ft ' i i I i k f 4 , . e I 4-- : mmimmmi waac i ,. ,, L "True to hisclmrf-- he come-- ,, the Ueraklofa no.sy worl : Ne- w- f ,n a i n ,'ms i. nn'nng at his bid:." New Series NO. 3. VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, K. TIJUfiSDAY AKHlNiiVO, JAN?rKY 18, 1821. VOL. ff.Jl Li.-- .i. TERMS OF TUB Bcntuclip s3 alette, EUPLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNIKGj t. BjLT. C&ViNS&Oo. (p- - The price to Subsa-ibers- , is, THREE DOLLARS per annum, paid iw auvascb, or FOUR D0LL.1RS at the end of the year. Jill nn subscriptions must n every instance be paid in advance. (jj" T?ie terms o iDVBr.Tieijro in this pa per, are, Tirrr cexts for the Jirst insertion of every 15 lines or under, :;i(?twbktt-tiv- k cunts tor each continuance ; longer, advertisements in ie earns proportion. ' . i" crtrSifititifltms-itililnei'ici- I 7i"t7.e el" tors 3ii:ur lt"pist 'paid. (Jjf Jill aivcrtieenvnti not paid for in ad vance, VMSt be paid f.r wAcji ordered t be discontinued. GraicUo Office, Tj'exingion. JCovembcr X 1820, OTFiHE undersigned, lute one of the Editors JL of 'the KcsTL'cur Gazetta. intending shortly to leave the United Mates, it is desira ble that all arrearages due the Office should be settled. The accounts will, be made out In a sew days, when it is hopedMhose in ar- rears will call and settle is not, w will be ynderthe necessity of waitingun them, cither .fa person or by a collector. ; Those whose papers are sent by mail, are Informed, th.it their accounts have been lodg- ed ;n the hands of our agents or postmasters, to whom they are requestt iL to. pay their sub- scription, or remit the amount by read. It is Jipped tliis notice will be attended to, as it is Impossible to uait on each individual for so email a sum. JMr. CAVINS w ill receive and jreceipt for all monies' that may be paid. Joshua Jn'onell. r" mmcK. "; THE heretofore existing Samuel Trotler.Georgc 'Plot- ter, Jr. dee'd. and Robci t G. Dudley, trading under the firm of JIOUERT G. DUDLEY 13 Co. was dissolved in the month cl Decem ber, 1815, and the of tiie same parlies composing tiie firm of SAMUEL ii UJiUHUJs rjtuiiait s i'w. expired uy limitation on the hrst day ot January is therefore Given, That the Books, Notes and all other Pipers of said concerns, are deposited with SAML TROTTER, as pai tner and agent of sjjd lirms, Tor the purpose of receiving all debts due to then), and liquidating those due by said firms', -- iris ric..jisv.;y to tUc parlies ccnustntid, tint spee,dy payments should be. made, snil in case f)tldilure suits will ae rommenceu without de-K- (Signed) SAMUEL TUOTTER, JOHN POPE, 1 Exe'rs. of Georr. J11E3 TdOl'TC 15, 5 Trotter, Jr. dee'd ELIZA TUOTTER, Evec-ilri- Lexington, r"eb.23d, ia20 LAW OFFIQB. IT. B. Chavulicrs & J. Mtmhinson, STILL Practice LAW in conjunction in the W Scpttnd Tayettc Court. Their Of-fic- e J3 Itept ) Georgetown, opposite captain Branin's Tavern. 51-3- Tf" ember 17, 1819. Cash will be given for w & S0AP GKEASE T VJ.l v rhELl tiw' . r r,r Main.cros? and jur torv, at the co. , ., v. j lower Water-itreet- s, at the lo. Market-hous- e, rj atJJitwrt Crossings, Scott county- - . 'JOHN BIHDGES. December "0 5" ., "E" WILL give the lugbast price for clean JL common country OOL, in KENTUCKY 8TATE PAPER, delivered at the Factory or to John Eryan Si Son, baddlers. TH03. r.OYLE.V; Kcrangtcn; Mi? 20, 1B20. 22tf liQOIl Til'DlilVX. 3amt W. "SalmeE, TrtrtvtNR reeenth- - established z. BOOK J3' J3TADEU1, will constantly keep on hand, at his Hookstore,' Sign of the Bible, Jfcunslreet, a general assortment of Blank Books, Of every description, viz : Day Bool-s- , Jew-nal- s Ledgers, Heard, 0:dcr, Meed, and Lett ooks,Uc.ZSc: He has just received from Philadelphia a large assortment of Record Paper, manufa- ctured by Gilpin at the Itrandyw ine Mills, which will enable him to exeente, attne short- cut notice, all hinds of Blank Hooks for Ranks, Clerks .of Courts, Merchants &,c. whose-order- s he respectfully solicits. Old Books rebound. T IT- - T r.n tiiTil . nK 11llftl. A littC TS- - cottment of Classical, Miscellaneous, Law, and Medical UUUKS, anapi Auun,mi. Merchant? and other .Wholesale purchasers supplied on the lowest tsrms, with every ar- ticle in hi3 line. Lexington, Jan, 1, 1821. 1 Vented,, an Apprentice to the Book Bind-in- s n",e8, Fresh Hoccs' iiard, "TTSi"!Tt famih- - use, for Sale by the small or U? large quantity. Timothy,' JUiic-Gras- s, and an as- sortment, of Garden Seeds, TBestZJA'fl 'SHAD, smoked, SPAMSI BROWJi,'tiWriJtG, CUALK, end FAIJffS, and OIL of eveykind. ALSO, ' . Jl CLOS&BQBT COACTj, ioi" Sale ehe?p. joly srOAivar. Cpt,28iS20-S9S- 3, : 'Blaaka of evert 'kinil jW, For sale at this OJitcA COFEBB HOUSE. "Benjamin. .liampVieav, STILL OCCUPIES THE HOUSE AT THE fSign of the Tndiaa (iicen,) AXD having employed Mr. W.M. LONG, a of experience and veracity, to superinted his stables, he is determined that no gentleman shall have the least occasion to find fault, cither with the House or Stable. He feels grateful to his friends end the public for their support hitherto, and hopes in suture to merit ?nd receive their patronage. He would do injustice to his feelings, were he not to return his most grateful tlianks-t- o his Masonic Kretusen, for their kind and ae last meeting ofthc Grand LoMge. ''... 3G-4r- a' Lexington, Ky. Sept. 7, 1820. LAW OFFICE. Wm. T. Barry & Latircwr. Jiicj, WING associated thcnsi lvcs in the prac- tice of LAW, will attend to any businers that may be entrusted to them. Their Office is kept opposite the Court-hous- on Main street, adjoining Morton's corner. Lexington, Sept. 23, 1819. 39-t- f TT TT.T"n f ftT """ lisft.: aiiJJ VJix nc)l.iiKj. JVJLLsell the plantation on uhicii Mr. now lives (possession jriv. en the first of March next) about six miles al from Lexington, and near the road leading to Winchester. Oi tint tract "Ot There are about 80 in cultivation, under good fence never sailing springs of tine water a good comfoi table Duelling House and Ilarn, and other houses an orchard ot about ovv large Apple Trees also, Cherry, Peat- - and Peach Trees. For this valuable plantation, for which I have been offered g8000, I am now vilhngto take something less than 5000 dollars paid down. Tor furthe.t pellicula's, 1 refer tu'Mr. Goorge Hunter, who lives on the premises. as November 2; 1820 44gllf List of lict ters J"bEMINIKG;in the e, at Ver-RT- i. saillos Ky. which is not taken out before the 1st of March ne.vt, Vill be sent to the Goh. Post-offic- e as dead letters Lewis Arnold Jos. &, Jro,Kinkcad i Joel Ashley John Kinkead Lawrence Ashtcil Archd. Kjnkea t '6 Thos. AriHAkl John M. Allen IJjbert Alexander Wm B. Long; li John I.otig,TrA Oliver Brown It. &. W B. Long John Iiuford 2, 'Willis W. 'J r.dnmnd Ball i L.'Lee 2" Wm. II. Blackburn liichd Leake be John Boyd 2 Cl.ailes II. Lamkin be Jeremiah Buck'lsy Eli7abelh Long Aler. Buchannon Landv L!iid3ay i Saml S. Urookinj Iawc'Lash ' llcnj. Eranham M Francis llohanncn Mira L. Madison. John L. Buck 2 Bobt 1). M;iu','m Eli.abf'th Uall L)or.t !.: Marshall S Win. Butler Chai les I". Marshall 3 Elliott llohimion M 'Knight & Coliy u.. Thrts Mirdwhi'tlo Mm Vao & Co 5 Ja-o- b P. Hodmo Marshall M'Clanabah C James G. M'Kinnej-Michae- l 'aral.H Oagget 2 Mitchell ' Mr Caiter Janiea Manis Natbl. G. Carr gL Wm.A. Menries JohnCleveLiid Agatha Marshlft Hurt. L. Can- - Wm. Momxie ''. Wm. Cunrinjrliati " Mitohll James Mom John Cave A M 'Knight Lewis Dennis M'fiarty X. 15. Coo? 4 Andw;. iMtildroW . ,. Do-.