Holy Spirit Teaching Series

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  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    Holy Spirit Teaching Series by Mark Jackson

    Part One: An Introduction

    I dont know about you but it sure !eels like we are in the last days" #e

    need the Holy Spirit in our li$es %ore today than an any point in history yetwe are so disconnected with Hi% and who He is that we li$e li!e without hi%"

    I think it is i%portant in the season surrounding Pentecost Sunday that we

    get back to the power source o! our !aith the Holy Spirit"

    Acts 2:17 HCSB

    And it will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all

    huanity! then your sons and your dau"hters will prophesy, your youn" en

    will see #isions, and your old en will drea dreas$

    &et %e start with a disclai%er as part one o! %y series on the Holy Spirit" My

    wi!e once called %e a Pentecostal snob" #hat she %eant by that is that %ybelie!s on the Holy Spirit and the gi!ts o! the Spirit are strong but I ha$e at

    ti%es been 'udg%ental o! deno%inations that do not hold the sa%e belie!s" I

    seek to correct bad attitudes in this area and gi$e a (iblical approach to the

    sub'ect" On this de$otional list I ha$e e$erything !ro% )atholics Methodist

    (aptist )hurch o! )hrist and Asse%bly o! *od and i! I le!t you out then I

    apologi+e" The botto% line is we are all brothers and sisters in )hrist" The

    other botto% line is that we all know in part only till )hrist returns" #e also

    agree on ,-. o! the (ible and i! we ha$e to agree to disagree we should be

    able to do so in )hristian &o$e"

    Point #1: The Holy Spirit is not a point of dissension!

    The /e$il is a liar and let0s start with a point o! agree%ent" I think we can all

    agree that the Holy Spirit was ne$er intended to be a point o! dissension"

    The Holy Spirit is a gi!t to all )hristians1 So o$er !or the course o! this series

    let us take a (iblical look at the person o! the Holy Spirit"

    John 14:26Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

    26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit%the &ather will send Hi in My nae%

    will teach you all thin"s and reind you o' e#erythin" I ha#e told you$

    Part II: The Spirit )an /o #hat I )annot1

    I a% not sure how %any parts to this teaching there will be but I !eel that*od wants %e to thoroughly co$er this sub'ect" My 2esh says tread lightlyand do not o3end" (ut the Holy Spirit says speak truth in lo$e andunderstand that I should ne$er be o3ensi$e to those who know and lo$e the&ord1

  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    Point # 2: The Holy Spirit is rst and foremost a gift from God toBelievers:

    The Holy Spirit has %any 'obs but one o! its pri%ary 'obs is to be a

    4help%ate4 to help us walk out this )hristian 5aith" In %any ways we ha$etried to do )hristianity without the Holy Spirit" )hurches ha$e progra%srules rituals and the like but are sadly o!ten %issing the presence o! *od intheir %idst" /on0t get %e wrong the proble% does not lie with *od" TheHoly Spirit is a person and as such is the ulti%ate gentle%en" The Spirit willlet us do it in the 2esh i! we %ust" (ut I sense *od is pleading with us tostop get your !ocus back on HIM and what H6 is doing and then 'oin HIM1

    Point # 3: Stop ghting spirital attles "ith reason and logi:

    #e are 7ghting against hu%anis% and hu%an wisdo% with logic and reason"

    The world is not sa$ed it does not !ollow the truths in the (ible because itdoes not belie$e the% or know the%" So the world co%es up with !aultylogic and belie!s that sound good and are centered around the philosophy o!sel! and pleasing sel!"

    (phesians ):12

    12 &or our battle is not a"ainst *esh and blood, but a"ainst the rulers,a"ainst the authorities, a"ainst the world powers o' this dar+ness, a"ainstthe spiritual 'orces o' e#il in the hea#ens$

    How long are we going to 7ght losing battles trying to re%ake the world intoour i%age" Our battle is not against 2esh and blood so why do wecontinually 7ght with 2esh and blood" #e cannot do what the Holy Spirit cando" #e cannot sa$e people" #e cannot heal people" #e cannot gi$e apeace that surpasses understanding" (8T #6 )A9 (6 6SS6&S TH6 HO&;SPI

  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    the Holy Spirit" I think it is %ore correct to say that we do )hristianity while

    only partially tied into the power source" I a% not saying that we do not

    co%%une with the Holy Spirit at all" I ha$e se$eral %en and wo%en o! *od

    on this de$otional list that I know spend a great deal o! ti%e co%%uning with

    the Holy Spirit" I know %any people on this list that li$e li$es led by the Holy

    Spirit" I belie$e that I write these de$otionals by the inspiration o! the HolySpirit" 5or instance I dont think it is a coincidence that *od has pro%pted

    %e to do a de$otional series on the Holy Spirit during this ti%e" This Sunday

    June >?this the /ay o! Pentecost on the Jewish )alendar" In the A%erican

    church we celebrated Pentecost Sunday on May >@tho! this year" Here is an

    eplanation o! what that %eans:

