THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILlE FLORIDA AUGUST 1909 r t r fit GOLD DISCOVERY IS MADE NEAR CAMPVILLE SEVERAL SPECIMENS TAKEN FROM A FIFTEENFOOT WELL Now Being Analyzed to Ascertain and Determine What Per Cent Rock Contains While digging away In an old well In the eastern part of the county near Campvllle workmen discovered a vein of rock which resembles gold quartz The gentleman who brought the sample to Gainesville would not talk about the further than to say that it was there but lit small quantities only and he was unwilling to be men Honed In connection with It until a thorough analysis Is made The samples he was showing around Gainesville resembled gold In a crude form In the shape of a kind of quartz sticking on the rock and upon break- ing It It was seen to run all through the rock substance The Experiment Station at the Uni- versity was furnished with a sample and vvlll analyze It at once and give the Information to the party now the matter A great many things have bien found under the soil In Florida and this may be a low grade of gold or it may result In something else being found that Is more valuable for the man who is Investigating the matter was very reticent about It and would give out very little Information in re- gard to the find or where It wn lo- cattd In the event It does prove to be gold and a great ninny believe that It Is he will at once make further In- vestigations In regard to the quantity- to be found on the place What Is Best for Indigestion- Mr A Uoblnson of Drumquln has been troubled for years with Indigestion and recommends Chamber Stomach and Liver Tablets a the best medicine I ever used ll troubled with Indigestion of constlpa tlon give them a trial They are cer tail to prove beneficial They art easy to take and pleasant in effect Price 3 Samples free at all drug stores The Sun office for calling carda New Line of L C SMITH HighGrade Hammerless Guns Tlu Smith ISuns never shoot loose and cure so guaranteed Its locks iinplo and strong takf up nil wear automatically Thi miu is distinutivfly f thtstungth- f tin huh and the riMnnr- kiinpluitY of the lurk i UJitiiriai vhkh it has i lit ran I l ir- U K4u 41 I tltlvUJ- lt i Ulll GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO I find bin c I I 1 1 fur tltlllUll- II I II 11 11 35 00 I I t h l I- Ioj I II 1 50 I I I r in- vestigating On- tario cents Ill It- t I r av lilt Ir M rl w I 1 lriiAM li Ii i p IL rI dU Ih4l Ii i t- tl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + + + NOW ASSURED THING TICKET AGENT GOODWIN IS TRY- ING TO GET RATE SETTLED Train Will Leave Gainesville About Noon and Returning Will Leave Ocala at 7p m The special train over the A C I for the ball game on next Thursday afternoon Is now fact but the rate while It will be a low one has not been definitely decided For the last contests of thq season Liween these two clubs Ocala will strengthen up even more than she did wsiii she played here In addition t liaving secured Walker to pitch they have Windburn from Or lando and a number of other players- in tact they are wry energetic in that city just now and will not stop at a few dollars expense to import the best they can get for the games between the two cities Gainesvilles management has not done anything in the strengthening- line yet but may get one or two of the remaining Orlando players to assist them in this final battle as Manager Davis says he Is going down to win and he will at once commence the practice of his boy for the com- ing ovens While the last excursion happened to an accident It did not detract from the great ball game and they will a large number of faithful ones to go down on the special trip which will be run as a leaving here about noon and returning earlier than the lust time Thursday being a in Ocala with all of the business houses null with the large crowd that will accompany the baseball buys from Gainesville will make the gat receipts quite an Item and if the two games are split each team winning one it I suggested- to play the third for the gate receipts the winner taking all for they either want to be cleaned or clean up in the remaining games of tilt season Ocala is alive to baseball now as It never was before and at the pres- ent tints they are planning for regu- lar visits from Gainesville every two weeks they to come here every other week to keep the fun up for sony lime to collie AT THE CHURCHES TODAY Divine Services Will Be Held at All Places of Worship Services will be observed at the various churches of the city today as iOlOAf First linptlot Church Sunday school u m Preaching nt 103o a m