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Graphic Designing Consultancy Contract

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Graphic Designing Consultancy Contract

 THIS CONTRACT is entered into by and between Kuensel (the Employer) and!ema Khandu (the "esi#ner Consultant) bearin# CI" No$ %%%%%%%%%%%%& 'orthe purpose o' proidin# raphi* "esi#nin# seri*e as des*ribed in Se*tion +

o' this *ontra*t, This *ontra*t is alid 'or seri*es proided on a pro-e*t bypro-e*t basis,

.OR AN" IN CONSI"ERATION o' the terms and *onditions *ontained in this*ontra*t the aboe named parties a#ree$

/, !ERIO" O. AREE0ENT$ This *ontra*t shall *ommen*e upon its si#nin# byboth parties and *ontinue until pro-e*t is printed or deliered durin# whi*hperiod all per'orman*e as des*ribed in this *ontra*t shall be 'ully *ompletedto the satis'a*tion o' the Employer, This *ontra*t will be alid 'or the periodo' ea*h indiidual pro-e*t only or as stated aboe,

1, CANCE22ATION$ The Employer reseres the ri#ht to *an*el this *ontra*timmediately upon written noti*e in whole or in part without penalty due tonon3appropriation o' 'unds& or with /4 days written noti*e 'or 'ailure o' theConsultant to *omply with terms *onditions or spe*i5*ations o' this*ontra*t, Additionally the either party may terminate the Contra*t in wholeor in part at any time without *ause by proidin# 64 days written noti*e tothe other party, I' the Contra*t is so terminated the Employer is liable only'or payments 'or produ*ts proided or seri*es per'ormed to the e%tent thatany a*tual dire*t *osts hae been in*urred by the Consultant pursuant to'ul5llin# the *ontra*t, The Employer will be obli#ated to pay su*h e%penses

to date o' the termination,

6, ENTIRE CONTRACT& A0EN"0ENTS$ This *ontra*t to#ether with thespe*i5*ations in the bid re7uest (i' any) and re'eren*ed parts andatta*hments shall *onstitute the entire a#reement and preious*ommuni*ations or a#reements pertainin# to the sub-e*t matter o' this*ontra*t are hereby superseded, Any *ontra*tual reisions in*ludin# *ostad-ustments and time e%tensions may be made only by a writtenamendment (email and 'a%es a**epted) to this *ontra*t si#ned by bothparties prior to the endin# date o' this *ontra*t,

8, ASSIN0ENT$ Neither this *ontra*t nor any ri#ht or duty in whole or inpart by the Contra*tor under this *ontra*t may be assi#ned dele#ated orsub*ontra*ted without the written *onsent o' the Employer, I' upon thewritten *onsent o' the Employer this *ontra*t or any ri#ht or duty in whole orin part is assi#ned the Assi#nee(s) shall e%pressly a#ree to assume andper'orm all releant obli#ations e%pressed under the terms o' this *ontra*tand be bound by the terms and *onditions o' this *ontra*t, Assi#nment in

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whole or in part o' this *ontra*t does not absole the Consultant o' anyliability or obli#ation e%pressed and a#reed to hereunder,

+, "ESCRI!TION O. 9ORK$ The Consultant a#rees to proide the 'ollowin#raphi* "esi#nin# seri*es to the satis'a*tion o' the Employer,

.or 2ayout:!rodu*tion:raphi* "esi#n o' newsletters edu*ational boo;sposters bro*hures outdoor si#ns web pa#es and e%hibits et*, the endorshall$

• !roide desi#n layout and seri*es usin# artwor; photos and #raphi*sproided by the <niersity,

• !roide position proo's 'old samples *olor proo's s*annin# and mo*;3

ups, (Sublettin# is allowed 'or s*annin# and proo's,)

• !roide or *reate ori#inal illustrations to be in*orporated into layout,

• !roide su*h 5les 'or Commer*ial !rinter output *omputer to plate

(CT!) 'or the printin# pro*ess,

• !roide the Employer with all 5nal 5les 'onts lo#o=s pi*tures

#raphi*s et*, properly saed in appropriate media,

• !roide a dire*tory o' the 5les with a si#ned proo' slip 'rom the

Employer pro-e*t mana#er that the 5les are ready to #o,

ENERA2:2A>O<T RE?<IRE0ENTS$ The endor is re7uired to adhere to@Re7uirements 'or !reparation o' Ele*troni* Art as listed in Atta*hment Aand submit an @Ele*troni* "is; Submission .orm Atta*hment B, (I' notatta*hed to the *ontra*t remoe this *lause,)

