May be submitted via mil (a$ shceJetters1 &&.or& fa (202-789-4660). a regub mi ~Sdence. 1200 New York k/enue. NW. WasMnE- I ton, oc 20805. USA). Letters are not mutin& adumvdedged. Full add-, signatures, and daytime phone nwnbers should be included Lttasshouldbc brief ( 3 0 0 w o r d s o r ~ ) and may be -bdar3Syorw=The~ mayap- pearinprkadoron thelnternat Lrtterwrit- ersaren5tfmsuWbefure~ I " seviees missing issues, dm and e t s , and payment qua please COW AAAS at oanb~ry, CT: m-731- 4939 Or WWgt~n, DC 202-326-6417, FAX 202-842-1065. Maiii~ addresser AA4S 1 P.O. Box 1811, Danbwy, 0-06813 or AAAS Mun- ber Services, 1200 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 Other AAAS Pro- gram 202-3264400 ~~bnt.ctr W Cred#'ICard: MEMA 1-8W-647-7378; GI Rentsk mrb 1--*c363457 oalbr 1 - Mr.13 AAWfravds 5s: Lt:z?ze!& oWar ~~ Mgmbec* 1-202. 32564l7. Rm - 800-407-9190; C a m rrctfonr ZOZ-Ml Panrbdiens 202-328 7074, FA#Z@&2-0816 Int.rrutAdhSsa8 sd (for general ditoria queries); [email protected] (for news we]; sckme-mw (for letter! to the ciditor); ZE/[email protected] (for returning emnwdpt reviews); science- -*(for bQdc reviavv qwries) - i nt.Co* (* tbe Eumpe Of. I wla#sJ&NmrCmtKtr North AAldScr 1200 New York Avenue, NW. 1 I wa%w@m, to 005 Mitaid. 202-a66501, FAX 202-289-7562 News: 202-326-6500. FAX I I 202-371-9227 Bure;ws Bcddq fk: 510652- 0302 FAX SlObSEl867, Sen D M U: 760- 942-YSZ FAX 760442-4979, U: 312- mf Z27, EAX3~l2*~537, PdciR~ W-3JZ4m I ~=CBZ~w"";:L",MOMO FAX (44) 1=326Su1 PA CarrsOonderff (33) "I 1 - 1 , FAX (33) 14P.ZSKjP00 A~iaN~~BueacraernFrNamite.@1)3-333!i 9925, FAX (811) 3-3§3-- japan OfRce: Axa .carpoatiim, Eiko I&& rusako~l*13,I.lkano-cho,,Qucrhh04 acashi, 541 lapan; (81) 6-2026272, F& Ethical Dilemmas and Stem Cell Research Harold T. Shapiro S cientific progress is both planned and spontaneous, a science and an art, and is al- ways subject to social, political, and cultural forces. Some of the influences on the scientific agenda originate within science itself; others originate in the preferences, values, and aspirations of those who sponsor or finance scientific research. A principal function of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), which I chair, is to advise and make recommendations on issues that arise when the imperatives of the scien- tific agenda confront fundamental ethical and often morally contested questions. This has occurred in NBAC's recent study of the ethical issues arising from research involving the derivation or use of human embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ (EG) cells. In late 1998, two separate scientific reports brought to the forefront the scientific and clinical prospects of human ES cell research as well as the 'There is a ethical and legal challenges reflected, in part, by 1 Congress's existing ban on the use of federal funds crucial need for for embryo research. Although these reports made it increasingly clear that research with ES or EG cell lines could~potentially yield enormous clinical bene- fits and deeper insight into human development, our national and local oversight of society is divided over how to demonstrate an appro- priate level of respect for the human embryo and for , human stem cell cadaveric fetal tissue, which currently are the sources I# of these cells. Very few disagree with the view that research ... the human embryo deserves respect as a form of hu- man life, but there is considerable disagreement about the form such respect should take and about L what level of protection is owed to human life at its different stages of development. For those who believe that the embryo has the moral status of a person from the mo- ment of conception, any activity, no matter how well intended, that would destroy an em- bryo is unthinkable. For NBAC, the problem was much more complex and involved ques- tions of scientific and therapeutic potential; secular and religious ethical concerns about the moral status of the embryo; and, to some extent, questions about the channels through which society distributes the benefits of its investment in science. In a reDort delivered to President Clinton on 13 Se~tember 1999. NBAC concluded that research in which cadaveric fetal tissue is used and research using or deriving ES cells re- maining from in vitro fertilization (IVF) should, under appropriate conditions, be eligible for federal funding. Among the conditions we included explicit requirements for informa- tion to be given to individuals who might donate embryo material, so that they can make informed and voluntary choices. NBAC has recommended that Congress rescind, in part, the current ban on the use of federal funds for embryo research. We believe that it is not appropriate at this time to use federal funds for derivation or use of ES cells from embryos made solely for research purposes by IVF or through somatic cell nuclear transfer into oocytes. Nor is it appropriate for embryos or cadaveric tissue to be bought or sold. There is a crucial need for national and local oversight of human stem cell research in the United States--oversight that does not currently exist. NBAC has recommended that the Department of Health and Human Services establish a National Stem Cell Oversight and Review Panel. with a multidisci~linarv members hi^ that would include members of the general publid. Among other re'sponsibilities, the 'panel would have to certify that cells to be used in federally funded research, including those made available by compa- nies, had been derived with approved protocols. The NBAC report contains a strong en- dorsement of the value of having the private sector voluntarily comply with this system. We also made clear our commitment to the importance of public openness and account- ability for this type of research. NBAC's deliberations (and those of professional soci- eties, religious institutions, and town hall meetings) are part of an important and sus- tained public dialogue regarding the nature of the relationship between the evolving sci- entific agenda and important ethical considerations. The author is chairman of NBAC and president of Princeton University. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 285 24 SEPTEMBER 1999

