Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1, 23-40 (1991) Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance J.J. VIDELER 1 and C.S. WARDLE 2 IDept of Marine Biology, Groningen University, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands 2DAFS Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101, Aberdeen AB9 8DB, Scotland, United Kingdom Contents Introduction Material and methods Measurements of spontaneous and forced swimming Speed, tail beat frequency, amplitude and stride length Physiological measurements of maximum tail beat frequency Measurements of endurance Kinematics and speed limits Stride length Amplitude of the tail tip Maximum tail beat frequency: temperature effect Maximum tail beat frequency: size effect Endurance Urns, Ump and endurance Effect of size and temperature Burst speeds Future research Summary Acknowledgements References page 23 25 28 33 38 38 38 Introduction The more than 22000 fish species offer an almost equally large number of swimming styles and performances. Swimming speed limits and endurance are directly related to food capture, escape from predators and reproduction. Therefore they are subjected to strong selection pressures and serve the evolutionary fitness of the species. This review focuses on kinematic performance during continuous swimming of fish using movements of body and tail to propel themselves. Compilations of performance data on fish propulsion by body and tail were provided by Blaxter (1969) and Beamish (1978) but a number of new papers on the subject have appeared over the last 12 years. We will review a selection of old and new data, looking for general features and similarities that help us to understand the limitations of fish swimming performance. We try to avoid data of approximate value, collected with what we now consider to be inadequate techniques. Fish larvae are not included. Swimming behaviour is strongly dominated by the 0960-3166/91 S03.00 + .12 © 1991 Chapman & Hall

Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

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Page 1: Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 1, 23-40 (1991)

Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance J . J . V I D E L E R 1 and C . S . W A R D L E 2

I Dept of Marine Biology, Groningen University, PO Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands 2DAFS Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101, Aberdeen AB9 8DB, Scotland, United Kingdom


Introduction Material and methods

Measurements of spontaneous and forced swimming Speed, tail beat frequency, amplitude and stride length Physiological measurements of maximum tail beat frequency Measurements of endurance

Kinematics and speed limits Stride length Amplitude of the tail tip Maximum tail beat frequency: temperature effect Maximum tail beat frequency: size effect

Endurance Urns , Ump and endurance Effect of size and temperature Burst speeds Future research

Summary Acknowledgements References

page 23 25



38 38 38


The more than 22000 fish species offer an almost equally large number of swimming styles and performances. Swimming speed limits and endurance are directly related to food capture, escape from predators and reproduction. Therefore they are subjected to strong selection pressures and serve the evolutionary fitness of the species. This review focuses on kinematic performance during continuous swimming of fish using movements of body and tail to propel themselves.

Compilations of performance data on fish propulsion by body and tail were provided by Blaxter (1969) and Beamish (1978) but a number of new papers on the subject have appeared over the last 12 years. We will review a selection of old and new data, looking for general features and similarities that help us to understand the limitations of fish swimming performance. We try to avoid data of approximate value, collected with what we now consider to be inadequate techniques.

Fish larvae are not included. Swimming behaviour is strongly dominated by the

0960-3166/91 S03.00 + .12 © 1991 Chapman & Hall

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24 Videler and Wardle

viscosity of the water, and the general principles found for adult fish, being strongly determined by inertial forces, will usually not apply to larvae.

The starting point of our interpretation of the available data set is the classical paper on steady swimming by Bainbridge (1958). It introduces the idea that the swimming speed of a fish depends on the distance covered per tail beat cycle (the stride length) and the tail beat frequency. Bainbridge showed that stride length and the maximum frequency were dependent on body length. The amplitude reached a maximum and could be expressed as a constant fraction of the body length at more than five tail beats per second. Hunter and Zweifel (1971) found stride length at moderate-to-high speeds to be a constant fraction of body length for different sizes within each species, but stride length varied between species.

It is essential that stride lengths be measured during swimming at uniform speeds. While the fish are accelerating we expect low values. Very large values could be found during deceleration, when a fish may freewheel with movements that generate no thrust. For as many species as possible we have selected papers with stride length data from steady swimming in a search for relations between stride length, body shape and swimming style.

One complete left-right-left tail beat cycle generates a forward motion of one stride and requires the muscles on each side of the body to contract once. At maximum speed, the duration of the tail beat period is the sum of the durations of the contraction times of these muscles. Wardle (1975) measured the minimum twitch contraction times of blocks of white lateral muscles, to find minimum tail beat periods and to predict maximum tail beat frequencies. Maximum frequencies increased with temperature and decreased with body length (Wardle, 1977, 1980). We will reanalyse one large data set on cod (Gadus morhua) to describe the relationships between maximum tail beat frequencies, tempera- ture and body size quantitatively. The results will be compared with data obtained from measurements on skinned muscle fibres and from kinematic analyses of fishes forced to swim in water tunnels and of voluntary fast swimming in large tanks.

