REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs RAYMOND H. PIERSON AND EDWARD A. FAY U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California Interlaboratory testing demands careful and extensive planning in order to achieve worth-while and satisfying results. This article, which was presented at the 135th National Meeting of the American Chemical So- ciety at Boston, reviews the statistical and practical problems of planning and conducting an interlaboratory testing program. Possible benefits from such a program are enumerated, and possible pitfalls are pointed out. It is recommended that the planning and coordination of the pro- gram should be the responsibility of a single chairman. Qualifications for such a chairman are outlined and practical directions are given for his guidance in organizing the work. Methods of achieving adequate rep- lication, randomization, and symmetry are suggested. Rejection of suspect divergent values at the operator level by a statistical criterion (Q test) is advocated. Attention is called to some statistical aspects of co- operative testing work, such as considerations of bias and confounding, that differ from those commonly encountered in a single laboratory. TNTERLABORATORY tests, coopera- •*· tive test programs, or "round robins"—as the programs are fre- quently but rather loosely termed— have been and probably will con- tinue to be extensively used by ana- lytical chemists and others in tech- nical fields. If an inexperienced group plunges into a round robin without competent guidance and good planning, the chances are great that the results will be disappoint- ing. Indeed, the results from inter- laboratory tests have turned out to be worthless on so many occasions that many people have formed the opinion that the methodology itself has no value. This paper is in de- fense of the. technique and advo- cates the use of cooperative testing programs, but only after consider- able thought has been given to the design of the experiment. The interlaboratory test is a good tool when properly applied, but it is an expensive procedure and subject to many pitfalls. Both statistical and practical pit- falls are involved. Many good ref- erences provide statistical back- ground and the fundamentals of statistical design applicable to co- operative testing (6, 7, 10, 19, 22), but no book has been written that deals exclusively with this subject and only a few good magazine ar- ticles (14,15,20) and pamphlets (2, 3) bear directly on the topic. This article extracts statistical information from the standard ref- erences and attempts to organize it for the use of participants in inter- laboratory programs, especially those who have not had much previ- ous experience. The paper includes concepts derived from experiences of the Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Solid Propellants and is intended as a practical guide for organizing and conducting round robins. The key person in a cooperative testing program is its chairman. Rarely is it possible to find an ideal chairman with all the necessary background in analytical chemistry and statistical techniques. The main purpose of this paper is to pro- vide guidance for the chairman who does not consider himself an expert at the task, but who, nevertheless, finds himself selected to carry out the project. In the past a good deal of effort has been devoted toward developing standardized approaches to co- VOL 31, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959 · 2 5 A

Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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Page 1: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs


Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs RAYMOND H. PIERSON AND EDWARD A. FAY

U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California

Interlaboratory testing demands careful and extensive planning in order to achieve worth-while and satisfying results. This article, which was presented at the 135th National Meeting of the American Chemical So­ciety at Boston, reviews the statistical and practical problems of planning and conducting an interlaboratory testing program. Possible benefits from such a program are enumerated, and possible pitfalls are pointed out. It is recommended that the planning and coordination of the pro­gram should be the responsibility of a single chairman. Qualifications for such a chairman are outlined and practical directions are given for his guidance in organizing the work. Methods of achieving adequate rep­lication, randomization, and symmetry are suggested. Rejection of suspect divergent values at the operator level by a statistical criterion (Q test) is advocated. Attention is called to some statistical aspects of co­operative testing work, such as considerations of bias and confounding, that differ from those commonly encountered in a single laboratory.

TNTERLABORATORY tests, coopera-•*· tive test programs, or "round robins"—as the programs are fre­quently but rather loosely termed— have been and probably will con­tinue to be extensively used by ana­lytical chemists and others in tech­nical fields. If an inexperienced group plunges into a round robin without competent guidance and good planning, the chances are great that the results will be disappoint­ing. Indeed, the results from inter­laboratory tests have turned out to be worthless on so many occasions that many people have formed the opinion that the methodology itself has no value. This paper is in de­fense of the. technique and advo­cates the use of cooperative testing programs, but only after consider­able thought has been given to the

design of the experiment. The interlaboratory test is a good tool when properly applied, but it is an expensive procedure and subject to many pitfalls.

Both statistical and practical pit­falls are involved. Many good ref­erences provide statistical back­ground and the fundamentals of statistical design applicable to co­operative testing (6, 7, 10, 19, 22), but no book has been written that deals exclusively with this subject and only a few good magazine ar­ticles (14,15,20) and pamphlets (2, 3) bear directly on the topic.

This article extracts statistical information from the standard ref­erences and attempts to organize it for the use of participants in inter­laboratory programs, especially those who have not had much previ­

ous experience. The paper includes concepts derived from experiences of the Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Solid Propellants and is intended as a practical guide for organizing and conducting round robins.

The key person in a cooperative testing program is its chairman. Rarely is it possible to find an ideal chairman with all the necessary background in analytical chemistry and statistical techniques. The main purpose of this paper is to pro­vide guidance for the chairman who does not consider himself an expert at the task, but who, nevertheless, finds himself selected to carry out the project.

