Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    GHLO\AE S HNJ MISN Gumy 44e` 468+kieutn kavins% Zbht `i` yau `a car tbn rnst ac tbn tikn1

    H% Pbn cirst sizzmn rnnm whs tbn HNJ Mivn sizzmn rnnm- pradhdmy bijbmijbtn` Lnmien @iae ie Mhs

    Snjhs- bijbmijbtn` tbn prieln kusilamajy taur- tbn supnr dawm he` tbn ++ he` tbn Oiej Putnxbiditiae% Kilbhnm jat vnry nxlitn` hdaut tbn Oiej Put nxbiditiae wbne wn sbawn` bik tbnHNJ Mivn rnnm%

    X% Zbht whs Oiej Put1

    H% Oiej Put whs he nxbidit ac Oiej Put he` atbnr hrtichlts crak tbht pnria` ie Njypt tbht wnwaum` taur ta `iccnrnet kusnuks hraue` tbn warm`%

    X% @i` tbht sbaw ht MHLKH1

    H% Zn apnen` tbht taur ht MHLKH- tbn Oiej Put taur apnen` ht MHLKH-wnet ta Cmari`h- wnet ta Lbilhja- Vbimmy- he` tbne wnet ietnrehtiaehm- I tbieo Mae`ae he` tbne


    X% @i` yau thmo ht tbis knntiej hdaut tbn i`nh ac Kr% Ghlosae `aiej h laelnrt snrins ieMae`ae ar heywbnrn nmsn1

    H% Hctnr wn sbawn` tbn cirst sizzmn rnnm- I tbieo I hson` bik tbn qunstiae ic bn waum` dnietnrnstn` ie `aiej sakntbiej hmaej tbn miens ac wbht Lnmien whs `aiej- ta wbilb bn shi` ea-bn `i`e*t whet ta `a tbht rijbt eaw% Bn wnet ae hdaut tbht bn bh` writtne h ++ whs ++ bh`writtne h ++ h kieisnrins witb heatbnr mh`y ae ++ hdaut Oiej Put% Oiej tut whs h dij ++ I junss hchvaritn sudgnlt ac bis%

    X% \a wbne yau shy wbht Lnmien @iae whs `aiej- `a yau knhe tbn ++

    H% Pbn rnsi nely ht Lhnshrs Vhmhln%

    X% \a yau hson` Kr% Ghlosae wbntbnr bn waum` whet ta `a h Snjhs+stymn rnsi`nely1

    H% Ynhb% I shi - $waum` yau dn ietnrnstn` ie `aiej sakntbiej mion tbht1$ he` bis heswnr whsea- bn whse*t rnh`y ta `a sakntbiej mion tbht%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Yaur baear- hrn wn jaiej ta 0766 ar 078>1

    Pbn lmnro7 I tbaujbt wn shi` 0766%

    Kr% Daymn7 Zn*rn eat rnh`y ta hrjun tbht ta`hy%

    Pbn lmnro7 \a tbne it waum` dn 078>%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Aohy% Gust ++ hmm rijbt%

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    X% \a `i` yau thmo hdaut tbn 64 ht hmm ht tbis knntiej1

    H% Ie tbn snlae` sizzmn rnnm- wbilb is tbnHNJ Mivn larparhtn sizzmn rnnm- yau snn quitn h dit hdaut tbn 64- he` hltuhmmy quitn h dit hdaut@hvi` Dnlobhk he` tbn ++ he` tbn M%H% Jhmhxy%

    X% Dut `i` yau `isluss hey pragnlts1 Mion- $Kr% Ghlosae- `a yau whet ta lakn `a h rnsi`nelyht tbn 641$ ar heytbiej mion tbht1

    H% Ea- I `ae*t dnminvn ht tbht tikn wn i`- ea%

    X% @a yau rnknkdnr hey spnlicil pragnlts dniej `islussn` dnsi`ns h Oiej Put kieisnrinstbht Kr% Ghlosae whetn` ta waro ae he` h Snjhs rnsi`nely tbht Kr% Ghlosae whse*t ietnrnstn`ie1

    H% It whse*t h knntiej ta thmo hdaut- enlnsshrimy- spnlicil pragnlts% It whs karn ac h knntiejsbawiej Kilbhnm wba wn wnrn hs h lakphey%

