THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 25 1JOO 2 j FWITH WEEK OF TRAINING SCHOOl MEAT ENTHUSIASM MANIFEST ED my TEACHERS ATTENDING Much Geed Icing Accomplished and the Grade af Werk Will RxlMd by This Method l 7 t e Re Friday afternoon dosed the fourth week of the Summer Normal and in fltMd of tho enthusiasm aad energy C the faculty and pupils being on tits wane it seems to Increase with succeeding week and day VYhen one takes into consideration the fact that recitations begin at 743- ft m and with one hours intermits a4e for noon continuo until 4 p m- ad ORe class Prof McUcaths special ileac IB English often work until 530- f B can form some Idea of the afkit ot enthusiasm and work that the entire body of teach- ers aad Instructors It has beep said that comparisons- are odious yet in comparing the class- y teachers and the work being done this with that of previous Nor its no reflection upon them whet we say that this present Normal ts tho best along true lines that has ever been held In Gainesville or tho par of any ever held In Florida Each Instructor Is a specialist In his line and sparing neither time nor energy to help those teachers who are enrolled in his classes Tho absentees from the various recitations have formed n very small per cent of the enrollment Notwith- standing tbo Inclement weather that xMT during this Normal the Mott ciit shows the following There are tweatyelgBt taking Mftfte Nearly 7Ser cejjt of i iiertcra heM eertUkatcs now feree leavtag oily 25 per cent who- M keen actually engaged In r This fact has enabled the ors to give some real profess al training and makes this Nor a far moro real training school Its predecessor and brings the llwpe that in a ton years these sum weeks may be devoted to real fcofeanlohal growth That method my take the place that heretofore Meld for mere preparation for cxaml OHO neon only to visit some of tho f7 ftosses to realize that these teachers hero for earnest work and from their bright intelligent faces catch Utwmethlng of the real educational fsflrlt aad enthusiasm with which they M ro imbued- It Is not possible to single out any of teachers ur tho particular of any individual Instructor do- cnrlng special mention for all are putting forth their boat efforts and r r work ID moving on without tho least semblance of friction Many of the classes are so large that they have to occupy the audl torlum In classroom management tho banner class of the Normal 78 taCk tee III 1 lied htrtbIrJ 1 r t MUOIiI i 1 l 4 a y 1 fix you y ails b f r M a4AM1M it r edt wait Jas are class work the K a ¬ ¬ ° ° + are enrolled Following closely behind this comes U S history with Its CO members physical geography with 58 and many others with from 20 to 40 regular attending numbers It was a happy thought when the educational officers of the State con- ceived the idea of locating one of these Normals in Gainesville for It seems that educational enthusiasm and sport that made the old Florida Seminary the best school in Florida has been Inherited by Summer Normala rich heritage In let us hope that this will continue deedand r I Fast the- y ¬ ¬ DR CEO S WALDO Finest Materials IThe Latest Methods of Practice All Work Guarantee I DENTISTT- he t 4 b L c S The Lowest Charges in Keeping With Work OFFICE IN GRAHAM BULOING- IJfONE 51 Y First Cfass f 0 SARGENT9 ARTISTIC HARDWARE The Hardware for the Right House- If you are building a new home or remodeling your old one you should look over our assortment of gents Hardware Both plain and elaborate designs BAIRD HARDWARE CO Uini Material nn eeeee AT THE CHURCHES TODAY Divine Services Will Be Held at All Places of Worship Services will bo observed at the various churches of tine city today as follows First Presbyterian Church Rev T I Hay MomliiK service 1030 sub- ject Mlzpab Sabbath school 4 p m No evening service on account- of the pastors absence at Kannpulm First Baptist Church Rev L II Warren will preach at both the morn- ing and evening services Subject for morning The Lord Is My Shepherd Evening Tho Tragedy of Eden Other services the same as usual Holy Trinity Church Rev F H Cralghlll No announcement received Fir t Methodist Church Rev F R Hrldgos Preaching service at 1045 a in and S p m Sunday school at ylO a in Epworth League devotion- al service 4 p m Superior music electric fans comfortable chairs polite Everybody is cordially In- vited to all the services of this church Second Advent Christian Church Elder J T Johnson Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p in Morning sub- ject The Heart Illustrated Night subject Obedience Young peo- ples meeting at 715 p m subject Second Coming of Christ Baptism at close of service Sunday school- at 10 n m St Patricks Catholic Church Rev P J Lynch Mass will bo hold at 9 oclock a m Devotion of the Holy Rosary will bo at 4 p m Riqbt SarI of Kris ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Help for Those Who Have Stomach Trouble After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctors foes I pur- chased my wife one lox of Chamber- lains Stomach and Liver Tablets which did her no much good that she continued to use thorn null they have done her more good thAn all of tit medicine I bought lfore Samuel Hover Folsom Iowa medicine Is for wile by all druggists Samples this Ir ¬ ¬ Conditian of Dr Phillips- Col W V Hampton returned lnt night front Jacksonville where he went to e Or N D Phillips who 90 unfortunate as to break Ids by a hill sonic days ago iljtti friends of the jwtltUt will regret to learn that he I in a serious COndl tint on account of his acid weakened condition it is feared lie will not be able to survive the Injury He 10 71 years of and very feeble and was leg age age ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar not only chronic coughs that weaken the constitution and develop Into con Hiini ti n but heals and strengthens th ur rs It affords comfort and re s n ca s of chronic iff nv rVi r and- o u J t u w itUU Cto CO staIN ort f flit t v SANITARIUM NOTES V F Love recovered rapidly from his recent attack of illness and has returned to his home at Trenton Mrs J 3 Boyd been at the Sanitarium with a sick baby has returned to her home at Paradise Mrs Dell Tison ot Earleton is