In the past a good deal of effort has been devoted toward developing standardized approaches to co-

VOL 31 , NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959 · 2 5 A

Page 2: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs


R A Y M O N D HENRY PIERSON is a research chemist in the f ie ld of rocket propel lants a t the U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Stat ion, China Lake, Ca l i f . He was born in Chris-man, I I I . , November 24, 1897. From 1920 to 1943 he served as a chem­ist, pr inc ipal ly in the analyt ical phases, for the Ar thur R. Maas Chemical Co. , Union O i l Co. , G i l -more O i l Co. , Smith-Emery Co. , A l l i e d Plastics, and Adhere, Inc. In 1942 he received his A.B. f rom the University of Southern Ca l i fo r ­nia (magna cum laude) .

In 1943 he became Laboratory Superintendent a t the U. S. Naval Shipyard at Terminal Island, Cal i f . , and in 1947 joined the research staff a t the Naval Ordnance Test Stat ion.

He is interested in visible, ul tra­v io let , and infrared spectrophotom­etry and x-ray d i f f ract ion, absorp­t ion, and fluorescence methods as appl ied to problems of ordnance chemistry. He is keenly interested in statist ical design and interpreta­t ion of experiments.

He is a member of the Amer ican Chemical Society, Amer ican Asso­ciat ion for the Advancement of Sci­ence, Scientif ic Research Society of Amer ican Society for Testing Mate ­rials, and is past chairman of the Joint Army-Navy-A i r Force Panel on Ana ly t i ca l Chemistry of Sol id Propellants.


operative work. Because the field is so complex, this paper advocates a more flexible approach; it pro­vides general guidelines and sup­plements these with several prac­tical check lists.

Possible Benefits from Interlaboratory Testing

For an interlaboratory testing program to be successful, all par­ticipants must have a clear concep­tion of the benefits to be derived from the program. Misunderstand­ing or vagueness regarding the pos­sible benefits has frequently led to disappointment in the results.

What then can be gained by sub­jecting a method of analysis to an interlaboratory test? One impor­tant dividend is that each partici­pant can see how well or how poorly his laboratory performed in com­parison with a number of other laboratories engaged in similar ana­lytical work. If his laboratory did well or about average, he gains con­fidence in his own work or that of his assistants. If his laboratory showed wide variability or a high divergence from the general aver­ages, he knows that improvement is needed in techniques, equipment, or supervision at his establishment. These benefits may be had merely by examination of the raw data or graphs showing means and ranges and without benefit of more than elementary statistics.

As a second benefit, interlabora­tory testing can sometimes be used for sharing the workload when it is desirable to compare a relatively large number of methods or to test a new procedure against several others. This is especially apropos when different instrumental ap­proaches are to be compared, and the required equipment is spread among the various participating laboratories. A block diagram can be set up so that each laboratory tests one specific procedure against one or two others.

A third advantage of the inter­laboratory test is that it provides a cross-sectional or unprejudiced esti­mate of the value of a proposed method. The originator of a

method often obtains better results with it than others are able to achieve. There may be several reasons for this difference in eval­uation. A properly conducted in­terlaboratory test may reveal that the originator was too optimistic about the precision and accuracy readily attainable (some personal bias existed), or that considerable practice with the new method is re­quired for good precision.

The originator of a method is likely also to be too optimistic re­garding the time required for the analysis. A fourth advantage of the interlaboratory test is that it can provide a more realistic average for the time factor.

Fifth, when a number of methods are compared, the cooperative work will also show which methods the participants prefer with respect to over-all convenience, space require­ments, availability or cost of equip­ment, type of operator required, and safety. These are factors that the originator may overlook or sup­press.

Sixth, the program will show whether the descriptions of the methods are adequate or need im­provement.

In addition to the specific advan­tages mentioned, it is frequently to be expected that carefully designed interlaboratory work will yield sta­tistical evaluations of precision with respect to a number of factors such as laboratories, operators, days, and levels of ingredient. Similar eval­uations with respect to accuracy may be obtainable if standard sam­ples or standard reference methods of known accuracy are available.

Possible Pitfalls in Interlaboratory Testing

Failures in cooperative testing programs may be caused by the fol­lowing major factors:

Benefits derivable from the program not fully understood

Chairman not fully qualified for the task and unaware of some of the re­quirements

Objectives not clearly stated and understood

Improper selection, preparation, or packaging of samples.

Inadequate written instructions from

Page 3: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs


the chairman to the participants Inadequate statistical design Inadequate statistical evaluation

The first of these hazards has been discussed in some degree in the preceding remarks. The following sections cover the other six hazards and offer a set of guidelines for the chairman.