Ethical Dilemmas and Stem Cell Research

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May be submitted via mil (a$ shceJetters1 &&.or& fa (202-789-4660). a regub mi ~Sdence. 1200 New York k/enue. NW. WasMnE- I ton, oc 20805. USA). Letters are not mutin& adumvdedged. Full add-, signatures, and daytime phone nwnbers should be included Lttasshouldbc brief ( 3 0 0 w o r d s o r ~ ) and may be -bdar3Syorw=The~ mayap- pearinprkadoron thelnternat Lrtterwrit- e r s a r e n 5 t f m s u W b e f u r e ~

I " seviees

missing issues, d m and e t s , and payment qua please COW AAAS at oanb~ry, CT: m-731- 4939 Or W W g t ~ n , DC 202-326-6417, FAX 202-842-1065. M a i i i ~ addresser AA4S 1 P.O. Box 1811, Danbwy, 0-06813 or AAAS Mun- ber Services, 1200 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 Other AAAS Pro- gram 202-3264400

~ ~ b n t . c t r W Cred#'ICard: MEMA 1-8W-647-7378; GI Rentsk mrb 1--*c363457 oalbr 1- Mr.13 AAWfravds

5s: Lt:z?ze!& oWar ~~ Mgmbec* 1-202. 32564l7.

Rm- 800-407-9190; C a m

rrctfonr Z O Z - M l Panrbdiens 202-328 7074, FA#Z@&2-0816

Int.rrutAdhSsa8 sd (for general ditoria queries); [email protected] (for news w e ] ; sckme-mw (for letter! to the ciditor); ZE/[email protected] (for returning emnwdpt reviews); science- -*(for bQdc reviavv qwries) -int.Co* (* tbe Eumpe Of.

