Francis Gable Lessons in Business From the Teachings of Jesus Christ

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  • 7/28/2019 Francis Gable Lessons in Business From the Teachings of Jesus Christ


    fL E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S

    F R O M T H E T E A C H I N G S O FJ E S U S C H R I S T


    Compiled from The ChristianBusiness Man

    KANSAS CITY, MO.1923

    iMtF a i * - *varyUnUy Village MO 64065

  • 7/28/2019 Francis Gable Lessons in Business From the Teachings of Jesus Christ


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    I N T R O D U C T I O NI t is diff icul t to rea l ize how h u n g r i l yh u m a n i t y i s s e e k i n g h i g h e r th i n g s a n dh o w e a g e r l y i t g r a s p s a t t h e h o p e t h a t

    C h r i s t i a n i t y c a n b e u s e d in p r a c t i c a la f fa i r s .J e s u s C h r i s t a s s u r e d u s t h a t h e c a m et h a t w e m i g h t h a v e l i f e a b u n d a n t l y . I tis t h e r e f o r e r e a s o n a b l e t o b e l i e v e t h a tt h e t h i n g s w h i c h h e t a u g h t w e r e p r i n c i p l e s o f l i v i n g w h i c h , i f a d h e r e d t o ,w o u l d r e s u l t in a b u n d a n c e o f l i f e .I n t h e h o p e o f s t i m u l a t i n g i n t e r e s t i na s t u d y o f t h e C h r i s t t e a c h i n g s , w e a r ei s s u i n g t h i s s e r i e s of l e s s o n s f o u n d e du p o n s o m e o f t h e p a r a b l e s w h i c h h eu s e d . T h e l e s s o n s a r e p r e s e n t e d n o t a sa r b i t r a r y i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s o f t h e S c r i p t u r e s , b u t w i t h a v i e w t o s u g g e s t i n g t ob u s i n e s s m e n t h a t t h e f o u r G o s p e l s c o n t a i n p r a c t i c a l t e a c h i n g s t h a t m a y b e u s e ds u c c e s s f u l l y b y a n y m a n i n t h e c o m m e r c i a l w o r l d .F o l l o w i n g e a c h l e s s o n i s a n o u t l i n e f o rd i v i d i n g t h e l e s s o n i n t o t o p i c s f o r w e e k l ys t u d y a n d d i s c u s s i o n , a n d s o m e q u e s t i o nh e l p s t o f o c u s t h e t h o u g h t o n t h e s a l i e n tt e a c h i n g s o f t h e l e s s o n .

  • 7/28/2019 Francis Gable Lessons in Business From the Teachings of Jesus Christ


    RESPECT FOR LAWM a t t . 17:24-27

    And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received the half-shekel cameto Peter , and sa id, Doth not your teacherpay the hal f-shekel? H e sa i th , Ye a. An dwhen he came into the house, Jesus spake firstto him, saying, W h at thinkest thou, Simon?the kings of the earth, from whom do theyreceive toll or tribute? from their sons or fromstrangers? A nd when he sa id, From st rangers, Jesus said unto him, Therefore the sonsare free. Bu t, lest we cause them to stumble,go thou to the sea, and cast a hook, and takeup the fish that first cometh up; and whenthou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find ashekel: that take, and give unto them for meand thee .The re i s a de f in i t e t each ing in t he inc i

    d e n t r e c o r d e d a b o v e , i n a d d i t i o n t o t h ea p p a r e n t m i r a c l e b y w h i c h t h e c o in w a sp r o d u c e d .

    N o d o u b t J e s u s p e rc e i v e d th a t t h o s ew h o s a w h i s w o n d r o u s w o r k s r e g a r d e d h i m

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    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Sas a being far above the ordinary. H eknew that i t was natural for them to believe that he was not subject to the law ofthe lan d. It w as necessary, therefore, tha the make very plain to them that there is awell-defined principle which underlies theobservance of law.

    God's laws are perfect ; they control , ina stupendous system, the movements of thecelestial bodies and they underlie all natural pheno men a. T h e observance ofdivine law always results in perfect harmony.Manmade laws of ten fall far short ofperfection; nevertheless they are made forthe purpose of maintaining harmony andorder among individuals who are congregated in groups, nat ions, or races. W eshould understand that laws are necessary,

    and that they are adopted more for thepurpose of coordinating and systematizingcommunity activities than as measures ofrestraint.

    Jesus wanted to teach such an understanding of law, and he set about it in avery definite w ay . H is recorded conversation with Peter clearly suggests to us thelesson tha t he wished to convey. Th eirwords establish the fact that, accordingto a technical interpretation of the law,Jesus and Peter, being "sons," were freefrom the necessity of pa yin g the tax . Jesusnever resorted to evasion; he never tookadvantage of technical i t ies; he enteredfully into the spirit of law; he lived by thespirit of it , and not merely according to theletter.

    The reason that he assigns for payingthe tax, "lest we cause them to stumble,"may profitably be impressed upon themind of every one engaged in business.Men whose interests vary, view fromvarious standpoints the laws which arepassed. Som e chafe under certain lawswhich they imagine restrict their activities.Others seem to feel that so long as they

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    8 L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Sremain technically within the law it is unnecessary for them to display very muchrespect for law.T h e Christ ian business man realizes thatwithout law no great commercial structurecan be reared . H e knows that laws mustbe general in their application, and, forthe sake of the entire number affected bya law , he pat ient ly submits to the a ppa rentrestrictions which its enforcement may impose upon him, lest he cause them tostumble. H e unde rstands that the principle which is involved in obedience tolaw does not vary, to coincide with eachindividual 's opinion of a law . N o lawwas ever made better by being either violated or ignored.

    The thing tha t Jesus taught was anattitude of mind, rather than merely anouter act. T h e Christ spirit in businessbecomes manifest when employer andemployee, when the professional man andthe man who works with his hands, al l are

    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Sstriving to build a habit of thought whichrecognizes that law creates order and harmon y. In a mind accustomed to such ahabit of thinking, respect for law andobedience to i ts mandates help to harmonize and to stabilize all the faculties; theymake it easier for the whole man to conform to the divine laws of health, abundance , and ha rmony.

    When every man in an official capacity,when the head of every business, whenevery person who is engaged in commercialor professional enterprise respects the lawin a way consistent with the teachings ofJesus, then dishonest dealing, violence,corrupt practices, and every vestige of lawlessness and disorder will be eliminatedfrom the fabric of industrial life. Un dersuch a condition, evils of every kind willdisappear as if by magic, disputes anddisagreements wil l be unknown; laws wil lbe fewer in number, and they will be more

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    10 LESSONS I N BUSI NESSeasily enforced, because they will be respected.

    In this lesson, the fact should not beignored that when the will to observe thelaw was established in the mind, divinesupply was immediately forthcoming tomake observance possible. Prosperitycomes as a result of following God's laws;harmony with divine law can be reachedonly by a mind in which respect for lawis supreme.


    Apply the teachings of the lesson to:Civil law.Criminal law.Tax l aws .Proper ty laws.In considering laws that are harsh or

    unjust, find the principle or the underlyingpurpose of the law, rather than the outward expression.

    QUESTION HELPSW h y should the Christian business mandevelop respect for law?W h a t is the purpose of la w?On what are all governmental lawsb a s e d ?Can great commercial structures bereared without regard to law?Does violating or ignoring a law improve it?Cite hypothetical or actual instances inwhich the lesson teaching applies.