Chairman's Qualifications and Responsibilities

Qualifications for a chairman which might be considered as mini­mum requirements are :

At least one university course in ele­mentary probability theory and statisti­cal methods

Familiarity with the t test for com­paring two means

Familiarity with the F test for com­paring several means or two variances

Ability to use a test for homogeneity of several variances, such as the M test (75, Tables 31 to 33)

Familiarity with a test (such as Dixon's Q test) for rejection of data

Ability to carry out relatively simple analysis of variance calculations

Acquaintance with most of the refer­ences of this paper, especially 1-3, H, and 20

If the chairman is not a statistician, he should avail himself of the consult­ing services of a statistician, preferably one in his own organization

In initiating an interlaboratory test, the chairman should assume the responsibility for concluding the project by the preparation and dis­tribution of a complete, formal, written report. A check list for this report is helpful in avoiding omission of essential details. The report may contain all of the fol­lowing i tems:

1. A title (and sometimes a serial number)

2. The report date 3. Security classification, if required 4. The name of the chairman and

his activity 5. Acknowledgment 6. A list of participating activities 7. A clear statement of the objec­

tives in an itemized form 8. Description of the samples used,

including identification, form, and source

9. Description of test methods 10. A summary of the findings and

a statement about each of the ob­

jectives, indicating how well the program fulfilled each objective

11. All the raw data and suitable collective or summary tables

12. Appropriate graphs—e.g., means, ranges of replicates or confidence limits for the various laboratories

13. The statistical evaluation of the findings

14. Comments from participants about samples, test methods, forms used for collecting the data, and statistical design

15. Recommendations, when appro­priate

16. An appendix showing instruc­tions issued and data forms used

17. A list of literature cited

I t is the chairman's responsibility to make sure t ha t the needed ele­ments will be available for his re­port. The report for an interlabo­ra tory testing program should include a number of elements usu­ally omitted from journal publica­tions. For example, articles for ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY will con­

tain either a table or a graph but not both when they show the same thing, and it is usually desirable to omit much of the detailed data . On the other hand, it is strongly recommended tha t for reports of interlaboratory tests items 11 and 12 always be included. Space in such reports is not a serious limita­tion. The part icipants often wish to see all the values sent to the chairman. They are entitled to this complete information and also should have the opportunity of ex­amining all the statistical calcula­tions and evaluations which the chairman has made. When the group meets for discussion of the re­sults, it may be advantageous in some cases to use the tables and in others to use the graphs. I tem 14 has great value in improving the proposed method of analysis as a direct benefit of the cooperative work and item 16 is of value in the planning of future test programs.

Object ives

The objectives of the program should be defined and agreed upon by the part icipants in the early stages of planning, before samples are chosen and shipped. Guidance is available in references 2, S, 6, 14, 20, a n d # J .

EDWARD ALLEN FAY, born in Berkeley, Cal i f . , August 13, 1918, has been a mathematical statistician in the Statistics Branch, Research Department, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, since 1950. He re­ceived his A.B. (mathematics) f rom the University of Cal i fornia at Ber­keley in 1939 and his A . M . (mathe­matics) a\ Harvard University in 1941.

A f te r graduating, he served for one year each as a teaching as­sistant in mathematics at the Uni­versity of Rochester and as an in­spector of ordnance material at the Rochester Ordnance District. He then served in the Army for three years. From 1946 to 1950 he was a graduate student in mathematical statistics at the University of Ca l i ­fornia at Berkeley.

His chief area of interest is mathematical statistics, including combinatorial theory, stochastic processes, and techniques of sam­pl ing inspection.

He is a member of the American Mathematical Society, Mathemat­ical Association of America, Insti­tute of Mathematical Statistics, As­sociation for Symbolic Logic, and the Scientific Research Society of Amer ica.

VOL. 31, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959 · 2 7 A

Page 4: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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Objectives of various cooperative programs may differ a great deal. For example, Willits (21) and Wernimont (20) describe contrast­ing approaches that have widely different objectives. In one case reported by Willits, a number of laboratories made determinations on two types of samples represent­ing two chemical species and two levels of the ingredient (element), using two basic procedures but with variations of their own choice (equivalent to many methods). The primary objective was to select the best method or methods from the ones examined. In a case cited by Wernimont, one sample was tested by eight laboratories using one basic procedure with no choice of variation of techniques or equip­ment, and using two operators in each laboratory, each operator per­forming two replications of the tests on each of three different days. In this example, the objectives were to measure the precision of the method for one common sample and to assess the laboratory, operator, and day effects. In the Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Analytical Panel work, the approaches given in both of the references cited above have been used—sometimes first the sur­vey approach described by Willits, followed by the more closely con­trolled experiments advocated by Wernimont. At times, the design of a single round robin has combined features of both approaches.


Every chemist realizes that a test can be no better than the sampling. Yet, faulty samples have ruined many cooperative testing programs. Usually it is desirable that particle size distribution not constitute a variable. Hence, the santple should be uniform, and the particles suffi­ciently fine to have no influence on test results. Instructions may need to take into account the possibility of size segregations that might oc­cur during shipment. They may need to warn the participants to use the sample as received (omit­ting some process, such as grinding, that would ordinarily be used), or to process the sample in some speci­fied way before use—e.g., grinding

or drying. Packaging for materials that can either lose volatile ingredi­ents or take on moisture during shipment is a critical item. Changes caused by the aging of samples must be considered and di­rections given that will eliminate such effects or minimize them.

Chairman's Instructions to Participants

The chairman should issue clear instructions covering such impor­tant details of interlaboratory test­ing as the following:

Methods. I t is the chairman's re­sponsibility to see that all partici­pants are supplied with correct de­scriptions of the method (s) to be tested. These descriptions must be uniform for all concerned and as well written as possible.

