1 Export Business Plan By Your Name Axia College of University of Phoenix

INB 205 Week 9 Assignment Final Project Export Business

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Beer BusinessThe product-Pale Ale Beer brewed in Nevada.700,000 barrels of beer brewed annually Global Beer Industry...

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1Export Business PlanBy Your NameAxia College of University of Phoenix

2Introdution!Nevada "ills Beer CompanyBeer Business#he produt$Pale Ale Beer %re&ed in Nevada'())*))) %arrels of %eer %re&ed annually +lo%al Beer Industry,Produt ExportationExporting de-nitionExporting %ene-ts#he export proess.ouments and /egulationsContratsPayments0ExportingExport$external transportation of goods or ommodities#emporary Exporting.e-nitive Exporting1Exporting Bene-ts2aximi3e pro-ts %y exploiting opportunities in foreign mar4etsAhieve steady sales and pro-t gains trough export sales5ess ompetitive mar4ets a%road/is4 diversi-ation67apan$our Ne& 2ar4et 18 of #otal Beer 2ar4et inreasing to 1)8'2ar4et share around 6 1,2 ))) 4iloliters(th 5argest Beer Industry in the 9orldCiti3ens &ith high disposa%le Inome2ore aeptane for our Beer Produt,)8 inrease in imported %eer sales 2))$2)),(#he Export Proess#o ta4e a deision to export.e-nition of the item to exportIdentifying the potential 2ar4et:inding a shipper;no&ledge of the 2ar4ets 5a&s2ar4eting sales and priesContratsPayment formsuality standardsCalulate all osts assoiated &ith the sale of the produt a%roadAssign of a &ell &ritten Contrat A>uire Insurane for the exporting produt ?tudy the potential lient@Exporting /eommendations+ood Attitude and 4no&ledge of the Produtive Proess'Negotiate intelligently and meet all regulations and la&s All items must meet 1))8 &hat is promised'"aving exellent interpersonal ommuniations and smart deision ma4ing s4ills1)Common Export .ouments ?hipperAs Export .elaration Commerial Invoie Certi-ate of Brigin Bill of 5anding Import Certi-ate Insurane Certi-ate Export Pa4ing 5ist Import 5iense Consular Invoie Inspetion Certi-ation .o4 and 9arehouse /eeipts .estination Control ?tatement11?hipperAs Export .elaration#he ?hipperCs Export .elaration D?E. or :orm (121$EF $ the most ommon of all export douments used %y the U'?' Census Bureau to ompile trade statistis and to help prevent illegal exports12Commerial InvoieA %ill for the goods from the seller to the %uyer' Used %y governments to determine the true value of goodsUsed to speify its form* ontent* num%er of opies* language to %e used* et' 1,Certi-ate of BriginBnly re>uired %y some ountriesCerti-ate of Brigin su%stitution %y a statement of origin 10Bill of 5andingA ontrat %et&een the o&ner of the goods and the arrier?traight %ill of lading$non$negotia%le?hipperCs order %ill of lading$negotia%le 11#emporary Import Certi-ate or A#A Carnet:ailitates the temporary importation of produts into foreign ountries Eliminates tariGs and value$added taxes DEA#F or the posting of a seurity deposit re>uired at the time of importation' Commonly 4no&n as 2erhandise Passport16Insurane Certi-ateUsed to assure the onsignee that insurane &ill over the loss of or damage to the argo during transit Usually o%tained from the freight for&arder'Important to protet the merhandise not to inur into a loss due to outside fores or shippers arelessness1(Export Pa4ing 5ist2ore detailed and informative than a standard domesti pa4ing list Itemi3es the material in eah individual pa4age and indiates the type of pa4age Both ommerial stationers and freight for&arders arry pa4ing list forms 1