Library Science Journals List

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  • 8/20/2019 Library Science Journals List


  • 8/20/2019 Library Science Journals List



    Page 2

    ' Information Te%&nology and 0eople j ISSN '(()" Q1 '!)

    1 3meri%an 3r%&i/i$t j ISSN ')*'(' Q2 '!4(*

    2 8ealt& Information and ,i-rarie$ Journal j ISSN 14711" Q2 '!4"2

    ) Interlending and o%ument Supply j ISSN '2*41*1Q2 '!47"

    4 .edi%al Referen%e Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN 14'( Q2 '!4*

    I:,3 Journal j ISSN ')4'') Q2 '!44"

    * Online Information Re/ie j ISSN 14*"4 Q2 '!44*7 0erforman%e .ea$urement and .etri%$ j ISSN 14*7"' Q2 '!44

    " Information Sy$tem$ .anagement j ISSN 1'"' Q2 '!441

    ( Serial$ ,i-rarian j ISSN 1411' Q2 '!4)(

    *' ,a ,i-rary Journal j ISSN ''2)(2 Q2 '!4)(

    *1 Journal of #nterpri$e Information .anagement j ISSN 1741') Q2 '!42)

    *2 Journal of ,i-rarian$&ip and Information S%ien%j ISSN 1741*4 Q2 '!41*

    *) #du%ation and Information Te%&nologie$ j ISSN 1)*'2) Q2 '!4'(

    *4 ,i-rary Re/ie j ISSN ''242 Q2 '!4'2

    * Referen%e and ;$er Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN 1'(4(' Q2 '!)((

    ** 9e&a/ioral and So%ial S%ien%e$ ,i-rarian j ISSN 1444 Q2 '!)((

    *7 Serial$ Re/ie j ISSN ''("7(1Q2 '!)(

    *" Journal of +la$$ifi%ation j ISSN 14)21) Q2 '!)()*( Journal of e- ,i-rarian$&ip j ISSN 1()22(1Q2 '!)")

    7' ,i-rary Trend$ j ISSN ''242 Q2 '!)"1

    71 +omputer$ in t&e S%&ool$ j ISSN 12"7' Q2 '!)"

    72 Journal of .ap and eograp&y ,i-rarie$ j ISSN 142') Q2 '!)7

    7) 0rofe$ional de la Informa%ion j ISSN 1*((24 Q2 '!)74

    74 0u-li% ,i-rary Quarterly j ISSN 1411 Q2 '!)72

    7 Information e/elopment j ISSN 1741*4 Q2 '!)*"

    7* Internet Referen%e Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN 14'47 Q2 '!)*

    77 3%%ounta-ility in Re$ear%& j ISSN '"("(* Q2 '!)*)

    7" Journal of ,i-rary and Information Ser/i%e$ in j ISSN 1))2(1Q2 '!)*1

    7( International Journal of ata .ining and 9ioinf j ISSN 174"* Q2 '!)

    "' ,i-rary +olle%tion$< 3%=ui$ition and Te%&ni%al Sj ISSN 1"7)1" Q2 '!)"1 3r%&i/aria j ISSN ')1"*( Q2 '!))

    "2 +olle%tion 9uilding j ISSN '1*'4( Q2 '!)47

    ") International Information and ,i-rary Re/ie j ISSN 1'((2 Q2 '!))(

    "4 I$$ue$ in S%ien%e and Te%&nology ,i-rarian$&i j ISSN 1'(212 Q2 '!)))

    " +ollege and ;ndergraduate ,i-rarie$ j ISSN 142 Q2 '!)2(

    "* Referen%e ,i-rarian j ISSN '27*)" Q2 '!)2(

    "7 3r%&i/e$ and .anu$%ript$ j ISSN 21*4*' Q2 '!)2*

    "" S%ien%e and Te%&nology ,i-rarie$ j ISSN 14111'Q2 '!)2

    "( >noledge .anagement Re$ear%& and 0ra%ti%j ISSN 1477"2 Q2 '!)1)

    (' Journal of #le%troni% Re$our%e$ ,i-rarian$&ip j ISSN 1(4112 Q2 '!)'"