Practice Period. Frequently in interlaboratory testing a new method does not meet expectations with respect to precision as com­pared with older methods. I t also happens that sets of replicates by new procedures will need replace­ment (alternative) values when a test for rejection of data is applied. Lack of experience with the new method is responsible for some of the variability encountered. Hence, it is desirable to ask participants to practice with the new technique un­til some familiarity with it is achieved before making the deter­minations to be reported for the in­terlaboratory test. If the official samples are in short supply a prac­tice sample should be used. Practi­cal limitations of time and expense may determine the extent of the practice period according to the op­erator's judgment.

Moisture Determination. Fre­quently also it is essential that the chairman instruct each participant to make a moisture determination on his samples by a prescribed method, and to calculate values for other ingredients to a moisture-free basis.

Sample Weights. Sample weights for individual determina­tions have sometimes been set by chairmen at an exact number of grams (no variation permitted) in order to avoid errors of recording weighings and to simplify the work

Page 5: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs


of checking analytical calculations. These two advantages of uniform spécifie weights are overshadowed by two disadvantages, namely, the introduction of bias (either con­scious or unconscious) and the loss of a device for detecting systematic error in the procedure under test (22, p. 40). In the authors' opinion, uniform weights should never be used in cooperative work. It is per­missible in most' cases to suggest a small range or two small ranges, one being about double the other.

There are cases in which the range of weight must be prescribed by the test method itself. For ex­ample, in the determination of heat of explosion, density of loading— i.e., relationship of size of sample to size of the bomb—influences the \7alues obtained and must be held within narrow limits.

Data Forms. Forms for the col­lection of data should be designed, tested by use in the source labora­tory, and distributed in triplicate to the participants by the chair­man. One form can then be re­turned to him for his report, and the other two retained for use by the participating laboratory.

In addition to spaces for the re­cording of test data, these forms might also include provision for the noting of the following information:

Assignment of operators Operator's time Total elapsed time Deadline date for return of data to

chairman Remarks or suggestions on testing

procedure Departures from specified procedures

If the identities of participants are not to be coupled with their data, the chairman will assign code num­bers to be used on data sheets and in his report.

Committee D-13 of the American Society for Testing Materials has recommended a standard (although somewhat flexible) form for data collection (2). In the analytical panel work, the forms have varied widely depending upon the type of problem and a standard form has not been feasible. Examples of forms used in the first twelve round robins of the Analytical Panel may be seen in a collective report by Pierson (17).

Rounding Off the Data. Good rules for rounding off data for re­ports are conveniently available (1, 7, 19, 22) and may be applied by the coordinator of a cooperative test program in the final stages of report preparation. Rules for data collection in cooperative testing are different! The chairman should specify in his instructions exactly how many digits to the right of the decimal he wishes the analysts to report for each test value obtained. He should set this at the level of the digit that represents the last place the analyst can estimate. If the rounding off is done prematurely —at the operator level—there is a high probability that the greater part of the measures of precision will be thrown away, and that ef­forts put into the work will be com­pletely wasted. Early rounding off is then to be rigorously avoided in interlaboratory work until the sta­tistical evaluations have been made ; it is much better to have too many decimal places than too few (22, p. 7) !

Table I is a simple illustration of the complete loss of statistical measures of precision when one decimal place is dropped prema­turely. The values of 18 replicate moisture determinations, 6 for each of three laboratories, were esti­mated and reported to the third decimal place in the table as shown. Observe that if the data were rounded off to two decimals—the place to which the results are cus­tomarily reported when they are to be used only for calculating per­centage values of other ingredients to a "dry basis"—every replicate would have exactly the same value, 0.02%, all the means would be 0.02%, standard deviations for all three laboratories would be zero, and no statistical evaluations would be possible. With the values shown to three decimals, precisions ob­tained by laboratories A and Β are equal and are better than that of laboratory C, and the three means are different. The statistical sig­nificance of these differences can be examined by appropriate tests.

Statistical Design

Simple vs. Complex Designs. In

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VOL. 3 1 , NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959 · 2 9 A

Page 6: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs



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research work, the use of experi­mental designs that will test a rela­tively large number of variables in a single-experiment framework will often yield high returns over simple or "classical" designs. In the au­thors' opinion, designs used for in-terlaboratory testing should be kept at a relatively simple level. When a number of different laboratories try to follow complex designs (con­taining too many objectives), some of the participants are likely to be­come confused and serious errors may be made.

Often the desire arises to test a large number of types of samples, each at more than one level of an ingredient, perhaps more than one ingredient, and each ingredient by several test methods. In one re­search laboratory with good statis­tical background a single complex design can be advantageous, but for a number of laboratories a better answer might be to split the work into more than one cooperative test­ing program.

Confounding. If a statistical de­sign is such that it is not possible to estimate separately the effects of two (or more) factors, but only their combined effect, these factors are said to be confounded with each other. In other words, the design fails to provide the means for sepa­rating the effects of the confounded factors.