    Pentecost Sunday is a co%%e%oration and celebration o! the recei$ing

    o! the Holy Spirit by the early church" John the (aptist prophesied o!the 7rst Pentecost when Jesus would bapti+e with the Holy Spirit and

    with 7re BMatthew C:>>D" Jesus con7r%ed this prophecy with the

    pro%ise o! the Holy Spirit to the disciples inJohn >E:?F" He showed

    Hi%sel! to these %en a!ter His death on the cross and His resurrection

    gi$ing con$incing proo!s that He was ali$e" Jesus told the disciples to

    wait in Jerusale% !or the 5athers gi!t o! the Holy Spirit !ro% who%

    they would recei$e power to be His witnesses to the ends o! the earth

    BActs >:CG-D" A!ter Jesus ascension to hea$en the %en returned to

    Jerusale% and 'oined together in prayer in an upper roo%" On the /ay

    o! Pentecost 'ust as pro%ised the sound o! a $iolent wind 7lled thehouse and tongues o! 7re ca%e to rest on each o! the% and all were

    7lled with the Holy Spirit" They were gi$en the power o!

    co%%unication which Peter used to begin the %inistry !or which Jesus

    had prepared hi%" A!ter the co%ing o! the Holy Spirit the disciples did

    not stay in the roo% basking in *ods glory but burst out to tell the

    world" This was the beginning o! the church as we know it"

    So I belie$e *od led %e to do a series on the Holy Spirit during this ti%ebecause like I said earlier I belie$e *od wants a !resh outpouring o! His Holy

    Spirit in the A%erican )hurch today"

    Point #$: The Holy Spirit provides the po"er "e need to e


  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    Play trailer on ;ouTube-"@L>IM/bE"@L@iTunes G Apple,>.E A%erican )hristian docu%entary 7l% written anddirected by /arren #ilson to take the $iewer to locations around the worldto see i! the Holy Spirit can really lead a 7l%" #ikipedia

    &elease date: Septe%ber F ?>E B

  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    the$ 0 So, bypassin" Mysia, they cae down to roas$ urin" the ni"ht a#ision appeared to -aul: A Macedonian an was standin" and pleadin" withhi, 3Cross o#er to Macedonia and help us45 16A'ter he had seen the #ision,web8iediately ade e9orts to set out 'or Macedonia, concludin" that Godhad called us to e#an"elie the$

    So what does pre$ented by the Holy SpiritQ !ro% speaking the %essagelook like I dont know !or sure but I know that Paul had learned to besensiti$e and listen to the Holy Spirit" There was no doubt in Pauls %ind thatthe Holy Spirit told hi% no and he was obedient" This is so%eone who isco%!ortable with the Holy Spirit and does not do anything with the HolySpirit" Then is $erse the Spirit o! Jesus kept Paul !ro% speaking at Mysia"9ow I a% not sure why in $erse F we see the ter% Holy Spirit and $erse Spirit o! Jesus unless Jesus hi%sel! $isited Paul in Spirit and to %ake surePaul got the point" #hat we do see is two o! the three persons o! the Trinitywhich are separate but yet one"

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    li$es led by the Holy Spirit regardless o! what happens it will work out andli!e will co%e into sharper !ocus1 I 7rst wrote that li!e will get %uch easierbut i! you study Paul easy is not *ods goal1 *ods goal is ad$ancing the=ingdo% not easy1

    Part : #hy are you working so hard

    )ontinuing on our the%e o! the Holy Spirit I think *od is stressing to us asHis people that we are working way too hard" #ith good intentions we do4works4 in his na%e but by our power1

    /ohn 1;:1) the HolySpirit and its power that works in us is what separates us as )hristians !ro%the rest o! the world" The do not know hi% and cannot accept Hi%" (8T;O8 =9O# HIM A9/ H6 &I6S #ITH ;O8 A9/ #I&& (6 I9 ;O81 #ell i! that istrue then !or what purpose to do the %ission *od ga$e us go into the worldand %ake disciples" 8nlike the (lues (rothers you really are on a %ission!ro% *od" ;et %ost )hristians in A%erica li$e work and e$en do %inistrywithout the help o! the Holy Spirit1 #e %ust learn to reconnect with the Holy

    Spirit" The secret to sa$ing the church in A%erica is to get hu%ans out o!the way and letting the Holy Spirit ha$e His right!ul place both corporatelyas a church body and indi$idually" I think the word !or the church today isthe sa%e word that *od ha$e to Rerubbabel in a $ision in Rechariah )hapterE"

    ?echariah ;:)6 So he answered e, 3his is the word o' the @to ?erubbabel: Dot bystren"th or by i"ht, but by My Spirit,= says the @o' Hosts$

    Point # -: God says "e have tried and failed miseraly y strengthand y might. it is time to give His Spirit room to operate!