    (1 3nnal$ of ,i-rary and Information Studie$ j ISSN '(724 Q2 '!2(4

    (2 Te%&ni%al Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN '7)171 Q2 '!2()() #/iden%e 9a$ed ,i-rary and Information 0ra%ti j ISSN 17172 Q2 '!2(2

    (4 Journal of Information S%ien%e and #ngineerin j ISSN 1'1*2) Q2 '!2(1

    ( International Journal on igital ,i-rarie$ j ISSN 14)2'1Q2 '!2"*

    (* So%ial S%ien%e Information j ISSN 14*1741Q2 '!2"*

    (7 Re/i$ta #$panola de o%umenta%ion +ientifi%aj ISSN 1(""4* Q2 '!2")

    (" .alay$ian Journal of ,i-rary and Information S j ISSN 1)(4*2 Q2 '!2")

    (( +ampu$6ide Information Sy$tem$ j ISSN 1'*'7 Q2 '!27(

  • 8/20/2019 Library Science Journals List



    Page 3

    1'' International Journal of .etadata< Semanti%$ a j ISSN 17442* Q2 '!27"

    1'1 ,i-rary 8i Te%& Ne$ j ISSN '741(' Q) '!277

    1'2 In$ig&t$ j ISSN 2'4"77 Q) '!2*(

    1') Journal of Interli-rary ,oan< o%ument eli/er j ISSN 14') Q) '!2**

    1'4 Journal of #le%troni% Re$our%e$ in .edi%al ,i-rj ISSN 1424' Q) '!2*

    1' orld 0atent Information j ISSN '17221 Q) '!2*)

    1'* Journal of 3%%e$$ Ser/i%e$ j ISSN 1)*7( Q) '!2*)1'7 Information Re$ear%& j ISSN 1)*"1*1Q) '!24

    1'" >noledge Organization j ISSN '(4)74 Q) '!247

    1'( Journal of 8o$pital ,i-rarian$&ip j ISSN 1)2)2 Q) '!24)

    11' ?IN# j ISSN 14741' Q) '!2)*

    111 0er$pe%ti/a$ em +ien%ia da Informa%ao j ISSN 141)(( Q) '!222

    112 Journal of igital Information j ISSN 1)*"7 Q) '!221

    11) ,i-ri j ISSN ''242* Q) '!22

    114 e-ology j ISSN 17)1" Q) '!22

    11 Information Ser/i%e$ and ;$e j ISSN 1"7"7 Q) '!21(

    11* ,i-rary 0&ilo$op&y and 0ra%ti%e j ISSN 122'2 Q) '!21*

    117 O+,+ Sy$tem$ and Ser/i%e$ j ISSN 1'*'7 Q) '!21

    11" 3u$tralian ,i-rary Journal j ISSN '''4(* Q) '!21411( #du%ation for Information j ISSN 1"7"* Q) '!21)

    12' 9ottom ,ine j ISSN '"""'4 Q) '!2'(

    121 Information .anagement and +omputer Se%urij ISSN '(*"2 Q) '!2'*

    122 Re%ord$ .anagement Journal j ISSN '(** Q) '!2'

    12) #SIO+ Journal of ,i-rary and Information T j ISSN '(7*4* Q) '!2')

    124 Information Re$our%e$ .anagement Journal j ISSN 1))7( Q) '!2'1

    12 Journal of Information and +omputational S%ie j ISSN 14"77 Q) '!2

    12* S%&ool ,i-rary .edia Re$ear%& j ISSN 12)4) Q) '!1()

    127 @eit$%&rift fur 9i-liot&ek$e$en und 9i-liograp&j ISSN ''442) Q) '!1"*

    12" Intelligent Sy$tem$ Referen%e ,i-rary k ISSN 1"*"44 Q) '!1"*

    12( +anadian Journal of Information and ,i-rary S j ISSN 11('( Q) '!1"*

    1)' ,egal Referen%e Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN '27')1 Q) '!1"21)1 ,I9#R Quarterly j ISSN 14)2 Q) '!17(

    1)2 Terminology j ISSN 1*((( Q) '!17"

    1)) 0ro%eeding$ of t&e 3SIST 3nnual .eeting j ISSN 1'") Q) '!171

    1)4 Journal of t&e So%iety of 3r%&i/i$t$ j ISSN '')7("1Q) '!1**

    1) Informing S%ien%e j ISSN 147(* Q) '!1**

    1)* Journal of Information #t&i%$ j ISSN 1'*1() Q) '!1*4

    1)7 0re$er/ation< igital Te%&nology and +ulture j ISSN 21(2( Q) '!1*)

