Gi Correlates

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  • 8/13/2019 Gi Correlates


    GI tract

    Anatomy-Histology Correlate

    By: Michael Lu, Class of 07

  • 8/13/2019 Gi Correlates


    - The digestive system allows us to ingest

    and digest food, effectively adsorbing the

    nutrients required for the normal functioning

    of all body systems and expelling the

    undigested waste products.

    - The digestive tract is essentially a long

    tube that begins from the oral cavity andcontinues on to the esophagus, the

    stomach, the small and large intestines, and

    finally the anus. The pancreas, liver, and

    gallbladder help with the digestion and

    absorption of nutrients.

    - Beginning with the oral cavity, we will first

    look at the lips. There is a transition fromskin to oral mucosaat the vermillion

    border(v.b.). The lip gets its red color from

    the capillaries in the high dermal papillae

    which are separated from the lip surface by

    a thin layer of epidermis, as indicated by the


    - The vermillion border lacks sweat glandsor sebaceous glands, making it susceptible

    to chapping.

    - The labial vestibuleof the oral cavity is

    lined by non-keratinized stratified

    squamous epithelium. The glands found in

    the underlying tissue are mostly mucus-

    secreting with some mixed muco-serousglands. The inner surface of the cheek is

    essentiall the same.

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    - The oral mucosa is composed of various types of epithelia. Non-keratinized

    stratified squamous epithelium(blue) is present where flexibility is required,

    as is the case of the lip and cheeks aforementioned.

    - Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium(red) is required where

    abrasion occurs frequently and the lining epithelium needs to be more rigid.

    This is the case of the hard palate(bottom left) and the gingiva (next slide).

    The keratinized epithelium, labeled as stratum corneum, is firmly attached tothe underlying bone.

    - The soft palate(bottom right) is flexible and thus covered by non-keratinized

    stratified squamous epithelium. There are numerous mucus-secreting glands

    amongst the skeletal muscle within the underlying tissue.

    - The remainder of the oral vestibule and the ventral surface of the tongue are

    also covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

    - The tongue, discussed later, contains specialized mucosa (orange) for the

    special sense of taste.

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    - Top left panel: As the non-keratinized stratified

    squamous epithelium (B) of the oral vestibule

    approaches the teeth, a transition occurs at the muco-

    gingival junction(C) into keratinizedstratified

    squamous epithelium (A) of the gingiva.

    - The gingiva (bottom left) is very tightly attached to the

    tooth by the dentogingivalfibers. Free gingivasurrounds the enamel, which was removed during slide

    preparation (decalcification) leaving the dentin.

    - The periodontal ligamentis anchored within the

    tooth cementumand inserts into the alveolar bone.

    These insertions, indicated in the bottom right with an

    arrow, are known as Sharpeys fibers. The periodontal

    ligament serves to attach the tooth to the bone and toabsorb shock.

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    - The enamel, which is 96% mineral, covers the crown

    of the tooth. However, the dentin(80% mineral)is much

    thicker and forms the majority of the tooth. The black

    lines (top left) that run from the pulp cavity to the dento-

    enamel junction are dentinal tubulesthat were filled

    with odontoblasts during tooth growth.

    - At the root of the tooth, the surface is covered bycementum, which has a composition similar to bone.

    The bottom left panel shows the cemento-enamel

    junction (CEJ), where the enamel ends and cementum

    begins. The granular dentin is also a good marker for

    this junction.

    - Note the acellular cementumnear that CEJ and

    compare it to the cellular cementum(bottom right)near the root of the tooth.

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    - The tongueis specialized for moving food around in the oral

    cavity and mostly composed of skeletal muscle. The ventral

    surface is covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous

    epithelium. The dorsal surface, shown on the left, is covered by

    various papillae.

    - The filiform papillae(bottom left) look like hooks that are

    composed of hard keratinized epithelium.- The fungiform papillae(bottom middle), easily identified, are

    mushroom-shaped and slightly higher than surrounding filiform

    papillae. To the naked eye, they appear as red spots on the tongue.

