Rcsearch in Scicncc Education, 1991, 21, 224 - 233 GENDER-INCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOL: A CASE STUDY IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Adrianne Kinnear Edith Cowan University, David Treagust and Leouie Renuie Curtin University of Technology ABSTRACT This paper describes how an idea for technology education materials developed into a process for producing unique curriculum modules for teaching technology in a gender-inclusive way to primary children. Using a case-study format, the paper describes the interaction between participants, the sequential evolution of the materials themselves and the degree to which success was achieved in terms of the original goals. The study demonstrates how an awareness of gender bias needs to be a feature from the earliest stages of curriculum development, through to the trialling and modification stages. The curriculum materials were a product of effective cooperation between teachers, science educators and community representatives. They utilise a "process" approach to the teaching of technology and in this presentation, we demonstrate how this same approach is a useful framework for describing this particular curriculum development. INTRODUCTION This paper describes the initiation and development of a primary curriculum project in technology education. The case study utilised action research methodology, compiling the authors' first-hand experiences and transcripts of meetings held throughout the project with advisers and development teams, and analyses of the successive drafts of the curriculum materials as they were developed. The value of the case study lies in its highlighting of particular ideas and issues which have relevance to technology education in general and technology education for girls in particular. THE BEGINNING: DEFINING THE FRAMEWORK FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Identifvin~ a need Early in 1987, staff of the Western Australian Technology Directorate, perceivcd a need for technology education materials in Western Australian schools. They proposed to develop a programme of innovative school-based technology projects which foster practical technical skills, project management skills and creative problem-solving abilities amongst students and teachers. The focus was on technology as a process whereby students would gain a greater understanding of the product life cycle and an increasing awareness of the skills required to develop a project from an idea to a viable product or process. From the start, the need to address gender bias was recognised in one of the proposal objectives: to reduce the stereotypical view of technical/technological skills as distinctly masculine in nature.

Gender-inclusive technology materials for the primary school: A case study in curriculum development

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Rcsearch in Scicncc Education, 1991, 21, 224 - 233


Adrianne Kinnear Edith Cowan University,

David Treagust and Leouie Renuie Curtin University of Technology

ABSTRACT This paper describes how an idea for technology education materials developed into a process for producing unique curriculum modules for teaching technology in a gender-inclusive way to primary children. Using a case-study format, the paper describes the interaction between participants, the sequential evolution of the materials themselves and the degree to which success was achieved in terms of the original goals. The study demonstrates how an awareness of gender bias needs to be a feature from the earliest stages of curriculum development, through to the trialling and modification stages. The curriculum materials were a product of effective cooperation between teachers, science educators and community representatives. They utilise a "process" approach to the teaching of technology and in this presentation, we demonstrate how this same approach is a useful framework for describing this particular curriculum development.

INTRODUCTION This paper describes the initiation and development of a primary curriculum project in technology education. The case study utilised action research methodology, compiling the authors' first-hand experiences and transcripts of meetings held throughout the project with advisers and development teams, and analyses of the successive drafts of the curriculum materials as they were developed. The value of the case study lies in its highlighting of particular ideas and issues which have relevance to technology education in general and technology education for girls in particular.


Identifvin~ a need Early in 1987, staff of the Western Australian Technology Directorate, perceivcd a need for technology education materials in Western Australian schools. They proposed to develop a programme of innovative school-based technology projects which foster practical technical skills, project management skills and creative problem-solving abilities amongst students and teachers. The focus was on technology as a process whereby students would gain a greater understanding of the product life cycle and an increasing awareness of the skills required to develop a project from an idea to a viable product or process. From the start, the need to address gender bias was recognised in one of the proposal objectives: to reduce the stereotypical view of technical/technological skills as distinctly masculine in nature.


The process of this curriculum development forms an interesting juxtaposition with the actual curriculum products themselves, in that it shares the major steps of a technological design process, which in turn came to provide the structural framework for the curriculum materials. The design process in Fig. 1 has been used as a framework for describing the development of the curriculum materials. Note the similarity with the technology design process in Fig. 2 which formed the basis for the teaching strategies contained in the materials.







