Enlisted Handbook1884

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N H E R SH L E R , O CA,,i,,i X. sm,* X or.,,II.


G O V E R N U I E N T P R I B T I N C O P P I O E .


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X E A D Q U A ~ E R Sor Tnr: h a i l s ,oaosaa UJOT SF GWEBIL II OFTIDE

I...Ths following order, rscoived f mm the Whrfor the informstion and aoidance the Army:

&m*ta? of War.

I1  C~mpenji ommnndem will ee t i tat el l at isle s of clotlliog s nd the

oril;n thereof are enterad i n th e Soldier s Eland-Roolr ss soon s tlir i m s

has beoii made to thb soidiei, and will l oao se the soidier a elaseificaticaticati

in msrksmnnship to be noted thenin, oert ihin g to the correctoc* of th s

en t i a s with their eignaturos; and any of them book8 left by dwerters,

others. will be fornardad. ru moil. to th e AdjotPnt General of the Amy. 

nI...The books will be i ~ u e do soldiers flsr their arrival at th o aensnl

De@ of the sdErlliting service, and to t h m ow in th e serrioe who hapa

0 0 yew or more to *.me, and he r Will not be repleosd by the igsue of new

copies on lil thoae farutshed tlia men rr wor oot by fair m or and txv.

New en~esroperly mled for the cloth ing eeeuunt should be nserted whsn

neaasry, on he re-enllement of midiera, et*.

m e n lost or dsstroyed the e a t of the book 46 cents) will lie chargad

toth e men on the muster and nay mlla.


diulont CmaaL

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1 A11 inferiors are required to obey striotiy, and to execute

with aiaority nud good faith, the lavrful orders of the superiorsappointed over them.

2 Miitsry authori ty is to be exrreiaed with firmness but

with kind ness and j Btice to inferiors. Pun ishm ents ehnll be

confomsble to military law.

3 Supriors of every grade are forbidden to in,jt~re hose.

under them by tymnnicsl or ~ap rici ous onduct , or by abuaive


4 Courtesy among military men is indispensable to d i i i

pliee; respeck to auperiore will not be mn f i n d to obedience on

duty, but will be extended on nil oooaaions.

5 Delibeat iuns or disoussions amoog any alms of military

men having the object of conveying praiae or censors, or any

mark o f ap~robn t ion , oward the ir su~ r r io ra r others io th e military service, d all pubiieatioiis relatire to tmrcaotions

between officera of private UP personal nature, whethea n ws

paper, psinphlet, or hsodbili, are strictly prohibited.


6 Respect for the civil authorities is the duty of all oitizena,

and especially of thos in ttie military eervios.

7 As t lw objects of the mil i tary s er ~i oere of national inter-

eat, it is very dosirable that kindly relations exist between sol-

diers and other citizens.

5 )

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364. Neitlier officers nor soldiers are t o t ake offtheir ololhittg

or accouterments while they are on guard.

365 Sentinels will be relieved every two honrs, nnlesa the

~ t a t eof the weather, or other causea ehauld make it o-aary

or proper that i t be done at shorter orlong er intervals. Thoee

at t he guard-home or gunrd . ten t wi ll be t he f irs t r e l i e ~ d nd

I behind. ,

3 Esoh relief, before b e in g p os te rl, i s i n s p t e d b y t h e c m -

mander of the guard. Th e oorporsl ~e po rtso him, and presents

the old relief on i ts return. If the sentinela are urnemus, the

mrgeants are to bs employed, as well as t he oorporaia in rsliev-

ing them.

361. &P*ineie will cot take order8 or allow themselves to he

relieved exoept by sdoffioeror non-oomrniesionod officer of their

guardor perty, the'offioer of th e day, or the command ing officer;

in which case the o rders will be imme diately notified t-the cam-

m nder of the gua rd by tho officergivin g them. Sentinela will

n p r t e r e r y br ea ch o f o rd e rs or rrgulstions they sre inntruoted

to enforce.

368. Seotiseln must keep themsdves on the alert, observing

everyth ing that takes place within sight s nd heariog of their

post, The y will c rry thei r arms lrnl,it,iinliy at support, or on

either shoulder, hut will never quit them. I n wet weatlicr, if

there be no sentry-box, they will secure arms.369 No sentinel shall qoit his pwt, noorhold conversation not

necessary to t he p wper d ischarge of hie duties; nor shall ha

s r anyone to converse with prieoners under hia charg~witif-

out permiasion from oompetrrrt authority.

370 I t ia the duty of a aent i ,~el t repeat all calls msde frum

posts more distant from the m ain body of the guard than his

own, and no seotirtal will be posted so distant as not to be heardby the y a r d , e i t her d i rec tl y or through other sentinels.

37l. I n case of dieorder, s entinel must call out t h c g w d

and i f a fire take pleoe,he must cry-"Fire " d d i n g t h e >urn-

ber of h b post. If in either c re the danger be great , he muat

discharge his piece btrforeislling out.

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375. When s firebreaks out, or any alarm is raised in a gar-

&on, all guards are to be immediately under arms.

373.ARer retreat (or the hour appointed hy the commanding

iffice+, until broad daylight, a sentinel challenges every p m o n

w h o approaches him,. taking, at the same time, the position pf

charge bayanel. He will suetr uo person to come nearer thanwithin maoh of his hsy ooet, unlil th e persou hnn dvm tire ooun-

tersign, or ie passed hy a n officeror nor&-commissionedofficerof

the guard.

374. A sentinel, in oliallenging, nil1 call oot-"Tho corns

thwe9 If answered-"ZWnd, with the counleraign, and he

be instructed to pass persons with the eounterxign, he will

renlv-".4dvance,fdmd. with the counten.sion " If ariliwerd- "3ienda " he will reply-"Hall, f ~ i n ~ n d s Advance o with

the couniers& " If ilnswerrd- ReliefI)'. Patrol, or " G r a n d*oundaF he will replx-"Hall Aduance sergeant (or corporal),

with the covnte?.sk?n '' an d satisfy himself thnt the pa rt 7 ia what

it repreeents itaelf t o be. If h a h a r e no authority to paps per-

sons with the oountersign, if the wroug countersign he given, or

if tile person8 have not the counte rsigu, l ~ r ill caiise rheni to

stand, and call-"Corporal of the pard "

376. Wben any person approaches a poat of t il e g t ~ o r d t ,night, th e sentinel hefare the post, aft= ohnllenging, oauare him

to halt until t?xaminsd by n non-commiesioned offioer of the

guard. If it be the offirer of the day, or nny other bfficeron-

t i tled to inspeot the ~ u a r dnd to make the rounds, the non.com.

missioned officer will csll-"Tarn oul the guard " when th e

guard willbe

paradad, arm8 at carry,nrul


of theguard if he th ink neoessary, may d ma nrl t ile countersign and


[RULIN ON P A ~ A G R ~ P E I sentinel on KO. poat75.-The

havingchulle,llenged ntiy porsan approa elting hia post at night and

received the repl y, siiould eommnod-"HaLt," an d mil-"Cor-

p o d of tke guard, ries&" r friend wit the co*~ntersiyn,

according totlre answer of the person challenged. Theeorpowl

of the gunrd should th en ord er the pereon to advance reeeivin-

the oountersign if the person hna it. If the person challenge,be the officer in cha~por any person entitled to iuspeet tliv

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guard, the corporal, after receiving the countersip, should eay.The c a z l n t e r . ~~~ and oall "lbra out thc pwd ,s right,

announcing the title of t h e officer ohallenged. Th e guard beingparaded, the officer of t he guard will nay, Adtwnn, o@ h

charge (or of theday ) , adding, &h the mu&k&' a

"parole"), should he deem it neoesssv.-fitter, A p . 10, 84

1274 A. G. O.,l@@t.;


376. Any general officer, or tlte oommander of a post or gar-

rison,may visit the guard; of his command, and so the ~ r a o drounds, and be received iu the same manner aa prpsmibed forthe officerof the day.

377. T h e officer of the day, wiahing to m ake the rounds, wi l ltake an oscoru of a'non-oommiaeipned officer and two men.

When the rounds are ohallenged by a asentinel, the sergeantwi l l

answei- Gmnd rotmrls " and th e aentioel will T~~I& H&,

$rand rm& Advance, sememal with t u cmnicrsimz Uwn.which the eergennt ndsancea and give the oountrrniyn. Th esentinel will th& cry- Adnance, rmnds and s t snd at a camp

till thev have mused.

378. When the sent inel beforo the guax-d oha lleng s, an d is an-swered- Grand rounds:' he will re~ly- Hal*, r en rmrnds

Tern otrt theguard; grand rmndr "-liponwhich thegr lardai i l lbe drawn up with arms at x carr?. T h e officer commanding therruanl wi ll then order sergeant and two m w to advance: when within ten paces, the serge ant challenges. T h e set~gegeaot f thegrand rounds answers-"Grand rounds " T h e sergeant of theguard replies- Aduonec, aergeant, with thc eounlersign  The

eergeant of the monds dv nces alode, gives the countersign,

and returns to his rourrd- he sergeant of the g u ? d ~ a l l eto

his offierr-"The caunlcr+m r &ht " on whioh the otBoer of

the guard ealls-- Advance rounds " The guard beipg at

csrry, tho officerof the round8 advances alone to t he officer of

the guard, wlio krepa h is poet nod give%o him the parole. He

tllan exsmines the guard, orders back hia escort, aod, taking a

new one, proceeds i n the same lnauner to other guards.379. All material inelructions giden to n aentioel on post b y

parsons entitled to make gm nd rounds will bepromptly reported

to the commander of the guard.

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380 Th e sent inel s t any poet of the gua ~ci ,when he sees any

body of troops, er sn officer nbtillsd to compliment , appro~ch,wiil oali “firs out the g u r d i and announce who spproaohes.381. All guards will torn out a d resent arms to the offioeG

entitled to the oompliment s oft , xs t hey p a r t hem, anoeptthe persi,tinl gu ard s genera l officers, wliieb turn ou t only tot i is ge~ er nl hose gu rds they are, and to officers his superior8in r a nk .

:WW h e n general officers,oz.p rnona entitled to s salu te, pas6guards whi le io the aet of relisviog. both guards are to salute,

r e ~ r i r i , , ~he word of enmnjrnd from the aenior olfieer of the

whole.383. W h m general offioers, or o f f i ~ e r se ~ t i t l e do* salute, pass

in rearof a gila?.d, it d oes $not aalule, but s tand s s t s enrry,faoingto the front.384. A il g u a r ds t ~ j m ut ultder arms ~ l r r n r m ed p ar t ir s a p -

pmaelx their post., in d to parties oom manded by oonlmixsionedoffieem they arms the officers ealnting.Re . The nntiuoai o r kgimelr tal colors pesain~ guard a

snluted, the trumpets r t r field-music sool>dinga msrch.2 I n the dsv-time, when the sentinel before the eusrd

theofficerof thcdag approach, he will oall- Turn out t h c g d

o er of the dav. Th e &yard will ir paraded, nod snlute withprreented arms.

357. The guard of s c a m p or garrison tu rns out and present8rms to the eulnmandrr of the camp ur garrison whenever he

nppnvwhes ite post.381.Ail goards nnct see t iod i wi ll pay the same compliments

to tlje officers of the Kary, Marines,' Yolunteera and Militig intile servioe of the United 8ta tca,a s are directed to be paid tothed o e r s of the Arm y, nocording to the ir reI.lntivrranks.389 Hetween reveille and retreat, sentinela (not in sentry-

boxes). n m d with tBe ~aberwiil salute ali officers by p r e se n ting enbrv; if a r med with the rifl or carl,inp, they will, un er

similxr ronditiens, present arms o gene ral aud field officers, tothe commandingofficer of the post, arid to th e offioerof t he day,

and wili give all otlaer offiorm the sergea nts'rnititr preaeribedinaetic9.