    The paler staining regions are taste buds.

    - The circumvallate papillaeare much larger than fungiform

    papillae, with numerous taste buds. In addition, they are

    surrounded by deep trenches, which are continually flushed bysecretions from the underlying lingual (von Ebners) glands.

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    - Note the 3 major salivary glands. Below, from left to right,

    are the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands.

    - Parotid gland: In the parotid fossa, three main structures

    transverse this glandfacial nerve, external carotid artery,

    and retromandibular vein. The parotid duct opens near the

    upper 2ndmolar tooth. The gland is completely serous.

    - Submandibular gland: Sitting most posteriorly in thesubmandibular triangle, it is supplied by the facial artery and

    vein. Submandibular ducts, which cross the lingual nerves,

    open on both sides of the tongue frenulum. It is mostly serous

    but partially mucus, with many serous demilune cells.

    - Sublingual gland: The smallest salivary gland sits beneath

    the oral mucosa in the floor of the mouth. It has multiple small

    openings. This gland is almost completely mucus-secreting.

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    - Within the salivary glands, the

    lobules are composed of numerous


    - Secretions produced by the acinar

    cells are released into intralobular

    ducts, which converge into largerducts leading out of the salivary


    - The panel above shows an

    intercalated ductlined with thin,

    low cuboidal epithelium.

    - Within the acini, the secretions are

    hypertonic. In the intercalated duct,they are modified to be isotonic.

    - As a reviewthe parotid gland is

    completely serous, the

    submandibular gland is mostly

    serous and partly mucous, and the

    sublingual gland is mostly mucous.

    - In addition to the relative ratio ofserous acini to mucous acini, the

    submandibular and sublingual

    glands are also characterized by its

    serous demilunes. These are

    serous cells capping mucous acini,

    indicated by the arrows in the panel


    - The intercalated duct carries the

    acinar secretion to the striated

    duct. Shown below, it is

    characterized by the faint vertical

    striations in the cytoplasm of the

    duct cells. They are elaboratemembrane infoldings and aligned

    mitochondria, allowing the striated

    duct to pump sodium and chloride

    out of the lumen and exchanging for

    potassium and bicarbonate. As a

    result, the secretions become


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    - The pharynx connects the nasal and oral cavities

    superiorly with the larynx and esophagus inferiorly. It

    sorts food, water, and air to arrive at their destinations.

    - In the pharynx, the paths of food and air cross. Food

    travels from the mouth (anterior) to the esophagus

    (posterior). Air travels from the choanae (posterior) to

    the trachea (anterior).- The pharynx contains 2 layers of musclesouter

    circular and inner longitudinal.

    - The outer circular muscles include the superior,

    middle, and inferior pharyngeal constrictor

    muscles. One easy landmark to identify them is the tip

    of the greater horn of the hyoid bone, to which the

    middle pharyngeal constrictor attaches. The 3 musclescontract serially to push a bolus down the esophagus.

    - The inner longitudinal muscles include the

    stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, and

    palatopharyngeus muscles, which elevate and widen

    the pharynx to accommodate a bolus when swallowing.

    - The levator veli palatiniand tensor veli palatini(notshown here)muscleselevate the soft palate to seal off

    the nasopharynx when swallowing. The epiglottis

    closes off the larynx and trachea.

    - The interior fascia is the pharyngobasilar fascia, an

    area which does not have any muscle tissue.

    - The pharyngeal mucosa is covered by non-

    keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, with anunderlying dense layer of elastic tissue (blue brackets).

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    - The esophagusis posterior to the larynx and trachea

    in the neck region and upper thorax. It travels on the

    right side of the descending aorta, passes through the

    diaphragm, and connects with the stomach.

    - Note the esophageal plexuswith the main anterior

    and posterior vagal trunksfrom the left and right

    vagus nerves, respectively. Within the submucosa isthe Meissners plexusand in between the muscular

    layers is the myentericor Auerbachs plexus.