- t. Oftldvell Seneca M'Grwketv LeWis Craig 2 James iUtcl.ium Seth Cooke Benj Morton, Jrf . Wm. Christopher Jer0' Morton' Wm. ll.Coshy 5 Cyril's' M'CrackctL . ' Gen. M.CaJimes 2 O Jane Caldwell Warren O.'fktt HenrvCuttendca -- It. ! V l I'.'Ci ittenden Jacob "M. Payne Thomas Chilton Edmnud Pollard Sarah George Chilton Pilcher Thoinas Coljiiu Solomon I'orter Joseph Cross J ohh Parker Col. A. Combs John Philips 4 " Clerk of Woodford "c.lhoj Pnither Court - John Barter John tggl, Jr. Elizabeth l arr , "" John Dennis 2 Wm. Quarles H Wm. Hale P. Bev. Ahmed Rucker Jesse Ellis j.ibob KiciieniiHujjii Frederick Elgin lncn1i Bansforil Robert Evans Ishso Bucker Owen Ellis Elizabeth ItUthcrford Benjamin-Elliot- t S V Kcbert Stevenson , J. l'leming -- Leonard Andw, Smith V.'m. Finch Thonm Sheltcil Willi Field JobnSteVewon. John Fritzlin .Smith ?i Gaugh v G Jfimes Smith Edmund Gnhegn Samuel Smither Wm. Gardner Colby Ship Francis 1). Goodlow B. I). SlupV Itev. D. Gry II Sheriff of W. C, Walter H. Hurst T l'hos Henton Mary Tar-an- t Wm S. Hunter. Mr.rhompson Chnstian Hager S Cha?U- - Trabuc 1 Nancy Haggard Chas It. Thompsorj Wm Hancock James Thornton John Hammnrtdfl Alex. Turner in Charles W. Hiter - U & W Wm. Hamilton Jacob Uttciback ZeplnnlahW.ddSD,' John Hannah & Co. 2 George HalloWay llfinj Xv'oojl Henry H.'.Hazzard Benj Walker . ' .3 Catharine Hcndrix Chnstian Wal.laca Ehzabeta liunoru Dr. Wafson K. W. Wafkins K Tabitha W rett HoU .TiwcnU Kinkead - 3 Wm. oodsr Jos, KinieadSSonm. wooa j'-s- . r. BRXiiOj;-AM'tr- . M. STR AYE D BlSalR?" THOM the subscriber some eOllZ&'-.iK- . 2 time last month. "A Yellow Filley, With a Sat mahe and tail, she ia three yAar old next spring, Her olour is rem.irkali'6. which some call milk and ciilc is rry lyg of her age, and Ins not been docked. Am person giving information of the jbovc mare, to the subscriber, on the Georgetown road, 1 miles from Lexinjton, shall be v. 1 11 rewarded JIEA'J. VROMITELL. Jcny. IOi";. Copartnership. 'i undersigned, lata of t'UTreinhia, THE the public, tjtat tlJr h- -f tbtmed a cojlne-do- n in tr.-.d- o, v .; ,','uB i,& 01" A. & G. ELIOTT, For the tnnsaitioa Jf CO.MMISStOlT L'J.i KE&S. ADIiEW ELIOi. GVOItOH ELIOT. s, pet 17, 1 820. 45 Sugar, Salt, Nnils &c. THE subscribers have received per the STEAM BOAT FAYETTE ORLEANS SUGAR, MACKAHEL, in Tarrels, ALLUM and Liverpool SALT, CUT NAILS, of all sizes. ,nd are in eipr ctaticn of reccivinr; within sew davs, a rlioile collection of SUM MRU GOODS, all of which will be sold attheir usu low prices. TiiA'onn & rnoTTim. Lexington, June 20, 1820. 24 Keiv Beer & Porter Council 5? M'Mahon, orFun roa salt at Tiir.ni iihewert. POUTER AMD BEEll, w NUFACTUBEn tlia season, wh,. h thev are induced to hope will be deem ed not inferior to any in the Union. They have purchased Jarswhich are so c instructed to emit the driuk by a tap, by which pi ivi.tf families can be henceforth supplied u Hi such quantities and ;.:ch quality S3 may suit their consumption and tasle. orders executed v.itu punctu ality ana despatch. Lexington Brew:y, Ort. 10 1?1T Dissolution of Partnership. r37HE Psrtnership of Gabriel Tandy, Samue. X 1 hompsonflnd Thomas Jaiiuarv, trauma: unAacihefirm of 'JAXnr, Tnojitpsowt V'O'.'i thus dav By rheSceofintsremainimr tltiett)sjitIIirTn;r- nhce'd in the hands of JAMES E. DAVIS. -- tq. LEWIS CASTliUMA?. and T.1XD1 ATAjEX Tor collection, to whom, as res pectively presented, payment is requested to made nd their rcpectivc recein's sbdl acknowledged as a sufficient discharge. HAUL tASin, SAMUEL THOMPOS, THOMAS JXNUAP.r. Lexington, October, 17th, 1S20. samuH Thompson a-- ThomisJaiii'iis', trafling uiider the firm nfrnn ipoa' fi JjLT7.U1 is this dv ...,., ,1 nm.tnut Tbn areo'l"til nt8aitl firm are )hced - thi- - hands of JAMES E. DAlIS.esa r rolle.ction. SAMUEL THOVPONT, nilOMAS JVNUAHY. '.cingjon, OctiPi irth, 1820. 43-- J8&JSW GOODS. ,cex. Toff'kct & Son, 'TAtjl Just Received from Philadelphia in 11 addition to their former assortment, and now opentng-a- t their Store opposite the Coutt House 111 Lexington. . lUtQAD CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, as'ted Cassinetts, FUnncls and Baize, assorted 'Kojc and 3 Point Blankets, do Sulsbu'ry and Fulled Flannels do IlombSzttts ard Rattinetta do Domestic Cottons do Steam Loom Shirtifo do Irish Linens and Sheetings d Cotton and Wbi t ed I lose do Silk, Kid and Heyver Ghnes do Men's and Women's Silk Hose do Calicoes and GiriRhain d' Elegant Figured Mus.na do Cotton Crapes and Crape Rnbes dj Gentlemen's Fashionable HATS Cotton, Crape and iik S'iah Ctotlmndotl on do Supcihne and Common Bulling Cloths imperial and rpjqwQ VpungHj'soT i - V-- 'J .' Coifee, Lois Sugar nd Choco'ite Pepper, Akpice, Ginger, 0lort3 oVutmcgi), Mace ai.d Cinnamon "bladder, Allutn and Indigo Queehsware and China, assorted Glassware do "Wool and Cotton girds do JCalls nmlTiVcks do lijdwareanilCntlcry do Ss1t and Castings. hWiicn will iie Sold on tne most moderate terms for CASH. LeKington, October a. iH20. 44-- 4 "B&S3 IjosI. "TTTJAS lost opt of my V.'agnn en RstKr.lay ? last, between mr house and Lexington, a BAGS, some ofthem marked 1 II. Abo a pairof FLAT JJIOJVS. Any person finding them and leaving them at Mr. Wm. Huston's Lexington, or at iiy uousc, &imu uc re, feirdetlior their trouble. JWIJ 1UWUJJU South Elkhorn, Jany. 1821. 1 ' Woodford co'iinly, tojvit rr' UvENllip'- - by "Isaac M'Cuddypn Sputh 5 Elkhdrh, one YELLOW BAYMARE, ivuh some white hair? mixed, about 7 years ; frTthisrh.blazeface, one hind , soot wjnte ., iv, ti r rm.,, Iblmd m th" near eye appraised to feautius IWd, pfjulv, 1820. f 17 , . TIKIS, RTEVENSOK. .n. - WES'J'iSRN iH?7EKVAj y on, llmffricmi ' .Stzvals . of KnrfzlcSg Ufid Literature; tr.vjrdxu,isjfctpp'a"rfejfitti: a n.nAit'rr."5i, ounFAt. & ei prscTs:isi i ir L&.XJYp Tb.Y KENTUCKY. , Sf vrv vA 'rott. mospAsvtfs. THE iuv t Hition whirU tl V'es!;r-- i States of ,. ipa b&e already attained, i d the rapid ces wln"li tlicvaR ruMcing in moral im Sment, uaiTsm '. belies, ilt the'neriot fcsrived when a a'. i iry undSci- - i entinc Joii n; Is eoicir.eu l i v .ti a ccr-- i taiity of .ir c toJutII'cmt.i.taiidpurRia: tu-f.M,-- K' & l'ui,ririiii tl s be'itr, anu anxiatis to pro irotc th; dufi:: n are i.'idurrd ( li'.fi i.ik"Ybi.e ubiectj! wi'l be to ehc.l and i.3Ur An.erie;n KSnjB I'. will b- - our constant am in, eu v iirlc in, I trodui-t- d in curpagi-b- , .mprote the ae,en-- f J lighten the mind, and dnectt.ie .'i.direi'liefit of our rcidert.. Writ wiitlen disKiLions on 1) 1i -- 's end Rcicncr3 will find n rea"ly dmi,,.orl in'o this Journal t and wov.lll gralffi.'lv v,t1d 1 iginal tricts and esayn on all S'.'o t,Ls, ealeu-late- d to afibrd amuoement iustiuctio.i to Trh Statisti-- s, Geogvaphv, Geology, Anti- quities, Cid nd Katural History of tne Wes- tern States will form prominent objects of our labomsand