Maximum swimming records have attracted considerable attention (Wardle and Videler, 1980). However, slower swimming speeds and the stamina at these speeds represent equally important survival values for a fish. Brett (1964) described the general form of the relation between endurance time and velocity in 0.18 m sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) tested at 10"C. At low speeds these fish can swim continuously without showing any signs of fatigue. Limited endurance can be measured at speeds higher than the maximum sustained speed of about 3 Ls -1, where L is the body length. For these prolonged speeds, the logarithm of the time to fatigue decreases linearly with increasing velocity. Surprisingly, extrapolation of this line to fatigue times in the order of a few seconds does not provide a realistic estimate of the absolute maximum burst speed. The extrapolation would predict a maximum burst speed between 5 and 6 Ls -1, whereas the real maximum burst speed is in the order of 11 Ls -1. The logarithm of the endurance time of burst speeds decreases less rapidly than that for prolonged speeds. Endurance curves have been made from fish forced to swim in flume tanks and fish wheels (e.g. Brett, 1964; Bainbridge, 1960). More recently, He and Wardle (1988) measured the endurances of saithe (Pollachius virens), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and herring (Clupea harengus), swimming spontaneously in a large annular tank. We will compile the results obtained and discuss the effects of size, temperature, body shape and swimming style.

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Fish swimming speeds and endurance 25

Material and methods

Measurements of spontaneous and forced swimming Four fundamentally different methods have been used to study swimming performance under experimental conditions:

1. Fish were induced to swim along a straight track in large tanks under static water conditions.

2. Voluntary swimming in large circles was studied in a large (10 m diameter) annular tank in the Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

3. Annular swimming chambers (fish wheels) were rotated against the swimming direction of the fish.

4. Fish have been forced to swim against the water flow in stationary flume tanks.

The first method required training of fish to swim back and forth between two feeding points by association of underwater flashing lights with the appearance of food (Wardle and Kanwisher, 1974). It has been used to study kinematics of cod (Videler and Wardle, 1978; Videler, 1981), saithe and mackerel (Videler and Hess, 1984). In a slightly different approach, freshly caught mackerel were filmed while swimming quickly along a straight path just after being released in a large tank (Wardle and He, 1988). The main advantage of this method is that fish are not hampered by limited space or interfering flow and behave naturally. It can be a disadvantage that fish are free to choose the speed they prefer, especially if a wide range of swimming speeds is required.

He and Wardle (1986, 1988) used the second method. They controlled the speed of mackerel, herring and saithe, using the optomotor reflex. A gantry across the radius of the 10 m circular tank can move around at angular velocities of 0-1 rad s -~, which correspond to 0-4.5 ms -1 at 9 m diameter where the fish were swimming in a 1 m wide annular channel. A slide projector mounted on the gantry casts a light pattern on the tank floor in the channel. It moves around at the speed of the gantry at 9 m from the centre. Fish follow this pattern and swim at the speed dictated by the moving gantry. This method offers unconfined swimming space and undisturbed static water conditions. At high velocities, kinematics will be slightly influenced by the effect of continuous turning (He and Wardle, 1988).

The principle of the fish wheel method was first described by Regnard (1893). It was improved by Fry and Hart (1948) and subsequently adapted by Bainbridge and Brown (1958). An annular channel, rectangular in cross-section and filled with water, is rotated against the swimming direction at the speed of the fish. The fish remains stationary relative to the observer or camera. The animal chooses its preferred swimming speed and swims in static water. Wall effects can be neglected as long as the fish swims near the centre of the channel and its size is small compared with the width of the channel. The largest fish wheel by Bainbridge and Brown (1958), with a diameter of 2.25 m was designed to avoid slippage between water and channel during fast accelerations to higher speeds. The rotational velocity of the wheel is proportional to the average swimming speed of the fish. The response time of the operator to the movements of the fish can be a serious source of error. It is expected to be small during steady swimming and will increase when swimming becomes more erratic. A further disadvantage of fish wheels is that weight problems limit their size, resulting in swimming along circular paths.

Water tunnels or swimming flumes are especially popular among physiologists for

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26 Videler and Wardle

metabolic studies at a range of speeds. Beamish (1978) describes the variety of designs. Fish are forced to swim against the flow between an upstream and a downstream electrified wire mesh. Respirometers are usually small and need powerful pumps to create sufficient flow. The confined space, the noise and non-laminar flow regimes probably cause anxiety to the fish, which could effect their swimming behaviour. Kinematic analysis can be used to judge if swimming behaviour deviates from optimal performance. For example, a fish is not considered to swim optimally if its stride length is much shorter than the maximum value of the species concerned. Velocity corrections, based on theoretical considerations, are commonly used to compensate for the blocking effect of the fish on the flow in the tunnel and for wall effects. Webb's (1971) corrections increase the velocity by 7.5-15%, depending on the relative size of the fish.