and 7 4 p m by llev II M Lung It Y I I I p w First Presbyterian Church Rev T P Ila Sermon at 1030 a m tlix I W Waddell Suuday school- in Metkodlet Church Sunday chop tsai a in Pronchlug servlco- t a in anal s p in Come orlup Kith H Holy Trmity Church F II CmlKhHI TwrMia SuHiiny aftr Trin ClMAMDHlMt 7 ft W MuTH- iiig pwyir and M riMHt 1 J a m- tftu a Mbuui I HI Uvmlaa irav 4 p iu Ail rill CariMUa riturrli 1- T luhiiMU Mtir trrarhlu at II m and T ti P tMNtrUM bv hau M iMUli uiuttitiM- itUur li- l ur Ma IU- N u 4iii if I M Vvr i i v KM Hm l tM M I u Watnv W- v Miil I 4 Wliwtvl h MM- t 4i the al I II i H HM tl iMl au 4 I M M MMl MMMt I I4 l4 THE OCALA SPECIAL IS an- al urcd for 1i III till b FIrst I Itt It Hub t r I tll II II- II It I tkka I iii t ul aI I tl I ii h 1 II u u I t Ke it W- h 4 U Ocala Gainesville for- th n have half holiday half hollday Mild t p rll- t will tId ttbt twlpS MwVW ftir 4a 1 NI IIMitttQ tb e ttl efpl Ni SI4Ndilr rblit i i i lreii t Ib nr Iti I r br 1 S u t uN be itsib1- 11 l p MI- i t a 1 11 vii l 0 Ilk t r 1 w J Hilt11 wd 111g 4L kr NMtt Mott f lb- ui l SwI Ii i4 tat 11 C1tIM1 I I- rkli anal ll le hall fit w111N- l teMre w11Aa eN W1tlf 4a1 r1Mfl well- Wawl M Nt t tlHS11 Tenet tit wtt- Mil 1 1 Ik t 1 It t atl4 pttrv ¬ ¬ > > > > > > > > > < < + + + + DOING THEIR DUTY- Scores of Gainesville Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys- To liter the blood Is the kidneys duty When they fall to do this the kid- neys are sick Backache and many kidney ills fol- low Urinary trouble diabetes Doans Kidney Pills cure them all Gainesville people endorse our claim Mrs V E Spence 201 W Arlington street Gainesville Fla says It would be hard to describe how I suf fered from a weak and aching back At times the pains were so Intense that I could not get up or down I was also troubled by rheumatism and different parts of my body became stiff and lame A friend finally me to try Doans Kidney Plllu and procuring a box I began their use I am glad to say that they lived up to representations removing the pains and disposing of the rheuma tlsm I can honestly say that Doanfa Kidney Pills did me more good than any medicine I had previously taken For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMllburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the Uni- ted States Remember the name Doans and take no other WILL FEAST ON JM Mr Long Catches Animal in Chicken Coop Friday Night Get P Long and his friends will feast on a stag supper of opossums soiui time during the next month or as soon as he cull get the animal good and fat tend his birthday rolls around For several nights past something- has been interfering with his chickens and while he would always res ond o their noise lie was not able to de- tect the exact until Frills night when with the assistance ol his faithful dog who treed the pos- sum he managed to catch him as he Yi8 starting off on a run Mr Long placed the animal In ibox and will prepare him for hit big birthday next month when a general good time will be had who are fortunate enough to be Beautiful Birthday Party- At the host of Mr and Mrs J D Walker lOt South Palmetto avenue vas plx en a must bountiful dinner a rday in celebration of the former oinhday The table tastefully orated and the color sclifiue ear lid out in white and green Th null tallies in the diningroom wer- atlfii with and whlt lowers In the center of the dililngtlibU vac a Intuit Kul ImniltMiiUroideml cun erplece edged with Irih lace upon hlch the birthday cake CTIW the center of the cuke was tlu lute of his birth Aug 21 above which A MS tlw of his birth 1 3 He- iwetn the is nml 73 was a stork firing nn infant In his claw and Mlow between the 11 MHd Ofc wat- MH HkfMtMi ad vtMiHK Minn A few intimate frlewls only were tttvtttMl to liMtttT hind all tfcat tKJo t Ml tf the day wand tNt hit ftotlHtnkl HU kk wad IW- Hubfe to pnjBv thr ftaM with UNH- MHuwvv r WP ot k- Mi willing tana a a holey M In a then knv had In the i arruwnt ol Mr WaMw iMfttg i- ftt bbs Mrtfctajr kte 4tM r ww- WNK WtJStKXT- AtWvt ai P- fM VMM bin tmtMttal If MHl AMI If I- MiM ta MHifct M Mil wa to AM WOMANS ANAL P 3 canoe has supper b- all dl lotus M r lit MM a lilt a tie L I- I1tN It tit lII fenl taw t ad- vised present yes was was rested year broke th was virtu bises W kt lice It IItl Wird MNIiI tsridf ass gels wit as1MVM raMM brrp i ssehew fir fNYNI i M NttN sad Ntbr ar M all a brMamt h41I- UMM tr cud h4M ti hrr II IIN s Liao IJNIIMa1 iitdd b w lMbtwr- liww tllUsIs tbilt Iillysly hl tiN- lr sl mif s- 1III b ltius h- a A t- 1ristt ow1wMm i p rI IN pNt4 w wiW kill M Iles IN ttWNI WIIMAtIl1 M