enquiries. Wm will occasionally g;rc a" of im- portant works ; but it is .beyond the scope of ottrplan to revigwat liirg&'new publications. L.UC1L poiiucs anu sectarian concroveisies shall be 'excluded trom our pages; but Politi- cal Science and metaphysical disquisitions will be admitted. We wisTito render this Jour-i- al a Cyclopxdical Rcpuiitory, iu which e ery y find ajilkCe. Sevluai. iilerwy ar.d er';ntific gentlemon hare jdedged th i.sclvra to conduct, and to this Jounial. They will use erery cfl'nrt to render it a ureful chicle of general knowledge, nd thqfr earnestly solicit the coi'ncnance and ofall whofee! ai:v inter:1 1 in the reputstionnnd moial im. prorcinent of he V ektern Stutes. r2?in- COMBTION9. THIS t.itcrary andcicntif.c l wiU be publiiln'il Quarterly in I exi.igton, Ken. iu numbess of i.O pacfes'or more. The fiint number will, sis pllluhfd in Jauusrj, 1821, an 1 tlicolIiM iwniherj iJifcciiively in April, July and October folio t vi. The subwrlption will b'r only TWO T)CL. LA US per annum, to bQ pa.din two insial-men- ls of rt Dollar each, on. receiving the first ami third f(i!mbcS is is prefered to par the whqliii thfrihtJ iustalce, tbibh will be "nuite khtinnslg'heTiuftbejiUliii; sent lemitar- - MyaJKlialltojjtant w twenp viihtMtmrmna-H- i i k ' tTiir 1 MMAl Mr Tl lt U"; ( ton by the publkbe, THOM AfirJiMlTH, e(U- - ti tor ot 'he Kentucky Reporter, and by In foril atga'ette throughout the country lsoby (r. Sftuter in London, Dr. John Tor-- : rev in Vew-Yo- rt fioloTion Com ad in Phila-ii'-lphi- Mcisrt. Cramer 5c Spear in Pitts-'ii'ii- and Calci Atwateresq m Ciiclevillc, Ohio. " , j CTy-V- o S!ibcription 'pill be received for lec' ilini nni vearor vn'u.ne. "."Editors frier (' to cie"ecr.nd littrature are invitedd t" uta e or ins'ert thw Prospec- tus in their rsjpecii'-- e Jnurna'n. texjitjrtrti, Ky. Oct. 17, 1820. Y LOST. A LMtflrf EAR RPlGjbf sine Gold( -- ai ju. droppedjn M the cor- ner of MiltiVrcet, mi ifty'the 18th imt. V gentlcmaii in Domestic pUtllun was seen to pick up br a bystander, who it is hoped will leave It it Mru. SAUNDERS' Millinary Sto-- e, where i Jjil'Je lewai-dedforh- trou- ble is lie rctmire"5 it. '- - v Lex. Sept. 21, 1G:0." 33 si. . rm.VKEN UP bv Williim Hirney. nix miles sc H. from Lexington on the land of William Russell, one- GKKY MARE 7 ye.rs old 14 hands high. Also 0110 dark brov n Horse Colt, folded a May hist. U'lth valued at Jr5 bv Nathan UurTOWs and Wni. T. 'KoyoB, be.cre bo this 26th Ss.pt. 14W. MATTHEW ELDER, .1 F. N. B. The marc wm with colt when the came to tho taker up with the above described colt. . 7 Springs, A UE situated one mile South of Perry ville, jTL and one quarter ot a mile East ot the main road leading from Lex.ngton, Ky. to Nashville, Ten. Although there ban been no accommodations for visitors at ROCHP.STKR SPRINGS until the last yonrtthey ha"eheeji visited for several ycaripvt byn number of persons, wl s. great many cures efiected from the use o&he vater. As there arc now such preparati'ons made, ps will justify its subkcribcr solicits the patronage of the public, promising to use even- - exertion to render general satisfaction. Travellers are informed that a road has beeu opened a small distance from Fcrryville, by Rochester Springs, leading into the Jfashvdlc road, two miies below PcirvWlle. WILL. S. ROCHESTER. Rochester Springs, April 15, 1820. 16-3- CUT XA1LS. JUST RECEIVED AjD FOR SALE, 4Q KEGS 3il4d, Cd, 8dand lOd Philadel- phia CUT NAILS, of ai? excellent qu&iity, by the Keg or single pounu. Appiy 10 M. J. NOUVFL. Lrx. Aug. 8, 1S:0 "C. Ware House. subscriber having rented oTROBF.Rt THE and JOHN BRADFORD, their large BRICK WAR'E-HOUS- E,' in Wa- ter street, ioliciu patronage from the public. An inspection of Tobacco, &c. has been estab- lished bv law, and inspectors appointed. To- bacco inspected at c:,p e shipped as cheap' as" from anyjpointf above Frankfort, and at any icisoii that boats can go iiom Loui6ville. . " ... " BY Tl,iE PRESID'I . i n Of ilie United Stales fij illAitiiVi, by v arunts kc-- s ft Congrcis, . the Pivsttlent of tlicvIJiutcd atatea is an jtbo'ired to (fireclihnnbUcltftus wliieh have been surve Wd tojllsaiittfSpttTi r sale. Therefore, irjJtflfc3Q)(Ir?, oR tUicJy mtcd ytatHf,-ra3- drtfiy dpplircflpd make kbfra( Ha S1l!lL"BSn5, s, iarviK .nispoaai i ar- - iwm& to i pchitl beheld I'i 'A f'T.tt r.WHf S s X d.. .T":tij'-?i- j amoL. WfenVlin, in .liissjiiixrrniiL ihe first Moifi . H jtc iy m ianu.iiv net. f BK )( c Townships ol to' 5;, in rSffiJe 26,vcttcf the 5th principal meridian line.l ' t &XXoy. range 17 and 2S, nt, ol to 55 range do. At the nainft.piJce, on the f.nt Monday m ,aiiin;h iigsfLfflFthc taifrS lLor'''aakSEPi'ln.waMev, en of the 5Ui lT ,JWllj,MlfliJwn lirSS-vd- o AB8 otbehrtt"vf on- - j'ky 5h Dccentev next, fur tbjj sale of JTowiK!ciw35ta44 in range li &.2-'cas- f of the principal mend.an line. It the same place, en th.2 lust Jicndav in .irch ntst, for ha sale of I ow nships .IS o 44 , in ranges 3 and 4, cart. At tiie same place, on the first Monday ir. May next, for the sale of 'lo.chips 35 to 44, in range 5 and C, east, and of 43 nd 44, in range 7 east. At .Tact-Ro- in Uie county of in the said state, on (lie fust Monday in Feb- - iua-- next, tor the sale of Townships , iii'raiges 1 lo 2, Uie 5tli principal mcridi-i- line. 33, range'4, east ' do 29,30 &31 5, do 31, 32 1 33 6, 0. A"; Edwardsvillc, in the state cf Illinois, on tho first Monday in January next, for tho sale of Townships 8 to 13, in ran;;e9, west of the '3d principal meridian lire. 11 to13, 10 and U do 6 to 13, 12 and V3 do. 8 to IS, 14 do. At Vandalia, in the "d 1 r.ta'c. on th4 3d Mon- - da) ili.fsnuary net, for the Bale of I ownsmpas to 10, in range 1, cast of the 3d principal meridi-- n line. T to 10 2 to 10 ra"gcs S, 4, H and G .l.SjflandlO ranjre ", cast I. "1 B.'ndlO 8, At Palfetine, in said state, on the soccnu Monday hi February next, fort'ie sale of l'ownships Q to JO, in rangi a 9 lOand 11. ctot of the 3d principal ir.ericran lino. 5 to 10 range 14 we- -t of 2 priuci-p-- l meridi'in line. ,, 1, 9 and 10 ranp-e- s 12 "l'l 33 AtDet'oit. in Mi'Jiisran TcBiorr. on the first Mpsi.lay in November next, lor the sale of 1 0WfShip8, 9 and 10, in ranges 4 a id 5 east, xianu" o r;'2xiH9 , 7 an H ' Plv 1 ntrm..Lu us 'nm' trr?- xTWteifwiyny j, or to or it Rochester Jjcscington tir otner purposs. rue lauds sueu ne boi.i in iilpijar nmncned order.jtaepnriilijf yjutii thi" ovvcjI nr.nioer 0; s( ciion. lovsninajiva-iK- . Given under mv harm, at tne (Jity o: Washington, this limeteenth day of September, 18.0. JAMES 3io2.r.cn. By the Prcsiden, v JOSIAH M""I"""", C'Tmsr.cner of the ereral Laid Vjicc. Printers whoaro authorised to publrsluilie Lav. s of the United Stale, will publish tire Si- - liovo onco a week till the first of May; and send their bills to tho General Iouid Office for payment. Sept. 25,,1SW 121 1 M. Hemp Wanted. 7pH highest CASH prica will be given se fl iiE.M.t',atuic raclory ot JOIIIf BRAND. Dec 24- - 5sq1cr. A?.'- - persons indcujAlytp tbo aibscriberH ra'sre renuested wme to WM. Pl'lENTlSS. whrtm I liae duly authorised to) to rceirt thsfamc, ar.d all persons having i - - ..:i..i....n .. (.;;,. sc. ciauir, mi mc, uiii pitr-j- u iiiiii ul set- tlement. I..