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390. W h e n a eent* io a sentry-box sees an officerspproaoh-

ing, he will s tand at a ttontion, except during th e t ime of ohal-

lengiog at n ight, and, if armed with a rifle or c a r b i n s w i l l i a l ut e

s the uffioer paoaea, by bringing the ieA hand bd ~ k l yb his piece

s high ae the r ight shoulder.

391 Guards do no t turn on t a ms ltw of otnnplimntt after

sunset, nor will any compliments be paid by the g o a d exoept ss

presoribed for grand rounds betweet, retre st and reveille.

392. Between retreat and revrille, except when ehrrllenging, a

nentinel n ot in s seniry-bo;) will, when an officer approaches,

face outward ffrm hie post, and stand steadily at a carry iintil

the offiorr ha s pnased.


600. A non-oommieeioned officer or private in com mnnd of a

detaoltment wittiout arms aalutes sii offiserawith the hand. I f

the detachment be o foot, and armed with the rifle or oarbinc,

he b r ingz the p i a e tu a carry , and ha salutes as prescribe d fat. s

sergeant. If the detachment bearm ed witit the saber hrdalutea

wi th the saher i f d ra ,vi~; a therwise ss if be were usnrm ed.

601. An enlirtcd ma,? armed with the saber, when out of the

ranks, and not file-eloaer, aslutes all officers with the saber, if

drawn; if eot, h e ealutea with t he hnnd. If on fibot andrirmed

*ith a rifleor oat.bine, he salutes asprescribed for a sergeant,

602 Whenover a non-cornmiseionrd vffioer or soldier livithuut

arms passee n officer he aaiutes.hiub. p i n g ih c hand fa nhest

from the offioer. If moauted, h e salutes with the r igh t hand.

643 A noo-commissioned offioeror soldier heing seated, and

withoot partic~~laroocnp~t. ion r iaeao the approaoh of xiiufficer

faces toarerd him, s od salutes: I standing, h r faces toward the

ofseer for tire same purpose. If the pa r t ie remain in the same

place or on the s a m ~rwnil. aurh complime,rta need trot be re-

peated. Soldiers actu all ,~ t work do not ce se it to salilte an

offioer unlosc addressed by I~im .

604 An enliuted man mnkr s the prescribed salute wit11 the

weepon he may be armed with, or i f unarm ed) with the hand,

before sddreming at officer. He also makes the same salute


605 Indoom, a non-commiseiunsd officer or soldier when un-

armed, uncovers and stands at atrentiou, but does not salurc; in


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d l other ow s he aslutes ns heretofure presoribed, without un-

covering.L A mounted aoldier , in pn ~s in g n ot licer , ~n lote s i th the

saber, if drawn; otltrrwise, with his hand. e dismounts be-fore a d d ~ s ~ i n gn officer not mounted.6G7 When nnoffi er enters the room where them are suldiers,

the vent"Atteation is given by som one who perceives him,whom all rise sud remain standing in the position of a soldieruntil theofficer leaves the room. Soldiere at meals do n ~ tjae.

Offieere in citizens' dress are saluted i u he saine manner as

when iri uniform.608. Soldiem, at ll tim s and i n a2 situations pay the same

compliments to officers of the A-my, Navy . a i d Marines, and to

all offioem of the 'Voleoteerr and M ilitia in tlie ,iervi oe of theUnited Stntea, ar to offieevr of th eir mvr~pnr t i cul ar r egimwt~

and oorps.


300. Afmr o animal has been assigned, his rider or drivershall not exchange trr sunwnder him to the uae of any otherper-sonwitlwut the written permiasion of th e onptain of him co mp su yor of t he offioerrespuneil$ lc for him.301. Erevy home should be reshod s t least once a month.W2 Every 8oldier must examine hie mimsl's fret atlererery

dsy's work, to asocrtain tlrat hia shoee are in good order, and beheld responsible tlrat his animal is t .talltimes fit for im media te

service. This duty is by no means to be omitted on the mamh.30 3. Th e farr ier must exam ine every animal's feet system at-

i a ~ l l y w i c e a week, to replace broken nails, faaten looar shoes,

and reduoe prqjcoting clinches. Th e appearance of thrush, orany nnhealthy coodition of tlra feet, mimt be without delay, re-

ported to the veterinary aurgoon

304. A home'# feet shottld be stuffed witlr wet clay or cow

manure at least onor a week

305. Horpea should be g o o m e d s t leaat n hour and a half totwo hour s eaoh dwy. They are to he rtibhetl dry afterbeing used,

and not alloiued to stand without ruhbing when heated. Thenostrils should oorosienslly bc spongcd w ith n weair mixturo ofvinegnr and water Tire shentl~ n8t be xr-aehed once monthwith castile snap 8d the11 g ~ e a sc d .

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306 A horse should never whi le ht r atd he wet by us of ahose r ztrenm o water, and never with oold water.307 Feed muet be prepared with grest earn kapt fr$a,from

dust, foreign stzbstani-es, and hati odors Frequent feedisg insmsi quantities ia beet. When practicable, hrammash is b?

given once a week: nrve+oftener th n twioe n we , except topurge., Sai t should be given at least once a week

308. Waten'ng before freditlg is not objeotionable; dzinkingwhile warm, or after eating until an honr her e l n p e d , is to be

avoided, if possible. On tire march frequentwatering ia prefer.able, but sllould only bado ne by order of thsoomma ndingoffioer

preaeat. An animal lvi ll r~ re iy r ink enough very ear ly in themoroing:309 Stables and their vicinity are to b e kept thorough* po

liced, free from ~m eli s, nd we ll whiiewaahed; feed-boxes clgan

and wanhed with l i i n~ gs r nd water onoe a week. Due care

must be given to vsntiiation, neourding to the weather, avoidingboth injudicious exp ornr e to dm ugh ts a nd cold, and enoiusiooof airtu prevent cold.310 An animal wi th glaoders or threatening discha& fmm

the tluatriis is immediately to be isolated nnd kept tied topre-vent infection, l which $bere ie daoger to both dan and beaat.311 Tile rw k, manger, and every pa* of the wood and ima

work uf the stal l w h e k ae atbiinai with glanders ur farey hasatoud, r.8 also the veaeeis used in w atering or feeding him, mu stbe ti~oronghiyoleanaerlwiti , hot water andsoap. They areth en

to be covered with wash of quioklime fresh mixed, %vhichmost

be scraped offa n d r e t y v e d nfier an interval of two days.319 Afrer the disease in iny snim ai ha s become infmtious,

s u c l ~equipment8 which mep have been use with him as are

liable to become infacted, and aii borne-cloths, sarldiecloths, andblankets used with glandered snimaia, muet be destmyed.

313 On the pisine, where forage esnnot be obtained, grazingshotiid be allowed at every spare monlent. Fur this plzrpwwbite should alaays be rarnoved and girtha loosened. Whenpiolier .dfor g ~ a ~ i t l g ,he pi~ee6ehould be freqnentiy dtacbgd.Grazing ehould aiw sys be allowed as long as possible, early in.the morning, when dew ie on the grssa.314 To p resent stampeding in oamp on the plains, i f t i lemen

of riie oomms~idg o among t he snim;tla quietly, but promptly,

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on the first evidence of fright, and speak to them, they *ill i s

moat cases be quieted. 'After animals liare been stampeded,

i tiiey are new to the eerviee, men should mount the fastest

xnimalewithiu reach, place themselves in front of those running,

and lead them back to camp. With old horses, tho sound of the

stable call will often prevent stampediog, 1 stop tliem when


315 In marching, the walk should be the habitual gait , and

should not, undrr ordinary circumstnnces, be exceeded when

p i n g nly ia relied on. Wlres forsg* oa6 be obtaiued, horaer

m a y o oc a si o r~ a ll yr o t, ~ a y mile in every BourB maroh. Unless

tbe mnm be forced une, horsra mnst always be al lowed to

walk at ieterx.alr.316 The g l l opvrryaoon breaksdown horses, a u d is ~ t r i e t l y

prohibited on marches, ipaoo~tn;express, and all otlrer duties,

except w hen n brolutely qedesaary.

317. On marehw, unde r whatever oircumstaoese, a hnl tshould

be mads a t the eud of hour *tier starting, nlrd the aaddlga,

ssddle-kits, bridles, o., readjusted, and girth s tightened.


183. Soldiers will near the prescribed uniform in camp or

gsrrisoti , and w ill not be permitted to k ee pi n their' posseasion

an y other clothisg. Wbeu on fatigue parti=, they will wear

the proper fatigue droas.


185. Arms will not be taken to pieces by soldiers unless by

psrmission of a commissioned aacer. nor under any ci roum-

s ts ~ ~ c e eill attempts be permitted to beautify or ohsoge the

finish of the e xterior by altering the metallic or wooden park.

Arms shal l not be left loaded in quarters or tents, or when the

m e a are off duty, except undw epmial ordqrs. Th e u of

tompions in small-arms i s prohibited. l ' h s surface of the bore

will be p m t m t r d j k o m rust by oeoaaional use of an oiled reg.


248 The oertilieatee authorized by beetion 1 216, Revised

Statutes, v~ illbe awarde d only for sots of extraordinary gal-

l a n t ~ ~n presence of the enemy, whioh sets must be specific

aud certified to by an eye.witnese, preferably the imme diate

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commanding oRLoerof the soldier. Good standing and undoubted

euurnge in s scsidier will also be re quired to entitle him to s cer

tiqou-a of meril.

250. T li e e x tr a p q r an te d on errtifioete ofmerit commenaae

at the date of the hot of gal lant ry for which the certificate is

granted. This extra pay is two dolism per month wlrile the

soldier remains cootinhously in ~erliice.

251. Ce nif lc~ tasf meri t wi l l not be granted to persons not

in th e military service of t United S tates at the date of appli-

cation or them.

252. Should a soldier die before reeeiring oenificnte eel

f e r n d upon him, it will be deposited in the office of the Second

A u di to r of t h e T r e a a ~ r yor the benetit of his heire,

253 I n ease the soldier is discharged hfore the certifioate is

issued, i t will be retained in the offioeof the Adjutan t Genersl

until called for, when proof of the identity of the applicant will

be required.


569. Th e teachem s nd set io ol~ i l l be under the controlof the

pest cornmsndtir, or such officer as the post oammander may


560. School teachers will be detniled from the enlisted mw

of t he A m y . T h e nmnhr of tenclrem detailed will not ex eed

one for each oompany serving at the post.

562.A soldier wlrile serving as aehuol teacher will reeeire

ext ra -duty pay a ovmesr 35 oeuts per d a ~ rom the Quar-termw tcrPs Depapartment, not deduotiog for S a to rd ~ y s nd Sun-


563. Soldiers while detail el as soltool teacher swill attend sooh

parades, inrpeotions, and drills as io the judgment of the post

cummander, re nreeerary to keep them well instruoted i n thei r

oompsny duties.

564. W hile it is left optional w ith aoldiera whether to attend

sohool or not, yet they are adviael to avai l themselvesof tberncausafforded t o improve themselves, sod oomm sndiog offioem

will not Iy giv e them all poseible opponunitiea, but advise

a n d encourage them to use them.

The extra pay allowed achool teachers ia not mec ted br vacation He

ia siidwsd sxtrs pn2. for the whole month.

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24 2. An honest aud faithful a e n i o e of tmenty years iu the

Army elltit les s soldier to dm ieaion to the Soldiem' Home; hut

a ~ ~ l i c s t i o n sor di~eharrre v reason of twwtv vesrs ' service  .will net be entertained ualas t h e Boidier is s fit eubject fo r d k

charne on ce~ ificatef dinability, or upon condition tkat.he a hall

enl ei th e Soldiemi Home.

