B USINESS & FINANCIAL for nine research associates who will be studying for PhDs. The engineering graduates will be based at NEL as part of the DTI and EPSRC Postgradu- ate Training Partnership (FrP) initiative to boost leading edge; research with industrial rele- vance. NEL is interested in hearing from any organisation with pro- ject proposals in the following areas... Reducing the energy con- sumption of pumps Increasing pump bearing re- liability under difficult oper- ating conditions Reducing pump fugitive emissions Improving pump noise per- formance Improved test and intelli- gence techniques for intelli- gent valves The FrP Associates are regis- tered with Strathclyde Univer- sity for a PhD, but spend the bulk of their time working alongside NEL's engineers at the laboratory's advanced re- search facilities. Contact: The National Engineering Laboratory, East KIIbride, Glas- gow GT50QU, UK. Tel: +44 1355 220 222. I Faster, easier access to HI pump information Desktop access to full-text hy- draulic Institute (HI) pump standards - exact images of the hardcopy originals - is now possible with the availability of HI documents on CD-ROM. Approved by ANSI, the HI standards for centrifugal, verti- cal, rotary and reciprocating pump types, are illustrated on CD-ROM with diagrams, charts, tables, and quick reference for- mats. Nomenclature, defini- tions, and specifics on installation, operation, mainte- nance, guideline and test proce- dures are incorporated, and automatically updated every 60 days to ensure accuracy. These include details of test set-ups and performance corrections for specific conditions, for determi- nation of pump performance characteristics and acceptance criteria. Locating exact documents, even with limited information, is straightforward using search criteria such as document num- ber (partial or whole), key word, subject, developing orga- nization, and date. In addition to HI keyword listings, this research tool contains biblio- graphic listings for over 290 000 standards from over 440 of the world's leading standards organizations, including ANSI, ASTM, IEEE, UL, BSI, DIN, ISO, IEC, and many more. The user interface and the subject index are available in English, Ger- man, French, and Spanish. Contact: Hydraulic Institute, 9 Syl- van Way, Suite 180, Parslppany, NJ 07054-3802, USA. Tel: + 1 201 267 9700; Fax: + 1 201 267 9055. 1 Travelling pumps show grows HQ Link will stage its third Pumps and Systems Asean '97 show in Bangkok, Thailand, on May 29 - June 1. This travelling show has pre- viously been held in Malaysia and Indonesia. The 1993 debut saw 194 exhibitors from 27 countries attracting 3500 visi- tors. Numbers increased to 5000 in 1995 in Indonesia with 206 exhibitors. Reponse for the 1997 show has been even high- er, with an estimated 8000 visitors expected. The Asean region has seen tremendous growth, and dis- played a healthy economic out- look last year. Contact: HQ Link Pte Ltd, 150 South Bridge Road #31-01, Fook Hal Building, Singapore 058727. Tel: + 65 534 3588; Fax: + 65 534 2330. We specialize in providing DRESSER -RAND reliable steam turbine drives STEAM TURBINE DIVISION in the 2-15,000 hp range. This reliability is born from a constant evolution of what works hard. By offering three wheel diameters and nine models we match your specs. Get a quote on how our reliability can give you peace of mind. Visit us at www. dresser-rand.com/steam or call us at 716-593-1234. WORLD PUMPS MAY 1997

Faster, easier access to HI pump information

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for nine re sea rch assoc ia tes who will be s tudying for PhDs.

The e n g i n e e r i n g g r a d u a t e s will be based a t NEL as pa r t of t he DTI and EPSRC Pos tgradu- a te Tra in ing Pa r tne r sh ip ( F r P ) in i t ia t ive to boos t l ead ing edge; r e sea rch wi th i ndus t r i a l rele- vance.

