THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY I 190 7 c M irb NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Brief Happenings From Various Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring n The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit Busy Reader of Interest All Classes Oring ij nirt till ootititMc v r- livtly fnnii irimil of orniiUf fur the HJIIJ- Ve t Pill in Heath i to hiv for olifc 1 ity in that City Iren Iiteil n ouori female of S- AiiHiiiine wm arr te 1 the oth r for totini a pistol Finnnet Villa Ht Vinttr llnveii hi had il capacity in r u d by the ad- dition of Tfi ruunn John Key who w s hot ne r Vill City cointy i fv ral day HKI died on S inlay night The circuit ooure of Puvnl count trill open fur iui i e on latiimr 4th with 4 civil iH f I1 ide coitity i h htl a ciail t f iiluudhiiumi- ISrtter make It half a doen Auto tin alovid to anti on itroetii of Daytona nt the rate of miler an hour A pretty fast eLf Like City hn Ut the oiitract her cement sidewalk iood nernen walk are till thing and Lake City i wine In Speaking of the opening of tin Ocala House Saturday night The lays that the table an epicurean poem TaUahat eeha two candidate for mayor F C Oilmon and Dr Hen- ry K Palmer and A warm contest ii expected Hon Jame A l onn IIy British vice con ul at New Orlean ha been appointed to the vce cou ulate Pn aeola Joe Cohorn proprietor of Barlow minMrel has purchased property Paytonn and Rill erect a flue winter home there The nw that Tampa hail n cage o mallpox i deuieii There are ni perquisite with imallnoi o Tampa doesnt want it Joseph Thomas of Starke was found dtnd in bd Christmas morn- ing She S3 years old and hat been in poor health St Petrririurg i 00 buy putting new biiildiniz that they dont have time to sop and hakt hands with th tuurittt when thy arrive The Ocala star that Marion county mu t have a new court house if not by one way it will have to be another Stink to it brother The Jacksonville Expo iti m have n big day on Tuesday Oth when the whol grocers have a day of it for their patron Attorney Macfarlnne of Tampa has been given a verdict for the amount of hi ftes in the suit acain Dr II J Haniptin amounting f 077 There are now about men em- ployed ty th KH I Hotel Co liami who ln put to work on the extension th railroad Key George street in St i no narrow that tht city auihoritii will not HOW vehicle to pH wily to the north aloii that thoriuKhfare t avoid lilockatl In B colored alnon row at Pcn aooln Monday a negro named tired a bullet at one named Kvaiii The hall simply tore the calp hut never cracked tlo skull Neil Ziegler Anderson and Uobin son Ieeve of Jacksonville art beinj held in that city to await the action the grand jury being charged with causing the death of John Jenkins SAID Chapman and the A C L bag gaiTemaii at Ortatid had a on Viilneiujny afternoon and Kohertsoa the baggage m her carted Chapman so badly with a knife that he couldnt tell how it happened I C IVIIV qu b farm at Orlandu BANK DEPOSIT R R fare Pild Note Ta- 50O Bur j t Ccst Write Qd the It I I toUUlIIIII ti tilt Iak Ill The nt to tilt ten fur Star wag up at at Ir was up by lull 0 oat at nun fit to I I of I rG dt nd OOO a lGIUUUIUSUS COUUEllacee ins aH ilias h bloc lhatsnd l day e rhntY fit Fay will 4 January ale will t- i i d I win Wat- t itgu tine a Ab Cabin on t > mix up I r CUaei1N BYEA- t g FfiE8 COt RtiE9dd- dd 6s < > > + + + + + + + + + ± + + + + + + DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BALI KlJtuv Itnubic Mik Y Mt rlM- V frr- f lt i1l- lf ihv hlMiM ich in tv M u t Ir Klsiicr s 11 n ii m If 1 jii IMT in- fiui 1 JM tti f K tti- Vf tv Ml MI in ny i i Mrk ani ui j n j- tovit H n tt4 vt tul in vify iv J vc tl cal tvaihr nt 1iohi- ii t tni ly tri lU tr A- Nitsl it frtc 1 i H t ivj tuorv it ut il i t- UtJliiVllltyinjl lviiu tr M- Mo VlHU gviHrittmttir iu ti tijfi- U r K f V- X V Ti r iittvoint iril- I ir 1 t iro s un it4t- aV tli t tit ntlii lltlHt I MtVl- Mt lr MLltiur Knot ITU tin ullr lliii luintoii N Y ou every Ixjltlc received 3l mated pigeon from Im ton