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    TRUE TREASUREMatt. 6:19-21Lay not up for yourselves treasures uponthe earth, where moth and rust consume, andwhere thieves break through and steal: butlay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,where neither moth nor rust doth consume,and where thieves do not break through norsteal: for where thy treasure is, there will thyheart be also.Luke 12:33-34

    Sell that which ye have, and give alms;make for yourselves purses which wax notold, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not,where no thief draweth near, neither mothdestroyeth. Fo r where your treasure is, therewill your heart be also.In these words Jesus taught a lesson indiscrimination and judging of true wealth.A similar idea, although presented in neg

    ative form, has been expressed in morerecent times, in the saying, "Penny wise,pound foolish. "The man who understands something of

    LESSONS I N BUSI NESS 13the principles of art is capable of judgingart. H e who has mastered some of theprinciples of music can appreciate music.W h a t is true of the arts is true of we alth.The man who would be able to discriminate between true wealth and wealth whichis false must understand the eternal principles which underlie wealth.

    W ea lt h is a spiritual thing. T h e thingswhich many people consider to be wealthare symbols; they represent spiritualwealth. W he n the individual has learnedto seek the underlying substance of wealth,rather than the outer symbol, he needs arepository for his treasure, as Jesus suggests.

    "Purses which wax not old" are notmade by human hands; neither are theycomposed of material substance. An innerconsciousness of wealth is an abidingthing; it is eternally new; and it is theonly safe receptacle for wealth.There is also a definite teaching in the

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    14 LESSONS I N BUSI NESSlesson, concerning the prosperity which isenduring in quality and unlimited in quantity. T h e teachin g reveals the principleon which prosperity is built, that is, that itmust be established first in man's innerbeing, and that it then will manifest in theouter.

    M uch of the teaching of Jesus was donefor the purpose of impressing upon ourminds that there is a kingdom within man,wherein may be found health, harmony,prosperity, success, and all other goodthings that man can desire. H e taughttha t the kingdom of heaven is within, a ndhe admonished us to lay up treasures forourselves in that inner kingdom.

    The lesson which we are considering isone of many illustrations which he used tolead the thoughts of men from externalthings to the inner realms of being. Jesusknew that only by inward seeking couldmen find the treasures which are the rightful heritage of every child of God.

    LESSONS I N B USI NESS 15W he n a man acquires an inner realization of wealth, no corroding or destructive

    influence from without can penetrate thestronghold of his consciousness and affectthe treasure which is stored there. N othief can break through the walls of hisstronghold and steal a treasure which hasbeen inseparably incorporated into a man'sbeing. W hil e the hidden vaults of man'sinner storehouse are impregnable to assaults from without, he, in whose being ithas been built, is able to bring forth at willwhatever things are needed to makeab un da nc e of life. Spiritual treasurewithin can be transmuted into externalwe alth . Th is fact is one of the reasonswhy the lesson should be of especial valueto the business ma n of today . Fo r whenone has learned this lesson he can rest inthe assurance that his inner consciousnessof prosperity will bring to him every outward expression of opulence; he can feelconfident that the wealth which he ac-

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    16 LESSONS I N BUSI NESSquires in this way is safe from molestat ion and from impairment which may becaused by outside circumstances or conditions.

    The concluding portion of the lessonbrings to view another principle of living.Tr ea su re is tha t which is coun ted of greatvalue, and it is a well-known fact thatthe heart and the thought of an individualturn most frequently toward that which isvalued most.So long as a man's thought is fixed uponmaterial things, he has no means of discerning the things which ar e spiritual. H ejudges by material standards everythinghe looks upon, thereby building up a habitof judgment which is based on the evi

    dence of the senses and on relative ideas ofvalue s. T o turn from this man ner of judg ing, which has been the underlying causeof all of man's failures and difficulties,we establish habits of thinking about thatwhich is within, because in that inner king-

    LESSONS I N BUSI N ESS 17dom we find the source of all knowledgean d of all judg me nt. T h e result is thatperfect spiritual discernment takes theplace of human perception, which is onlypartial in i ts understanding. T he m an ofjudgment in the business world is usuallya successful man; he pursues a calm, evencourse, because his judgment guides anddirects him through the storms and vicissitudes of commercial life.

    No better method of acquiring discernment and discrimination is open to manthan the suggestion which is given in thelesson text, that we keep our hearts andour thoughts turned toward the inner ofour being, where the treasures of Spirit arefound.

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    Apply the teachings of the lesson to:The spiritual nature of wealth, and itssecurity.The principle on which enduring prosperity is built.The outer manifestation of inner prosperity.Discernment, discrimination, and judgment.

    Q U E S T I O N H E L P SW h o is best fitted to und erstandweal th ?W h a t are the things which people consider to be wealth?W h a t is the only safe receptacle forweal th ?H o w m ay a person develop a feeling ofsecurity in the use of wealth?W h a t is the best method of acquiringdiscernment and discrimination?How may man find the treasures whichare his rightful heritage?


    Give, and it shall be given unto you; goodmeasure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom.For with what measure ye mete it shall bemeasured to you again.Most business men agree in the state

    ment that "you cannot get something fornothing." The expression, "Jones paysthe freight," is frequently heard, andJones is understood to symbolize that individual who is often called the ultimateconsumer. An oth er phra se which expresses a similar meaning is: " H e whowould dance must pay the piper."All these expressions are accepted asaxioms in the business wo rld. It is justand equitable that he who enjoys the useand benefit of any commodity shall givean adequate return for that commodity.

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    20 L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S SA definite principle underlies the fact thatthere should be an act of giving which iscommensurate with the act of receiving.In mechanics this principle is referred to asthe law of equal reaction, which providesthat every action is accompanied by areaction of equal force.

    Men who recognize that this principle isoperative in business and in mechanicsmay have more respect for the teachingsof Jesus Christ if they realize that he wasfamiliar with this principle and that heused it and taught it nineteen hundredyears ago.

    Jesus frequently left his followers andwent by himself to pray, to commune withthe Father, and to receive from the Fatherstrength and wisdom with which to perform his wo ndrou s work s. Du ring thetimes between such occasions, he overlooked no opportunity to give out thatwhich he received. H e gav e it freely, inhealth and happiness and prosperity, to

    LESSONS IN BUSINESS 21those who had nothing to give in return.H e knew that on ly as virtue wen t fromhim could greater power come to him;that only as he gave could he developcapacity to receive.

    W he n Jesus taught , "G ive, and i t shal lbe given unto you," he was not teachingethics; he was declaring an eternal principle. H e w as endeavoring to impressupon the minds of men that there is auniversal law which they can utilize inevery activity of life; that by following thislaw they can be assured of attaining defi-nite results.

    The simple men to whom Jesus expounded the law were not versed in mechanics, as many men are today; theywere ignorant of the effect which certainactions might pro du ce in business. Jesustaught them in terms which they couldunders tand.

    The most simple mind can grasp themeaning of "Give, and it shall be given

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    22 L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Sunto yo u." A m an of meag er intellectualdevelopment can accept such a statementand can let it govern his actions. W he nhe does this repeatedly, and discovers thatthe result attained is constant and invariable , he then learns that he is workingaccord ing to principle. Jesus taugh t thelaw in terms of giving and receiving, because he wanted mankind to grasp thespirit of the law. H e knew tha t the use ofth e law in the varied activities of liferesults in various ways of expressing thelaw, without in the least altering its operation. T h e fact that men of the presentday are using the law in mechanics, inchemistry, and in business, and that foreach use they have a distinct form of stating the law, merely increases the significance of the fact that Jesus Christ firstdeclared it to the world."With what measure ye mete it shallbe measured to yo u." N o teaching is ofgreater importance in the business world

    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S 23today; no teaching can be more effectivein stabilizing commercial affairs.