 THE E0!2O>ER$ Shall proide the Consultant with all the ne*essaryin'ormation to *omplete the pro-e*t su*h as$ the "epartment=s publi*ationhandboo; related manual *odes the #uidelines 'or preparation o' ele*troni*art 5les 'or the Employer print *ontra*tors 5nished sie re*ommendationspubli*ation pro*ess list et*,

D, !A>0ENT$ The Consultant 'or proidin# per'orman*e satis'a*tory to theEmployer shall re*eie the a#reed upon amount ne#otiated and:or theHourly rate established at the be#innin# o' this *ontra*t a'ter submittin# are*ord o' hours wor;ed on the pro-e*t, Hourly rate is set at Nu /444 (Onethousand only) per hour,

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Billin#s by the Consultant shall be made upon *ompletion o' ea*h wor;pro-e*t based on reiew and a**eptan*e o' the Employer pro-e*t mana#er,Send inoi*es to the 'ollowin# address$

Kuensel Corporation

"epartment o' !rintin# !ressChan#amto# Thimphu3Bhutan

, RECOR"S ACCESS$ The Consultant shall 'or a period o' 5e (+) yearsa'ter *ompletion and a**eptan*e by the Employer maintain boo;s re*ordsdo*uments and other eiden*e dire*tly pertinent to per'orman*e on wor;under this *ontra*t in a**ordan*e with #enerally a**epted a**ountin#prin*iples and pra*ti*es, The Consultant shall also maintain the 5nan*ialin'ormation and data used in the preparation or support o' the *ostsubmission in eFe*t on the date o' e%e*ution o' this *ontra*t and a *opy o' 

the *ost summary submitted to the Employer, The Employer its a#ents andits duly authoried representaties shall hae a**ess to su*h boo;s re*ordsdo*uments and other eiden*e 'or the purpose o' inspe*tion audit and*opyin#, The Consultant shall proide proper 'a*ilities 'or su*h a**ess andinspe*tion, In addition those re*ords whi*h relate to any dispute appeal orliti#ation or the settlement o' *laims arisin# out o' su*h disputeper'orman*e or *osts or items to whi*h an audit e%*eption has been ta;en&shall be maintained and made aailable until 5e years a'ter the date o' resolution o' su*h dispute appeal liti#ation *laim or e%*eption,

,/ All re*ords in*urred under this A#reement are sub-e*t to audit by the

Employer and:or the *o#niant #oernment audit a#en*y, The Consultanta#rees to #ie #oernment auditors a**ess to its re*ords where ne*essary tosupport *osts relatin# to this *ontra*t,

G, IN"E!EN"ENT CONS<2TANT$ The Consultant is an Independent Consultant'or all purposes and is not an employee or a#ent o' the Employer,

 The Employer a#rees that the Consultant shall hae sole *ontrol o' themethod hours wor;ed and time and manner o' any per'orman*e under this*ontra*t other than as spe*i5*ally proided herein, The Employer reseresthe ri#ht only to inspe*t the -ob site or premises 'or the purpose o' insurin#

that the per'orman*e is pro#ressin# or has been *ompleted in *omplian*ewith the *ontra*t, The Employer ta;es no responsibility 'or superision ordire*tion o' the per'orman*e o' the *ontra*t to be per'ormed by theConsultant or the Consultants employees or a#ents, The Employer 'urthera#rees that it will e%er*ise no *ontrol oer the sele*tion and dismissal o' theConsultants employees or a#ents,

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 The Seri*e !roider its o*ers a#ents and employees (i' appli*able) in theper'orman*e o' this A#reement shall a*t in the *apa*ity o' an IndependentConsultant and not as an o*er employee or a#ent o' the Employer,Seri*e !roider a#rees that it shall ta;e su*h steps as may be ne*essary toensure that any sub*ontra*tor or *ontra*tor shall be deemed to be an

independent *ontra*tor and will not be *onsidered or permitted to be ana#ent serant -oint enturer or partner o' the Employer,

J, IN"E0NI.ICATION$ The Consultant a#rees to sae ;eep harmless de'endand indemni'y the Board o' "ire*tors and the Kuensel Corporation and all itso*ers employees and a#ents a#ainst any and all liability *laims and *ostso' whateer ;ind and nature 'or in-ury to or death o' any person or personsand 'or loss or dama#e to any property (state or other) o**urrin# in*onne*tion with or in any way in*ident to or arisin# out o' the o**upan*yuse seri*e operation or per'orman*e o' wor; in *onne*tion with this*ontra*t or omissions o' Consultants employees a#ents or representaties,