a few dtjc ago nmking somewhere over a he now housed When it it kiiiwn that thci bird will proluce a pair retry month you can timire up that there will toon In of material for tiuh pie The Ocala carnival which i on thin week ha 17 that are receiving the vote of the next lower one in the deck The St AugiiMine Meteor ay that the only way to the growth of th water hyacinth i ofT the breed- ing ground Boom the creek and branch of main river or Stream and make contract with porsom ad- jacent thereto to keep such creek and branches free of the pet and the prob- lem it solved A settlement was made Monday The Orlando Evening Star be tween the Seaboard Air Line Railway Mnd Mr widow of the late John Lutadder who killed a fen day ago in a wreck near Plymouth Throunh the effort of I r Abernathy anti other a very ali factory adjust- ment wax made for the widow and lit- tle daughter Alex Sparks a hackmnn lynching at the hand of a party of infuriated white men at Tampa fuetuiay afternoon The negro atruck huH iafToni a white driver of a furniture wagon over the head with a heavy piece of iron roJ inflict- ing what may prove a fatal wound The negro ran but was overtaken by half n dozen white men who dragged him into HII alley threatening to kill him A crowd gathered and the men dually delivered the prisoner to the police While the part of Santa Wednesday night at a ChrUtmi given by the Sunday school of East rnd Kapti t Church Pciuacola- C I Smith wa badly burned about the neck and face und hi condition reported being quite Tioui Mr Smith won a of whikir male of intent tool wa tnndmg on a chair taking from the Christniii tree and delivering them to the chil- dren when cotton caught from a candle Immediately the entire mask wax a ma of tlame and tofu it mm hi be removed he had i uHertd painful burns A colored man with happine in hit heart and a jut in hi hand came down the troei about 7 oclock night JtHt a Ilk foot struck the sidewalk at Munroi A Chamblisi tank the jug escaped hi hand hit the pavement shattered and at three quarts of liquor that would have taken the hair oil a b ck waMed it lire harm le ly on the pavement A the liquor spilt the joy in the darkey heart evaporated and he passed on the spring gone from hi footstep ant the light from hi rye leaving the shatter- ed fragment and the smell to tell the tory of hi blasted Star December 1fl Greatly in Demand Nothing i in more demand than a medicine which meet modern require menU for a blood anti cleanser Ur King New Lift Pills They are jut what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles Try them At all drug tore l5c guaranteed ti I L I I z r t I 1 I I I j J I 1 i r L I I Ii c 1 IIt1 i r t- r I L r hootl- 1 I ttI i 11 It ti It 1 I t I h 1 1 1 H a 1 I- n n m l Ini t 1 I I r I t hOI queen I top to shut th I I was i I I i npr t I I I I I I I I Iii j tnt i th i I i I j I least I I y tem 1 r t J- I t i i- i 4t Sit t r L in t lIttr tr > tt l risrtr I art ttleimIt t s t tilt I4 this Ira t loss > tdll t grog Ii t I l 1 t ii t t utle- t t S hat a- plenty says Lu adder I nar- rowly cacti acting tree rna k per last lugs hope ala t > > > > < > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST NEGRO Burnett Charged With Sel- ling Liquor at High Springs LIQUOR WAS iN EV DENCE In Jiitl dmr ami Ctl i Grader Stated That it Caner From HS Den DefendiM Rpl nstjl Upon n Bcrnl of 200- Kitit lon MlMf uti t- it H HI 1 I hgilh- iity i f th lnv it i d ciir i lnf t ltil lit ttV HI Itlllt t Slier D the of ti jury 11 t rlii- irii it vvii arrotvd tvtral da- i en in Sprint ii on n charge of M mg bt in a ooitity whu- liiti vnt d npiml av i f Me- v iirrniKi cl in Mayor rr mrt- ti il ivt MMitiiufd to jmy a tin of but ll i iir i H Mil or Iarrn wa inform that a county of tior was fur of Iirnftt upon ih iain Iharp- Ni routT loud the IIIHII h n rtlcaml atilt vi cniigrntulHtiiig hiin if than hjmty Sheriff irang r placed th ilitili c of the law upon him brought him to lAiiiftvilli lit was arraigned in Jtidgi MMIHI court and lh bottle of b nrhit- k y which Othcvr lirjingtr Hint wire takMi from