837. Wh e n a eoldier, by reason of old age and long eervice,

or of diaahilit y contracted in the line of duty, hecornea n candi-

da te for admission to the Soldiers' Home, h is comp ny com-mander will so report, through proper militsly channels, to the

Adjutant General of the A m y , giving al l detai ls that m ay e

needed for a full undemtanding of the case iocluding the date

of esliatment, with ooirrpany and regimrat, for each term of his

eerrier, and n statemen t of tlbe origin or cause and of the llnture

of an y dieability which ma y exist. Th e eertiiieilte of a medical

officer will he forwarded with the papers. This repott will be

referred to the board of commissioners of the Rome, and if, intheir opirrion, thy soldier be entitled to become n inmate, the

neoelssrv outhoritv will be pirim for h is discharne. which will

be made at the place where he may be serving. ARerrvarda he

m a y p ro ce ed to W ~ h i n g t o n tad report to th e board of eommipaionrrs for admission t o t h e Moma

P A Y M E T O F E h Z l S T E D M EN .

2448. When a oompeoy ie paraded fur payment, the offioer in

command ahall attend th e pay-table, witness the pnyment, an dcertify at the foot of the muster nrld pay-ro lls th at ppsyment of

the company wns witnessed by him. All enlisted men present

for payment with their companies or detachments shall reoeipt

upon the pay-roll for oramuulbtdvie them tllereon . W he n soldie rs

cannot write, hut s n by mark, each case m u s t b e ~ i t n e a a e d y

a eommieaioned officer. Paymasters are not authorized to make

payment t o any other t h n the soldier in person, and any p s y

of a s u l d i r ~tttruated to a thi rd party wil l be at the risk of t h e

paymaster m aki t lg the payment.

2449. The p ap as t e r .ill deduct f ron l t he pay of s en'~ted

men twelve and a half cente per month for the sltpport of the

Soldiers' Home, and also the amount of the authorized stop-

pages entered on the muster-mll, desoriptive.list, or certificate

of di8011arge.

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2456. The fvllowiug are the regulations established under

seetiou 1307 Revised Statutes:

Boldiers may deporit with t he paym aster any portion of their

savings, in sums not less than fi re dollare, the eame to wmain

so deposited umtii final payment ou disoharge.

The- psym asrer will furnish each depositor, with a deposit-

houk, in which each deposit made will be entered in th e for& of

certificate, signed by the psymsster nd the oempaup eom-

mander, setting forth tho date, place, aud amuuot (io words aild

figures) of deposit, aud the nam e of soldier makitrg same.

Th e company oommander shall keep in the eompany reoord

h w k an account of every deposit made by the soldier; aod

after each regular payment he, and all ofioers having charge of

dietinet detachments o enii ted moo at date of deposi t , .shal l

transmit direct to the P aymaster General list of names of de-

positom, showing in eaoh case the data, place, ilnd amount of

depwit, a nd name of pnym sstw rsoeiving the same.

I n oase B soldier who has made former deposit h as been

traneferred to anothtsi company or regiment, or s made ordnanoc

aeygeant, or oommiseary sergeant, or hospital steward, the fact

of suub r nsfer shall be noted in the liat 9 ,1t to the p sym ast er

Genrml, so het the idretity of the depositor may be matter of

rword io the officeof tho Paymaster General.

Io o w f the tretmfar of soldier, i desct.iptive roil will be

made m exhibit the d te and amount of each separate deposit.

Oo th e discharge of soldier, the date and amount (in words

nd figures) d eaoh deposit will be entered upon his final stete-

mente; and his depoait-bok will be taken op by the paymaeter

who m akes final payment, nd filed with his soocher. l o ease

the deposits of soldier re forfeited by desertion, the amounts

of the same st~ou ldrot ha entered undcr the heed of Due sol-

dier on the final statements, hut should. with the facts and

authority for such forfeiture, be entered in the Remarks.

Before deliverins to di ao ha wd soldiers final statemsots upon

whioh deposits a arediled, th offioer signing the statements

will ascertain if the soldier has thedeposit-book iu his possession.

I f so h e should e instructed to presetit it, with his final statn-

mv18ta, o the baynmatez..

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17Slrould he olaim to he ; lost the deposit-book, th e offieevmill

c use the soldier's nffidnriit to the faots to be made (before

judge advocate or poet adjutant) iil iluplieatr a d t tached to.

the stntoments.

The affidavit should olesrly set Forth the facts and oiloum-

s ta n ce s of l o ~ a f the'book, and tha t ttie eohlier ha8 not old or

assigned it.

Upon thisevide nce the pay mas term ay pay without tl ledepoeit-

book, aud the responsibility for the correctnexe of the am ou nu

credi ted t he a t a t emet% will rest whuilg with the offiorr w t i -

fy ing t hem

Pay ma sters will ma ke nu.pnyment of rlepurits ez epting on

iol slaternenl8.

Wheu repayment i s not made on final statements, tile soldier

ahonid tbrwnnl t hec t spb~i t -hook,rtheevideneesbovgdwcribed

t o t he Paymast er Geucml s Office vherr alone such elainis mill

be settled.

T he attention of etiliated men should e ceilod to the imp ort-

anw of preaarving deposit-books as t tre only certain mean s of

insuring absolutely oorreet repayment without delay.

il the death of aso laier, cceeount sirall be made of esch d eposit

io the inventory of his effect%,nnd os the aeootnpilying final

statem ents, ~ i t h hich hie depesit-book 'vili be filed. T he

sepm ate and accurate etatement, by date aud am ount, of eaah

deposit is nhsolntely esre~ itialo the eorrrct 'oelaalatiui~ of in tw st .

For any sume not leas than five dollsr8 deposited for the

prriod of six months or lunger, the soldier, on h is fi l r ~ l i m h a w ,altall be paid interest at the rate of four p r oent. per aomim.

Deposits and interest thereoo are forfeited by desertion, bu t

are ~ ~ h < r l l px-mp t from forfeiturt. by aeittence of court -ma rtial

and from liability for the soldier's debts.

Pav~n aatersrvi l l orward wi th each aecauxlt an abatraot of sol-

diers'dep orits,if any , received by th em d u r i n g t b e ti w e a n b m e d

therein. T he sbstraot will set fun h the name, company an d re,giment of each depaaitor, with the date and amauut of hie

depwit . T he gross amount of tihe sbst raot vi l l he carried to

the account current hnder the appropriat ion of Pay of the

A r m y fur the fiscnl ye w in which th e deposits Were reo eivd .

The smouut may be disbursed by the paymaster under the vame


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Th e amouri ts of deposits and iuterest therwn paid on final

statements wi ll be ~h ar ge d y the paymaster to "P ay of the

A m y " for the fiaoal yea r in which th e sold ier js discharged.

,The Pq~iasterGeneral will keep in iris office such reco rd aa

may be heceasary to show the depposits made by the eulisted men

of t h e A m y .


399. Nun-commissioned o5cers and soldiem employed under

a b t i u n 1287,Bsvised Statutes, are to be muatemd sa extra-duly

men. Commsnditrg officerswill. see that no man is paid e an

overseeror mechanic who is not actually ellrployed S U D ~ ,andno soldier shall be rated at the higher pay ex cept by their order.

Non-oommiasioned offieem of th line of the Ammy ahall not ir

allowed utkd paid extr a-du ty pay e xcept as "o~rrseera"(when

' t he working force i s l a q p enougl> o warran t an oremeer );

hut non-oommi%sionedofficers of the Signal Corps and of t he

General Sew ice Detaclrments on duty io t l te War Department'

and its bureaus, or nt army, division, department, and dietriot

headquartem, and s t superinte~rdeooies f the recruitiug P C F ~ ~ C L ,

sirs11 be allowed and paid extra-duty pay as prescribed by the

Kepla t i ons .

403 Enlisted men of the OrdnanoeDepanment are not entitled

to extra-du ty pay wl~at i mployed as sniticera or Inlorem in the

construction of prr l~rn~rr l t l ur othernilitx~y orks, pulrlia run ,

c o ~ > k t ~ n tabo r; but when em ployed e.t,atinuously in hoapit,als as

cooks and nurses, for s period of not 1% than ten daye, they

re entitled to t h e benefits of paragraph 2299 of the Regulations.Hospi t a l s t ewa~ds nd ordnanoe and oommisssry sergeants will

not rec ei ~e xtm-duty pay unles. under special authority of t b e

Secretary of War.

404. Companyfat~iem blsckamichs andwagone~sl~allfeceire

no extr a pay exce pt when detailed oil ext ra du ty in t l ie Qunrter -

ma ster's Depsrtnleibt \vhollg diaeonnected with the ir compsa irc;

nor shall the detail cf artifiorrs on extra duty in the Quarter-

master's or Subsi3teooe Drpartrnente be pennitted.

405 Soldiers detailed aa acting superintendenra of natictnal

cemete,iea .ivliile so act ing re enti tl ed t o ex tm pay as overseere.

408 Eio extm-duty pay will he paid to any enlisted men

employed as olerks rxoept in the manner nuthorizecl by the


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409. Soldiers employed as scouis are not to be paid exlra-duty

pay, it brin g a military duty to which they are liable.

410. prisoner undergoing eentence ie not to r r e ir m t r a -

duty pay.

411 Enlisted men being liable to perform guard and other

mil i tsry du ty are ent it led to ex tra pay when employed on extr a

duty more t han t en dape i s a month, though the employment

may not have been continuone.

412. Eigh t houm constitutes a day's work for all persons who

are employed and paid by the day, by oron behalf of the Govern-

ment of the Uuited States. This does not extend l pemmswho are paid regular ealariee. Wa tchmen , clerks, messengers,

and others, whose time may be n o s ry a t a n y or all hours,

are n o t c o ns id er ed b e c r u b ~ ~ e e dithio the terms of the law.

413. Man on extra-duty pay wi l l be held to such hours ss

may be expedieut t~ nd eoessaly; but except in case of urgent

public necessity, as in military operations, when the y must work

regardleas of hours, uot mot,* than t m houre' labor should bc

required. But wlien mare than eigh t hours' work is required

in auy one o hi l day, the soldier re ndering th e servioe will be

paid for more than B day's labor, in proportiou to the time

aotualiv emdoved.

2299 Enlisted men employed cont inuou~ ly n hospitals as

o oo ks a n d nu rs es , u n d er e x i ~ t i i r ~uln t i on s , for a period of not.less than ten days, mill be peid twenty eente per day as extra-

duty pay by the Paymsater General on the hospi tal muster-

rolls, when the men so employed are properly muatered asentitled to it.


2461. T h e rate of pay prescribed in ssctioo 1289 Revised

Statutes, is pay able to the following classes of me n:

Those who are entitled to longevity pay fw orre-enlietment

under t he pro~ i s ious f t he aa t ofAugust 4 1854.

2. Thase who bare at any time re-enlisted under the tern18

of that sot, though not entitled to longevity pay thereunder

because of failure to rumsin continuously in aervlee.

Men of clvisa vi li be indicated on the muster-ro il8 by the

remarks preeoribed in paragrs ph 2465.

Those of clsse 2 will be indicated by the remark : h t i t l e d

to re-enlistm ent pay. La ck of auffioient evidence to establiih

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a olnim ro re-enlistment pny will be supplied by applioation to

the Acljutent General.

2452. Dlrn serving snde r a second, third, fourth, r., enl id-

mefit, bu t who never re-enlisted under the act of Augu st 4,

1854, will o nly be entitled to the pay p ro r id d in eecl iens 1280and 1281, Revised Stntittes.


2458 Under section a Revised Betutee, a soldier whbcompletes a term of five years' continuous service, nnd re-enlists$thin thirty day s thereafter, is entitled to a n additional allow-sno of $2 per month; and for raoh nueoessii,e and eontinuotisrr-ealiatmant under the same eonditP,ns he is entitled to a

filrther nddition of 1 per month. T he mte of B I I O W ~ ~ I I I C Bsindicated on the rolls by the remark: $2 per mo.for five years'coetinrious serriw; $3 per mo. for ten yesm continuousaerrioe; 54 per mo. fur fifteen yeavs' oo?tinuotgs serviee, &c.


