PHYSIC 4L REF ILW 1) bOLIl11E 15, NLI\lBEK 3 1 FI>BI{L iR) 1977 Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality* Keiji Igit Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton, New York 11973 (Received 28 September 1976) Dynamical consequences based on charm and duality are examined. Elastic widths of J(+)-x resonances on leading trajectories to 06 are predicted to be about an order of magnitude smaller than those of p- f to aa. Further, the D* width is predicted to be extremely small, but even the D** far from threshold still keeps a small width. These features are explained as a consequence of the FESR (finite-energy sum rules) duality and kinematical considerations. I. INTRODUCTION Recent discoveries of new particleslm4 strongly suggest a new degree of freedom (charm5) in particle physics. This new degree of freedom leads to the prediction of a rich spectrum of ad- ditional hadrons. On the other hand, the concept of duality for hadrons in the sense of finite-en- ergy sum rules (FESR) also has convincing ex- perimental support. Therefore, it is of great use for the new hadron dynamics to accommodate the new degree of free- dom in the duality scheme of hadrons. The pur- pose of this paper is to investigate a consequence of the above dynamical scheme, specializing main- ly to partial widths of the new hadrons. As we shall see, recent experiments appear to indicate that the Regge slopes of new hadrons are small while those of ordinary ones are known to be al- most universal. One can write the dual amplitude explicitly when slopes of Regge trajectories are equal both in the s and 2 channels. When the two slopes are different, however, the B, amplitude of the Veneziano type would lead to an increasing exponential behavior a s s approached infinity in the physical region with the scattering angle fixed.' Therefore, one might wonder if new hadrons could be related to ordinary hadrons through duality. Recently, however, an interesting possibility has been suggested by Callan ei n1 .7 and by Kang and Schnitzer8 in order to explain different slopes of ordinary and new hadrons in the resonance re- gions. They considered a quark and an antiquark of mass FII, and i~,, attached to a massless string, whose rest tension is To, and considered the rigid rotation of the system, which would give rise to the leading Regge trajectory if quantized. It has been shown that in the nonrelativistic limit this trajectory satisfies while in the relativistic limit Thus, slopes of new and ordinary hadrons will ap- proach the universal slope at infinity while these slopes are different in the resonance regions. If this is the case, the new and ordinary hadrons could be related through duality without contradict- ing Mandelstam's arguments.' Since it is not known, however, how to construct an explicit dual model for arbitrary trajectories, we wish to work here in a phenomenological way in order to ab- stract physical implications. Suppose we can approximate trajectories such as p-f, D*-D**, and J(4) in terms of straight lines in the resonance regions. Then one can write the B, amplitudes for DB, sD, KR, nK, and an scattering in order to evaluate resonance partial widths on leading trajectories as the FESR bootstrap solution. Here ure normalized our am- plitude assuming the /-channel p coupling tu ex- ternal particles to satisfy SU(4) and assumed a possible SU(4) breaking to come from the experi- mental mass breaking. According to the past ex- perience in dual models,"he 13, amplitude pre- dicts elastic widths at resonance poles on the lead- ing trajectories in fairly good agreements with experimental values once it is normalized at one resonance, but it appears not to predict reliable values for daughters because of absorption. We will show that elastic widths on leading trajectories satisfy r~*-D** < r~*-K** I rp-f alld r~-x < r~-f* <rP'f for the sarlle value of spin. Especially, elastic widths of $-I series to DB are about an order of magnitude smaller than those of p-f series to na. Further, the D* (vector) width is predicted to be extremely small, owing partly to the small Q value, but ever1 the D** (tensor) which is not so close to the nD threshold still has a small width. We will elucidate that the above feature is understandable as a general con- sequence of the FESR duality and kinematical considerations.

Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality

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Page 1: Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality

P H Y S I C 4 L R E F I L W 1) b O L I l 1 1 E 1 5 , N L I \ l B E K 3 1 F I > B I { L i R ) 1 9 7 7

Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality*

Keiji Ig i t Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton, New York 11973

(Received 28 September 1976)

Dynamical consequences based on charm and duality are examined. Elastic widths of J ( + ) - x resonances on leading trajectories to 06 are predicted to be about an order of magnitude smaller than those of p- f to aa. Further, the D* width is predicted to be extremely small, but even the D** far from threshold still keeps a small width. These features are explained as a consequence of the FESR (finite-energy sum rules) duality and kinematical considerations.


Recent discoveries of new particleslm4 strongly suggest a new degree of freedom (charm5) in part ic le physics . This new degree of f reedom leads to the prediction of a r i ch spectrum of ad- ditional hadrons. On the other hand, the concept of duality f o r hadrons in the sense of finite-en- ergy sum ru les (FESR) a l s o has convincing ex- perimental support .

Therefore , i t is of g rea t use for the new hadron dynamics t o accommodate the new degree of f ree - dom i n the duality scheme of hadrons. The pur- pose of th i s paper is t o investigate a consequence of the above dynamical scheme, specializing main- ly to part ia l widths of the new hadrons. As we shal l s e e , recent experiments appear t o indicate that the Regge s lopes of new hadrons a r e s m a l l while those of ordinary ones a r e known to be al- mos t universal . One can wri te the dual amplitude explicitly when s lopes of Regge t ra jec tor ies a r e equal both in the s and 2 channels. When the two slopes a r e different, however, the B, amplitude of the Veneziano type would lead to an increasing exponential behavior a s s approached infinity in the physical region with the scat ter ing angle fixed.' Therefore , one might wonder i f new hadrons could be related t o ordinary hadrons through duality.

Recently, however, an interesting possibility has been suggested by Callan ei n1 .7 and by Kang and Schnitzer8 in o r d e r t o explain different s lopes of ordinary and new hadrons in the resonance re - gions. They considered a quark and a n antiquark of m a s s F I I , and i ~ , , attached to a m a s s l e s s s t r ing, whose r e s t tension is T o , and considered the rigid rotation of the sys tem, which would give r i s e t o the leading Regge t rajectory if quantized. It has been shown that in the nonrelativistic limit th i s t ra jec tory sat isf ies

while in the relat ivis t ic l imit

Thus, s lopes of new and ordinary hadrons will ap- proach the universal slope at infinity while these slopes a r e different in the resonance regions. If this is the case , the new and ordinary hadrons could be related through duality without contradict- ing Mandelstam's arguments.' Since it is not known, however, how to construct an explicit dual model f o r a r b i t r a r y t ra jec tor ies , we wish t o work h e r e in a phenomenological way in o r d e r to ab- s t r a c t physical implications.

Suppose we can approximate t ra jec tor ies such a s p-f , D*-D**, and J ( 4 ) in t e r m s of s t raight l ines in the resonance regions. Then one can wri te the B, amplitudes f o r DB, sD, KR, nK, and an scat ter ing in o r d e r to evaluate resonance part ia l widths on leading t ra jec tor ies a s the FESR bootstrap solution. Here ure normalized our am- plitude assuming the /-channel p coupling tu ex- t e rna l par t ic les t o satisfy SU(4) and assumed a possible SU(4) breaking to come from the experi- mental m a s s breaking. According t o the past ex- perience in dual models,"he 13, amplitude pre - dicts e last ic widths a t resonance poles on the lead- ing t ra jec tor ies in fair ly good agreements with experimental values once it i s normalized a t one resonance, but it appears not to predict re l iable values f o r daughters because of absorption. We will show that e las t i c widths on leading t ra jec tor ies satisfy r ~ * - D * * < r ~ * - K * * I r p - f alld r ~ - x < r~-f*

<rP'f fo r the sarlle value of spin. Especially, e las t i c widths of $-I s e r i e s to DB a r e about a n o r d e r of magnitude s m a l l e r than those of p-f s e r i e s to na. F u r t h e r , the D* (vector) width i s predicted to be extremely smal l , owing partly to the smal l Q value, but ever1 the D** ( tensor) which i s not s o close to the nD threshold s t i l l has a smal l width. We will elucidate that the above feature is understandable a s a general con- sequence of the FESR duality and kinematical considerat ions.