The idea received support from canvassed teachers and teacher-educators and a Schools-based Advisory Panel was established to formulate a programme for the development of technology education materials for schools. Representation on the panel included people from public and private sectors, science educators from tertiary organisations and teachers.

Defining the problem Over the next two months a proposal was formulated for submission to the state government's Technology and Industry Development Association (TIDA) for funding. The proposal's components were:


* development of an upper primary modular curriculum resource to the prototype stage. The modules were to have a common philosophical framework.

* for each module, a team of classroom teachers would work interactively with a consultant adviser from a tertiary institution.

* the current Advisory Panel would oversee the development of the modules.

The focus on primary school was justified on the basis that there was sufficient scope in the existing curriculum and timetable structure for teachers to incorporate technology and that it would be easier to achieve participation by girls. Also, there were already initiatives in this area at the secondary level.

Choosing the prqfr solution

Much time was spent by the Advisory Panel on the definitions and framework which might guide such a development. In the absence of a consensus view of a definition of technology, a set of working principles was defined:

each project should attempt to solve a human need either identified by or relevant to the students. the projects should have no "right" or "wrong" answers -- the teacher to be used as a resource person rather than the supplier of a "olueprint". each project should include gathering additional information about the human problem to be solved and the principles relevant to its solution from the community as weU as the school. each project should be "hands-on" involving the students in assembling the required information, materials and expertise and then using them to create a product -- a working model. the children should assess the degree to which the project achieved an acceptable solution and suggest improvements, and teachers should provide an atmosphere in which students do not equate failure to achieve objectives with failure in the unit. all materials provided and their presentation should encourage full participation of girls and children from minority groups. The use of any materials or terminology that present prejudicial images must be avoided at all costs.

Unique aspects of the prototype modules which were essential to their development were the emphasis on gtfi'ding the children to identify a definite human need to initiate the sequence, the identification of procedures for product evaluation by the children themselves, as a conduding activity, and gender inclusiveness.

Three project teams were formed (each comprising 2 - 3 selected classroom teachers and an adviser) and provided with the Panel's working framework. The Advisory Panel's role now shifted from development/initiation to a monitoring role, overseeing the project teams over the next six months as they developed the curriculum prototypes.



Tooic selection and the process framework The teachers had little experience with technology as a curriculum area and, while each team worked separately on their respective modules, group discussions held through the development period were valuable education sessions where topics areas were brainstormed, ideas were shared, definitions clarified, and common approaches identified and developed. Previously-developed curriculum materials such as the New Jersey project (Fricke, 1987) provided some educational guidance. Panel advisers stressed the importance of encouraging children to frame problems in rather than in scientifi~ terms, thus ensuring a technology focus. The need to highlight group work and to ensure girls' participation was re-emphasised.

Within a short time, the teams had chosen three project topics, Zoo Technology, Leisure and Advertising. It was agreed that each module would provide an example "product cycle" which teachers and children could complete, followed by open-ended activities for further development.

Project briefs were presented to the Advisory Panel for approval. At this stage they were rough outlines, testing the scope of the topics to provide design and construction activities and outcomes. The Zoo brief used a design process to most advantage to "...design a new look zoo which provides greater freedom, as well as a healthier, natural and aesthetically pleasing environment." Here the interesting points were the innovative idea of "zoo technology" as a theme and the use of a "scenario" approach to defining the problem. Children were asked to play the role of the Zoo Director who was given unlimited funds to develop a "new look" enclosure for a chosen animal.

The Leisure brief acknowledged the inclusion of a design process but as yet had no specific focus. It provided "brainstorming" pictures of two leisure products as a prelude to designing new goods to fulfil needs via a design process.

The third project team had a "mis-start" in that the problem was to "...use technology to plan and develop a method for promoting and selling a product." Interestingly, their definition of technology at this early stage reflected this marketing focus rather than a product development focus. On discussion with other project teams they quickly realised that their project centred on the use of technology to develop any product l:ather than the design and construction of products or processes which incorporated technology within them. They saw their product as a "Media" rather than a technological product and reorientated their definition of technology towards "problem-solving by design and construction" using the themes of toys and sport. They drew heavily on the concept of "artefact" and with the cricket ball as an example, used "artefact analysis" as a prelude to the actual design process.This was followed by a set of potential problems based on toy creation.