    Part I: They Said

    I think the whole point o! the de$otional series on the Holy Spirit is !or each

    o! us to go on a personal disco$ery !or oursel$es o! the person o! the Holy

  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    Spirit" The core proble% with the Holy Spirit and the A%erican )hurch is that

    too %any people relate to the Holy Spirit based on what 4they said"4 They

    could be a deno%ination a preacher an e$angelist your uncle whoe$er" I

    sense the Holy Spirit saying co%e %eet %e !or yoursel!" *o the #ord

    search the word then search !or %e" ;ou don0t ha$e to go !ar He is right

    there where you are"

    Today I a% going to begin to discuss the contro$ersial topic o! the 4Power4 o!

    the Holy Spirit" I think in ter%s o! the Holy Spirit this is the area where we

    ha$e let 4they said4 cause us to li$e !ar below our intended le$el as

    )hristians" Here is what Jesus told his disciples

    e 24:4*+",Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

    4* >ou are witnesses o' these thin"s$4-And loo+, I a sendin" you what

    My &ather proised$ As 'or you, stay in the city until you are epowered

    'ro on hi"h$5#hat had he pro%ised In John He had pro%ised the% the Holy Spirit" #hydid they need to go to Jerusale% to be e%powered11 The Holy Spirit is theone who gi$es us Power to li$e this li!e1 Our power source as )hristians isthe Holy Spirit but so %any o! us are not connected to the power source" Itwould be like li$ing in a house with the electricity hooked up to it andworking but ne$er plugging anything in or turning on the lights" I! you are a)hristian who li$es without the power o! the Holy Spirit then that is eactlywhat you are doing1 /on0t let what they said deter%ine who he is and whathe can do1

    Point #/: 0ait for the Po"er on high for yorself and do not elimited y "hat they said!

    Part II: Ha%%ering Out the /etails

    The power o! the Holy Spirit a contro$ersial and di$isi$e topic" *oing backto %y original point in A%erica we ha$e let Satan turn the Holy Spirit into acontro$ersial and di$isi$e topic as )hris (er%an would say 4)o%e On Man4"

    As we discussed yesterday Jesus instructed his disciples to go to Jerusale%and wait !or power !ro% on high (65O

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    4 .hile He was to"ethera8 with the, He coanded the not to lea#e

    /erusale, but to wait 'or the &ather=s proise$ 3his,5 He said, 3is what you

    heard 'ro Me! " 'or /ohn baptied with water, but you will be baptied with

    the Holy Spirit not any days 'ro now$5

    6 So when they had coe to"ether, they as+ed Hi, 3@ord, are >ou restorin"

    the +in"do to Israel at this tieE5

    & He said to the, 3It is not 'or you to +now ties or periods that the &ather

    has set by His own authority$ * But you will recei#e power when the Holy

    Spirit has coe on you, and you will be My witnesses in /erusale, in all

    /udea and Saaria, and to the endsb8 o' the earth$5

    ./ts 2Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)


    2 .hen the day o' -entecost had arri#ed, they were all to"ether in one

    place$ 2 Suddenly a sound li+e that o' a #iolent rushin" wind cae 'ro

    hea#en, and it Flled the whole house where they were stayin"$ 0And

    ton"ues, li+e *aes o' Fre that were di#ided, appeared to the and rested

    on each one o' the$ 4 hen they were all Flled with the Holy Spirit and

    be"an to spea+ in di9erent lan"ua"es, as the Spirit "a#e the ability 'or


    -eter=s Seron

    14 But -eter stood up with the (le#en, raised his #oice, and proclaied to

    the: 3Men o' /udah and all you residents o' /erusale, let e eplain

    thisb8to you and pay attention to y words$ 1" &or these people are not

    drun+, as you suppose, since it=s only nine in the ornin"$c816 n the

    contrary, this is what was spo+en throu"h the prophet /oel:

    1&And it will be in the last days, says God,

    that I will pour out My Spirit on all huanity!

    then your sons and your dau"hters will prophesy,

    your youn" en will see #isions,

    and your old en will drea dreas$1* I will e#en pour out My Spirit

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    on My ale and 'eale sla#es in those days,

    and they will prophesy$

    Ok lets hit so%e key points !ro% this scripture as an introduction to thePower o! the Holy Spirit and then we will continue to%orrow"

    >" Jesus told the% they would be 7lled with the Holy Spirit #H; so they

    could do %inistry" 9ow i! they could do %inistry under their own

    power would they need the Holy Spirit So it looks like to %e the Holy

    Spirit has PO#6< to do things we cannot1

    Point #: 0e are lled "ith the Holy Spirit to do inistry,

    ?" 9ote the Holy Spirit was poured out to a group o! people in 89IT; A9/

    I9 /66P P

  • 7/25/2019 Holy Spirit Teaching Series


    and it is ?>F then there would ha$e been C? years prior to the

    pouring out o! the Holy Spirit putting us li$ing in the last days" Point is

    I dont think (iblically you can use pro$e that the prophesy o! Joel 7rst

    poured out on the day o! Pentecost has epired and does not apply to

    us today"

    Point #11: Thogh "e may not agree on "hat it loo5s li5e. the

    Po"er of the Holy Spirit is still at "or5ing and alive and "ell!