    X% He` yau tbieo yau shi` it mhstn` h laupmn ac baurs1

    H% Ynhb%

    X% @i` yau bhvn h cammaw+up knntiej hctnr tbht cirst knntiej witb Kr% Ghlosae1

    H% Yns- aur snlae` knntiej ++ h kaetb mhtnr- khydn- saknwbnrn ie tbht rhejn- ht Purednrry-wbilb is h lae`a `nvnmapknet ie Mhs Snjhs- he` sa wn knt tbnrn%

    X% He` baw `i` tbn snlae` knntiej lakn hdaut1

    H% I dnminvn Vntnr hrrhejn` tbn snlae` knntiej- ar lhmmn` us- hson` us ta ja ta tbn snlae`knntiej% Laum` bhvn dnne Thykaen% I `ae*t rnknkdnr% Dut wn wnrn hson` ic wn waum` laknhe` knnt witb Kilbhnm hjhie%

    X% He` wbht- ic yau rnlhmm- whs tbn purpasn ac tbis knntiej1

    H% Pbn khgarity ac tbht knntiej whs car tbn mh`y wba bh` la+writtne tbn Oiej Put kieisnrins tathon us tbraujb tbht pragnlt%

    X% He` wba whs tbnrn ht tbn knntiej1

    H% Kysnmc- Vhum Jaejhwhrn- The`y Vbimmips lhkn ta tbht knntiej- Gabe enmsae- wba rues tbn`hy ta `hy ie aur Snjhs apnrhtiae- h khe ehkn` Lbris @nkaumie wba waron` car Zhm`nekn`ih- he` tbne h eukdnr ac pnapmn ++ Kilbhnm*s si`n bh` jrawe crak tbn cirst knntiej%

    X% He` whs ++ wnrn Kr% Mapnz he` Ks% Dhie stimm tbnrn1

    H% Yns- tbny wnrn datb stimm tbnrn%

    X% He` yau shi` Lbris @nkaumie crak Zhm`ne kn`ih% I tbieo yau shi` Zhm`ne kn`ih whs h

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    H% Pbht whs h cnw kaetbs mhtnr- quitn h cnw kaetbs mhtnr- I tbieo? he` tbht knntiej whs ht tbnrnjnely batnm ie Enw Yaro%

    X% He` `a yau rnknkdnr wbht tbht knntiej whs hdaut ht hmm1

    H% Pbht aen- tbnrn wnrn karn ++ tbnrn wnrn httarenys he` hllauethets tbnrn car Kilbhnm% Yauoeaw- I tbieo ht tbht tikn Thykaen Dhie whs karn pusbiej car sakn hmm+nelakphssiej `nhmtbht `i`e*t rnhmmy bhvn heytbiej htthlbn` ta it% It whs gust ++

    X% Zbht `a yau knhe1

    H% $Mnt*s `a h dij `nhm-$ dut wn `i`e*t oeaw wbht it whs car% Ie tbn ++ ie tbn cirst knntiej-Kilbhnm jat nxlitn` hdaut tbn chlt tbht wn bh` `aen tbn @hvi` Dnlobhk `nhm- tbht HNJ Bh``aen tbn @hvi` Dnlobhk `nhm- he` shi` h eukdnr ac tikns- $Zby `ae*t yau juys `a h @hvi`Dnlobhk `nhm witb kn1$

    X% @i` yau bhvn he ue`nrsthe`iej hs ta wbht bn knhet dy tbht1

    H% Znmm- I oie` ac ue`nrstaa` wbht- yau oeaw ++ tbnrn whs eatbiej spnlicil htthlbn` ta it%Pbht*s wby it whs `iccilumt% Yau oeaw- wbne sakntbiej mion tbht bhppnes- yau ja- $Pa `a wbht1I whet ta `a h `nhm- dut ta `a wbht1$

    X% He` whs tbnrn nvnr h paiet wbnrn yau whetn` ++ ar wnrn wimmiej hs h lakphey ta jivn Kr%Ghlosae h mhrjn hkauet ac kaeny witbaut h lmnhr i`nh ac wbht bn whs jaiej ta dn `aiej1

    H% Ea- ea%

    X% Hctnr tbnsn cirst tbrnn knntiejs- `i` yau bhvn hey karn `islussiaes witb Kr% Ghlosaehdaut heytbiej1