im- proving rapidly She will probably- be able to return to her homo within- a week Miss Susie Mansell one of the faithful nurses has returned from her vacation which was spent with rela- tives at Lawtey- Dr Carey P Rogers of Jacksonville was a prominent visitor to the Sani- tarium recently Dr Rogers limits his professional work entirely to surgery Mrs Susan Bradley the efficient head nurse is taking a muchneeded vacation She is enjoying the surf bathing and ocean breezes at Bench It Is feared that the palm trees which were recently set out around the Sanitarium will not live This is the third effort that has been made- to got n number of those trees to grow in the Sanitarium grounds but it seems very difficult to trans plint these beautiful trees success- fully Dr O E Gibson of Hamilton On- tario was a recent visitor Dr Gib- son IH a specialist In diseases of the aye car nose and throat and has r- idded to locate in Florida He stat l while at the Sanitarium that hi lu lIed our State had a great future and he expected to cast his lot with our people at some point In the State The system of rotation by which each nurse who desires It Is given a short vacation during the summer Is very much appreciated by thn nurses If the members of any pro fcavlon deserve a short respite oc- casionally from their arduous and ex- acting duties this certainly applies to those who follow the profession of nursing Do You Weigh Too Much- The Real Remedy and the Recipe There are soon stout people whom tile h ve qiihtlnn n s not frein t trouble very much They arts ho ever wrong to so caree rf for ability is a complaint which bring iiuiny evils In Its train Tli are others who have sought long and for n really reliable remedy for obesity and to these the following prescription will be of absorbing in- terest because it presents In a simple and harmless form and sure relief- a remedy which is rapidly gaining a worldwide repntntlun The render may make up the prescription for him or herself on getting the In creilieiitH frown the ilni riist or the latter will do so willingly Tits 14 tit full recipe V4 ox Mir mohi 4 OK Fluid ISxtraet Cu rara Aromatic nnd 3 ost IVpiiermii- Wi r Tlc a if n i ful after rack meal and at b ltiin This admirable and quite harm will soon take oK IKHIIK if the PxrUH and i day by day the weight rterresu strength and vigor will return in ri i ratio for bo It obwneil then who has 1 u lit self 1 t tt I ont ndhl e Day- tona ire earn- estly rent aly fatty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > + no faotlnK or sw s8 required K food Jose thtM m- all that is uerettMirv to reduce wdtcM to normal inrrea the of pun blood clear the skin beautify the cone and restore energy and esc I Luncheon for Miss Lucia Patton On Monday Mine Lucia Patton of nainecvllle will be the guest of hot or at a luncheon by Mls Flor Stockton at the home of her Mr and Mrs Telfair Stockton Jacksonville Metropolis f H- ud r supply pJt lon spirits given j aular lent once pa- rents > > + CAPUDINE for THAT HEADACHE- Out lost night Headache and nerv oils this morning Hicks CapuHne just the thing to fit you for business leers tie head braces the nerves Try it At drug stores I t A LASTING OJRE Not only its proven to cure but Its absolute as a has made SS 8 the most extensively used of all medicines ia tho treut mont of Contagious Blood Poison the strong mineral mixtures which temporarily remove the outward symptoms and shut tho disease up In tho system there to carry on its destructivo work on the delicate and vital organs SSS strikes at the root and by purifying tho blood of every troco of the virus completely and cures tho trouble- S S S is Natures blood purifier in its action and certain in Its good results It is made a combination of roots and herbs each of which has a definite and action in purifying the blood Years WITO spent in selecting and proportioning the but when SS S wits perfected it soon its superiority over all other circulation S S S builds and strengthens the system its fine vegetable tonic effects If are suffering with Blood Poison SSS Is your moat certain reliance and because of its freedom from mercury potash or any other mineral It is absolutely safe for ono treatment book with valuable suggestions any medical advice sent free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO GA ESTHER 8 JORDAN W W HAMPTON JORDAN COMPANY INSURANCEPOR- TER BLOCK GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Fire Life and Accident In the oldenr Htm 555 reme i I I I 1 blood medicines and now after t0 years it Is ono and only certain cure for Blood Poison driving out the from the ATLANTA I MAKEZ j UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville Florida An Institution of the First Rank sup irarted by and Federal Funds for Florida Ynuim Men Thorotcn Courses Leading to Degrees of B A B Sc M A M Sc and L L B In Arts and Science Agriculture Chemical Civil Electrical and Me- chanical Engineering Law Normal School Graduate School Expenses Exceedingly Low For Catalogue write to A A MURPHREE A M L L D President State ¬ FLORIDA STATE COLLEGEF- OR WOMEN Tallahassee Florida- A College without a parallel in the South offering degrees and dlplonr in the following depart menu I A College of Liberal Art II A School of Industrial Arts III A School of Fine Arts IV A School of Expression f A School for Teachers- No Tuition Other expenses very low For further Information nddre e EDWARD CONRADI M A Ph D President I r COOK AUTOMOBILE COMPANY- F B MYERS Manager BUICK AGENCY be nnslcd for none are so as this BUICKR- EPAIR WORK AND SUPPLIES Masonic Street Gainesville Florida THE SUN AND MERCHANTS COOPERATIVE CONTEST VOTING COUPONG- OOD FUR Address This Coupon may be cast at The Sun oiltee or m either of tit tenS con- nected with the contest NOT AFTEII Mti to 1009 WRECK that v utt r ruip VOM will l v having an insuranof ju icy that will in oiiiify you for your los With- out it what is left 1 the lire visits your horn othing IV 3 vise in tim 4 and insure in a solid company like tilt on we represent A M CUSHMAN Agent Gainesville Florida I Dont 1 5 VOTES For II II idOl T r C J IIL 4 SAVED FROM THE i i n your J j 11 1 li nfl j i j J- o r N tree r RRI Rfl1 t lt tu tt I t 1 conp t ¬ ¬ >