- - PRENTISS. Linon, yov. SO, lF?.n 48tf JWQ& BlilSTLKS. bisrhest-p'.- r will bo ci ven in Ciirc i- - fl,T lO.TOu ounds, (rt clean, comaca, fscaldcd'l x ..-in- , i mr v, At t'aa Brush ranufirlorv of die subsciiler two goom below tne risi umce on iuain street. IL' JNO. LOCKWQQI). On- hand. .. S3 above, . a . ireneral asscrtmemv-o- . t B 11U8 SI E S, '. Which will b? sold on tiie most terms. LeMiigton, uec. J4.ii, iwr- - u State of Kentucky : Tat ettb C 1 nc u tT,fio r. Sebi7ber ,Shiz.lS20. Susanna WHVnmson, Co:pl'tl. Against ,13' cHAjcxar Philip Whitc.Abjabim Brown I . rjNHlS day came the Complairrjt efcrcssid S. by her 'counsel, rfpd it appea; ing to the satinscubjl elite court, inci me oieienuann, James Talisfairo and Elizabeth his wise, are no inhabitants of this com-n- nv. ei'th, and tliey laving sailed to entrr tne.r appearance heie- - 111 agrf"al)iyto law ami mr ruiesoi uiumuii' 6n motion of the comp'.a'.nan by lirr oonne!, it is ordered, that unices the" sVid dafend-ani3kJm- Taliaferro uid rii)(?eth his wise, du iTe.1r heifl, on o.- - betp-r- e the iiift d?j of Tli'obi-fflT- term,,aiid nrsver i(fe onl- - TiRtfe ta's.en tor (.oiifenoetl oeinst Uiem : nd it is further l.tliatacopvof this order be h'ei-tc- ,n cnini- - suithoriketl new spse1- - published in this alute, for two months successively. A copy vtleste, iSaSZ NELS9X C. JOHNSON, d.ef cc. rjTAlvI'.N UP by;I'trick Vance, living on li uane run, war nuic Fayette county, ona wiMtuii .jai.i-- . hiubi blaze face, bra'nded oij tiie near ''oulto'ck Wi' J , li. app.aisl.-- ." iaji;'f,uoii4. -- " .. ir c, nr J&iZr of sc peafef.ifs:cc'i'j JtTOST) ,l$tt HT XHfe'D'M" IS PUBLT.iHEJS, 'AI"D roll SALE AT TLE hrvin ?'!? 1'fiblif, Advert'' rer. 1) oreli-i's- , 'Palmer' a ami Hum's jJQOS-l-pttEP- , ' A General' Instrncter ; CcirjVed for "the. ine r.r.d benefit of Sttices tf tie lieaco, Sliilrifj, Corotfcrs, CtrBtBbts- -, Jflisijrt, and .7ur.jie;, in the cojimnnifigikfi rf adapted to the laws fla-- q&fyce. Fi, yi is the mpsi'cxtensive work cfplcin 1 JL e;r pu'ilishcd in the United States, iml fenibraces copious extracts from the met ap- - proved cimmon law wntera, on the IuUow,ng feuoject?, viz- - t Arccaci-y- , Altray, Apprentice, Assgn'rents, ATrar.genieivtc,Arre5t,Anon, Assault, Avads, Bail, Barratrj,- - Bonds, Burglary, Carri'-s- , (?c.riiorari.CoTnmitrfleiit.CnnstfMii. fTnrr.r.in pirtJWPinRl', Uon'e!ibii,"".D?'f. s5j ij6uajct,-iuciitc- reiuiiy, nue aiui vr , Habeas Corpus, Infants; Information, Jail and Jailor, Judgments, Juries and Jurors, Justices of the IV-ac- Larceny, Libel, Luna tics, Main, Maintenance, Mandamus, Misde- meanor, Nui3cnce, ..Oaths, Pardon, Perjury, Prison Breaking, Proceri, Rape, Rccogni, nnce, Rescue, Restitution of Stolen Goods. Riot, Routand unlawful assembly, Robbery, Search Warrant, Sheriff, Slander, Sureties for the peace, Sureties for good behaviour, Trea. son, Treasure sound, Warrant, Wise and Wo- men ; Together with ; he statutory pro- visions, on these ?s well as every subject coming within the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, which will enable the inferior jii dicial, aswcllas executive officers of the gov- ernment, to perform theirVeypective duties w ilh promptitude, and "svfetsfcS y" This work will be also cririched wifli neac" ly sour hundred precedents or forms, compriV sing not only all such as are used in legal pro- ceedings, but all that are necessary for the far . mer, Mechanic, Manufacturer or Merchant, "'? as well as all other private citizens, and ena-bli- every man to become his own lawyer1, and transact all Lis business without the aid of counsel. The above po:li sill be for Sa!e at the jlooZ Store of W. ir. IVORS LEY, Lexington. ' (TjAs there are but a sew copies printc'. these who are desirous cf purchasing will do well to apply soon. Lexington, Nov CO. 41 KeniucliJj : MacHtoa Circuit, Sef Rr.rTE:ir.tftlT:r:r, 1SC0. Gre"oa Clay, Complainant, ) A.eainst Stw eiiArr.Tiv. Pet4jfcurrtnt's heirs, Zlefi's. S a, mo'ion cr ttie complainant, and it ajN J peaiing to tb.e satisfaction of the court. that the defendants, John Gurrant,Feter.Guri rant, Stephen Guirant, Daniel Gurrant, Henry CStin-in- t rid Mpvtha Gv.rrant, the two last, I'nrrr"' anA T.r.vtK2 ,wfni.i AVilliiiTi GiiUkUdeccaseC; ara HCjiniliaoitints ortJrts Uonimonweaith.'iKdyhaviSgfuiledto-ild'Uioi- r J jnswer liei-ei- to tb coiii.. . .Imt s bill ifty lo raw mm intu 0I ims court lire ordered that unlcis the aid' sbjjntrfclend-antsdoajjpc- sr here en or before ili:fiist day ot on" njSt March term a"d file their nnswera herein, that the same will be taken as cenfesr-c- d agnnst them; and' it it. further oadered, that a copy cf this order be inserted insome authorised of this sate for tw,o months sueceiively. A con" tcs'p, 46-3- DAVID iRVlSr, e.m. e. 6. State c. hoiiliic.-Tr- ! .. v-- - - FAYETTE CIRCdlTjSi SEPTEMBER TEtmffLVLQ. John Dnbarry, Complainant, Against ( AVilliam Grimes, Jr's. tms- - fzlx enf:reiIi tees & others, Def-nrjnts- " f Jj'HIS day came the Cojnplair.-in- t aforesaio", JL by his counsel, d-it' appcarirj. to tbo satisfaction' the C6nrt,'tbat the Defgjjdants, John Jackson and Verlinda his wifd, late Vcr-lind- a Grimes, and Alexander Grimes, are n- inhabitrnts of this Commonwealth, arjd-the- y having faile'd to enter their appearance, .here- in, agreeably to law and the rules 6f this Court: On motion of the complainant by his counsel, it is ordered, that unless the said defendants, John Jackson and Verlinda his wise, late Ver- linda Grimes and Alexander Grimes', do ap- pear here on or before the first day of our next February term, and answer the Com- plainant's bill herein, the same will be taken: for confessed against him And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order he inserted in some authorised newspaper in this state, for two months successively. ' "fef A cop- - Attest, 4?a?W V7-LS0- C. JOHNSON', d.f see. State of Kentucky :f Fatette Circuit, st. ScptimSsrTtxm, '1S2& ?rTi . fn,rl ft T ..... f!.T,le "V -- v.. WU.W.. VWU.V CompaiuaHts, Against i:r eiuyciir.' v imam Unme3, .ir's Tr.is- - THIS day came the Complainants aforesaid their counsel, snd it nnnearinc to tha satisfaction ofthc Court, tint the Defendants, John Jackson and Verlinda bis wise, Jate Ver- linda Grimes, and Alexander Grirr.e3, arena inhabitants of this" Commonwealth', and they f.aving'iled to enter their appearance herein agreeab'y to law and the rules of this court : On tie motion ot the complainants by thei? counsel, it is ordered, that unless the said de fendants John Jackson and Verlinda his wise-- , late Verlinda Grimes, do appear here on or before the first day ol the next i ebruary term, and answer the complainant's bill herein, the same will be taken for confessed against them and it is further ordered, that a cony pf this; order be inserted in some authorised newspa per published in this state fortwo months suc coMivcIy. A copy attest, , 43a52 NELSON C. JOIWSOSVd.af.ad? HEMP. tuz.' RKjnnsT rates cash h haotj Given !ot Hemy, jiii' crcd Rt the Rope Vfalk formerly t& propeft) of Ttre-et-. - , IFiNRYWAI . TMSMFM

Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s570k/data/2492.pdfft ' i i I i k f 4,. e I 4--: mmimmmi waac i,.,, L "True to hisclmrf-- he come--,,

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s570k/data/2492.pdfft ' i i I i k f 4,. e I 4--: mmimmmi waac i,.,, L "True to hisclmrf-- he come--,,

ft '







, .

e I

4-- :

mmimmmi waaci

,. ,, L

"True to hisclmrf-- he come-- ,, the Ueraklofa no.sy worl : Ne-w- f ,n a i n ,'ms i. nn'nng at his bid:."

New Series NO. 3. VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, K. TIJUfiSDAY AKHlNiiVO, JAN?rKY 18, 1821. VOL.ff.Jl

Li.-- .i.



t. BjLT. C&ViNS&Oo.(p-- The price to Subsa-ibers- , is, THREE

DOLLARS per annum, paid iw auvascb,or FOUR D0LL.1RS at the end of the year.Jill nn subscriptions must n every instance be

paid in advance.

(jj" T?ie terms o iDVBr.Tieijro in this paper, are, Tirrr cexts for the Jirst insertion ofevery 15 lines or under, :;i(?twbktt-tiv- k cuntstor each continuance ; longer, advertisements in

ie earns proportion. '.

i" crtrSifititifltms-itililnei'ici- I 7i"t7.e el"tors 3ii:ur lt"pist 'paid.(Jjf Jill aivcrtieenvnti not paid for in ad

vance, VMSt be paid f.r wAcji ordered t be


GraicUo Office,Tj'exingion. JCovembcr X 1820,

OTFiHE undersigned, lute one of the EditorsJL of 'the KcsTL'cur Gazetta. intending

shortly to leave the United Mates, it is desirable that all arrearages due the Office shouldbe settled. The accounts will, be made outIn a sew days, when it is hopedMhose in ar-

rears will call and settle is not, w will beynderthe necessity of waitingun them, cither.fa person or by a collector. ;

Those whose papers are sent by mail, areInformed, th.it their accounts have been lodg-ed ;n the hands of our agents or postmasters,to whom they are requestt iL to. pay their sub-

scription, or remit the amount by read. It isJipped tliis notice will be attended to, as it isImpossible to uait on each individual for soemail a sum. JMr. CAVINS w ill receive andjreceipt for all monies' that may be paid.

Joshua Jn'onell.r" mmcK. ";

THE heretofore existingSamuel Trotler.Georgc 'Plot-

ter, Jr. dee'd. and Robci t G. Dudley, tradingunder the firm of JIOUERT G. DUDLEY13 Co. was dissolved in the month cl December, 1815, and the of tiie sameparlies composing tiie firm of SAMUEL iiUJiUHUJs rjtuiiait s i'w. expired uylimitation on the hrst day ot January

is therefore Given,That the Books, Notes and all other Pipersof said concerns, are deposited with SAMLTROTTER, as pai tner and agent of sjjd lirms,Tor the purpose of receiving all debts due tothen), and liquidating those due by said firms',

--iris ric..jisv.;y to tUc parlies ccnustntid, tintspee,dy payments should be. made, snil in casef)tldilure suits will ae rommenceu without de-K-

(Signed)SAMUEL TUOTTER,JOHN POPE, 1 Exe'rs. of Georr.J11E3 TdOl'TC 15, 5 Trotter, Jr. dee'dELIZA TUOTTER, Evec-ilri-

Lexington, r"eb.23d, ia20


IT. B. Chavulicrs & J. Mtmhinson,STILL Practice LAW in conjunction in the

W Scpttnd Tayettc Court. Their Of-fic-e

J3 Itept ) Georgetown, opposite captainBranin's Tavern.

51-3- Tf" ember 17, 1819.

Cash will be given forw & S0AP GKEASET VJ.l v

rhELl tiw' . r r,r Main.cros? andjur torv, at the co. , ., v.j lowerWater-itreet- s, at the lo.Market-hous- e, rj atJJitwrtCrossings, Scott county- - .

'JOHN BIHDGES.December "0 5" .,

"E" WILL give the lugbast price for cleanJL common country OOL, in KENTUCKY8TATE PAPER, delivered at the Factory orto John Eryan Si Son, baddlers.

TH03. r.OYLE.V;Kcrangtcn; Mi? 20, 1B20. 22tf

liQOIl Til'DlilVX.

3amt W. "SalmeE,TrtrtvtNR reeenth-- established z. BOOK

J3' J3TADEU1, will constantly keep on

hand, at his Hookstore,' Sign of the Bible,Jfcunslreet, a general assortment of

Blank Books,Of every description, viz : Day Bool-s- , Jew-nal- s

Ledgers, Heard, 0:dcr, Meed, and Lettooks,Uc.ZSc:He has just received from Philadelphia a

large assortment of Record Paper, manufa-ctured by Gilpin at the Itrandyw ine Mills,

which will enable him to exeente, attne short-

cut notice, all hinds of Blank Hooks for Ranks,Clerks .of Courts, Merchants &,c. whose-order-s

he respectfully solicits.Old Books rebound.T IT- - T r.n tiiTil . nK 11llftl. A littC TS- -

cottment of Classical, Miscellaneous, Law,

and Medical UUUKS, anapi Auun,mi.Merchant? and other .Wholesale purchasers

supplied on the lowest tsrms, with every ar-

ticle in hi3 line.Lexington, Jan, 1, 1821. 1

Vented,, an Apprentice to the Book Bind-in- s

n",e8,Fresh Hoccs' iiard,

"TTSi"!Tt famih-- use, for Sale by the small orU? large quantity.Timothy,' JUiic-Gras- s, and an as-

sortment, of Garden Seeds,TBestZJA'fl 'SHAD, smoked,SPAMSI BROWJi,'tiWriJtG, CUALK,

end FAIJffS, and OIL of eveykind.ALSO, ' .

Jl CLOS&BQBT COACTj, ioi" Sale ehe?p.joly srOAivar.

Cpt,28iS20-S9S- 3,

: 'Blaaka of evert 'kinil jW,

For sale at this OJitcA

COFEBB HOUSE."Benjamin. .liampVieav,

STILL OCCUPIES THE HOUSE AT THEfSign of the Tndiaa (iicen,)

AXD having employed Mr. W.M. LONG, aof experience and veracity,

to superinted his stables, he is determined thatno gentleman shall have the least occasionto find fault, cither with the House or Stable.He feels grateful to his friends end the publicfor their support hitherto, and hopes in sutureto merit ?nd receive their patronage.

He would do injustice to his feelings, werehe not to return his most grateful tlianks-t- o

his Masonic Kretusen, for their kind and ae

last meeting ofthc Grand LoMge. ''...3G-4r-a' Lexington, Ky. Sept. 7, 1820.


Wm. T. Barry & Latircwr. Jiicj,WING associated thcnsi lvcs in the prac-tice of LAW, will attend to any businers

that may be entrusted to them. Their Officeis kept opposite the Court-hous- on Mainstreet, adjoining Morton's corner.

Lexington, Sept. 23, 1819. 39-t- f

TT TT.T"n f ftT """

lisft.:aiiJJ VJix nc)l.iiKj.

JVJLLsell the plantation on uhicii Mr.now lives (possession jriv.

en the first of March next) about six milesalfrom Lexington, and near the road leading to

Winchester. Oi tint tract "Ot

There are about 80 in cultivation, under goodfence never sailing springs of tine watera good comfoi table Duelling House and Ilarn,and other houses an orchard ot about ovvlarge Apple Trees also, Cherry, Peat-- andPeach Trees. For this valuable plantation,for which I have been offered g8000, I amnow vilhngto take something less than 5000dollars paid down. Tor furthe.t pellicula's, 1

refer tu'Mr. Goorge Hunter, who lives on thepremises.

asNovember 2; 1820 44gllf

List of lict tersJ"bEMINIKG;in the e, at Ver-RT- i.

saillos Ky. which isnot taken out beforethe 1st of March ne.vt, Vill be sent to the Goh.Post-offic- e as dead lettersLewis Arnold Jos. &, Jro,Kinkcad iJoel Ashley John KinkeadLawrence Ashtcil Archd. Kjnkea t '6Thos. AriHAklJohn M. AllenIJjbert Alexander Wm B. Long;

li John I.otig,TrAOliver Brown It. &. W B. LongJohn Iiuford 2, 'Willis W. 'Jr.dnmnd Ball i L.'Lee 2"

Wm. II. Blackburn liichd Leake beJohn Boyd 2 Cl.ailes II. Lamkin beJeremiah Buck'lsy Eli7abelh LongAler. Buchannon Landv L!iid3ay iSaml S. Urookinj Iawc'Lash 'llcnj. Eranham MFrancis llohanncn Mira L. Madison.John L. Buck 2 Bobt 1). M;iu','mEli.abf'th Uall L)or.t !.: Marshall SWin. Butler Chai les I". Marshall 3Elliott llohimion M 'Knight & Coliy u..Thrts Mirdwhi'tlo Mm Vao & Co 5Ja-o- b P. Hodmo Marshall M'Clanabah

C James G. M'Kinnej-Michae- l

'aral.H Oagget 2 Mitchell 'Mr Caiter Janiea ManisNatbl. G. Carr gL Wm.A. MenriesJohnCleveLiid Agatha MarshlftHurt. L. Can- - Wm. Momxie ''.