hihtFrs1 t- It411siI14 tisfNMY- I I b4 ih tt M 1s tt W t t- wa 4tw 6 b INi It ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > < + ± ROCK ROAD WILL BE BUILT THIS FALL BY PRIVATE SUBSCRIPTION AND COUNTY TO ASSIST IN PLAN Prominent Gainesvillian Heads the List With One Thousand Dollars Tax Assessor Col sou stated to The Sun reporter on Saturday that It would be Impossible to create the spe- cial road subdistrict for Gainesville In time this year to have it placed on the assessment books and the levy made to make the funds available lie knowing 04 the situation btated however that the road to Nexvnans lake would be built and early this fall for he was positive that sufficient money could be raised by private to defray the expense and It Is understood that certain of the county commissioners have expressed- a willingness to help providing at least onehalf of the funds be raised by subscription- One prominent citizen of the city has agreed to head the list with 1000 and It Is believed that enough more can be secured from 00 down to build the road which will be a direct ur hue from the city limits to the ake making It one that will prove a IcwMiit to the mimbtr of win let uuois that iiiuiie Xille is expect- ing till coming season owing to the fact that it will be placed on a tourist schedule and people will be allowed stopover privileges on their tickets The turtles that are Interested In this protect will start out within the next few days with the subscription paper and raise as much as they can when the committee will appear be- fore the county commissioners with their report and see what assistance- will come from this source With Major Thomas heading the list for 10t u there will be a number of others who will come up with large amounts and It is not now believed that any trouble will be experienced securing the necessary amount which vlll bt only onehalf If the commi aioners will stand the remainder of he expense of building the road With good roads in all directions laluesvllle will rapidly com to the rout as the most attractive city in rMorlda and while we have been slow long this line it Is that Mice the citizens get started at any- thing here they never stop until they xcel and In this movement they will not Io e their record LETTER TO PHIFER BROS Guiiiffcxllle Florida I ttu Sirs Volume cannot mult Every job Unted Uexoe takes U s- Ulluii thin ut MU other lInt Heres the proof Inlnt bait your lull Devoe th other calf whatever you like U bevot wilt iloe n t Luke gallon MO Yours truly F W DtSVOR CO- P S The GiUnetfx Hardware Co vH iMtr pMittt Ocala People Here Friday Among tk Oral citi n Hho mm to itii ik MM faun ul mil tot UaliMWvUk ik- trtak Ill Frfcfej J R Willi- t It Itatouck K L KwnttaMi ittolMiw T W HS M W A I H sHrttrr W t J M- iftllv W T Itoll C R MM l Ureur farlM U Hairtmli large IlI till I J laM ICII It r r sub- scription wu11 known say less s 1111 Ill e1 Nazi tin M I odd I M Cwsrh sad iiMUwM- I Cia1N ¬ ¬ > > > < + + u t M 4trlii imr iirt 4 awl Mil W HM U a M4 t N- l l il t I Mtartthtrl Nr I ear It I I 1 to IfJ JIB MIt j- tIIM WINt tit lIt Ni- U v Io re- wslr 4 all t4bMe l Ib 1 ntala IM sin I MrIIir r hb bli t 1- 1tutl ta Mu 4iINrtiiir N11Mh- ti M1 Mia4 Mrs tt Nittiti itMa I L a4 It- l4INr phidd Iii t It 4i1t- It1M br TIN kat N M fN s4 IMN- LPI ltl iw 1MM M Mt lush IMM Ilsirewl d Ill IIN lilts p Nw alb Ant ii AAPui9 Wwt NMh Ne4t1 NNIi- 1bleiwr Tilatrlts t 1sb Mqi 4Isssit- s i i IHiM11Ml- tTie t V44 nit 1 YIN Wgti letf t141 b lt 11i > + + + + ELECTRIC THEATRE in Rear of Millers All Week LATEST PICTURES PIKES llMrilSe GEO W DAVENPORT v BV P n P Mr lp v V Tuner and Rebuilder Estimates Furntfheil Promptly and All Work References Addreaa- Fes French GAINESVILLE Lud len A Bates FLA A Mild Medicine Treatment for Horses and Mules Eyes Gainesville Florida DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST Present UcittM total MM wiN Peeve to flit Sill Court hove Synrc ac sass if nmitl- M if NW it elided TIle Freest Mate riate Latest M th I ri Practice J have cmxiMitMtify cwi- srfcred tiris aM aim t make my chants as 8tw is first Class k wiM pennt- T F IMBMA- SUHOERTftHING CO FULL LINE OF NeW AOKKTS roll IRON r oa l titenUoa BftH NtaI- kUMao M tt B4 8l f pb r4 f UlntivlU AIR DOMESitu- ated MOTION Piano Co Dr Dolan fEE sliM W UIIIITH- ud U Pier VII 4J offices t jut i I1tMEiTS IISG L- LV St oat uuPlts Q M- ew e- rre aput sursd4 to < + Hauling IH I u l I n- uf f c IL ury- T r u 111 M t- IidJIH1 J ItIl1tlrnrfIIItJ- w slttwenl Heavy t11c Ii1I 11i 1ttku a tH lttltY ul I ilNlllitM I tray 11twk- 1lnttwr Saw Lti y Vltu- tUIE II DtiI16t- I 1I4 tat r rtt 4 i