From these first "briefs", the overall project schemata were emerging:

all utiliscd a process approach -- reflecting the Advisory Panel's view that it dovetail with any potential secondary level unit ; all began the process with some kind of problem to be solved; data-gathering (research) and design were integral parts;


all cmphasiscd a testing and evaluation stage of the preKluct; examples of "products" or "technological artefacts" were "brainstormed to orientate children towards the design process: e.g., the hmcdonal characteristics of cricket balls, runners or bicycles, zoo enclosures.

The "Gettin~ started" controversy At this juncture, a controversy developed which occupied considerable discussion time with teachers and advisers. It centred around the definition of the problem(s) for children to investigate. Would children define their own problems? Could they define their own problems? What should/could be the teacher's input? How prescriptive should that input be? How can the relationship between a need for change and the definition of a problem to meet that need be developed? All the teachers had recognised an important element that separates technology as a process from other problem-solving algorithms (e.g. as in science) - entry to the desicn orocess imtflied that a need for change had been d~monstrated and that a techTnolodeal nroblem statement to address that need could be defined.

While some advisory panel members wished the materials to remain as open-ended and non-prescriptive as possible, there was a strong feeling among some of the teachers that the idea of the technology design process would overwhelm many teachers, that teachers would need some kind of prescriptive framework to encourage them to make a start. There was disagreement as to whether children and primary teachers who lack confidence could go straight into the de~i~ process, defining their own problems. Was it necessary, for example, to generate some feeling of "dissatisfaction" with current products or processes as a stimulus for brainstorming new ideas? If so, did teaching strategies need to be included in the teachers notes? Was there a need for some kind of "springboard activities" for inexperienced teachers and children to get into the design process itself?

The teachers' concerns won the day and background activities were developed, leading children to the identification of the problem and hence entry into the des i~ process. These starter activities were to become a significant and unique feature of the materials. In the early versions of the Zoo module they were given a separate section -- "Getting Started" and in the final versions, this model was adopted by the editors for all three modules.

The prot0tYpe~ - tilling out the framewgrk As more sophisticated drafts were produced over the ensuing months, more structured frameworks and more specific topics emerged. In all three modules, the idea of having an introductory sequence of activities which helped children "Identify a need" was developed and this in turn led to the generation of a "Statement of Intent" which led the children directly into the "Design ProceSs". Teachers' notes were detailed, providing strategies for each lesson or step in the design process. Each provided sets of open-ended design problems within the topic for additional follow-up. As well, introductory aims and objectives, suggestions for subject integration and suggested resources were components in all three modules.

It is interesting to compare the methods which each team used to introduce children to the design process via the writing of a "statement of intent", considering the lengthy discussion over this issue. Each team approached it slightly differently and with


differing dcgrces of specificity.The Toys and Leisure modules took advantage of historical approaches (one to dolls, the other to bicycles) to introduce the concept of product change for improvement. (The "Toys" team had abandoned their original cricket-ball approach when, in initial trialling, it proved too difficult for both teachers and children to analyse and was deemed by the advisers to be too male orientated).With regard to the framing of a technological problem, the Leisure module was the most specific - it simply provided one : "For the purpose of this project the area has been decided for the group. The following design process requires the children to make something that can be attached to a bicycle so that the rider can signal the intention to turn left or right." At the other extreme was the Toys module. While it suggested an introductory starting activity so the children could experience design and construction ("Building a toy which uses drinking straws, suitable for a five year old"), it then provided a varied list of open-ended problems from which children could choose to problem solve.

The Zoo module concentrated on product evaluation of current zoo enclosures. It then used a scenario approach to encourage children to create their own, individually tailored statements of intent: "If you were the Director of Perth Zoo with plenty of money to spend and you wished to implement a major project immediately, which enclosure would you improve?"


