End Times in the Middle East. English

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  • 8/16/2019 End Times in the Middle East. English



    PRESENTER: The people and events of the End Times – the final period in the run-up to the

    Last Day – have inspired considerable wonder for hundreds of years. Before moving on to the

    End Times and their features, it will be useful to clarify an important point. These are tidings

    imparted to uslims in the !oly "ur#an, that the moral values of $slam will come to rule theworld. $n one verse, %llah reveals&

    'Allah has promised those of you who beliee a!d do ri"ht a#tio!s that He will ma$e

    them su##essors i! the la!d as He made those before them su##essors% a!d will firmly

    establish for them their reli"io! with whi#h He is pleased a!d "ie them% i! pla#e of their

    fear% se#urity& 'They worship Me% !ot asso#iati!" a!ythi!" with Me&( A!y who are

    u!belieers after that% su#h people are deiators&) *Surat a!+Nur% ,,-

    $n addition, a great many authentic hadith also describe in great detail how $slamic moral

    values will prevail the world, how that dominion will come about, and the position of

    uslims before and during that time.

    (rom these it appears that there will be great degeneration and corruption prior to the End

    Times, following which man)ind will attain salvation with the ruling of the moral values of


    $n the first stage of the End Times there will be a huge increase in wars, conflict, )illings,

    moral degeneration, oppression, famine and poverty, and people will as) %llah for a helper, a

    savior, to free them from the terrible conditions in which they find themselves.

    $n the hadith it is revealed that this awaited savior will be, by %llah#s leave, !a*rat ahdi


    PRESENTER: !a*rat ahdi +as will gather the $slamic world together under a single roof

    and, together with the rophet esus +as who will return to Earth a second time, will be a

    means whereby $slamic moral virtues come to rule the world.

    By %llah#s leave the time when these tidings will come about is close at hand.

    The way that hundreds of events described as portents of the coming of the ahdi +as are

    ta)ing place one after the other since !i/ri 0122, which is the time we are living at the

    moment, is another obvious indication that !a*rat ahdi +as has appeared and began wor).

    $n the hadith of our rophet +saas a great many features of the End Times are described.

    There is one special region fre3uently referred to in the hadith concerning the End Times and

    the events that will ta)e place during that time4 the iddle East.

    5e are told in the hadith and in commentaries by many $slamic scholars that many events that

    will leave their mar) on the course of history will ta)e place in the iddle East in the End


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    The Middle East: A Hi"hly Si"!ifi#a!t Re"io! throu"hout the .ourse of History

    The iddle East is the general name given to the region containing such countries as $ra3,

    $ran, 6yria, Lebanon, $srael, alestine and, in part, Tur)ey.

    This region has always been of great value, both because of its strategic position and because

    of the wealth it possesses.

    (or e7ample, the fact that the iddle East holds 89.:;, around two-thirds, of the world#s

     petrol reserves, and :8.0;, or more than a third, of its )nown natural gas deposits, shows /ust

    how materially important the region is.

    This attractiveness has led to it witnessing many wars, conflicts and power games throughout

    the course of history.

    The eyes of the 5orld have been upon some various ma/or cities in this region, generally

    referred to as the iddle East, in /ust about all periods of history.

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    The two standards, the sword and the mantle of our rophet +saas as well as other sacred

    relics are all )ept in Top)api alace in the city.

    This increases the spiritual importance of $stanbul still further.

    in %rabic, and has long been used to refer to the !i/a* region, those lands to the left of

    the region in which the cities of ecca and edina stand.

    $n the hadith we are told that this region will play a ma/or role in the events unfolding in the

    End Times.

    The Middle East% Home of the Prophets

    The information contained about the prophets in the "ur#an shows that the ma/ority of the

    essengers preached the word of %llah in the lands collectively )nown as the iddle East.

    That is why the iddle East is also )nown as the home of the prophets.

    The region contains many holy sites sacred to uslims, ews and =hristians.

    $n addition, these sacred lands where the messengers of %llah lived have also witnessed

    miraculous events.

    The rophet ?oah +as, for e7ample, preached the word of %llah to his people in the lands

    )nown as esopotamia.