/4, NON"ISCRI0INATION$ In *onne*tion with the per'orman*e o' wor; underthis *ontra*t the Consultant a#rees not to dis*riminate a#ainst anyemployee or appli*ant 'or employment be*ause o' a#e ra*e reli#ion *olorhandi*ap se% physi*al *ondition deelopmental disability as de5ned in2abour Employment 2aw o' Bhutan, This proision shall in*lude but not belimited to the 'ollowin#$ employment up#radin# demotion or trans'er&re*ruitment or re*ruitment adertisin#& layoF or termination& rates o' pay orother 'orms o' *ompensation& and sele*tion 'or trainin# in*ludin#apprenti*eship, .ailure to *omply with the *onditions o' this *lause mayresult in the Consultant bein# de*lared an @ineli#ible *onsultant termination

o' the *ontra*t or withholdin# o' payment,

//, <ARANTEE" "E2ILER>$ .ailure o' the Consultant to adhere to delierys*hedules as spe*i5ed or to promptly repla*e re-e*ted materials shall renderthe Consultant liable 'or all *osts in e%*ess o' the *ontra*t pri*e whenalternate pro*urement is ne*essary, E%*ess *osts shall in*lude theEmployers administratie *osts,

/1, A!!2ICAB2E 2A9$ This *ontra*t shall be #oerned by the laws o' theKin#dom o' Bhutan, The Consultant shall at all times *omply with all lawsand re#ulations in eFe*t durin# the period o' this *ontra*t,

/6, !A>0ENT TER0S AN" INLOICIN$ !ayment shall be *onsidered timely i' the payment is mailed deliered or trans'erred by the later o' the 'ollowin#$

a, The date spe*i5ed on a properly *ompleted inoi*e 'or the amountspe*i5ed in the order or *ontra*t or

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b, 9ithin thirty (64) days a'ter re*eipt o' a properly *ompleted inoi*e orre*eipt and a**eptan*e o' the property or seri*e under the order or *ontra*tor within thirty (64) days a'ter re*eipt o' an improperly *ompleted inoi*e orre*eipt and a**eptan*e o' the property or seri*e under the order or*ontra*t whi*heer is later i' the Employer does not noti'y the sender o' 

re*eipt o' an improperly *ompleted inoi*e within ten (/4) wor;in# days a'terit re*eies the inoi*e o' the reason it is improperly *ompleted,

/8, TAMES$ The Employer is re7uired to pay all the ta%es arisin# out o' thepro5ts and reenues 'rom the wor;s *ontra*ted to the Consultant howeerthe Consultant will be liable to pay his own in*ome ta% to the #oernment,

/+, 2IABI2IT>$ The wor; to be per'ormed under this *ontra*t is to beper'ormed entirely at Consultants ris;, Consultant hereby assumes allliability with all wor; and all seri*es to be proided by the Consultant underthis *ontra*t,

/D, CO!>RIHT O9NERSHI!$ The Consultant arms that to the best o' its;nowled#e all materials 'urnished and used are its own ori#inal material ormaterial whi*h they hae obtained the *opyri#ht to use 'or the purposes o' this A#reement, 9ritten *opies o' *opyri#ht *learan*es may be re7uired bythe Employer, All materials produ*ed 'or this pro-e*t and any subse7uentpro-e*ts durin# the term o' this *ontra*t shall be the e%*lusie property o' the Kuensel Corporation and the Consultant a#rees that the <niersity shallbe the *opyri#ht owner o' the @wor;s 'or hire produ*ed under this *ontra*t,

I' 'or any reason the wor; per'ormed by Consultant under this A#reement is

'ound not to *onstitute a wor; 'or hire then in *onsideration 'or thepayment set 'orth under this A#reement Consultant hereby assi#ns all ri#htsin the intelle*tual property *reated in*ludin# the *opyri#ht to the KuenselCorporation,

 The Contra*tor a#rees that the *opyri#ht and all other ri#hts pertainin# tothe wor; 'urnished under this a#reement in*ludin# any royalties or 'ees thatmay a**rue shall belon# to the Kuensel Corporation,

 The Employer and:or the sponsorin# #oernment a#en*y resere a royalty3'ree none%*lusie and irreo*able 2i*ense to reprodu*e publish otherwise

use and to authorie others to use the wor; 'or #oernment purposes,

 The parties hereby si#n this *ontra*t on O*tober 1 14/+,

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 The Kuensel Corporation EmployerKarma Nima

CONS<2TANT ACCE!TANCEI a#ree to the standard terms and *onditions atta*hed to this a#reement, Ieri'y that I am duly 7uali5ed and willin# to per'orm the seri*es as anindependent *ontra*tor, The 'ees under this A#reement do not e%*eed mynormal and *ustomary rate, I *erti'y that the Citienship Identity CardNumber proided is *orre*t,

!ema Khandu