Continuing That Donald J, Galagan was born in Buffalo Center, Iowa, in 1914. (Life begins at forty, Don.), in 1932 Don entered the University of Iowa, obtaining his dental degree in Following graduation from the home town High School 1937. In 1939 he married Dorothea Streib. They have two children, Patricia Ann and Sheila Mary. Nineteen forty-four saw Don leaving (wet re guessing because he didn' t specify) private practice for dental public health, with the New Jersey State Department of Health, with a topical fluoride research project i n Miami County, Ohio, with the Richmond, Indiana, Dental Care Project, as U.S.P.H.Service dental consultant in Region IX (San Francisco) and, since sending in his Bulletin questionnaire, hae been transferred to Washington, D.C. He earned a 1JI.P.H. from the University of California in 1950. In sequence he saw duty Hobbies? Only one - just golf. so - Let us go on and tell you that John 3. Chrietzberg was, vhen he reported But time has elapsed since that repart was received and John He was born in 1901 at Eclectic, Alabama, had his elementary and to us, Deputy Director, Division of Dental Health, in the Illinois State Depart- ment of Health, has moved back to his native southland where he directs dental health activities i n Georgia. High School education in those parts (we would be mare specific but have trouble reading John's handwriting) and then attended the University of Alabama from 1923 to 1925. Emory University, School of Dentistry, kept him busy between 1925 and 1929 - and he earned his D.D.S. UniTersity of Michigan, School of Public Health, for his l4.P.3, In i944-45 he attended the Married i n 1929, he and Louise Self Chrietzberg have four children, Howard, Lawrance, Agnea .and I.Talter (note to my secretary: questionnaire so I can explain a, .if I have misspelled any names). save the Chrietxberg John succumbed to the virus of public health in 1941, serving in various capacitien in Alabama until taking over the directorship in Illinois. As already stated, he is again Ildirectin& in Dixie. "Public Health Dent istry and raising boys and girls.lI going 'If ishing occasionally. I' For hobbieo he lists Parenthetically he admits Let us reveal that in Chalners, Indiana, in 1924 Charles L, (Chuck) Howell bras born, He had an uncle that once lived in Chalmers.. . ..but enough, - this is Chuck's biography, After public school training in Chalmere he attended


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T h a t Donald J , Galagan was born i n Buffalo Center, Iowa, i n 1914. (Li fe begins at fo r ty , Don.), i n 1932 Don entered the University o f Iowa, obtaining h i s denta l degree i n

Following graduation from the home town High School


I n 1939 he married Dorothea Streib. They have two children, P a t r i c i a Ann and Sheila Mary.

Nineteen forty-four saw Don leaving (wet r e guessing because he didn' t specify) pr iva te prac t ice f o r denta l public health, with the New Jersey S ta te Department o f Health, with a topical f luor ide research project i n Miami County, Ohio, with the Richmond, Indiana, Dental Care Project, as U.S.P.H.Service denta l consultant i n Region I X (San Francisco) and, since sending i n h i s Bul le t in questionnaire, hae been t ransferred t o Washington, D.C. He earned a 1JI.P.H. from the University o f California i n 1950.

I n sequence he saw duty

Hobbies? Only one - j u s t golf.

so - Let us go on and t e l l you that John 3. Chrietzberg was, vhen he reported

But time has elapsed since tha t repar t was received and John

He was born i n 1901 at Eclect ic , Alabama, had h i s elementary and

t o us, Deputy Director, Division o f Dental Health, i n the Illinois Sta t e Depart- ment of Health, has moved back t o h i s native southland where he d i r ec t s denta l health a c t i v i t i e s i n Georgia. High School education i n those parts (we would be mare spec i f ic but have trouble reading John's handwriting) and then attended the University of Alabama from 1923 t o 1925. Emory University, School of Dentistry, kept him busy between 1925 and 1929 - and he earned h i s D.D.S. UniTersity of Michigan, School of Public Health, for his l4.P.3,

I n i944-45 he attended the

Married i n 1929, he and Louise Self Chrietzberg have four children, Howard, Lawrance, Agnea .and I.Talter (note t o my secretary: questionnaire so I can explain a, . i f I have misspelled any names).

save the Chrietxberg

John succumbed t o the v i rus of public hea l th i n 1941, serving i n various capacitien i n Alabama u n t i l taking over the directorship i n I l l i no i s . As already s ta ted, he i s again Ildirectin& i n Dixie. "Public Health Dent i s t r y and r a i s ing boys and girls.lI going 'If ishing occasionally. I'

For hobbieo he l ists Parenthet ical ly he admits

Let us reveal tha t i n Chalners, Indiana, i n 1924 Charles L, (Chuck) Howell b r a s born, He had an uncle tha t once l ived i n Chalmers.. . ..but enough, - t h i s i s Chuck's biography, After public school t ra in ing i n Chalmere he attended


52 . Purdue Unfversity (and an I.U. man i s writing this) . University School of Dentistry, graduating i n 1946.

Later he attended Indiana

Chuck immediately entered public health, working f e s t fo r a few months with the Indiana S ta te Board o f Health, next serving with the U.S.P.H.Service at Woonsocket, Rhode Island, and Richmond, Indiana, and returning t o irork under Roy Smiley i n Indiana i n 1948. director i n 1953, but s t i l l mure recently, took a leave of absence t o spend one m o r e year w i th the Federal Service, th i s time i n Cleveland, Ohio. We nearly forgot t.0 say that between h i s f i r s t Service s t i n t and 1948 he attended Johns Hopkins and got his M.P.H.

As repcrted recently, Chuck succeeded Roy as

Married? Yes - i n 1945 t o Ruth Carlisle, Children? Two - Carney Carl is le and Susan Kay. Hobbiee - l i ke Galagan - j u s t one, golf,

WE IiviAGIiTX YOU DOIJ ' T KliIO\rJ - So l e t us t e l l you - That Norman 3'. Gerrie is a Canadian born (Fergus, Ontario, 1907). His

family must have moved Mstate-wise" f a i r l y soon thereafter since 1913 saw him entering Yale. That would 'be prodigious except it was Yale Elementary School i n Chicago. came from t h e University of I i . l inois, 1925-26; his dental education f rom Xorthwestern 1927-31; and h i s M.P.H. from Michlgan i n 1946.

Parker High and Hyde Park High, 1921-25. H i s pre-dental education

What Norm did following graduation from dental school u n t i l he entered pt?-bl.ic health i n 1937 wasnft reported completely, but one thing w a s t o marry J m e Ann Greene i n 1933. They have two children, Leslie and Robat .

In public health i n 1937 Norm star ted ou t with the Utah State Board of Health and in sequence has held the following positions: Xontana State Board of Hoalth; Cl in ic dent is t , U.S,P.H. Service and, a3 now, R e g l o c a l Dental Consultant w!.th t h e Federal Service. only the following being liefed: golf, guns, camping, f ishing, poker and reading.

Dental Director,

H i s hobbies are few ( 7 )

Incidentally, l e t us t e l l you - tha t the May Bullet in shouE see the end of these biographical sketches, i n s i s t s he must contribute one on the Editor.

Three remain t o be presented, and Dr, Joe Doakes