    H% Ea% It prntty kulb wnet prntty quint crak tbnrn% Yau oeaw- car quitn sakn tikn- wn ++ it oie`ac gust oie` ac ++ `nhms bhvn h why ac `aiej tbht ht tikns% Yau lhe waro ae tbiejs? ic tbnrn ise*th `nhm ta dn kh`n ar sakntbiej ta dn kh`n- tbny gust oie` ac ja hwhy%

    X% He` sa tbis gust oie` ac wnet hwhy1

    H% Ynhb- tbis aen gust oie` ac wnet hwhy%

    X% @uriej hmm ac tbnsn tbrnn knntiejs ie 466:- whs tbnrn nvnr h tikn ht hey ac tbasn knntiejstbht yau tbaujbt Kr% Ghlosae maaon` mion bn kijbt dn ue`nr tbn iecmuneln ac `rujs ar hmlabam1

    H% Ea%

    X% Zhs tbnrn nvnr h tikn bn snnkn` heytbiej atbnr tbhe hmnrt1

    H% Ea% Bn snnkn` ++ bn bh` h mat ac nenrjy%

    X% @i` bn snnk bhppy1 ebhppy1

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    H% Snry bhppy%

    X% Dut ea nhm whs `aen ht tbn tikn1

    H% Vhr`ae kn1

    X% Ea `nhm whs `aen ht tbn tikn1

    H% Ea- ea%

    X% He` ht sakn paiet `awe tbn mien- `a yau oeaw wbntbnr Kr% Ghlosae lhkn ieta laethltwitb HNJ Mivn hjhie1

    H% Yns- bn `i`%

    X% Zbne whs tbht1

    Kr% Vheisb7 Adgnltiae? caue`htiae%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Ic yau oeaw%

    Gu`jn7 Avnrrumn`%

    Pbn witenss7 Ht mnhst h jaa` ynhr mhtnr%

    X% He` wnrn yau ievamvn` ie tbht sart ac snlae` snt ac ++ ac knntiejs- car mhlo ac h dnttnrwar`1

    H% Ea- eat rnhmmy% It whs lakiej ie tbraujb ++ tbraujb h `iccnrnet pnrsae ie tbn lakphey%

    Kr% Vheisb7 Znmm- hjhie- yaur baear- adgnltiae ae caue`htiae%

    Gu`jn7 \usthien`%

    X% I*k gust tryiej ta nsthdmisb yau wnrn eat ievamvn` witb curtbnr knntiejs witb Kr% Ghlosae1

    H% Ea- ea% Pbn curtbnr knntiejs- I whs eat ievamvn`%

    X% Zbne whs tbn enxt tikn tbht yau shw Kr% Ghlosae1

    H% I shw Kilbhnm ht rnbnhrshms ht tbn caruk aen `hy wbne I wnet `awe ++ aen nvneiej wbne Iwnet `awe ta tbn caruk%

    X% \a waum` tbht bhvn dnne ie tbn Guen 4669 ++

    H% Taujbmy- yns%

    X% \a crak sakntikn ie 466: ta tbn sukknr ac 4669- yau `i`e*t snn Kr% Ghlosae1

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    H% Ea%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Yaur baear- wn*rn hdaut ta ja ieta h enw hrnh% I lhe sthrt it- dut wn kijbt gustwhet ta stap%

    Gu`jn7 Gust sthrt it- onnp jaiej%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Aohy% Eaw- yau thmon` nhrminr hdaut tbn i`nh ac yau he` Kr% Jaejhwhrn eatnxhltmy `aiej tbn shkn oie` ac waro car tbn lakphey%

    X% He` witb Kilbhnm Ghlosae*s $Pbis Is It-$ yau datb httne`n` tbn arijiehm knntiejs ie MhsSnjhs- rijbt1

    H% Larrnlt%

    X% @i` tbnrn lakn h tikn wbne aen ac yau dnlhkn rnspaesidmn car tbn Kilbhnm Ghlosaepragnlt1

    H% Hmkast ikkn`ihtnmy% Vhum he` I oenw it waum` dn Vhum ta thon tbn mnh` ae tbht dnlhusn bnbh` tbn Bistary witb Kilbhnm%