2454. Tlre retained pay provided for the discharged soldier,but to be fo rf eite d u nl es s h e ~ h d l ase served honestly and

fnithfully to the d ate (if dieehavge, )ly sections 1281 and 1282,Revised Statutes, shall be withheld for the following oauses

either of whieh sliall be noted on the f inal statementrr:1. D~sertion urina the usriotl of eolistment.2 \Then diso haqed (by way of punishment for an offense)

befere enpirstiou of term of service by sentence of court-martial,

or bv or&? fr om t h e W a r D e o a rt m en t a ~ e c i f ~ i n nthat rileh for.feiture shall be m ade.3 Conviotion and imprisonment by th e oivil authorities.4. Whe n disohnrged ae a minor, or fur other esuar involving

fraud art birr par t in the ee listment.5 Repea trd trials by court-martial and punishments for mis-

conduct, of which timely report shal l be made to the War

Department and approved aa basis of forf ' ture. In whieh eaeb

the aoldier ahnll be discharged withoi~t haraoter, and shall notbe re-enlisted.

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SECTIOX1280 T he monthly pa y of the following enlisted

men of t he Arm y shall, during their first term of enlietment, e

as fullows, with ttie contingent [conditions] [additions] thereto,

hereinafter pruvidetlSergeant-ma jors of cava lry, srtil lery , and infantry, twenty-

three dol lan.

Qusrrerma~ter-sergeants of cavalry, artil lery,.nnd infantry,

tivcnty-thfee dollars.

Chief trumpstern of oavelry, tu-entp-two dollars.

Prinoipal mueicians of artil lery and infantry, twen tyt wo


Sac ld l e~~sergeant sf oaralry, twenty-two dollars.

Firet sergeants of cnrslry, artil lery, and.ii>tkntry, twenty-

two dollars.

Sergeants of okrsl r y, s ~t i l l rr y, nd infnntry, seventeen dol. .

I a n .

Corporals of oa ra lry a nd light nrtillery, fifteen dollnrs.

Corporala of artil lely and infantry, fifteen dollars.

Sadd lers of cavalry, fiftsm dollatr

Blncksmitlr. tid farriers of e a v s l ~ y ~ifteendollilcs.Trumpeters o onvslry, tlhirteen dullare.

M i ~ s i o i a r , ~f artillery sild infantry, thirteen dal:ars.

Privates of cavalry, nrtil ery, and infantr.7, thirteen dollars.

Iiospital-stewards, fi nt olass, thirty dollare.

Hospitsl.stewarda, second class, twenty-two dollars.

Hoepitnl-etcwnrde, third claes, twenty dollat%.

Or dna oca ser ge~ nts f posts, thi rty-four d 'rl lars.

Sergeant-msjom of engineers tl,irty-six dollars.

Q u a r t e n n a s L e r - e e r g e ~ ~ t ~f engineem, thirty -six dollars.

Semeaot s of weineers at id ordnsnoe tliirtv.four dollars.

Corporals of engineers and ordsance, twenty dollam.

Musielass uf engineers, th irtwu dollars.

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Privates (firet olnsa) of engineers and orfinenee seventeen


Pfivstee (second class) of engineers and ordnanoe, thirteen



SEC. 1281. To the rates of pay stated in the preceding aec

tion m e dollar per month ahsll be added for the third y ear of

enlistment, one dollar more per m6ntb xthe fourth year, nd

one dollar more per month for the fiRh year, m aking in all three

dollars inarease per month .for the last y ear of the first enlist-

nmnt of each enlisted man named i n said seotion. But thi sincre se ulrall be conaidered as rebined pay, and shal l not bepaid to the 8oldier until his discharge from the service, nd

shall be forfeited unless he serves honestly and faitlif ullyto the

of diecharge.


SEC.1 282. All enlisted men mentioned in section twelve h an -

dred and eighty, who, havina been honorably dinoliarged, havere-enlisted or ahall re-enlist within one month thereafter, shall,

after five years service, includ ing the ir filat enlistment, he psi d

at the rate allowed in ssid seotion to those eerving in the fifih

year of their first enlistment: P m i d e d T h a t one dollar per

month shall be retained from th e pay of the re-enlirted men of

wl~atever rade, named iit sect ion twelve hundred and eig htyone dnring the whole p rioti of their re-enlistment, to be paid

to the soldier on his diecharge, but to be forfeited onlrss heshall have served honestly and fsithfully to the date of die-



6Ec. 1283. Enlisted men, now in the service, shall reoeive

the rates of pay established i n th is oh ~p ta r ccording to the

length of tlieir aeraice.


SEC. 1284. Everp eoldier who, having een honorably dis-

ehsrged, re-enlists within otle month thereafter, shall be further

entitled, se e r five years service, inoludiag his first enlistment,

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to receive, for the period of five years nex t thereafter, two dol-

l r~ pr r m wr h in additinn to the ordinary pny of Ilia g ~ n d r ; u d

f& each siiccessirc periqd of five years of service, s long as h e

shall remain continuouslp in the Army, furttier eum of one

dollar per month. Th e past continuous service, of soldier6 now

in the Arm y, shall be raken into aooount, and aball entitle such

soldier to additional pay acoording ta this w l e ; but cervices

rendered prior to August fourth, eighteen hnndred andfifrg-

four shall ib no ease be secounted s more thnii one enlistment.


S C. 128 5 A oertifioate of merit pa nt ed to private soldier

by the President for distinguished services aliall entitle him to

additional pay U the rate of two dollntr per month, while h

remains ct,ntinuously in the service ; and suc h oertifiente of

merit grnnted to s private soldier who aerved in the w a r with

Mexico shall entitle him to suoh additional pay, although he

may not have remained c<mtinuoualy o the serrice.

~ O N . ~ - C O S ~ \ ~ ~ S S I O U E D W A R .ZTICERP OP MEXICAX

SEC.1286 Non-oommiraioned officere wlto served in the war

with Xexieo, and have been recommended by the comm anding

offieem of their regiments for promotion by brevet to the l 0 ~ e s t

g ~ d e reef eommiesionrd officer bu t have no t r eoe i red ' a i td~

ommended promotion, ehall he entilted to additionai pay a t the

rate of two d ollan per month, nlthough they ma y not have

remained oontinuoo%ly n the earoiee.


SEC.I M?. When soldiem re detailed for employment s

artificers or l~ bo re rs n the oonstruotiotr of permane lit military

w<mk,rke,public roads, o r o ther oon~tau tabor of not less than ten

days' duration, they shall receive, in addition to the ir regul ar

pay, the following oompensstion Pri vat r. working s srtifioen,

and non-eommisaioned officers employed xa overseers of such

work, not exceeding one overrrer for twenty men, thirty-five

mnts per day, and privntra employed s laborere, twent y cents

per day. Thia alloh-%neeof extra pay shall not apply to t he

troops of the Ordnance Uepanm ant.

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Src. 1290. W he n soldirr ia Ilonorably discharged from the

eerriee, [except by way of punishment fin. anoffense,] h e a t ~ s l l

be'sllewed tmnepot.tatim and subsistence fmm the place of lrie

discharge to the plaee of his enlistment, eowIlm*t~t, r origiaal

mue t rr iu to the~a ro ice . Tl ie GorernnlerltmayfupniahtlreBame

in kind, but in ease i t shall nut do so Ire shall he nllowed travel-

pay nod oommlirntiw of subsistrllce for such timr s may be

sutBoient for 11in1 t ttrvel ffom tl8i plaee of d ischa rge to t l ~ a

plaee of hi8 enlistmm t, e~r oll are ut, r original m uster into theservice, oonaputed a t the rate of one day for every tweuly miles.


SEC. 1281. No assignment of pn-j by a o o o - c o m m i s s i w d

officeror private, precious to his dietbarge, shall e valid


S E C . 13W. Th e amoilrtt due from any enliatnd man Lr ~ v l i o l e i

deaiga ted y the inapecturx-general of th e Ammy, snd sdd to

ldm on oredit y ootnminaries of aubsisteeoe, shall be deducted

from th e payment eiarl to him next sfter ~uo l i ale sha l l ha r e

b e ~ neported to the Paymaster-General .


See. 1301. T h e s m o u ~ l tdue from any enlisted man for ttLaceo

sold to him at cost priw e by the Uuited Stateashnll e deducted

from his pay in tlte mantler provided for The rett&mrnt ofclotlt-

ing nceoztnts.


SEC.1W2. TIE mone.7 ra lue of a11 olotl8ing overdrawll by

tlie suldier beyond liir allo~v anoe hall e charged againat bim,

erery six tnosths, on the muster-roll of ltis company, ur on his

fiiial etaremezit f sooner dischwga:l, and he *hall receive pay

for suc l~ n ic le s of darthixlg as lhavr not been issued to biln in

ally year, or wl>iohma, e due i o him at the tirna of his dis-

charge, according to she annusl es tb at ed value thereof T h e

airtount due him fir elotl~ing,when h e d r a m l e a t ll sn h i sa l lo w -

nnee sllnll not be pyrid to him until hie final discharge fmm the


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SEC 13 3 hecost of repaire or damages dorie to arn8;equip-

meats, or implements, hall be deducted fwm the pay at any

offioeror soldier in w hose can or us the mexvrre ~vl seneuehdsw ges occurred, if said damages \ e ~ e o o c a ~ i o n e dy the abuse

or negligeocr of said officer or soldier.

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SECTIOX134.2 The armies of th e U ~ i t e d t ~ t e slaali be gov-

erned by the following ruins and artioles. Th e word officer, e

useif therein, shall be understood to designate oonlmissioned

officers; thew ord soldier ahaii be understood to inelode non-com-

missioned officcre musicians, srtifiearp, and privates, and other

enlisted mw, and the eonvietioas mentioned therein shnll beunderstood to e eonlrietiot>s by court-martinil.


ART. 2. Theae rules nd nrticleir shnil be r e ~ do every en-

listed man at the time of, or vi th in s ix days after, his enlistment,

niid h s ball ~ h e r e o p u ns k e au oaih or affirmatiou in the follow-

ing form: I, A. l do solemnly ewear or affirm) tha t I ill

bear true faith and allegiance to the United Stares of America;

t ha t I will serve them ho ne ~t lp nd fnithful ly ag ainst al l thei r

enenl ies whomweocr; and that I will obey the orders of thePresidentof t h e United S t at es , a w l tl i t o ~ d e r sf the offioevssp-

pointed over me, aoeording to the rubs and articles of war.

This oath may be taken behne any eomrnls~ioned ffioer of the



ART. 4. NOenlisted man, duly sworn ahall be dischargedfrom the service withoot s dieeharcc in writing, einned by a- .

field-office*of th e regiment to whioh he belongs, 7 b y t h e eom

mand ing officer, wh en no field-officer s presen t; a dd no dimharge

shal l beniven to v enlisted man before hia term of eerriios has

expired, exeept by order of the President, the S ecretary of War

the commanding o lcerof a department, or by sseutqnee of a gen-

eral court-martial.


An=. 11. Evew officce rcommai>dinga rrgiment or an inde-

pendent troop, battery, or oompany, uot the tield, mey, wheo

actually quartered with such command, gran t furloughs to the

enlisted men, in suoll numberrr and for eueh time s he shall deem


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eonaiateu t wit11 tb e good of th e service. Ev ery officer oomma ~d-

ing a regiment or an i n de p eu d su t t ro o p b a t t q or company

n tile field may gran t furloughs not exceeding ihi rty days st

one t ime to fir e per oentum uf the enlisted men for gucrd ooo

duct in th e l it la of duty but subjeot to the appmrral of the cow

msn drr of the forces of vhiel t ss id enl isted men form a part.

Every company officer of a regiment commanding arry troop

battery or company not i s the tield or commauding i n any gar

rison fort. pas or barreck, mny in the a b s e ~ e nuf his field-

offiorr g m n t f i i r l o o g l ~ o the enlisted men f ur a t ime lot x

ceeding twenty day6 in si x months and lot to more tlrati two

pareons to be absent s t the same t ime.


