ပႜသှာံ ၁၉၆၇ ဂြ ံဆုေကတ္ လိက္တဿAမန္ ပႜကြာန္ၐါန္တလာတ္ ဍင္လမြဂေတွ္။ လိက္တဿAဂွသုီဖAတ္ ၁၄ ပှာန္ေဂၜAAလိက္ဝြံ ဒွ္လိက္ႏူေခတ္ Aဒ႘ ၁၉ ဗြဝ္ကၜံဒွ္မာန္ တု လဿဟ္ထၞးပးလဝ္ ပႜတိုက္ထၞးပးကာ္မှိက္ ဍင္လရ။ Aတိုင္Aစာဝင္တAမဟုီလဝ္မၢး သှာံေAဒ႘ ၐိုတ္ ဗြဝ္ကၜကာလဍင္မန္ ဒြါရဝတ႘ Aဝုၾသဇာေဇှာ္ကၜင္ဂွဍင္ဂကူမန္ ဂမၜိင္ မှံပႜ ဒသဍင္ေသံ ကု ဒသဍင္လ မပၲဍင္စႏၵရပူရ႘ (ဍင္ဝ႘ေယန္ေကန္)ဍင္ေသဖံင္၊ ဍင္ဖာနမ္၊ ဍင္ႀသ႘ေဂါတပူရ ကုာံ ဍင္မံင္သတAဂွပံင္ဗစိုပ္လဝ္ ကေရာမ္ ကဿိန္ဍင္ ဒြါရဝတ႘နကုဍင္ေဇှာ္နခန္ပထုမ္ဖAတ္ရ။ In 1964 a stone inscription in Mon was discovered at Ban Thalat in Laos. It consists of fourteen short lines and dates back to the 19 th century A.D. It is now at Wat Phra Keo in Vientiane. As history records during in third century Dvaravati Mon Kingdom has united all of Mon cities across Thailand today and some part of Laos such as San- darapûrî (Vientiane), Sayfong, Phainam, Sri Gota- pura and Muang Sua as one kingdom under the capital city of Nakhon Pathom. နကု Aကၡရ္မန္ေခတ္လဿဟ္ () ဝါAပုဏ () ၾတလဝဏၰ () ဇိန္တကာက္ () ကာAဗိ(ဟာ) () ရ္ ႀေပင္ေမာယ္ () လာင္ဂရ္ ဇႅာ () ဝ္ေမာယ္လာင္ဂ(ရ္) () ဝါAဍက္ မာ () င္ဇုAIမာA(၁၀) - - တႏွာ)ပဗေမာယ္ (၁၁) ရိဂၢါဝိတိယ မာင္ (၁၂) (- ယေနာဝ္ ) (၁၃) မာယ္ (ဍး)A (၁၄) ဗါလ။ နကု Aဓိပၸါယ္မန္ေခတ္တဿ() Iဝြ ံမဒွ္ပိုန္ကုသုိလ္ () တၜဝဏၰ () မဇိုန္ကု ကုကာ္ () ကAဝိဟာ () ရ္ ပင္မြ () လၛာဝ္ ဂၜ () မြေလၛာဝ္ () Iဝြ ဍိက္ မင္ () ဇု မဟိမု (၁၀) - - တႏွာ)ပဗမြ (၁၁) ရိဂၢါဝိတိယ မင္ (၁၂) (- ယေနာဝ္ ) (၁၃) မြ (ဍဟ္)A (၁၄) ဗါလ။ လိက္မန္ ပႜဍင္လ Mon inscription in Laos Translation: These are the meritorious deeds of Lord Wanna offering made to the Pagoda of Kyaik Ko’ Bihâr one pair of water buf- faloes one pair of bulls; (these) are the slaves by name Mân Ju’ one Tanlâpaba one Riggâwiti one … (Ya now one who are not young. )?? Collected by Bee Htaw Monzel

