t t I VOL XXVI NO 1 7 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12 1909 TEN CENTS A WEEK r 1 7 P w ainetiilir Ff x LOST MY BEST FRIEND of Harriman Greatly Affected Over His Death Funeral Will Be Held Today SAID SUPERINTENDENTEm- ployes i ARDEN N Y Sept 11 Arrange- ments for the funeral of Mr Harrl man which Is to be laid tomorrow from St loins Episcopal church were completed yesterday The t erv j Ices which are to lie strictly private and attended only l y the imm dlnu family anti a few litelong friends will he conducted by the Itev 1 Holmes Gulness at p in The active will be the jlx men In charge of the various di- partments of Mr Harirmans at Arden and Turner They are Charles T Ford his general superin- tendent V M Viner manager of the farm at Arden William Robbins su- perintendent of Mr Harriman stock farm V Mnndigo his master car- penter E P Schultz master masts anti William A MrClcllan Miperin tendent of the Arden Farm Dairy Com- pany The list of honorary pallbear- ers has not been announced Rest in Hillside Crave The millionaires body will rest in a grave blasted from the solid rock of the hillside This method of burial was adopted when his oldest son Ed- ward H Hariman Jr was burled twentytwo years ago The Harriman plot Is In a far corner of the and the only spot In the In closure where the blue stone of Tower Hill rises to the surface Men began works yesterday quarrying out the grave- A drizzling rain began yesterday morning and little or no work wan- d ne in the villages of Turner and Arden The two hundred or more workmen cn the Harriman estate have been laid off until Monday William A McClellan the of the Harriman dairies told a group of workmen at the Turner station that he believed the work of completing Arden house and laying out the grounds would go on after the funeral according to Mr Harrimans psi P L t pall bearcra state grave- yard superin- tendent ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ plans That was his wl h he sail and I believe It will be carried out Lost My Best Friend I have lost the best friend I ever had declared Mr McClullan and the best friend of every man here Yes thats so said several of his listeners Therell never be another boss like him The belief here Is that the active management of the Tower Bill im- provement will devolve upon his old- est daughter Mary Harriman has always been her fathers companion in his walks and drives about the state The men say that in mental makeup she approaches her father nearer than any of the other chil- dren Mrs Harriman it is said would be glad to return to the old Harriman farm home at the foot of the hill which the family occupied when they llrst came to Arden twentytwo years ago In spite of all Its castled mag- nificence Arden House to her will always recall the last days of her husband When the financier came there on August 1M h was already a d log man The house has not a cheerful asso- ciation The Harriman family has shut itself up alone with its grief Superintendent McClellan on their behalf asked the newspaper men at Turner to make no attempt to reach the house He said that for a day or two the dead mans nearest rela- tives who are gathered at the Arden house preferred to receive no visitors- of either condolence or business The telegraph station at Arden has been kept busy since Thursday after- noon receiving messages of sympathy from all vans of the world The tele- grams are being sent up the hill in baskets with hundreds of letters that began to pour In yesterday morning One secretary at the house Is kept busy opening and answering these messages ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Honor Place in Parade Pearys Ship Is to Have NEW YORK Sept 11 Commander Pears ship the Roosevilt will b- one of the features of the lluduii Fuiton naval parade on the opening day of the celebration TIlt following Ultgram was received pert lust night Sydney C Sept H Celebration Com- mit tit IVnry Arctic Club applies fur- l stun for Its Keumer Roosevelt with the North Pole lnteTcennlil n rad iII I llltlDTiMAN A fatoruMr prompt eat Mild til KIIOM Mlt Mill UN IL I liurlsou Fulton r ply Mss < > = signed to a place of honor close to the Half Moon and