    1)" .u$i% Referen%e Ser/i%e$ Quarterly j ISSN 1'""1 Q) '!1(

    1)( 0rogre$$ in Informati%$ j ISSN 1)4("*1Q) '!17

    14' +uaderno$!info j ISSN '71()* Q) '!14

    141 Journal of igital Information .anagement j ISSN '(7272 Q) '!14

    142 International Journal of ,a and Information T j ISSN 14*4)* Q) '!1)14) ,i-rary j ISSN ''2421 Q) '!12

    144 ,i-rary Journal j ISSN ')*)'2 Q) '!1

    14 Journal of 3r%&i/al Organization j ISSN 1))27 Q) '!14(

    14* ,e%ture Note$ in +ontrol and Information S%ienk ISSN '17'"* Q) '!147

    147 ,i-re$ j ISSN 1'"*7 Q) '!14

    14" .i%roform and igitization Re/ie j ISSN 21(''7 Q) '!144

    14( Journal of Information and >noledge .anage j ISSN 17()*( Q) '!144

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    Page 4

    1' S%ire j ISSN 11))71Q) '!14)

    11 3d/an%e$ in ,i-rarian$&ip k ISSN ''*2" Q4 '!142

    12 ,i-rary and 3r%&i/al Se%urity j ISSN 14'(1Q4 '!142

    1) Note$ j ISSN 1)41 Q4 '!1)"

    14 ,i-rary ,eader$&ip and .anagement j ISSN 1(4"" Q4 '!1)*

    1 In/e$tiga%ion 9i-liote%ologi%a j ISSN '1"7) Q4 '!1)

    1* Sla/i% and #a$t #uropean Information Re$our%j ISSN 122(' Q4 '!1)417 Tran$informa%ao j ISSN '1'))7 Q4 '!12(

    1" Information e$ign Journal j ISSN '1424 Q4 '!12"

    1( ,i-rarie$ and t&e +ultural Re%ord j ISSN 1()24" Q4 '!127

    1*' International Journal of t&e 9ook j ISSN 1447( Q4 '!12*

    1*1 9ilgi unya$i j ISSN 1)'2)21Q4 '!12

    1*2 ,i-rary and Information S%ien%e j ISSN ')7)44 Q4 '!124

    1*) Journal of #du%ational .edia and ,i-rary S%ienj ISSN 1'1)'( Q4 '!12)

    1*4 Note$ and Querie$ j ISSN 1471*( Q4 '!12)

    1* Re/i$ta eneral de Informa%ion y o%umenta%ij ISSN 1(""2" Q4 '!121

    1** e/elopment and ,earning in Organi$ation$ j ISSN 147772 Q4 '!11(

    1*7 Journal of Information and Organizational S%ie j ISSN 1"4*(41Q4 '!117

    1*" +ommunity and Junior +ollege ,i-rarie$ j ISSN 142 Q4 '!11*1*( rey Journal j ISSN 1741" Q4 '!11

    17' 0aki$tan Journal of ,i-rary and Information S% j ISSN 1*"'44 Q4 '!11

    171 3d/an%e$ in ,i-rary 3dmini$tration and Organi k ISSN '7)2'* Q4 '!11)

    172 o%ument Numeri=ue j ISSN 1(*)1'1Q4 '!111

    17) 3fri%an Journal of ,i-rary 3r%&i/e$ and Informaj ISSN '7(47 Q4 '!1'"

    174 0aper$ of t&e 9i-liograp&i%al So%iety of 3meri% j ISSN '''*12 Q4 '!1'"

    17 9ulletin! Jo&n Ryland$ ;ni/er$ity ,i-rary of .a j ISSN ')'11' Q4 '!1'"

    17* International Journal of Information S%ien%e j ISSN 2''"")1Q4 '!1'"

