-"f,:---l=, GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka StateRetired Emptoyees Revised pensionlFamity Pensionary Benefits Orders dearud 66c odg dDddd do4.d ena3s'6 dDoq erdedrtgc FinanceDepartment February 1999. lreFd orcmd dr€Ao tggg


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Page 1: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired



Karnataka State Retired Emptoyees Revised pensionlFamityPensionary Benefits Orders

dearud 66c odg dDddd do4.d ena3s'6 dDoq erdedrtgc

Finance DepartmentFebruary 1999.

lreFd orcmd

dr€Ao tggg

Page 2: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


Karnataka State Retired Employees Revised PensionlFamily Pensionary

ddbfi.lt rnq SdE d9rtdd do{edd &oded dDer$. udrdrtqt)

Finance Departmenti':Fdbnrary 1999.

GroFd orqod:: i ;StgdO 1999

Page 3: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

daosud dnrdd dddedC.r

sdos ,- Odg dedd roer$orlrJ do4dtd

droro eded doed. : er.r (O) I er.rtt 99' tlotldod.r' 6anod : 15.2.1999.

1. daoro uded Boa3, : aSrE 37 aFrejd"b 97, o;ood : 05.02.1998 dO- ddnsDnd erQaO dedd

i&o.gob dq ddao$dl6asod z 19.12.98 dod> nO;$d.

2. bdd.l dedd troe.:$rrl$ ?J{dtDdeDn&d Bsredr bpdiqrtg$4 iaaEdd dortrdsr dr E$dod udedrtsQ


, ,. :oo

od$ dedd :

d;orr,ld orloed deaa (uxapdeo 04.1 dedd) Oo$dr"dertdc 1980 *dl dDFBE orlo(B dem

bo$dr"dsrtd u$o$ er$rantud E$dod aad ?rilo$ &oe"3edrt9 dh4 dragdda $adoiDd 1055 dra.rl97t


u) dotoe b4-1dedd.. u) Qqo9'h4.ldedd

" .e) er8{ad "0{g dedd€s) doaad OdS deddero) ud:Eod tPdr'

4. rlo4 odc- dsdd :

.Id:eod doGE 3 do-arsnondJd ssd Dilo$ odre- deSdrtg rteq drDqd dosogoJD dDdojsDd

10,6lC d.o.rtefi brtadaBd$d&.

4.Zdprr,lE orloed dea Ood:*adert$ oo$d) 210 d eea d:otsndl abde'orbd odgerd (ucrod)

b{-1d€gd dameodl udrod exapdeo dod$srt$Qdradd)daA *"doiDd 1055 dJD. rtSQaoedorld*ddo.t

5. d)r$ rld, :

ioas's doddd {ddeort$Q usda:rd,ogoenrtd $€qJgp$ dedoan& {dneodde d:€,3:ou &otisdoddto

freodod 0{q degdmdorto d::oc$doAr dtoaod) dbdd$*cb.


6. Odg etDdod : drds6 wdod :

6.1 d6EF€^3d prtoed deasD .lo$dFdert{ ea Od.} erudmd drDq iooo$mrlziead ddl ud: altr&E

erderterl da*ocoeJi erdromo$d nedo3:Q €BraFdrrgsrdld daaso SEdd {,Edeod-O- {peardo9de:ad

$9 udl r$rtrE erdF6 iedri efode?*rtg do4$De 16Il2 rl AJeAo3I1D9$, etude?Ad€ il4 de eprt{n$odd&*c$.

€r oeg e,d* aadend bdq etDdEDdd rlo4 2.5 oe dto. rtelttrddig&gd.

6.2 BdoFo dddd& ;$deo drooad iodzfrdO- d6DFt3d oarloed ieaa Ooj:dndertd t,G otl66sDrbd

drdeo erDd.Dddl ESil aoedAd ddrl$O_dge.dr.

Page 4: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


1) ei,od: ddrE*o6 da;b.

2) t odl ddrEod dt{, udd 5 ddrrtgflod da*.

3) 5 ddrd?nod dQ, 66 20 ddrrt?hod ta*.

4) 20 ddFrtenod dLte

erudod ddoeo

wde.:grl$ adddQ

wdergrl$ uddaS

wdeiqrt9 dqdddq

&-d.Fd $8 u$r ddEdcrdso dedil wderqrl$u$sdQ * oeg dJodoJDdetDdcndd) rloq dJaqerDdeqrls 33 dol aaarLodrdeo erudclodd o$Dddeadeod,o* 2.5 oe dJa.rteilaoedg&+do.,

7. drtlcou &otds{ :

7.1 dDFBd daoro Sddd (dltitor,l ercded) $o$a$Ddertgr, 1964 d ho$& 5 d era e$raotuddrtirosJ dJodedo$&4 69Eod ddrt?il do4oBg$dc$.


1. drD. ,1050 Eod dadl

2. drd. z$050 Ood dro. 8000

3. dJa. SO00 d*od dz{

wderasd$ de. 30 ddg und1,d04 *adoJod 1055 do.rt$c

wderqrt$ dQ.. 20 ddg (JndA,

d$q sodoiDd 121s do.rtdc

erudelqrt$ de. 15 dq ende,ES4 dDdoSrEd 1600 dJa.rt$ra3:q rio4 dDdoJDd 3381 dra.r'lqb.

7.2 BaFo Sdd$ agc ddErtQfi dadrourer-d erdr ded nO#d dodd iedo$Qd:aart dSdaodd,AJado$ rDo ddd wde.:go3l te. 50 E fr*adaod dr{fld dddo_ u$am xndrodraan el$raorbd $r3ror"l&otJsSo$ addd{Q nddO- ofoddl dadloloe, er drsbou eoodedo$Q drdpd dddO_ acib ddsrls oe)eednD uc3:Sdd, 65 ddrrtS do$d,q erdd: ainodld gdd, oeddO_oiDd* dodelne u uderl CIedg$dc$.

7.3 dod d:41 6000 6?qdro BaoFo daddonal a6rDod 1.4.1998 dodl u$am dddodd d:udoddAdO- eragq a$d*9il dorud darb daddd ($t^],rou "boz3ed) bo$aJrrdertgJ, 1964 d ea bed)d d:r^lou

"rrosjsdoJD rto4 afddo5dd 3381 drD.rt9fi r"9d$ddd:*c31.

t. uudera;rlCc :

a$d bddg dl{ a$deo fDer$rrtgr d:Q dlts,lou &odrdrl€Q eld. mdldldao*R, erDdoq dd6d idrFodDdd$ dq Od.1:6$dea idro$dO- dooad &dr1 er$oooBennq dedd {,erdo$ dmet dedd uo_d t$Eod (u)a3:9 (er) rt$${ neo:, u{r*Ao$d&.rb.

Page 5: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


, ( u ) d o 4 d e d d $ e e d d o a 0 e o ' a n g a i a a u q a e a c r b n q o - - e l a l ; i i . ] : . ' ' ^ * , . .

(v) EanrtlE orloeE,Sedrt$ (doqrrd dedd) bo$abdertsb 1999 d.Fo$E$ 7 d erodoo$d) (3) dea do3)gd dedd 0edenn{Q ud).

9. dodosd odg d(ddddl4ndrt6orl ddrddr : 1

doruE 6Erloed *em Ooiralnd9rtd So$* 377 d ea dudFo Sdddl gd. bdg deddd,e.odl

3:iF:.deF&B,rDoa€ d$.,&, dodesdod 6apod6od 15 ddErts dodd erdd sdo- deddd dodFagrt

10. EoFusd 6DrloeE deD bo$drEd9rlsb, dmEuld 6Drtoed dedrt$b (umpdeo Oddg dedd) 0o$d)rlct,1980, doF[3d daEo Sddd ($tJDou "eJo?lEd) Oo$E$rt$b, 1964 d)d] * sdosrdo- oemel{, dndaierDdotdd crdedrtd €,igd eruduofirt$, dleOd mregrt r.9dul SomEtl undl$d. Odgdedd, erudod, *ruloald.rotJed drdf, doderd CIdue_ deddtieQ g&rfJaeibd .rdd ddQrtqb dDo&dor, e9doooid$dda. dpredortoddeaDbo$d$dcb$q.eddso$Ebrl9ilRDq.9qd6d9da$d6danndDdadCDrbd&.

11. rgDorl udtd asod

6pod 1.4.1998 docb uSo ecdoddd bdgobod erCilo ieadQo$Optre;3ldeo dnodrd duaro Sddoilds sdedrtcb u{ooofo$d.

EDFeiq oot$oaaeld erdern$xpddld3 odd ddodg

odeEf $eldedriardd aoilrdDs (ioddne.l)

€QFd oceD€6.

;.; i ,.t .::r .:


Page 6: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

, : . 1 :

sdo3l: 6ood 1-4-1998 d)df, 1-7-1998Ed do4dd drtDo doded:*t$ou

&ozSsd $[d?.id6lted] sdooo-r'Dd D{.

'.. doro erded dod.luon (D) ] tlcru| 99, rloddnd), 6: 15.02.1999.

1. opod 1-4-1998dJar dlorl dedogood ofiod eda" *eaod6o3:-Op$e d:deo doobd daaro

Sdcbrtg &ode'5:$t^troD "bodr6;gdl doqoiD* z^l1.uoao dedd iaoed) b4ndt')irt9&4 dorledAr, iardd

tsdod eriJe8d$d1 drada$d.

2. erodei dldl &tJou &ode6 do{dt6:

2.1. 6pod 1-4-1998dr0* dr:otl dedogood od{od t,dD neodQosro-osred:deo dooad HroFo sddd

&or3s5 a$dl dlr,lrou "borJs'dob *94€6Ad (u) .eod (.e)ds t tg do$orb$d

e)6o031-4-1998dodl 'edodddltdo&o?3s6:d>ti lou&ode6,

u ) i o r o u d e d n o a J r : u n ( s ) 3 5 & 6 ? $ 9 6 6 a a o d 8 - 5 - g 6 d o d a F a o dedoOo-;rrd $€ggid6,

oe) drarO uded Bo;dr:uce (A) 1 .:r'?U3 98 6Oao3:9-1-1998 d-O- drotgocb dndend

dQ.20 uoen*od *oa.o ugrl-oodod 6;nod 1-4-1998dd u{o0cdcd dc'oe'r "

&oz3e6:$€&ou ":rotjsdo$ de.32-5 dQ,;

2.2. 6Ood 1-1-1982 do* dlotl s{e- d,noad erdm e aDodEd dodeJe *edo3lo$laart usa hd69-

doo6d dodd d3dod d6pEo Stdorl douoelrdod iaro uded Boa3r:u'? (D) 22 ebqei 94 aeod 29-6-t994EO-

droaodl sa6d &oeSadd)t^lDou ":roded dwdq rufld dt"laoJ (6ao{ aod:oep)oR aoeo:.) da:oc3rdodd{Q

arlo dr deigd$4 $€?id6 e!d* eoade.u a"oar*a:, .aQ o3JDdde wdeEdo* uso0odd*:.der,"

2.3. $6106 r-oddo-.ra;dr t9dED d?.undn'oil drtJooe^l &oded a$ots,oaonQO, €r udedd$o$ errleSeoad

dsisdda €,e &€dgFd mOfr u$ooo;O*JOdEoXa*.ag. ?.r^A $g3)o&) dedddQ d)€etrds6Ad -^IrasSdrt$dof)

AgeeedodddddA. aq mg, tloA, O-socood ddo$enrb$dO- melds Egep€ddso 6,dl bdFdtr66gdl

Oe,noQaooOe Oo*zoO dra#ddq. melrlsc rJed zied $zrodrtgod ddo$eartl']dO. d>ade:Doe)doo6il


2.4. 6ood t-4-1998ood ?goor'l gderod &otJe6 dod5drdogooon aDod 1-4-1998 d$dJ lj7-1998 ood

er$rorbd $€qJd6 ddrt$J Edfidod 'qd.

1-1-9960odi r

iooo$mrlzlead 6ood abdo$ad A€dg6 dd


d,:oe.: aode6o$ de.16 dd$

drne.: ":roz3e6o$ dQ.22 dq

2.5. * Udeddo- dloBtddr


@ubou "eroded d?,*gd aood 1-4-1998ood

2.6. 6pot 1-4-1998 Ood odgidefdd ":rode6 dr{gdQ€rrortde ddod:enn$d dragdQiarddilog&d

doSd d6D*zrod *addd*q. mdgdemn$d "1ode5 *:a1o6*uprr drag*qdodEEd "bo?3e6 dJag?r$&4

dortr6Bg;ddA. 6pod t-+-tgSeooA mdgdzSetod dodLdd &ode6 d:d] *:t3oou "loded drDqd dotgFd

&otJs6 r.,artd doome6til ?"€dtdr&gd. 4



Page 7: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

3. bilaod 1-4-1998 a$q 1-7-1998ood er$ranrbd do{bd airoer aode6 ;$d1d:r,trou &oeie6 dl{doqidg $€?4Jd60$ ddtl9dl abQ andendeaod drooridQ ud:uoSdO_aedderond. €r esdedrtS er@o$O_e.:eiraJDrbd a€,Qeeddd $tdqJg6 ddrtsc iaoso uded ioaSr:u.c (0) 18 8rc'rei 98 6anod 20-5-1998 drq er.e (a)35 &cet3 98 Adpod 2I-9-1998 d-O_ droaoood ddrteil udsondldd.- n

4. dr crdedrt$O-d &o?,ted abdl drt^3:or^l &ods6 d?dddq Eoal6 2.3 era z.gdd:d gddeodsedrdd$dasr "gooded ab$ drtoou &otJedodoil, draeJeeDmerood o$adde agqddeo ddo$d sDrsopeooo]Dodendd*dA.