Clermont which will lead the parade In all probability Peary hims lf will be on hoard together with the member of the Ptary Arctic Club and pe slbly other distinguished explorer Dr Cook it is expected will be In New York City at the time but the celebration committee regards It H unlikely that he will l invited to Joist Peary pony Tho bust place to buy your goods ii at the store which Invites you tu comu through an nd In The Sun I I the > Judge Lucius J Reeves Is Candidate for Senator U S Ul t TI rfu- iPKNSACOUA Fltt Sept II Hon I M iiu J llcit thU afternoon an nouucwl hu candidacy fur Hu Httimtor to MUOCOW Suimtor- Tulmfvrro who will afro be a cmndl tat rwelwotlon- Fuilg lltev wa burR in Alabama fur II shad iI < < i i iMil boa WMM prucltcHlb rtnrwl- ii Florida timing removed to Walton i mint when quits young H State Svimtor fur wight yuur anti HI circuit Judgt thrnu y ar IM an and ay hu will WUK H vigorous campaign and uiptfeu to anvil Its ails sIt aksr win > + SEA ISLAND COTTON Savannah Market Firm Past Week With Good Demand I j SAVANNAH Gu Sept llTlu market fur Sva has been firm with a good demand At irt thi wa moth for type purposes but lat- terly the bt ine was In the regular way Praiucally all of the receipts were of new cotton anti the on rliiK i were InMilttclcnt to upply the de- mand some of which remains flid The cotton roiuine in Is g n i ally of a very good quality The lit qulry was mainly for fancy aid ex- tra choice nail quotations show some little advance from the week before Crop accounts do not indicate better than a modern yield Re- ports front Florida while IrivMiiar are not at nil bright In sime the crop Is said to he all open and the outlook Is for a very short crop Reports from are lid ter tome counties repurtc Root prospects Sales for the week 7J 7 bales The following prices were based on factors quotations nnd are revised weekly on Fridays Fancy Florldas WQW- Faicy Georgia 22 22 Ks choice 21 ft 21 6- K choice Georgian 2ft fe1i21 Choice Gas nnd Flas 1 Kx fine CInf nail FlaV Ifi 17 Fine Gas and Flas H Common Gos and Flas 12 JUSTICE CARLISLES COURT Charlie Harris Youthful Prisoner Ar- raigned for Fighting Charlie Harris a youthful negro who does not look as though he has yet reached his teens was arrested- by Sheriff Ramsey Friday upon a war rant d at the instigation of a negro woman who charged hint with assault and battery upon her person The youthful prisoner was arraign- ed in Justice Carlisles court and the hearing proved quite amusing the prosecuting witness being large enough to put the defendant In her locket After hearing the story of the boy and other evidence Justice Carlisle assessed a fine of 1 and costs but remitted same pending good behavior It Is needless to add that Charlie left the presence of the Justice a very happy lad promising In future to be- have himself as good boSs should LAST CHAPTER OF THE SIEGEL MURDER CASE NEW YORK Sept 11After near- ly three months detention as more than a material witness in the Elsie Slegel murder case Chung Slag the Chinaman friend of Leon Ling the suspected murderer was yesterday re- leased on ball After Chung Slugs arrest he admit- ted having had knowledge of Miss Slegels death slue days before the discovery of her hotly In Loon room but he persistently denied knowledge of the manner of her death Cluing Sinks releam from custody Is probably the ln l chapter of n mur- der mystery which bullied the efforts- of the polite of the entire country to- M le FOR ATTACKING NEGRESS WHITE BOY IS WHIPPED SPARTANWRC S S pt 11 Infuriated by tilt attack of M white IIIHII on a young girl of their own col- or the ii icrtM of H thickly tilMl- uclKhlwrtiuud shout two mile trout Mil city t ter la the Klrlw assailant liHlnl terln u severe wlilpplHK fnreMl him to MVI tits country Thw MltMriff nwl a io of cltUtHu heavily arm Hl tit the hcttiie of the tr ml le to aert H- ihrtmivHiHl race riot Some article that la simply la the way at your house might If adver b told to lomtoao who U totttly lookia tt I I 1I tII ont uri r e dial amyl after lied tot l 1 land any- thing sec- tions GL t 1 las t Links want ins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > > > MEXICO AGAIN VISITED BY SEVERE