    177 Journal of Information< Information Te%&nology< j ISSN 171) Q4 '!1'7

    17" +ien%ia da Informa%ao j ISSN '1''1( Q4 '!1'4

    17( Tran$a%tion$ of t&e +am-ridge 9i-liograp&i%al j ISSN ''*"**1Q4 '!1'2

    1"' 3nale%ta 8i-erni%a k ISSN '7(1*1 Q4 '!1'21"1 3r%&i/e$ j ISSN ''')( Q4 '!1'1

    1"2 3nale$ de o%umenta%ion j ISSN 1*(77( Q4 '!1'1

    1") Informa%ion< +ultura y So%iedad j ISSN 1"117 Q4 '!1'1

    1"4 .a$aryk ;ni/er$ity Journal of ,a and Te%&nolj ISSN 1"'2( Q4 '!1'1

    1" 8ar/ard ,i-rary 9ulletin j ISSN ''17"1 Q4 '!1'1

    1"* 9ulletin de$ 9i-liot&e=ue$ de :ran%e j ISSN '''*2' Q4 '!1'1

    1"7 S%ript and 0rint j ISSN 1")4('1Q4 '!1'1

    1"" o%umentali$te5 S%ien%e$ de lAInformation j ISSN ''124 Q4 '!1'1

    1"( I-er$id j ISSN 1"""'( Q4 '!1'1

    1(' S%riptorium j ISSN '')*(7 Q4 '!1

    1(1 9i j ISSN 17" Q4 '!1

    1(2 Quaerendo j ISSN 17''* Q4 '!11() azette de$ 3r%&i/e$ j ISSN ''1* Q4 '!1

    1(4 9ook +olle%tor< T&e j ISSN '''*72 Q4 '!1

    1( 0rologue j ISSN ''))1' Q4 '!1

    1(* ?O#96.itteilungen j ISSN 1'222 Q4 '!1

    1(7 Information6i$$en$%&aft und 0raBi$ j ISSN 14)44* Q4 '!1

    1(" Tuna j ISSN 14'*4' Q4 '!1

    1(( ?je$nik 9i-liotekara 8r/at$ke j ISSN 1))4*( Q4 '!1

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    Page 5

    8 indeB Total o%$! C2 Total o%$! C) Total Ref$! Total +ite$ C)y+ita-le o%$! +ite$ D o%! C2Ref! D o%!

    44 12 44 11)7 1*4 44 2!*1 (4!7

    2'* 1" 1*)" 1*'* 7*' 1*21 )!1 )1!"*

    1'" 1 1(' ))( ""( 1"1 4!4( *!"*

    4( 2" ( 1**( 21* *1 )!7" (!*1

    ) 4* 117 2*'" 2)7 (4 2!44 *!7

    2( (" 21) )"2( 1' 2'1 2!*1 )(!'7*7 42 141 271 4"' 1)* )!4 *!

    )" 2" 124 1)(4 22' 111 1!71 4(!7(

    11 )1 (1 1*2)" )4)* "(4 )!7 1!

    41 2) " (*2 1*) 7" 2!'2 41!")

    71 *1 244 2'7 4*7 2)* 2 41!1

    2 7" 1(4 47" 7)2 1"2 )!" *1!)

    72 4)4 7*4 1'11 17( 72) 2!27 )4!(

    7) 14' )2 "(1 7(1 )4) 2!'* 42!'"

    " 7( 2)2 4242 72) 1" )!2) )!7

    44 ) 12 1(1 2" 124 1!72 )*!"1

    4) 74 17 27"( 2*7 1) 1!( )7!*(

    42 ' 12 ' )1 11 ' ') 14* 4'" (4" "'* )*4 1!"4 4'!74

    2" 4* 122 172* 1*4 114 1!) )7!2

    17 2' 7' 7*7 1'( 7' 1!)7 )"!)

    14 14" (47 1'" 1)* '!7) 17!22

    1" 4* 2') 1(" *47 1(" 4!)7 42!7

    7 1( 1 )1 ) 4 '!*7 27!(

    4 ) 12( 2*1 174 12( 1!'( '!'2

    2* 12 1'7 *4* 114 1'7 '!(* )!")

    " 7 *1 21* 27 2 '!2 )'!"*

    17 24 " 7(1 4" 47 '!"7 )2!(*

    4' 1 2'' (7' 2'( 1*) 1!'( 1(!'2

    11 2' *( )22 4 ( '!*" 1*!112 ' ' 1 '

    )7 11) 221 27 1(1 1() '!*( 22!*)

    22 1( (' 44' (1 *1 1!)7 2)!1*

    2" 24 7( 1'4" 12( 7) 1!* 4)!*7

    )" 12" *" 114 11 '!(( 1'!))