Sometimes confounding is pur­posely used (6). Sometimes it in­advertently enters into the design of experimental work and disrupts statistical evaluations. In coopera­tive test work, care should be taken to avoid such interference. Con­founding of time with other vari­ables can often be eliminated by careful randomization of these other variables (samples, methods, replications, etc.) with respect to time. Thus, instead of introducing time as an effect to be measured, one may use randomization to re­duce the size of the experiment.

Confounding of operator and laboratory effects under the single heading "laboratory" has often been purposely done in the Analytical Panel programs to avoid the ex­pense of multiple operators for each test within each laboratory. If it is desired to compare several methods

for more than one level of ingredi­ent on more than one type of sample with adequate replication in a num­ber of laboratories, adding an op­erator factor to the many already present may make the entire pro­gram unwieldy and prohibitively expensive. The operator factor is then considered the one that can be sacrificed (confounded with labora­tory) with least damage to the re­sults. A recent article by Youden (24) advocates simplicity of design within each laboratory and supports the plan of excluding operator as a factor.

Unintentional confounding of op­erators within the various labora­tories engaged in a round robin is to be carefully avoided. As indi­cated by the statement under Data Forms, the chairman should regu­late the assignment of operators within laboratories for each group of tests. For example, if two in­strumental methods are being com­pared, the results would not be sta­tistically valid if some laboratories used a single operator for both in­struments while others used two op­erators. Operator would then be confounded with laboratory in the first case and with method in the second.

Randomization. I t is basic to good statistical evaluation that the design of the experiment include randomization, replication, and symmetry, all in the proper degree. The chief purpose of randomization is to prevent confounding of factors, particularly of time with other fac­tors. Statistical evaluations may be invalid unless randomization is properly applied. The difficulty of getting all participants of a coop­erative program to appreciate the importance of randomization pro­vides some ammunition for those who would do away with interlabo-ratory testing altogether. It is a source of much disappointment to a chairman if some of the partici­pants carry out all the instructions except those for randomization. It cannot be overemphasized, there­fore, that the chairman should do everything he can to get the ran­domization idea across. Indeed, he should never leave the randomiza­tion up to the participants, but

$ 1 9 . 1 5 WEIGHTS


Page 7: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

should supply each of them with a prescribed sequence and an earnest plea that it be followed exactly. The data form should reflect the desired sequence whenever possible, and should always be constructed in a manner that will make entries easy when the sequence is followed. Sometimes it is impossible to apply a complete randomization scheme, as, for example, when one chemist is the expert on one type of equip­ment while another man at the same activity is the logical choice for an­other method or piece of equipment. Then a partial or compromise ran­domization is all that is practical. Sometimes all the samples for two different operations can be weighed in a random fashion at the same period, thereby eliminating at least the possibility of time effects on the individual portions from the same sample.

Replication. Too much replica­tion causes a waste of effort; too little fails to give the required sensi­tivity. Some guidance on replica­tion is given in the American So­ciety for Testing Materials publica­tion D 1421-56T (3). When some practice has been had with a method and some knowledge exists as to the precision which it can show, then it may be found that only two or three replicates will be sufficient to provide the sensitivity desired in an interlaboratory test. It should be remembered, however, that programs conducted at this low level of replication are without benefit of a good means for detect­ing and rejecting faulty data at the operator level as described in the following section. In the work of the Analytical Chemistry Panel mentioned above, five or six replica-


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VOL. 31 , NO. 12, DECEMBER 1959 » 3 3 A

Table I. Illustration of Rounding Off Data

Laboratories A Β C

Replicates Moisture, %

1 0.018 0.024 0.024 2 0.018 0.024 0.023 3 0.017 0.023 0.020 4 0.017 0.023 0.019 5 0.017 0.023 0.018 6 0.016 0.022 0.016

Mean, x6 0.0172 0.0232 0.0200 Est . std.

dev., s 0.000753 0.000753 0.00303



Ο π Η η




Ο 2 π Η η




> r η 3 </> 3 J>

η S Η χ

> 2 -ο r -π η 7.



ιτ m

(/! !/ϊ

C < π < 2 Η Π 3 (Si

Ό Ο !£ S

3 (/ι

Ο > 2 2 > 3 3 > Ο > -Ι ο 3 {/>

Τ) Ο £ π 3 Φ C TJ -ο Γ­η


> Ζ > Γ" ·< in




Page 8: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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tions were often found to be opti­mum.

Symmetry and Rejection of Data. •Complete symmetry is of great aid to the coordinator of a test program, that is, to the chairman or anyone who assists him in making a statis­tical evaluation of the data.

Symmetry with respect to the number of replications supplied by each laboratory is particularly im­portant. Although there are statis­tical methods for providing fill-in values for missing or unacceptable ones, some loss of sensitivity re­sults. I t is desirable, therefore, to have faulty data rejected and re­placed with valid data before the results from each laboratory are forwarded to the chairman. Such rejection and replacement has been accomplished in the cooperative testing work of the Analytical Chemistry Panel by applying Dixon's Q test {8, 9) at the opera­tor level. Symmetry without loss of sensitivity is thus achieved. This result cannot be had by apply­ing the test for rejection after the data are in the hands of the chair­man. It is then simply too late to obtain valid replacements unless the entire experiment is discarded and a complete new one performed. This may be true because of purely practical reasons: the same chem­ist may not be available, or the equipment may have been dis­assembled. But more importantly, the very fact that time has elapsed means that another variable can be present which was not present when the original values were obtained,

and randomization with respect to time is forever lost.