iliii w n tiled iti Judge Ion quirnl the defend to give a bond of fJvO for up- pearAiiep at the spring term of the cir court It IIM be n aid that there are ev- ral tigers at High Spring and the tlctr will make another raid within the next day TEN ARE INJURED IN COLLISION and Freight Trains Crash Together at Flovllla- Fovilla ia Ike 2 In a ohslon inert or inoro i i it tr more or seriously Injunl The a s nfT wax No 1 duo in Atlanta at p m BUll thy frvkht dfiayti train ftoin Macon It will an official InxvMlgutlon to inlno wiio Is at fault Captain and KnKlmT CuarM VtfU were in charge of iias inti i train while Join SI rick Ian 1 and Edd Dunlin w ro on the freight The n lurcil ar S P Strlrkhmd of Macon R IX nt of Atlanta II F Marl rot of Atlanta P A Ailan of A ana 1 T Smith of Jackson Ex iri M nst r Ilinilon and Porter llarrl Mi Xollk of i ii Iatuiiii lr tt Atlanta was slightly Magnolia Inn Is Burned Pnrrrsvi a Pc t Maenol- iln hi linir of M T rare faintly na h n POIISIIIIH il liy flrp it he ins troviT nhoiit W Vork- TO HM m ko out In the kltrhcn and r xn of It l unknown Thn loss uainid va t i io wlh Insurance f i Tin hull line was totally l tri i of IK p rsonai cf- rts of linnatfs wi re raved Seat on Refunding Bonds MntViMiii ry Ala luc 20 Ti- o i Mime has jMit the iif i duo tin first day of Jann iry y by ov- rnor i ihir and tjoa urer n f K- Fi y woro cieht by the First NT- lonal ank of this rlry for 10 ire three anti a half per ctnt mcitrl tits Lumber Company Loses by Fire Iufkln Tex Doc 2J The WR av nil of io IMictMll hutnli r romiiiuv- if Kansas City Mo loratJ here vi- nirntl ho lost hn mtiroxltnarr v oMin Inrhcr and jimcrt v r avol by the citizens afUr a ht QRINO Laxative Fruit Syrup to Tho new laxative Does not or nauseate Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom acb liver and bowel For Sale by J W ScColiBB Ce MIu t t I end b f a 111 tt lltih ro It l II ci tIll trlll tlit illuil I Ill a the lUlu are flI ill and his I hill chit I Passenger I I a T- Ic ahan lee C ton ln anti t hue ono r n 11 hnnt to th hut1 fl Pheasant take l ir stet Ill i rln ht i ta 1 n t CIr t cat t I- It p flit h h the ante Rotes ee was art cent g t and nunn nnt eyutenee tot few head oa tin leis take deter the t Jn ii a l tilt c slat n tt ref ins isne Phi were tit wt try S Lan l k > > > < > < > < > >< > <> > < > > ¬ ¬ = + + + + + tl U lilh- OT NAM c J OTI- CJ rzirtrai i- Itinm StCiutltirc cf XEW YOItK ld EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the SignatureApt- nfeclHinvHy j Worms nnviilsumslVvvrisli ness anti Loss OF SLEEP kV For Over Thirty Years DR MILS AntiPain PUtess- s w- k A ti i Dr Mlle M Cure Headache Almost instantly and no bti effects also relieve tT othMT Neuralgia Rheumatic Pam Sci- atica Stomach ache Pains Pains from Bearing down pains Indigestion ij Nervousness I isV- SSSSSS All Pain Is Nerve Pain I sure to follow traa er U aence the nerves It W MM i overexertion heat intense eked tM digestion or any cause tint deprtHM agitates nerves So ire least pressure or strata Qua and i dac Yet r Miles AntiPain Pills relieve They are sold drecgicts r guarantee that the first box Never sold ia bmllc MILES MEDICAL CO Tiilllfl E E VOYLE MGR Abstracts of Title and fall Information furnished regarding lands ia this county Our manager hat lived in this county years sad la thoroughly conversant with land title ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE Xepra tenting t number of prominent American eoaiMBlM REAL AND CITY u 11 1 1 4r 1 CASTO RIAI- I t r ASriRIA I I tinihtll f ji 1 lk l ahd H lij I rtG YrJ I I I I I I j I r uhdl I I H I I I I n trlt- I 1 J t U rl rl1n lip S e- f 1 I I I 1 Far a F CASTO RIA- J R 111 leave Pain I th 1 Inn t r ABSTRACT RfAL TV COMPANY EE LE FIRE I H1ori lit II 1 II ttit 9 1Ttnik i hi i IltelIhr ilu- intsitnd i rni tlplutnItlril tai Of i a JLnrttr Ynrl- rrx rrt- ir r II- n JNr- wvriei j a i Sinulc L i s File raw SSA is t 4 asr Ails i gin r 5 isM f u Ye t IAA sntetia t- in t dais ac a lest tw v fit IZnoorporetedl 1 V0Y LOANS 3tainesville r S n Y b N w x n > > > < = + = > < = °