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-25 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › UF › 00 › 02 › 82 › 98 › 01465 › 00178.pdf · 2 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07-25 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › UF › 00 › 02 › 82 › 98 › 01465 › 00178.pdf · 2 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA






Much Geed Icing Accomplished and

the Grade af Werk Will

RxlMd by This Method



t e


Friday afternoon dosed the fourthweek of the Summer Normal and infltMd of tho enthusiasm aad energy

C the faculty and pupils being ontits wane it seems to Increase with

succeeding week and dayVYhen one takes into consideration

the fact that recitations begin at 743-

ft m and with one hours intermitsa4e for noon continuo until 4 p m-

ad ORe class Prof McUcaths specialileac IB English often work until 530-

f B can form some Idea of theafkit ot enthusiasm and work that

the entire body of teach-ers aad Instructors

It has beep said that comparisons-are odious yet in comparing the class-

y teachers and the work being donethis with that of previous Nor

its no reflection upon themwhet we say that this present Normalts tho best along true lines that hasever been held In Gainesville or thopar of any ever held In Florida

Each Instructor Is a specialist Inhis line and sparing neither time norenergy to help those teachers who areenrolled in his classes

Tho absentees from the variousrecitations have formed n very smallper cent of the enrollment Notwith-standing tbo Inclement weather that

xMT during this Normalthe Mott ciit shows the following

There are tweatyelgBt takingMftfte Nearly 7Ser cejjt of

i iiertcra heM eertUkatcs nowferee leavtag oily 25 per cent who-

M keen actually engaged In

r This fact has enabled theors to give some real profess

al training and makes this Nora far moro real training schoolIts predecessor and brings the

llwpe that in a ton years these sumweeks may be devoted to real

fcofeanlohal growth That methodmy take the place that heretoforeMeld for mere preparation for cxaml