    %fter the (lood, the ar) he built at %llah#s command settled on a mountain, again in the same


    %t %llah#s command, the rophet %braham +as and his son $shmael +as began constructing

    the @aaba in ecca.

    The people wanted to martyr the rophet %braham +as by casting him into the fire, but

    %lmighty %llah commanded the flames to be cool.

    The rophet Lot +as, a contemporary of the rophet %braham +as, preached to his people in

    the region )nown as La)e Lot, or the Dead 6ea.

    The people, who did not believe and who continued to do things %llah had made unlawful,

    were destroyed at !is command, and our Lord has made that destruction a deterrent for

     people in all subse3uent ages.

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    The =hildren of $srael, who left Egypt with the rophet oses +as and survived for a time as

    nomads, adopted a settled lifestyle in erusalem in the time of the rophet David +as.

    %fter the rophet David +as, the rophet 6olomon +as had the as/id of 6olomon built, one

    of the most magnificent structures that erusalem has ever seen.

    The miracles performed by the rophet 6olomon +as, all blessings from %llah, include /inn

    and satans being placed at his command, his ability to spea) with birds and other animals and

    his dominion over the wind and copper.

    The rophet esus +as was born in ?a*areth, in a region near erusalem, which is where he

     began preaching the word of %llah and where he wor)ed many miracles with the special

    )nowledge %llah had bestowed upon him.

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    be war between them) Allah will withhold victory from both sides)% *Al-+arani, Al-shaah

    li-ashrat al-saah, p) ./01

    Let us now consider the details of the hadith&

    They will come from 'the direction of ersia,> in other words from $ran.

    They will 'descend to the plain,> in other words the plain of $ra3.

    'uti)> is the name of a mountain in the region.

    'Aa)abe> is an area rich in oil wells.

    '%llah will withhold victory from both sides.>

    %s reported in the hadith, the $ran-$ra3 5ar lasted for C years, and was inconclusive, despite

    the deaths of tens of thousands of people.

     ?either side was able to establish superiority.

    $n short, all the detail in the hadith came about, and everything happened /ust as described in

    the hadith.

    The I!asio! of Af"ha!ista!

    2Pity poor &ali$an *Afghanistan1) t is certain that Almighty Allah has treasures there that are

    not of gold or silver)2 *Al-'utta3i al-4indi, Al-+urhan fi Alamat al-'ahdi A$hir a-5aman, p)


    $n the hadith it is indicated that %fghanistan will be invaded during the End Times.

    The Aussian invasion of %fghanistan happened in 0, or 0122 according to the !i/ri

    calendar, or the very beginning of the 01th century +!i/ri.

    'There are treasures there that are not of gold or silver.>

    This part of the passage refers to the mineral wealth of %fghanistan.

    Fast oil beds, iron seams and coal deposits that have not been e7ploited for various reasons

    have today been identified in %fghanistan.

    ust as indicated in the hadith.

    A! Atta#$ a!d 2loodshed at the 3aaba

    ' n the year when he *4arat 'ahdi*as11 appears, people will go on the ha with nobody at

    their head))) &hey will all go to the 7acred 4ouse, and when they descend to 'ina they will

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    The 3illi!" of the Rulers of Sham a!d E"ypt

     +efore him 4arat 'ahdi*as1B, the rulers of 7ham and ;gypt will be $illed"% *bn 4aar al-

     4aythami, Al-Cawl al-'u$htasar fi DAlamat al-'ahdi al-'untadhar, p) E01

    $n the hadith the assassination of the rulers of 6ham and Egypt prior to the coming of !a*ratahdi +as is indicated.

    %n e7amination of recent Egyptian history shows that a 'ruler> was indeed )illed, /ust as

    revealed in the hadith& this was %nwar 6adat, who assumed power in Egypt and 02 and

    remained in power for the ne7t 00 years.

    %nwar 6adat was assassinated by his opponents during an official march-past in 0C0.

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    The images of Baghdad that appeared in the papers and on the television are in complete

    agreement with the burning indicated in the hadith.