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08-29 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01500/00427.pdf · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILlE FLORIDA AUGUST 1909 t r r fit GOLD

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Now Being Analyzed to Ascertain and

Determine What Per Cent

Rock Contains

While digging away In an old well

In the eastern part of the county nearCampvllle workmen discovered a vein

of rock which resembles gold quartz

The gentleman who brought thesample to Gainesville would not talkabout the further than to say thatit was there but lit small quantitiesonly and he was unwilling to be men

Honed In connection with It until athorough analysis Is made

The samples he was showing aroundGainesville resembled gold In a crudeform In the shape of a kind of quartzsticking on the rock and upon break-

ing It It was seen to run all throughthe rock substance

The Experiment Station at the Uni-

versity was furnished with a sampleand vvlll analyze It at once and give

the Information to the party nowthe matter

A great many things have bienfound under the soil In Florida and

this may be a low grade of gold orit may result In something else being

found that Is more valuable for theman who is Investigating the matterwas very reticent about It and wouldgive out very little Information in re-

gard to the find or where It wn lo-

cattd In the event It does prove tobe gold and a great ninny believe thatIt Is he will at once make further In-

vestigations In regard to the quantity-

to be found on the place

What Is Best for Indigestion-

Mr A Uoblnson of Drumqulnhas been troubled for years with

Indigestion and recommends ChamberStomach and Liver Tablets a

the best medicine I ever used ll

troubled with Indigestion of constlpatlon give them a trial They are certail to prove beneficial They arteasy to take and pleasant in effectPrice 3 Samples free at alldrug stores