    To the man or the woman who performs manual labor, the lesson teaches thatthe degree of effort put forth measures thereward that will be received in return forthe labor. It means that if the compensation that one receives does not seem adequate for the work which is done, therehas been a lack of wholeheartedness indoing the work, for the law is inexorablein its operation . It means, too, that thegiving must precede the receiving, as surelyas the seed must be given to the earthbefore we can receive the increase.

    To the employee in any line of work,th e fact is made plain that he is not merelygiving a stated amount of time for thewage that he receives, for time is not histo give. H e must give a full measu re ofthought, of energy, of devotion, if he expects to receive a like measure of payment.

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    24 LESSONS I N BUSI NESSH e must give freely to his emp loyer, to hisfellow workers, to himself.

    To the owner of shop, factory, or store,the lesson brings assurance that as he givesearnest thought and effort to his business;as he gives ample compensation, properworking conditions, and kindly consideration to his employees; as he gives to histrade full value in merchandise and service, he will reap a commensurate profit.T o the entire business world, this teaching of Jesus Christ comes as a lesson in fairplay, in practicing the Golden Rule, inreciprocity of thought and effort and kindliness, in loving service. R ota ry has restated the teaching, in the clarion slogan:" H e profits most who serves best."


    General aspects of the law of equalreaction.Application of the law for the employee.

    The law as applied to the businessowner or employer.Discussion of ways in which the act ofgiving brings a return in equal measure.

    QUESTION HELPSW h a t principle underlies the act of receiving?Di d Jesus use the principle? H ow ?W h at measures the reward w hich is received for labor?Name some of the acts of giving inbusiness?How is this principle interpreted or

    stated in the business world?

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    NONRESISTANCEM a t t . 5:38-42

    Y e have heard that i t was said , An eye foran eye, and a tooth for a too th : but I sayunto you, Resist not him that is evil: butwhosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek,turn to him the other also. A n d if any manwould go to law with thee, and take awaythy coat, let him have thy cloak also. A ndwhosoever shall compel thee to go one mile,go with him two. Give to him that askeththee, and from him that would borrow ofthee turn not thou away.L u k e 6 : 2 9 - 3 0

    T o him that smiteth thee on the one cheekoffer also the other; and from him that takethaway thy cloak withhold not thy coat also.T h e idea o f per fec t non res i s tance i s

    one of the most d iff icul t ideas for a businessm a n t o g r a s p , b e c a u s e i t i s r a d i c a l l y o p p o s e d t o c u s t o m a r y h u m a n p r a c t i c e .There i s a p r inc ip le invo lved in the l es son ,h o w e v e r , w h i c h i s v i t a l a n d w h i c h i s a p p l i -

    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S 27cab le to the bus iness t ransac t ions o f today .

    No nre s i s tan ce a s i t i s t aug h t in th i slesson does not imply weakness of wil l ormea nness o f sp i r it . O n l y he w ho i s s t rongand who recogn izes h i s d iv ine na tu re canbe nonres i s tan t .

    T h e f ir st g rea t p rece p t tha t w e f ind inapp ly in g the p r inc ip le , t each es d i sc ip linean d se l f -con t ro l. T he re mus t be a read i ness to mee t an y s i tua t ion . T h e hum aninst inct of self-preservat ion must be supp lan ted by a d iv ine as su rance o f p ro tect ion and o f super io r i ty over mate r ia l th ings .

    Jesus no t on ly t augh t non res i s tance ;w h e n h e s t o o d b e fo re P i l a t e h e e x e m p l i f i ed the t each ing in a sp lend id manner .A c c o r d i n g t o h u m a n s t a n d a r d s , a l l t h ep o w e r a n d t h e a u t h o r it y t h a t m a n c o u l dc o n c e i v e w e re p o s s e s s e d b y P i l a t e , b a c k e db y t h e m i g h t of t h e R o m a n e m p i r e . Y e tJesus was so conscious of h is oneness withG o d t h a t h e c a l m l y d e c l a r e d t h a t t h ep o w e r b y w h i c h P i l a t e h e l d h i m c a m e

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    28 L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Sfrom God; he knew that there was noother pow er. H is recognition of divinepower working through him made it possible for him to turn the other cheek, toutter not a wo rd. Hu ma n strength alonecould not repress a cry, could not refrainfrom strugg le, in like circum stances. Jesu swas poised, was master of the situation;Pilate was discomfited and undecided.

    Right of choice and freedom of will areGod's highest gifts to man kind . Exercising them, man most perfectly shows forththe image and likeness of his Creator.

    Every day in the commercial world,some one, by legal might, forces the business man to do some act against his will(goes to law with him and takes away hiscoat, or compels him to go a mile). T h egiving of the coat, or the going of the firstmile, is done under compulsion from without. Ev ery act don e under compulsiontends to submerge man's inherent right offree will. It is only in the doing of the

    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S 29voluntary act, in the giving of the cloak,or in the going of the second mile, thatma n domin ates a situation an d shows hisgodliness.Giving develops capacity for receiving;giving is a purely volu ntary act. On lythose acts which are voluntary bring usstrength and increased ability and capac i ty.

    An agreement or contract made with anemployee requires the employer to pay astated wage, and it may specify the working conditions that shall be maintained.Mere compliance with the legal obligation of the agreement is similar in effectto going the first mile. It brings only aminimum return from the employee: theputting in of the required hours, or theexpenditure of a limited amount of mentalor physical energy. Going the second mileconsists in doing more for the employeethan the contract legally requires; it is thisextra doing that brings its reward in

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    30 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sloyalty, in increased desire to serve, andin ad de d efficiency.

    T o the em ployee, the lesson contained in this teaching of Jesus' suggeststhat only the service which is given freelyand in excess of that which is required,wins advancement and increased emolument.The weakling, the business man ofmediocre ability, can resist evil and buildinto it a semblance of power; if he doesso , he constantly will be occupied in struggling against that which he has built.The strong, spiritual-minded man, conscious of his divinity, keeps his eyes andhis thoughts fixed on the good. H e canturn the other cheek, because he is conscious of divine protectio n; he can affordto give his cloak, because he knows thatGod is his source of infinite supply andthat no individual can take or withholdfrom him that which is his. H e is willingto go the second mile, because only by

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 31doing so can he exercise his right of freewill and maintain his sovereignty as achild of God.

    The commercial world is using only asmall portion of its potential power; toomuch nervous energy and too much mentalforce are wasted in futile resistance andstruggle. W he n business men adop t theprinciple of nonresistance as the usual andnatural way of meeting problems, insteadof waiting until they have exhausted everymanner of resistance before they apply theprinciple, much strength and thoughtpower will be conserved, which can beutilized in constructive work.

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    Discussion of some of the things in business which seemingly oppose the idea ofnonresistance.

    Consideration of the kind of trainingnecessary to apply the idea.

    Instances of success attained throughnonresistance.Man's right of choice.

    QUESTION HELPSDoes nonresistance imply weakness ofwill?W h a t a re Go d' s highest gifts to man

    kind?W h a t in business is equiv alent to going

    the second mile?W h a t is it that en ables the strong man

    to prac tic e the principl e of nonre sistan ce?Name some results that will follow the

    adoption of this principle in the businessworld.


    By their fruits ye shall know them. Domen gather grapes of thorns, or figs ofthistles? Even so every good tree bringethforth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringethforth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bringforth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt treebring forth good fruit. Every tree thatbringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down,and cast into the fire. Therefore by theirfruits ye shall know them.Luke 6:43-45

    For there is no good tree that bringethforth corrupt fruit; nor again a corrupt treethat bringeth forth good fruit. For each treeis known by its own fruit. Fo r of thorns mendo not gather figs, nor of a bramble bushgather they grapes. Th e good man out ofthe good treasure of his hear t bringeth forththat which is good; and the evil man out ofthe evil treasure bringeth forth that which isevil. . . ."