5. €r udeddO- droaorng De@&d &oz3sd drQ dlo3rou &o?3f50$dl dddod ddgytertrasd[^AdQnennd"

u) e&gdOJ*d &otisd d:d1 &tlou &ot3sd E$gl *d aSz{€aod e.:Ulrmrbd &orJed d>Q d:rirou

":rozied ieodo9cod sdaod dO"rderrRdrd rloq drJ:,d &oded a3ld1 dlt:oou "boris6 areso(&ddorrad> stDossod-O., &otied ub{ d:tbo?J &orisdo$ rtoq dDqdQ iaro uded u.e (s) 1&'et3 99 6ood: L5-2-1999 dO- e.:$raorbd rloq &orJe6 dlQ &uoou &oe3edil doaoerlaengdddA.

eJ) &ot3sd d€$j, ?,DE .edrterl erdrg dooad d)dr6&d "9roe,3edcsdd {ddeodO_ 6Food: 1-4-1998ood $t$oeJ &oded ddoicel udr$Su drlnarlOe eddro etdd ado$r.rd*;'Jdiood$rprlOeand9 a3ndgddde abq erodd aad9il d;nEtlE sD?rod io&do$O- aedqdd rooi:E aeddQe$noiddddA.

6. Eeo{ a3ndo eno.Od doaaadd* eroq dDaEraodr Ode-il Ode dpdrdqo:u.*1a., o.o.$.r.t.6?.,abelo.&.a.scF., degd $ee6rl$Qdedd ddojD-ldA 6;pod t-1-1996d erda dddodd bd$oad neroeled6Ddort€i ecdedrtSQ u$ooondd*del,"

7. 0{$asro$aorl eQaodeil d)qHDF-o erdeE ioalr:a$dz.lQ,. 124 asotr 97 6ooE Zz-4-tggkdEr06qrtD gdd)d a oaied m d d) rien €r erded rtSc u$oooB dd*det,

8. Sroso uded noaSr:n{io@ (a) 35 c9rc,rts 96 6ood: 8-5-1996 dQ 6ood 1-1-1996 ood zrooilud:dod drot*od: droderoncbd $qdg6o3rq d)eod do6E 6 a$q'7 do_dabJDaBerrR&d &odedoddlrlgil,6€?+idpSrdf dd* aadel 6asaod: 1-4-1998 ood usoilaorbdod, d}Jao &odsd erCD trtirou &orJsd aod)dorlsddgd*de.

9. €r udeJdQ ?Dortrael,Jdddo- osJdde dooddrt$c erDdatdo- erd${ dogeOdel dldl urtd,dOoad gdJ iftage) deoa-A) qoaJoi: Adedaetr,o (A4,oe dedd) .sdort dqbEonD&&.

dprud coasroerd erdeadlmddr{ udd ddodO_

Ddef, $elde6sdaEdd ao$rdbE (ioddnel),

t,oFd cecrJs


Page 8: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


":;' SUBJECT : - Revision of pensionary benefits'

GOVERNMENT ORDER NO.FD (Spl) 1 PET 99, Bangalore dated L5.2.1999.

1. The Official pay Commirtee constituted vide G.O.No. FO 37 SRP 97 dated 5-2-1998 has

submitted its report on t9-12-1998.

2. Governmen, fruu" considered the recommendations of the Committee regarding pensionary

benefits and are pleased to issue the following orders'

3. Minimum Pension :-

3.1 The minimum amount of extraordinary pension under the Karnataka Civil Services

(Extraordinary pension) Rules 1980 and the following kinds of pension admissible under the

Karnataka Civil Services Rules shall be enhanced to Rs.1055 per month'

(i) Superannuation Pension;

(ii) Retiring Pension;

(iii) Invalid Pension;

(iv) ComPensation Pension;

(v) ComPassionate Allowance.

4. Maximum Pension :'

4.1. The ceiling on the maximum amount of various kinds of pension mentioned in para 3

above shall be fixed at Rs.10,610 p.m.

4.2. Thequantum of adhoc,pension that may be sanctioned underRule2l0 of the Karnataka

Civil Services Rules, Shall not, save in the most exceptional circumstances exceed Rs.1055 per

month. '.::."

5. Dearness Allowance :'

5.1 The pensioners including holders of family pension shall continue to be grantedDearness

Allowance at the same'percentale as is adopted in the case of Government servants.


6. Retirement gritgity/Deatli gratuity :'- . . ' i , , , , . r , , i ,

6.1. In the caSe bf a Government servant who has completed lot lTs than ten six monthly

periods of qualifying service the amount bf retirement gratuity payable under the Karnataka Civil


Page 9: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

Services Rules shall be equal to 1/4th of the emoluments for each completed six monthly period of

qualifying service, subject to a maximum of 16 llztimes the emoluments. The amount of retirement

gratuity thus calculated shall be subject to a maximum of Rs'2.5 lakhs.

6.2.Inthe event of the death of a Government servant the death gratuity shall be admissible

under Karnataka Civil Services Rules at the following rates:

Length of qualifying service Rate of gratuity

(1) Less than one year

(2) One year or more but less than 5 years.

(3) Five years or more but less than 20 years

(4) 20 years or more

Two times emoluments

Six times of emoluments

Twelve times of emoluments

Half of emoluments for every completed

six monthly period of qualifying service

subject to maximum of 33 times of

emoluments provided that the amount

of death gratuity shall in no case exceed

Rs.2.5 lakhs.

7. Family Pension : -

7.1. The rates of Familyservants(Family Pension)Rules,

Pension admissible under Rule 5 of the Karnataka Government

1964 shall be revised as follows :

Emoluments Rate

(1) Below Rs.4050

(2) From Rs.4050 to Rs.8000

(3) Above Rs.8000

307o of emoluments subject to aminimum of Rs.1055p€r month.

20Vo of emoluments subject to

minimum of Rs.l215 per month.

15% of emoluments subject to a

minimum of Rs.1600 andmaximum

of Rs.3381 per month.

l.2.Inthe case of a Government servant who dies while in service after having rendered a

qualifying service of not less than seven years, the Family Pension shall be admissible under the

Karnataka Government servants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964 at an,enhanced rate equal to 5O7o of

emoluments last drawn or twice the Family pension normally admissible, whichever is less, for a

period of seven years or till the date on which Government servant would have attained the age of

65 years, if he had survived, whichever is earlier.' t 2

Page 10: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

7.3. ln the event of the death on or after I-4-1998 of both father and mother who areGovernment servants, the family pension payable to rninor children under the Karnataka Governmentservants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964 shall be subject to total of Rs.33811- per month.

8. Emoluments:-

8.1 The term emoluments for purpose of calculating various retirement and death benefitsand Family Pension shall mean the basic pay drawn by a Government Servant in the scale of payapplicable to the post held by him on the date of retirement/death shall also include ;

(a) stagnation increment, if any, granted to him above the maximum of the scale of pay,

(b) Personal pay, if any, granted to him under sub-rule (3) of Rule 7 of the Karnataka CivilServices (Revised Pay) Rules,1999.

9. Restoration of commuted portion of pension :-

9.1 In the case of a Government servant who commutes a portion of a pension under Rule377 of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, the commuted portion of his pension shall be restoredafter 15 years from the date of commutation.

10. The existing provisions in the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, (Extraordinary Pension)Rules, 1980, Karnataka Government Servant's (Family Pension) Rules, 1964 and other orders issuedon the subject from time to time stand modified to the above extent. The other conditions regulatingpension, gratuity, family pension and commutation of pension shall continue to apply. Necessaryamendments to the Karnataka Civil Services Rules and other rules will be issued seperately.

11. Date of effect :-

11.1 These orders will apply to Government servants who ceases to be in service on account ofretirement or die while in service on or after L-4-1998.


VIVEK KULKARNISecretary to Government (Resources)

Finance Department.

Page 11: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired



SUBJECT:- Revised Basic Pension/Family Pension and Dearness Allowance

w.e.f.1-4-1998 and I-7 -1998.

GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD(Spl)2 PET 99,BANGALORE dated t 5.2.lggg.

1. Government have considered the recommendations of the Official Pay Committee in regardto revision of Pension/Family Pension of Government servants who have retired or died while inservice prior to 1.4.1998 and are pleased to issue the following order:

2. Revised Pension and Familv Pension :-

2.1. The revised Pension and Family pension of a Government servant who has retired ordied while in service prior to r.4.1998 shall be the total of the following :

(i) Basic Pension/Family Pension as on I-4-1998.

(ii) Dearness Allowance as on l-I-1996 sanctioned in G.O.No. FD(Spl) 35 pET 96dated 8-5-1996.

(111)32.57o of Basic Pension/Family Pension as on L-4-IggSinclusive of 20Vo Interim Reliefsancrioned in G.o.No.FD (Spl)l pET 9g dated g 1_1ggg.

2.2.The increase in Pension/Family Pension in respect of Government serl ants u'ho retiredprior to 1.1.1982 or died while in service prior to thar date or after retirement, sanctioned inGovernment Order No.FD (Spl) 22PET 94 dated29.6.I994 shall continue to be shown as a distinctelement and shall count for Dearness Allowance and not for any other purpos€.

2.3' Where Family Pension is sanctioned to two or more members of a family, increaseunder these orders shall be determined with reference to the share of each recipient. The totalFamily Pension should be consolidated as per the above guidelines. Wherever all the shares arsbeing drawn in the same treasury, the consolidation and determination of shares shall be calculatedand arrived at by the Treasury Officer himself. Wherever the shares are beirrg drawn in differenttreasuries, the Accountant General should be consulted in the matter.

2.4. Consequent upon revision of pension w.e.f. l-4-1998, the consolidated rates of D.A.admissible to the pensioners w.e.f. 1-4-1998 and l-7-1999 are as follows:

Date from which payable Rate of D.A. per montht-4-1998

t-7 -1998167o of basic pension

22Vo of basic pension

2.5.T}rc increase in Pension and Family Pension sanctioned in this order shall be admissiblefrom 1.4.1998.


Page 12: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

2.6. Anears of pension payable from 1.4.1998 has to be worked out after verification of

amounts already drawn. The amount of Pension and Dearness Allowance already paid and the

amount of Pension commuted has to be taken into consideration. The revised pension or family

pension payable from 1-4-1998 is subject to adjustment of commuted portion of pension.

3. The revised basic pension and family pension and the revised rates of Dearness Allowance

admissible w.e.f 1.4.1998 and 1.7.1998 are shown in Annexure. These consolidated rates of D.A.

admissible under these orders are in lieu of the Dearness Allowance rates admissible under G.O.

No.FD (Spl) 1S PET 98 dated 20.5.1998 and FD (Spl) 35 PET 98 dated 21.09.1998.

4. The increase in pension or family pension under these orders shall be paid to the pensioners

or family pension holders by the treasury officer without any authorisation from the Accountant

General, subject to cases falling under pata2.3.

5. The increase in pension or family pension sanctioned in this order shall be subject to the

following conditions:

5.1 In case the increase in pension or family pension now admissible together with existing

pension or family pension results in monthly pension or family pension exceeding the maximum

pension or family pension allowed the total shall be restricted to the maximum pension or family

pension admissible under Government Order No.FD(Spl) I PET 99, dated I5.2-I999.

5.26incase of the death of a pensioner who was entitled to the increase in pension, alrears,

if 11y, from 1-4-1998 shall be paid to the persons entitled to receive family pension or to their legal

heirs and for such payment the procedure prescribed in the Karnataka Treasury Code shall be


6. These orders shall not be applicable to pensioners who were drawing immediately before

retirement pay in the UGC, AICTE and ICAR scales of pay and who retired on or after 1.1.1996 and

who have opted for central pattern of Interim Relief.

7. These orders are also not applicable to pensioners who belongs State Judicial services and

who are governed by the Government Order No. LAW I24LAC97 dated22-4-1998.

8. In respect of the pensioners cited in paras 6 and 7 above, the dearness allowance sanctioned

in Government Order No.FD(SPI) 35 PET 96 dated 8.5.1996 upto 1.1.1996 shall be counted as

basic pension or family pension for purpose of Dearness Allowance with effect from 1.4.1998.

g. Any difficulty encountered in the implementation of this order may be referred to Special

Officer (Pension) in Finance Department for examination and necessary remedial action.


