HR Practice and Planning Assignment

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  • 8/18/2019 HR Practice and Planning Assignment



    HRM can be defined as” the management of activities under taken to attract, develop, motivate,

    and maintain high performing workforce with in the organization” HRM involves following

    characteristics. First, it focuses on horizontal authorit and reduced hierarch. !he second

    characteristic is that the role of human resource professionals is to support and facilitate line

    managers who have the direct responsibilit of managing personnel. !hirdl, HRM is proactive

    and fused with corporate level planning. !he fourth characteristic is that emploees are seen as

    sub"ects who have potential to develop and grow. !he purpose of HRM is to specif emploee#s

     potential and develop it in line with the needs of the organization.

    Finall, HRM holds the view that the management and non$management have a common interest

    in the success of the organization %&rulis cited in 'oss, ())*+.!he development of HRM in the

    ()-s is reflective of an increased realization of the importance of human element in

    organizations. 'oss %())*+ stated that the evolution of HRM could be linked to socio$economic

    factors such as changes in international competition, restructuring of industrial sectors and

    organizations, and changes in the concept of managerial. ccording to 'oss %())*+, during

    the()/-s and the earl ()-s the 01 and the 0& industries became incompetent at international

    markets because of increasing domination of 2apanese manufacturers.

    !herefore, 3estern managers began to analze the 2apanese industr and concluded that

    2apanese organizations value people as the ke asset of business. 4n short, this conclusion opened

    the wa for the development of HRM.

    Human Resource Management Today and The Scope of HRM

    5oole %())-+ started that toda#s HRM could be described as broad and strategic, involving allmanagerial personnel, valuing emploees as important assets of organizations, and being

     proactive in its responsibilities. Moreover, toda human resource functions refer to those tasks

    and duties performed in both large and small organizations to coordinate human resources %6ars

    7 Rue, ())(+. !hese functions of human resource management activities can be listed asfollows:

    • !o ensure that the organization appl e8ual emploment opportunities and other 

    government obligations.

    • !o conduct "ob analsis to specif different re8uirements of "obs in an organization.

    • !o identif personnel re8uirements that led the organization to achieve its ob"ectives.

    • !o develop and implement a plan that meet personnel and "ob re8uirements.

    • !o recruit emploees needed b the organization in order to achieve its ob"ectives.

  • 8/18/2019 HR Practice and Planning Assignment


    • !o select personnel in order to fill vacant positions within an organization.

    • !o provide orientation and training to the emploees.

    • !o design and implement management and organizational development programs.

    • !o design and implement performance appraisal sstems to evaluate

    emploee performance.

    • !o assist emploees in developing career plans.

    • !o design and implement compensation sstems for emploees.

    • !o mediate the relationship between organizations and its units.

    !o design sstems for discipline and grievance handling.

    • !o develop emploee communication sstems.

    • !o develop emploee health and safet programs

    • !he present stud aim to cover all of the HRM activities mentioned above.

    Key HR Practices of companies in Bangladesh

    • Recruitment

    • !raining

    • 5erformance Management

    • 9abor relation

    • mploee relation

    • 2ob analsis

    • 2ob design

    • 1election

    • ;evelopment

  • 8/18/2019 HR Practice and Planning Assignment


    • 4ncentives

    • 6enefits