    Every business is putting forth fruit by

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    34 L E S SO N S I N B U S I N E S Swhich it m ay be kno wn . Som e fruit isgood, some may be corrupt . W hatev erthe fruit may be, it is an exact index tothe nature of the business, just as the fruitproduc ed is an exact index to the nature ofthe tree.Many men have not accustomed themselves to look deeply enough in searchingout the rea l fruits of business. Ofte n th enet gain in dollars and cents is thought tobe the only fruit of a business that need beconsidered . In this lesson, Jesus is teac hing that only those things which come fromthe root and the sap of a business are thetrue fruits.

    The Christian business man accepts thelesson as a direct instruction to turn withinand take stock of himself and of his business in a thorough way.If he is an owner, he should realize thatthe real fruits of his business cannot bereckoned in profits alon e. Do llars andcents might accrue, temporarily, at least,

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 35to one engaged in illegal operations, suchas smuggling, or burglary; therefore financial gain alone cannot be the true fruits ofbusiness.W e m ust go deeper than this and learnwhat comes from the very heart of aconcern, if we would judge a businessrightly. On ly in this w ay can we knowwhether business measures up to a spirituals tandard .

    One of the fruits of a successful businesshouse is the merchandise that it puts out.Occasionally we find a mercantile establishment which apparently does a greatvolume of business, and yet is known todeal in inferior merchandise. Peo ple whowant the best goods avoid that place,bec aus e it is kno wn by its fruits. If astore follows that plan long enough, itwill inevitably fail (be hewn down).Another one of the fruits by which abusiness house is know n, is service. T heservice may consist in attractive display

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    36 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sand convenient arrangement of the goodsoffered; it may be a matter of promptnessof attention or delivery; it is always expected to be in courtesy and good will.Whatever form service assumes, it has apart in showing forth the fruits by whichthe business ma y be jud ged . If the service is poor (corr up t fru it), the tree willsuffer.

    Greatest of all the fruits which a business puts forth, is its effect upon the characters and the lives of the people engagedin it. A n institution may p ay d ividendsfor years; i t may produce a creditablegrade of merchandise; i t may have unusual facilities for distribution, and it mayren der excellent service. Bu t if an y ofthese things is made possible at the expenseof the men and the women who do thework; if oppression, unwholesome workingconditions, inadequate wages, or injusticeprevail among the employees, the concernwill be judged by fruits that prove it to be

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 37corrupt. In addition to dispensing merchandise and service, every business houseshould consider, as a part of its responsibility, the building of character in those connected with it. T h e grapes of success arenot gathered from business brambles.

    The employee is not excluded from thedirect teaching that every individual, aswell as every business house, must knowthe kind of fruit that he is putting forth.His employer judges him by these fruits,and his compensation is based upon thatjudgment .

    The fruits by which an employee isknown are not confined to the time that hespends at his work, as reckoned in hoursor days; they are much more inclusive.A worker is known by the fruit of efficientservice that he renders; he is known by hisloyalty to the institution, to those in authority, an d to his associates. A n d greaterfruits th an these must he show : H e mustbe a constructive worker, and he must

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    38 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sexert a wholesome influence upon hisfellow employees. A worker m ay behighly efficient in his tasks and at the sametime may incite so much dissatisfactionand discord among those whom he contacts that his disrupting influence loses thehouse more than his personal work canearn for it.

    These things represent some of the fruitsof man's inward nature, as revealed inbusiness. A ll are vital to success. T h edestruction of the corrupt tree is an accurate picture of the certain result that willcome in time to a corrupt business. T h eteaching makes plain to us that the outeracts which a business man may performindicate his real character only to the extent that they proceed from his innernature and represent real fruits.


    The fruits of business in general.Specific lines of industry and manner ofshowing forth fruits.The inner fruits as shown by the livesand character of those engaged in busi

    ness.Outer appearances as they reveal innermotives.

    QUESTION HELPSWhence come the real fruits of business?How does the Christian business manaccept this lesson ?Name some of the fruits of a business.By what fruits is a worker known?W h a t is symbolized by the cuttingdown of the corrupt tree?

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    ETERNAL VIGILANCEMark 13:33-37Take ye heed, watch and pray: for yeknow not when the time is. It is as when aman, sojourning in another country, havingleft his house, and given authority to hisservants, to each one his work, commandedalso the porter to watch. W atc h therefore:for ye know not when the lord of the housecometh, whether at even, or at midnight, orat cockcrowing, or in the morning; lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. A nd whatI say unto you I say unto all, Watch.Matt . 24:42-44

    W atch therefore: for ye know not on whatday your Lor d cometh. But know this, thatif the master of the house had known in whatwatch the thief was coming, he would havewatched, and would not have suffered hishouse to be broken through. Therefore be yealso ready; for in an hour that ye think notthe Son of man com eth.

    In modern times we have been told that"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

    LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESS 41W he n w e appl y to business the principlethat Jesus Christ was declaring in thislesson, it becomes: "Eternal vigilance isthe price of success."

    Business men have regarded vigilanceas a business requisite, but often their vigilance is only parti al. M an y deem itnecessary to be vigilant in order to detectdishonesty, market fluctuations, competitive methods, and other outer conditionswhich may threaten the security of theirbusiness.A more important purpose in the exercise of vigilance or watchfulness in commercial affairs is to enable the businessman to discern within himself those thingswhich insure success. It is a literal watc hing for the coming of the Lord, when weunde rstand that the Lor d is Principle by

    which we must work if we would be assured of success.The Lord, or inner guiding Spirit,comes in the form of intuitive judgment,

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    42 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sor as constructive ideas, or as an inspiration which leads to business success.Every salesman knows of instances inwhich he was prompted to act in a waynot previously contemplated, and in whichthe sudden impulse won him a sale. Em ployers can relate like instances, whereina similar inner prompting guided themaright in employing help or in decidingmatters of policy.

    These forms of intuitive or instinctiveleadings are commonly called "hunches."No one knows when they may come, andusually they are not ascribed to a spiritualsource. T h e attitude of mind which doesnot give Go d cred it for them is the p rincipal reason why they do not come morefrequently. Becau se they do not realizethe source, men are not watching for thecoming of their Lord in this manner, andtherefore they do not realize his voice oract upon his leading.

    Our inner Lord also comes to us in the

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 43form of wisdom, to solve our problems; asharm ony , to order our affairs; as courageand strength, to meet adverse thoughtsfrom without; as substance, from whichour profits are formed.

    There is an important distinction between vigilance within and vigilance inthe outer. Vig ilan ce requires attentionand the pointing of our thoughts in a certain direction. T h e outer watchfulnessarises largely from a fear of possible loss,and it directs our thoughts toward externalthings an d app earan ces. T h e vigilancewhich is concerned with things within isprompted by recognition of the fact thatthe source of good may be found in ourinner being . It nat ura lly directs ourthoughts and attention within ourselves.This is the primal idea which Jesus Christwas attempting to impress in this and similar lessons: That we keep our thoughtsconstantly fixed on the spirit within ourown be ing.

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    44 LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESSOnly by the aid of this inner spirit,whic h is the divine par t of every individ

    ual, are we capable of exerting a propercar e an d watchfulness in outer things. Inthe end, we must rely on God for ourprotection; our inner vigilance discloses hisprotection to us. O ur vigilance, therefore,should be directed largely within; lest itbe not exercised at the right time, it mustbe constant.Opportunities for business progress arearising continually for him who is alertand watching for them. Idea s for mechanical contrivances and useful inventions are infinite in divine mind; they arewrought into reality by those who ceaselessly w atc h for them . Pl an s for the conduct of any kind of business activity areformulated upon inspiration from within;they have ever been given to the world bythose whose minds were in a watchful, receptive attitude to comprehend the meaning of the inner voice. Ch ance s for ad -

    LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESS 45vancement are open to every employee;he may discern them only as he is eternally vigilant to grasp each opportunity.