In conclusion: flume experiments have provided a large amount of data, but not all the data reflect the best possible performance of the species involved.

Speed, tail beat frequency, amplitude and stride length Strictly, speed should be defined as the first time derivative of displacement along the mean path of motion. The distance covered divided by the time taken would give a good speed estimate only if a fish swam at constant speeds (uniform velocities) along a straight path. Unfortunately, constant speeds are rare among fish, and usually there will be some acceleration or deceleration. High;speed films of a swimming fish, taken with a camera in fixed position with respect to an earthbound frame of reference, allow accurate measurements of small distances covered in the small time interval between two frames. With these data a numerical differentiation technique, for example Lagrange's five-points technique, can be applied to find instantaneous values for speed. Subsequently, averaging techniques provide mean speed values. The calculation of accelerations or decelerations requires differentiation of instantaneous speeds against time. The second differentiation can introduce large mistakes and unrealistic values (Harper and Blake, 1989). Careful analysis of the graphic presentation of each of the steps in the procedure limits the danger and provides results reflecting the real speeds and rates of change of speeds obtained by the fish (e.g. Videler, 1981).

The water flow in a flume tank is kept at a constant velocity. If a fish swims at the same position with respect to the wall of the flume, its speed is constant and equal to the speed of the flow (provided no solid blocking correction is needed). The speed figures obtained are averages - small accelerations and decelerations are not taken into account. Fish wheels provide a similar average figure for speed, calculated from the rotational velocity of the wheel.

Tail beat frequencies can be measured directly from film or video sequences, provided the frame rate is sufficiently high, stable and known accurately. Computer-drawn outlines of digitized images of a swimming saithe are shown in Fig. 1. The frame rate was 100 frames per second.

The tail tip describes an approximately sinusoidal path through the water. We call the amplitude of this sinus the tail tip amplitude. Confusingly, the distance of the total lateral excursion is frequently used, which is approximately twice our value.

The stride length of a fish is the distance covered per tail beat (Fig. 1). The velocity in m s-Z divided by the tail beat frequency in Hz will give the average stride length in m. For comparisons between fish of different sizes and belonging to different species, it is sometimes useful to express stride length as a fraction of the body length L.

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Fish swimming speeds and endurance 0.1 m. Pollachius virens (100 frames/s)




Fig. 1. Digitized film images taken from above of a 0.35 m saithe (Pollachius virens), swimming at 3 L s-l in a 1.2 m-wide channel with static water. The time interval between the superimposed outlines with computed centre lines is 0.01 s. The amplitude of the tail tip (A) and the stride length, measuring 0.1 L and 0.86 L respectively, are indicated. (Reproduced with permission from Videler and Hess, 1984).

Physiological measurements of maximum tail beat frequency Maximum tail beat frequency can be predicted by measuring the twitch contraction time of the fast lateral swimming muscles (Wardle, 1975). Twice the twitch contraction time is the minimum time for one tail beat cycle. The twitch contraction time can be measured by stimulating a piece of muscle in a temperature-controlled iso-osmotic bath. The period between the stimulating pulse and the completion of shortening or of maximum force development is the contraction time of the muscle. A temperature increase makes the twitch time shorter (higher tail beat frequencies), and larger body size is related to slower muscles (Wardle, 1975, 1980).

We will use original data sets from these papers to establish quantitative rules describing the effect of temperature and body length on twitch contraction times and maximum tail beat frequencies. Qlomc values will be used to show the effect of temperature. Qloc is the rate of increase of tail beat frequencies for every 10°C temperature increase (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1990). It will be calculated from regressions of the logarithms of the maximum frequencies against temperature. We will only include temperatures that are within the normal thermal tolerance range of a species.

Analogously, a Q,, value for a 10 cm size difference can be defined. Q,, cm is the ratio of the maximum tail beat frequencies for each 10 cm difference in length.

Measurements of endurance Flume tanks, the fish wheel and the Aberdeen gantry tank have been used to establish endurance curves for fish.

In the Aberdeen gantry tank, He and Wardle (1988) induced mackerel, saithe and herring to follow a light pattern moving at about 2 Ls-’ around the annular cruising channel, which has a circumference of 28 m, for 6-8 h. In the performance trials, fish were tested either in groups of two to ten individuals or individually. The velocity of the gantry was increased step by step to the chosen test velocity over a period of 30-60 min. When the velocity reached the predetermined value, the start time for this speed was noted. The behaviour of each individual fish was observed from the rotating gantry. The endurance at each speed was reached when a fish failed to swim with the pattern. Maximum sustained speed (U,,,,) was defined as the speed with an endurance of more than 200 min. Fish were allowed to rest for 24 h before starting a new endurance test at a different velocity.