ART. 16. Any enli st ed man wl ~ oells ur willfully or througll

11eglffit waste8 tlieammunitiou delivered out t o bim shall be pun-

ished a8 B 00urt-m8rtie.I may direct.


ART.17. Atby soldier who sell8 or through neglect losra r

spoi ls his home arms clothing or aeeoutrrmeots shall suffer.

saeh s touuares no t eueeedine one hal f of his current unv na a court-martial may doem sufficient for repair ing th e loasw damsge

an d d m li be puariatred by eonfinenlent or suoll other oorporal

punishment aa the court may direct.


of the Uu i t rd 8tates.or thsc1 iefmneist rate or lesi rlatoreot any oft he Uni ted btstes in whiol~ e ia quarter , shall be dismissed

from tlm ~erv i c e ~thsrwiae punished as court-martial may

direot. Any soidior who so offendsel~al lbe plantslied ns court -

~ n ~ r t i a lay direct.


ART.20 Any offic ero r soldier ~vlno ehaves lliinsdf w ith dis-

respect toward lais commandit>g officeralinli be punished as a

court-m artial nlny tlrreet.


ART. 21. d r y off icer o r so ld i er mbo o any prrtenee wllat-

soever, sbikes Ibis superior offioer or drswa or lifta up nuy

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weapon, or offera any violence against Lim, being in th e exeen

tior) of his office or disobeys any lawful command of his superior

officer, ehnll suffer death, or soh o t h e ~ u n i ~h m r nt s n ooun-

martial may direot.


ART. 22. Any nfflcer or soldier who begins, raoitw, onnse8 or

joloa in au y mutiny or sedition, in ?ny troop, battery, company,

pany, post, detaoitment, or guard, ahall suffer death, or such

oiher punishment a s x court-martial ma y direot.

QJIARREL8AlrD TRAYS.ART. 24. All officers, of wh& condition soever hsoe power to

pal. and qocil all quarrels, frays, and disord cn, whetiler among

persons belonging to bisown or toano ther oorpa, regiment, troop,

battery, o r oompsny, and to order of f i ce~sn to a r rn t , , and on-

commissiotled officers and soldiers into confinement, who takepart in the same, until their pm prr superior oiiicficer is acquainted

therewith. And whosoever, being 8 ordered, refilaea tp obey

such uffioeror non-oommissioaed officer or dmws weapon u p o ~

him, shall be punished as a eourt-martial may direot.


ART. 25 NO ofscer or s o l d i e r ~ h s l l se nay reproachful or

prov oking apeeehea or gestu res to sitother. Arty offioer who o

offrnde shs ll be put in arrest. Any soldier who so offends %hell

he eonfiae<l,and reqoimd to ask pardon of the pa rty offended, in

the preeenoe of hie commanding offioor.CHALLENGES TO XIlGIZT DUELS.

ART. 26. No.officer or soldier shall scud a ohallenge to sno t l iw

officer or soldier t o fight a fluel, or accept a ohallenge so sent

Any officer who so offrnda shsll be dismissed fmm tire servioe.

Any soldier who so offends 8haIl suffer soch oorpo r~l unishment

ss s court-martial may direct.



ART. 27 Anp officer or non-commiesiond offioer command-

ing g ,~nr t l ,who, knowingly and willingly, suffers any person

to go forth to fight a duel, ahall be punished as a challenger;

and all seconde or promotem of duels, ond carriers of cballeoges

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to fight duels, ehall be deemed prinoipals, and punished accord

iugly. I t shall be the duty <# any officer commandiog an army,

regiment, tmop, battery, company, puet, or detachment, who

knows or has re son to believe that a ohsll angs ha8 been give

or accepted by any offioeror enlisted man under hiscymmand,

immediately to arrest the offeoder sn d bring him to trial.


ART.28 Any offioer or soldier who upbraids aaothe r offioer

or soldiev for refusing a challenge shall himself be punished

B challenger; aqd all officem and soldiem n hereby dieoharged

from any disgraoe or opinion of dissdvsntage which might arisefrom their having nfitaed to accept ahailenges, a hey will only

have acted in obedience to the law, an d has e done their duty as

good soldiers, who subject themeelves to discipline.


ART.30 Any soldier who thinks himself wronged by s a y

officermay cornpisin to the eommauding officer of his regiment,

who ehsll summon a regimental ooun-mnrtial for the doing of

juetice to the compiaioant. Eithe r party may appeal from such

regimental court-martial to a gene ral eeun.ms rtia1; but if, upon

such second hearing, the appeal a ppears to be g r o u n d l w a n d

vexatious, the party appealing shall be punished s t the discre:

tion of said general oourt-martial.


ART. 31. Any officer or soldier who lies out of his quarten

g m i s o n , or camp, without leave from hie superior officer sliall

be punished r a court-martial may direct.

e o m m r i ~ S E B Tw l r e o u T LEAVE

ART. 32 ny soldier who akenb himself his troop, bat-

tery, company, or detachment, without leacefrpm hie oommand-

ing officer shsl i be ~ o i d s h e dsss oourt-martial may direot.


ART. 33 A n y offiosr or ~ ol di rr ho fai ls , exoept when p n -

vented by sickness o other ueoeasity, to repair, at the fixed

time, to the plaoe of parade, exeroise, or other rendezvous ap

pointed hy hia oommnnding offioer or goes from the same, with-

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out leave from his oommanding officer before he is diemiserd or

relieved, shall be punished as a ooun-martial may direct.


ART. 34. An y soldier who is fuuild one mile &am camp, with-out leave in writing from his commanding offlcer shal l be pun-

ished as a court-martial may direct.


ART. X Any soldier rvbo fails to retire to his quartera or

tent at the beatingof retreat, shall be punished-nocording to thenature of his offenee.

I II EI NG D m Y .

ART. 36 No ~oldier ,e loi~gingo an> regiment, troop, battery,or company shall hire a nother to do his duty for him, or be ex-

cused from duty, except in oases of sicknwe, disability, or leave

of abeence. E v e r y such soldier fuiind guilty uf hir ing his duty,

and the person so hired to do anotherg uty, shall be punished

as a court-martial may direct.


ART.3i . Every non-commissioned offioer who oonuivee s teuob hiring of duty ~ l ta l l e reduced. Every officer r h o k ~ ~ or v s

and allorvs alieh prnefices shall be pulli~hedas a court-martial

may direct.


ART. 38 Any offioerwho is found drunk on his guard, party,

or other duty, shall be dismissed from the service.An y soldierwlro so offends shall a u 5 ~uch pultiahmeut sa a court-martial

may direct. [ o oon~t-rusrtiill hall sentenoe an y eoldier to be

branded, marked, or tkrroot*i.]


ART 39. Any sentiosl who is found alerping t~p oi,his post,

or wh o leave8 it beforu lieis regu larly reliered, sh all suffer death,

or such other puoiehmetrt s conn-martial may direot.


ART. 40. Any offioeror ~o ld ier ho quits his guard, platoon,

ordiu ision , without lea re from hie superior officer, except in a

case of urgent eeoessitg, shall e punished s n court-martial

may direct.

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Axr. 42. Any oseer or soldier who miabehavea himself be

fore the enemy, runs away, or shemefolly abandons any fort,

poet, r sunr.4 rv1tich he is commanded to drfend, or apeake

worda inducing others to do the like or casts awry his arms or

ammilnition, r quits his posl or color% to plunder r pillage,

shall siiffrr death, or such other punishment s n court-martial

may direct.


ART. 43. If any mmmsnder of any g arrison, fortress, or poetis oumpelled, b~ the officersand soldiers under his command, to

g ive up t o t he ewmy or to abalrdon it, the officer8or suldiem so

offending shall suffrr dcath, ur suoh other punishment a

court-martial may dirrot.


ART. 44. Any perem, helonging to th e armies of the United

Statea wlicr makes kn<,wnthe watehwovd to any person n o t en-titled to receive it, accordiirg to the rules and dieoipline of war:.

or presumes to give a p a n l e or wstch\voni differerzt from that

wliich hereoeived, "hall s uffer death, r suolt o er punishment

~ o ~ v t - m ~ r t i a lily direct.

R B L IE V I N O T E E E X E M Y .

ART. 45. l\'ho%oevrr relieves the enemy with money, victusle,

or amn~uititioti,or kimwingly harbors or protects an enemy,

shall suffer death, or sucb other pnnishment an a oonrt-martialmay direct.


ART. 4 6 . W ~ O B O ~ V ~ Polds onrraswndenoe with, or a i v w i n -

telligeooe to, the enemy, either directly orindirecily, shell suffer

death, or suoh other poniahmet t s n court-m artial may direot.


ART. 4 7. A n y officer or eoldier who, having received pay, or

having been dalyenl isted n the ~ e r ~ i c ef the United States,

desens the same, shall, in time of war, suffer death, or suoh

other punishment court-mania1 may direct; and in time of

peae b an y punishment, exoepting death, whiOli a court-martial

may direct.

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A m . 48. Eve ry soldier who deserts the service of the United

States ahall be liable to serve for suoh period as shall. with the

time he ms y have served previous to his desertion, amo unt to

the full term of his enliitment; and such soldier shall be triedb y a oot~rt -mar tial nd p<mished, nlthnogh th t r n of hia pn

listment may have elapad previous to his being appreheudpd

sn d tried.


ART. 50. NO non-commiesioned offioer or ml dier sh nll eolist

himself in any other regiment, troop, or company, withoutwguiar discharge from the regiment, troop, or company in which

he laat served, on a nensltv of beina renuted a deserter, and.aufferiug aer;ordiogly, An d in c se ny offimr ?hall know ingly

receive and eutertain suoh non -comm issioned officer or soldier,

or shall not after his being diecovered to be a deserter, imme-

diately oonfine trim and give notice thereof to th ecorps in which

he lap6 served, th e said vffioer shnll, by a court-martial, be oasli



ART. 61. An y officer or soldier who advises or persuades a n y

other offioeror aoldiex, to desert the service of the United States,shall, in time of war, suffer death, or such other punishment as

R coaPt-martial may direct; and, ia tim e of peace, a ny punish-

ishment, exoepting death, which a eourt-martial may direct.


ART. @2 I t s earnestly recommended toallofficers and soldiers

diligantly t o attend divine acrvieo. Any officcrwho behnvoainde-

cently or irreverently a t an y place of divine worship shal l be

broug bt before general eoiirt-martial, ther e to bc publicly and

severely reprimanded by the prwident thereof, Any soldier who

s offends shall, for his fir offanee forfeit one-eixth of a d olla r;

for each further offenseh shal l forki t l ike sum, and ah dl be

oonfiued twenty-four hours he money so fuifeiiad shall be de-

ducted from hie next pay, and shall be applied, by the osptsin or

senio r o fficer of hia troop, battery, orcompsny, to the use of the

sick soldiers of the =me.


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ART. 53. Any officer v h o us any profane oath or eneeratiou

shall, for eact, offense forfeit and pay one doll ?. A ny 801-

dier who so offends shall incu r the penslries provided in the

preoeding artiole; and nil moneys forfeited for such offenaes

8haIl be applied ae therein provided.



itnT. 55. All offioem and poldiers arc to behere themaelves

orderly in quartem aud on themarch ; and whoever commits any

m a t e or spoil, either in walks or trees, parka, arnrrens fish-

 pDde houses, gardens, grain-fields, inclosures, or meadows, or

maliciously dest roys an y propert y whatsoever belong ing tu

inhabitants of the United States (unless by order of general

officer commanding a separate army in the field), shall, beaides

saoh penalties as he may be liable to b.7 law, be puniahed na n

court-mania1 ma y direct.


ART. 56 Any officer or soldier who doea violence to any per-

son bringing provisions or other necessaries to the camp, g s r i -

son or qusrters of the foroea of the United Stntes in foreign

parts shsll suff r death, or such other punishment an a court-

martial ,nay dirret.