    The man whose thoughts are thusturned within is so fortified that he haslittle need to exert great wariness or caution to guard against danger from without.A business man frequently spends moretime and effort in watching for and guarding against a remotely possible loss thanwould be required to develop an idea fromwithin which would earn him great profit.Summed up in modern language, thelesson would read: Be constant in lookingwithin for the source of every good;watch, for you know not at what minuteyour good will come to you.

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    Various forms vigilance may take inbusiness."Hunches," or intuitive leadings.Inner and outer vigilance.The value of looking for the good.

    QUESTION HELPSW h a t is an important purpose in exer

    cising vigilance?How does "our Lord" come to us?W h a t are the requirements for vigilance?W h a t prompts the inner vigilance?W h y is an inner vigilance valu able ?For what should we most constantly

    wa tc h ?


    For which of you, desiring to build atower, doth not first sit down and count thecost, whether he have wherewith to completeit? Lest haply, when he hath laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all that beholdbegin to mock him, saying, This man beganto build, and was not able to finish. Or whatking, as he goeth to encounter another king inwar, will not sit down first and take counselwhether he is able with ten thousand to meethim that cometh against him with twentythousan d? Or else, while the other is yeta great way off, he sendeth an ambassage,and asketh conditions of peace. So thereforewhosoever he be of you that renounceth notall that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

    In this lesson Jesus teaches one of thefundamental principles of business success,the principle of prudence, which carefullytakes stock of resources and rightly proportions them with expenditures. A largepercentage of business failures may be

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    48 LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESStraced to a disregard of this principle.The fact that Jesus used two illustrations to present his point impresses upon usthat it was the underlying principle that hewas trying to teach, rather than a merecounting of material resources. More thanmonetary capital is required in rearing abusiness structure tha t will endure . M orethan great stocks of merchandise must beconsidered in estimating the possibilities inbusiness or the results of expansion.

    It may sound trite to suggest thatample resources in health and personalefficiency and in understanding of a business are needed in establishing any kind ofcomm ercial enterprise. Y et ma ny mencarefully count their material resourcesand only guess at the quantity or thequality of these more important inner resources. Suc h a course is neither consistent nor businesslike.

    An understanding of the source of thecapital which we have within ourselves is

    LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESS 49necessary if we would take accurate stockof the actual resources which are availableto us. M en ha ve become so accustomed tobasing their calculations only on thosethings which are apparent to the sensesthat an idea of limitation is inevitableunless men become aware of the infinitenature of the source of their supply.Christian teachings are necessary to thebusiness man because they point him tothe source of the important things that heneeds in business.

    The young person seeking employmentshould count his resources as carefully asthe man who is investing large capital inbusiness. W it h his first job the employeeis starting the erection of a commercialstructure, and he should know that he hasamp le material with which to build. Hismaterial consists of intelligence, tact, loyalty, integrity, willingness, and kindredqualities. A ll these qualities are attributes of God and are available for in-

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    50 LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESSdividual use to the degree that the employee recognizes their infinite nature andhis oneness with their Giver. T h e workerwho is compelled continually to seek otheremployment because he fails to measureup to the requirements of a job, is in aposition like that of the shortsighted builderwhom Jesus describes: he often is ridiculedand scorned by his fellows.

    The reference to man-power in the second illustration used in the lesson indicatestha t numerical strength is not alw ays th echief consideration in counting resources.The suggestion that the inherent qualitiesof the ten thousand may be sufficient toovercome a host twice their number, emphasizes the value of the inner qualities inma n. T h e value of the resources in ma npower which are available to the ownerof a business depends on more than thenumber of people whom he employs tocarr y on the work of his establishment. Amere count of individu als does not con-

    LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESS 51stitute a proper reckoning of these resources. T h e employer must consider theskill, the intelligence, the loyalty of themen and the women whom he hires, if hewould take accurate stock of the materialwhich is available for his purposes.

    Men who catch a vision of the possibilities that will open to them by the application of Christian principles in theiraffairs, realize that it is necessary to countthe cost when they determine to abandonthe old ideas that have prevailed so longin business. T h e new course of livingwhich they are entering uponbecomingdisciples of Jesus Christrequires newstandards of action, new courage, andnew strength. If the Christian businessman has not developed these qualitiesin himself, he is likely to succumb to thepressure of old conditions which will bebrought to bear upon him.

    In counting one's spiritual resources,they must be considered from a spiritual

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    52 LESSO N S I N B U S I N ESSstandpoint. M ent al strength cannot successfully be substituted for the greaterstrength which is derived from contact withSpirit within; human judgment has notthe keenness of discernment which divinejudgment possesses; relative valuationshave not the stability of absolute standards.

    Since our resources are from a spiritualsource and are of a spiritual nature, wecan gauge their value only by the development of spiritual judgm ent. U nd er theguidance of spiritual judgment the business man becomes poised and confident.He acts with assurance, and he succeedsbecause he does not overreach his abilityand his resources.Jesus Christ teaches a rational prudence ; a pruden ce that is not founded onsuperficial estimates, but which goesdeeply into the heart of things and accurately takes stock, at spiritual valuations,of the resources within.


    Taking stock of the inner resource.Counting the cost, or the exercise of prudence.Study of the source, and judgment ofthe value of resources.Discussion of cures for failure causes.

    Q U E S T I O N H E L P SW h a t fundam ental principle of business success is taught in this lesson?W h a t is necessary in taking accuratestock in ourselves?Name some inner resources found inworkers.From what standpoint must spiritualresources be considered ?W h a t enables us to gauge the value ofour resources?H o w is prudence exercised?

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    SUPPLY AND DEMANDL u k e 11:5-12And he sa id unto them, Which of youshall have a friend, and shall go unto himat midnight, and say to him, Friend, lend methree loaves; for a friend of mine is cometo me from a journey, and I have nothingto set before him; and he from within shallanswer and say, Trouble me not: the dooris now shut, and my children are with me in

    bed; I cannot rise and give thee ? I say untoyou, Though he will not r ise and give himbecause he is his friend, yet because of hisimportunity he will arise and give him asmany as he needeth. A nd I say unto you,Ask, and i t shall be given you; seek, and yeshall find; knock, and it shall be opened untoyou. For everyone that asketh receiveth; andhe that seeketh findeth; and to him thatknocketh it shall be opened . A n d of whichof you tha t is a father shall his son ask aloaf, and he give him a stone? or a fish, andhe for a fish give him a serpent? O r if heshall ask an egg, will he give him a scorpion?

    W h e n c o n d i t i o n s a r e p u r s u in g t he i r n o r -

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 55mal c o u r s e , s u p p ly a n d d e m a n d a r e r ec o g n ized to be impor tan t f ac tor s in bus iness .In this lesson Jesus Ch rist teach es a similari d e a . H e es p e c i a l ly e mp h a s i z e s t h e i n n e rd e m a n d w h i c h m u s t p r e c e d e d e m a n d i nth e o u t e r . A t e m p o r a r y o r l im i te d d e ma n dis not suff ic ient t o br in g su pp ly into ex press ion . Th is f ac t ha s o f ten prove d t ruein ins tances in which bus iness houses haveb e e n f o u n d e d o n e x ig e n c y o r o n a n a p p a r e n t d e m a n d w h i c h h a d n o d u r a t i o n ;fa i lu re of a business so fou nd ed is ine v i t a b l e .