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Brett (1964) conditioned young sockeye salmon to swimming in the respirometer at a speed of approximately 1-2 Ls -1 for 0.5 h before starting his endurance tests. These fish were taken from large tanks where they were used to swimming at this velocity for a few weeks. Each endurance test started with 5 min swimming at a velocity of about 3 Ls -~ "to overcome extreme excitement from more rapid velocity increase". Subsequently, the velocity was raised in steps to the test level, allowing the fish to adapt during a certain time at each speed level. Fatigue time was reached when the fish could no longer hold itself off the downstream electric screen. Urns was the maximum speed the fish could maintain for 600 min.

The experimental procedures used in other flume tank endurance experiments differ in details from Brett's (1964) approach. Different speed increment steps and different durations of the intervals between the steps are probably the most significant. Beamish (1978) showed convincingly that these experimental details are responsible for the fact that there is no consensus in the literature about Urns endurance times. We selected data from the literature on flume experiments that allowed us to reconstruct at least part of the semi-log endurance curve.

Bainbridge (1960) used a transparent Perspex fish wheel to record endurance at burst speeds of dace (Leuciscus leuciscus), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and goldfish (Carassius auratus). Low steady speeds could be induced by rotating the wheel backwards, taking the fish away from a striped background. The fish swim to keep station with the background. High burst speeds were evoked using electric shocks of different strengths. The speed obtained was roughly related to the intensity of the shock. The operator rotated the wheel in the direction opposite to the swimming direction. Speed and duration of the rotation was recorded on oscilloscope film. The oscilloscope traces were analysed to find the maximum speeds during arbitrarily selected periods of 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 s.

Kinematics and speed limits

Stride length Bainbridge (1958) measured steady swimming speeds and tail beat frequencies of trout, goldfish and dace in his fish wheel. He found the swimming speed (ms -1) to increase rectilinearly with the tail beat frequency (Hz). The slopes of the lines were different for each body length. The maximum tail beat frequency measured was also size related, showing the highest values for the smaller sizes. Combining the data for the different sizes of the three species by expressing the speed in Ls -1, he found one rectilinear relation between relative sped (U) and tail beat frequency (F), disregarding the frequencies of less than 5 Hz:

U = 0.75 F - 1 (1)

This line cuts the abscissa at -1 , which is strange because it predicts that these fish would swim backwards at tail beat frequencies lower than 1.3 Hz. Bainbridge disregarded frequencies below 5 Hz despite the fact that small fish use higher frequencies than large ones. He probably did not realize that he excluded virtually all the data points for the larger individuals (e.g. he excluded 20 out of 22 data points for the largest, 22.5 cm, goldfish but only 4 out of 22 for the 7 cm fish). At low speeds the forces needed to control steering, buoyancy and equilibrium become relatively larger, and fish erect

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unpaired fins and use their pectorals to cope with this unsteady situation. The increased lateral surface and the moving pectorals will cause extra drag and hence result in a smaller distance covered per tail beat. The amplitude is often modulated at low speeds. So it is a good idea to exclude the slow swimming bouts from the analysis of the relation between relative speed and frequency. However, the limit below which data are excluded must be the minimum stable swimming speed, not a fixed frequency. These unstable slow speeds occur at lower frequencies in larger fish.

Hunter and Zweifel (1971) studied the relationship between tail beat frequency and speed for the jack mackerel ( Trachurus symmetricus), varying in length between 4.5 and 27 cm. They corrected their data set for minimum speeds at low frequencies by using Magnuson's (1970) equation to determine the minimum speed scombroids need to avoid sinking. This equation includes the relative density of the fish, its weight and the area and lift coefficient of the pectorals. Above the unstable low velocities, fish usually swim steadily with depressed dorsal and anal fins and with pectorals in a fixed position, normally flat against the body. The amplitude is a constant fraction of the body length, and the ratio of speed (Ls -~) over frequency (Hz) reaches a maximum value which can also be expressed as a fraction of the body length. This maximum stride length is speed and length independent within the normal ranges of adult sizes and speeds, but it depends on the body shape and swimming style of a fish and therefore varies among species. Hunter and Zweifel (1971) reanalysed Bainbridge's data and found different stride lengths for each of the three species when swimming at speeds above length-depen- dent minimum stable velocities. This implies that Equation 1 loses its - 1 term and that the remaining ratio of U/F is different for each species. These and other stride length values are compiled in Table 1.

The maximum stride length a fish can achieve represents its top gear. Published data show that fish do not always use their maximum stride length during steady speed swimming. Webb's (1986) lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), for example, can reach values up to 0.64 L per stride, but often use a lower gear, in some cases even as low as 0.25 L. Table 1 shows that the maximum stride length varies between about 0.5 and 1 L. Nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) swims at low gear with a stride length of 0.51 L. Mackerel and the bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus) take the largest strides, up to approxi- mately 1 L. The general trend seems to be that the longest stride lengths are achieved by pelagic fishes.