Wm. Cunrinjrliati " MitohllJames Mom

John Cave A M 'KnightLewis Dennis M'fiartyX. 15. Coo? 4 Andw;. iMtildroW . ,.Do-.- t. Oftldvell Seneca M'GrwketvLeWis Craig 2 James iUtcl.iumSeth Cooke Benj Morton, Jrf .

Wm. Christopher Jer0' Morton'Wm. ll.Coshy 5 Cyril's' M'CrackctL . '

Gen. M.CaJimes 2 O

Jane Caldwell Warren O.'fktt

HenrvCuttendca --


! V lI'.'Ci ittenden Jacob "M. Payne

Thomas Chilton Edmnud PollardSarahGeorge Chilton Pilcher

Thoinas Coljiiu Solomon I'orterJoseph Cross J ohh ParkerCol. A. Combs John Philips 4 "

Clerk of Woodford "c.lhoj PnitherCourt - John Barter

John tggl, Jr.Elizabeth l arr , ""John Dennis 2 Wm. Quarles

HWm. HaleP. Bev. Ahmed Rucker

Jesse Ellis j.ibob KiciieniiHujjiiFrederick Elgin lncn1i BansforilRobert Evans Ishso BuckerOwen Ellis Elizabeth ItUthcrfordBenjamin-Elliot- t S

V Kcbert Stevenson ,

J. l'leming--

Leonard Andw, SmithV.'m. Finch Thonm SheltcilWilli Field JobnSteVewon.John Fritzlin .Smith ?i Gaugh v

G Jfimes SmithEdmund Gnhegn Samuel SmitherWm. Gardner Colby ShipFrancis 1). Goodlow B. I). SlupVItev. D. Gry

II Sheriff of W. C,

Walter H. Hurst Tl'hos Henton Mary Tar-an- t

Wm S. Hunter. Mr.rhompsonChnstian Hager S Cha?U- - Trabuc 1

Nancy Haggard Chas It. ThompsorjWm Hancock James ThorntonJohn Hammnrtdfl Alex. Turner inCharles W. Hiter - U & WWm. Hamilton Jacob Uttciback

ZeplnnlahW.ddSD,'John Hannah & Co. 2

George HalloWay llfinj Xv'oojl

Henry H.'.Hazzard Benj Walker . ' .3Catharine Hcndrix Chnstian Wal.laca

Ehzabeta liunoru Dr. WafsonK. W. Wafkins

K Tabitha W rett HoU.TiwcnU Kinkead - 3 Wm. oodsr

Jos, KinieadSSonm. wooaj'-s- . r. BRXiiOj;-AM'tr- . M.

STR AYE DBlSalR?" THOM the subscriber some

eOllZ&'-.iK- . 2 time last month.

"A Yellow Filley,With a Sat mahe and tail, she ia three yAarold next spring, Her olour is rem.irkali'6.which some call milk and ciilc is rry lygof her age, and Ins not been docked. Amperson giving information of the jbovc mare,to the subscriber, on the Georgetown road, 1miles from Lexinjton, shall be v. 1 11 rewarded


Copartnership. 'i

undersigned, lata of t'UTreinhia,THE the public, tjtat tlJr h- -f tbtmed acojlne-do- n in tr.-.d-o, v . ;

,','uB i,& 01"

A. & G. ELIOTT,For the tnnsaitioa Jf CO.MMISStOlT L'J.iKE&S.


s, pet 17, 1 820. 45

Sugar, Salt, Nnils &c.

THE subscribers have received per theSTEAM BOAT FAYETTE


in Tarrels,

ALLUM and Liverpool SALT,CUT NAILS, of all sizes.

,nd are in eipr ctaticn of reccivinr; withinsew davs, a rlioile collection of SUM MRUGOODS, all of which will be sold attheir usu

low prices.TiiA'onn & rnoTTim.

Lexington, June 20, 1820. 24

Keiv Beer & PorterCouncil 5? M'Mahon,

orFun roa salt at Tiir.ni iihewert.POUTER AMD BEEll,

w NUFACTUBEn tlia season, wh,. h

thev are induced to hope will be deemed not inferior to any in the Union. Theyhave purchased Jarswhich are so c instructed

to emit the driuk by a tap, by which pi ivi.tffamilies can be henceforth supplied u Hi suchquantities and ;.:ch quality S3 may suit theirconsumption and tasle.

orders executed v.itu punctuality ana despatch.

Lexington Brew:y, Ort. 10 1?1T

Dissolution of Partnership.

r37HE Psrtnership of Gabriel Tandy, Samue.X 1 hompsonflnd Thomas Jaiiuarv, trauma:unAacihefirm of 'JAXnr, TnojitpsowtV'O'.'i thus dav ByrheSceofintsremainimr tltiett)sjitIIirTn;r-nhce'd in the hands of JAMES E. DAVIS.--tq. LEWIS CASTliUMA?. and T.1XD1

ATAjEX Tor collection, to whom, as respectively presented, payment is requested to

made nd their rcpectivc recein's sbdlacknowledged as a sufficient discharge.


Lexington, October, 17th, 1S20.

samuH Thompson a--

ThomisJaiii'iis', trafling uiider the firm

nfrnn ipoa' fi JjLT7.U1 is this dv...,., ,1 nm.tnut Tbn areo'l"til

nt8aitl firm are )hced - thi-- hands of JAMESE. DAlIS.esa r rolle.ction.


'.cingjon, OctiPi irth, 1820. 43--

J8&JSW GOODS.,cex. Toff'kct & Son,

'TAtjl Just Received from Philadelphia in11 addition to their former assortment, and

now opentng-a- t their Store opposite the CouttHouse 111 Lexington. .

lUtQAD CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, as'tedCassinetts, FUnncls and Baize, assorted

'Kojc and 3 Point Blankets, doSulsbu'ry and Fulled Flannels doIlombSzttts ard Rattinetta doDomestic Cottons doSteam Loom Shirtifo doIrish Linens and Sheetings d

Cotton and Wbi t ed I lose doSilk, Kid and Heyver Ghnes doMen's and Women's Silk Hose doCalicoes and GiriRhain d'Elegant Figured Mus.na doCotton Crapes and Crape Rnbes djGentlemen's Fashionable HATSCotton, Crape and iik S'iahCtotlmndotl on doSupcihne and Common Bulling Clothsimperial and rpjqwQVpungHj'soT i - V-- 'J .'

Coifee, Lois Sugar nd Choco'itePepper, Akpice, Ginger, 0lort3oVutmcgi), Mace ai.d Cinnamon

"bladder, Allutn and IndigoQueehsware and China, assortedGlassware do"Wool and Cotton girds doJCalls nmlTiVcks dolijdwareanilCntlcry doSs1t and Castings.

hWiicn will iie Sold on tne most moderateterms for CASH.

LeKington, October a. iH20. 44-- 4

"B&S3 IjosI.

"TTTJAS lost opt of my V.'agnn en RstKr.lay? last, between mr house and Lexington,

a BAGS, some ofthem marked 1 II. Abo apairof FLAT JJIOJVS. Any person findingthem and leaving them at Mr. Wm. Huston's

Lexington, or at iiy uousc, &imu uc re,feirdetlior their trouble.

JWIJ 1UWUJJUSouth Elkhorn, Jany. 1821. 1

' Woodford co'iinly, tojvitrr' UvENllip'- - by "Isaac M'Cuddypn Sputh5 Elkhdrh, one YELLOW BAYMARE,

ivuh some white hair? mixed, about 7 years; frTthisrh.blazeface, one hind,

soot wjnte.,iv, ti r rm.,,Iblmd m th" near eye appraised to feautiusIWd, pfjulv, 1820. f17 , . TIKIS, RTEVENSOK. .n.


WES'J'iSRN iH?7EKVAjy on,

llmffricmi ' .Stzvals . of KnrfzlcSgUfid Literature;


a n.nAit'rr."5i, ounFAt. & ei prscTs:isi i ir


, Sf vrv vA 'rott.

mospAsvtfs.THE iuv t Hition whirU tl V'es!;r-- i

States of ,. ipa b&e already attained, i dthe rapid ces wln"li tlicvaR ruMcing inmoral im Sment, uaiTsm '. belies, iltthe'neriot fcsrived when a a'. i iry undSci- -


entinc Joii n; Is eoicir.eu l i v .ti a ccr-- i

taiity of .ir c toJutII'cmt.i.taiidpurRia:tu-f.M,-- K' &l'ui,ririiii tl s be'itr, anu anxiatis to proirotc th; dufi:: nare i.'idurrd ( li'.fi i.ik"Ybi.e ubiectj!wi'l be to ehc.l and i.3Ur An.erie;n KSnjBI'. will b- - our constant am in, eu v iirlc in,

I trodui-t- d in curpagi-b- , .mprote the ae,en-- fJ lighten the mind, and dnectt.ie .'i.direi'liefitof our rcidert..

Writ wiitlen disKiLions on 1) 1i -- 'send Rcicncr3 will find n rea"ly dmi,,.orl in'othis Journal t and wov.lll gralffi.'lv v,t1d 1

iginal tricts and esayn on all S'.'o t,Ls, ealeu-late- d

to afibrd amuoement iustiuctio.i to

Trh Statisti-- s, Geogvaphv, Geology, Anti-quities, Cid nd Katural History of tne Wes-tern States will form prominent objects of ourlabomsand enquiries.