The panel considered a number of criteria (4, 7-9,19) for a posteri­ori rejection of data and chose Dixon's Q test as the most con­venient and suitable tool. A partial table of Q values adapted from Dixon (9) is shown in Table II , which is adequate for most coopera­tive testing. A more extensive table is given by Crow, Davis, and Max-field (7, p. 252).

In evaluating analytical proce­dures, the Q test is used at a low value of œ (1%) so that the evalua­tion will not tend to be biased in their favor. In other words, a value is not rejected unless it is very far indeed from the other clustered values. Conditions should be in a state of statistical control during the course of replicate determina­tions, and a low value of oc corre­sponds to a strong presumption that they are in control, so that an outlying value must stand rela­tively far apart from the other values (in the absence of any other adverse evidence) in order to cast doubt on that presumption. The chairman prescribes the exact value of Q to be used.

One case in which a high oc (10 or 20%) might be applied is that of standardization of solutions where the best possible factor is desired. In this case, the physical limitations are well known (buret errors, temperature change effects, indicator sensitivities, etc.) and a large number of replications (10 or more) are made.

Table II. Partial Table of Ο Values0

Q -D - Ν

R where D = a suspected divergent value

Ν = the divergent value's nearest neighbor R — total range or difference between D and the value farthest from it

a This table is adapted from a more extensive table (9). The probability values for «χ are double those shown in the original table because the above table is for use in "two-tail" applications.

6 Probability of obtaining by chance alone a value higher than that of the table.

η (No. of Probability Level , * ,% 6

Replicates) _J 2 10 20

3 0.994 0.988 0.941 0.886 4 Q.926 0.889 0.765 0.679 5 0.821 0.780 0.642 0.557 6 0.740 0.698 0.560 0.482 7 0.680 0.637 0.507 0.434 8 0.634 0.590 0.468 0.399 9 0.598 0.555 0.437 0.370

10 0.568 0.527 0.412 0.349

Page 9: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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i In the work of the A n a l y t i c a l | P a n e l , the c h a i r m a n ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s j on use of t he (J test h a v e inc luded I s t a t e m e n t s s imi l a r to those in the I fol lowing p a r a g r a p h s .

| It is extremely important thai ι he specified niimhcr ( > of impartial rep­lications be reported for each method tried by any laboratory. Absolutely no selection of data should take place except in ihe three cases described below.

1. In case any determination w lost, another should be math1 and reported m its place at the earliest possible time.

2. If a sound a priori reason exists for rejecting a value—e.g., loss of ma­terial during analytical operation—the value may be discarded and replaced

i by one obtained in a run free from | mishap. The rejected value should be ! omitted from the data sheets. In the j absence of a truly a priori reason, no I result is to be discarded. [ o. Space is provided on the data j sheets for an alternative value, when ! it is shown by a (J test that such a | value is needed. The Q test is to be | applied to all sots of replicates and the ί alternative determination made at once I if the value of () {'Xccvil- .._.. ; (which represents the ('<

probability level for Λ = ). Report the value of Q found for the original set of replicates whether an alternative value is needed or not. This test is the only basis to be used for any a posteriori rejection of data. Such data are not discarded by the analyst but are reported in proper time sequence with the replacement value shown as an alternative and the rejected value marked with an aster­isk (*) . The footnote for the asterisk will be ' 'Rejected by the Q test." Re­port all replicates in the order in which they were obtained—i.e., do not sort them to read in sequence from highest to lowest or vice versa.

In the case of two extreme values (suspected deviates)—a high one and a low one, each of which is the same distance from the average value— choose for the Q test that extreme value which has the greater distance between itself and its nearest neighbor —i.e., the extreme value thai will yield the higher Q value.

Evaluation of the Data

A p a p e r by M c A r t h u r a n d o the r s \14) p r o v i d e s an excel lent d i s cus ­sion on the e v a l u a t i o n of c o o p e r a ­t ive testing; d a t a . It is difficult, h o w e v e r , t o cover all t h e c o n t i n ­gencies t h a t m a y a r i se in i n t e r l a b o -


Page 10: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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ra tory programs. In the case of the more complicated experimental de­signs, such issues as the appropriate way to combine da ta from various par ts of the experiment, when there is evidence of bias or of nonhomo-geneity of variances, or both, can sometimes lead to ra ther delicate questions of statistical theory. See, for example, the report of round robin 16 of the Analytical Chemis­try Panel (18, Appendix F ) . A guide t h a i the authors have found helpful in questions of this sort is Cochran (5).

A kind of intuit ion—with a basis in scientific experience—is always helpful in looking a t statistical evaluations of data . If the evalua­tions appear to be radically differ­ent from what might be expected by the investigator, the statistical methods should be very critically examined. Some circumstances or experimental factors may have been overlooked or not properly weighted in applying the statistical analysis

—i.e., the statistical model chosen was inappropriate—or perhaps an error in the calculations may be discovered. On the other hand, sta­tistical examination may prove tha t hunches or intuitions were un­sound. An excellent example of this situation is dramatical ly pre­sented by Youden (23).