Page 2: Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality

866 K E I J I I G I

11. GENERAL APPROACH A"'-(t, s ) = - hnB4(a(t), cu(s)). (2.5)

As we have discussed in the previous sect ion, we begin by writing the B, amplitudes f o r Dii, ;iD, K x , TIC, and iiir scat ter ing.

4 DD and I I ~ scattering

Let us choose the DD sys tem a s s-channel. Then we wri te the s-channel amplitudes a s AXs(s, t , 11) (I, = 1 , O), where Is is the isospin super - sc r ip t in the s channel. A's" (A's") is even (odd) under i - u crossing, which leads t o

A'S=' = - X D [ ~ , ( a u ( t ) , o(u))+B,(a( l ) , a,(u))l,

H e r e o ( t ) denotes the p-,f t ra jectory function, a$( / ) is the J ( $ ) t ra jectory function, and

The t-channel amplitudes a r e denoted by A1t(s, t , u ) (1, = 1,O) and a r e related to the s-channel ampli- tude f rom cross ing by

Axt=' =$(AIs=l -AIS=O)

B. n D scattering

The scat ter ing anlplitude f o r this case is de- composed a s follows:

T(s, f , u ) = € J ~ ~ A ( + ) ( ~ , t , LL) f$rB, r ,]A(-)(s , t ,u ) .



= ' ( ~ 1 ~ = 1 / 2 - ~ 1 ~ = 3 / ? ) , (2.4b)

and a D * ( s ) is the Regge t rajectory for D*-D**.

C. nn scattering

We define A"'"- a s

A s f o r the KK and K f l scattering,' ' one has only t o replace ID and a+ in E q s . (2 . l a ) and (2.lb) by hK and cu *, respectively. Similar ly, fo r the T K scat ter ingL0 one should replace hTD and in Eqs . (2.4a) and (2.4b) by hTK and a,*.

We then normalize the above amplitudes assurn- ing the t-channel p coupling t o the DD, K z , and n r channels to satisfy SU(4). The SU(4) Clebsch- Gordan coefficientsl1 immediately lead us t o the relation

Thus once the value X is determined a t t h e p pole of the nn amplitude, a l l the leading e las t i c widths in the Dii, nD, K f i , nK, and n n channels a r e easily calculable in t e r m s of h and empir ical s t raight- line Regge t ra jec tor ies in the resonance regions.

F o r the p rocess A + B -A + B of the B , type, we obtain

using (A5) and (A6) in the Appendix. Here the i ( j ) denotes the quantum number of the d i rec t (crossed) channel, and w e have

and C'(AB -AB) is the known constant. In particul- a r , when I =S, Eq. (2.7) reduces t o

Using Eqs . (2.2a), (2.2b), (2.4a), (2.4b), (2.5), and s i m i l a r amplitudes f ~ r K f l and nK scat ter ing with (A5) and (A6), we obtain the following values of ~ ' ( A B -AB), a i , a j f o r respect ive cases :

Page 3: Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality

15 - E L A S T I C W I D T H S O F C H 4 R M E D P A R T I C L E S F R O M D U A L I T Y 867

f o r J ( h ) (in ~ D - ~ i 5 ) , c ' = l , a i = a , , a j = a P . 9

f o r D*-D** (in nD-nD), c i = 2 , a i = a D * , a j = f f , ;

f o r $-f' (in KK-KK), c i = l , a i = a m , a j = a P) . (2.12)

f o r f-A, (in KR-KR), c i = $ , a i = a p , a j = a 0, . f o r K*-I(** (in nK-aI(), c i = $ , ali=CYK+, LYj=Q ' P 7

f o r p ( i n l r n - n a ) , c i = l , a i = c u . = a . J P ?

f o r J (in ?in-nrr), ci=;, a i = a . = a J P.