The Sun office for calling carda

New Line of L C

SMITH HighGrade

Hammerless Guns

Tlu Smith ISuns never

shoot loose and cure so

guaranteed Its locks

iinplo and strong takfup nil wear automatically

Thi miu is distinutivfly



f tin huh and the riMnnr-

kiinpluitY of the lurki UJitiiriai vhkh it has

i lit ran I l ir-

U K4u41 I tltlvUJ-

lt i Ulll














I II 11 11 35 00II

t h l I-



1 50I I











I r

av lilt

Ir M rl

w I

1 lriiAM li

Ii i


IL rI dU Ih4l















+ +




Train Will Leave Gainesville About

Noon and Returning Will

Leave Ocala at 7 p m

The special train over the A C I

for the ball game onnext Thursday afternoon Is now

fact but the rate while It

will be a low one has not beendefinitely decided

For the last contests of thq seasonLiween these two clubs Ocala willstrengthen up even more than she didwsiii she played here In additiont liaving secured Walker to pitch

they have Windburn from Orlando and a number of other players-in tact they are wry energetic in thatcity just now and will not stop at afew dollars expense to import the bestthey can get for the games betweenthe two cities

Gainesvilles management has notdone anything in the strengthening-line yet but may get one or twoof the remaining Orlando players toassist them in this final battle asManager Davis says he Is going downto win and he will at once commencethe practice of his boy for the com-ing ovens

While the last excursion happenedto an accident It did not detract fromthe great ball game and they will

a large number of faithful onesto go down on the special trip whichwill be run as a leavinghere about noon and returning earlierthan the lust time

Thursday being a inOcala with all of the business housesnull with the large crowd thatwill accompany the baseball buysfrom Gainesville will make thegat receipts quite an Itemand if the two games are spliteach team winning one it I suggested-to play the third for the gate receiptsthe winner taking all for they eitherwant to be cleaned or clean upin the remaining games of tilt season

Ocala is alive to baseball now as It

never was before and at the pres-

ent tints they are planning for regu-

lar visits from Gainesville every twoweeks they to come here every otherweek to keep the fun up for sonylime to collie