Wm will occasionally g;rc a" of im-

portant works ; but it is .beyond the scope ofottrplan to revigwat liirg&'new publications.

L.UC1L poiiucs anu sectarian concroveisiesshall be 'excluded trom our pages; but Politi-cal Science and metaphysical disquisitions willbe admitted. We wisTito render this Jour-i- al

a Cyclopxdical Rcpuiitory, iu which e ery y

find ajilkCe.Sevluai. iilerwy ar.d er';ntific gentlemon

hare jdedged th i.sclvra to conduct, andto this Jounial. They will use erery

cfl'nrt to render it a ureful chicle of generalknowledge, nd thqfr earnestly solicit thecoi'ncnance and ofall whofee!ai:v inter:1 1 in the reputstionnnd moial im.prorcinent of he V ektern Stutes.


THIS t.itcrary andcicntif.c l wiUbe publiiln'il Quarterly in I exi.igton, Ken.iu numbess of i.O pacfes'or more. The fiintnumber will, sis pllluhfd in Jauusrj, 1821,an 1 tlicolIiM iwniherj iJifcciiively in April,July and October folio t vi.

The subwrlption will b'r only TWO T)CL.LA US per annum, to bQ pa.din two insial-men- ls

of rt Dollar each, on. receiving the firstami third f(i!mbcS is is prefered to par thewhqliii thfrihtJ iustalce, tbibh will be "nuite

khtinnslg'heTiuftbejiUliii; sent lemitar- -MyaJKlialltojjtant w twenp

viihtMtmrmna-H- i i k ' tTiir 1MMAl Mr Tl lt U"; (

ton by the publkbe, THOM AfirJiMlTH, e(U- - titor ot 'he Kentucky Reporter, and by In

foril atga'ette throughout the countrylsoby (r. Sftuter in London, Dr. John Tor--:

rev in Vew-Yo- rt fioloTion Com ad in Phila-ii'-lphi-

Mcisrt. Cramer 5c Spear in Pitts-'ii'ii-

and Calci Atwateresq m Ciiclevillc,Ohio. "

, jCTy-V-

o S!ibcription 'pill be received for lec'ilini nni vearor vn'u.ne.

"."Editors frier (' to cie"ecr.nd littratureare invitedd t" uta e or ins'ert thw Prospec-tus in their rsjpecii'-- e Jnurna'n.

texjitjrtrti, Ky. Oct. 17, 1820.

Y LOST.A LMtflrf EAR RPlGjbf sine Gold( --ai

ju. droppedjn M the cor-ner of MiltiVrcet, mi ifty'the 18th imt.

V gentlcmaii in Domestic pUtllun was seento pick up br a bystander, who it is hopedwill leave It it Mru. SAUNDERS' MillinarySto-- e, where i Jjil'Je lewai-dedforh- trou-ble is lie rctmire"5 it.

'-- vLex. Sept. 21, 1G:0." 33

si. .

rm.VKEN UP bv Williim Hirney. nix milessc H. from Lexington on the land of William

Russell, one- GKKY MARE 7 ye.rs old 14hands high. Also 0110 dark brov n Horse Colt,folded a May hist. U'lth valued at Jr5 bvNathan UurTOWs and Wni. T. 'KoyoB, be.crebo this 26th Ss.pt. 14W.

MATTHEW ELDER, .1 F.N. B. The marc wm with colt when the

came to tho taker up with the above describedcolt. . 7

Springs,A UE situated one mile South of Perry ville,

jTL and one quarter ot a mile East ot themain road leading from Lex.ngton, Ky. toNashville, Ten. Although there ban been noaccommodations for visitors at ROCHP.STKRSPRINGS until the last yonrtthey ha"eheejivisited for several ycaripvt byn number ofpersons, wl s. great many cures efiected fromthe use o&he vater. As there arc now suchpreparati'ons made, ps will justify its

subkcribcr solicits the patronage of thepublic, promising to use even- - exertion torender general satisfaction. Travellers areinformed that a road has beeu opened asmall distance from Fcrryville, by RochesterSprings, leading into the Jfashvdlc road, twomiies below PcirvWlle.

WILL. S. ROCHESTER.Rochester Springs, April 15, 1820. 16-3-


4Q KEGS 3il4d, Cd, 8dand lOd Philadel-

phia CUT NAILS, of ai? excellent qu&iity, bythe Keg or single pounu. Appiy 10

M. J. NOUVFL.Lrx. Aug. 8, 1S:0 "C.

Ware House.

subscriber having rented oTROBF.RtTHE and JOHN BRADFORD,their large BRICK WAR'E-HOUS- E,' in Wa-

ter street, ioliciu patronage from the public.An inspection of Tobacco, &c. has been estab-

lished bv law, and inspectors appointed. To-

bacco inspected at c:,p e

shipped as cheap' as" from anyjpointf above

Frankfort, and at any icisoii that boats can go

iiom Loui6ville. . "

... "

BY Tl,iE PRESID'I . i n

Of ilie United Stalesfij illAitiiVi, by v arunts kc-- s ft Congrcis,

. the Pivsttlent of tlicvIJiutcd atatea is anjtbo'ired to (fireclihnnbUcltftus wliieh havebeen surve Wd tojllsaiittfSpttTi r sale.

Therefore, irjJtflfc3Q)(Ir?, oRtUicJy mtcd ytatHf,-ra3- drtfiy dpplircflpd makekbfra( Ha S1l!lL"BSn5, s, iarviK .nispoaai i ar- -

iwm& to i pchitl beheldI'i 'A f'T.tt r.WHfS s X d.. .T":tij'-?i- j amoL.

WfenVlin, in .liissjiiixrrniiL ihe first Moifi. H jtciy m ianu.iiv net. f BK )(


Townships ol to' 5;, in rSffiJe 26,vcttcf the 5thprincipal meridian line.l '

t&XXoy. range 17 and 2S, nt,ol to 55 range do.

At the nainft.piJce, on the f.nt Monday m,aiiin;h iigsfLfflFthc taifrSlLor'''aakSEPi'ln.waMev, en of the 5Ui

lT ,JWllj,MlfliJwnlirSS-vd- o

AB8 otbehrtt"vf on- -

j'ky 5h Dccentev next, fur tbjj sale ofJTowiK!ciw35ta44 in range li&.2-'cas- f of the

principal mend.an line.It the same place, en th.2 lust Jicndav in

.irch ntst, for ha sale ofI ow nships .IS o 44 , in ranges 3 and 4, cart.

At tiie same place, on the first Monday ir.May next, for the sale of'lo.chips 35 to 44, in range 5 and C, east,

and of 43 nd 44, in range 7 east.At .Tact-Ro- in Uie county of

in the said state, on (lie fust Monday in Feb- -iua-- next, tor the sale ofTownships , iii'raiges 1 lo 2, Uie 5tli

principal mcridi-i- line.33, range'4, east ' do29,30 &31 5, do31, 32 1 33 6, 0.

A"; Edwardsvillc, in the state cf Illinois, ontho first Monday in January next, for tho saleofTownships 8 to 13, in ran;;e9, west of the '3d

principal meridian lire.11 to13, 10 and U do

6 to 13, 12 and V3 do.8 to IS, 14 do.

At Vandalia, in the "d 1 r.ta'c. on th4 3d Mon- -

da) ili.fsnuary net, for the Bale ofI ownsmpas to 10, in range 1, cast of the 3d

principal meridi-- n line.T to 102 to 10 ra"gcs S, 4, H and G

.l.SjflandlO ranjre ", castI. "1 B.'ndlO 8,

At Palfetine, in said state, on the soccnuMonday hi February next, fort'ie sale ofl'ownships Q to JO, in rangi a 9 lOand 11. ctot

of the 3d principal ir.ericran lino.5 to 10 range 14 we- -t of 2 priuci-p-- l

meridi'in line.,, 1, 9 and 10 ranp-e- s 12 "l'l 33

AtDet'oit. in Mi'Jiisran TcBiorr. on thefirst Mpsi.lay in November next, lor the sale of1 0WfShip8, 9 and 10, in ranges 4 a id 5 east,

xianu" or;'2xiH9 , 7 an H '

Plv 1 ntrm..Lu us 'nm' trr?-

xTWteifwiyny j, or






tir otner purposs. rue lauds sueu ne boi.i iniilpijar nmncned order.jtaepnriilijf yjutii thi"ovvcjI nr.nioer 0; s( ciion. lovsninajiva-iK- .

Given under mv harm, at tne (Jity o:Washington, this limeteenth day ofSeptember, 18.0.

JAMES 3io2.r.cn.By the Prcsiden,v JOSIAH M""I"""",

C'Tmsr.cner of the ereral Laid Vjicc.Printers whoaro authorised to publrsluilie

Lav. s of the United Stale, will publish tire Si- -

liovo onco a week till the first of May; andsend their bills to tho General Iouid Office forpayment. Sept. 25,,1SW 121 1 M.

Hemp Wanted.7pH highest CASH prica will be given se

fl iiE.M.t',atuic raclory otJOIIIf BRAND.