    Disorder i! Sham% Ira0 a!d Arabia

    &he 'essenger of Allah *saws1 said: “)))&here will be such troubles and woes that nobody

    will find any shelter from them) &hese troubles will rove around 7ham and descend upon ra3)

    &hey will tie the hands and feet of the Arabian peninsula))) As they try to resolve a problem on

    one side, it will re-appear on the other)% *Al 'utta3i al-4indi, 8an al-Gmmal, Fol) 6, p) may

    concern neighboring %rab countries being too wea) to intervene in the war and to their fear

    that the war could also spread so as to involve them.

    Rebuildi!" of Ira0

    '))) &he #ast =ay will not ta$e place until ra3 is attac$ed) And innocent people in ra3 will

     see$ places of refuge in 7ham) 7ham will be rebuilt, and ra3 will be rebuilt)% *Al 'utta3i al-

     4indi, 8an al-Gmmal, Fol) 6, p) @6E1

    The hadith refers to the reconstruction of $ra3.

    The reconstruction of $ra3, which was devastated as a result of bombing and looting during

    the fighting, became unavoidable.

    $ndeed, after the war some companies from great many countries became involved in

    rebuilding it.

    The Diisio! of Ira0 i!to Three Parts

    '&he people of ra3 will be divided into three groups) One will oin the pillagers) One will

    leave their families behind and flee) And one will fight and die) Hhen you see these things,

     prepare yourselves for the #ast =ay)% *'ari bn Yusuf bn Abi ba3r bn Ahmet bn Yusuf al-

     'a3disi “Ieraidu Iawaidil Ii3r Iil mam Al-'ahdi Al-'untadhar1

    %ccording to the hadith, one section of the $ra3i people will /oin the 'pillagers.>

    Ta)ing advantage of the power vacuum after the war, many acts of looting did ta)e place.

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    $n the hadith it is stated that one section of the people will prefer to flee at once, without even

    stopping to thin) of the families they leave behind them.

    The reports in the papers on that sub/ect are particularly noteworthy.

    Then it is said in the hadith that one part of the people will /oin in the fighting and be )illed.

    %nd during the $ra3 5ar some people did become involved in fighting in various areas and

    lost their lives so doing.


    PRESENTER: $t is clear from what we have seen so far that the great ma/ority of the signs

    that our rophet +saas has said will ta)e place in the End Times have done so in the iddle


    $n addition, many other references to the region have come down to us from our rophet+saas.

    $n general terms, the common point in all these accounts is that the disorder, corruption and

    ma/or events ta)ing place in the iddle East will continue until the coming of !a*rat ahdi


    The following is stated in a relevant hadith&

     As corruption 3uiets down in one part of 7ham, it will flare up again in another) &hat

    corruption will never end until an angel from heaven calls out “&he 'ahdi is your leader) &he

     'ahdi is your caliph spiritual leaderB)% *(isalat al-8huru al-'ahdi, p) 9

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    !a*rat ahdi +as will also unearth the %r) of the =ovenant and other sacred relics in the

    region that we are told in the hadith.


    %ccounts in the $s#afur Aaghibin say that !a*rat ahdi +as will not depart from the Aomans,

    in other words from the Tur)s4 because Tur)ey used to be )nown as Land of the Aomans.

    +uhammad ibn %li al-6abban, $sIafur Aaghibin

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    ' 4e will unearth the Ar$ of the Jovenant in the cave of Antioch) 4e will produce the true

    &orah from the mountain in 7ham, at which he will debate with the News, and many News will

    become 'uslims)% *(isalat al-8huru al-'ahdi, p) .@E-.@61

    ' 4arat 'ahdi *as1 will produce the Ar$ of the Jovenant from #a$e &iberias)% *3d al-=urar

     Ii A$hbar al-'ahdi al-'untadhar, p) 6.1

    '&he reason he will be called the 'ahdi is that he will show the way to something hidden) 4e

    will unearth the “Ar$% from a place $nown as Antioch)% *As-7uyuti, Al-4awi #il-Iatawi, Fol)