ART.57 Th oso ev er, belonging to the armies of tho United

Stntea iu ibreiyu parts, or at an y place within the United States

or their Territories during rebellion ag ainst thnsuprem enutbo r-

i ty of the United States, forces n eafegunrd. shall suffer death.


ART 58 In time of war inaurreotion, or rebrllion, larceny,

robbmy, burglary, amon, mayhem, manelnughter, hioi.der, aa

snult aad battery with nn intent to klll, wonnding, by shooting

or stabbing, with nn intent to eommit murder, rape or a s a u l t

and battery with an intent 16commit rape,slldl be punishable

by the aentrnoe of a general court-martial, rvhen committrd by

persoal in the military service of the United States, arbd the

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punkhment i n any such ow ahall n ot be lesa tha n the punish-me provided, for the like offhse by tlia lsw.irr of th e S tat e, Ter

ritory, or distr ict in which ~ u e h ffeusemsy have been committed.


ART.59. When any officer or eoldier is. accused of'a oapitalclime, or of any offense against the persou or proper ty of anyoitizeu of an y of the United States, wllioh is punishable by thelaws of the land, the cummauding trffioer, nd the officers of t heregiment, troop, battery, company, or detachment, to which the'person PO accused b e l o u ~ a ,  re required,.exoept in time of \ -at,,

upor, application duly made ~r in behalf of the party iojured,to u n their utmost mdaavors to deliver him over to the civilmagistmte, and to sid tbe officersafjustioe in apprehending and

secur~ing him, in order to bring him to trial. If upon such

application, any officer refuses or willfully neglects, evoept i n

time of wnr, to deliver over suoh ccused person Lo the oirilmagistrates, or to aid tho officersofjustice in spprchend ing him,he s hall be dismissed from the service.


ART. 60. A n y persou in tho mi lita ry serr1ce')f th e United

States who makes or eauees to be mads any olaim against theUnited Stuea, or a n y offioer thereof, knowing nuoh cldm to befalse or f r audnlmt ; or

Who preaents or oiluses to be preseoted to a n y person in thecivil or military service thereof, fo<approval or payment, R I , ~

elaim aga inst the United States or any officerthereof, knowingsuch claim to be fnlse or fraudulent; or

Who enters into any agreement or conepiracy to defraud theUnited States by obtaining, ;o aiding others to obtain, the allow.snce or ayment of ing false or frsudulent olaim; or

Who , for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to obtain,the approval, allowanoe, or payment of any olaim against theUnited Statee or a g a l ~ s tany officer thorcof, makes or uaos or

prooures or advises the making or use of an y wri ting, or otherpaper, kno wing the same to contain any fsls or fraudulent state-ment; or

Who , for the purpose of obtaining. w aiding othe rs to obtain,the a pp ro~ al , llowanoe, or .payment of any olaim against the

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Uuited Stateitea or any officer thereof, mskes, or procure8 or sdviees

the makiug of, a ny osth to any faot or to a ny wn't iog or other

paper, kno wing suah oath to be false; or

Who, fur t b urpose of ob ta in iog , or aiding others to obbain,

tba approval, allowance, or paymerbt of any elaim sgsinst the

Uni td States or any <>Boerh er eo f, f o w s o r oounterfeite, or

gFocl lnnor advises t he fo~ gin go r ounterfeitingof 8uy signature

~y writing or other paper, or uses, or prooi~resor advieee

the use of a n y su h signcltow,e,knowiug the sam e to be forged or

counterfeited; or

Who, haviug cbarge possession, cilstody or control i f anymqney or other property of the United States, furnished or in -

ten de d the miiitary ax vic e thereof, knowingly delivers, or

C L7B08 to be delivered, to any person having authori ty to ~ece ive

t h i a m e , BIIY a m o t ~ ~ thereof less rha~lhat for whicir he receives

a aertificate or receipt; or

Who, being authorized to make or del iver any paper ee~.%ifying

the receipt of nnv D ? O P P ~ ~ , Vf the linitod Stnies. furnished or

truth of th e statements therein oontnined, and with inten t to

defrsod the United States; or

W ho stesls, embezzles, knowiugly nud w illfully misappro-

priates, applies to,his ow m e or beoafit, or wmngfully or know-

ingly aelle or disposes of any ordnaoce, am ,equipnreots, ammu-

nition, clothing, aubsistesce stores, money, or other properly of

the Uuited States, furnished or intended for th e military aorvioethereof; or

Who knowingly purohases, or reoeives io pledye or any obli-

gation or indabtedneas, from any soldier, offlcer, or other person

who ia a part o f or empleyed in laid forces or service, any ord-

nance, arms, equipmeote, ammunition, do thi ng , aubaietenoe

stores, or other proper ty of the United States, su h soldier, 0

~ r r other p on not having larvfnl right to sell or pledge the


Shall, on conviction thereof, be puoiiihed by fine or imprjsox-

mant, or by such other punishment ss a court-martial may

djjudsge. And if an y person, being guilty of any of the offensesaforesaid, while in the military service of the United Ststes,

reoeives hie discharge, or ia dismiwed fram ,the service, he a hsll

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eoutinue to be liable to be arrested and held x trial and sentence

by court-mart ial , in the eame manner and to the same oxtext

as if l ~ o ad not received atxclc diaoharge nor been disn,issed.



ART. 6 All crimes not onpital, and all di8orders and ncg-

leets, which officers and soldiers m ay be guilty of to the prqju-

dice of good order and military discipline, thoclgh not mentioned

in the foregoing art iol~ fif war are to be take n cogxiznnoe of bya general, or regimental, garrison, or fiold-officers court-mar-

tial, according to the nature and degree of the offense aud pun-ished at the dieeretion of suoli court.


ART.64. T h e officers nnd soldiers of any t raopa, whether

militia or others, miistered and in pay of the U nitsd States, shall,

at all t imes and in all places, be governed by the articles of rvnr,

and ahall be subject to be tried by oourt-martial.


ART. 66. Soldiers charged with orirnca ahill be conBned un til

t r ied by oou r tmsnia l , or released by proper authority.


ART. 70 offi ev or soldier put in s r r m t a h d I b o eintjnned

in wnfinomelrt more thnn eiaht days, or until such t ime s a

court-martial can be assembled.


ART. 88 Xembers of eourt-mariial may be cha lle~~ g.edy

prisoner, but only for eiltwe stated to the oourt. The court e h d l

determine the relevancy and validity thereof, an d shall not

receive s ohallenge to more than one membi r at a time.


ART.89 Wh e n a prisoner amsigned before a general eourt-

martial, fmm obatinecy and deliberate design, stands mute, or

nswers foreign to the p u r p ~ 6 ~ho court may proceed to trial

and judgment, s if the prisoner had pleaded not guilty.

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ART SO Th e judge advocate, o,~e.omepereondeputed by him,

or by the genemi or offioer eommnnding the army, detachment,

or garyieon sblril proaeexite in the n me of the United States,

but when the prisonw has m ad e his plea, he shall so fareoneider

Umaelf counsel for the priso ner as to objeot to any leading

question to any of the *itr~rsses, and to any question to the

prisoner the arlsver t o wl~i e hmight tend to criminste himself.


ART 93. A court-martial ehnll, for reasonable oause, gctn t aooutinuauce to either party, for auch time, and as often, s may

appear to be / at: h v i e Th at if the prisoner be in close eon-

finemelit, the trial shall not be delayed for x period longcr tlrmsixty days.


ART. 9 No person i n the miii tnrg service s h ~ i l e ptrnished

by Bogging, o r h y bbmoding, msrkitgg, o r tattooing o n the body.


ART lW2 No person s l~a li e tried a second t ime for tl>esame



ART 103. No p ~ 1 8 0 ~hall be l iable to be tried ani3 puniabed

by a general court-martial for any offense which xppea n to have

heen committed mare than two ye ars befo~ure lie issuin g of theorder for su h trial, unless byreaaon of hsving nbsented himaelf,

or of some other rnaniret impediment, be shall not have been

amenable to justice within that period.


ART 114. E ierg party tried by a general eon*-martialshall,

upon demand thereof, made by himself or by any . pereon in 16s

belialf, be entitlnl to a copy of the procedi~qlgs nd aentenee of

such court.


ART. 15. A c o i ~ l ~ t o fl l q ~ i r y ,o examine into the nature of

any r8nRaetion of, or aeco~nt ion rimpetatien a@innt any offieer

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or soldier may be urdered by the President or by auy eomma~ld-

ing officer: but s courts of inquiry may be perverted to diehon-

orable purposes and may be employed in the han ds of weak

and envious commandants onginrs for the destruction of mili-

tary merit they shallneve r be ordered by an y oomrnasdiagofficer

except upon n demnnd by the officer or soldier n h o ~cndaot i s

to be inquired of.


ART.126 In o se of the dentl of any soldier the ccmlnanci

ing officer of hia troop battery or company shall immediately

secuw all his effsta then in camp or quarters and shal l in thepresence of tw o o ther officers make an inventory thereof wbioh

he sl~ nl lransmit to the office of the Department of Wnr.



ART. 121 Offieem eh ar ~ ed i th t he onre of the effeols of de -

oe n~ ed fficers r soldiers shall accountfor and deliver the same

or the prooeeda thereof to the legal represenrstives of ruoh de-

oeaaed officers or soldiem. And no officer so obsrged shall be

pernrittpd lo quit the iegirnwt or post until he has deposited in

the hands of the comma zrdiug officer nll the effeots of snob de-

cesned officersor soldiers not so accounted for sn d del ivered.



ART. 128 T h e foregoiillg articles eltnll be r e d and puhliehed

once in every sin mouths. to evw y ganiaon regiment troop orcompany in tho service of tile United St;ttes .and ahall be duly

ohsew ed and obeyed by all officers nd aoldiem in esid service.

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63 To ennble the eoldisv to dismount his rifle for elesniog orrepairs, lie is provided w ith a mrew-drioor, a tumbler and band-spr ing punch, and haadlees-caer extractor.


73 The soldier will use the appendages furnished with therifle and o other screw-driver, except with s o5cer.s permis-sion, whichwill not be granted unless the blade of thc dr iver be

h m a d and fill well the slots in the ncrew-heads. A small mallet,or other suoh wooden instrument, will bc required to remove t helock, and amnll hamm er to take out the tumbler .

74. Th e parts will be removed in the following order, andcarefully laid down wh ere they caa~mot all, at14will not oome

in contaot wit11 gritty substance:Uufix th e bayonet.Inser t s plug of soft w w d in the mt~zale f tho barrel .Draw t he ramrod

Ta ke out the taup-screw.

Remove the lock. To do this, br ing th e ha mm erto the half -eoe k, partly unsorsw th e side-screws, strike the hea ds gently

w ith a w ~ d e nnstrument to loosen the lock f rom i ts bed in theatock, turn dot th e side-sorewe, and th e lock will drop off.

Take out the side-screws without disturbing the washers.~e m o v %irs the upper , and then the loruer band.

Take out the barrel. To do this, bring the riBr to a horizontalposition, barrel underneath, holding it loosely in tlie left h a n d in

re r of lhe .ear sight, th* r i ih t h and grasping the stock at theenmil; if it does not leave the stock, strike the plug in themuzzle gently sgsinat the floor: this will detach it..75 Tilie method is preferable to liftiog th e barrel out by the

mozzie, because, if the tang of the breech-screw ehoilld bind iu

th e wood, the head of the stook is liable to be s plit by firstr5iaiing the muzzle.


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76. Take ont the hinge-pin, pressing it out with the tumbler-

punch until the pin-am, can be seized with the lingera.

Remove the brwoh-block, eatohiog she rnt rsdor and ejeotor-

spr ing if they fall out.

Remove the ex t m to r and e j ec tor -sp~iag

Unscrew the i,reeoh-black oap-screw, loosen the cap with the

p i n t of the screw-driver, m d take out the eam-latch.

