1 of 3 Examzone: Student book topic tests mark scheme Examzone 1 Mechanics 1 Deceleration of trolley Select υ 2 = u 2 + 2ax / both appropriate formulas (1) Correct substitutions (1) 0.309 [2 significant figures minimum] (1) Frictional force Use of F = ma (1) 8.7 / 8.6 N [8.4 if 0.3 used] (1) Power Use of P = Fυ (1) 9.6 / 9.5 W [9.2 if 0.3 used] (1) Force Use of a = (υ u)/t (1) Add 8.6 / 8.7 N to resultant force [8.4 if 0.3 used] (1) 42.8 N [42.6 if 0.3 used] [Accept 42.2 N] (1) (T otal 10 marks) 2 A catapult fires an 80 g stone horizontally. The graph shows how the force on the stone varies with distance through which the stone is being accelerated horizontally from rest. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Use the graph to estimate the work done on the stone by the catapult. (4) Work done = area under curve = 240 × (10 × 0.01) = 24 J Calculate the speed with which the stone leaves the catapult. (2) ½ × 0.08 × v 2 = 24 v = 600 Speed = 24.5 m s –1 (T otal 6 marks) 137 Force/N 200 100 0 Distance/cm

Edexcel AS Physics Examzone Answers (Unit 1 Topic 1)

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Answers to the Examzone questions from the Edexcel AS Physics Student's Book

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Page 1: Edexcel AS Physics Examzone Answers (Unit 1 Topic 1)

1 of 3 Examzone: Student book topic tests mark scheme

Examzone 1 Mechanics

1 Deceleration of trolley

Select υ2 = u2 + 2ax / both appropriate formulas (1)

Correct substitutions (1)

0.309 [2 significant figures minimum] (1)

Frictional force

Use of F = ma (1)

8.7 / 8.6 N [8.4 if 0.3 used] (1)


Use of P = Fυ (1)

9.6 / 9.5 W [9.2 if 0.3 used] (1)


Use of a = (υ – u)/t (1)

Add 8.6 / 8.7 N to resultant force [8.4 if 0.3 used] (1)

42.8 N [42.6 if 0.3 used] [Accept 42.2 N] (1)

(Total 10 marks)

2 A catapult fires an 80 g stone horizontally. The graph shows how the force on the

stone varies with distance through which the stone is being accelerated horizontally

from rest.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Use the graph to estimate the work done on the stone by the catapult. (4)

Work done = area under curve = 240 × (10 × 0.01)

= 24 J

Calculate the speed with which the stone leaves the catapult. (2)

½ × 0.08 × v2 = 24

v = √600

Speed = 24.5 m s–1

(Total 6 marks)







Page 2: Edexcel AS Physics Examzone Answers (Unit 1 Topic 1)

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Page 3: Edexcel AS Physics Examzone Answers (Unit 1 Topic 1)

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