BRANCHIAL CLEFT CYST Pembimbing : Dr. drg. Lilies D.S., Sp. BM Presentan : drg. Nissia Ananda NPM : 1506768961 BEDAH MULUT FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA 2015

Kista Branchial Cleft

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presentasi mengenai salah satu kista rongga mulut non odontogenik, yaitu kista branchial cleft

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Pembimbing: Dr. drg. Lilies D.S., Sp. BMPresentan: drg. Nissia AnandaNPM: 1506768961BEDAH MULUTFAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN GIGIUNIVERSITAS INDONESIA2015 Brachial Cleft Cyst


http://www.bionalogy.com/pharynx.htmMost commonlesion is cystShear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordETIOLOGIShear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordSlide TitleKISTA BRACHIAL CLEFT TERDAPAT PADA 3 LOKASI Brachial cleft cyst pada leher Branchial cleft cyst pada glandula parotisIntra oral lympho-epithelial cystShear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: Oxford

http://studydroid.com/imageCards/0r/2v/card-28408914-front.jpgBrachial cleft cyst pada leher

Shear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordBrachial cleft cyst pada leher


Branchial cleft cyst pada glandula parotis

Shear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordHISTOPATOLOGI

Shear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: Oxford

Branchial cleft cyst pada glandula parotishttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9luwLPXitpQ/VFqKayYa5vI/AAAAAAAAUaw/l43idXLEhKE/s1600/521943_4552809420022_1283852149_n.jpgIntra oral lympho-epithelial cyst

Shear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordHISTOPATOLOGI

Shear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordIntra oral lymphoepithelial cysthttps://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/0/flashcards/799000/jpg/capture1321879510979.jpghttps://o.quizlet.com/BnRZkshN4Yla5MbYjx7huA_m.jpg

Intra oral lymphoepithelial cysthttps://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/images/thumb/1/1a/Keith1902_fig025.jpg/400px-Keith1902_fig025.jpghttps://books.google.co.id/books?id=CAPL7OQWwz8C&pg=PA1497&lpg=PA1497&dq=lymphoepithelial+cysts+of+the+oral+cavity+branchial+cleft&source=bl&ots=6iy9woogMQ&sig=9cc94Z2AtzjmnAT1ESjC4KqiX8o&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=lymphoepithelial%20cysts%20of%20the%20oral%20cavity%20branchial%20cleft&f=false

DIAGNOSA BANDINGINFEKSINEOPLASMthree times more common, and 70% located at the midlinehttp://radiopaedia.org/articles/thyroglossal-duct-cysthttp://ir.tdc.ac.jp/irucaa/bitstream/10130/2700/1/53_17.pdfDifferent fluid drainageASPIRASI

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2cGMuAVZagTREATMENTShear M, Speight P.M. 2007. Cyst of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions 4th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard: OxfordTREATMENThttp://www.ghorayeb.com/BranchialCleft.html


PROGNOSISMarx RE, Stern D. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology A Rational for Diagnosis and Treatment, 2nd edition. Lllinois: Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc; 2012. Rarely, a recurrence or carcinoma within or associated with the cyst may develop.

But mostly no further complainCASE REPORT