The equation (2.11) together with Eq. (2.12) gives u s the pnr elast ic width to be''

Using Eq. (3.1) with the experilmental p mass13 (773 MeV) and p e las t i c width13 (152 MeV), we ad- just X to be

We approximate t ra jec tor ies such a s J($) , D*-Dt*, a-f', K*-K**, and p-f in t e r m s of s t raight l ines passing the f i r s t two resonances except f o r the J ( d ) > D*-D** c a s e s . F o r the J(4) t ra jectory we assumed hr(3684) to be the second daughter of the leading $ with a , (s) = 3. Since only one resonance is observed on the D*-D** trajectory we a rb i t ra - r i ly set" (a&) ' = a:a I . Thus we obtain the follow- ing t ra jec tor ies :

a ( s ) = a ( O ) t a's =0.415.+-0.978s . We take part ic le m a s s e s f r o m experiment a s I I I , ,

= 140 MeV, ?i7,0 = 135 MeV, 1 1 1 , = 494 MeV, and t1iDo=1865 MeV. F o r nD -710 scat ter ing, we used a s external m a s s e s Do and s ince we took Do* m a s s f o r the D* t ra jec tory .

In Tables I and 11 we give the predicted e las t i c widths and m a s s e s of resonances on the J ($ ) -x and D*-D** t ra jec tor ies , respectively. We ob- s e r v e the following charac te r i s t i c fea tures in these tables:

(i) Elast ic widths of 4)-x resonances to DfS a r e about a n o r d e r of magnitude s m a l l e r compared with those of p-1. resonances to na f o r 6 z12: 2 4.

(ii) The D* (vector) e last ic width to nD is pre- dicted t o be extremely smal l (-100 keV) in spi te of i t s allowed decay. This is partly due t o the

TABLE I. Elastic widths of J(;l')-x resonances on the leading trajectory. Bound states below the DB threshold a r e not listed.

DD resonances [ J ( ; i j ) - ~ se r ies] J P Mass (MeV) Predicted width (MeV)

s m a l l Q value but even the D** ( tensor) which is not s o close t o the nD threshold s t i l l keeps a s m a l l width (-3 MeV).

Although d i rec t comparison with experiments is s t i l l difficult, let us compare the predictions with experiments fo r ordinary resonances12 in o r d e r t o check the reliability of our approach. As is easi ly seen , the calculated values of (3-f', p-A,, and f resonances in the KI? channel (Table 111), those of K*-K** resonances in the nK channel (Table IV), and those of p - j resonances i n the s n channel (Table V) a r e in reasonable agreement with exper- iments . The following observations a r e a l so made:

(iii) As is seen in Table 11, the e las t i c width of d (vector) to KI? is s m a l l due t o the s m a l l Q val- ue , while Q-f' resonance widths with higher sp ins appear t o not decrease s o rapidly a s .'V inc reases .

(iv) As is a l so seen in Table 111, the coupling of ordinary resonances such a s p-A, and f to K z i s fair ly s m a l l and d e c r e a s e s rapidly a s N inc reases .


Let u s consider h e r e the way in which the char- ac te r i s t i c fea tures (i) and (ii) in the previous sec- tion could be understood.

We will show that these fea tures will b e under- stood a s a general consequence of the FESR duality and kinematical considerations. Let u s s t a r t f r o m (i). Using the Appendix, one can make the part ia l- wave expansion of the D'D- amplitude in t e r rns of the s-channel i-x resonances a s

TABLE 11. Elastic ~viclths of D*-D'* resonailces on the leading trxjcctory.

TD resonances (D*-D*" ser ies) J' Mass (MeV) Predicted width (MeV)

Page 4: Elastic widths of charmed particles from duality


TABLE 111. Elast ic widths of 9-f', p-A2, and f reso- nances on the leading t ra jec tor ies . Bound s ta tes below the Ki? threshold a r e not l i s ted . -

KZ resonances (6-f' s e r i e s ) Width (MeV)

JP Mass (MeV) Predicted Experimental

TABLE V. Elast ic widths of p,f resonances on the leading t ra jec tor ies . The unclerlinecl value i s used a s input.