CLOUDBURST Presbyterian Mission School at San Juan Cut Off by Property loss WaterBig MEXICO CITY Sept 11 Another teirible Hood has visited the Jnmllte pec district In the State of Oaxacn Sugar plantations and mills have been destroyed hundreds of head of shale hui be t killed anti scores of rot IHU luac l t their lived In vateis The jirrnr of this latest imuulxiion tli oiiliru of tht n public iu I re in uiul Ta- maulij a The Atoyac river overflowed Its banks aiu swept miles of a nIt coun- try with devastating force The Ja mlltepec district is sue of the richest on the Pacific Coast nut it Is salt that ICOHUO persons will suffer from this mot recent flood owing to the gnat cf land laid to waste Flood Surcien Get Relief The initial overflow of the Atoyac river way caused by n cloudburst The situation In the northern part of the It past 1 I area t autt ray < republic Is Btlll serious in spite of the fact that the flood sufferers In the State of Temnullpos are receiving their first relief News of a number of marooned Americans reached here yesterday It seems that the Presbyterian Mission School at San Juan has been cut off since the flood A party under the leadership of A Ross Is to go to the rescue The pupils and teachers are reported to be safe although suffering from want of food Americans Escape in Ox Cart- A party of Americans consisting of J K Goddard and his mother Stuart Ryan of Oklahoma and Hugh Cockerell reached Linares yesterday evening after a day trip In an ox cart from the Santa Anna ranch where they had itetn staying The ranch was com pieiely Inundated The Americans took refuge In n nearby mill making their escape with little more than the clothes they had on their backs W I New Developments in Millman Murder Mystery No DETROIT Sept 11 On request of Prosecuting Attorney Van Seile of Wayne county the Inquest scheduled- for last night at Ford City Into the death of Miss Maybelle Millman of Ann Arbor was postponed until Sep- tember 24 The continuance of the coroners In quest followed the remanding of Dr George A Fritch In bond of 10000 Dr Fritch still Is held on suspicion of murder In connection with the Mill man case antI up to a late hour last ¬ ¬ HIRMINGHAM Sept prin- cipal business of the closing session of the National Convention of the Farmers Talus yesterday was the re- H rt of the educational committee which wan Topi d favoring compul- sory education more country schools longer norms and more competent left H IH The organization overwhelmingly- voted to Increase the salary of the 11The I ¬ > ¬ night had not secured bondsmen Dr Fritch made a public declaration de nying that he bad performed a surgi- cal operation upon Maybelle Millman but admitted that she had visited his office about two weeks ago with Mar- tha Henning her former companion Miss denning was brought sack from Ana Arbor by Sheriff Gatoa and IB again held at the police atatlos Captain of Detectives McDonnell last night that no devetoppwata In the case had occurred de- clared ¬ ¬ Farmers Union in Favor 4 f of Compulsory Education president to 3000 a year The secre tarys salary was rallied to 1800 and the annual dues of members were from 8 to 16 cents a year The farmers adjourned without making public the minimum price de- cided upon for cotton but It Is almost universally understood to be 13 cents You may find what you are looking for through a want ad In The Sun in- creased ¬ ¬ ¬ Mistaken for Chicken Thief Brother Kills Brother IUTIKK Sept IIHenry- Jamit it HinK white man 2 old li H HII accidentally killed by bin brother Nu luon Jurrott- ThMrwlny night They lint Hhotit two nuktf wit of thU Henry Iwitl boon awnv from hunt SUNDAY WORK PROHIBITED TAUAIIAHriKrC Fla Stilt 11 hurl of TrumPM of Internal Fuwvl at their lat 0 > Wit the s years Disc mint > < < and his returning at a late hour took n chicken from hU buggy which had boon given him by an undo The noise attracted tho attention of the brother who solved a gun went to this back door and fired the load tak hue In the face causing almost Instant death Ins prohibited Sunday work on dredges of the Everglades drainaja operations It haa been the custom fur employe to do repair work on dr J w on Sunday fleet the the ¬