Inscription Laos

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Page 1: Inscription Laos

ပႜဲသှာံ ၁၉၆၇ ဂြံဆုႝေကတ္ လိက္တဿA ္မန္ ပႜဲကြာန္ၐါန္တလာတ္ ဍဳင္လဵမြဲဂေတ္ွ။ လိက္တဿA ္ဂ္ွ သီုဖAုိတ္ ႏြံ ၁၄ ေပှာန္ေဂၜA ္A္ လိက္ဝြံ ဒ္ွလိက္ႏူေခတ္ ေAဒ႘ ၁၉ ဗြဝ္ကၜံဒ္ွမာန္ တဲု လဿဳဟ္ထၞးပ်းလဝ္ ပႜဲတုိက္ထၞးပ်းက်ာ္မှိက္ ဍဳင္လဵရ။ Aတုိင္Aစာဝင္တA္ မဟီုလဝ္မၢး သှာံေAဒ႘ ၐိုတ္ ၃ ဗြဝ္ကၜံ ကာလဍဳင္မန္ ဒြါရဝတ႘ Aဝႝုၾသဇာေဇှာ္ကၜဳင္ဂ္ွ ဍဳင္ဂကူမန္ ဂမၜိဳင္ မံှဳပႜ ဲေဒသဍဳင္ေသံ ကႝု ေဒသဍဳင္လ ဵမပံၲ ဍဳင္စႏၵရပူရ႘ (ဍဳင္ဝ႘ေယ်န္ေက်န္)၊ ဍဳင္ေသဖံင္၊ ဍဳင္ဖာဲနမ္၊ ဍဳင္ႀသ႘ေဂါတပူရ ေကုာံ ဍဳင္မံင္သဵတA္ဂ္ွ ပံင္ဗစုိပ္လဝ္ ကေရာမ္ ကဿိန္ဍဳင္ ဒြါရဝတ႘နကႝုဍဳင္ေဇာှ္နခန္ပထုမ္ဖAုိတ္ရ။

In 1964 a stone inscription in Mon was discovered at Ban Thalat in Laos. It consists of fourteen short lines and dates back to the 19th century A.D. It is now at Wat Phra Keo in Vientiane. As history records during in third century Dvaravati Mon Kingdom has united all of Mon cities across Thailand today and some part of Laos such as San-darapûrî (Vientiane), Sayfong, Phainam, Sri Gota-pura and Muang Sua as one kingdom under the capital city of Nakhon Pathom.

နကႝုမAကၡရ္မန္ေခတ္လဿဳဟ္ (၁) ေဝါA္ပုဏ် (၂) ၾတလဝဏၰ (၃) ဇိန္တက်ာက္ (၄) ေကာA္ဗိ(ဟာ) (၅) ရ္ ႀေပင္ေမာယ္ (၆) လာင္ဂရ္ ေဇႅာ (၇) ဝ္ေမာယ္လာင္ဂ(ရ္) (၈) ေဝါA္ေဍက္ မာ (၉) င္ဇုA္ IေမာA္ (၁၀) - - တႏွာ)ပဗေမာယ္ (၁၁) ရိဂၢါဝိတိယ မာင္ (၁၂) (ေ - ာ ယေနာဝ္ ဇ) (၁၃) ေမာယ္ (ေဍး)A (၁၄) ဗါလ။

နကႝုAဓိပၸါယ္္မန္ေခတ္တဿိ (၁) Iဝြံမဒ္ွပိုန္ကုသုိလ္ (၂) တၜဝဏၰ (၃) မဇိုန္ကုကုႝက်ာ္ (၄) ကA္ဝိဟာ (၅) ရ္ ေျပင္မြ ဲ(၆) ေလၛာဝ္ ဂၜ ဵ(၇) မြဲေလၛာဝ္ (၈) Iဝြံ ဍိက္ မင္ (၉) ဇု မဟိမု (၁၀) - - တႏွာ)ပဗမြဲ (၁၁) ရိဂၢါဝိတိယ မင္ (၁၂) (ေ - ာ ယေနာဝ္ ဇ) (၁၃) မြဲ (ေဍဟ္)A (၁၄) ဗါလ။

လိက္မန္ ပႜဲဍဳင္လဵ Mon inscription in Laos

Translation: These are the meritorious deeds of Lord Wanna offering made to the Pagoda of Kyaik Ko’ Bihâr one pair of water buf-faloes one pair of bulls; (these) are the slaves by name Mân Ju’ one Tanlâpaba one Riggâwiti one … (Ya now one who are not young. )??

Collected by Bee Htaw Monzel