VIVEK KULKARNISecretary to Government(Resources)

Finance DePartment.10

Page 13: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

Annexure.to GO No. FD (SPL) 2 PET 99 dated 15-2-1999

B.p.tF.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 ason BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f ' w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f we.f 1/4/98 1n/98114/98 1n/s8

30 3531 3531 3531 3632 3632 3632 3632 3632 3732 3732 3732 3733 3733 3733 3733 3833 3833 3833 3834 3834 3934 3934 3934 3934 3935 4035 4035 403 5 4 03 5 4 035 4136 4136 4136 4137 4137 4137 4137 4237 4237 4237 4238 4338 4338 4338 4338 4338 433 8 4 r ' .3 9 4 439 443 9 4 r ' .39 4439 4439 4539 4539 45

195 527196 530197 533198 535199 539200 541

,201 543202 547203 549204 552205 555206 557207 560208 563209 565210 568211 57'l212 574213 576214 579215 582216 584217 587218 590219 592220 596221 598222 600223 6(xl224 606225 6G'226 611227 614228 617229 619230 622231 625232 627233 631234 633235 635236 639237 6+t238 645239 647240 649241 652242 655243 657244 660245 663246 665247 668248 671249 674250 676

848585868687878888888989909090919192929393939494959596.969 6 '979798989999100100100101101102102103103104104104105105106106106107107108108

1 1 61171171 1 81 1 91 1 91 1 9120121121122123123124't24




1 1

Page 14: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22"/" Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ess as on BPIFP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

, 1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 1t4/9A 1nlgg1/4/98 1nB8


6796826846886906926966987007047067097117 1 47 1 77197227257277317337357397417447477497527557577607637667687717747767797827847887907927967988008048068098128148178 1 9823825827

1091091091 1 01 1 01 1 11 1 11121121 1 31 1 31 1 31141141 1 51 1 51 1 61 1 61 1 61171171 1 81 1 81 1 91 1 9120120120121121122122123123123124124125125125126126127127128128129129129130130131tl31132'132


1491501 5 01 5 11521521531541541 5 51551561 5 61571581581 5 91 6 01601 6 11 6 11621631 6 31641641651651661671671681691 6 91701701711711721721731741741751761761771771781791791801801 8 1182182




f1II'r i lKr

Page 15: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP . BPIFP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f we.f 1t4t9g 1ft/991/4t98 1n98

307 831 133 1831831841851851861861871871881891891901911911921921931941941941951961961971981981991992002012012022022032042042052052062072072082082092092102112't1212213213214214215216





308 833 133309 835 134310 839 134311 841 135312 844 135313 847 136314 849 136315 852 136316 855 137317 857 137318 860 138319 8ffi 138320 866, 139321 868 139322 87't 139323 874 140.324 876 140325 880 141326 882 141327 884 141328 888 142329 890 142330 892 143331 896 14332 898 1M333 901 IM334 904 145335 906 145336 909 145337 912 146338 914 146339 917 147340 ,920 147341 923 148342 92s 148343 927 148344 931 149345 933 149346 935 150347 939 150348 941 151349 944 151350 947 152351 949 152352 952 152353 955 15333t 958 153355 .960 1il356 963 154357 966 155358 968 155359 971 155360 974 156361 976 156362 980 157


Page 16: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22"/o Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP we.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 114198 1n1981t4t98 1n198

363 982364 984365 988366 990367 992'368 996369 998370 1001371 1004372 1006373 1009374 1012375 1.015376 1017377 1020378 1023379 1025380 1028381 1031382 1033383 1036384 1039385 1041386 1044387 1047388 1049389 1052390 1055391 1058392 1060393 1063394 1066395 1068396 1071397 1074398 1076399 1080400 1082401 1084402 1088403 1090404 1093405 1096406 .1098407 1't01408 1104409 1106410 1109411 11124 1 2 1 1 1 5413 1117414 1120415 1123416 1125417 1128418 1131

1571571581581 5 91 5 91 6 01 6 01 6 11 6 11 6 1162162163163164164164165165166166167

, 1671681681681691691701701711711711721721731731731741741751751761761771771 7 71781781791791 8 01801801 8 1

2162162 1 721821821922022A221221222223223224224225226226227227228229229230230231231232233233234235235236236237238238238239240240241242242243243244245245246246247248248249





Page 17: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ess as on BP)/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 1t4t98 1m981/4t98 1n98


1133113711391141114411471150115211551158116011631166116811721174117611801182118411881 1 9 01193119611981201120412061 N't212


1811821821831831841 U1841851851861861871871881881881891891891901901911911921921931931931941941951951961961971971971981981991992002002402012012022022032032U204204205205

249 66 767676767676777777777777777878.7878787878797979808080808080808181818282828282828282838383B38383848484uuu858585

250 67251 67251 67252 67252 67253 67253 67254 67255 68255 68256 6825V 68257 68258 68258 68259 69260 69260 69260 69261 69262 70262 7A263 70264 70264 70265 70265 702ffi 71x7 7167 71268 71268 71269 71270 71270 72271 72271 72272 72.273 72273 72'274 72274275


275 73276 73277 73277 .73278 73279 73279 74280 74280 74281 74282 74282 74

15 p

Page 18: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B . P . / F . P . R e v i s e d D A 1 6 % D ^ 2 2 % D i f f e r e n c e D i f f e r e n c eas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1e98 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f we'f1-4-98 w.e'f w.e.f 114198 1lZl98

1t4198 1n198

475 1285476 1288477 1290478 1293479 1296480 1298481 1301482 1304483 1307484 1309485 1312486 1315487 1317488 1320489. 1323490 1325491 1329492 1331493 1333494 1337495 1339496 1341497 1345498 1347499 1350500 1353501 1355502 1358503 1360504 1364505 1366506 1368507 1372508 1374509 1376510 1380511 1382512 1385513 1388514 1390515 1393516 1396517 1398518 1401519 1404520 1407521 1409522 1412523 1415524 1417525 1421526 1423527 1425528 .1429529 1431530 1433




74 8676 8676 8676 8676 8676 8676 8676 8776 8776 8776 8777 8777 8777 8877 8877 8878 8978 8978 8978 8978 8978 8978 8979 8979 9079 9079 9079 9179 9179 9180 9180 9180 9180 9180 9280 9281 9281 9281 9281 9281 9381 9382 9382 9382 9482 9482 9482 9482 9483 9483 9s83 9583 9583 9583 9584 95

Page 19: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Ditference Differenceas on B.P IFP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1es8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 we.f w.e.f1/4/98 1n/98

1t4/98 1m98

531 1437532 1439533 1442534 1445535 1447536 1450537 1453538 1455539 1458540 1461541 1464542 1466543 1468544 1472545 1474546 1476547 1480548 1482549 1485550 1488551 1490552 1493553 1496554 1499555 1501556 1504557 1507558 1509559 1512560 1515561 1517562 1521563 1523564 1525565 1529s66 1531567 1533568 1537569 1539570 1542571 1545572 1547573 1550574 1553575 1556576 1558577 1561578 1564579 1566580 1569581 1572582 1574583 1577584 1580585 1582586 1585


3 1 63173173 1 83 1 8319320320321321322323323324324325326326327327328328329330330331332332333333334335335336336337337338339339340i340:341ir42342343343344:r45:r45346363473483483;49

I 7


9696969696969696979797989898989898989999991001001001001001001001 0 11 0 11011 0 11 0 1101142102102102103103103103103103104104104104104104104105' 1 0 5



Page 20: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Difference

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f w'e'f

1-4-98 w.e'f w.e.f 114198 1n/98

1l4l99 1n198


5875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096 1 06 1 16126 1 36146 1 56 1 66176 1 86 1 9620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643

1 5881 5901 59315961 5991601160416071 60916121 6 1 516171621162316261629163116341637163916421645164716501653165616581661166416661 669167216741678168016821685168816911 6931 6961 6991701170417071709171317151 7 1 717211723172517291731173417371739


349350350351352352353354354355355356357357358358359359360361361362362363364 :364365365366367367368368369370370371371372372373?74374375376376377377.3783793793803803813813823831 8

93939393939393.94949494949595959595959596969696969797979797979797989898989898989B9B999999991001001001 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 1102102

1 0 61 0 61 0 61061061 0 61061071071 0 81 0 81 0 81 0 81 0 81 0 81 0 81081 0 81091091091091 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 1' 1 1 1

1 1 11 1 11 1 11121121121121121 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31141141141 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 5

Page 21: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22o/o Difierence Differencez 3s on B.P / FP en revised on.revised payable payable

1.4.1es8 as on BP/FP Bp/Fp w.e.f w.e.f1=4-98 w.e.f we.f 114/9A 1m9B

1t4t9g 1np8

645 1745646 1747647 1750648 1753649 1756650 1758651 1761652 1764653 1766654 1770655 1772656 1774657 1778658 1780659 1782660 1786661 1788662 1791663 1793664 1796665 1799666 1801667 1804668 1807669 -1809670 1813671 1815672 1817673 1821674 1823675 1826676 1829677 1831678 1834679 1837680 1839681 184268;2 1845683 1848684 1850685 1853686 1856687 1858688 1861689 18&t690 1866691 1870692 1872693 1874694. 1878695 1880696 1882697. 18866 9 8 ' 1 8 8 8699 1891

"1742 3833843843853863863873873883893893903903913923923933933943943953963963973983983993994004014014024424034034044054054064074074084084094094104114114124124134144't44154154 1 6

t 9



1 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 6117


103 1171171 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 91 1 91 1 9

104 119104104105105105105106106106106106106107107107107108108108108

10810810B1091091091091091091091 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 ' t0

1191 1 9120120120120121121121121121121122122122122123123't23




108 123

Page 22: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16olo DA 22%

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised1.4.1ees as on BPIFP BP/FP

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f

Difference Differencepayable PaYablew.e.f w.e.f1t4198 1n198

114/98 1n198

700 1894701 1896702 1899703 1901704 1905705 1907706 1909707 1913708 1915709 1917710 1921711 1923712 1926713 192971/+ 1931715 1934716 1937717 1939718 1942719 1945720 1948721 1950722 1953723 1956724 1958725 1962726 1964727 1966728 1970729 1972730 1974731 1978732 1980733 1983734 1986735 1988736 1991737 1994738 1996739 1999740 2003741 2005742 2007743 2009744 2013745 2015746 2017747 2021748 2023749 2026750 2029751 2031752 2034753 2037754 2040755 2042

3033033043043053053053063063073073083083093093093 1 03103113113123123123133133143143 1 53 1 53163163163173173 1 83 1 83 1 93 1 9319320320321321321322322323323324324325325325326326327

4 1 74 1 7418418419420420421421422423423424424425425426427427428429429430430431432432433433434434435436436437437438439439440441441442442443443444445445446446447447448449449


1 1 01 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11121121121121121121121121 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31 1 31141141141141 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 51 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 61 1 61171171171171171171171 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 81 1 91 1 91 1 91 1 9

1261261271271271271271 2 71271281281281281281281291291291291291291291 3 01301301 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11 3 11321321321 3 31 3 31331331331331331341341341341341341341351 3 51351351361361 3 6

Page 23: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16"/" DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f1t4/98 1m98

1t4t98 1n/98

7567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837U7857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098 1 08 1 1

2045204820502053205620582062206420662070207220742078208020832086208820912094?0s72099210221052',t0721102' t1321152118212121232',t262129213121342137214021422145214821502153215621582162216421 66217021722175217821ffi21832186218a21912194



2 I

1 1 91 1 91 1 9120120120120120120120121121121121121121121122122122123123123123123124124124124124124124125125125125't25



1401411411411421421421421421 4 2 '142143143143143'143


Page 24: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difierence Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w'e'f1-4-98 we.f w.e.f 1t4198 1n198

1t4t98 1nt98

812 2197813 2199814 2202815 2245816 2207817 2210818 2213819 2215820 2219821 2221822 2223823 2226824 2229825 2232826 2234827 2237828 2240829 2242830 2245831 2248832 2250833 2254834 2256835 2258836 2%2837 2264838 2266839 2270840 2272841 2275842 2278843 2280844 2283845 2286846 2288847 2291848 2294849 2297850 2299851 2302852 2305853 2307854 2309855 2313856 2315857 2319858 2321859 2323860 2327861 2329862 2332863 2334864 2337865 2340866 2342867 2345


4834844844854864864874874884894894904904914914924934934944954954964964974984984994995005015015025025035035045055055065065075085085095095105115115125125135135145 1 5515516


1281281281281291291291291291301301301301301301311311311 3 1131131131131132132132132132133133133133133133133134134134134134134134134135135135135135136136136136136136136136

1461461461471471471471481481481481481481491491491491491491491501501 5 01501 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11521521521521521521521 5 31531531531i l154154154154154155155155155155155156156156

Page 25: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22 % Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ees as on - BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 we.f we.f1t4/98 1nt98

1/4198 1n/98

868 2348869 2350870 2354871 2356872 2358873 2362874 2364875 2367876 2370877 2372878 2375879 2378880 2380881 2383882 2386883 2389884 2391885 2394886 2397887 2399888 2402889 2405890 2407891 2411892 2413893 2415894 2419895 2421896 2423897 2427898 2429899 " 2432900 2435901 2437902 2440903 2442904 244690s 2448906 2450907 2454908 2456909 2458910 2462911 2464912 2467913 24709'14 2472915 2475916 2478917 2480918 24a3919 248,6920 2489921 2491922 2494923 2497

137 156137 157137 157137 157137 157137 157137 1571 3 8 1 5 8138 158138 158139 158139 1581 3 9 1 5 81 3 9 1 5 9139 159139 159139 159140 159140 160140 160144 160140 160140 160141 160141 161141 161141 161141 161141 161142 161142 161142 162142 162

.142 162142 162142 163143 163143 163143 163143 163143 163143 164143 164144 164144 164144 1U144 1U144 165145 165145 165145 165145 166145 166145 166145 166145 166


5175175 1 8518 .519520524521521522523523524524525526526527527528528529530530531531532533533534534535536536537537538539539540544541542542543543544545545546546u7548548549549

23L /i * r-L.