Volunteer teachers from 5 primary classrooms (years 4 - 7) tried out the three projects over a class term. A detailed description of the trial and its outcomes, particularly with regard to gender issues, has been presented elsewhere (Kinnear, Treagust, Rennie & Lcwis, 1989; Rennie, Treagnst & Kinnear, 1992) and a summary is presented here. Data collection methods included questionnaires to children and teachers, classroom observations and teacher interviews.

Teachers used the resources materials with few problems and readily translated the process approach to technology in the classrooms. There were several general outcomes:

Children of this age group, if allowed, tended to skip over the research and alternative solutions phases of design, moving with impatience into the design and construction phases on a "one solution" basis. This in itself could be a learning process as when designs failed to work a rethink was required.

For some classes, some activities were more difficult to do than others, whether because children were unfamiliar with some strategies (e.g., group discussion/evaluation of toys), materials were difficult to come by (e.g., bicycle parts), or the problem was creatively difficult for children of this age level (e.g., toy with straws). For these reasons, it was important to provide flexibility of choice for teachers or children.

The project materials stimulated girls' interest in technology and they responded as enthusiastically as boys to the activities. They responded particularly well to the group work strategy used throughout. (Girls who normally tended to take passive roles in whole-class situations took active roles


in smaller groups.) In the single-sex classes, girls enthusiasm was vcry high, with much out-of-class work. This was true whether the specific topic was wet-weather clothing (a more traditional female subject) or the design and construction of signalling devices (perhaps non-traditional).

However, gender differences were apparent during the use of the projects:

there was a tendency for boys to construct toys of interacting parts, whereas girls often tended to make passive board games and chose "passive" toys for discussion and analysis;

boys worked less well in group situations, with more teacher attention required to encourage them to work effectively and cooperatively;

a knowledge of tool-use benefitted the boys. They tended to use more tools and use them more readily;

the degree to which current technologies were used in sketches reflected differing experiences which could be gender-based, e.g., boys were better able to produce realistic designs of futuristic cars which showed a knowledge of current features;

teachers themselves could have gender-related views as to what was a suitable technological activity, e.g., one male teacher considered the "clothes" activity unrealistic as a technology activity and suggested more realistic ones such as "racing bike de.~ioms". On the other hand a female teacher had used the clothes activity with much creative success.

All the children had positive initial perceptions about technology and these perceptions were maintained or increased during the topics. However, in one class, boys perceptions of girls' capabilities in technology became significantly more negative after experiencing the topic. This was a classroom where some girls had shown some reluctance initially to participate in the topic and they had shown inexperience with handling tools such as the video camera.

The final product

In the light of the classroom trialling, some alterations were made prior to the final editions. The importance of gender inclusiveness was explicitly stated and teachers were reminded of areas where gender bias can occur and strategies were suggested to ensure equal participation in the classroom activities.

The success of the activities introducing the design process for product development encouraged the editors to formalise these as "Getting Started" activities in all three projects and show their relationship both strategically and philosophically to the design process. Thus while the three projects maintained a degree of individuality with regard to page-by-page layout, they now all reflected three stages of presenting technology to children (figure 2):















A "Getting Started" stage where the children were encouraged to think about technology as meeting needs, to consider current products and potential design improvements to meet specific needs, and out of this to develop a 'Statement of Intent" -- the framing of a technological problem to confront that need.

The "Design Process", a sequence of clearly-defined steps (each with detailed teaching strategies) whereby the children designed, constructed and evaluated a product to meet the defined need

Extension activities -- open -ended problems within the theme which provided additional design possibilities.

MEETING THE NEED The formal structure of an advisory panel plus development teams proved effective for module development. The involvement of representatives from public and private agencies provided valuable workplace input. The interaction of teacher-educators and


classroom teachers was essential for the devclopmcnt of an appropriate framcwork which was both philosophically sound and developmentally and practically appropriatc to the primary setting. The involvement of a third teacher educator as additional research assistant in the evaluation process provided a measure of independence and objectivity ia the trialling process.

Gender inclusiveness The concept of gender-inclusiveness, that the teaching materials should be attractivc and effective for both boys and girls was incorporated into the project from the start. It was one of the aims of the project as initially framed by government representatives, it became one of the advisory panel's guiding principles' for the curriculum development, and it was a prominent focus of the trialling and evaluation procedures.