    X% @i` yau ue`nrsthe` wbht Kr% Ghlosae ++ wbht Kr% Ghlosae he` Kr% Jaejhwhrn*s Bistarywhs- ar gust oeaw tbht tbny waron` tajntbnr dncarn1

    H% Vhum bh` `aen prnviaus taurs car Kilbhnm% I jnenrhmmy oenw wba bn waron` car he`- yauoeaw- wbht bn whs rnspaesidmn car%

    X% Eaw- `i` tbnrn lakn h tikn wbnrn HNJ Mivn netnrn` ieta he hjrnnknet witb Kr% Ghlosae1

    H% Yns%

    X% He` nvne tbaujb yau bh`e*t dnne ievamvn` ie tbn enjatihtiaes- `i` yau bhvn ta hppravntbht `nhm1

    H% Yns%

    X% \a yau bh` ta hppravn tbn hjrnnknet tbht whs umtikhtnmy netnrn` ieta1

    H% Yns%

    X% He` `i` yau rnvinw tbn accnr he` tbn tnrks tbht HNJ Mivn kh`n ta Kr% Ghlosae dncarntbasn wnrn kh`n1

    H% Yns%

    X% @i` yau hltuhmmy rnvinw tbn hjrnnknet ie hmm its nthim- ar `i` yau rnvinw h sukkhry ac it1

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    H% Ea% I pradhdmy rnvinwn`h sukkhry ac it ar whs thmon` tbraujb tbn `nhm witb- pradhdmy- Ohtby Garrin%

    X% He` `ae*t tnmm kn wbht yau thmon` tbraujb witb yaur mhwynr- dut wnrn yau hwhrn ac tbndhsil `nhm tnrks1

    H% Yns- hdsamutnmy%

    X% He` lhe yau nxpmhie ta kn tbn dhsils ac baw Kr% Ghlosae whs jaiej ta dn lakpneshtn`ue`nr tbn taur hjrnnknet1

    H% Yns% Pbn taur hjrnnknet lhmmn` ++ tbnrn wnrn dhsilhmmy twa phrts% Pbnrn whs tbn prakatnrphrt ac tbn `nhm- ta wbilb Kilbhnm waum` rnlnivn 96 pnrlnet ac tbn ent pracits? he` tbne tbnrnwhs tbn pra`ulnr nmnknet ac tbn `nhm- wbnrn HNJ Zaum` rnlnivn > pnrlnet ac tbn hrtist*s entae tbn pra`ulnr*s si`n%

    X% Zbne yau shy $ent pracits$ he` $hrtist ent-$ hrn tbasn tbn shkn tbiejs ar iccnrnet tbiejs1

    H% Ea% Pbny*rn iccnrnet%

    X% \a tnmm kn wbht yau knhe dy ent pracits%

    H% Aohy% Ent pracits hrn crak tbn prakatiae si n- hrn `ntnrkien` dy tbn jrass rnvneun car tbnsbaw mnss tbn hltuhm sbaw nxpnesns- wbht wn lhmm malhm sbaw nxpnesns% \a bhmm rnethm-h`vnrtisiej- malhm sthcciej- usbnrs- tilont thonrs- lhtnriej- snlurity- tbiejs tbht hrn `aen aernhmmy tbn malhm dhsis- eat tbn pra`ultiae ac tbn hltuhm sbaw itsnmc%

    X% \a wbne yau shy $ent pracits-$ yau `ae*t knhe wbht tbn hrtist thons bakn ht tbn ne` ac tbn`hy1

    H% Ea- ea% Pbn ++ tbn ++ tbn sbaw ent is lmhssilhmmy tbn jrass rnvneun mnct ta dn ivi`n`dntwnne tbn hrtist he` tbn prakatnr- ac wbilbPbn hrtist tbne phys bis tauriej nxpnesns aut ac%

    X% \a ie tbis iestheln- tbn sbaw ent waum` dn ta tbn jrass rnvneuns kieus wbht yau spnet taprakatn tbn sbaw ht tbn vneun- he` tbne tbht sbaw ent- ic I bhvn it rijbt- waum` dn spmit 96!861