T K rcsonanccs ( p-f s e r i e s ) Width (MeV)

J Mass (MeV) Predicted Experimental

1- 1020 r y , , -4 .54 3.26*0.34

2+ 1520 r;;, =51.2 4 0 1 10

3 - 1890 r f , 3 = 4 7 . 6

4+ 2190 l-f' 4 , 4 - - -39.3

KE resonances ( p-A2, f s e r i e s ) Width (MeV)

J P Mass (MeV) Predicted Experimental

2+ 1270 A > U ) r2,2 '3.22 4.79*0.75 UiZk2)

4 . 8 6 1 1.62 ( ~ i ? f l

3- 1630 r i , 3 - 3 . 0 1 smal l

4+ 1910 1-44':)- 1 .83

5- 2170 - 1 . 0 2

with d i = $ fo r i = $,x. Hence, in the average sense of FESR duality, we obtain around u,(s) -M a t t = 0 ,

di((w;)2ri 2 I ) - ) , O ~ ( O ) ~ V ~ ~ ) . i = $, x 24,?q(~D) ave

S imi la r discussions f o r ria in t e r m s of the s-chan- nel p- j . resonances lead t o

TABLE IV. Elastic widths of K*-K** resonances on the leading t ra jec tor ies .

TTK resonances W*-K** s e r i e s ) Width (MeV)

JP Mass (MeV) Predicted Experimental

with di = + f o r i=f, f o r i = p . Using Eqs . (4.2), (4.3) with yFD(0)/y7(0) = i, we have

F o r the s a m e values of N, one has ;> ,4,igf which reduces the right-hand s ide of Eq. (4.4) ap- preciably, e.g., fo r "r = 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 the ra t ios become 0.080, 0.119, 0.146, 0.167, respectively. This explains why (r$,xl(21 t l)),, is much smal le r than (r$:l(21 + I)),,,. Similar discussions f o r the riD scat ter ing a l so explain the property ( i i ) . Ex- t remely smal l value (-100 keV) f o r D* (vector) is a l s o due to the extremely s m a l l Q value.

The property (iii) that h-f' resonance widths with higher sp ins do not d e c r e a s e s o rapidly a s iY in- c r e a s e s could be explained by duality through p ex- change with a ( 0 ) - + . The property (iv) is a l so un- derstandable by duality arguments through 4-f' ex- change having the low intercept . We conclude with a few r e m a r k s : (1) In Sec. I11 we confined our discussions only

t o resonances on leading t ra jec tor ies , but argu- ments based on the FESR duality predict both 41-X, D*-D** resonances t o be s m a l l in the average s e n s e including daughters .

(2) Final ly, we r e m a r k that the study of the new hadrons may clarify the role of daughter s ta tes in connection with duality.


The author would like to thank D r . T . L. True- man and D r . L.-L. Wang and other colleagues of the Theory Group f o r useful discussions and con- versa t ions , and Dr . D. P. Sidhu f o r programming of numerical computations. He is a l so thankful to D r . T. L. Trueman f o r the kind hospitality ex- tended t o him a t Brookhaven.

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We consider the scattering amplitude for the process A + B -A + B. In te rms of the amplitude f ( s , 0) (I =the s- channel isospin) which satisfies du/dC2 = If(s, 0) l z , we have Af(s, t , u) = ($x/ 2) f ' ( s , ~ ) , where

for DF, nD, K x , and nK scattering, and

for nn scattering, where the factor of 2 is due to Bose statistics.

From Eq. (Al) , we have

and from Eq. (AZ),

Near a resonance at a ( s ) =N, the Breit-Wigner form gives ei6sin6 =lll,I?/(121,~ - s - i121NI?), where M N and r a r e the mass and width of the resonance. Thus we find the elastic width a t (A\r, 1) a s

1 lim (]\I ,' - s ) -

" N s - ~ h ; 2 fi

x l l l d ( c o s o ) ~ , ( c o s o ) ~ ~

for DiS, nD, KE, and nK scattering, and

for nn scattering

*Work supported by Energy Research and Development Administration.

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