Gender inclusiveness is reflected in the topics chosen as themes for design. Animal welfare (Zoo), bicycle safety (Leisure) and dolls and toys for young or disabled children (Toys) are topics which appeal to the experiences and interests of girls in particular. At the same time, they in no way detract from the interest of boys, as the triaUing demonstrated. Similarly, gender inclusiveness is reflected in the focus on group work throughout the materials, whether for evaluation and discussion of products, or for design and construction of improved products. While this enhances girls' participation, it provides an opportunity, as one teacher put it, for teaching the boys to "...socialise and learn to listen and think about what others have to say". Lastly, gender inclusiveness is reflected in the involvement of girls in tinkering activities within themes they can relate to, and where needed it explicitly addresses situations where, despite the best of intentions, girls may still be disadvantaged in technology classrooms. In summary, the modules proved extremely effective as vehicles for generating enthusiasm and interest in technology, not only in girls, but in boys as well.

Tr162 as a process of meeting needs One of the aspects which sets technology apart from other disciplines which incorporate problem-solving such as science is that it is problem-solving to meet human needs. The defining of such a problem is the initiator of the technology design process which was used as the framework for the modules.

The controversy over whether structured pre-design strategies were required either to ensure children could identify a suitable problem, or to see the relevance of a given problem led to what we have termed the "Getting Started " activities. These ensured that the design process was always set within the "need" context. This contextual element to be most important in technology education (Williams, 1991). Technology, as a process for producing goods and services, is becoming increasingly subject to evaluation and criticism. The rise of the concept of sustainable development, the shortcomings of an approach which measures "need" only by an economic yardstick and which fails to account for social and environmental costs and consequences has contributed to the widening critique (Willoughby, 1990 provides an excellent summary). By presenting technological problems to children always within the context of human need, the three modules provide an opportunity for children and teachers to question and evaluate the reasons for the technological development and, if appropriate, its potential environmental impact, ha the curriculum framework presented here, the Getting Starting activities provide an appropriate point for teachers and children to evaluate and di~uss the social and environmental context of the technologies, current


and planned. This ability to evaluate need and potential consequences as a part of framing the problem definition, and prior to the design and construction activities are an important aspect of technology education.


This curriculum initiative was funded by the Technology Industry Development Authority, W.A. and the Curriculum Development Centre, Canberra. The three modules were initially developed by Helen Croucher, Frank Scarfone, Vic Laikos, Linda Markovic, Jeff McNish, Andy Sullivan and Christine Yates. The Schools Technology Group supported the project from its inception.


Fricke, G.L. (1987). (Chair). Report to the Commission on Technology Education for the State of New Jersey. Technology Education: Learning how tO lr in technolo~cal world. New Jersey, USA.

Kinnear, A., Treagust, D., Rennie, L., Lewis, C. (1989). T~r education for upper prim0ry ~ades. A report prepared for the Schools Technology Group and the Curriculum Development Centre.

Rennie, L., Treagust, D., Kinnear, A. (1992) An evaluation of curriculum materials for teaching technology as a design process. Research in Science & Technology Education (in press).

Williams, R. (1991) Technology in context. In L. J. Rennie, L. H. Parker, & G. M. Hildebrand, (Eds). Acti.0n for Eq0_ity, TI~ Second Decade. Contributions to the Sixth Intern~tional GASAT Conference. (Vol II) pp 789 - 806. National Key Centre for Science and Mathematics.

Willoughby, K. (1990) Technolo_~y choir162 A cril_ique of the appropriate technolot.ry movement. Westview Press, San Francisco.


DR. ADRIANNE KINNEAR, Senior Lecturer, Department of Science, Edith Cowan University, Churchlands W.A. 6018. Specializations: primary science and technology education, gender issues.

DR. DAVID TREAGUST, Associate Professor, Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, W.A. 6102. ~ I ~ : diagnosis of student learning and teaching for conceptual change, technology education, curriculum evaluation.

DR. LEONIE RENNIE, Senior Lecturer, Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley, W.A. 6102. Specializations: affective aspects of science and technology education, gender issues.