Latrobe Prac Session 1

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  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e 1

    Practical Session 1:



    Enterprise Architect

    All material ! La Trobe University "##$

    T his docment is desi%ned to %ive an overview o& sin%

    Enterprise Architect &or the &irst time. 't introdces

    important concepts sch as the Pro(ect )rowser* Toolbox*

    and the Start Pa%e* providin% a practical demonstration o&

    how to create a data &low dia%ram &or a library system sin%

    Enterprise Architect.
  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    Using Enterprise Architect (EA): Session 1

    An Introduction

    'n this introdctory session we will restrict orselves to modellin%* where possible*

    withot U+L and &ocs on dia%rams.

    ,n Enterprise Architect

    The crrently opened tool boxis displayed on the le&t. Thestart page-or drawin%

    canvas when drawin% a dia%ram is displayed in the centre and the Project Browseris

    on the ri%ht. '& the pro(ect browser is not open it can be opened by selectin% Project

    Browser&rom the Viewmen.

    The toolbox can be chan%ed by clicin% on the More toolsbtton and selectin% the

    appropriate tool box. A set o& tools common to all toolboxes is also displayed. 'n some

    cases a set o& relationship tools is also displayed.

    To see this select the &ollowin% toolboxes 000Requirements*Activity*Data Flow


    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e "

  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    Enterprise Architect has an extensive help&acility. The &ollowin% shows the helpdisplay &or the +ind +appin% topic -accessed thro%h the help index

    e need to create aproject. Pro(ects inclde one or more models and can be created

    &rom the tart Pageor &rom the !ilemen. Pro(ects &ile names have a .eap &ile


    2reate a pro(ect calledpracession!. 'n the Select +odel-s window selectBusiness

    Process Model. The model &older will be displayed in the Pro(ect )rowser. Enterprise

    Architect spplies de&alt templates &or all models. These are shown below &or a

    Business Process Model.

    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e 3

  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    4o can either bild yor models sin% these templates or strctre them accordin% to

    yor own needs.

    4o can delete any template elements by "ig"lig"tingthe element* rig"t clic#ing and

    selectin% delete&rom the men.

    ,emember that i& a particlar element has 5children6* they too will be deleted.

    The icons identi&y the type o& element or dia%ram. 7oble clic on the analysis

    dia%ram*Business Process Model. The dia%ram will be displayed as shown below.

    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e 8

  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    Several dia%rams can be opened at a time and they can be accessed via the tabs.

    7ia%rams can be closed by closin% down the dia%ram window.

    7ia%rams can also be lined thro%h the directory strctre. 9rom theBusiness

    Process Model* yo can access theBusiness $ontextanalysis dia%ram by doble

    clicin% on theBusiness $ontext Pac#agein theBusiness Process Modeldia%ram.

    TheBusiness $ontextanalysis dia%ram is opened becase it is the &irst element nder

    )siness 2ontext 9older in the directory strctre.

    The other dia%rams in the model template can be accessed in a similar way.

    4o can also access any element in the model by doble clicin% on it in the pro(ect

    browser. '& it is a dia%ram it will be displayed whereas &or an Element or Paca%e* a

    properties window will open.

    Try this ot by doble clicin% on the model element %%document&& Mission

    tatement in the trategies &older.

    'n %eneral the properties window o& any model element can be opened by selectin%

    -sin%le le&t clic the element in a dia%ram* ri%ht clicin% and selectin% properties

    &rom the men.

    Try this ot on some o& the elements in theBusiness Process Model analysis diagram.

    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e

  • 7/25/2019 Latrobe Prac Session 1


    Enterprise Architect Practical Session 1

    Series: La Trobe University Practical Sessions

    'nterprise Arc"itectallows yo to set ato nmberin% &or model elements. This is

    accessed thro%h the Settingsmen* &ollowed by Auto "a#e $ounter.

    'n the above ' have set a pre&ix 9E and a startin% conter ##1 &or the model element

    (eature. As &eatres are created the conter is incremented. 4o may &ind this se&l in

    sbse;ent sessions &or model elements yo wish to identi&y nmerically.

    "ow we will add a diagra# to the #odel%

    e will add a very simple data (low diagramillstratin% some processin% in a simple

    library system i.e.

    ! La Trobe University "##$ Pa%e