Dec 24--

5sq1cr.A?.'- - persons indcujAlytp tbo aibscriberHra'sre renuested wme to WM.Pl'lENTlSS. whrtm I liae duly authorised to)to rceirt thsfamc, ar.d all persons having

i - - ..:i..i....n .. (.;;,. sc.ciauir, mi mc, uiii pitr-j- u iiiiii ul set-tlement.

I..- - PRENTISS.Linon, yov. SO, lF?.n 48tf

JWQ& BlilSTLKS.bisrhest-p'.- r will bo ci ven in Ciirc

i-- fl,T lO.TOu ounds, (rt clean, comaca,fscaldcd'lx ..-in- , i mr v,

At t'aa Brush ranufirlorv of die subsciilertwo goom below tne risi umce on iuainstreet. IL'JNO. LOCKWQQI).On- hand... S3 above,

.a .ireneral asscrtmemv-o-. t

B 11U8 SI E S, '.

Which will b? sold on tiie mostterms. LeMiigton, uec. J4.ii, iwr-- u

State of Kentucky :

Tat ettb C 1 n cu tT,fio r.Sebi7ber ,Shiz.lS20.

Susanna WHVnmson, Co:pl'tl.Against ,13' cHAjcxar

Philip Whitc.Abjabim Brown I .

rjNHlS day came the Complairrjt efcrcssidS. by her 'counsel, rfpd it appea; ing to the

satinscubjl elite court, inci me oieienuann,James Talisfairo and Elizabeth his wise, areno inhabitants of this com-n- nv. ei'th, and tlieylaving sailed to entrr tne.r appearance heie- -

111 agrf"al)iyto law ami mr ruiesoi uiumuii'6n motion of the comp'.a'.nan by lirr oonne!,it is ordered, that unices the" sVid dafend-ani3kJm-

Taliaferro uid rii)(?eth his wise,

du iTe.1r heifl, on o.-- betp-r-e the iiift d?j ofTli'obi-fflT- term,,aiid nrsver i(fe onl- -

TiRtfe ta's.en

tor (.oiifenoetl oeinst Uiem : nd it is furtherl.tliatacopvof this order be h'ei-tc-

,n cnini- - suithoriketl new spse1- - published inthis alute, for two months successively.

A copy vtleste,iSaSZ NELS9X C. JOHNSON, d.ef cc.

rjTAlvI'.N UP by;I'trick Vance, living onli uane run, war nuic

Fayette county, ona wiMtuii .jai.i-- . hiubiblaze face, bra'nded oij tiie near ''oulto'ck Wi'J , li. app.aisl.-- ." iaji;'f,uoii4. --"

.. ir c,nr J&iZr of sc peafef.ifs:cc'i'j

JtTOST) ,l$tt HT


hrvin ?'!? 1'fiblif, Advert'' rer.1) oreli-i's- , 'Palmer' a ami Hum's

jJQOS-l-pttEP- , '

A General' Instrncter ;CcirjVed for "the. ine r.r.d benefit of Sttices tf

tie lieaco, Sliilrifj, Corotfcrs, CtrBtBbts- -,

Jflisijrt, and .7ur.jie;, in the cojimnnifigikfi rfadapted to the laws fla-- q&fyce.

Fi, yi is the mpsi'cxtensive work cfplcin 1

JL e;r pu'ilishcd in the United States, imlfenibraces copious extracts from the met ap- -

proved cimmon law wntera, on the IuUow,ngfeuoject?, viz- -

tArccaci-y- , Altray, Apprentice, Assgn'rents,

ATrar.genieivtc,Arre5t,Anon, Assault, Avads,Bail, Barratrj,- - Bonds, Burglary, Carri'-s- ,(?c.riiorari.CoTnmitrfleiit.CnnstfMii. fTnrr.r.inpirtJWPinRl', Uon'e!ibii,"".D?'f. s5j

ij6uajct,-iuciitc- reiuiiy, nue aiui vr ,Habeas Corpus, Infants; Information,

Jail and Jailor, Judgments, Juries and Jurors,Justices of the IV-ac- Larceny, Libel, Lunatics, Main, Maintenance, Mandamus, Misde-meanor, Nui3cnce, ..Oaths, Pardon, Perjury,Prison Breaking, Proceri, Rape, Rccogni,nnce, Rescue, Restitution of Stolen Goods.Riot, Routand unlawful assembly, Robbery,Search Warrant, Sheriff, Slander, Sureties forthe peace, Sureties for good behaviour, Trea.son, Treasure sound, Warrant, Wise and Wo-men ; Together with ; he statutory pro-visions, on these ?s well as every subjectcoming within the jurisdiction of Justices ofthe Peace, which will enable the inferior jiidicial, aswcllas executive officers of the gov-ernment, to perform theirVeypective dutiesw ilh promptitude, and "svfetsfcS y"

This work will be also cririched wifli neac"ly sour hundred precedents or forms, compriVsing not only all such as are used in legal pro-ceedings, but all that are necessary for the far .

mer, Mechanic, Manufacturer or Merchant, "'?

as well as all other private citizens, and ena-bli-

every man to become his own lawyer1,and transact all Lis business without the aidof counsel.

The above po:li sill be for Sa!e at the jlooZStore of W. ir. IVORSLEY, Lexington.' (TjAs there are but a sew copies printc'.

these who are desirous cf purchasing will dowell to apply soon.

Lexington, Nov CO. 41

KeniucliJj :MacHtoa Circuit, Sef

Rr.rTE:ir.tftlT:r:r, 1SC0.Gre"oa Clay, Complainant, )

A.eainst Stw eiiArr.Tiv.Pet4jfcurrtnt's heirs, Zlefi's. S

a, mo'ion cr ttie complainant, and it ajNJ peaiing to tb.e satisfaction of the court.

that the defendants, John Gurrant,Feter.Gurirant, Stephen Guirant, Daniel Gurrant, HenryCStin-in- t rid Mpvtha Gv.rrant, the two last,I'nrrr"' anA T.r.vtK2 ,wfni.i AVilliiiTiGiiUkUdeccaseC; ara HCjiniliaoitints ortJrts

Uonimonweaith.'iKdyhaviSgfuiledto-ild'Uioi- rJ jnswer liei-ei- to tb coiii.. . .Imt s billifty lo raw mm intu 0I ims court lireordered that unlcis the aid' sbjjntrfclend-antsdoajjpc-


here en or before ili:fiist dayot on" njSt March term a"d file their nnsweraherein, that the same will be taken as cenfesr-c-d

agnnst them; and' it it. further oadered,that a copy cf this order be inserted insomeauthorised of this sate for tw,omonths sueceiively.

A con" tcs'p,46-3- DAVID iRVlSr, e.m. e. 6.

State c. hoiiliic.-Tr-! ..v-- - -


John Dnbarry, Complainant,Against (

AVilliam Grimes, Jr's. tms- - fzlx enf:reiIitees & others, Def-nrjnts-


f Jj'HIS day came the Cojnplair.-in- t aforesaio",JL by his counsel, d-it' appcarirj. to tbo

satisfaction' the C6nrt,'tbat the Defgjjdants,John Jackson and Verlinda his wifd, late Vcr-lind- a

Grimes, and Alexander Grimes, are n-

inhabitrnts of this Commonwealth, arjd-the- y

having faile'd to enter their appearance, .here-in, agreeably to law and the rules 6f this Court:On motion of the complainant by his counsel,it is ordered, that unless the said defendants,John Jackson and Verlinda his wise, late Ver-linda Grimes and Alexander Grimes', do ap-pear here on or before the first day of ournext February term, and answer the Com-plainant's bill herein, the same will be taken:for confessed against him And it is furtherordered, that a copy of this order he insertedin some authorised newspaper in this state,for two months successively.' "fef A cop- - Attest,

4?a?W V7-LS0- C. JOHNSON', d.f see.State of Kentucky :f

Fatette Circuit, st.ScptimSsrTtxm, '1S2&

?rTi . fn,rl ft T..... f!.T,le "V-- v.. WU.W.. VWU.VCompaiuaHts,

Against i:r eiuyciir.'v imam Unme3, .ir's Tr.is- -

THIS day came the Complainants aforesaidtheir counsel, snd it nnnearinc to tha

satisfaction ofthc Court, tint the Defendants,John Jackson and Verlinda bis wise, Jate Ver-linda Grimes, and Alexander Grirr.e3, arenainhabitants of this" Commonwealth', and theyf.aving'iled to enter their appearance hereinagreeab'y to law and the rules of this court :On tie motion ot the complainants by thei?counsel, it is ordered, that unless the said defendants John Jackson and Verlinda his wise-- ,

late Verlinda Grimes, do appear here on orbefore the first day ol the next i ebruary term,and answer the complainant's bill herein, thesame will be taken for confessed against themand it is further ordered, that a cony pf this;order be inserted in some authorised newspaper published in this state fortwo months succoMivcIy. A copy attest, ,43a52 NELSON C. JOIWSOSVd.af.ad?

HEMP.tuz.' RKjnnsT rates cash h haotj

Given !ot Hemy,jiii' crcd Rt the Rope Vfalk formerly t&propeft) ofTtre-et-. - , IFiNRYWAI .