Page 26: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16"/" DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payablel.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f1l4l9B 1n198

114198 1n198

924 2499925 2503926 2505927 2507928 2511929 2513930 2515931 25'19932 2521933 2524934 2527935 2529936 2532937 2535938 2537939 2540940 2543941 2546942 2548943 2550944 2554945 2555946 2558947 2562948 2564949 2567950 2570951 2572952 2575953 2578954 2581955 2583956 2586957 2589958 2591959 2594960 2597961 2599962 2603963 2605964 2607965 2611966 2613967 2615968 2619969 2621970 2624971 2627972 2629973 2632974 2635975 2638976 : 2640977 ' 2643978 2646979 2648

550 145551 145551 146552 146552 146553 146553 146554 147555 147555 147556 148556 148557 148558 148558 148559 148559 148560 148561 149561 149562 149562 149563 149564 149564 150565 150565 150566 1s567 1dO567 150568 151568 151569 151570 151570 151571 151571 151572 152573 152573 152574 152574 152575 153575 153576 153577 153577 153578 153578 153579 153580 1535 8 0 , : , 1 5 3581 1545 8 1 , 1 5 4582 , 154583 154



1681681 6 81 6 81681681 6 81 6 9169169170170170170170170170170171171172172172172172172172172172173173173173174174174174175175175175 ,175 l175 i176176 i1 7 6 ' i

, 1 7 6 r176' r l

4004004014014024024024034034044444054054064064064074074084084094094094104144114114124124 1 24134134144144154154164164164 1 74 1 74184184 1 84 1 9419420420421421422422422423423424


Page 27: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

' - l

B.piFp. Revised DA 16% DA 227o ,Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ess as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f1t4t98 1nt98

1/4198 1nt98

980 2651981 2654982 2656983 2659984 2662985 2664986 2667987 26709BB 2672989 2675990 2678991 2681992 2683993 2686994 2689995 2691996 2694997 2697998 2699999 27A31000 27CI51001 27071002 27111003 27131004 27161005 27191006 27211007 27241008 27271009 27291010 27321011 27351012 27381013 27401014 27431015 27461016 27481417 27511018 27541019 27561020 27581021 27621022 276410?-3 27671024 27701025 27731026 27751027 27781A2B 27811A29 27831030 27861031 27891032 27911033 27951034 27971035 2799


5835845845855865865875875885895895905905915925925935935945955955965965975985985995996006006016026026036036046056056066066076086086096096 1 06 1 16 1 16126126 1 36146 1 46 1 56 1 5

, 6 1 6


1 5 51551551 5 51 5 51551 5 61 5 61561 5 61 5 61561571571571571571571571 5 81 5 81 5 81581 5 81 5 81 5 8'159

1.591 5 91591591 5 91601601 6 01 6 01601601 6 01 6 01 6 11 6 116 '11 6 11 6 11 6 11621621621621631631631 6 31 6 31 6 3

1761761771 7 71781781781781781781781781791791791791801 8 01 8 01801 8 01 8 01801801801 8 11 8 11 8 11821821821821821821821 8 31831831831841841841841841841851851851851851851851 8 61861861 8 6

". {fT"L

Page 28: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

Bi.P./F.P. Revised DA 167" DA 22% Difierence Differenceas on B.P /FP on revised on revised payable payablei.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e'f

1-4-98 w.e.f we.f 1t4198 1n/981l4l9B 1nt98

1036 28031037 28051038 2A071039 28111040 28131041 28161042 28191043 28221044 28241045 28271046 28291A47 28321048 28361049 28381050 28401051 28431052 28461053 28481054 28521055 28541056 28561057 28601058 28621059 28641060 28681061 28701062 28731063 28751064 28781065 28811066 28831067 28861068 28891069 28911070 28951071 28971072 28991073 29031074 29051075 29081076 29111077 29131078 29161079 29191080 29211081 29241082 29271083 29301084 29321085 29351086 29381087 29441088 29431089 29461090 29481091 2952


6176176 1 86 1 86 1 9620620621621622622623624624625625626627627628628629630630631631632633633634634635636636637637638639639540640641642642643643644645645646646647647648649649


1631641641641641 6 41 6 41 6 51 6 51651651 6 51 6 51661661661661661661661671671671671671671 6 81 6 81681 6 81681681 6 9169169169169169169170170174174170170171171171171171171172t7217217217?

1871871871871871871881 8 81 8 81881 8 81 8 91891891 8 91891891891 9 0

. 1 9 01901 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11921921921 9 3'193

1 9 31 9 31931 9 31 9 31 9 41941941941941941 9 41 9 51 9 51951 9 61 9 61 9 61 9 61961961 9 6




Page 29: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p,:Revised DA 16% DA 22.% Difference Difference?: gi ' ,

B.P / FP ,on reyised on revised payabte ,pyabte - -

1.4.1ee8 as on ,BP/FP Bp/Fp - i w.e.f *.".t1-4-98 w.e.f w,e.f 1/4/gA lnga

1/4/98 1n98

1092 2954 473 650650651652652653653654655655656656657658658659659660661661662662663664664665665 '



1093 2956. 4791094 2960 4741095 2962 4741096 2964 4741497 2968 4751098 2970 4751099 2973 4761100 2976 4761101 2978 47611QZ 2981 4771103 2983 4771104 2987 4781105 2989 4781106 2991 4791107 2995 4791108 2997 4801109 2999 4801110 3003 4801111 3005 4811112 3008 4811113 3011 4821114 3013 4821115 3016 4891116 3019 4831117 3021 4891118 3024 4841119 3027 4841120 3030 4851121 3032 4851122 3035 4t|61123 3038 4861124 3040 4861125 3044 4871126 3046 4871127 3048 4881128 30521129 30541130 30561131 30601132 30621133 3065 4901134 3068 4911135 3070 4911136 3073 4921137 3076 '

4g21138 3078 4s21139 3081 . 4931140 3084 4931141 3087 4941142 30s9 4941143 3091 4951144 3095 4951145 3097 4961146 3099 4961147 3.103 496









Page 30: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


? B.P.IF.P. Revised DA 16 %

as on B.P / FP on revised1.4.19e8 as on BP/FP

1-4-98 w.e.f114198

DA 22% Differenceon revised PaYableBP/FP w.e.fw.e.f 1l4l911t7tg1


1148 31051 1 4 9 3 1 0 81 1 5 0 3 1 1 11 1 5 1 3 1 1 31152 31161 1 5 3 3 1 1 91154 31221155 31241 1 5 6 3 1 2 71157 31301 1 5 8 3 1 3 21 1 5 9 3 1 3 51 1 6 0 3 1 3 81 1 6 1 3 1 4 01162 31441163 31461164 31481165 31521 1 6 6 3 1 5 41167 31561 1 6 8 3 1 6 01169 31621170 31651171 31681 1 7 2 3 1 7 01173 31731174 31761175 31791176 31811177 31841178 31871179 31891180 31921 1 8 1 3 1 9 51182 31971183 32001184 32031185 32051186 32081187 32111188 32131 1 8 9 3 2 1 61 1 9 0 3 2 1 91191 32221192 32241193 32271194 32301195 32321196 32351197 32381198 32401199 32441200 32461201 32481202 32521203 3254

683 181684 181684 181685 182686 182686 182687 182687 182688 182689 183689 183690 183690 183691 183692 183692 184693 184693 184694 184694 184695 184696 184696 184697 185697 185698 185699 185699 185700 186700 186701 186702 186702 '186

703 186703 186704 186705 186705 187706 187706 187707 187708 188708 188709 188709 188710 188711 189711 1897 1 2 1 8 97 1 2 1 8 97 1 3 1 8 9714 {897 1 4 1 8 9715 1897 1 5 1 9 07 1 6 1 9 0


4974974984984994995005005005015015025025025035035045045055055065065065075075085085095095095 1 05 1 0c l l

5 1 15125125125 1 35 1 3c l / +

c l 1+

5 1 55 1 55 1 65 1 65 1 65175175 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 95 1 9520520521

20724720720v2A82082082082082082092A92092Ag2092092102102102102112112112112112112112 1 22 1 22 1 22132132132132132132132142142142 1 42142142142152152152162162162162162162162 1 7217

Page 31: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P.tF.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22"/o Difference Differenceas on B.p / Fp on revjsed on revlsed payaOte payable1.4.1ee8 as on Bp/Fp Bp/Fp w.e.f w.e.f1-4-98 w.e.f 1/4/98 1n98w.e.f1n/981/4/98



1204 32571205 32601206 32621207 32651208 32681209 32701210 32731211 32761212 32791213 32811214 32841215 32871216 32891217 32921218 32951219 32971220 33011221 33031222 33051223 33081224 33111225 33141226 33161227 33191228 33221229 99241230 33271231 33301232 33321233 33361234 33381235 . 33401236 33441237. 33461238 33481239 33521240 33541241 33571242 33601243 33621244 33651245 33681246 33701247 33731248 33761249 337912W 3381lftt1 33S41252 W71253 frm12il 3A931255 3:X51256 g3gz1257 34011258 34031259 9405

7 1 77 1 7718718719719720721721722722723724724725725726727727728728729730730731731732733733734v3473573673673773773873973974074074174174274374374747457876




1 9 01901 9 01 9 01901 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 1192192192192192192193193193193193193194194194194194195' 1951951951 9 51951 9 51951 9 61961 9 61961961961971971971971971971971 S198198198r98198198198

2 1 72 1 72172 1 72182182182182182182182192192192202202202202202202202212212212212212212222222222222222232232232232232232242242242242242242242574252526262622626227227

Page 32: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B . P . / F . P . R e v i s e d D A 1 6 % D A 2 2 T " D i f f e r e n c e D i f f e r e n c eas on B.P IFP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP we'f w'e'f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e'f 114198 1n198

1t4198 1n198

126a 34091261 34111262 34141263 34161264 34191265 34221266 34241267 34271268 34301269 34321270 34361271 3438127.2 34401273 34441274 34461275 34491276 34521277 34541278 34571279 34601280 34621281 34651282 34681283 34711284 34731285 34761286 34791287 34811288 34841289 34871290 34891291 34931292 34951293 34971294 35011295 35031296 35051297 35091298 35111299 35141300 35171301 35191302 35221303 35241304 3528igos 35301306 35331307 35361308 35381309 35401310 35441311 35461312 35491313 35521314 35541315 35571316 3560

5455465465475475485485485495495505505505515515525525535535545545545555555565565575575575585585595595605605605615615625625635635645M5645655655665665 6 6567

. 567568568569569570




Page 33: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP Bp/Fp w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f we.f 114198 1n981/4t98 1nt98

1317 35621318 3565'r319 35681320 3571't321 35731322 35761323 35791324 35811325 35851326 35871327 35901328 35931329 35951330 35971331 36011332 36031333 36061334 36091335 36111336 36141337 36171338 36191339 36221340 36251341 36281342 36301343 36321344 36361345 36381346 36401347 36/,41348 36461349 3&r91350 36521351 36541352 36571353 36601354 36631355 36651356 36681357 36711358 36731359 36761360 36791361 36811#2 36851363 W713e$ 36901365 36931366 3@5136|7 3Gt71368 970113@ 37fr|1370 37061371 37091372 3711

208 237208 238208 238208 238208 238208 238208 238208 238209 239209 239209 239210 239210 239210 239210 239210 240210 240211 240211 241211 241211 241211 241212 241212 241212 241212 242212 242212 242212 242212 242213 ' 242213 243213 243213 243213 243213 244213 244214 244214 244214 244214 244214 245214 2452't4 245215 245215 245215 245215 245216' 26216 26216 26216 247216 247216 247216 247216 247




3 l5

Page 34: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Difference

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BPIFP w.e.f w'e'f

1-4-98 w.e.f w'e.f 1l4l9| 1n198

1t4t98 1n/98

1373 37141374 37171375 37201376 37221377 37251378 37281379 37291380 3733'1381 37361382 37381383 37411384 37441385 37461386 37491387 37521388 37541389 37571390 37601391 37631392 37651393 37681394 37711395 37731396 37761397 37791398 37811399 37851400 37871401 37891402 37931403 37951404 37981405 38011406 38031407 38061408 38091409 38111410 38141411 38171412 38201413 38221414 38251415 38281416 38301417 38331418 38361419 38381420 38421421 38441422 38461423 38491424 38521425 38551426 38571427 38601428 3863

5945955955965965965975975985985995995996006006016016026026026036036046046056056066066066076076086086086096096 1 06 1 06 1 1o l l

6126126126 1 36 1 36146146 1 56 1 56 1 56 1 66 1 66176176 1 86 1 8

8178 1 88't88 1 9824820820821822822823824824825825826827827828828829830830831831832833833834834835836836837837838838839840840841842842843843844844845846846847847848849849850


2162 1 72 1 72 1 72 1 72 1 72 1 72182182182182182182192192192192192202202242202202202212212212212212212212222?-22222:?.22-:2222222223223223223223224224224224224224224224224224225225225


Page 35: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./Fp. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP we.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f we.f 1/4/gB 1nt981/4t98 1nt98

1429 38651430 38681431 38711432 38731433 38771434 38791435 38811436 38851437 38871438 3B891439 38931440 38951441 38981442 39011443 39031444 39061445 39091446 39111447 39141448 39171449 39201450 39221451 39251452 39281453 38291454 39341455 39361456 39381457 39421458 39441459 39461460 39501461 39521462 39551463 39571464 39601465 39631466 39651467 39681468 39711469 39731470 39771471 39791472 39811473 39851474 39871475 39901476 39931477 39951478 3()981479 4{n11480 40031481 40061482 40091483 40121484 4014

225 258226 258226 258

,226 258226 258226 258226 258227 259227 259227 259227 259227 259227 259228 260228 260228 260228 260228 260228 260?29 261229 261229 261229 261229 262229 262229 262230 262230 262234 262230 262230 .269230 263231 263231 263231 263231 263231 264231 264231 264231 265231 265232 265232 265232 265232 265233 265233 266233 26233 2ffi233 26233 2ffi2U 2662U 2662U 2672U 267235 267

6 1 8,6196 1 96206206216216226226226236236246246246256256266266276276286286286 1 3629630630631631631632632633633634634634635635636636637637638638638ffi9639ercet()et(}641641M2642




, l

' l!