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-12 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01514/00521.pdf · 2009-08-03 · tt I VOL XXVI NO 1 7 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SUNDAY

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7P w




of Harriman Greatly Affected Over His

Death Funeral Will Be Held Today



ARDEN N Y Sept 11 Arrange-

ments for the funeral of Mr Harrlman which Is to be laid tomorrow

from St loins Episcopal church

were completed yesterday The t erv j

Ices which are to lie strictly privateand attended only l y the imm dlnufamily anti a few litelong friends will

he conducted by the Itev 1 HolmesGulness at p in

The active will be thejlx men In charge of the various di-

partments of Mr Harirmansat Arden and Turner They areCharles T Ford his general superin-

tendent V M Viner manager of thefarm at Arden William Robbins su-

perintendent of Mr Harriman stockfarm V Mnndigo his master car-

penter E P Schultz master mastsanti William A MrClcllan Miperin

tendent of the Arden Farm Dairy Com-

pany The list of honorary pallbear-ers has not been announced

Rest in Hillside CraveThe millionaires body will rest in

a grave blasted from the solid rock ofthe hillside This method of burialwas adopted when his oldest son Ed-

ward H Hariman Jr was burledtwentytwo years ago The Harrimanplot Is In a far corner of the

and the only spot In the Inclosure where the blue stone of TowerHill rises to the surface Men beganworks yesterday quarrying out thegrave-

A drizzling rain began yesterdaymorning and little or no work wan-

d ne in the villages of Turner andArden The two hundred or moreworkmen cn the Harriman estatehave been laid off until Monday

William A McClellan theof the Harriman dairies told

a group of workmen at the Turnerstation that he believed the work ofcompleting Arden house and layingout the grounds would go on after thefuneral according to Mr Harrimans





pall bearcra











plans That was his wl h he sailand I believe It will be carried out

Lost My Best FriendI have lost the best friend I ever

had declared Mr McClullan andthe best friend of every man here

Yes thats so said several of hislisteners Therell never be anotherboss like him

The belief here Is that the activemanagement of the Tower Bill im-

provement will devolve upon his old-

est daughter Mary Harriman hasalways been her fathers companionin his walks and drives about thestate The men say that in mentalmakeup she approaches her fathernearer than any of the other chil-

drenMrs Harriman it is said would be

glad to return to the old Harrimanfarm home at the foot of the hillwhich the family occupied when theyllrst came to Arden twentytwo yearsago In spite of all Its castled mag-

nificence Arden House to her willalways recall the last days of herhusband When the financier camethere on August 1M h was already ad log man

The house has not a cheerful asso-ciation The Harriman family hasshut itself up alone with its griefSuperintendent McClellan on theirbehalf asked the newspaper men atTurner to make no attempt to reachthe house He said that for a dayor two the dead mans nearest rela-

tives who are gathered at the Ardenhouse preferred to receive no visitors-of either condolence or business

The telegraph station at Arden hasbeen kept busy since Thursday after-noon receiving messages of sympathyfrom all vans of the world The tele-grams are being sent up the hill inbaskets with hundreds of letters thatbegan to pour In yesterday morningOne secretary at the house Is keptbusy opening and answering thesemessages









Honor Place in Parade

Pearys Ship Is to Have

NEW YORK Sept 11 CommanderPears ship the Roosevilt will b-

one of the features of the lluduiiFuiton naval parade on the openingday of the celebration TIlt followingUltgram was received pert lust night

Sydney C Sept H

Celebration Com-mit tit IVnry Arctic Club applies fur-l stun for Its Keumer Rooseveltwith the North Pole lnteTcennlil nrad

iIII llltlDTiMAN

A fatoruMr prompteat Mild til KIIOM Mlt Mill UN



liurlsou Fulton

r ply Mss




signed to a place of honor close tothe Half Moon and Clermontwhich will lead the parade In allprobability Peary hims lf will be onhoard together with the member ofthe Ptary Arctic Club and pe slblyother distinguished explorer

