPad , B l ackbe r r y, And ro id , J2ME and W indows mob i l e p l a t f o rms. Even now, S i l ve rTouch he lps i t s g loba l c l i en t s fo r ma jo r

deve lopmen ts, dep loymen ts and managemen ts o f t he i r mob i l i t y so l u t i ons and en te rp r i se app l i ca t i on deve lopmen t p rog rams.

S i l ve rTouch has a l l i ance w i t h seve ra l i ndus t r y l eade rs such as M ic roso f t , App le, C i sco, IBM, O rac le, SAP, Java , De l l , VM wa re,

Syman tec, Son i c Wa l l wh i ch p rov ides a compe t i t i ve edge ove r o the r i ndus t r y pee rs and t a rge t s to unde rs t and and ca te r t o a l l

t ypes o f r equ i r emen ts t ha t conce r n ou r c l i en t s, t he reby, l ead ing to se r ve t hem p rec i se l y t o t he i r sa t i s f ac t i on .

Fo r more i n fo rma t i on , p l ease v i s i t www.s i l ve r touch .com o r ema i l i n fo@s i l ve r touch .com

© copyr ight 1992-2014 a l l r igh ts reser ved. Proper ty o f S i l verTouch Techno log ies L td .

eCommerce Website for Beauty Products



Ind ia Headquar terSi lverTouch Techno log ies L imi ted

2nd F loor, Saf f ron ,

Nr. Panchwat i C i rcle ,

Ahmedabad-380 006.

Phone : +91 - 79 - 2656 31 58

E-ma i l : i n fo@si l ve r touch .com

Web : www.s i l ve r touch .com

Uni ted K ingdomSi lverTouch Techno log ies UK L imi ted

Essex Techno logy & Innova t ion Cent re ,

Un i t 7 , The Gab les ,Ongar - CM5 0GA,

Un i ted K ingdom

Phone : +44 - (0 ) 127-736-4689

E-ma i l : i n fo@si l ve r touch tech .co .uk

Web : www.s i l ve r touch tech .co .uk

Nor th Amer icaSi lverTouch Techno log ies INC

497 Route 27,

Ise l in , NJ 08830

Uni ted Sta tes

Phone : +1 201 299 3529

E-ma i l : i n fo@semaphore-so f tware .com

Web : www.semaphore-so f tware .com