    12 *( 1)7 144 1'4 12( '!*1 21!'7

    " 1* * 4 41 4 '!74 2"!44

    14 (( 2"7 "( 11" 2)1 '!4( !(

    1 4' 144 1'(* 117 14) '!7) 27!4

    1" ) 11" 114* 127 11" 1 )2!74

    22 7 147 2'1) 1" 142 1!') )!)2

    14 )" 1)* 7"* 1'' 1)* '!) 2'!*"24 ) 1' 1"*) 1"' 1' 1!'4 )!1

    1( 44" 4 1 1!14 2)!"

    2 21 111 1''' 1)" 11' 1!1 47!*2

    " 2' ** )(' )4 * '!4 1(!

    " 2) 7' 741 )( '!1 )2!22

    2 )) *( "47 ' *2 '!*4 2!*7

    2' )7 ** 1*(* *1 *2 1!'2 4!"4

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    Page 6

    2 2' 7 12(7 "7 7 1!) *4!"

    1" 2 "" 112 4* 74 '!*7 4*!'"

    2* )( 124 (' 11* 1'( '!(( 2)!21

    11 )1 "' 44* 1 "' '!74 14!)(

    1) 4 117 4(2 "2 11* '!* 1'!()

    ( )( (( *27 4* 7( '!) 1*!'"

    )2 ) 14) 2))" 2') 1)* 1!24 44!111) 1) 4( 2) 22 4" '!)) 1"!'"

    )( )' 1'' 1*1) 1'' "' 1!27 )!77

    12 * 1(2 *4( *( 1"4 '!)7 (!("

    ( 2' "1 1)() )" 7" '!4" *(!*

    )2 42 (4 24*4 124 (4 1!'" "!*7

    17 24 71 1')' *2 *7 '!(* 42!(2

    2' (* 14' )2() " "* '!( )4!)

    14 24 12) (4* "' 12) '! )(!42

    2) ' 1'" ' *1 (( '! '

    7 22 * )1( )) 1 '!*4 14!

    1* )1 1*" )* * 1) '!)" 11!77

    27 1* *1 4"4 4 ) '!"" )'!2( 1" " )() 4) 7* '! 21!")

    )) )" 1) 12(' "1 1)1 '!*4 ))!(

    11 2' *7 77) )" 7 '!*2 )"!*

    7 1( *7 '* )1 ( '!72 2*!*)

    12 *1 21 1)24 122 21 '!* 21!7

    * 24 *) )' )4 *2 '!47 14!"

    ( 4) 1' 12' * " '!4( 2"!'2

    12 1 42 2)( )' )( '!72 1!()

    17 27 "' "*2 *4 74 1!'7 )1!()

    * 24 "7 )*) 41 " '!*) 1!1)

    12 2 14' 17)) " 1)" '!7 ))!))

    1* ' 44 ' 21 )* '!)* '1( 2' 4) 11'( 1" 4' '!)1 !4

    ( 1" *4 1) 2( *4 '! 2"!

    1 ' 72 ' 47 ** '! '

    " ) "1 4' )2 7( '!4 11!7

    ( 1" (1 ))7 4( "7 '!*) 1"!72

    11 )4 117 *"' 4( 11) '!)2 2'

    2 4" 17 1'1 ( 14 '!*4 21!(

    14 2* "2 "(1 4' "' '!)" )4!27

    1( )( 1'( 2*'2 "7 1'' '!( **!72

    7 )) (" 4"2 27 (" '!22 14!*1

    4 4 (2 1'4) 4) "" '!)7 2)!1"

    " 7( *7 2(1 22 * '!)( )!*" *2 2)4 '' 7 11( '!4 "!'*

    2* 74 2( 2'"4 1"4 2" '!*" 2"!1*

    2 )' 2" ""2 2) 2 '!(2 2(!4

    24 2( 1'1 177 7* (7 '!" *'!(

    ( )( 1' 1)7' 77 1'1 '!74 )!1)

    1) 2' 7' *" 1 7' '!4 )4!2

    14 24 (1 (7* () (' '!( 4'!*7

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    Page 7

    14 )) 7* ((" 47 7) '!7 )'!24

    ( 47 1'1 )** )2 1'1 '!)2 7!7(

    ( 2" 14* 242 )2 1)' '!24 "!*4

    " 7 ** 4 2( *' '!4 *!4)

    1" (' 1(1 )' "* '!2( 1'!*1

    2' 4 1)" "'4 7* 12) '!1 14!"(

    24 ( 222 1( 1 '!4) (!2)2 )( 1*1 1*2 "2 14" '!4( 41!*7

    1" 4 1') 12*" ' (7 '! 2"!1"

    )" 11* 4*' 2) 11 '!1( 12!11

    1 2" 71 17)( *' 71 '!7 *2!11

    "' 14( 2' 1( 1)1 '!14 2!*(

    2' ' 2* ' 1) 2* '!* '

    1* )2 7) 1)*' )) 71 '!4 42!