Page 36: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ees as on BPIFP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 114198 1n/98

114198 1n/98

1485 40171486 40201487 40221488 40251489 40281490 40301491 40341492 40361493 40381494 40421495 40441496 40461497 40501498 40521499 40551500 40581501 40601502 40631503 40651504 40691505 44711506 40731507 40771508 40791509 40811510 40851511 44871512 40901513 40931514 40951515 40981516 41011517 41031518 41061519 41091520 41121521 41141522 41171523 41201524 41221525 41251526 41281527 41301528 41341529 4i361530 4138

' 1531 41421532 41441533 41471534 .41501535 41521536 41551537 41581538 41601539 41631540 4166

235 267235 268235 268235 268235 268235 268295 268235 269235 269236 269236 269236 269236 270236 270237 270237 270237 270237 271237 271237 271237 271238 271238 271298 272238 272238 272238 272239 272-239 272239 272239 273239 273239 273239 273239 274239 274240 274240 274240 274240 274240 275241 275241 275241 275241 275241 275242 275242 276242 276242 276242 276242 277243 277,243 277243 277243 277


8848848858868868878878888888898908908918918928938938948948958968968978978988998999009009019029029039039049059059069069079089089099099109109119129129 1 39139149159 1 5916917


Page 37: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P.IF.P. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Differenceas on -B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f1t4t98 1nt98

1/4/98 1nt9g

a \


. \


1541 41691542 41711543 41731544 41771545 41791546 41811547 41851548 41871549 41901550 41931551 41951552 41981553 42011554 42041555 42061556 42091557 42121558 42141559 42171560 42201561 42221562 42261563 42281564 42301565 42341566 42361567 42381568 42421569 42M1570 42471571 42501572 42521573 42551574 42581575 42611576 42631577 42661578 42691579 42711580 42741581 42771582 42791583 42821584 42851585 42871586 42901587 42931588 42951589 42981590 43011591 43041592 43061593 43091594 43121595 43141596 4317

243 277243 278243 278244 278244 278244 278244 279244 279244 279245 279245 279245 280245 280245 2BO245 280245 2BO246 280246 281246 281246 281246 281246 281246 281247 281247 282247 282247 282247 283247 283247 283247 283248 283248 283248 284249 284249 284249 284249 284250 284250 284250 284250 285250 285250 285250 286251 286251 286251 286251 286251 286251 286251 287252 287252 287252 287252 287


9179 1 89 1 89 1 99 1 99209219219229229239249249259259269279279289289299309309319319329329339349349359359369379379389399399409409419419429439439449M945946946947947948949949950


Page 38: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.PlFp. Revised DA 16% DA'22"/' Difference Ditference

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised oayable payable

1 4.i998 as on BPiFP BPIFP w'e'f w'e"f

1-4-98 w.e'f w'e'f 1l4i9j 1n198

1t4l99 1n198

1597 43201598 43221599 43261600 43281601 43301602 43341603 43361604 43391605 43421606 43441607 43471608 43501609 43521610 43551611 43581612 43611613 43631614 43661615 43691616 43711617 43741618 43771619 43791620 43831621 43851622 43871623 43901624 43931625 43961626 43981627 44011628 44041629 44061630 44091631 44121632 44141633 44181634 44241635 44221636 44261637 44281638 44301639 44341640 44361641 44391642 44421643 44441644 44471645 44501646 44521647 44551648 44581649 44611650 44631651 44661652 4469

6916926926926936936946946956956966966966976976986986996996997007007017017027027027037037047047057057057067067077077087087087097097107107117117 1 27 1 27 1 27137137 1 47 1 4715715





Page 39: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P.IF.P. Revised DA 16"/" DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1se8 as on BPIFP BP/FP we.f w.e'f1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 1/4198 1ft198

, I



1t4t98 1nt98



1653 44711654 44751655 44771656 44791657 44831658 44851659 44871660 44911661 44931662 44961663 44981664 45011665 45041666 45061667 45091668 45121669 45141670 45181671 45201672 45221673 45261674 45281675 45311676 45341677 45361678 45391679 45421680 45441681 45471682 45501683 45531684 45551685 45581686 45611687 45631688 45661689 45691690 45711691 45751692 45771693 45791694 45831695 45851696 45871697 45911698 45931699 45961700 45991701 46011702 46041703 46061704 46101705 46121706 46141707 46181708 4620

7157167167 1 77 1 7718718719719719720720721721721722722723723724724724725725726726727727728728728729729730730731731731732732733733734734735735735736736737737738738738739739

9849859859859869879879889889899909909919919929939939949949959969969979979989999991 00010001001100210021003100310041 005100510061047100710071 0081 00910091 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 1101210121 0 1 31 0 1 310141 0 1 51 0 1 51 0 1 61 0 1 6

- 4J I




Page 40: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


as on1.4 .1998

Revised DA 16 % DA 22T"B.P / FP on revised on revisedas on BP/FP BP/FP1-4-98 we.f w.e.f

Difference Differencepayable PaYablew.e.f w.e.f114198 1n198

114198 1nt98

1709 46221710 46261711 46281712 46311713 46341714 46361715 46391716 46421717 46441718 46471719 46501720 46531721 46551722 46581723 46611724 4663't725 46671726 46691727 46711728 46751729 46771730 4679173'1 46831732 46851733 46881734 .46911735 46931736 46961737 46991738 47011739 47041740 47071741 47101742 47121743 47141744 47181745 47201746 47221747 47261748 47281749 47311750 47341751 47351752 47361753 47381754 47391755 47401756 47421757 47431758 47441759 47461760 47471761 47481762 47501763 47511764 4752


- 760

10171 0 1 81 0 1 81 0 1 91 0 1 9102410211021102210221023102410241025142510261027102710281029102910291030103110311432103210331034103410351036103610371037.10381038103910401040104110411042rc4210421043104310431 0431044104410441045104510451045



3083083083083083083093093093 1 03103103103 1 0310310311311311311311312312312312312313313313313313313313314314314314314'3143153153153163163163173173 1 8318318319319320320320321

Page 41: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payablet.a.tgga as on BP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 we.f w.e.f 1/4198 1nE8114198 1n/98

1765 47541766 47551767 47561768 47581769 47591770 47601771 47621772 47631773 47641774 47661775 47671776 47681777 47701778 47711779 47721780 47741781 47751782 47761783 47771784 47791785 47801786 47811787 47831788 47841789 47851790 47871791 47BB1792 47891793 47911794 47921795 4793'1796 47951797 47961798 47971799 47991800 48001801 48011BO2 48031803 48041804 48051805 48071806 48081807 48091808 48111809 48121 8 1 0 4 8 1 31 8 1 1 4 8 1 51812 48161813 48171814 48191815 48201816 48211817 48231818 48241819 48251820 4827

281 321282 322282 322282 322282 323283 324283 324284 324284 325284 325285 326285 926285 326285 326286 327286 328287 328287 '329287 329287 329288 330288 330289 331289 331289 331290 332290 332291 333291 333291 333291 334292 335292 335292 335292 335293 336294 337294 337294 337294 337295 338295 339295 339295 339296 340296 340297 341297 341297 341298 342298 342298 343299 343299 343299 344300 344

761761761761761762762 .762762763763763763763764764764764764765765765765765766766766766767767767767767768768768768768769769769769769770770779770771771771771771772772772772

1 0461 0461 04610471047104710481 0481 04810491 0491049104910501050105010511 0511051105110521 052105210521 0531 05310531 0541 0541 054105410551 0551 055105610561 05614571057105710581 05810581 0581 0591 0591 0591 0601 06010601 0601 0611061106110621062


Page 42: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


B.P/F p. Revise$ DA 1 6 9/o DA 22 o/o Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP Bp/Fp w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f 1/4lgg ln€g1/4t98 1n/98

1821 48281822 48291823 48301824 48321825 48331826 48341827 48361828 48371829 48381830 48401831 48411832 48421833 48441834 48451835 48461836 48481837 48491838 48501839 48521840 48531841 48541842 48561843 48571844 48581845 48601846 48611847 48621848 .48641849 48651850 48661851 48681852 48691853 48701854 48721855 48731856 48741857 48761858 48771859 48781860 48801861 48811862 48821863 .48831864 48851865 48861866 48871867 48891868 48901869 48911870 48931871 48941872 48951873 48971874 ,48981875 ,48991876 4901

106210621 0631 0631 0631 06310641 0641 0641 06510651 0651 0661 0661066106710671 06710671 0681 0681 0681 0691 0691 0691 0691 0701A701070107110711071107110721072107210731073107310741074107410741075107510751076107610761076107710771477107810781078



. 3003003003013013023023023033033043043043043053053053053063063073073073083083093093093093 1 03 1 03 1 03 1 03 1 13123123 1 33 1 33 1 33 1 33143143143143 1 53 1 53 1 6sio3 1 63173173 1 83 1 83 1 83 1 83 1 9


Page 43: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P i FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.ieeg as on BP/FP Bp/Fp w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f1/4i98

114/98 1nB8w.e.f1f7t98

1877 49021878 49031879 4905'tBB0 49061881 49A71882 49091883 49101884 49111885 49131886 49141887 49151888 49171889 49181890 49191891 49211892 49221893 49231894 49251895 49261896 49271897 49291B9B 4930'1899 49311900 49331901 49341902 49351903 49361904 49381905 49391906 494A1907 49421908 49431909 49441910 49461911 49471912 49481913 49501 9 1 4 4 9 5 11915 49521916 49541917 49551918 49561919 49581920 49591921 49601922 49621923 49631924 49641925 49661926 49671927 49681928 49701929 49711930 49721931 49741932 4975

1 0781079107910791 08010801 08010801 08110811 08110821082108210831 08310831 08410841 08410841 0851 085'1085

1 0851 08610861 0861087108710871 08710881 08810881 0891 0891 0891 0891 0901 0901 0901 0911 0911 0911 092109210921 093'1093

1 0931 0931 0941 0941 0941 095

4 l

368368369369370371371371371372372372373373374375375375376376377377377378378379379379380380381381381382382383383383383385385385386386386387387387388389' 389389390390391391


3 1 9. 3 1 93 1 9320320321321321322322323323323323324324324324325326326326326327327328328328328329329329330330331331331331331332332332333333333335334334335335336336336337337337

Page 44: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

tB.P./F.p. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ee8 as on BPIFP BplFp w.e.f w.e.f

1-4-98 w.e"f1t4t98

1/4/98 1n/98w.e.f1rl/98

1933 49761934 49781935 49791936 49801937 49821938 49831939 49841940 49861941 49871942 49881943 49891944 49911945 49921946 49931947 49951948 49961949 49971950 49991951 50001952 50011953 50031954 50041955 50051956 50071957 50081958 50091959 50111960 50121961 50131962 50151963 50161964 50171965 50191966 50201967 50211968 50231969 50241970 50251971 50271972 50281973 5A291974 50311975 5A321976 50331977 50351978 50361979 50371980 50391981 50401,982 50411983 50421984 50441985 50451986 50461987 50481988 5049

1095 337 3911095 338 39210s5 338 3921096 339 3931096 339 3931096 339 3941096 340 3941097 341 3951097 341 3951097 341 3951098 341 3951098 s42 3961098 342 .397'1098 342 3971099 342 3971099 342 gg71099 344 3981100 344 3991100 344 3991100 344 3991101 344 3991101 345 4011101 346 40111az 346 4011102 346 4011102 346 4011102 346 4021103 347 4031103 347 4031103 348 4031104 348 4A3ta4 348 4041104 349 4051104 349 4051105 350 4061105 350 4061105 350 4061106 350 4071106 351 4071106 351 4081106 351 4081107 351 4081107 352 4091107 353 4101108 ' 353 4101108 353 4101108 353 4101109 354 411'1109

354 4121109 354 4121109 354 4121 1 1 0 3 5 5 4 1 31'110 355 4131110 356 4141 1 1 1 3 5 6 4 1 41111 356 414



800800800800800801801 .801801801802802802802803803803803803804804804804804805805805805806806806806806807807807807807808808

Page 45: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revisedas on B.P / FP1.4.1998 as on


D A 1 6 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1/4t98

D A 2 2 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1ntqg

Differenee Differencepayable payablew.e.f w.e.f1/4t98 1nt98

1 9891 9901 9911 9921 99319941 9951 99619971 9981 9992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142415201620172018201 I2020202120222023202420252026202720282029203020312A322033203420352036203720382039204020412042',20432044

505050525053505450565057505850605061506250645065506650685069507050725073507450765077507850805081508250845085508650885089509050925093509450955097509850995101510251 03510551 06510751 095 1 1 05 1 1 15 1 1 35 1 1 45 1 1 5J I I T

5 1 1 85 1 1 9512151225123

8088088088098098098098 1 08 1 08 1 0' 8 1 0

8 1 08 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18128128128128128128 1 38 1 38 1 38 1 38148148148 1 48148 1 58 1 58 1 58 1 58 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 681781V8178178 1 88 1 88 1 88 1 88 1 88 1 98 1 98 1 98 1 982A82A