Dr Cook it is expected will be InNew York City at the time but thecelebration committee regards It H

unlikely that he will l invited toJoist Peary pony

Tho bust place to buy your goodsii at the store which Invites you tucomu through an nd In The Sun





Judge Lucius J Reeves Is

Candidate for SenatorU S

Ul t TI rfu-

iPKNSACOUA Fltt Sept II HonI M iiu J llcit thU afternoon annouucwl hu candidacy furHu Httimtor to MUOCOW Suimtor-Tulmfvrro who will afro be a cmndltat rwelwotlon-

Fuilg lltev wa burR in Alabamafur






i i iMil boa WMM prucltcHlb rtnrwl-ii Florida timing removed to Waltoni mint when quits young H

State Svimtor fur wight yuur antiHI circuit Judgt thrnu y ar IM an

and ay hu will WUKH vigorous campaign and uiptfeu to


Itsails sIt aksr





Savannah Market Firm Past Week

With Good Demand I

j SAVANNAH Gu Sept llTlumarket fur Sva has been firmwith a good demand At irt thiwa moth for type purposes but lat-

terly the bt ine was In the regularway Praiucally all of the receiptswere of new cotton anti the on rliiK i

were InMilttclcnt to upply the de-

mand some of which remainsflid The cotton roiuine in Is g n i

ally of a very good quality The lit

qulry was mainly for fancy aid ex-

tra choice nail quotations show somelittle advance from the week before

Crop accounts do not indicatebetter than a modern yield Re-

ports front Florida while IrivMiiarare not at nil bright In sime

the crop Is said to he all openand the outlook Is for a very shortcrop Reports from are lidter tome counties repurtc Rootprospects Sales for the week 7J 7

balesThe following prices were based on

factors quotations nnd are revisedweekly on FridaysFancy Florldas WQW-Faicy Georgia 22 22

Ks choice 21 ft 21 6-

K choice Georgian 2ft fe1i21

Choice Gas nnd Flas 1

Kx fine CInf nail FlaV Ifi 17

Fine Gas and Flas HCommon Gos and Flas 12


Charlie Harris Youthful Prisoner Ar-

raigned for FightingCharlie Harris a youthful negro

who does not look as though he hasyet reached his teens was arrested-by Sheriff Ramsey Friday upon a warrant d at the instigation of anegro woman who charged hint withassault and battery upon her person

The youthful prisoner was arraign-ed in Justice Carlisles court and thehearing proved quite amusing theprosecuting witness being largeenough to put the defendant In herlocket

After hearing the story of the boyand other evidence Justice Carlisleassessed a fine of 1 and costs butremitted same pending good behaviorIt Is needless to add that Charlie leftthe presence of the Justice a veryhappy lad promising In future to be-

have himself as good boSs should



NEW YORK Sept 11After near-ly three months detention as morethan a material witness in the ElsieSlegel murder case Chung Slag theChinaman friend of Leon Ling thesuspected murderer was yesterday re-

leased on ballAfter Chung Slugs arrest he admit-

ted having had knowledge of MissSlegels death slue days before thediscovery of her hotly In Loonroom but he persistently deniedknowledge of the manner of her death

Cluing Sinks releam from custodyIs probably the ln l chapter of n mur-der mystery which bullied the efforts-of the polite of the entire country to-




Infuriated by tilt attack of M whiteIIIHII on a young girl of their own col-

or the ii icrtM of H thickly tilMl-uclKhlwrtiuud shout two mile troutMil city t ter la the Klrlwassailant liHlnl terln usevere wlilpplHK fnreMl him to MVI

tits country Thw MltMriff nwl a ioof cltUtHu heavily arm Hl titthe hcttiie of the tr ml le to aert H-