Remove the onm-latch spring.

Unrerrw the firing-pia sere .and take o ut the firing-pin.

77. The foregoicig parta re all that it rr.ill usnally be found

necessary to diemount. 'J'be voldier wili never remove, except

on the order of ail offoer the bizttplate, guard side.sprewmaslre~e,band-eprisge, or renr.aight. Th e broeoh.screw will

never ha taken out b> ordinary cleaning, and when removed

only by tiio armorer. Th e lock wi l l rrot be taken itpait, nor t h e

bayonet-clasp o except when, in tho opinion of an oftioer, i t i s

deemed ilbsolutoiy neoessary, nlld this will rarely be frmnd to h

the ease if proper care c taken of the snn.


79. Bring the hammer to til full-cook plaoc the notoh of t h e

sertsv-driver over both branetiea of the main-spring; let down

the Ilammrr and remove the main-spring, mtsining i t in the

not oh.

Par t l y eneorew the sear-spring screw, insert th screw-driver

betweert the look-plate and sew-sp ring ao ns to disengage it from

its mortise; remove the screw and spring; u,ieerenv and renlore

Th e sear-screw aud mar;

The bridleaorew nd bridle;

T h e  tumbl6r.ec1.rw .

Remove the tnmhller~, riving. it ut with the tumbler-punch

in the screw-thola, observing the precauliori mentiouttd ia para-

p p h 67 of Laidley s Rifle Firiog.

Drive out the mn in-~p ring wivel from thet um ble r with s



80 T h e rifle i s amembled in the inverse order in wliioh it is


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el. Aaeemblo the parts in the foliatvinp orde r:

Th e main-spring ewivel.

The t umbler and hammer.

Th e tilmbler- orow.

Th e bridle and screw

T h e w r nd screw

The sear-sorine nod screw. Th e main-spring.

8 2. Before inserting the screws dip tlre points into a shal iow

basin of good sperm oil, and also put a drop on the arbor and

pivot pf the turnbler; do nut tun, the screwe in BO hlrrd as t obiud the parts. Test this by moving the hammer, and aer that

it moves without undue friotian.


83 Insm t thefi r inpp in io i t s hole, and screw home t l lefi ring-.

pill BDPFW

Pu t the oanl-latch spring in place.

Insert the cam-latch alid breeoh-block cap and turn in the-

cap screru.

Pu t the ejector-spring in place.

Place the extractor in position, the ejector-spring spindle

entering the cavity in \Ire baok and hold i t w i th the l e f ~tlrumb.

Take the brzoch.blook in the right hand, insert the tiinge

betwee11 the ears aa far as it will go; hold it with the left thumb

over the blm k; press i t forward wi th the bxl l of the right thumb.

agaiost the thumb-piece, and at the eama t ime downwards withthe left thumb until it fails into plaee.

I n ~ e r tthe hing-e-pin in tlre left enr and muse i t to enter the

hinge by st riking it a gentle blow with a wooden ioat ri~ment ;

tun, it until the stud on t hear m ent er8 t he recess on the side of

the receiver.


84. Lay the barrel in its bed in t he s tock , p ress i t dow nx i th

the haod, st rike the but t gcnt lyagsinat the oor to settle the

breech end of the barrel againa t the head of the stock.

P u t on first the m iddle, then the u pper band, with the letter

U npwards; avoid marring the stock or barrel in sl iding them to

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*heir places; press the band-spr inge with the thumb to see tlkstth ey play f reely.

To put the lock in place, bring the hammer to the half-cook;hold the stock with the lef t ha nd at the swell , the but t between

the knees; push the t r igger forward; take the look the r ighthand, t he outs ide towards the palm, and l ay i t in i t s b d ; press

it well down, tq rn the stook over holding th e luck in plnoc withth e left hand.

Oil the threads of th e side-eorews and screw them home.Do t he s me with the tang-screw. Wo rk the lock to see that

th e p ar ts plqv freely and are not bound by the woocl,.

Return the ramrod.Oil he bsyonet-clasp and socket, and fix the bayonet.Oil the stock with linseed oil, and after s tan di ng s few hour8

njt i t wi th s woolen m g ntil dry.


85 Th e at tent ion of the men is called to th e fact that the rifleie a delicate instrument; tha t its effioienoy will dep oud g reatlyupon the care bestowal upon both its oleining nd handling,and that ncglect or n ailure from any c use to clean i t properlya t a gi.ien time, or a single act of carelessness by w l~ic h bebarrel shall beoome bent or indented or t he bore injured, willprove fats1 to all hopes of fo tn re nocurate shooting. In oril~r

tha t the rifle may give the heat results, representing its highest

state of efficiency, the barrel m ust be preserved perfectly straight,xn to insure this the soldier must see that it daea not receive

bl<tiews or fall8 by which it may become indented r bent ; thatthe borc is free from dirt, lead, ur rust, which would derange theflight of the lrullet; tha t no gritty subetanoe Bnde ita way intothe chamber, on the oartcidge, or otherwise, as this would m art h e surface and c use the cartridge-cme to stick by being forcedby the explosion in to the small cavities formed ; tha t the lockand breeoh-cloaiog parts are kep t olean, free from ru st, a nd w elloiled; that the action of th e f m e r m ay not be impeded, andth e tendency of the lat ter to st ick snd o pe n h a d m a y berrbriated.


86 MATERIAL^. Clean d yrags r p c m oil winter stmilled

is bes t; if not to be had, lard oil, fme Rom aalt, or neat's-foot oil

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are the ne xt best. Linseed, rape and sweet oi l leare a g u m m presiduum, and their use should be avoided.


89. & ~ A T E R I A L S . - C ~ ~ ~otton rags tow clean wator, warm,

if it c n be lrad.IMPLEMENT8.-The P appnrdagca

95. Aa the barrels of all arms now issued are firat browned,the use of nand-paper, emeSy tripoli, c., for olealring them i s

strictly prohibited.99. I t m uet be remembered that the presence of nand, dirt, or

other suoh foreign substsnces in the bore near the muzzlerenders the barrel liable to buret if fired in this condition; thosoldier will t,herefom be osmfial to preclude the poaribility of

such substaneee finding their way there by keeping the muzz liolosed with a tompion, cork, or rag being specially mindful toremove them befur firing the rifle; he wil l make it a point firatto wipe out the bore before firing, an d the dange r just referredto need not be npprehhended, and better shooting will be su re to-



100. T h e men will be inst ructed to handle their dfies at alltimes geotly. and under no eiroumstanoes LO use them for any

other purposo that, thst for whicl , they were constructed. I twill be b orne in m ind tliat the rifle barrel near the muzzle isthin an d may be easily indented or bent; the men will thereforebe careful, in stacking arms and in placing them in the gun-rack,tha t no undue st rein is brought upon the barrel . Adopt therule o f laying the rifle down rattier therr standing it on the butt,a position in which it is liable to fsil and thereby receire in ,ju l~ .I n coming to order arms the but t wi l l not be brought to th egmund roughly; all violent shocks, which are injuriotrs to the-park , loosening thesorews, ., wil l bccsrsful ly avoided. Thohammer, s s rule, will rest on the firing-pin, an4 should never

be left full-coek. If after oooking, the intention of firing

shall bu deferred, brin g the ha mm er to the lialf-cook notoh.

Care will be ta ken tha t tiis fmrrt sight is not bruised, marw d.or in any wa y injured, and that the sight- leaf is close down on.

the base.

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A  2 H  122 0  1 V 1222

B  1 I _._..I P  U 1121  ..___.

C  21 J _.1122 Q  1211 X ...... 21'22

D 222 K 0121 11 x I l l

~ ~

F  2221 M ..... 1221 'I . 1111O  211 1 U  112 ing  P212


D X SrGNn1.B.-Signaiman faces exactly eommuoieating sta-

tion-Flap s held direotly above the head-butt of etaff a t the


P3 'T hef lq ie a lways shove t i leheed a t tile end of each letter.

Letters are signaled by making one affer the other, the fd.

lowing motions for the tigures stand ing far esoh letter. Wlrentwo or morefigureefoilow each other, there is no pnuss between

ttre motions of tlie figurrti : .To make one 117, the tiag is wavc d ' to ground on rigilt

side, aurl brought baok above the bead.

To ma ke two 1'21, the flag is waved to tiis ground ou lei%

side, and brought back above t he h a d .

To make th ree 131or anoNT, the flsg is h v e d o ground

in front, and brought bask above the brad.

To make A or ' ' t ~ e n t p t w ~ ~B] , the f lsg is waved twice

lo the ground x1 the left without an y stop between the motion8-

so for s number of two% €oik,wiag each other.

To make N [Ill, one oue (a above).


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To m ke B, or "twenty-ooe tw elw " [2112], the-flag is

waved to the ground, leR-riglrt-right-left?'

Tom a k e K, or (twenty-ooe twenty-one" 'E21211, the flag

is waved to the p m d , " left -r ight- left -+ht?

Tnmake " three" C33, the f lagwaved PRONT,- make "thirty-

thPSe" r33]-FRONT-FRONT.

NiGH'P SrWnL8.-A lighted torch, laoten ,, or. any l igh t i s

plaocd infr unt an d nt feet of aignalmao. Ano ther light fastened

at th e end of atsff is waved w ith precisely the sam e m otions e

tllose for the Rag in the day.

C o ~ v ~ h - r r o s ~ r .rGN*Ls.-Ermr -212121. Repeat-121.

121.1 21.3 . Aaaent- E n d of wor d, 3 End of-sen-

tcnce, 33. En d of message, 333. Cease eignaliog, 22.22.U.333."Addres~oom plete," from first position, drop th e flag to the front,

then move it horizontally to right, then vertically overlread to

the I&, then horizontally by the front to the right-uvel.hesd to

the left again, then-to front-then to first position. "Sigrrature

followe," from Erst pos ition, tho reveres of address complete.""Nu mer als foilow," in full circle onoe as i n "address complete."

"Ninnerals euded," reverse of "numerals follow."


Call by w aving from side to side until answ ered by 22.22.U.3.

Send er will then mak e a nd proceed to send the mes-

sage in the fa llowing order : (Place of origin), aignal for nu-

mera ls follow;" (date), signa l for "numerala ended;" To

(fidlowed by addrese) signal for "nddresa complete," (body of

message), signsl for "signature follows," (si gn au re) followed

by 3x3.I f a mistake is made, ma ke "" an d begin again s t

the egCnning of the wrd in which the mistake was made.The reoeiver will signify th t the memsge i~ received and

nn de ra tw d by ma ki ng "22.L2. .3" in aokno wled gm ent of the

333 of the sending station.T h e receiver cetx < all fo r a repetitioil a t any time.by m ak in g

121.1Z1.121.3, follow ed by th e last word oorrrrtly mceived.The sender must then make and begin again with

that word.

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 D E T A C H E D S E R VI C E , ETC.

Where from any oircrtmstance, soldiers find themaelves aeps-

rated or detached from their oommands, without the ncee888~y

means or suthori tv for mioininz. in order to DreVent their beins 

reported ae deserters, they abould at once report in person to

the nearm t post or aommaod, nod s tate their case to the em

milndiug officer, whoa* duty it is to provide fur them sn d hav e

them forwafded to tlreir proper oommands a t the earliest oppor-

tonicy. Uho dd th is course be impossible, then, the w ldier

d ~ o u l d e p or t tcr to the commanding offioer of the nearest

post, or to the Adjntartt General of the Army.

Th e soldier ~ hu ul d ear in mtnd that any fai luxe to take

proper step8 to join his oommand, when s eparated from it, no

matter what the cauee, involves inconvsnienoes and troubles

that are not owroom e without muoh difficulty. Sickness, insur-

mountable accidents, o., all require to be established by oon-

elusive testimoey, to free him from th e su8picions tha t alw ay s

attend n uou ual bsence from his pm per post .