Divine Services Will Be Held at AllPlaces of Worship

Services will be observed at thevarious churches of the city today asiOlOAf

First linptlot Church Sunday schoolu m Preaching nt 103o a m

and 7 4 p m by llev II M LungIt Y I I I p w

First Presbyterian Church Rev TP Ila Sermon at 1030 a m

tlix I W Waddell Suuday school-

inMetkodlet Church Sunday

chop tsai a in Pronchlug servlco-t a in anal s p in Come

orlup Kith H

Holy Trmity Church F II

CmlKhHI TwrMia SuHiiny aftr TrinClMAMDHlMt 7 ft W MuTH-

iiig pwyir and M riMHt 1 J a m-

tftu a Mbuui I HI Uvmlaa irav4 p iu

Ail rill CariMUa riturrli 1-

T luhiiMU Mtir trrarhlu at IIm and T ti P tMNtrUM

bv hau M iMUli uiuttitiM-

itUur li-

l ur Ma IU-

N u 4iii if I M Vvri i v KM Hm l tM

M I u Watnv W-

v Miil I 4 Wliwtvl h MM-

t 4i the al I

II i H HM tl iMl au 4


I4 l4



al urcd









It Hub

t r





I tkkaI iii t ul aI I

tl I ii

h 1

II u



t Keit W-




Ocala Gainesville


th n


half holiday

half hollday


t p


t willtId ttbt twlpS MwVW ftir 4a

1 NI IIMitttQ tb e ttl

efpl Ni SI4Ndilr rblit i i i

lreii t Ib nr ItiI r br 1 S

u t uN be itsib1-

11 l p MI-

i t a1

11 vii l

0 Ilkt r 1 w

J Hilt11

wd111g 4L kr NMtt Mott f lb-

ui l SwI Ii i4 tat

11 C1tIM1 I I-

rkli anal ll le hall fit w111N-

l teMre w11Aa eN W1tlf 4a1 r1Mfl well-

Wawl M Nt t tlHS11 Tenet tit wtt-

Mil 1 1 Ik t 1 It t atl4pttrv







> >


> >





+ +


Scores of Gainesville Readers AreLearning the Duty of the Kidneys-

To liter the blood Is the kidneysduty

When they fall to do this the kid-neys are sick

Backache and many kidney ills fol-

lowUrinary trouble diabetesDoans Kidney Pills cure them allGainesville people endorse our

claimMrs V E Spence 201 W Arlington

street Gainesville Fla says Itwould be hard to describe how I suffered from a weak and aching backAt times the pains were so Intensethat I could not get up or down I

was also troubled by rheumatism anddifferent parts of my body becamestiff and lame A friend finally

me to try Doans Kidney Pllluand procuring a box I began theiruse I am glad to say that they livedup to representations removing thepains and disposing of the rheumatlsm I can honestly say that DoanfaKidney Pills did me more good thanany medicine I had previously taken

For sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMllburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the Uni-

ted StatesRemember the name Doans and

take no other


Mr Long Catches Animal in ChickenCoop Friday Night

Get P Long and his friends willfeast on a stag supper of opossums

soiui time during the next month oras soon as he cull get the animal goodand fat tend his birthday rolls around

For several nights past something-has been interfering with his chickensand while he would always res ondo their noise lie was not able to de-

tect the exact until Frillsnight when with the assistance olhis faithful dog who treed the pos-

sum he managed to catch him as heYi8 starting off on a run

Mr Long placed the animal In

ibox and will prepare him for hitbig birthday next month whena general good time will be had

who are fortunate enough to be

Beautiful Birthday Party-

At the host of Mr and Mrs J D

Walker lOt South Palmetto avenuevas plx en a must bountiful dinnera rday in celebration of the formeroinhday The table tastefullyorated and the color sclifiue earlid out in white and green Thnull tallies in the diningroom wer-

atlfii with and whlt lowersIn the center of the dililngtlibU

vac a Intuit Kul ImniltMiiUroideml cunerplece edged with Irih lace uponhlch the birthday cakeCTIW the center of the cuke was tlu

lute of his birth Aug 21 above whichA MS tlw of his birth 1 3 He-

iwetn the is nml 73 was a storkfiring nn infant In his claw andMlow between the 11 MHd Ofc wat-

MH HkfMtMi ad vtMiHK Minn

A few intimate frlewls only weretttvtttMl to liMtttT hind all tfcat

tKJo t Ml t f the day wand tNthit ftotlHtnkl HU kk wad IW-Hubfe to pnjBv thr ftaM with UNH-

MHuwvv r WP ot k-

Mi willing tana a aholey M In a then knvhad In the i

arruwnt ol Mr WaMw iMfttg i-

ftt bbs Mrtfctajr kte 4tM r ww-


AtWvt ai P-fM VMM bin tmtMttal If


If I-

MiM taMHifct M Mil

wa to AM


P 3








rlit MM a






I1tN It














virtu bises

W ktlice


IItl Wird MNIiI tsridf

ass gelswit as1MVM raMM brrp i ssehewfir fNYNI i M NttN sad Ntbr

ar M all a brMamt h41I-

UMM tr cud h4M ti hrr II IIN

s Liao IJNIIMa1 iitdd b wlMbtwr-

liww tllUsIs tbilt Iillysly hl tiN-

lr sl mif s-

1III bltius h-

aA t-

1ristt ow1wMm ip rI IN pNt4 w wiW kill

M Iles IN ttWNI WIIMAtIl1M hihtFrs1 t-

It411siI14 tisfNMY-I I b4 ih tt M 1s tt W t t-



6 b INi It

















Prominent Gainesvillian Heads theList With One Thousand


Tax Assessor Col sou stated to TheSun reporter on Saturday that Itwould be Impossible to create the spe-cial road subdistrict for Gainesville Intime this year to have it placed onthe assessment books and the levymade to make the funds available

