English Vocabulary: teaching vocabulary with advanced students of english

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  • 7/30/2019 English Vocabulary: teaching vocabulary with advanced students of english



    The present paper was intended as a necessary tool for both students and colleagues, and for

    anyone who might be interested in finding out more about vocabulary teaching at advanced

    level and its importance.

    On the one hand, there is the theoretical part which was projected as a way to a better

    understanding of some important notions related to the study of English vocabulary. On the

    other hand, there is the practical part which may represent a valuable source to better grasp

    some realities that teachers of English in Romania are confronted with, as well as a way of

    coping with different teaching situations. In the theoretical part, we have attempted to give a

    comprehensive picture of vocabulary teaching, based on our personal teaching experience,

    whereas in the research part we have tried to point out specific problems teachers are

    confronted with and provide some viable solutions. The practical activities focused on specific

    areas of difficulty for students: phrasal verbs, idioms, levels of formality, metaphorical

    language, collocation and word building.

    Having made a detailed analysis of the five chosen coursebooks at advanced level from the

    viewpoint of vocabulary selection and teaching techniques they employ, we have reached the

    conclusion that they all have their strong and weak points and no coursebook is perfect. Once

    teachers become aware of a coursebooks strengths and weaknesses, they should select what

    they want to use and bring in supplementary materials. Relying too much on the textbook and

    the syllabus may lead to monotonous classes and decrease students motivation. Consequently,

    the textbook should be seen as an aid and not something to be followed slavishly. It can be a

    fine source of useful, exploitable material provided teachers adapt and vary the activities to the

    needs of a particular class.

  • 7/30/2019 English Vocabulary: teaching vocabulary with advanced students of english


    Good teaching, based on a careful selection of coursebooks, a good lesson planning, teaching

    methods and aids, often provide a sensible progression of language items, summarizing what

    has been studies so that the students can revise those points they have been working on, and

    showing them what is to be learnt next. Some teachers tend to follow the same format from

    one unit to the next; over-relying on the textbook and the syllabus may lead to monotonousclasses and affect students motivation. This danger can only be avoided if the teacher believes

    that the learning experience should be permanently stimulating and interesting. This is no easy

    task, but if the strategies and activities are varied, then the students interest will be raised.

    For a lot of reasons what we have planned in advance may not be appropriate for a certain

    class on a particular day. The flexible teacher then will be able to change the plan in such a

    situation, to supplement and modify the material according to what he thinks would be most

    beneficial and motivating for the students. The teacher who believes in variety will have to be

    flexible since the only way to provide variety is to use a wide range of techniques.

    In conclusion, there are no universal recipes for successful vocabulary development.

    Ideally, students should be provided with relevant and useful input, by presenting items in

    context and within known structures. Emphasis on vocabulary work should also include

    items of relevance to students in order to ensure their incorporation into the students'

    active vocabulary.

    Exercises encouraging students to develop independent vocabulary learning strategies, namely

    the ones where the context is used as a means of providing clues.

    a wider range of inputs, vocabulary teaching techniques and tasks promotes better vocabulary


    To cover several areas that need improving (in the coursebooks): a wider range of inputs, a

    wider range of vocabulary teaching techniques, a higher degree of students involvement. All

    these are time-consuming, but they are well worth the effort.

    Sometimes we felt that the students may be overloaded with words and consequently the class

    may be boring, as the range of exercises was limited and there was too much information to be

    taken in.

  • 7/30/2019 English Vocabulary: teaching vocabulary with advanced students of english


    The practical part was supported by our personal teaching experience

    Partea teoretica contine elementele metodologice care s-au regasit in partea practica