ihrtmivHiHl race riot

Some article that la simply la theway at your house might If adver

b told to lomtoao who Utotttly lookia tt




tII ont




dialamyl after



1 land






1 las












> >




Presbyterian Mission School at San Juan Cut Off

by Property lossWaterBigMEXICO CITY Sept 11 Another

teirible Hood has visited the Jnmlltepec district In the State of Oaxacn

Sugar plantations and mills havebeen destroyed hundreds of head of

shale hui be t killed anti scores ofrot IHU luac l t their lived In

vateisThe jirrnr of this latest imuulxiion

tli oiiliru of tht n public

iu I re in uiul Ta-

maulij aThe Atoyac river overflowed Its

banks aiu swept miles of a nIt coun-try with devastating force The Jamlltepec district is sue of the richeston the Pacific Coast nut it Is saltthat ICOHUO persons will suffer fromthis mot recent flood owing to thegnat cf land laid to waste

Flood Surcien Get ReliefThe initial overflow of the Atoyac

river way caused by n cloudburst Thesituation In the northern part of the

It past1 I



autt ray


republic Is Btlll serious in spite ofthe fact that the flood sufferers In theState of Temnullpos are receivingtheir first relief

News of a number of maroonedAmericans reached here yesterday Itseems that the Presbyterian MissionSchool at San Juan has been cut offsince the flood A party under theleadership of A Ross Is to go tothe rescue The pupils and teachersare reported to be safe althoughsuffering from want of food

Americans Escape in Ox Cart-

A party of Americans consisting ofJ K Goddard and his mother StuartRyan of Oklahoma and Hugh Cockerellreached Linares yesterday eveningafter a day trip In an ox cart fromthe Santa Anna ranch where they haditetn staying The ranch was compieiely Inundated The Americanstook refuge In n nearby mill makingtheir escape with little more than theclothes they had on their backs



New Developments in

Millman Murder Mystery


DETROIT Sept 11 On request ofProsecuting Attorney Van Seile ofWayne county the Inquest scheduled-for last night at Ford City Into thedeath of Miss Maybelle Millman ofAnn Arbor was postponed until Sep-

tember 24

The continuance of the coroners Inquest followed the remanding of DrGeorge A Fritch In bond of 10000Dr Fritch still Is held on suspicionof murder In connection with the Millman case antI up to a late hour last



HIRMINGHAM Sept prin-cipal business of the closing sessionof the National Convention of theFarmers Talus yesterday was the re-H rt of the educational committee

which wan Topi d favoring compul-sory education more country schoolslonger norms and more competentleft H IH

The organization overwhelmingly-voted to Increase the salary of the






night had not secured bondsmen DrFritch made a public declaration denying that he bad performed a surgi-cal operation upon Maybelle Millmanbut admitted that she had visited hisoffice about two weeks ago with Mar-

tha Henning her former companionMiss denning was brought sack

from Ana Arbor by Sheriff Gatoaand IB again held at the police atatlosCaptain of Detectives McDonnell

last night that no devetoppwataIn the case had occurred





Farmers Union in Favor4 f

of Compulsory Educationpresident to 3000 a year The secretarys salary was rallied to 1800 andthe annual dues of members were

from 8 to 16 cents a yearThe farmers adjourned without

making public the minimum price de-

cided upon for cotton but It Is almostuniversally understood to be 13 cents

You may find what you are lookingfor through a want ad In The Sun






Mistaken for Chicken Thief

Brother Kills BrotherIUTIKK Sept IIHenry-

Jamit it HinK white man 2

old li H HII accidentally killedby bin brother Nu luon Jurrott-ThMrwlny night They lint Hhotit twonuktf wit of thU

Henry Iwitl boon awnv from hunt


TAUAIIAHriKrC Fla Stilt 11

hurl of TrumPM of InternalFuwvl at their lat








< <

and his returning at a late hour tookn chicken from hU buggy which hadboon given him by an undo Thenoise attracted tho attention of thebrother who solved a gun went tothis back door and fired the load takhue In the face causing almostInstant death

Ins prohibited Sunday work ondredges of the Everglades drainajaoperations It haa been the customfur employe to do repair work ondr J w on Sunday