1 1 1 11 1 1 11112111211121 1 1 31 1 1 31 1 1 31 1 1 31114111 411141 1 1 51 1 1 51 1 1 51 1 1 51 1 1 61 1 1 61 1 1 61 1 1 7111711171 1 1 81 1 1 81 1 ' t 81 1 1 8i ' 1 1 91 1 1 91 1 1 9r2a1 1 2 0fi241 1 2 01 1 2 1't121

112111221122112211221123112311231124112411.241124112511251 1 2 51i26112611261 1 2 711271127


356357358358358358359359360360360360361361.ro I36236236336336336336436436536536536536636636636736736836836836836936937A370370371371372372372372373373373373374374a7F


4154154 1 64164164 1 74 1 74184184184194 1 9420420420421421422423423423423424425425425426426427427427428428429429429430430431431431432432433433433434434435435436436436437437437

Page 46: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P.tF.P. Revisedas on B.P / FP1.4 .1998 aS On


DA 22% Difference Differenceon revised payable paYableBP/FP we.f w.e.fw.e.f 114198 1171981ntgg

DA 16%on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1t4t98

2045 51252046 51262047 51272048 51292049 51302050 51312051 51332052 51342053 51352A54 51372055 51382056 51392057 51412058 51422059 51432060 51452061 51462062 51472063 51482064 51502065 51512066 51522067 51542068 51552069 5156207A 51582071 51592072 51602073 51622074 51632475 51642076 51662077 51672078 51682A79 51702080 51712081 51722082 51742083 51752084 51762085 51782086 51792087 51802088 51822089 51832090 51842091 5'1862092 51872093 51BB2094 51902095 51912096 51922097 51942098 51952099 51962 1 0 0 5 1 9 8



112811281128112811291 1 2 91 1 2 9112911 301 1 3 01 1 3 01 1 3 11 1 3 11 1 3 11 1 3 1I I J E

1132113211 331 1 3 311331 1 3 3'!134" !1341 1 3 41 1 3 5I t J c

1 1 3 51 1 3 61 1 3 61 1 3 61 1 3 71137113711371 1 3 81 1 3 81 1 3 81 1 3 91 1 3 91 1 3 91 1 3 91 1 4 01 1 4 01 1 4 011401141114111411142114211421 1 4 31 1 4 311431144



4384384394394404404414414414424424434434434444444454454454464464474474474484484494494494504514514 C l


Page 47: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P/F.p. Revisedas on B.P / Fp1.4.1998 as on


D A 1 6 % D A 2 2 %on revised on revisedBP/FP BP/FPw.e.f w.e.f1/4t98 1n/98

Difference Differencepayable payablewe.f we.f114t98 lnBB

210121022103210421052106210721082109211021112 1 1 221132114211521162117211821192120212121222123212421252126212721282129213A213121322133213421352136213721382139214021412142214321442145214621472148214921502 1 5 1 '215221 53215421 552156

51 9952005201520352045205520752085209521152125213521552165 2 1 7521 95220522152235224522552275228522952315232523352355236523752395244524152435244524552475248524952515252525352545256525752585260526152625264526552665268s26952705272 :


' 8 4 284384384384s844

11441144114411451 1 4 511451146114611 4611461147114711471 1 4 81148114811481 1 4 91149

' 11491 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 11 1 5 11 1 5 11152115211521 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 3115411541154I t c ct l c c1 1 5 51 1 5 51 1 5 61 1 5 61 1 5 611571 1 5 7115711571 1 5 81 1 5 81 1 5 811 591 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 6 0


394 461395 462395 462395 462396 463396 463397 464397 464397 464397 465398 466398 466398 466399 467399 467399 468400 468400 468400 469401 469401 470402 470402 470402 471403 471403 472403 473403 473404 473404 473465 474405 474405 474405 475406 476406 476407 476407 476407 477408 478408 478408 478408 478409 479409 480410 480410 481410 481410 481411 482,411 482'412 483412 483 :4 1 2 : 4 9 3 , :413 484413 484

Page 48: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

g.P./F.P. Revised DA 16% DA 22"/o

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f

Difference Difierencepayable PaYablew.e.f w.e.f1l4l99 1n198

114198 1nl9B

2157 52732158 52742159 52762160 52772161 52782162 52802163 52812164 52822165 52842166 52852167 52862168 52882169 ,52892170 52902171 52922172 52932173 52942174 52962175 52972176 52982177 53002178 53012179 53022180 53042181 53052182 5306

. 2183 53072184 53092185 ' .5310

2186 53112187 53132188 53142189 53152190 53172191 53182192 53192193 53212194 53222195 5323

"2196 53252197 53232198 53272199 53292200 53302201 53312202 53332203 53342204 53352205 53372206 53382207 53392208 53412209 53422210 53432211 53452212 5346

1160 4131160 4131 1 6 1 4 1 41161 4141 1 6 1 4 1 51162 4151162 4151162 4151162 4161 1 6 3 4 1 61 1 6 3 4 1 71163 4171 1 6 4 4 1 71164 4181164 4181164 4181165 4181165 4191 1 6 5 4 1 91166 4201166 4201166 4201166 4211167 4211167 4211167 4221168 4221168 4221168 4231168 4231169 4231169 4231169 4241 1 7 0 4 2 4 '1170' 4251170 4251171 4261171' 4261M 4261172 4271171 4271172 4271172 4271173 428.1173 .4281173 4281173 4281174 4291174 4291174 4301175 4301175 4301175 4311175 4311176 4321176 432



' 8 4 7


. 855855855


Page 49: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1ees as on Bp/Fp Bp/Fp we.f we.f

1-4-98 we.f1t4t9B

1t4/98 1n/98w.e.f1n/98

2213 53472214 53492215 53502216 53512217 53532218 53542219 53552220 53572221 53582222 53592223 53602224 53622225 53632226 53642227 53662228 53672229 5368223A 53702231 53712232 53722233 53742234 53752235 53762236 53782237 53792238 53802239 53822240 53832241 53842242 53862243 53872244 53882245 53902246 53912247 53922248 53942249 53952250 53962251 53982252 53992253 54002254 54A22255 54032256 54042257 54062258 54072259 54082260 54102261 54112262 54122263 54132264 54152265 54162266 54172267 54192268 5420

117611771 1 7 7117711781178117811791179117911791 1 8 01 1 8 01 1 8 01 1 8 11 1 8 11 1 8 11 1 8 11182118211821 1 8 31 1 8 31 1 8 31 i 8 311841184118411841 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 61 1 8 61 1 8 61187118711871 1 B B1 1 B 81 1 8 81 1 B B1 1 8 9' t189

1 1 8 91 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 11 1 9 11 1 9 11192119211921192




5085085095095 1 05 1 05 1 15 1 15125125125 1 3A.t e

5145145145 1 55 1 55 1 65 1 65 1 65175175 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 95 1 9520520520521521521522522523523524524524525526526526526527528528528528529530530531531

Page 50: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B . P . / F . P . R e v i s e d D A 1 6 % D A 2 2 " / " D i f f e r e n c e D i f f e r e n c eas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f w'e'f

1-4'98 w.e'f we.f 114198 1n198

1t4198 1n198. 5

2269 54212270 54232271 54242272 54252273 54272274 54282275 54292276 54312277 54322278 54332279 54352280 s4362281 54372282 54392283 54402284 54412285 54432286 54442287 54452288 54472289 54482290 54492291 54512292 54522293 54532294 54552295 54562296 54572297 54592298 54602299 54612300 54632301 54642302 54652303 54662304 54682305 54692306 54702307 54722308 54732309 54742310 54762311 54772312 54782313 54802314 54812315 54822316 54842317 54852318 54862319 54882320 54892321 54902322 54922323 54942324 5496


11931193119311941 1 9 4119411941195119511951196119611961197119711971197119811981198119911991199119912001200120012011201120112011202120212021203120312031203120412041204120512051205120612061 206120612071207120712081208120812091209




Page 51: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised OO 16 9/o DA 22"/" Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1998 as on BP/FP

1-4-98 w.e.fBP/FP w.e.f w.e.fw.e.f 1/4/98 1np8

1/4/98 1nt98

2325 54992326 55012327 55032328 55062329 55082330 55102331 55132332 55152333 55172334 55202335 55222336 55242337 55272338 55302339 55322340 55352341 55372342 55392343 55412344 55442345 55462346 55482347 55512348 55532349 55552350 55582351 55602352 55622353 55652354 55672355 55692356 55722357 55742358 55762359 55792360 55812361 55832362 55862363 55892364 55912365 55942366 55962367 55982368 56012369 56032370 56052371 56082372 56102373 56122374 56152375 56172376 56192377 56222378 56242379 56262380 5629


. 12101210121112111212121212131213121412141215121512161 2 1 71 2 1 712181218121912191220122012211221122212221223122312241224122512251226122612271227122812281229123012301231123112321232123312331234123412351235123612361237123712381238




Page 52: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P.IF.P. Revised DA 16 %as on B.P / FP on revised1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP

1-4-98 w.e.f1l4l9g

DA .22% Difference Differenceon revised payable PaYableBP/FP w.e.f w'e'fw.e.f 1l4l91 117198


2381 56312382 56332383 55352384 56382385 56412386 56422387 564523BB 56482389 56502390 56532391 56552392 56572393 56602394 56622395 56642396 56672397 56692398 56712399 56742400 56762401 56782402 56812403 56832404 56852405 56882406 56902407 56922408 56952409 56972410 56992411 57422412 57042413 57072414 57102415 57122416 57142417 57172418 57192419 57212420 57242421 57262422 57282423 57302424 57332425 57352426 57372427 57402428 57422429 57442430 57472431 57492432 57512433 57542434 57562435 57582436 5761

1239 4841239 4841218 484124A 4851241 4851241 4861242 4861243 4861243 4861244 4861244 4861245 4871245 4871246 4871246 4871247 4871247 4881248 4BB1248 4BB1249 4BB1249 4881250 4891250 4891251 4891251 4891252 4891252 4901253 4901253 4901254 4901254 4901255 4911256 4911256 4911257 4921257 4921258 4921258 4921259 4921259 4931260 4931260 4931261 4931261 4931262 4931262 4931263 4941263 4941264 4941264 4941265 4941265 4941266 4951266 4951267 4951267 495


9019018869029039039039049049049059059069069069079079079089089089099099 1 09 1 09 1 09 1 19 1 19129129129 1 39 1 39 1 49149149 1 59 1 59 1 59 1 69 '169 1 69179179 1 89 1 89 1 89 1 99 1 9920920920921921921922




Page 53: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P/F.P. Revisedas on B.P / FP1.4.1998 as on


DA 16% DA 22% Difierence Differenceon revised on revised payable payableBP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.fw.e.f w.e.f 114/98 1t7/981t4t9B 1ntgg


576357665769577157735776577857805783578557875790579257945797579958015804580658085811581 3581 558'1858205822582558285830583258355837583958425844584658495851585358565858586058635865586758705872587458775879588158855887588958925894


126812691269127012701 2 7 11 2 7 1127212721273127312741274127512751276127612771277127812781279127912801 28012811282128212831283128412841 285128512861286128712871 28812881289128912901290129112911292129212931293129412951 295129612961297

5 1





6006006006006006016016016016026026026026036036036036046046046046056056056056066066066066076076076076086086086086086096096096 1 06 1 06 1 06 1 06 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 1

Page 54: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.P. Revised DA 16 % DA 22% Difierence Difference

a S o n B . P / F P o n r e v i s e d o n r e v i s e d p a y a b | e p a y a b | e1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f we'f

1-4-98 w.e.f w'e'f 114198 1nl99


2493 58962494 58992495 59012496 59032497 59062498 59082499 59102500 59132501 59152502 59172503 59192504 59222505 59242506 59262507 59292508 59312509 59332510 59362511 59382512 59402513 59442514 59462515 59482516 59512517 59532518 59552519 59582520 59602521 59622522 59652523 59672524 59692525 59722526 59742527 59762528 59792529 59812530 59832531 59862532 59882533 59902534 59932535 59952536 59972537 60002538 60032539 60052540 60082541 60102542 60122543 60142544 60172545 60192546 60212547 60242548 6026


129712981298129912991 3001 3001 3011301130213021 3031 303130413041 3051 3051 3061306130713081308130913091 3 1 01 3 1 01 3 1 11 3 1 1131213121 3 1 31 3 1 31 3 1 41 3 1 41 3 1 51 3 1 51 3 1 61 3 1 6131713171 3 1 81 3 1 81 3 1 91 3 1 9132013211321132213221323132313241324132513251326


5075075075085085085085095095095095095 1 05105105105105115115115115115125125125125125 1 35 1 35135135135 1 45145145145145155 1 55 1 55155155165 1 651651651651751751751751751851 I .5185 1 8

6126126126126136136136136 1 36146146146146156 1 56 1 56 1 56166166166166176176176176 1 8618618618619619619619620620620620621621621621622622622622623623623624624624624624625625625

Page 55: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.p./F.p. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable1.4.1es8 as on BP/FP