    H% Yns- kh*hk%

    X% He` tbne yau shi` tbnrn whs he hrtist ent1

    H% Pbn hrtist ent tbne is yau thon tbn ++ thon tbn sbhrn tbht tbn hrtist rnlnivns crak tbn sbawhe` tbne tbn hrtist tbne bhs ta phy hmm ac bis nxpnesns aut ac tbht? trulos- dusns- lrnw-kusilihes- hmm ac bis sthcciej ae tbn rah`- hmm ac tbn tbiejs tbht tbn hrtist lmhsilhmmy phys car%

    X% He` tbne wbht whs mnct hctnr tbht- tbht*s wbnrn HNJ Mivn*s pra`ulnr cnn waum` dnlhmlumhtn`1

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013


    H% Larrnlt%

    X% \a ie tbis iestheln- tbn hrtist ++ tbn nxpnesns ac pra`ultiae- wbnrn `a tbny chmm1

    H% Ae tbn hrtist*s si`n%

    Ks% \tnddies7 Is tbht jaa`- yaur baear1

    Gu`jn7 Yns% Aohy% Pakarraw- rnture ht 970>%

    "Pbn cammawiej pralnn`iejs wnrn bnm` ie apne laurt- autsi`n tbn prnsneln ac tbngurars)7

    Gu`jn7 Aohy% I tbieo tbnrn wnrn h laupmn ac tbiejs yau whetn` ta thmo hdaut% \bhmm I bhvn tbnwitenss stnp aut1 \tnp `awe- lakn dhlo ht 970>% He` I enn` yau ta stnp aut ac tbn laurtraak%

    Pbn witenss7 Pbheo yau- yaur baear%

    Gu`jn7 Zba whs rhisiej he issun1 I tbaujbt saknda`y whetn` ta thmo ta kn%

    Kr% Vheisb7 Pbn aemy tbiej is takarraw ++ tbnrn*s sakn rumiejs tbht yau kh`n ae tbn `npas%Zn `i`e*t driej aur `npas- dut wn waum` mion ta thmo hdaut tbasn%

    Kr% Daymn7 I*k jaiej ta nkhim witb Ks% Lhbhe- wn kijbt dn hdmn ta waro it aut% It waum` dn htwa+kieutn bnhriej%

    Kr% Vutehk7 Zn hson` sa wn lhe lut it ie tikn%

    Kr% Daymn7 I tbieo wn*mm dn aohy%

    Ks% \tnddies7 He` tbn aemy atbnr autsthe`iej issun I whs warrin` hdaut is Ks% Twhrhkdh-he` I junss yau*mm enn` ta thmo ta Ks% Lbhej%

    Kr% Vheisb7 Pbis is wbht I oeaw% I bhtn ta shy it% Pbht Ks% Lbhej is eat ++ tbny bhvn eat ++ sbnspaon ta tbn mhwynr- he` tbn mhwynr `anse*t oeaw wbnrn sbn is% Pbht*s hmm I oeaw%

    Ks% \tnddies7 \a I ikhjien wn*mm bnhr sakntbiej curtbnr%

    Ks% Lhbhe7 Yaur baear- I knetiaen` tbis ta Ks% Thyh nhrminr ta`hy% Zn cimn` h``itiaehm`nsijehtiaes car @r% Ohzhobi- wba is tbn aen wn wnrn bapiej ta cimn% It whs lakdien`? he`tbht*s aen wn waum` mion ta put ie tbis wnno- hs wnmm% It*s eat h phrtilumhrmy maej `npasitiae% Ioeaw yaur baear is dusy%

    Gu`jn7 I*mm jnt ta it% I `i` twa `npas%

    Kr% Vutehk7 Zn*rn jaiej ta onnp rammiej tbnk mion tbht he` tbny*mm dn sbart mion tbht- yaur

  • 7/27/2019 Jackson V AEG Live. Transcripts of John Meglen(CEO Concert West division of AEG Live) July 22nd 2013



    Gu`jn7 \a yau `i`e*t whet ta `isluss tbn qunstiaes ae tbn `nsijehtiaes1

    Kr% Vheisb7 Pbny*rn jaiej ta snn ic tbny lhe waro it aut% Ic eat- wn lhe `a it takarraw%

    Kr% Daymn7 Zn lhe jnt it tnn` up sa yau bhvn aen qunstiae ta heswnr- bapncummy%

    Gu`jn7 Hmm rijbt% 970>%

    "Laurt h`gauren` ta Puns`hy- Gumy 4