Amplitude of the tail tip The maximum lateral displacement of each point of the body usually increases from just behind the head to the tail tip. The rate of increase differs among species (Videler, 1981). The total lateral excursion of the tail tip is usually the largest and hence it has the largest amplitude. The relative amplitude of the tail tip (amplitude over body length) is usually found to be constant over a wide range of swimming speeds, its value commonly being around 0.1 L. The tail tip amplitude, like the stride length, is more variable at low speeds. Webb et al. (1984), studying the effect of size on trout swimming performance, found that the amplitude was independent of speed, but relatively smaller in larger fish, scaling with size as L TM. Webb and Keyes' (1982) results suggest a decrease in relative tail tip amplitude with increasing speed in the blacktip shark (Carcharinus melanopterus). The evidence is based on two data points with values of 0.065 L and 0.05 L at about 3 and 4 Ls -1 respectively, whereas the points at lower speeds are scattered between 0.07 L and

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0.12 L. Our interpretation of the same results would be that at very low speed swimming, tail tip amplitudes do not reach stable values. The general picture is that at higher speeds, a speed-independent stride length is accompanied by a low, speed-independent, tail tip amplitude which shows slightly different values for different species. This leaves the tail beat frequency as the major variable to be modulated to obtain different speeds.

Maximum tail beat frequency: temperature effect Table 2 shows the twitch contraction times at seven temperatures between 2 and 15 *C, obtained from cod of eight sizes from 20 to 84.5 cm. It is part of the data set on which Wardle based his 1975, 1977 and 1980 papers on size and temperature effects. The Q10.c value for each of the eight length classes calculated from regressions of log frequency against temperature is:

Q,0"c -- 2.06 (SD 0.1, N -- 8) (2)

This result predicts that the maximum stride frequency and hence the speed of a cod doubles with every 10*C temperature increase. Langfeld et al. (1989) found a Qlo.c value

Table 1. Stride lengths, tail tip amplitude and max imum frequency of fish measured during steady- speed swimming. The effect of fish length (L) on the maximum tail beat frequency (Ql0cm) is indicated if the available data allows its calculation. The data are sorted according to the methods used: wheel, fish wheel; flume, f lume tank or respirometer; film, fish in large tanks filmed with a camera in fixed position. The data of source 5 represent slow swimming in six shark species.

Species Length Temp. Average Max. Ampl. Max. Max. Q10cm Method Source* stride stride freq. speed

(m) (°C) (L) (L) (L) (nz) (Ls -~)

Leuciscus leuciscus 0.09 ? 0.63 0.71 0.09 25.0 17.7 0.18 0.70 17.5 12.3 0.24 0.73 12.5 9.1

Oncorhynchus mykiss 0.04 ? 0.62 0.79 0.09 23.7 18.7 0.14 0.86 19.0 16.4 0.23 0.58 16.7 9.7

Carassius auratus 0.07 ? 0.61 0.62 0. t0 15.0 9.3 0.10 0.53 12.0 6.3 0.15 0.55 9.7 5.3 0.23 0.68 5.2 3.5

Trachurussymmetricus 0.05 18 0.83 0.75 0.12 20.5 15.3 0.06 18 0.83 17.0 14.1 0.11 18 0.83 15.0 12.5 0.16 18 0.78 14.0 11.0 0.23 18 0.71 13.0 9.2 0.27 18 0.85 9.0 7.7

Scomberfaponicus 0.30 18 0.82 0.11

Triakis henlei 0.24 18 0.93 0.10

Sardinops sagax 0.14 18 0.50 0.12

Oncorhynchus mykiss 0.06 15 0.52 0.65 0.08 10.0 6.5 0.12 15 0.65 8.0 5,2

0.63 Wheel 1

0.83 Wheel 1

0.53 Wheel 1

0.75 Flume 2


Hume 2

Hume 2

Hume 2

Hume 3

Page 9: Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

Fish swimming speeds and endurance

Table 1. Continued


Species Length


Temp. Average Max. Ampl. Max. Max. stride stride freq. speed

(°C) (L) (L) (L) (Hz) (Ls- ')

Qlocm Method Source*

0.25 15 0.43 15

Acipenserfulvescens 0.16 15 0.35

Ginglymostoma cirratum 2.00 24.5 0.51 Triakis semifasciata 0.98 24.5 0.55 Negaprion brevirostris 2.00 24.5 0.58 Sphyrna tiburo 0.93 24.5 0.64 Carcharhinus