    In the i l lustra t ion given in the f irst par to f the le sson , sen t iment had no pa r t in thet r a n s a c t i o n ; t h e o n e t h in g w h ic h o b t a in e dth e s u p p ly w a s t h e c o n t i n u e d , p e rs i st e ntd e m a n d . T h i s f a c t is m a d e imp r es s iv e i no r d e r t o t e a c h t h a t w h e n t h e d e ma n d i sins is ten t , the supp ly is ce r ta in . T h e lessonpoin ts to an in f in i te supply which i s ava i l ab le to mee t an in fin ite d em an d.

    I t i s fo r the bus iness man to mak e th e

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    5 6 LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESSdemand, if he would come into possessionof his supply; he must ask, must seek, in awho le-hearted man ner. T h e reiteration inthe lesson indicates the need for thoroughness in asking. If merely a listless de m an dwere sufficient, a merchant might open astore and expect patronage to come to himbecause, by the opening of his store, heha d tacitly asked for trad e. A limitedasking such as this accords neither withcommon business practice nor with theprinciple which is taught in this lesson.The business man must not only ask forpatronage through the accustomed channels and in a definite way, but he mustseek also the confidence of his prospectivepatrons, and he must knock at the door oftheir needs. W or ds alone will not ma kehis demand impressive; the service that herenders is the only demand which will gainfor him the supply which p atron age brings.A verbal request for a position or forincreased salary does not constitute a suffi-

    LESSO N S I N B U SI N ESS 57cient demand to bring supply into evidencefor the emp loyee. H e must do his askingby his efficiency, by seeking self-improvement, and by knocking sincerely andearnestly at the door of opportunity.

    The supply equals the demand which ismade according to divine law, in kind aswell as in qua ntity. T h e business manwho utters an untruth, who misrepresentshis wares or permits his employees to do so,sends out into the universal a definite demand which will bring to him a supply ofits kind: falsehood, unfair dealing, distrust.

    W he n business conditions app ear to bedepressed let the business man thoughtfullyan d carefully analyze the demand s that heis making, not alone by his words, but bythe deeper thoughts which have filled hisheart, which express in policies and inmethod s of doing business. If he has permitted thoughts of fear and "worry andanxiety to lurk in his consciousness, each ofthese thoughts has made its insidious de-

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    58 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Smand for that which is like itself; the supply of the negative thing which he hasdem ande d will be forthcoming. Neg ativethoughts tend to perpetua te themselves a ndconstantly to grow stronger in their demands .

    If the business man would have success,every thought must be directed towarddem anding success. Th ere are no exceptions to the principle stated: "Ev eryon ethat asketh receiveth."Every business condition in the worldtoday exists as the visible supply that hasbeen brought forth by a dem and. La ckof business indicates that sufficient demandhas not been made, that the demand wasnot whole-hearted and persistent, or thatignorance or carelessness caused a wrongkind of demand to be made.The following principles are definitelygiven us in the lesson:There is supply for every demand.Demand must be earnest and persistent.

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 59A demand which is lived is more potentthan a spoken demand.The supply is always equal to the de

    mand, in kind and in quantity.D IV IS IO N S F O R WE E K L Y S T U D YGeneral discussion of supply and dem a n d .

    W ay s in which demand m ay be expressed.Analyzing our demands.Equality of supply and demand.

    Q U E S T I O N H E L P SW ha t must precede a dema nd that ismade in the outer?How should a demand be made to insure receiving the supply?How is a worker's demand expressed?The demand of the business owner?How does supply equal demand?W h a t must the business man do to attain success?W h a t is the most potent dem and ?

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    FAITHFULNESSL u k e 1 6 : 1 - 1 2 .

    And he sa id a lso unto the disc iples, Therewas a cer ta in r ich man, who had a steward;and the same was accused unto him that hewas wasting his goods. A nd he called him,and said unto him, "What is this that I hearof thee? render the account of thy stewardsh ip ; for thou canst be no longer steward.And the steward sa id within himself, W h a tshall I do, seeing that my lord taketh awaythe steward ship from me? I have notstrength to di g; to beg I am asham ed. I amresolved what to do, that, when I am put outof the stewardship, they may receive me intotheir houses. A n d calling to him each one ofhis lord's debtors, he said to the first, Howmuch owest thou unto my lord? And he sa id,A hun dred measures of oil. A n d he saidunto him, Take thy bond, and si t downquickly and write fifty. Th en said he toanothe r , And how much owes t thou? Andhe sa id, A hun dred measures of wheat. H esaith unto him, Take thy bond, and writefourscore . A n d his lord commended the un-

    L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S S 61righteous stewa rd beca use he had donewise ly : for the sons of this world are for theirown generation wiser than the sons of thelight . A nd I say unto you, Ma ke to yourselves friends by means of the mammon ofunrighteousness; that, when it shall fail, theymay receive you into the eternal tabernacles.H e th at is faithful in a very little is faithfulalso in much: and he that is unrighteous in avery little is unrighteous also in much. Iftherefore ye have not been faithful in theunrighteous mammon, who will commit toyour trust the true riches? And if ye havenot been faithful in that which is another 's,who will give you that which is your own?

    This lesson presents a most interest ings i t u a t io n , o n e in w h ic h f r a u d a p p a r e n t l yw in s c o m me n d a t i o n a n d p r of it . T h e s t ew a r d w a s d i s l o y a l a n d w a s d o u b ly d i s hone s t ; wh en h is pos i t ion w as th rea ten edbec aus e h is emp loye r ha d lea rn ed of for mer d ishones ty , he p lanned to prov ide forh is fu ture we l fa re by prac t ic ing de l ibe ra tean d sys tema t ic f r au d ag a ins t h is employ e r .

    I t is not surpr isin g tha t this employ er

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    62 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sshould hav e a dishonest stew ard. It isevident, from his praise of the steward'smethods, that the employer also was dishonest. Lik e attracts like, an d it is prob able that the employer had sought or hadattracted to his service men who wereunscrupulous enough to further his ownquestion able ends. It is often true that on ewh o is tricky an d deceitfully cu nning h asa certain circle of adm irers. Th ese ad mirers warmly applaud traits which correspond to the ideas which they havebuilt within themselves. So far as theirinfluence extends, they help to prosperthose in whom such traits are found . Inbringing out this fact, Jesus disclosed hisinsight into the trend of human thought.

    The lesson does not stop with this disclosure. Jesu s' mission was to teach eterna l , spiritual truths, not human ideas aboutTr uth . In a subtle yet impressive wa y headmonished his followers to be as zealousin standing for their principles as worldly

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 63men are in maintaining their contentions.H e poin ted out tha t there is a deeper, moreenduring prosperity with which men canconnect and in which they can abide.

    The most important teaching of the lesson is tha t of abso lute faithfulness andloyalty, in minor things as well as in greatresponsibilities. Dece it an d trickery arenot profitable, even in dealing with thingsthat are comparatively of small importance .Faithfulness in business is evidenced byservice. T h e employer wh o pursues a policy of telling only part truths, who permitshis clerks to mislead patrons in little, subtleways in selling merchandise, is laying afoun datio n for loss of profits in large rway s. A slight adv anta ge taken of acustomer will result in time in loweredconfidence and the consequent loss of thatcustomer's business.

    He who works for another cannot befaithful to his own interests if he is not

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    64 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sfaithful to the good of his employer.Petty waste of office supplies, neglect ofproperty which the employer has intrustedto his care, lack of courtesy to patrons,deliberate waste of time, failure to cooperate with other workers, are little acts ofunfaithfulness in dealing with propertieswhich have been intrusted to him as anemp loyee. Th ese acts in themselves ma ybe small, yet they constitute a dial uponwhich is reco rded the deg ree of faithfulness and loyalty which the employee renders. Up on them hinge future advan cement, increased salary, and the confidenceand trust of the employer.