    - The histological slides are good examples of the 4

    layers of the GI tube. The epithelium (E) is non-

    keratinized stratified squamous. The muscularis

    mucosae (MM) is indicated by the arrows. There are

    also inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle layers.- The upper third is skeletal muscle (voluntary), middle

    third is mixed, and lower third is smooth muscle


    - IMPORTANT:Remember, the

    esophagus has secretory

    glands in the


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    - Note that the esophagogastric junctionis located

    approximately at the level of the diaphragm.

    Contractions of the diaphragm create sphincter-like

    effects, preventing reflux of stomach acids and content.

    The esophagogastric junction is a functional, not

    anatomical, sphincter.

    - Note the abrupt transition of epithelium at the

    esophagogastric junction, from the non-keratinized

    stratified squamous epithelium of the esophagus to the

    columnar gastric surface epithelium.

    - Once again, there is no evident muscular sphincter atthe junction.

    - In the following slides, we will review the anatomical

    features of the stomach, followed by a histological

    comparison of the stomach mucosa.


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    - The stomachsits in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. It can be divided into 4 parts: the cardia, the

    fundus, the bodyor corpus, and the pylorus.

    - The lesser curvatureof the stomach is connected to the liver via the hepatogastric ligament, which comprise

    the lesser omentum with the hepatoduodenal ligament. On the other side, the greater curvatureis connected to

    the greater omentumof the abdomen. Note the other surrounding structures.

    - The venous drainage of the lesser curvature involves the leftand right gastric veins, which anastomose as the

    coronary vein. The greater curvature is drained by short gastric veinsinto the anastomoses of the leftand

    right gastro-omental veins. They all drain into the hepatic portal vein, hepatic veins, and inferior vena cava.

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    - The stomach is supplied by the arteries branching off

    the celiac trunk.

    - There are three major branches of the celiac trunk:

    - 1) left gastric arterysupplies the lesser

    curvature and anastomoses with the right gastricartery

    - 2) splenic arterysupplies the spleen, giving

    off the left gastro-omental arterywhich supplies

    the greater curvature and anastomoses with the

    right gastro-omental artery

    - 3) common hepatic arterysupplies the liver

    with the hepatic artery proper. The right gastricand right gastro-omental arteries both branch off

    the hepatic artery proper. In addition, it also gives

    off the gastroduodenal arteryto supply the

    duodenum, pancreas, and greater curvature.

    - In short, the stomach is supplied by the right and leftgastric arteries at the lesser curvature and the right and

    left gastro-omental arteries at the greater curvature.

    - The lesser curvature is drained by the coronary vein,

    while the greater curvature is drained by the right and

    left gastro-omental veins.

    Th t i d b f ld d i t

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    - The gastric mucosa and submucosa are folded into rugae.

    - The stomach surface epithelium itself is also highly folded

    forming gastric pits.

    - Gastric glandsempty into the bases of the gastric pits

    (bottom left). The first part of the gastric gland contains

    mostly parietal cells, which secrete HCl acid and intrinsic

    factor. The bases of the glands contain mostly chief cells,which secrete the enzyme pepsinogen.

    - In addition, there are also enteroendocrine cellsthat

    secrete gastrin, somatostatin, and other hormones into the

    bloodstream and not the stomach lumen.

    - Note the cardiac glands (gastric glands in the cardia; blue

    box & bottom right) are mucus secreting, and the gastric pitsextend approximately half (50%) the depth of the mucosa.

    Th t i l d i th d th

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    -The gastricglands properin the corpus and the

    fundic glandsin the fundus have the same structure.

    Gastric pits only extend about 25% the mucosal depth.

    - The surface epithelial cells are mucus-secreting, but

    they are NOT goblet cells. The mucinogen granules do

    not distort the round or oval nuclei sitting at the base.

    - In the bottom left panel, some gastric pits areindicated. In the gastric glands, the left bracket is the

    parietal cell zone and on the right is the chief cell zone.