1-4-98 we.fBP/FP w.e.f w.e.fw.e.f 1/4198 1n198

114/98 1m98

2549 60282550 60312551 60332552 60352553 60382554 60402555 60422556 60452557 60472558 60492559 60522560. 60542561 60562562 60592563 60622564 60642565 60672566 60692567 60712568 60742569 60762570 60782571 60812572 60832573 60852574 60882575 60902576 60922577 60952578 60972579 60992580 61022581 61042582' 61062583 61082584 61112585 61132586 61152587 61182588 61212589 61232590 61262591 61282592 61302593 61332594 61352595 61372596 01402597 61422598 61442599 61472600 61492601 61512602 61542603 61562604 6158

964965965966966966967967968968968969969969970970971971971972972972973973974974974975975976976976977977977978978978979979980980980981 '


132613271327132813281329132913301330133113311332133213331334133413351335133613361337133713381338133913391340134013411341134213421343134313441344134513451346134713471348134813491349.1350135013511351135213521 3531353135413541355


518 625519 626519 626519 626519 626519 626519 626520 627520 627520 627521 628521 628521 628521 628521 629522 629522 629522 629522 630522 630523 630523 630523 631523 p31523 631524 631524 632524 ,632524 632524 '632525 633525 633525 633525 633525 633526 634526. 634526 634526 635526 635527 635527 636527 636527 636528 636528 636528 637528 637528 637528 637529 638529 638529 638529 638529 639530 639

Page 56: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Difference

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f w'e'f

1-4-98 w.e.f w'e'f 1l4l99 1nl99


2605 61612606 61632607 61652608 61682609 il742610 61722611 61752612 61772613 61802614 61832615 61852616 61872617 61902618 61922619 61942620 61972621 61992622 62012623 62032624 62062625 62082626 62102627 62132628 62152629 62172630 62202631 62222632 62242633 62272634 62292635 62312636 62342637 62362638 62392639 62422640 62442641 62462642 62492643 62512644 62532645 62562646 62582647 62602648 62632649 62652650 62672651 62702652 62722653 62742654 62772655 62792656 62812657 62842658 62862659 62882660 6291


99910001 0001 0001 0011 0011A0210021 0021 0031 0031 0041 00410041 0051 0051 0051 00610061007

1 3551 3561 356135713571 3581 359.r ?EO

1 3601 3601 3611361136213621 3631 3631 3641 3641 3651 3651 3661 366136713671 3681 3681 3691 3691370137Q1371137113721373137313V413741 e7R

1 3751 376137613V71377137813781 3791 3791 3801 3801 381138113821 3821 3831 3831 384


530530530630531531531531c J l


639639639640640640640641641oz+ |


Page 57: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revised DA 16 o/"as on B.P / FP on revised1.4.1ee8 as on BPIFP

1-4-98 w.e.f1t4t98

Difference Differencepayable payablewe.f w.e.f1/4/98 1n/98

D A 2 2 %on revisedBP/FPwe. f1nt98

2661 62932662 62952663 62982664 63012665 63032666 63052667 63082668 63102669 63122670 63152671 63172672 63192673 63222674 63242675 63262676 63292677 63312678 63332679 63362680 63382681 63402682 73432683 63452684 63472685 63502686 63522687 63542688 63582689 63602690 63622691 63652692 63672693 63692694 63722695 63742696 63762697 63792698 63812699 63832700 63862741 63882702 63902703 63922704 63952705 63972706 63992707 64022708 64042709 64062710 64092711 64112712 64132713 64172714 64192715 64212716 6424

100710071 0081 0081 0081 0091 0091 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 01 0 1 11 0111012101210121 0 1 31 0 1 31 0 1 31014101410141 0 1 51 0 1 51 0 1 61 0 1 61 0 1 6101710171 0 1 81 0 1 81 0 1 81 0 1 910 '19102010201020102110211021102210221022102310231024102410241025tvzc1025102610261027102710271028

1 3841 3851 3861 386138713871 3881 3881 3891 3891 3901 3901 3911 391139213921 3931 3931 3941 3941 3951 3951 3961 396139713971 3981 3991 3991 4001 40014011 401140214021 4031 403140414041 4051 4051 4061406140714071 4081 40814091 4091410141014111412141214131413


541c4 l

542542542542542543543543543543544544544544545545545545545546546546546546547547547547548548548548548548549549549549549550550550550550551551551551c c l


653653653653653654654654654655655655656656656656657657657657657658658658659659659660660660660660661o o l

661o o l





Page 58: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revisedas on B.P / FP1.4.1998 aS On


DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceon revised on revised payable payableBP/FP BP/FP w.e.f w.e.fw'e.f w.e.f 114/98 1n1981l4l9g 117198

2717 64262718 64282719 64312720 64332721 64352722 64382723 64402724 64422725 64452726 64472727 64492728 64522729 64542730 64562731 64592732 64612733 64632734 64662735 64682736 64702737 64732738 64762739 64782740 64812741 64832742 64852743 64872'744 64902745 64922746 64942747 64972748 64992749 65012754 65042751 65062752 65082753 65112754 65132755 65152756 65182757 65202758 65222759 65252760 65272761 65292762 65322763 65352764 65372765 65402766 65422767 65442768 65472769 65492770 65512771 65542772 6556


1028102910291 0301 0301 0301 0311 0311 03210321032103310331 033103410341 0351 0351 0351 036103610361037103710381 0381 0381 0391 0391 04010401 0401 041104110411042104210421 0431 043104410441044104510451 0461 046104610471047104810481 0481 0491 049

141414141 4 1 51 4 1 514161 4 1 6141714171 4 1 814181 4 1 91 4 1 914201420142114211422142314231423142414251425142614261427142714281428142914291 430143014311431143214321 433143314341434143514361436143614371 43814381 4391 439144014401441144114421442




Page 59: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B-p'tF.p. Frevised DA 16% DA 22% Difference Differenceas on B.P / Fp on revised on revised payable payable1,4.1ss8 as on Bp/Fp Bp/Fp w.e.f we.f

1-4-98 w.e.f1/4/98

1/4t98 1n/98w.e.f1n/98

2773 65582774 65612775 65632776 65652777 65682778 65702779 65722780 65752781 65772782 65792783 65812784 65842785 65862786 65882787 65912788 65942789 65962790 65992791 66012792 66032793 66062794 66082795 66102796 66132797 66152798 66172799 66202800 66222801 66242802 66272803 66292804 66312805 66342806 66362807 66382808 66412809 66432810 66452811 66482812 66502813 66532814 66562815 6658281_6 66602817 66632818 66652819 66672820 66702821 66722822 66742823 66762824 66792825 66812826 66832827 66862828 66882829 6690

14431443144414441445144514461447144714471448144814491449145014511451145214521 4531453145414541455145514561 456145714571458145814591459146014601461146114621463146314641464146514651466146614671467146814681 469146914701 4 7 0 .147114711472


1 04910501 0501 0501 0511 0511052105210521 0531053105310541054105510551055105610561 056105710571058105810581059105910601060106010611 061106110621062106310631 06310641 0641064106510651 0661066106610671067106810681 0681 0691 0691069107010701070



Page 60: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 %

as on B.P / FP on revised

1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP1-4-98 w.e.{


DA 22% Difference Difference

on revised PaYable PaYableBP/FP we.f w'e'f

w.e.f 1l4l99 117198


2830 66932831 66952832 66972833 67002834 67022835 67042836 67072837 67092838 67122839 67152840- 67172841 67192842 67222843 67242844 67262845 67292846 67312847 67332848 67362849 67382850 67402851 67432852 67452853 67472854 67502855 67522856 67542857 67572858 67592859 67602860 67642861 67662862 67682863 67712864 67742865 67762866 67782867 67812868 67832869 67852870 67882871 67902872 67922873 67952874 67972875 67992876 68022877 68042878 68062879 68092880 68112881 68132882 68162883 68182884 68202885 6823

10711071t v t z10721072107310731 0731074107410751 0751 07610761 0761077107710771 0781 07810781 0791 0791 0801 0801 0801 0811 0811 0811 08210821 0831 0831 0831 0841 0841 0841 0851 0851 0861 0861 0861 0871 0871 0881 0881 0881 0891 0891 0891 0901 0901 0911 0911 0911 092

147214731473147414741475147614761477147714781478147914791 4801 48014811481148214821 4831 483148414841 4851 4851 4861487148714871 4881 4891 4891 4901 4901 4911 49114921492'1493

1 493149414941 4951 4951 4961 496149714971 4981 4981 4991 5001 5001 5001 501


5765 / O



5 d l



Page 61: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 %as on B.P / FP on revised1.4.1ee8 as on BP/FP

1-4-98 w.e.f1t4t9B

Difference Differencepayable payablew.e.f w.e.f1l4l9g 1t7t98

D A 2 2 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1/7/98

2886 68252887 68272B8B 683'l2889 68332890 68352891 68382892 68402893 68422894 68452895 68472B96 68492897 68522898 68542899 68562900 68592901 68612902 68632903 68652904 68682905 68702906 68722907 68752908 68772909 68792910 68822911 68842912 68862913 68902914 68922915 68942916 68972917 68992918 69012919 69042920 69062921 69082922 69112923 69'132924 69152925 69182926 69202927 69222928 69252929 69272930 69292931 69322932 69342933 69362934 69392935 69412936 69432937 69462938 69492939 69512940 69542941 6956

1 09210921 0931 0931 0941 0941 0941 0951 0951 0961 0961 0961 097109710971 0981 0981 0981 0991 0991 1 0 01 1 0 01 1 0 01 1 0 11 1 0 11 1 0 1110211021 1 0 31 1 0 311041 1 0 411041 1 0 51 '1051 1 0 51 1 0 61 1 0 61 1 0 61107110711 081 1 0 81 1 0 81 1 0 91 1 0 91 1 0 91 1 1 01 1 1 01 1 ' 1 11 1 ' 1 11 ' 1 1 1111211121 1 1 31 1 1 3

150215021 5031 5031 5041 5041 5051 5051 5061 506150715071 5081 5081 5091 5091 5 1 01 5 1 01 5 1 11 5 1 115121 5 1 31 5 1 31 5 1 31 5 1 41 5 1 41 5 1 51 5 1 61 5 1 6151715171 5 1 81 5 1 81 5 1 91 5 1 915201520152115211522152215231524152415241525152515261527152715271528152915291 5301 530




7087087087097097097097107107 1 07107117117117117 1 27 1 27 1 27 1 27 1 37137137137137 1 4I t 4

7 1 4/ t c7 1 57 1 5/ r l O

t t o

7 1 67 1 6/ t o7 1 77 1 77 1 77 1 77 1 87 1 87 1 87 1 8718719719719719720720720720721721721722

Page 62: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revisedas on B"P I FP1.4.1S98 aS on


DA 22"/" Ditference Difference

on revised PaYable PayableBP/FP w.e.f w'e'f

we.f 1l4l99 117198

D A 1 6 %on revisedBP/FPwe.f1t4198 117/98

2942 6958 11132943 6960 11142944 6963 11142945 6965 11142946 6967 11152947 6970 11152948 6972 11162949 6974 11162950 6977 11162951 6979 11172952 6981 11172953 6984 11172954 6986 11182955 6988 11182956 6991 11192g5V 6993 11192958 6995 11192959 6998 11202960 7000 11202961 7A02 11za2962 7005 11212963 7008 11212964 7010 11222965 7013 11222966 7015 11222967 7017 11232968 7020 11232969 7022 11242970 7024 11242971 7027 11242972 7029 11252973 7031 11252974 7034 11252975 7036 11262976 7038 i1262977 7041 11272978 7CI43 11272979 7045 11272980 7048 11282981 7050 11282gB2 7052 11282983 7054 11?-92984 7057 11292985 7059 11292986 7061 11302gB7 7064 11302988 7067 11312989 7069 11312990 7A72 11322991 7174 11482992 7A76 11322993 7079 11332994 7081 11332995 7083 11332996 7086 11342997 7088 1134

1 5311 53115321 5321 5331 533| 3J+

1 5341 5351 5351 5361 536153V1 5371 5381 5381 5391 5401 5401 5401 541154215421 543154315441 5441 5451 5451 5461 546154715471 5481 5481 5491 5491 5501 5511 5511 55115521 5531 5531 5531 5541 5551 5551 5561 578155715571 5581 5581 559r cFo



5995996006006006006006006016016016016016016026026026026036036036036036046046046046056056056056056056066066066066076076076076076086086086086086096096096096096 1 0


Page 63: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revisedas on B.P /Fp1.4.1998 as on


D A 1 6 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1/4/98

DA 22% Differenceon revised payableBP/FP w.e.fw,.e.f 1/4/gg1/7/98


. 299829993000300130023003300430053006300730083009301030113A1230133014301530163017301 B3019302030213022s023302430253026302730283029303030313032303330343035303630373038303930403041304230433044304530463047304830493050305130523053

70907093709570967098709971007102710371047106710771087110711171127' t14711571167118711971207122712371247125712771287129713171327133713571 36713771 3971407141714371447145714771487149715171527153715571567157715971607161716371647164

11341 1 3 51 1 3 51 1 3 51 1 3 61 1 3 61 1 3 61136113611371137113711371 1 3 81 1 3 81 1 3 811 381 1 3 81 1 3 91 1 3 911 391 1 3 9114011401 1 4 011401 1 4 0114011411141114111411142114211421142114211431 1 4 3114311431144114411441144114411441145114511451 1 4 51 1 4 61146114611461 1 4 6

15601 5601 56115611562156215621562156315631 56315641 564156415641 5551 5651 565156615661 566156615671567156715681 568156815681 5691 5691 56915701 57015701571157115711 57115721572157215731573157315731574157415741575157515751575157615761 576