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-01 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01351/00648.pdf · THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY I 190 7 c M irb NEWS FROM ALL PARTS

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c M




Brief Happenings From Various

Sections of State


Transpiring n The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to SuitBusy Reader of InterestAll Classes

Oring ij nirt till ootititMc v r-

livtly fnnii irimil

of orniiUf fur the HJIIJ-

Ve t Pill in Heath i to hivfor olifc 1 ity in that


Iren Iiteil n ouori female of S-

AiiHiiiine wm arr te 1 the oth r

for totini a pistol

Finnnet Villa Ht Vinttr llnveii hi

had il capacity in r u d by the ad-

dition of Tfi ruunn

John Key who w s hot ne r VillCity cointy i fv ral day HKI

died on S inlay night

The circuit ooure of Puvnl counttrill open fur iui i e on latiimr4th with 4 civil iH f

I1 ide coitity i h

htl a ciail t f iiluudhiiumi-ISrtter make It half a doen

Auto tin alovid to anti onitroetii of Daytona nt the rate ofmiler an hour A pretty fast eLf

Like City hn Ut the oiitracther cement sidewalk iood nernenwalk are till thing and Lake City i


In Speaking of the opening of tinOcala House Saturday night Thelays that the table an epicureanpoem

TaUahat eeha two candidatefor mayor F C Oilmon and Dr Hen-

ry K Palmer and A warm contest ii

expectedHon Jame A l onn IIy British

vice con ul at New Orlean ha beenappointed to the vce cou ulateP n aeola

Joe Cohorn proprietor of BarlowminMrel has purchased propertyPaytonn and Rill erect a flue winterhome there

The nw that Tampa hail n cage o

mallpox i deuieii There are ni

perquisite with imallnoi o Tampadoesnt want it

Joseph Thomas of Starke wasfound dtnd in bd Christmas morn-

ing She S3 years old and hatbeen in poor health

St Petrririurg i 00 buy puttingnew biiildiniz that they dont havetime to sop and hakt hands with thtuurittt when thy arrive

The Ocala star that Marioncounty mu t have a new court houseif not by one way it will have to beanother Stink to it brother

The Jacksonville Expo iti m

have n big day on TuesdayOth when the whol grocershave a day of it for their patron

Attorney Macfarlnne of Tampa hasbeen given a verdict for theamount of hi ftes in the suit acainDr II J Haniptin amounting f


There are now about men em-

ployed t y th KH I Hotel Co

liami who ln put to workon the extension th railroadKey

George street in St i

no narrow that tht city auihoritii will

not HOW vehicle to pH wily to thenorth aloii that thoriuKhfare t

avoid lilockatlIn B colored alnon row at Pcn aooln

Monday a negro named tired

a bullet at one named Kvaiii Thehall simply tore the calp hut nevercracked tlo skull

Neil Ziegler Anderson and Uobinson Ieeve of Jacksonville art beinjheld in that city to await the actionthe grand jury being charged withcausing the death of John Jenkins

SAID Chapman and the A C L baggaiTemaii at Ortatid had a onViilneiujny afternoon and Kohertsoa

the baggage m her carted Chapmanso badly with a knife that he couldnttell how it happened