Bias, Precision, and Accuracy. An understanding of bias and its sources is essential for part icipants in cooperative testing programs. Publications by Dorsey, Eisenhart , and Youden (11-13, p . 546f.; and 22, pp. 7, 40, 41) contain succinct information on this topic.

Eisenhar t (13) presents a clear picture of the relationships among bias, precision, and accuracy. Eisenhart ' s sketch reproduced here as Figure 1 shows the four possible cases. Following the illustration, Eisenhar t points out t h a t a com­pletely unbiased procedure is not always to be preferred to a biased one. He says,

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Figure 1. Interrelations of bias. Precision and accuracy


Page 11: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs


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"Indeed, a procedure with a small bias and a high precision can be more accurate than an unbiased procedure of low precision. It is important to realize this, for in practical life it is often far better to always be quite close to the true value than to deviate all over the place in individual cases but be strictly correct on the average. Con­sider carpentry: I sincerely doubt whether even the best of carpenters hit nails with absolutely no bias (up, down, right or left) on the average, but good carpenters surely don't miss the nail altogether very often, and are cer­tainly to be preferred to an imprecise but well balanced novice who hits most every spot within 6 inches of the nail, with absolutely no bias in the long run, but rarely if ever hitting the nail it­self. This we must remember: in practical life we rarely make a very large number of decisions of a given type—we can't wait to be right on the average—our decisions must stand up in individual cases as often as possible ! "

This example makes clear that the considerations of precision and freedom from bias may be in con­flict, and tha t some single measure of accuracy is needed that takes both into account. Such a measure is the mean square error, defined as the long-run average of the square of the error. It can be shown to be equal to the variance plus the square of the bias. A sample esti­mate of the mean square error is available only if the true value or quaesitum, Qu, is known; then the estimate is

Ι Σ (*< - w

A source of bias frequently over­looked is revealed in the following quotation from Dorsey and Eisen-hart Ι Π , p. 2) or Eisenhart {12, p. 108).

"To say that an observer's results are influenced by his preconceived opinion does not in the least imply that those results were not obtained and published in entire good faith. It is merely a recognition of the fact that it seems more profitable to seek for error when a result seems to be erroneous, than when it seems to be approximately correct. Thus reasons are found for discarding or modifying results that do violence to the preconceived opinion, while those that accord with it go un-

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Page 12: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs



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tested. An observer who thinks that he knows approximately what he should find labors under a severe handicap. His result is almost certain to err in such a direction as to approach the expected value."

It is possible for the average re­sults from one laboratory to diverge greatly from the grand average of the other laboratories and yet lie nearer the quaesitum or true value than any of the averages of the other laboratories. Thus, some source of bias may be affecting the results of all the laboratories but one. Furthermore, if values are discarded because of preconceived opinion, the recorded data are likely to exhibit unwarranted pre­cision.

Statistical and Practical Signifi­cance. The chairman and other participants in interlaboratory test­ing should realize that statistical significance and practical signifi­cance are not necessarily equiva­lent. In fact, four situations are possible as shown in Table III .

Cases 1 and 2 require no discus­

sion. Case 3 arises when the re­producibility of the analytical pro­cedure is excellent (low standard deviation), so that the statistical test measures as significant differ­ences between factors (methods, properties of materials, labora­tories, etc.) that are not of commer­cial importance. Case 4 arises when the precision of an analytical procedure is not good enough to de­tect differences that would be com­mercially important; the procedure itself needs improvement, or a larger number of replicates is needed.


Valuable and satisfying results may be obtained by interlaboratory testing but success is dependent upon very careful planning. A qualified chairman with a knowl­edge of statistical methods and evaluation techniques is a necessity for a successful program. Practical aspects of conducting the program include instructing the participants

Participants in the Interlaboratory Testing Programs of the Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Panel on

Analytical Cnemistry of Solid Propellants

Aerojet General Corp., Azusa, Calif. Aerojet General Corp., Sacramento, Calif. Allegany Ballistics Laboratory, Cumberland, Md. Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, Va. Atas Powder Co., Tamaqua, Pa. Badger Ordnance Works, Government Laboratory, Baraboo, Wis. Badger Ordnance Works, Liberty Powder Defense Corp., Baraboo, Wis. Ballistic Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md. Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment, Quebec, P.Q., Ca

(guest) Chemical Inspectorate Bishopton, Scotland, U.K. (guest) E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Burnside Laboratory, Penns Grove, N. J . E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Indiana Ordnance Works, Charleston, Ind. Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Hercules Powder Co., Experiment Station, Wilmington, Del. Hercules Powder Co., Kenvil, N. J . Hercules Powder Co., Radford Arsenal, Radford, Va. Hercules Powder Co., Sunflower Ordnance Works, Lawrence, Kan. Jet Propulsion Laboratories, Pasadena, Calif. Ol in Mathieson Chemical Corp., East Alton, III . Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla. Phillips Petroleum Co., McGregor, Tex. (now merged to form Astrodyne) Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. J . Radford Arsenal, Government Laboratory, Radford, Va. Redstone Arsenal, OML, MKL, Huntsville, A la. Rohm & Haas Co., Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, A la. Sunflower Ordnance Works, Government Laboratory, Lawrence, Kan. Thiokol Chemical Corp., Elkton, Md. Thiokol Chemical Corp., Longhorn Ordnance Works, Marshall, Tex. Thiokol Chemical Corp., Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala. U. S. Naval Air Rocket Test Station, Lake Denmark, Dover, N. J . U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif. U. S. Naval Propellent Plant, Indian Head, Md.