    - The bottom right panel magnifies the base of a gastric

    gland. The black arrows are parietal cells, which are

    roughly oval to pyramidal in shape with a round, central

    nucleus. The red arrowheads indicate chief cells, with

    granular apical cytoplasm and empty granules.

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    - The gastric pits of the pyloric glands(bottom left &

    blue box) extend at least half way to two-thirds down

    the depth of the mucosa. The base of the gastric pits

    are indicated by the vertical line with the arrow.

    - The bottom right panel shows the gastroduodenal

    junction. The thickened muscle mass, indicated by thearrow, is the pyloric sphincter. Unlike the

    esophagogastric junction, which is a functional

    sphincter, the gastroduodenal junction is an anatomical

    sphincter. The boxed region in the duodenum indicates

    submucosal Brunners glands, which will be discussed


    As review the mucosae of the cardia body and pylorus are compared The vertical lines indicate the

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    - As review, the mucosae of the cardia, body, and pylorus are compared. The vertical lines indicate the

    approximate end of the gastric pit and start of the gastric gland.

    - Note the paler staining of the cardiac and pyloric glands compared to the parietal and chief cells of the gastric

    glands proper.

    - Approximate pit depth: cardia50%; body25~33%; pylorus50~66%

    The duodenum is mostly retroperitoneal and divided

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    - The duodenumis mostly retroperitoneal and divided

    into 4 partsthe ampulla (no circular folds),

    descending (papillae), horizontal (crossed by superior

    mesenteric artery), and ascending (duodenojejunal

    flexure and suspensory ligament) parts.

    - The duodenum is supplied by anterior and posterior

    superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries (celiac trunk) andanterior and posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal

    arteries (superior mesenteric artery).

    - The gastroduodenal junction(bottom left) connects

    the stomach (S) with the duodenum (D). The muscular

    pyloric sphincter and outer muscle layers are shown.

    - A distinct characteristic of the duodenum, which differs

    from the other parts of the small intestine, are mucus-secreting Brunners glands(G) within the submucosa

    (just like the esophagus).

    Another important characteristic of the small intestine

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    - Another important characteristic of the small intestine

    (in general) is the presence of numerous villi. These

    finger-like projections extend out from the mucosal

    surface into the intestinal lumen, increasing surface

    area for absorption. The inset indicates permanent folds

    in the intestinal wall known as plicae.

    - The 4 layers of the GI tube are shown again in thebottom right. The villi consist of epithelium and lamina

    propria of the mucosa. The small arrows point to

    muscularis mucosa. The submucosa, muscularis

    externa, and serosa are also labeled.

    - Note the arteries of the small intestine, all supplied by

    the superior mesenteric arteryoff the aorta. Jejunal

    arteriesare shorter than ileal arteries. They

    anastomose as arcadesand give off arteriae rectae.

    Here we take a closer look at the intestinal villi The villus core

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    - Here we take a closer look at the intestinal villi. The villus core

    contains loose connective tissue, smooth muscle from the

    muscularis mucosae, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves.

    The blue arrowheads indicate intraepithelial lympthocytes.

    Epithelial cells are shed at the villus tip, where they are shed or


    - The epithelium consists of absorptive, columnar enterocytes and

    goblet cells. The black arrowheads point to the apical surfaces of

    enterocytes, forming a striated border. These are the thousands of

    microvilli which increase surface area for absorption.

    - At the base of intestinal crypts, we can find enteroendocrine

    cells, which are identified by cytoplasmic granules at the basal

    instead of apical surface, releasing hormones into the bloodstream.

    - There are also Paneth cellsthat secrete lysozyme to kill bacteria.

    Agoblet cell

    Benterocyte (absorptive)

    CPaneth cell

    Denteroendocrine cell

    - Once again the 4 layers of the GI tract are shown

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    - Once again, the 4 layers of the GI tract are shown

    mucosa, submucosa, muscular layers, and serosa.