NEL is i n t e re s t ed in hear ing from any o rgan i sa t i on wi th pro- j ec t p r o p o s a l s in the following areas.. . • R e d u c i n g t h e ene rgy con-

s u m p t i o n of p u m p s • Increas ing p u m p bear ing re-

l iabi l i ty u n d e r diff icult oper- a t ing cond i t ions

• R e d u c i n g p u m p f u g i t i v e emiss ions

• Improving p u m p noise per- fo rmance

• I m p r o v e d t e s t a n d in te l l i - gence t echn iques for intel l i - gent valves

The F r P Assoc ia tes a re regis- t e r ed with S t ra thc lyde Univer- s i ty for a PhD, bu t spend the b u l k of t h e i r t i m e w o r k i n g a longs ide NEL's eng ineers a t t he l abo ra to ry ' s advanced re- search facil i t ies.

Contact: The National Engineering Laboratory, East KIIbride, Glas- gow GT50QU, UK. Tel: +44 1355 220 222.

I Faster , e a s i e r a c c e s s to HI p u m p i n f o r m a t i o n

Desktop access to fu l l - text hy- d r a u l i c I n s t i t u t e (HI) p u m p s t a n d a r d s - e x a c t i m a g e s of t he h a r d c o p y or ig ina ls - is now poss ib le wi th t he ava i lab i l i ty of HI d o c u m e n t s on CD-ROM.

A p p r o v e d by ANSI, t he HI s t a n d a r d s for centr i fugal , vert i - cal, r o t a r y a n d r e c i p r o c a t i n g p u m p types, a re i l l u s t r a t ed on CD-ROM wi th d iagrams , char ts , tables , and quick reference for- m a t s . N o m e n c l a t u r e , de f i n i - t i o n s , a n d s p e c i f i c s o n ins ta l la t ion , opera t ion , main te - nance, guide l ine and tes t proce- d u r e s a r e i n c o r p o r a t e d , a n d au toma t i ca l l y u p d a t e d every 60 days to ensure accuracy. These inc lude de ta i l s of t e s t se t -ups

and pe r fo rmance cor rec t ions for specific condi t ions , for de te rmi - n a t i o n of p u m p p e r f o r m a n c e cha rac te r i s t i c s and accep tance cri ter ia .

Loca t ing e x a c t documen t s , even wi th l imi ted informat ion, is s t r a igh t fo rward us ing search c r i t e r ia such as d o c u m e n t num- b e r ( p a r t i a l o r w h o l e ) , key word, subject , deve loping orga- nizat ion, and date. In add i t i on to HI keyword l i s t ings , t h i s research tool con ta ins bibl io- g raph ic l i s t ings for over 290 000 s t a n d a r d s from over 440 of the wor ld ' s l ead ing s t a n d a r d s organiza t ions , inc luding ANSI, ASTM, IEEE, UL, BSI, DIN, ISO, IEC, and many more. The user in terface and the subjec t i ndex are ava i lab le in English, Ger- man, French, and S p a n i s h .

Contact: Hydraulic Institute, 9 Syl- van Way, Suite 180, Parslppany, NJ 07054-3802, USA. Tel: + 1 201 267 9700; Fax: + 1 201 267 9055.

1 Trave l l ing p u m p s s h o w grows

HQ Link will s tage i ts t h i rd Pumps and Systems Asean '97 show in Bangkok, Thai land, on May 29 - June 1.

This t rave l l ing show has pre- viously been held in Malaysia and Indonesia . The 1993 debu t saw 194 e x h i b i t o r s f rom 27 count r ies a t t r ac t i ng 3500 visi- tors. Numbers inc reased to 5000 in 1995 in Indones i a wi th 206 e x h i b i t o r s . R e p o n s e for t h e 1997 show has been even high- er, w i th an e s t i m a t e d 8000 vis i tors expec ted .

The Asean region has seen t r e m e n d o u s growth, and dis- p layed a hea l thy economic out- look las t year.

Contact: HQ Link Pte Ltd, 150 South Bridge Road #31-01, Fook Hal Building, Singapore 058727. Tel: + 65 534 3588; Fax: + 65 534 2330.

We specialize in providing D R E S S E R - R A N D reliable steam turbine drives STEAM TURBINE DIVISION in the 2-15,000 hp range.

This reliability is born from a constant evolution of what works

hard. By offering three wheel diameters and nine models we

match your specs. Get a quote on how our reliability can give

you peace of mind. Visit us at www. dresser-rand.com/steam or call us at 716-593-1234.