I C IVIIV qu b farm at Orlandu

BANK DEPOSITR R fare Pild Note Ta-

50OBur j t Ccst Write Qd








The nt to













oat atnunfit to





rG dt ndOOO



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will4 January

ale will



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Wat-t itgu tine


Cabin on


> mix up

I rCUaei1N


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FfiE8 COt RtiE9dd-dd


< >













+ +





WITH A LAME BALIKlJtuv Itnubic Mik Y Mt rlM-

V frr-

f lt i1l-lf ihv

hlMiM ich in tv M

u t

Ir Klsiicr s

11 n ii m If 1 jii IMT in-

fiui 1 JM tti f K tti-Vf tv Ml MI in ny i i

Mrk ani ui j n j-

tovit H n tt4 vt tul in vify ivJ vc tl

cal tvaihr nt 1iohi-ii t tni ly tri l U tr A-

Nitsl it frtc 1 i H t

ivj tuorv it ut il i t-

UtJliiVllltyinjl lviiu tr M-

Mo VlHUgviHrittmttir iu ti tijfi-U r K f V-

X V Ti r

iittvoint iril-I ir 1 t iro s un it4t-

aV tli t tit ntlii lltlHt I MtVl-Mt lr MLltiur Knot

ITU tin ullr lliii luintoii N Y ouevery Ixjltlc

received 3l mated pigeon from Im

ton a few dtjc ago nmking somewhereover a he now housedWhen it it kiiiwn that thci bird willproluce a pair retry month you cantimire up that there will toon In

of material for tiuh pie

The Ocala carnival which i on thinweek ha 17 that are receivingthe vote of the next lower one in thedeck

The St AugiiMine Meteor ay thatthe only way to the growth of thwater hyacinth i ofT the breed-

ing ground Boom the creek andbranch of main river or Streamand make contract with porsom ad-

jacent thereto to keep such creek andbranches free of the pet and the prob-lem it solved

A settlement was made MondayThe Orlando Evening Star be

tween the Seaboard Air Line RailwayMnd Mr widow of the lateJohn Lutadder who killed a fenday ago in a wreck near PlymouthThrounh the effort of I r Abernathyanti other a very ali factory adjust-ment wax made for the widow and lit-

tle daughterAlex Sparks a hackmnn

lynching at the hand ofa party of infuriated white men atTampa fuetuiay afternoon The negroatruck huH iafToni a white driverof a furniture wagon over the headwith a heavy piece of iron roJ inflict-ing what may prove a fatal woundThe negro ran but was overtaken byhalf n dozen white men who draggedhim into HII alley threatening to killhim A crowd gathered and the mendually delivered the prisoner to thepolice

While the part of SantaWednesday night at a ChrUtmigiven by the Sunday school ofEast rnd Kapti t Church Pciuacola-C I Smith wa badly burned aboutthe neck and face und hi conditionreported being quite Tioui MrSmith won a of whikir maleof intent tool wa tnndmg on a chairtaking from the Christniiitree and delivering them to the chil-

dren when cotton caught from a

candle Immediately the entire maskwax a ma of tlame and tofu itmm hi be removed he had i uHertdpainful burns

A colored man with happine in hitheart and a jut in hi hand came downthe troei about 7 oclock nightJtHt a Ilk foot struck the sidewalk atMunroi A Chamblisi tank the jugescaped hi hand hit the pavementshattered and at three quarts ofliquor that would have taken the hairoil a b ck waMed it lire harmle ly on the pavement A the liquorspilt the joy in the darkey heartevaporated and he passed on thespring gone from hi footstep ant thelight from hi rye leaving the shatter-ed fragment and the smell to tell thetory of hi blasted Star

December 1fl

Greatly in Demand

Nothing i in more demand than a

medicine which meet modern requiremenU for a blood anti cleanser

Ur King New Lift Pills Theyare jut what you need to cure stomachand liver troubles Try them At alldrug tore l5c guaranteed


L II z

r t I1


jJI 1 ir L I I

Ii c1

IIt1i r t-



r hootl-

1 I

ttI i


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II r


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i I








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1rt J-

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Sit t r

L in t lIttr tr

> tt lrisrtr


art ttleimIt t s ttilt I4 this Ira

t loss> tdll t

grog Ii

tI l 1 t ii t t utle-t t






Lu adder



rowly cacti


rna k




hope ala






< >







> <










+ +

+ +







Burnett Charged With Sel-

ling Liquor at High Springs


In Jiitl dmr ami Ctl i

Grader Stated That it Caner From

HS Den DefendiM Rpl nstjl Uponn Bcrnl of 200-

Kitit lon MlMf uti t-

it H HI1 I hgilh-iity i f th lnv

it i d ciir i lnf t

ltil lit ttV HI Itlllt t SlierD the of ti jury 11 t rlii-

irii it vvii arrotvd tvtral da-

i en in Sprint ii on n charge ofM mg bt in a ooitity whu-

liiti vnt d npiml av i f Me-

v iirrniKi cl in Mayor rr mrt-

ti il ivt MMitiiufd to jmy a tin ofbut ll i iir i H Mil or

Iarrn wa inform that a county of

tior was fur of

Iirnftt upon ih iain Iharp-Ni routT loud the IIIHII h n rtlcamlatilt vi cniigrntulHtiiig hiin if thanhjmty Sheriff irang r placed thilitili c of the law upon himbrought him to lAiiiftvilli lit wasarraigned in Jtidgi MMIHI court andlh bottle of b nrhit-