E v e r y soldier shoul make t he a r t of cooking his study at

leaat to such n ext en t t ha t h m a y kn o w ho w t o p n p a r e h i s

ration@ n a proper and palatable form when he ia absent on de-

tached service from b is company and from messing facilities.

Dimme, and often death, ie the result of bed and illy-prepared

fw d; themfore i t i sof vi tal importance to eveFy soldier to kno w

this nseful an


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The following extrac ts o f advice to soldiers are from Dr. Hall

and others:

1 I n any ordinav mmpsign sicknees di sable or deetroys

three times ssmany e the word.

2. Sonstmke may be prevented by w d n g a silk handker-

chief in the CMWn of the hat, by a wet cloth, or by moistened

gresn lesvas or grasa

3. Nerar lie or sit down ou the grass or bare eattb for smoment; rather use your hat : handkerohief, e m is a pm-

teation. The warmer you am the greater need of precaution, as

a:damp vapor is immediately generated, to he absorbed by the

otothing, and to cool you off too rapidly.

4 While marchiug, or on active duty, th more thirsty you

are, the more essential is it to s fety of life itself to rinse out the

mouth twu or three times, and thn; take aswsllow of wster at a

time, with short intervals. A brave French general, on afarvled

mcrreh, fell deed on the instant by drinking largely of cold

water, when snow a s s oo the gmond.

6. Abundant sleep is essential to bal ily effioiieney, snd to that

slertoesa of mind which is dl-important io an engagement.

Few t h i n e more cerfainly and more eff toally prevent soltnd

sleep than eating heartily er euudowu, especially after a heavy

march or deeperatr battle.

6. Nothing is more certain to aecure endumnce and capa-bility of long-oontioued effortthan the svoidaooe of e~e rytb ing

as a drink exmpt cold wster (and ooffee at breakfast). Drink

as ittle s possible of even cold water. Experience teaches old

mldiem that the less they drink a n a march the better, and that

they suffer l e s in the end by controlling the desire to drink,

however argent.

7. d er any sort of exhausting effort, a cup of ooffeeor tea,

hot or cold, s an admirablesuatainerof thestrength until nstors

begins o recover hemelf.

8. ever eat heartily jjutd before a great ondertaking, b-use

the nervous pow r is irresistibly drawn to the stomsch to man-

ege the food eatep, thus draining off hs l supply whioh the brain

and muselea 80 mueh need


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9 Bread arid aoup are the great items of a &oldieisdiet in

wery situation: to mak eathem well is n essential part of his

instruction. Thnsegreat courge of ~um p,scur vy oddiarrhma,

more frequently result from want of skill in cooking than from

sng other c use whaterier. Offieem in command, and, more im-

med ~ately , egimental officers, will, therefore, give stric t atten-

tion to thi s vita l bran ch of interio r economy2'-WINWIELD


10 If you will drink spirits, it is inoomparably safer to do so

aftm an effort than before, for it giv s only transient strength,

l a s ting b u t s f ew minutes . As i t can never be known how lo ng

a n y g iv en e ff ort i s t o l a s t i a ~ d ,f longer than af&minutes , the

body becomes more feeble than it would have been without the

s t im ulu i r i t i s c lea r tha t the use efore an effort is hazardous,

and is uowhe.

11 Alw sys eat at reguldr hours. Neglect in this tende to

indigestion, dmrrhrsa, c.

12 8tew or boil your meat, always. Roaetiog an d frying

are wasteful and unheaftlry modes for camp cooking (partic u-

larl y frying).

13 An old soldier drinks and eats as little as ~oae ible hi ls t

marching. Th e recruit, on the oontrsry, is eontinoally munch-

in the cootents of hia haversack, and win g his canteen; i t is a

bad habit, and cans= more suffering in the end.

14. ever go to sleep, especially aRar a great effort, a w n in

hot-weather, without so ouveriog over you.

15 Rathe r then lie down on the bare gmu od, lie in the hollow

of two log0 plaoed together, or acma several smaller pieces of

wood laid side by aide; or si t on your hat, lrsrnng again8t.a

tree An spo f ten or f i t teenminute i n that position will refresh

you more than an hour oo the bans earth, with the additional

advan tage of perfect safety.16 A t is less d a n g e p m ~ h a n a bnlletwnnnd, and heals

more rapidly.

17 If from any woun d the blood sports obt in jets, ii) tee.d of

a steady stream, you will die in s few minutes, unles i t be rem-

edied; bw118e ao artery haa been divided, and th at taks the

blood direct from the fountain of life. o stop thia instantly,

tie s handkerchief or other eloth very lowely ~ ~ T a i s e xh e

wound and the heart, put a atick, bayonet, or ramrod t

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the skin and the handkerchief, ardd twist it aro und nntil the

bleeding ceases, atad keep it thu s until the surgeon arrives.

18. If the blood flows in n slow, regular stream, a vein has

been pierces, and tho handkerchief must be m the ot her side of

the wound f rom the h em , tha t is. b c l w the wound.

19. Pin 1 w . A bullet thmogl, the abdomen (belly or

atomaoh) is more cet-tBinly fstnl the n if aim ed t the head or

hea rt; fur in the latter oases th e ball ia often glanced 05 by the

bone or ~ O ~ ~ O N S Bot wben i t entersound i t under the skin.

th e Btumach or bovvels, h.om sr>ydirection, death is inevitable,

but ecareely ever iss t s~t ane oas . Generallv the Demon l ives a

dny 01 two, with perfect e l r a r n w of intellect, btien not staffi.ring

g n s t l ? T h e prsrtirni benrinp o this atatclnmil in reference to

th e future is olear. Fireh

20. -never possibls, tske s plunge into a ny lake or run-

ning s tmsm e very morning, as awn as you get up; i f none a t

hand, endeavor to wssh the body all over ss enon ns you leave

you r bed : or pereonal deanlinea s acts like a c h a m a g ai ns t a l l

diseases, alw ays either warding them 05 altogether, or great ly

mitigating their se ~ er it y nd ehorteniog their duration.

21 Kerp the ha i r of the head oloaelyout, eay within sn inoh

and a half of the soalp in every part , rep ete d on the first of

e no h m o nt h, an d w a ~ hhe whole scnlp plent iful ly in oold w a t e

every morning.

22 Wearwu den etoekings and moderately loose shoes keep-

i n g the toe and fingw nmls out close. Waeh the stockingsw h e n e v ~ rwiled, and the undecelething once a week. Tho r-

oughly dry both.

23. I t i s im~ or t sn t o wash the fee t we ll everv  night (no t in

th e morniug): bemuse it sids to keep the skin and nails soft

to piwent chafinm, bl ia ten, and corna al4 of which great ly

interfern with a auldier's d uty.

24. If th e feat begin to ehafe, re,b the aucks with common

soap where they Ome in contan with the sore places. If you

rub tho feet w dl witlr soap had soap) before th e ma , yon

will scarcely be trouMed w ith s ore feet.

25. The most universally safe poaitim. after all etunnings,

hun a, a nd wounds, is that of being plaoed on the bnek.ths head

be ing devs ted threeor fouriircbeaoaly- img, mom than any-

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thing else can do, to eqndize and restore the proper cimutatioo

of the blood.

26. The moreweary you are a ar s msmh or other work, the

more easily will you take cold, if you remain stil l, sfte~ t is

over uole athe nromenr yoo can= motion yon thruw a coat r

blanket over yoor ho ld en s. This precaution dhouldbe aken

in the warnest weather, espwielly if there is emu a slight air


27 The grestart pl~ysiealkindneea you o show a ~arieelg

wounded oomrade is Rrst to p l w him on lab back, and then

give himeome

water to drink from a canteen or antbuianoe-bucket. have seen a dying man clutch at a single drop of

water from the finger's and with the wrnoiuusnsas of a fsm-

ished tiger.

28. If met to th e sk in by -in or rwimmi~>givers, keep in

motion until the olothesare dried; and no harm will resslt.

29. Whenever it is possible do, by all means, when yon have

to u a water for owking or drinking from pond8 or 8luggish

alreams, boil it well, aod, when cool, bake it, stir it, so that

the oxygen o ths Jr sbnll ge t to it, whioh greatly impmven it

far driokiog. This bsi l ig arm the pweee of fermentation,

which ariaes 6om the ~ r w n w  o m b nd io ormio i m~ u -

ritirs, thus tending to present clmlarn aod d l bowel-dimasas.

If tlaare ia no time for boiling, st less1 stnin i through n aloth,

even if you have to uw s  or tmum-+leg.

30 Water nrn bsmade almost icecool in the hottent weather,

by closely wsaloping a filled canteen, or other vessel, withwoolen 010th kep t p lentifully wetted artd exposed.

31. While on a march, lie down the momaut you halt for n

rest. Every miauto spent in that position rafrsshss more than

5ve minutes standing or loitering about.

32. A daily evsountion of the bowels is indispensable to bodily

health, vigur, end enduraooe: this is promoted, ia many caass

by stirring s table-spuooful of corn (Ind ian) meal in a glaaa of

water, anddrinkiun it on rision in the mumion..33. Inattontion to nature's -lie isa f q u en t eonme ofd i w

The strictest diipline in the ' k,airooe of thee dutiea is

absoluteiv ~asentialo haaltll. aswell asto decemv. Man ehould

never be allowed to void their axoramant el*awbere than iu th e

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regular-established sinks. In well-mgulatad camps the sinks

a n visited daily by s police party llsysr of earth thrown in,

and lime and other disinfecting agents employed to prevent them

from beoomiug offeoaive R I I ~unhealthy. I t is the daty of the

surgeon to cdl t e attention of the oommanding offleerto any

neglect of this importsot item of camp police, t see that the

shsmblea, whew the oattie are alaugbtered,are not Biiowed to

become off'sive, and thst all offal is promptly buried at a suffi-

cient diit nce fmm oamp, and sovered by at least four feet of


34. The t i t e of a c mp shoold be selected for the d r y m o i ssoil it pr r~ tyo mh wt of g d quolily and sheller fmrn

high lab . I t should ha on a alight declivity, iu order to facili-

tate drainage, and not in the vicinity of swamps or stsgnstlt

water. trencl~ t least eight inches deep should be dug around

e ch tent, to seaure drgnms, and theae should lead into other

and deeper main drains or gottara, by which the water will be

oonductd away from the tents.

35. The tenh fez the men should be placed as far from ewh.

othar ss the Eeguiationa and the dimensions of the camp

permit (never less thsn two paom). Crowding is always ioju-

rious to health. No refas. slops, or excrement should bl

aliowed to be dvpwited in the trenehes for draidage around the

tents. Each tent shocrld bethsmughly swept out dnily, and th

matwrisls use for bedding aired and sunned, if possible. The

csovss should be i ~ i a e dreeiv st i h base. and it should be L e ~ t

open ssmush ar posaible during the day-time, iu dry wether,in order to m u r e ventilation for tents are liable tp become very

nnhealthv if nut constaotlri and thorouchiv aired. Free veuti-.lati& of kuts slrould be seEured at night, by opeoiog sod raising

the base of tha tent to as graat an extant ss the weather will


33. The orowding of men in tests for sleeping is highly

iojuriuus to health, and will always be prevented by a oom-

maoding officer who is anxious fur the welfaw of his men.

Experience har pmved that sleeping bensath simple she& of

caovaa or even in the open air, is less denyerow to health than

overorowding in tente.

S7. The men should alaep in their shirts and drawers,

removing the shoes, stockings, and outer clothiug, except when

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absolutely impraoticahle. Sleeping in the clothes is never s

refreahiilg an d ie sbsoiutely unbe dth y.

38 Loose wels namelv acting more than once s dav with

feeling of debility afterwards is the first step toward8 cholera.

The best remedy is instant and o t guietude o body eating

no thi ng bmt bailed doe with or without boiled milk. I n more

decided case. wool n lisnnel with two thickaesaee in frontshould be bound tightly around the abdomen rspecially if

m m hi ng is neoeseity.

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lothing receiued Continued.

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