In agricultural chemicals, diesel fuels and cosmetics, EMULSOL EMULSIRIERS ILLUSTRATE WITCO Agricultural pests fall by the million when sprays containing Emulsol agricultural emulsifiers get to work. These outstanding pesticide emulsifiers were specially developed for use with any type of local water. Other products manufactured by Witco and its divisions are: Stéarates Stabilizers Driers Plasticizers Rubber Chemicals Gelling Agents Extender Pigments Specially prepared Asphaltic Compounds and Mastics Synthetic Detergents Detergent Additives Spray-dried Chemicals Organic Chemicals Channel and Furnace Blacks Emulsifiers and Surface Active Agents for agriculture, foods, cosmetics/ and other industries WITCO CHEMICÀL 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ. 14 Manufacturing Plants · 7 Research and Technical Service Laboratories Sales Offices in Principal Cities 44 C&EN JUNE 16, 1958

In agricultural chemicals, diesel fuels and cosmetics

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In agricultural chemicals, diesel fuels and cosmetics,



Agricultural pests fall by the million when sprays containing Emulsol agricultural emulsifiers get to work. These outstanding pesticide emulsifiers were specially developed for use with any type of local water.

Other products manufactured by Witco and its divisions are:

Stéarates Stabilizers Driers Plasticizers Rubber Chemicals Gell ing Agents Extender Pigments

Specially prepared Asphaltic Compounds and Mastics

Synthetic Detergents Detergent Additives Spray-dried Chemicals Organic Chemicals

Channel and Furnace Blacks

Emulsifiers and Surface Active Agents fo r agriculture, foods, cosmetics/ and other industries

WITCO CHEMICÀL 1 2 2 East 4 2 n d St ree t , N e w Y o r k 1 7 , Ν . Υ. 14 Manufacturing Plants · 7 Research and Technical Service Laboratories Sales Offices in Principal Cities

4 4 C & E N J U N E 16, 1958

Emulsifiers developed b y Witco's Emulsol Division have proved the i r outstanding efficiency in fields r ang ing from pesticide spraying, fuel-oil emulsifiers, toi letry manufac tu re to industrial water t rea tment . Anionic , cat ionic a n d non-ionic, t hey are tai lored to meet manufacturers ' specific needs . . - t o provide bet­ter p roduc ts at lower costs.

Emulsifiers a r e only o n e product l ine of one Witco division. Each division manufactures a great m a n y o the r industr ial chemicals i n bulk quanti t ies . Stéa­ra tes , rubber chemicals , asphaltic compounds , ca rbon blacks, de te rgen ts . . .wha tever the product , the name

Witco guarantees i ts h igh quali ty. I t also guarantees first-class technical s e rv i ce . . «on call a t all t imes to advise customers on processing o r raw mater ia ls problems. On your behalf, we will in­vestigate new manufactur ing techniques o r evaluate old ones. At some poin t in y o u r products or processes, Witco chemicals can be of benefit to you . W h e n you buy Witco, you buy h ighes t grade chemicals plus unsur­passed service. Write today for details on how Witco and its divisions can contr ibute to your manufactur­ing success.

Emulsol9s Series 4100 Emulsifiers are widely used by shampoo manufacturers to promote unusually high-foaming properties without irritation to eyes and skin tissue.

Used as an additive for diesel fuels in modern motor yachts and fishing vessels, Emcol H-50A disperses sludge-forming moisture throughout the body of the oil, result-ing in smoother running and less chance of breakdown.

WITCO CHEMICAL COMPANY, Dept. CE6 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y.

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J U N E 16, 1958 C & E N 4 5

chemicals at work