    - Thejejunum andileumare attached to the posterior

    abdominal wall via mesentery. Within the mesentery

    are arcades and straight arteries. Jejunal arteries are

    shorter than ileal arteries. In addition, the jejunum

    mucosa has many more circular folds than the ileum,

    showing that the jejunum absorbs most of the nutrients.

    - Histologically, the jejunum and ileum are very similar.

    Note once again the numerous villi. Extending into the

    lamina propria from the mucosa are intestinal glands,

    better known as intestinal cryptsor crypts of


    - REMEMBER:Only the esophagus and duodenumhave submucosal glands.

    - The ileum ends in the right lower quadrant of the

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    - The ileum ends in the right lower quadrant of the

    abdomen and connects to the cecum, which then leads

    into the ascending colon.

    - The ileocecal region is supplied by the ileocolic

    artery, which branches off the superior mesenteric

    artery. The ileocolic artery gives off a colic branch

    which supplies beginning of the ascending colon, and

    an ileal branchthat supplies the end of the ileum.

    - Note the abrupt transition in the epithelial lining from

    the small intestinal (S) villi to the glandular form of large

    intestine (L). The ileocecal valvecontains considerably

    thickened muscularis propria (M) with some lymphoid

    tissue (Ly).

    - Note the appendix and appendicular artery shownhere. We look in more detail in two slides.

    - Note the distinct structures of the large intestine haustra

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    Note the distinct structures of the large intestine haustra,

    omental appendages, and teniae coli(3 distinct bands of

    longitudinal muscle). The colon can be divided into the cecum,

    ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colons, and

    the rectum. The ascending and descending portions are

    retroperitoneal; all other portions have their mesentery.

    - The first third of the colon is supplied by the superior mesenteric

    artery via the ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic arteries. The

    rest of the colon is supplied by the left colic, sigmoid, and rectal

    arteriesall branching off the inferior mesenteric artery. Note also

    the marginal arteryrunning the colonic border and the arteriae


    - Rule of thumb: all intestinal arteries should be identified by where

    they are running to, not the order of which the branches come off.

    - Note the main differences between colonic versus intestinal

    epithelium: there are only glands, no villi, and more goblet cells.

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    - Generally, the appendixhas the same histological

    appearance as the large intestine. The main difference

    is the appendix contains a complete outer layer of

    longitudinal muscle, instead of bands of teniae coli.

    - The mucosa resembles that of the colon. There is

    simple columnar epithelium with numerous goblet cells.

    The glands or crypts of Lieberkuhn are straight and

    unbranched, but there are no villi.

    - The border between mucosa and submucosa, or

    namely the muscularis mucosae, may be difficult toidentify. The submucosa are often heavily infiltrated with

    lymphoid follicles (F). The lymphoid tissue may even

    extend into the mucosa, almost approaching the luminal


    - The adventitia, or serosa (S), and mesoappendix (M)

    are also indicated.

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    - The rectum differs from the rest of the colon in that the

    lower one-third has nothing to do with the peritoneum,

    and the upper two-thirds are considered retroperitoneal.

    In addition, the teniae coli expand and unite to form the

    longitudinal muscle layer.

    - The external anal sphincteris composed ofvoluntary, skeletal muscle. In contrast, the internal anal

    sphincteris not under conscious control.

    - Note the anal columns, between each are anal

    valves. They mark the pectinate line, where there is

    an abrupt transition from simple columnar epithelium

    of intestine to keratinized stratified squamous

    epitheliumof skin.

    - The pectinate line also divides arterial supply.

    Superiorto the line is supplied by the superior rectal

    arteriesand drained by superior rectal veinsinto the

    portal systemback to the liver. Inferiorto the line, the

    inferior rectal arteriessupply blood and middleand

    inferior rectal veinsdrain into the caval systemto the

    vena cava.

    - Note the large number of veins in this region, which

    may become dilated and varicose, commonly known as

    hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoidsoccur below the

    pectinate line and can be very painful. Internal

    hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are usually painless.