OHO neon only to visit some of thof7 ftosses to realize that these teachers

hero for earnest work and fromtheir bright intelligent faces catch

Utwmethlng of the real educationalfsflrlt aad enthusiasm with which they

Mro imbued-

It Is not possible to single out anyof teachers ur tho particularof any individual Instructor do-

cnrlng special mention for all areputting forth their boat efforts and

r r work ID moving on without tholeast semblance of friction

Many of the classes are so largethat they have to occupy the audltorlum In classroom managementtho banner class of the Normal 78






















a4AM1M it

r edt









° °


are enrolled Following closely behindthis comes U S history with Its CO

members physical geography with58 and many others with from 20

to 40 regular attending numbersIt was a happy thought when the

educational officers of the State con-

ceived the idea of locating one ofthese Normals in Gainesville for Itseems that educational enthusiasmand sport that made the oldFlorida Seminary the best school inFlorida has been Inherited bySummer Normala rich heritage In

let us hope that this willcontinuedeedand








Finest Materials

IThe Latest Methods of Practice

All Work GuaranteeI







The Lowest Charges in Keeping

With Work



YFirst Cfass






The Hardware for

the Right House-

If you are building a new

home or remodeling yourold one you should look

over our assortment of

gents Hardware Both

plain and elaborate designs


Uini Material

nn eeeee


Divine Services Will Be Held at All

Places of Worship

Services will bo observed at thevarious churches of tine city today asfollows

First Presbyterian Church Rev TI Hay MomliiK service 1030 sub-

ject Mlzpab Sabbath school 4 pm No evening service on account-of the pastors absence at Kannpulm

First Baptist Church Rev L IIWarren will preach at both the morn-

ing and evening services Subject formorning The Lord Is My ShepherdEvening Tho Tragedy of EdenOther services the same as usual

Holy Trinity Church Rev F H

Cralghlll No announcement receivedFir t Methodist Church Rev F R

Hrldgos Preaching service at 1045a in and S p m Sunday school atylO a in Epworth League devotion-al service 4 p m Superior musicelectric fans comfortable chairs polite

Everybody is cordially In-

vited to all the services of this churchSecond Advent Christian Church

Elder J T Johnson Preaching at 11

a m and 745 p in Morning sub-ject The Heart Illustrated Nightsubject Obedience Young peo-

ples meeting at 715 p m subjectSecond Coming of Christ Baptism

at close of service Sunday school-at 10 n m

St Patricks Catholic Church RevP J Lynch Mass will bo hold at 9

oclock a m Devotion of the HolyRosary will bo at 4 p m



of Kris






Help for Those Who Have StomachTrouble

After doctoring for about twelveyears for a bad stomach trouble andspending nearly five hundred dollarsfor medicine and doctors foes I pur-

chased my wife one lox of Chamber-lains Stomach and Liver Tabletswhich did her no much good that shecontinued to use thorn null they havedone her more good thAn all of titmedicine I bought lfore SamuelHover Folsom Iowa medicineIs for wile by all druggists Samples





Conditian of Dr Phillips-

Col W V Hampton returned lntnight front Jacksonville where hewent to e Or N D Phillips who

90 unfortunate as to breakIds by a hill sonic days ago iljtti

friends of the jwtltUt will regret tolearn that he I in a serious COndl

tint on account of his acidweakened condition it is feared liewill not be able to survive the InjuryHe 10 71 years of and veryfeeble






Foleys Honey and Tar not onlychronic coughs that weaken the

constitution and develop Into conHiini ti n but heals and strengthensth ur rs It affords comfort and re

s n ca s of chroniciff nv rVi r and-

o u J t u w itUU Cto CO






V F Love recovered rapidly fromhis recent attack of illness and hasreturned to his home at Trenton

Mrs J 3 Boyd been atthe Sanitarium with a sick baby hasreturned to her home at Paradise

Mrs Dell Tison ot Earleton is im-

proving rapidly She will probably-be able to return to her homo within-a week

Miss Susie Mansell one of thefaithful nurses has returned from hervacation which was spent with rela-

tives at Lawtey-

Dr Carey P Rogers of Jacksonvillewas a prominent visitor to the Sani-

tarium recently Dr Rogers limitshis professional work entirely tosurgery

Mrs Susan Bradley the efficienthead nurse is taking a muchneededvacation She is enjoying the surfbathing and ocean breezes at


It Is feared that the palm treeswhich were recently set out aroundthe Sanitarium will not live This isthe third effort that has been made-

to got n number of those trees togrow in the Sanitarium groundsbut it seems very difficult to transplint these beautiful trees success-fully