melanoterus 0.97 24.5 0.72 Carcharhinus leucas 2.00 24.5 0.74

Scomberscombrus 0.31 12

Pollachius virens 0.35 12 0.80 0.40 12 0.73

Scomber scombrus 0.30 12 0.82 0.31 12 0.89 0.33 12 0.87 0.34 12 0.75

Gadus morhua 0.42 12 0.62 0.30 12 0.60

Thunnus thynnus 2.30 20(28) t 0.65

0.64 3.6 2.3 0.64 2.4 1.5

0.64 0.10 5.2 2.7

0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09

0.09 0.08

1.00 18.0 18.0

0.86 0.09 5.3 3.5 0.75 0.08 4.8 3.4

0.82 0.09 6.5 5.3 1.04 0.11 12.0 8.6 0.93 0.11 5.4 5.0 0.76 0.11 14.9 11.2

0.62 0.07 6.7 3.5 0.60 0.06 5.0 2.8

0.93 10.0 9.3

Flume 4

Film 5 Film 5 Film 5 Film 5

Film 5 Film 5

Film 6

Film 7

Film 7

Film 8 Film 9

Film 10

*Sources: 1, Bainbridge (1958); 2, Hunter and Zweifel (1971); 3, Webb et al. (1984); 4, Webb (1986); 5, Webb and Keyes (1982); 6, Wardle and He (1988); 7, Videler and Hess (1984); 8, Videler and Wardle (1978); 9, Videler (1981); 10, Wardle et al. (1989). +Temperature in parentheses is the temperature of the swimming muscles.

of 2 for the time to build up maximum tension in isolated bundles of fast fibres of the sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) between 0 and 16"C. A Q~0"c of 2 was also found for frog muscles by Edman et al. (1976) in Rana, and by Lannergren et al. (1982) in Xenopus. Q~0"c values of about 2 are common for the speed increase of biological enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions.

Maximum tail beat frequency: size effect Analogous to the Q10 for temperature, a Ql0 value for the effect of size differences can be defined, al0cm is the ratio of the maximum tail beat frequencies for each 10 cm length change. The Q~0 cm values for cod muscle obtained from fish 20 to 84.5 cm long are similar at the different temperatures (Table 2). The average value is:

Q~0 cm ---- 0.886 (SD 0.006, N---- 7) (3)

We can now predict the maximum tail beat frequency for cod (TBFm~ ~o~), using Equations 2 and 3 and, as a bench mark, a tail beat frequency of 15.32 Hz for a 20 cm cod at 10*C:

TBFmax c o d ~--" 15.32 (0.886~L-20)/~°) (2.057('-~0)/~0) (4)

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32 Videler and Wardle

where L is the body length in cm and t is the temperature in *C. Twitch contraction times at 14"C for 58 samples taken from 26 salmon (Salmo salar)

of different lengths, ranging from 6 to 56 cm, yielded a Q10 cm value of 0.876 (C.S. Wardel, unpublished).

Table 3 lists Q10 cm values calculated from data in the literature. The values for cod obtained from data by Altringham and Johnston (1990) and Archer et al. (1990) are 0.84

Table 2. Twitch contraction frequencies (Hz), O l0cm and Q10oc values for cod (Gadus morhua) of different body lengths, measured at a range of temperatures.

Length Temperature (°C) Q lo'c*

(cm) 2 4 6 8 10 12 15

20 9 13 13 15 19 21 23 2.00

39 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 1.95

52 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 1.91

53 5 6 8 9 11 13 15 2.24

65 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 2.11

67 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 2.13

77 5 5 6 7 9 10 12 2.13

85 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.97

Qlocm t 0.89 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.89 0.89

*Mean value is 2.06 *Mean value is 0.89

Table 3. The effect of body length on the maximum tail beat frequency (TBF), based on measurements of muscle twitch contraction times.

Species Temp. Length range Max. TBF Qlocm Source* (°C) (m) range (Hz)

Gadus morhua 4 0.13-0.67 6.3- 2.5 0.84 1

Gadus morhua 12 0.09-0.45 20.5-12.8 0.88 2

Salmo salar 14 0.06-0.56 20.1-10.4 0.88 3

Girella tricuspidata 14 0.14-0.45 20.2-12.4 0.85 4 10 0.14-0.45 13.4- 9.5 0.89 6 0.14-0.45 9.4- 5.7 0.85

* Sources: 1, Altringham and Johnston (1990); 2, Archer et al. (1990); 3, C.S. Wardle (unpublished results); 4, McVean and Montgomery (1987).

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Fish swimming speeds and endurance 33

and 0.88 respectively. Values obtained from fish swimming in a fish wheel and in water tunnels (Table 1) differ more. This could probably reflect the fact that the authors were interested in the relation between tail beat frequency and speed, and did not try to reach maximum values for each body length tested.


Maximum sustained swimming speeds (Urns) and log-linear regressions describing the decline of endurance (E) with increasing speed for prolonged and burst swimming speeds are compiled in Table 4. It is difficult to compare these data objectively because of the large variations between the experimental conditions. The temperatures vary between 5 and 20"C and were not accurately measured in some of the experiments. We have already mentioned the three fundamentally different experimental techniques. Slightly different flume tanks or experimental procedures could also obscure general trends. We expect large differences in endurance between species, as well as between individuals of different sizes within a species. Even individual differences can be as large as 25% (Bainbridge, 1960; Brett, 1964, 1982).