    Many business men vainly try to understand why their fields of commercial activity do not yield larger returns; manyworkers wonder why they do not advancemore rapidly in favor and in rewa rd. Often they might find the answers to thesequestions by an analysis of the good faithwhich they are showing in their business

    rL E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 65

    opportun ities or in their wo rk. N o man inbusiness can live to himself; all are dealingwith that which belongs to others. T h epublic need of distribution and service isintrusted to every man who engages inbusiness. If he is not faithful to the needwhich is another's, there is no known principle that will bring to him that which ishis own.

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    r66 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S

    DIVISIONS FOR WEEKLY STUDYInstances in business in which like at

    tracts like.Faithfulness and loyalty; how expressed?Righteous and unr ighteous mammon.Faithfulness in small matters.

    QUESTION HELPSW h a t kind of employees does a dishonest business man attract?M ay enduring gain be obtained throughtrickery?How is faithfulness in business evidenced?How may a man be most faithful to hisown interests?W h at may reveal some of the causes of


    THE TRUE LIGHT OF BUSINESSMat t . 5 :14-16Y e are the light of the wo rld. A city seton a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men lighta lamp, and put it under the bushel, but onthe stand; and it shineth unto all that are inthe house. Even so let your light shine beforemen; that they may see your good works, andglorify your Father who is in heaven.

    M a r k 4 : 2 1And he said unto them, Is the lampbrought to be put under the bushel, or underthe bed, an d not to be put on the stand?L u k e 8 : 1 6And no man, when he hath lighted alamp, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth itunder a bed; but putteth it on a stand, thatthey that enter in may see the light.

    Business men have formed such stronghabits of regarding themselves and theiraffairs from an entirely material standpointthat they do not realize that each individ-

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    68 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sual is a center from which radiates someattribute of the divine. By certain qualities which he displays, one man suggeststhe idea of stability; others represent honesty, judgment, shrewdness, alertness, mechanical ability, executive force, or similar qualities.

    Men are sometimes referred to as "livewires" because they display dynamicenergy, enthusiasm, an d strength. A ll ofthese qualities are attributes or expressionsof God, who is all-good; the sooner werecognize this divine nature, the morequickly we shall reach the high efficiencywhich the business wo rld dem and s. T h elight of every m an is the qu ality th at ispeculiar and most prominent in him.

    Showing forth the inner qualities comesunder the general head of advertising.The merchant sells not only his stock intrade; to be successful he sells his traitsof character as well. T h at is wh y onemerchant succeeds, while another, with

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 69apparently equal stocks, location, and opportun ity, goes dow n to failure. T h e onewho fails has either concealed his realinner light or he has so dimmed it withnegative qualities that its ray does notshine forth in its divine purity.

    W e advertise, or show forth our innerqualities, first to our employees or to ourfellow workers. Ou r attitude when wereach our work each morning usually forecasts the kind of day which we shall have.If we are out of humor, if we displaydiscouragement or dissatisfaction, our associates catch the same spirit, and the day'swork will reflect the negative ideas whichwe have permitted to show forth.

    Our patrons and customers also sensethe qualities which we permit to shineforth, and their reaction or response tonegative thoughts is certain. M an y asalesman has lost a promising prospectbecause the inner light of that salesmanenthusiasm, confidence, and sincere regard

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    70 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sfor his customer's goodwas obscured byan outer covering of apathy or of indifference. M an y employees hav e failed toobtain advancement or increased salariesbecause their real interest in their work,their efficiency, or their ability was concealed beneath a veneer of carelessness orlack of thoughtful interest.

    Every business man, every worker in thecommercial world, has within himself allthe qualities which ma ke success. Th esequalities are not given us to be hidden, asa light may be hidden under a bushel;they are to shine forth that they may beseen of men . T h ey shine forth in the formof industry, loyalty, cooperation, honesty,courtesy, tact, intelligence. Th ese qualities are inherent in every human, and ifunobstructed they will shine forth in varying degrees. A s these qualities are divine,they are self-renewing; they multiply andincrease as they are used. Th ey are recognized instantly in the commercial world,

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 71and as they are recognized they attract arich reward to the one who radiates them.

    In letting their lights shine, business menmust be sure that it is the real radiation oftheir inner divine selves that is visible tothe world. T he y must avoid displayingfalse lights, lights that dazzle the visionsrather than illumine the paths of others.Glitter and glare characterize the falselights that lure in the business world; thepure, steady brilliance comes from within.

    In the lesson we are given a positive injunction to let our lights shine, and the injunction applies to an institution as it doesto an individu al. T h e light of a businesshouse is the manner in which it meets theneed of a community or a trade territory.Not for profit alone does a business manmake public announcement of the merchandise which he has for sale; when heknows the law, his deeper reason is toillumine the world by the light of theservice which he renders.

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    1 h e q u a l i t ie s t h a t v a r i o u s me n r a d i a t e .O u r i n h e r e n t q u a l i t i e s .Div ine qua l i t ie s a s bus iness a sse ts .H o w to in c r e a s e r a d i a t i o n o f h e lp f u l

    qua l i t ie s .QUESTION HELPS

    W h a t i s t h e li g h t o f e v e ry m a n ?H o w d o w e a d v e r t i s e o u r s e lv e s ?Are the qua l i t ie s which br ing success to

    b e found in a l l p erson s ?W h a t r e s u l t i s a t t a i n e d b y u s e o f o u r

    inne r qua l i t ie s?W h a t is a b u s ine s s ma n ' s d e e p e s t r e a

    son for adve r t i s ing?

    THE LARGER VISIONM a t t . 6 : 2 5 - 3 3

    Therefore I say unto you, Be not anxiousfor your life, what ye shall eat, or what yeshall dr ink; nor yet for your body, what yeshall put on. Is not the life more than thefood, and the body than the ra iment? Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sownot, neither do they reap, nor gather intobar ns; an d your heavenly Fath er feedeththem. A re not ye of much more value thanthey ? A n d which of you by being anxiouscan add one cubit unto the measure of hislife? A nd why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, howthey grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in allhis glory was not arrayed like one of these.But if God doth so clothe the grass of thefield, which to-day is, and to-morrow is castinto the oven, shall he not much more clotheyou, O ye of little faith ? Be not thereforeanxious, saying, W h at shall we eat? or ,W h at shall we dr ink? or , Wh erewith al shallwe be cloth ed? Fo r after all these things do

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    74 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sthe Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Fatherknoweth that ye have need of all these things.But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be addedunto you.

    This lesson has been often quoted andvariously interpreted. It has a direct bea ring on comm ercial life. W he n properlyunderstood it is a certain remedy foranxiety; it teaches discrimination and asense of values; it takes our minds offincidental things and fixes our thoughts onfund ame ntals; it inspires us with confidence and assurance.

    An xiety in business is one of the greatestcause s of inefficiency. M en are anxiou sabout finances, about their jobs, abouttheir work, about their ability to makegood, about a host of thingsbecause theyfeel that these things all have to do withfood and clothing and other necessities oflife. All these things are directly referredto in the lesson. T h e Ma ster mak es very

    L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S S 75plain, and emphasizes by repetition, thefact that to be anxious is not in accordwith divine principle.

    In order to attain freedom from anxietyit is necessary that one develop a sense ofvalues. W e commonly place too high avalue on things and conditions which aremerely inciden tal. Co mp ared with lifeitself, the food which we take to sustainlife is of little worth; clothing is not ofgreat importance when its value isweighed against that of the body whichit adorns or protects.