Dr O E Gibson of Hamilton On-

tario was a recent visitor Dr Gib-

son IH a specialist In diseases of theaye car nose and throat and has r-

idded to locate in Florida He stat l

while at the Sanitarium that hi lulIed our State had a great futureand he expected to cast his lot withour people at some point In the State

The system of rotation by whicheach nurse who desires It Is givena short vacation during the summerIs very much appreciated by thnnurses If the members of any profcavlon deserve a short respite oc-

casionally from their arduous and ex-

acting duties this certainly appliesto those who follow the profession ofnursing

Do You Weigh Too Much-

The Real Remedy and the Recipe

There are soon stout people whomtile h ve qiihtlnn n s not frein t

trouble very much They arts hoever wrong to so caree rf forability is a complaint which bringiiuiny evils In Its train Tli areothers who have sought long and

for n really reliable remedy forobesity and to these the followingprescription will be of absorbing in-

terest because it presents In a simpleand harmless form and sure relief-a remedy which is rapidly gaining aworldwide repntntlun The rendermay make up the prescription for him

or herself on getting the IncreilieiitH frown the ilni riist or thelatter will do so willingly

Tits 14 tit full recipe V4 ox Mirmohi 4 OK Fluid ISxtraet Cu raraAromatic nnd 3 ost IVpiiermii-Wi r Tlc a if n i

ful after rack meal and at b ltiinThis admirable and quite harm

will soon take oK IKHIIK if

the PxrUH and i

day by day the weight rterresustrength and vigor will return in ri i

ratio for bo It obwneil then

who has

1 u




t tt I

ont ndhl





rent alyfatty











no faotlnK or sw s8 requiredK food Jose thtM m-

all that is uerettMirv to reduce wdtcMto normal inrrea the of punblood clear the skin beautify the cone

and restore energy and esc I

Luncheon for Miss Lucia PattonOn Monday Mine Lucia Patton of

nainecvllle will be the guest of hotor at a luncheon by Mls Flor

Stockton at the home of herMr and Mrs Telfair Stockton

Jacksonville Metropolis

f H-

ud r


pJt lonspirits





once pa-






Out lost night Headache and nervoils this morning Hicks CapuHnejust the thing to fit you for businessleers tie head braces the nervesTry it At drug stores I


A LASTING OJRENot only its proven to cure but Its absolute as a

has made S S 8 the most extensively used of all medicines ia tho treutmont of Contagious Blood Poison the strong mineral mixtureswhich temporarily remove the outward symptoms and shut tho disease upIn tho system there to carry on its destructivo work on the delicate andvital organs S S S strikes at the root and by purifying tho bloodof every troco of the virus completely and cures tho trouble-S S S is Natures blood purifier in its action and certain in Itsgood results It is made a combination of roots and herbs each ofwhich has a definite and action in purifying the blood Years WITOspent in selecting and proportioning the but whenS S S wits perfected it soon its superiority over all other

circulation S S S builds and strengthens the system its fine vegetabletonic effects If are suffering with Blood Poison S S S Isyour moat certain reliance and because of its freedom from mercurypotash or any other mineral It is absolutely safe for onotreatment book with valuable suggestions any medical advice sent freeto all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO GA




Fire Life and Accident In the oldenr Htm







blood medicines and now after t0 years it Is ono and only certaincure for Blood Poison driving out the from the






Gainesville FloridaAn Institution of the First Rank supirarted by and Federal Fundsfor Florida Ynuim MenThorotcn Courses Leading to Degrees

of B A B Sc M A M Scand L L B

In Arts and Science AgricultureChemical Civil Electrical and Me-

chanical Engineering Law NormalSchool Graduate School

Expenses Exceedingly Low ForCatalogue write to







Tallahassee Florida-A College without a parallel in the

South offering degrees and dlplonrin the following depart menu

I A College of Liberal ArtII A School of Industrial ArtsIII A School of Fine ArtsIV A School of Expression

f A School for Teachers-No Tuition Other expenses very low

For further Information nddre e







be nnslcd for none areso as this


EPAIR WORK AND SUPPLIESMasonic Street Gainesville Florida





This Coupon may be cast at The Sun oiltee or m either of tit tenS con-nected with the contest NOT AFTEII Mti to 1009


that v utt r ruip VOM will l v

having an insuranof juicy that will in oiiiifyyou for your los With-

out it what is left 1

the lire visits your

horn othing IV

3 vise in tim 4 and insurein a solid company liketilt on we represent

A M CUSHMAN Agent Gainesville Florida I







r C J IIL 4


i i n your


j11 1

li nfl j



J-o r N


rRRI Rfl1


lt tu ttI



conp t


