Group 5 vocab words Madison Miller Block 2

Group 5 vocab words

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Group 5 vocab words. Madison Miller Block 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Group 5 vocab wordsMadison Miller Block 2

Page 2: Group 5 vocab words


To say something in opposition to something else.JJ will always counter his parents when talking to them. They think it’s the people he is hanging out with.S} backtalkA} agree


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Sly, crafty, or clever.Swiper, in Dora, is very cunning; he always finds a way to swipe stuff from Dora and Boots.S} SmartA} Gullible http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoV32XfxQGwUAtXaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?


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Remains of destroyed or discarded materials; wreckage. Debris was everywhere after the Hurricane we had back in November.S} rubbleA} cleanliness


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An act of refusal or resistance to an opposing force or authority.Mr. Apple was in defiance and stole apples from the store to sell in his business! S] commandA] respect


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Jut[verb]To extend sharply outward; to project or stick out.The window sills are jutting out of my walls in my room. I can sit items on top of them.S] bulgeA] indent


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To build or start a fire; to excite a feeling or idea.JJ kindled the fire down in his basement because it was really cold upstairs on the main floor.S] igniteA] extinguish

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Knoll[noun]A small, rounded hill.There is a knoll outside of my house in Colorado, it is very small.S] duneA] mountain


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Luminous[adj]Giving off light; shining.The luminous lights shining on the choir in church made all of them look like angels. S} illuminateA} gloomy


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Something studied by scientists or doctors as an example of a set of things or systems.Dr. Luce found a specimen of a tick on my dog’s fur after the dog ran through bushes at my grandparents’ house. The doctor sent the specimen to the lab to test for Lyme disease.S} sampleA} nothing

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StaminanounThe ability to resist fatigue or illness; enduranceJJ has a lot of stamina because he ran 20 miles without breaking a sweat or getting tired. A] weakness

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S] energy

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SubsideverbTo become less active or intense or agitated.The winds during a hurricane are very intense but when the hurricane is almost over they begin to subside. S]declineA]rise


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To walk in a way that makes it look as if you think you’re important or confident; strut.M&M, the kitten, had opened the door by himself and swaggered to his bed. He felt very special. S] boastA] cower

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Honors Words….

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Caduceus nounA staff with two snakes twined around it and two wings at its top.My friend has diabetes and he has a caduceus symbol on his back pack. It tells people he has a medical disorder. S] medical emblemA] stick

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Draconian adjCruel, harsh, severe.The wind was Draconian because it blew down 12 trees in the woods next to my house. S] brutalA] peaceful, fair


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LethargynounAbnormal Drowsiness .The doctor had worked four, twenty four hour shifts and is having lethargy. S] apathyA] energy

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SaturnineadjOf gloomy or surly disposition.Amelia was saturnine when her best friend was sick and couldn’t sleepover.S] depressedA] cheerful

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MercurialadjCharacterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness moods. Jeremiah was mercurial because he complained about something and then he was happy. S] changeableA] predictable

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