    A similar discrimination should be exercised in commercial life. T h e food uponwhich a business thrives is patronage andits resulta nt profit. Y et this food is not ofas great value as is the purpose whichunderlies the business, which is service.This purpose and this service constitute thevery life of commerce.

    Often a business man is so intent upon,so anxious about patronage and profit that

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    76 LESSONS I N BUSI NESShe places upon them a value that is out ofproportion. A s a result he is not properlyconcerned about the service which he renders and his greed causes him to lose thetrade which he sought. H e places thefood above the life which it feeds.

    Similarly, an employee may place anundue value upon the immediate salarywhich he receives, or upon the need forthe kind of working conditions or the typeof employment which he thinks he shouldhav e. No t being ab le to discern tha t theopportunity for expression which his workgives him is the real life of his employment,he devotes his entire attention to the lesserthings. H e manifests this attitude by frequent change of occupation, drawn by thelure of slight advance in wages or seemingly easier labor; he does not lay theproper foundation for permanency andstability of emp loym ent. A survey of theindustrial world today discloses, in theform of dissatisfaction and unrest, the

    LESSONS I N BUSI NESS 77widespread result of placing lesser thingsabove the greaterof deeming the food tobe of more importance than the life whichit sustains.W h a t might be termed the raiment ofbusiness is its outer appearance, its housing, its advertising. Th ese should be attractive and of a high order; they shouldadorn, rather than conceal, the body ofbusiness, which is the merchandise or theservice which is offered for sale. Y et finefixtures, imposing buildings, and extravagant advertising often are given prominence in order to cover up inferior merchandise and meager service.

    If business men could acquire the senseof divine discrimination such as is taughtin the lesson, the commercial world wouldbe transformed instantly. Instead of unrest, contentment and happiness wouldreign in industry. W or ry and anxietywould cease to exist, and a joyous confidence would prevail . M en would no

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    78 L E S S O N S I N B U S I N E S Slonger be driven to unworthy acts by thelash of greed, because confidence wouldbe established in place of distrust.

    This happy condition will prevail in theworld when business men attain a conscious realization tha t: " Y ou r heaven lyFather knoweth that ye have need of allthese things."


    Anxiety and i ts cure.The real food of business.The raiment of business.Results that would follow the use of

    divine discernment in business.Q U E S T I O N H E L P S

    For what business disease is this lessona remedy?Is it in accord with divine principle tobe anxious?W h a t must one develop in order to befree from anxiety?Upon what food does a businessthrive ?W h a t is the result of placing lesserthings above greater things?W h en will confidence be established inthe commercial world?

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    DEAD TIMBERLuke 13:6-9

    An d he spake this para ble; A certain manhad a fig tree planted in his vineyard; andhe came seeking fruit thereon, and foundnone. A nd he said unto the vinedresser, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruiton this fig tree, and find none: cut it down;why doth it also cumber the ground? An dhe answering saith unto him, Lord, let italone this year also, till I shall dig about it,and dung it: and if it bear fruit thenceforth,well; but if not, thou shalt cut it down.The business world has no room forde ad timber. If business is to be recognized and conducted in accordance withits divine natu re, a s a series of channe ls forthe distribution of God's gifts, maximumefficiency and effort are demanded.

    All the large industr ies and many smallinstitutions find among their employeesthose whom the barren fig tree typifies.The man had planted the f ig tree in antic-

    LESSONS I N BUSI NESS 81ipatio n of obta ining fruit from it. Ev eryemployer who hires a worker reasonablyexpects to receive a return from the workerin the form of indus try an d loyalty. Ifsuch return is not forthcoming the employer is justified in cutting down the treedispensing with the services of the unfruitful worker.

    The employee in the industrial worldlooks for certain fruit at the hands of hisemployer. H e has a right to expect notonly a l iving wage, but a wage that permits the laborer and his family to enjoythe comforts of life; in addition he maylook to this tree in the field of his employment to produce proper working conditions, reasonable hours of labor, courtesy,an d kindly consideration. A business institution is not immune from the operationof the principle which says that whateveris unproductive shall be weeded out ofcomm ercial life. G od ha s need of business, and his need demands that business

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    82 L E S S O N S IN B U S IN E S Sshall be efficient and productive. T h eestablishment of a legitimate and worthybusiness is not an accident; it is implantedin a community in response to a definitedemand made by the people of the community. T h e people who constitute thesource of the demand have a right to expect that the tree of business which is thusplanted shall render fruit, in the nature ofservice to the comm unity. If, whe n theyseek its fruit, they find the tree barren, it isno injustice to the owner of that businessif they cut it down by refusing to supportit. A business hou se is bar ren of the fruitthat it is expected to bear, when it isconducted for personal or selfish profit,wh en it is not honest and straightfo rwardin all of its dealings, when it is not rendering to the community the highest measureof service of which it is capable.Every individual who in any capacity isconnected with the world of commerce,who is a factor in dispensing or distribut-

    LESSONS IN BUSINESS 83ing God's gifts to His children, comesunder the law . T h e producer or manufacturer who curtails production or whocheapens the quality of his product for thepurpose of extorting unreasonable profit orof stifling legitimate competition, is a barren tree. T h e lawyer who does not usefor the highest purpose the prestige and theopp ortun ities whic h his profession offershim is not giving back to the world thefruit wh ich it is entitled to expect. Th ephysician who does not see in the humanbody the temple of the living God andwho does not bend every effort to maintaining its purity and its wholeness, is nota profitable tree to the government that licenses him to practice . T h e musician, theartist, the writer, who stultifies his God-given gift for mercenary reasons, deprivesthe world of the fruit of his talent. T h eman in public office who does not realizethat his highest privilege is to serve hisconstituents with no thought of personal

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    84 LESSONS I N BUSI NESSaggrandizement or gain, is dead t imberand should be cut down.

    As God has need of business, so he hasneed of every human cog in the wheel ofbusiness, of every mortal tree that heplants in the great garden of spiritualtrade and commerce. If we would measure up to the expectations and the willof divine mind, each of us must bear fruit.

    Yet, urgently as the lesson teaches thenecessity of yielding fruit for our God, thebeautiful nature of divine patience istaught. T h e cutt ing down of the de adtimber in our commercial structure mustcome only after thorough trial, and it mustbe done in love.

    The vinedresser , who had carefullycared for the tree, pleaded with his Lordto allow the tree to remain one more year,that he might dig about it and nourish it,and give it every possible chance to produce. T h a t which is unproduc tive in business must be dealt with leniently, must be

    LESSONS I N BUSI NESS 85given consideration and all the assistancepossible. It must be understood, andwhere it is weak it must be strengthened.The hasty criticism, the condemnationwhich arises from human impatience, mustbe eliminated if we would express thedivine will in dealing with our fellow men.

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    Discussion, in a constructive way, ofthe general question of dead timber.The fruit which the world rightly expects from business.God's need of business.Patience in business.

    Q U E S T I O N H E L P SW h a t does God 's need of business dem a n d ?W h a t ha ve people a right to expect

    from business?W h a t constitutes barrenne ss in a business house?Is cutting down dead timber in businessjustified?Has divine patience a place in business?How is divine patience manifested in


    C O N T E N T SIntroduction - 3Respect for L aw - 5T r u e Treasure 12Th e L aw of Eq ual React ion - - 19Nonresistance 26T h e Fruits of Business 33Ete rnal Vigilance 40Coun ting O ur Resources - - 47Supp ly and Dem and 54Faithfulness - - - - - 60T he T ru e Light of Business - - 67Th e Larg er Vision 73D e a d Timber 80