6 1

6 1 06 1 06 1 03 1 16116 1 16 1 16126126 1 36 1 36 1 36146 1 46146 1 46 1 56 1 56 1 56 1 6o t o6 1 66176176 1 86 1 8

. 6 1 86 1 96 1 96 1 96 1 9620620621621621621622622623623623624624624624625625626626626627627627628628


Page 64: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 %

as on B.P / FP on revised

1.4.19es as orr BP/FP1-4-98 w.e' f


DA 22% Difference Difference

on revised PaYable PaYableBP/FP w.e.f w'e'f

w.e.f 1l4l91 117198


3054 71673055 71683056 71693057 71713058 71723059 71733060 71753061 71763062 71773063 71783064 71803065 71813066 71823067 71843068 71853069 71863070 71883071 71893072 71903073 71923074 71933075 71943076 71963077 71973078 71983079 72003080 72013081 72023082 72043083 72A53084 72063085 72083086 72093087 72103088 72123089 72133090 72143091 72163092 72173093 72183094 72203095 72213096 72223097 72243098 72253099 72263100 72283101 72293102 72303103 72313104 72333105 72343106 72353107 72373108 72383109 7239

11471147114711471 1 4 81 1 4 81 1 4 81 1 4 81 1 4 811481 1 4 91 1 4 91 1 4 9114911 501 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 01 1 5 11 1 5 11 1 5 11 1 5 1115211521152115211521 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 31 1 5 411 541 1 5 41 1 5 41 1 5 51 1 5 51 1 5 511 55r ' t 66

11 5611 561 1 5 61 1 5 61 1 5 6115711571157115711571 1 5 81 1 5 81 1 5 81 1 5 8

1577157715771 57815781 578157915791 57915791 5801 5801 5801 5801 5811 5811 58115821582158215821 5831 5831 5831 584'1584

15841 584't585'1585

1 5851 5861 5861 586158715871 5871 5881 5881 5881 5881 5891 5891 5891 5901 5901 5901 5901t rq ' lI EO1

1 5911 5911592159215921 593


628629629629630630630631631o J r

632632632633633633634634634634635635636636636637637637638638638639639640640640641641641641642642643643643643644644645645645646646646646o + I

758759759760760760761761762762762763763764764764i / O C



Page 65: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

i B.P./F.pi Revised DA 16 % DA 22%as on B.P / Fp on revised on revised1.4.1se8 as on Bp/Fp Bp/Fp

1-4-98 w.e.f w.e.f

Difference Ditferencepayable payablew.e.f w.e.f1/4/98 ffi/98

1/4t98 1n/98

3 1 1 0311131123 1 1 3

. 3 1 1 43 1 1 53 1 1 631173 1 1 83 1 1 9312031213122312331243125312631273128312931303131313231333134313531 363137313831 3931403141314231 4331443145314631473148314931503151315231 53315431 5531 5631573159,31 59316031 6131623163

. 3 1 6 4:31p5 : l

72417242 .7243

, 72457246724772497450745172537254725572577258725972617262726372657266726772697270727172737274727572777278727972817282'7283



1 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 5 91 1 6 01 1 6 0119211921 1 6 01 1 6 11 1 6 11 1 6 11 1 6 11 1 6 111621162116211621 1 6 31 1 6 31 1 6 31 1 6 31 1 6 3


1 1 6 41164416411641 1 6 51 1 6 51 1 6 51 1 6 51 1 6 51 1 6 61 1 6 61 1 6 61 1 6 6,116711671167116711671 1 6 81 1 6 81 1 6 81 1 6 81 1 6 81 1 6 91 1 6 91 1 6 91 1 6 911701170117O1170

1 5931 5931 59315941 59415941 5951639163915961 5961 5961597

. 15971597159715981 5981 59815991 59915991 5991600160016001601160116011 6011602160216021602160316031603160416041604160516051605160616061 60616061607160716071 608169F ,16081 6081 6091609 .




, i i : ' r :

i : . ' r

Page 66: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P;F,P Revised DA 16'% DA 22% Difference Difference

as on B.P / FP on revised on revised payable payable

1.4.1se8 as on BP/FP BP/FP w'e'f w'e'f

1-4-98 w.e.f ' w'e'f 114198 1n198

114198 1nl9B


3166 7315 r7a 1609

3167 7916 1171 ' . 1610

3168 7318 1171 1610

3169 7g1g 1171 1610

3170 7320 1171 1610g171 7922 1172 1611

3172 7323 1172 1611g17g 7324 1172 1611

9174 7326 1172 1612'

3175 7927 1172 1612

9176 7928 1172 ' 1612g177 7330 1173 ' 1613

3178 7gg1 1173 '.1613

3179 7gg2 1173 1613

3180 7gg4 1173 1613

3181 7335 1174 1614g1B2 7336 1174 1614

3183 7gg7 1174 1614

3184 7339 1174 1615

3185 7340 1174 1615

3186 7941 1175 1615

3187 7943 1175 1615

3188 7344 1175 1616

3189 7345 1175 1616

3190 7947 1176 1616

3191 7948 1176' 1617

3192 7949 1176 1617

3193 7351 1176 1617

3194 7952 1176 1617

3195 7353 1176 1618

3196 7355 117.7 1618

3197 7356 1177 1618

3198 7957 1177 1619

3199 7359 1177 1619

3200 7360 1178 1619

3201 7361 1178 1619g2o2 7363 1178 1620

3203 7364 1178 1620g2o4 7365 1178 16203205 7967 1179 1621

3206 7368 1179 1621g2o7 7369 1179 1621

3208 7971 1179 1622

3209 7972 1180 1622g210 7g7g 1180 1622g211 7975 1180 1623

9212 7976 1180 1623

3219 7977 1180 1623'9214

7379 1181 1623

3215 7380 1181 1624

9216 7981 1181 1624

3217' 7383 1181 ' 1624

9218 7984 1181 1624g21g 7385 1182 1625g22o 7987 1182 1625

9221 7388 1182 1625

s222 73Be 1182 lr'u


8058058068078078088088088098098 1 08 1 08 1 08 1 18 1 18128128128 1 38 1 38 1 38 1 48 1 48148 1 58 1 68 1 68 1 68178178 1 8 '8 1 88 1 88 1 98 1 9820820820821821822822822823823824824824825825826826

, 826827828828

. 828


Page 67: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


B.P./F.P. Revised DA 16 %as on B.P / FP on revised1.4.1ses as on BP/FP

1-4:98 w.e.f1t4t9g

DA 22% Differenceon revised payableBPiFP we.fwe.f 1/4198lntgB


3223 73903224 73923225 73933226 73943227 73963228 73973229 73983230 74003231 74013232 74023233 74043234 74053235 74063236 74083237 74093238 74103239 74123240 74133241 74143242 74163243 74173244 74183245 74203246 74213247 74223248 74243249 74253250 74263251 74283252 74293253 74303254 74323255 74333256 74343257 74363258 74373259 74383260 74403261 74413262 74423263 74433264 74453265 74463266 74473267 74493268 74503269 74513270 74533271 74543272 74553273 74573274 74583275 .74593276 74613277 74623278 7463

11821 1 8 31 1 8 31 1 8 31 1 8 311841 1 8 411841 1 8 411841 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 51 1 8 61 1 8 61 1 8 61 1 8 6118711871187118711871 1 8 81 1 8 81 1 8 81 1 8 81 1 8 81 1 8 91 1 8 91 1 8 91 1 8 91 1 8 91 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 01 1 9 11 1 9 11 1 9 1119i1 1 9 1119211921192119211921 1 9 31 '1931 '19311 931 1 9 311 941 1 9 41194

16261 626162616271627162716281628162816281629162916291 630163016301631163't1 631163216321632163216331633163316341634163416341 63516351 6351 6351 6361 63616361 63716371637163716381 6381 6381 63916391 639164016401640164116411641164116421442






Page 68: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revisedes on' 'B.P IFP1.4.1998 aS On

1-4 '98

D A 1 6 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f114198

D A 2 2 %on revisedBP/FPw.e.f117198

Difference Differencepayable PaYablew.e.f w.e'f1l4l9| 117198

3279 7465 11943280 7466 11953281 7467 11959282 -7469 11953283 7470 11953284 7471 11953285 7473 11963286 7474 11969287 7475 11963288 7477 11969289 7478 11963290 7479 11973291 7481 11973292 7482 11973293 7483 11973294 7485 11989295 7486 11983296 7487 11989297 7489 11983298 7490 11983299 7491 11993300 v493 11993301 7494 1199ggo2 7495 11993303 7496 11993304 7498 12003305 v499 12003306 7500 12003307 7502 12003308 7503 12003309 7504 12013310 7506 12013311 7507 12413312 7508 12013313 7510 12023314 7511 12023315 7512 12023316 7514 12023317 7515 12023318 7516 12033319 7518 12033320 7519 1203gg21 7520 12033322 7522 12043323 7523 12049324 7524 12043325 7526 1204

. 3326 7527 1204gg27 7528 12043328 7530 12053329 7531 12053330 7532 12053331 7534 12053332 7535 120.63333 7536 12063334 7538 1206

16421 6431 643lo1+J

1 643164416441644164516451 6451 645164616461 6461647164716471 6481 6481 6481 6481 6491 6491 6491 650

. 1 6 5 01 6501 6501 6511 6511651165216521652165216531 6531 65316541 65416541 6541 6551 6551 65516561 65616561 657

. 1 6 5 7165716571 6581 6581 658


7047057057067067067067077077477487087087097097107107107107107117 1 27 1 27 1 27137137 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47 1 47157157 1 57157167167 1 77 1 77 1 7718718719719719719720720720720721721722722722723


Page 69: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.p. Revisedas on B.P / FP1.4.1998 as on


DA 16 % DA 22%on revised on revisedBPIFP BPIFP

Difference Differenqepayable payablew.e.f we.f1/4/98 1n/98w.e.f


' 3




1 20612061207120712071207120812AB120812081208120812491 20912091 20912101210121A12101210121112111211121112121212.1 2 1 2121212121213121312131213121312141214121412141215 '

1215121512151215121612161216121612161 2 1 712171 2 1 71 2 1 71 2 1 712181218

1 6591 6591 6591 6591 6601 6601 6601 6611 6611 6611 6611662166216621 663166316631 66316641 664166416651 6651 6651 6661 666I ooo

16671 6671667166716681 6681 6681 6681 6691 669I ooy16701 6701 6701 6701671

t 1671167116721672167216721673167316731674167416741 675


723 875724 876' 7 2 4

8 7 6724 876 .724 877725 878725 878725 878725 878726 879726 880727 880727 880727 880728 881728 882729 882729 883729 883729 883730 884730 884731 885731 885731 885732 886732 886732 887732 887733 887733 888734 889734 889734 889734 889735 890735 89i ,736 891736 891 r736 891737 892 .737 893737 893737 893738 894738 894739 895739 895739 895 L;739 896 . : : .740 896740 897741 897741 897741 898742 898

Page 70: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired

B.P./F.P. Revisedas on B.P I FP1.4.1998 as on


D A 1 6 %on revisedBP/FPw.e"f114198

rlA 22e/"on revisedBPiFPw.e.f1f7l9B

Difference Dltferencepayable PaYablew.e.f w'e.f1t4ls8 117198

3391 76133392 76143393 76163394 76173395 76183396 76203397 76213398 76223399 76243400 76253401 76263402 76283403 76293404 76303405 76323406 76333407 76343408 76363409 76373410 76383411 76403412 76413413 76423414 76443415 75453416 7A463417 76483418 7A493419 76503420 76523421 76533422 76543423 76553424 76573425 7658s426 76593427 76613428 766?-3429 76633430 76653431 76663432 76673433 76693434 76703435 76713436 7673343V 76743438 76753439 76773440 7678344,1 767s34r'l2 7681

'3443 76823444 76833445 7685

121812181 2 1 91 2 1 91219121912191224 ,122Qeza122012241221122112211221122112221222122212221223122312231?23122312J&1224122412?41228.12251 2251225122512251226122612261226122712271227122712271228122812281228122812291229122912291 230

16751 6751 6761 6761 6761{i76167716V7167716781 6781 6781 6781 67916791 67916791 6801 6801 6801 68116811 6811 SB21 6821 $82'1 6831683i 6831 6831 684168416841 6851 6851 6851 6851 6861 6861686168716871 68716871 6881 68816881 68916891 6891 6891 6901 6901 6901 691


742742742743743744744744744745746746746746747747747747748748749749749754750750751751751v52t 3 a


757/ 5 {


8998998999009009019019019029039039039039049 0 5 '9059059059069079079079089089099099 1 09 1 09 1 09 1 19 1 19129129129 1 39 1 39 1 49 1 49 1 49 1 59 1 59 1 69 1 69 1 69179179 1 89 1 89 1 99 1 9924920920921921

Page 71: GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Karnataka State Retired


B.P./F.P. Revisedas on B.P i FP1.4.1998 as on


DA 16Y"on revisedBP/FPw.e.f1t4/98

DA 22 "/oon revisedBP/FPwe.f1nlgB


Differencepayable '


3446 76863447 76873448 76893449 76903450 7691


1 69116911 69216921 692

761 922761 922761 922761 923762 923

B.P =Basic Pension.F.P = Farnily Pension.l.R = Interim ReliefD.A=Dearness Allowance

Itbte :-The payment on account of Dearness, and above has been rounded off to

50 paise has been ignored.



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Allowance involving fractions of S0paisethe next rupee and fractions of tess than

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