    @, p) @1

    Harat Mahdi(s *as- appeara!#e with the holy reli#s

    ' 4arat 'ahdi *as1 will appear in the evening, with the Prophet of Allah>s *saas1 standard,

     shirt, sword, signs, radiance and beauty)> *Ali ibn 7ultan 'uhammad al-Caari al-4anafi,

    (isalat al-'ashrab al Fardi fi 'ahabi l 'ahdi1

     t is narrated from Abdullah ibn 7urafa that: “ Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have an embroidered

    banner of our Prophet (saas) with him)% *Al-'utta3i al-4indi, Al-+urhan fi Alamat al-

     'ahdi A$hir a-5aman, p) 961

     As for signs , he (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) will have with him the shirt, the sword, and the banner 

    of our Prophet (saas). &hat banner has never been unfurled since the death of our Prophet

    *saas1) And, it will not be unfurled until the appearance of 4arat 'ahdi *as1) *Al-+arani,

     Al-shaah li-ashrat al-saah, p) .9E1

     4e will appear with the camelhair banner of our Prophet *saas ). That banner will have four

    corners, will be stitchless and black in color. &here will be a crescent on it) That banner,

    never opened since the death of Rasulullah (saas), will be unfurled when Hazrat Mahdi

    (as) emeres. *Al-'utta3i al-4indi, Al-+urhan fi Alamat al-'ahdi A$hir a-5aman, p) @ *Al-+arani, Al-shaah li-ashrat al-saah, p) ..1

    N Kations will come under his *4arat 'ahdi>s *as11 command) Allah will wor$ the capture ofJonstantinople by his hand)> *Al-'utta3i al-4indi, Al-+urhan fi Alamat al-'ahdi A$hir a-

     5aman, p) 691

     t is reported by bn Amr that: “Our Prophet *saas1 said, O, People! &here are siL things

    without which the #ast =ay will not happen" the siLth is the capture of the city)

    -Hhich cityQ 4e was as$ed)

    -4e answered, Jonstantinople)

    *R1 &his is the capture of Jonstantinople by 4arat 'ahdi *as1) *Al-+arani, Al-shaah li-

    ashrat al-saah, p) @ME Ahmad =iya ad-=in al-8amush$hanawi, (amu al-Ahadith, p) @091

    The Emer"e!#e of the Da

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     According to Abu 4uraira, the 'essenger of Allah *saas1 said :

    ')))Hhen they come to the land of 7ham *Nerusalem1, the daal will appear)% *'uslim, 8itab

    al-Iitan 4e will reply, &his is such a community that some have command over

    others>)% *Al-G3ayli, An-Kamus-sa3ib fi +ayan Annal 'ahdi min Awladi Ali b) Abu &alib

     Alet-&amam wa al-Camal1

    ' 4arat 'ahdi *as1 is an immaculate individual) At a time when he has gone to the front tolead the prayer, Nesus *as1, son of 'aryam, will descend to ;arth) At that 4arat 'ahdi *as1

    will step bac$ to allow him to lead the prayer, but the Prophet Nesus *as1 will place his hands

    between his shoulders and say, You go to the front and lead the prayer) +ecause the call has

    been made for you) n the wa$e of those words, 4arat 'ahdi *as1 will lead them in the

     prayer)% *'ari bn Yusuf bn Abi ba3r bn Ahmet bn Yusuf al-'a3disi “Ieraidu Iawaidil

     Ii3r Iil mam Al-'ahdi Al-'untadhar%1


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    %s we have seen during this film, all the sources of the hadith and all the wor)s written by

    great $slamic scholars agree that the events concerning the End Times will ta)e place in the

    same region.

    The iddle East.

    %ll the sources reveal the important fact that this region will come to the fore, even though

    there are many regions in the world that can be regarded as critical from one point of view or


    The fact is that&

    Throughout the course of history the iddle East, the cities of which are so often referred to

    in the hadith, has been a holy land in which the prophets have lived and the divine scriptures

    have been revealed, the region that has witnessed the birth of the three %brahamic faiths and

    in which places sacred to all three faiths have been erected.

    5e are living at a time when the wondrous events of the End Times are ta)ing place in that

    region, which has always played such a leading role in history.