Circle No. 82 on Readers' Service Card




Page 13: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

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so that objectives are clearly under­stood; adequate samples are used; suitable practice periods on new methods will be indicated; ran­domization, replication, and sym­metry will be achieved ; and prema­ture rounding-οίϊ of data will not occur. Symmetry and sensitivity will be promoted by the use of a suitable criterion—e.g., Q test—for rejection of data at the operator level. An efficient design of experi­ment that scrupulously avoids con­founding of important factors will be used. This design will be kept as simple as possible, yet should pro­vide answers to the important ques­tions without waste of effort. I t is strongly recommended that evalua­tion of "operator" and "day" as factors be avoided in most in­stances. The chairman should con­clude the program by issuing a de­tailed written report. I t will be well to keep in mind tha t some sta­tistical problems encountered in co­operative testing are perhaps unique to that field and differ in some ways from problems of an ap­parently similar nature arising in research work in a single laboratory.

Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to

members of the Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Solid Propellants for encouragement in preparing this re­port based largely on panel experi­ences. The authors gratefully ac­knowledge permission to quote from references 9, 11-13.

L i te ra ture C i t e d (1} Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Phila­

delphia, Pa., "A.S.T.M. Manual on Quality Control of Materials," 1951.

(2) Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Phila­delphia, Pa., "Tentative Recom­mended Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of Textile Materials," A.S.T.M. Designation D 090-54T, June 1954.

(3) Am. Soc. Testing Materials, Phila­delphia, Pa., "Tentative Recom-

Circle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card


Table III. Comparison of Statistical and Practical Significance

C ases Significance Statistically

significant Practically













Page 14: Guidelines for Interlaboratory Testing Programs

mended Practice for In ter labora tory Testing of Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials ." A.S.T.M. Designation I) 1421-56T, June 1956.

(4) Blaedel, W. J., Meloche, Υ. M., Ramsay, J. Α., ./. Chew. Educ. 28, 048 (1951).

(5) Cochran, W. 0 . , Biometrics 10, 101 (1954).

(()) Cochran, W. G., Cox, G. Μ., "Ex-])erimental Designs," 2nd éd., Wiley, New York, 1957.

( 7 ) Crow, E. L., Davis, F . A , Maxfield, M. W., "Statist ics M a n u a l / ' p. 102, NAVOR1) Kept . 3369, Γ . S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif. (1955).

(S) Dean, R. B., Dixon, W. J., A N A L . C H K M . 23, 080 ι 1951).

(9) Dixon, W. J., Λ Η Η . .Ι/αίΛ. S ia i . 22, ON (1951).

(10) Dixon, W. J., Massey, F . J , Jr . , " In t roduct ion to Statistical Anal­ysis," 2nd éd., McGraw-Hil l , New York, 1957.

( 1 1 ) Dorsey, Ν. Ε., Trans. Am. Phil. Snc. 34, Π 1944).

(12) Dorsev, X. E., Eisenhart , Church­ill, Sci. 'Monthly L X X V I I , 103 (1953).

(13) Eisenhart , Churchill , Photogram-metric Eng. X V I I I , 542 (1952).

(14) McAr thur , D . S., Baldeschwieler, E. L., White , W. H., Anderson, J . S., A N A L . C H E M . 26, 1012 (1954).

(15) Mandel, John, Lashof, T . W , A.S.T.M. Bull. 239, p. 53f. (July 1959).

(10) Pearson, E. S., Har t ley , H. O. (eds.) , "Biometr ika Tables for Stat is­ticians," Vol. 1, ]). 179, Universi ty Press, Cambridge, U. K., 1954.

(17) Pierson, R. H , U. S. Xaval Ord­nance Test Stat ion R e p t . 1937, P a r t s 1-6, 1958. Par t 4 security classified "Confidential ."

( IS) Pierson, R. H., "Repor t of Round Robin Xo. 16 of the Joint Army-Xavy-Air Force Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Solid Propel lants ," l \ S. Xaval Ordnance Test Station, 195S.

(19) Villars, 1). S., "Statistical Design and Analysis of Exper iments for De­velopment Research," pp . IS, 5S, Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque , Iowa, 1951.

(20) Wernimont , Gran t , A N A L . C H E M . 23, 1572 (1951).

(21) Willits, C. ()., Ibid., 23, 1565 (1951).

(22) Youden, W. J., "Statistical Methods for Chemists ," pp . 7, 16, 40, Wiley, Xew York, 1951.

(2o) Youden, W. J., Technical Xews Bulletin of the Xat ional Bureau of Standards , July, 1949.

(24) Youden, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chem. 50, 91 A (1958).

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