lie knowing 04 the situation btatedhowever that the road to Nexvnanslake would be built and early this fallfor he was positive that sufficientmoney could be raised by private

to defray the expense andIt Is understood that certain of thecounty commissioners have expressed-a willingness to help providing atleast onehalf of the funds be raisedby subscription-

One prominent citizen of the cityhas agreed to head the list with 1000and It Is believed that enough morecan be secured from 00 down tobuild the road which will be a directur hue from the city limits to theake making It one that will prove aIcwMiit to the mimbtr of win

let uuois that iiiuiie Xille is expect-ing till coming season owing to thefact that it will be placed on a touristschedule and people will be allowedstopover privileges on their tickets

The turtles that are Interested Inthis protect will start out within thenext few days with the subscriptionpaper and raise as much as they canwhen the committee will appear be-

fore the county commissioners withtheir report and see what assistance-will come from this source

With Major Thomas heading the listfor 10t u there will be a number ofothers who will come up with largeamounts and It is not now believedthat any trouble will be experiencedsecuring the necessary amount whichvlll bt only onehalf If the commiaioners will stand the remainder ofhe expense of building the road

With good roads in all directionslaluesvllle will rapidly com to therout as the most attractive city in

rMorlda and while we have been slowlong this line it Is thatMice the citizens get started at any-thing here they never stop until they

xcel and In this movement they willnot Io e their record

LETTER TO PHIFER BROSGuiiiffcxllle Florida

I ttu Sirs Volume cannotmult

Every job Unted Uexoe takes U s-

Ulluii thin ut MU other lIntHeres the proofInlnt bait your lull Devoe th other

calf whatever you like U bevotwilt iloe n t Luke gallon MO

Yours trulyF W DtSVOR CO-

P S The GiUnetfx Hardware CovH iMtr pMittt

Ocala People Here FridayAmong tk Oral citi n Hho mm

to itii ik MM faun ulmil tot UaliMWvUk ik-

trtak Ill Frfcfej J R Willi-t It Itatouck K L KwnttaMi

ittolMiw T W HS M W A

I H sHrttrr W t J M-

iftllv W T Itoll C R MM lUreur farlM U Hairtmli









wu11 known


less s








odd I M Cwsrh sad iiMUwM-

I Cia1N









u t M 4trliiimr iirt

4 awl Mil


HM U a M4 t N-

l l il t I


Nr I

ear ItI



to IfJ


MIt j-



lIt Ni-



Io re-

wslr 4 all t4bMe lIb 1 ntala IM

sin I MrIIir r hb bli t 1-

1tutl ta Mu 4iINrtiiir N11Mh-

ti M1 Mia4 Mrs ttNittiti itMa I L a4 It-

l4INr phidd Iii t It 4i1t-

It1M br

TIN kat N M fN s4 IMN-

LPI ltl iw 1MM M Mt lushIMM Ilsirewl d Ill IIN lilts p Nw

alb Ant iiAAPui9 Wwt NMh Ne4t1


1bleiwr Tilatrltst 1sb Mqi 4Isssit-

s i i IHiM11Ml-

tTie t V44 nit 1 YIN

Wgti letf t141 b lt 11i


+ +




in Rear of Millers

All Week



PIKES llMrilSe


v BV P n P Mr lp v V

Tuner and Rebuilder

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References Addreaa-Fes French GAINESVILLE

Lud len A Bates FLA

AMild Medicine Treatment for

Horses and Mules Eyes

Gainesville Florida


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