Despite these compatibility and variability problems, we think we can use this data set to show some general trends in maximum sustained and prolonged speeds and in endurance between species. Data from two species indicate the effect of size. Little can be concluded about the effect of temperature because of inconsistent results.

Values of Urns, U,,p and endurance

The Um~ of saithe, mackerel and herring in the gantry tank experiments is 3.1 Ls -1, which is only slightly lower than the average U~s for all the data, including the flume tank experiments, of 3.3 Ls -l. The maximum prolonged speed (Ump) however, averages 4.3 Ls -1, which is substantially lower than the overall average of 6.2 Ls -1. The average slope of the prolonged speed curves, measured in the gantry tank, is -1.35. This shows that the slopes are much steeper than the overall average value of -0.79. These differences may arise because fish in the gantry tank were not pushed to their limits. On the other hand, there is a lot of variation among species, even when similar methods are used.

The maximum sustained and prolonged speeds of herring are higher than those of saithe of the same size, and the endurance curve is steeper. Um~ of mackerel is slightly higher than that of saithe and lower than the value for herring. The endurance de- creases less rapidly than that of saithe and herring. The blacksmith mackerel (Chromis punctipinnis) showed the highest Um~ of 7.1 LS -1 and the highest value of Ump of 12.9 Ls-L The shallowest endurance slope of -0.14 connects these two points. The Urns of the other species varies between 1.4 and 4.8 Ls -1. The variation among the Ump values is more evenly distributed between 2.2 and 12.9 Ls-L No significant correlation exists between body length L (in m) and slope a, nor between L and Um~ and Ump expressed in Ls-L Of the variation in U~s values, 75% can be explained by the equation:

Ums (ms -1) = 0.15 + 2.4 L (r = 0.87, g = 33) (5)

when Um~ is in ms -1. Only 64% of the variation in Ump (in ms -~) is explained by:

Ump ( m s -1) = 0.61 ~ 2.4 t ( r = 0.80, g = 33) (6)

These correlations only reflect the fact that larger fish can swim at higher absolute speeds.

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34 Videler and Wardle







0 ¢D









? ? ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

+1 +1 -'1-1

Page 13: Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

Fish swimming speeds and endurance 3~

r-- r-: o r.. ~



I I I I l l l l ~ l ~ l l l l I I I I I I I I I

t',,I ¢-4 ¢ '4


t",l tt-~


Page 14: Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

36 Videler and Wardle

Note that the slopes in Equations 5 and 6 are equal, despite the wide variety of endurance times at which both velocities, but in particular Ump, have been determined.

The steepness of the endurance curves for prolonged speeds varies considerably among species. The most extreme value of -2 .1 was found by Brett (1964) for young sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Brett's later (1967, 1982) results with adults of sockeye and pink salmon (O.gorbuscha) are -0 .97 and -1.15 respectively. These figures are of the same order of magnitude as those of cod, trout, lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), saithe, mackerel and herring. Interspecific differences in body size and temperature do not seem to have much influence on the approximate level of the slope value. Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Odontestes regia and Spanish or chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) have intermediate values. The slopes of all the other species are very shallow. The most extreme example is, as mentioned before, Chromis punctipinnis. This 8.5 cm animal had a wide scope of endured swimming speeds, starting with a Urns of 7.1 Ls -1 with a measured endurance of 15 min up to a Ump of 12.9 Ls -1 which it could keep for 2.4 min. Many of the species with shallow endurance curves have two features in common: they are usually small and are not pelagic long-distance swimmers.

In some species, for example the Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax), the semi-log prolonged speed curve remains linear up to very small endurance values (of 0.05 min in the example). These species do not seem to have a separate burst speed endurance curve.

Effect of size and temperature The data for saithe and Coregonus offer the opportunity to study size effects. In saithe, Urns in Ls -1 is proportional to L -°'63, and the Q10 c m value is 0.84 (Q10 cm is here the rate of speed change in Ls -~ for every 10 cm change in length). He (1986) found maximum speeds of saithe at 12°C to be proportional to L -°'43 (Ls-1), representing a Q10cm value of 0.88. This figure is virtually the same as the al0cm values found for the maximum tail beat frequencies for cod and salmon. The slopes of the prolonged-speed regression curves of saithe (Table 4) become steeper with increasing body length. The slope values (a) decrease linearly with body length at a rate of 0.18 for every 10 cm length increase. We drew the endurance curves for saithe of different lengths as an example in Fig. 2. These curves tell us that a 0.25 m fish can swim at 3 Ls -~ continuously without fatigue but that a fish twice that size can only swim 5 min at the same relative speed. A 0.5 m saithe can keep up a speed of 1 ms -1 indefinitely, whereas a 0.25 m fish would be exhausted after 19 min. (Equation 5 over-estimates the Urns values for the largest saithe and predicts a value lower than that measured for the 0.25 m saithe.)