I wla#sJ&NmrCmtKtr North AAldScr 1200 New York Avenue, NW. 1

I wa%w@m, to 005 Mitaid. 202-a66501, FAX 202-289-7562 News: 202-326-6500. FAX I

I 202-371-9227 Bure;ws B c d d q fk: 510652- 0302 FAX SlObSEl867, Sen D M U: 760- 942-YSZ FAX 760442-4979, U: 312- mf Z27, EAX3~l2*~537 , PdciR~ W-3JZ4m I ~=CBZ~w"";:L",MOMO FAX (44) 1=326Su1 P A CarrsOonderff (33) "I 1-1, FAX (33) 14P.ZSKjP00 A~iaN~~BueacraernFrNamite.@1)3-333!i 9925, FAX (811) 3-3§3--

japan OfRce: Axa .carpoatiim, Eiko I&& rusako~l*13,I.lkano-cho,,Qucrhh04 acashi, 541 lapan; (81) 6-2026272, F&

Ethical Dilemmas and Stem Cell Research Harold T. Shapiro

S cientific progress is both planned and spontaneous, a science and an art, and is al- ways subject to social, political, and cultural forces. Some of the influences on the scientific agenda originate within science itself; others originate in the preferences,

values, and aspirations of those who sponsor or finance scientific research. A principal function of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), which I chair, is to advise and make recommendations on issues that arise when the imperatives of the scien- tific agenda confront fundamental ethical and often morally contested questions. This has occurred in NBAC's recent study of the ethical issues arising from research involving the derivation or use of human embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ (EG) cells.

In late 1998, two separate scientific reports brought to the forefront the scientific and clinical prospects of human ES cell research as well as the 'There is a ethical and legal challenges reflected, in part, by 1 Congress's existing ban on the use of federal funds crucial need for for embryo research. Although these reports made it increasingly clear that research with ES or EG cell lines could~potentially yield enormous clinical bene- fits and deeper insight into human development, our

national and local

oversight of society is divided over how to demonstrate an appro- priate level of respect for the human embryo and for , human stem cell cadaveric fetal tissue, which currently are the sources I #

of these cells. Very few disagree with the view that research ...

the human embryo deserves respect as a form of hu- man life, but there is considerable disagreement about the form such respect should take and about

L what level of protection is owed to human life at its different stages of development.

For those who believe that the embryo has the moral status of a person from the mo- ment of conception, any activity, no matter how well intended, that would destroy an em- bryo is unthinkable. For NBAC, the problem was much more complex and involved ques- tions of scientific and therapeutic potential; secular and religious ethical concerns about the moral status of the embryo; and, to some extent, questions about the channels through which society distributes the benefits of its investment in science.

In a reDort delivered to President Clinton on 13 Se~tember 1999. NBAC concluded that research in which cadaveric fetal tissue is used and research using or deriving ES cells re- maining from in vitro fertilization (IVF) should, under appropriate conditions, be eligible for federal funding. Among the conditions we included explicit requirements for informa- tion to be given to individuals who might donate embryo material, so that they can make informed and voluntary choices. NBAC has recommended that Congress rescind, in part, the current ban on the use of federal funds for embryo research. We believe that it is not appropriate at this time to use federal funds for derivation or use of ES cells from embryos made solely for research purposes by IVF or through somatic cell nuclear transfer into oocytes. Nor is it appropriate for embryos or cadaveric tissue to be bought or sold.

There is a crucial need for national and local oversight of human stem cell research in the United States--oversight that does not currently exist. NBAC has recommended that the Department of Health and Human Services establish a National Stem Cell Oversight and Review Panel. with a multidisci~linarv members hi^ that would include members of the general publid. Among other re'sponsibilities, the 'panel would have to certify that cells to be used in federally funded research, including those made available by compa- nies, had been derived with approved protocols. The NBAC report contains a strong en- dorsement of the value of having the private sector voluntarily comply with this system. We also made clear our commitment to the importance of public openness and account- ability for this type of research. NBAC's deliberations (and those of professional soci- eties, religious institutions, and town hall meetings) are part of an important and sus- tained public dialogue regarding the nature of the relationship between the evolving sci- entific agenda and important ethical considerations.

The author is chairman of NBAC and president of Princeton University.

www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 285 24 SEPTEMBER 1999