k y which Othcvr lirjingtr Hint wiretakMi from iliii w n tiled iti

Judge Ion quirnl the defendto give a bond of fJvO for up-

pearAiiep at the spring term of the circourt

It IIM be n aid that there are ev-

ral tigers at High Spring and thetlctr will make another raid within

the next day


and Freight Trains CrashTogether at Flovllla-

Fovilla ia Ike 2 In aohslon inert or inoro i i it trmore or seriously Injunl

The a s nfT wax No 1 duo inAtlanta at p m BUll thy frvkht

dfiayti train ftoin Macon It willan official InxvMlgutlon to

inlno wiio Is at fault Captainand KnKlmT CuarM VtfU

were in charge of iias inti i

train while Join SI rick Ian 1 and EddDunlin w ro on the freight The n

lurcil ar S P Strlrkhmd of MaconR IX nt of Atlanta II F Marl

rot of Atlanta P A Ailan of A

ana 1 T Smith of Jackson Exiri M nst r Ilinilon and Porterllarrl Mi Xollk of i ii

Iatuiiii lr tt Atlanta was slightly

Magnolia Inn Is BurnedPnrrrsvi a Pc t Maenol-

iln hi linir of M T rarefaintly na h n POIISIIIIH il liy flrpit he ins troviT nhoiit W Vork-TO HM m ko out In the kltrhcn and

r xn of It l unknown Thn lossuainid va t i io wlh Insurancef i Tin hull line was totally

l tri i of IK p rsonai cf-

rts of linnatfs wi re raved

Seat on Refunding BondsMntViMiii ry Ala luc 20 Ti-

o i Mime has jMit the

iif i duo tin first day of Janniry y by ov-

rnor i ihir and tjoa urer n f K-

Fi y woro cieht by the First NT-

lonal ank of this rlry for 10

ire three anti a half per ctnt mcitrltits

Lumber Company Loses by FireIufkln Tex Doc 2J The WR av

nil of io IMictMll hutnli r romiiiuv-if Kansas City Mo loratJ here vi-

nirntl ho lost hn mtiroxltnarr v

oMin Inrhcr and jimcrt v r

avol by the citizens afUr aht

QRINOLaxative Fruit Syrup

toTho new laxative Doesnot or nauseateCures stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring thenatural action ofthe stomacb liver and bowel

For Sale by J W ScColiBB Ce



t I end bf a 111

tt lltih ro It l

II ci tIll

trlll tlit illuil

I Ill


the lUlu are

flI ill










Ic ahanlee






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> <















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CJ rzirtrai i-


StCiutltirc cf



For Infants and Children

The Kind You Have

Always Bought

Bears theSignatureApt-


Worms nnviilsumslVvvrisliness anti Loss OF SLEEP


For Over

Thirty Years

DR MILSAntiPain PUtess-


kA ti i

Dr Mlle MCure Headache

Almost instantly and no btieffects also relieve tT othMT

Neuralgia Rheumatic Pam Sci-

atica Stomach achePains Pains from Bearingdown pains Indigestion ijNervousness

I isV-

SSSSSS All Pain IsNerve

Pain I sure to follow traa erU aence the nerves It W MM ioverexertion heat intense eked tMdigestion or any cause tint deprtHMagitates nerves So ireleast pressure or strata Qua

and i dac Yet rMiles AntiPain Pills relieve

They are sold drecgicts r

guarantee that the first boxNever sold ia bmllcMILES MEDICAL CO Tiilllfl

E E VOYLE MGRAbstracts of Title and fall Information furnished regarding lands ia this

county Our manager hat lived in this county years sadla thoroughly conversant with land title

ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE Xepratenting t number of prominent American eoaiMBlM





1 4r 1



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ji1 lk l ahd H

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