Coregonus of 0.34 and 0.13 m were measured at the same temperature. The Q~0 ~m values for Um~ and U~p, for a 1.6 min endurance, were 0.67 and 0.74 respectively. This means that Ums and U~p decrease more rapidly with increasing size in Coregonus than in saithe. The slope of the prolonged-speed curve steepens with increasing length with the same factor as found for saithe.

For cod, red fish (Sebastes marinus) and Coregonus, results of measurements at different temperatures of animals of the same length have been published. The trends emerging from these few data (table 4) are not consistent. A decrease in temperature coincides with a decrease in Um~ and Ump in cod and Coregonus, but this is not the case for S. marinus. The slope values of cod and S. marinus increase (the slopes become shallower) and the slope of Coregonus is shown to be steeper after a drop in temperature.

Page 15: Fish swimming stride by stride: speed limits and endurance

Fish swimming speeds and endurance

endurance (rain)

1.1 m/s .85 m/s

1 O0 \

\ \ i ' , 10

'" ' . .\ "-, 1 , . . \ \

"... \ \ ' - . \ \

0.1 ".. \ \

""-.. \

0 2 4 6 or,,. 8 urn, urn, swimming speed (L/s)




• 0.35m


10 12

Fig. 2. Effect of size on endurance of saithe, spontaneously following light patterns at increasing speeds. Endurance curves are shown for four individual fish. Maximum sustained swimming speed (Um~), maximum prolonged speed (Ump) and maximum burst speed (Ubm) are .indicated for the largest (0.5 m) fish. Values of Urns range from 0.85 m s -~ for the smallest fish to 1.1 m s -1 for the largest.

Burst speeds Burst speed curves of trout, dace and goldfish have been determined by Bainbridge (1960), and McCleave (1980) offers one for the eel (Anguilla anguilla). The slopes are --0.20 on average, which is almost four times as shallow as the average angle of the prolonged-speed curves. Bainbridge measured animals of different sizes, but there is no apparent size effect. The maximum burst speed Ubm in ms -1 in relation to body length (m) is best described by:

Ubm (ms - l ) = 0.4 "~ 7.4 L (r = 0.80, N ---- 30) (7)

The maximum burst speed measured was 10 Ls -1 on average. The highest figure listed is that of the 0.305 m mackerel swimming at 18 Ls -]. It was filmed, swimming in water of 12"C, with a high-speed camera in fixed position, running at 200 frames s -t by Wardle and He (1988). The mackerel used a tail beat frequency of 18 Hz and a stride length 1 L. The muscle twitch contraction time at the same temperature for mackerel of the same size was 0.026 s, predicting a maximum tail beat frequency of 19 Hz.

Future research The current overview reveals where our knowledge of fish swimming speeds and

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38 Videler and Wardle

endurance, as related to size and temperature, needs expansion. We need precise kinematic and endurance measurements, of the largest possible variety of fish, swimming at the entire speed range between Urns and Ubm. Large flume tanks or, alternatively, large tanks with static water conditions, should be used. The flume tanks should ideally be specially designed to record performance of animals of different sizes and at a range of temperatures.

One important goal would be to establish the effect of temperature on Ubm. This is of ecological importance and is needed to verify the predicted Ql0oc -- 2.

General rules describing the relations between kinematic and endurance data and the metabolic costs of swimming are in demand. Finally, the link between performance, limits and ecology is all-important, and deserves increased attention.


Steadily swimming fish show a species-specific stride length and tail tip amplitude. These are constant over the entire speed range if expressed as a fraction of the body length. The speed of a fish equals the stride length times the tail beat frequency. We describe how maximum tail beat frequencies, and hence maximum swimming speeds, are related to temperature and body length.

Maximum sustained swimming speeds, endurance during swimming at higher speeds, and maximum burst velocities of 27 species are compared. The rate of decline of endurance with increasing speed is either gradual or steep, with only a few cases in between Steady swimmers show the steepest decline.

The published effects of temperature on endurance are not consistent. The effect of body size on the endurance curve could be investigated for two species.

The maximum sustained speed decreases with increasing length, and the slope of the endurance curves steepens with increasing length with the same factor in both species. The maximum burst speed is 10 Ls -1 on average.


Hanneke Videler-Verheyen categorized the few hundred references from which the data base for this review emerged. This study was written during a sabbatical leave from Groningen University of J.J.V. The hospitality of the Marine Laboratory Aberdeen, the Department of Pure and Applied Biology of Leeds University (Professor R. McNeill Alexander) and the Department of Zoology of Cambridge University (Dr C.P. Ellington) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr P.W. Webb for constructive comments. The British Council supported our cooperation financially.


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Accepted for publication 12 March 1991