    " ( 2* 2(4 14 2* '! )2!*7

    1) 41 (2 2"( )' " '!1) 7!'

    ( 1 27) 1" *1 27) '!1" 1"

    12 24 7( 414 )) 7( '!)7 17!2

    )2 () 4'* 2* 7 '!27 12!*(1) 4 2' 17 ( 1" '! )(!2

    7 2( 1'* 1*" 24 1' '!1 !7(

    )2 1" 7 7)' 7 74 '!" 4'!*

    1' 12 4' 421 2 )" '!2 )!'"

    2 *) 1) ()) )' 12* '!24 14!"1

    24 1( * *"2 24 '!)* )!"(

    12 *7 1717 ("(( 4( 1717 '!2" 14!*7

    " 7 )) 2*' 11 )) '!2) )7!14

    4 2 12 *12 11 1') '!1) 11!77

    24 72 "744 "" 1* '!2 )4!4)

    12 12 44 4"7 1 44 '!2 4'!"

    1) ' 7*2 * ' '!14 "!*27 12 ' 2"7 1* )" '!*) 2)!(2

    14 12 ) )(4 1( ) '!4 )2!")

    2) ' 44 ' 142 44 '!1* '

    ( ' 4) ' 14 )* '!11 '

    1" 2 14 11( 12 14 '!* (!

    7 1' *4 24" 1' ) '!17 24!"

    1 ) 2) 7 ) 1 '!2 2

    22 " 1"( 2 '!12 "!(

    ( 7 )1 1)2 11 27 '!)) 1"!"*

    1 2" 2* ( * 2* '!2) )4!11

    " 42 1"1 **' 2" 1*4 '!17 1!71

    7 11 4* ' 2( 4* '!( 4!(1" 7 )4 7*( )2 '!14 1'(!"*

    1* )'* 2" ' 2* 141 '!12 '

    * ' )( ' 7 )2 '!1 '

    2) "1 )'1 214" *2 27 '!2) 2*!2

    7 14 12" ) 1) '!1) 2!*

    2 ' 42 ' 4 )" '!14 '

    11 2' 1'4 1'"( 1( 1'1 '!2 4!4

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    Page 8

    2 )* *2 *(2 * *' '!1 1(!22

    7 12 1 4(' " 4( '!1) 4'!")

    ) ' 22 ' ) 17 '!22 '

    1' )2 )"* * )1 '!2) )"!*

    * )4 ( 2"" * ** '!11 "!47

    4 2( "1 77 12 77 '!1) 2*!1

    ) 1( *1 41 ) ' ' 2"!472 1" *' )*4 " *' '!1 2'!22

    1) ' 4" ' * )7 '!' '

    * ' 1 ' ' 1 ' '

    2 11 1)" 27 * 1)" '!'* 2

    1 22 21 *(7 ) 21 '!14 )1!*"

    4 1* *7 1'*" 12 *2 '!' **!7

    22 *( "1" *1 '!') )7!1"

    1)4 * 227* 2* 12" '!2" 1*!((

    1 ( 4( 2' ( 4( '!21 22!7"

    7 4) 174 122 1) 1** '!' 2!"4

    1) 42 )'4 14 )7 '!2* 2)!)"

    4 2 47 ' 44 '!1) ') ' 4 ' 47 '!1 '

    2 ' )1 ' ) 2* '!17 '

    4 * 1) 4* 1 11 ' 77!

    4 1( 1 ') 4 44 '!12 2*!47

    1" 2* 47) ) 2* '!'" 2*!2"

    ) 1) 44 417 2 41 ' )2!'"

    ) 2" )2 17)* 1 )2 '!') *2

    22 *4 '* 7 *4 '!14 2)

    1 ' 4 ' ' 4 ' '

    * ' 2 ' ) ' ' '

    ) ' 12 ' ' 12 ' '

    1 ' 14 ' ' 14 ' '1 ' 1" ' 1 17 '!11 '

    ' ( 1" 24( ' 1" ' 27!*7

    1 1 27 422 ) 2) '!1) 2"!1)

    1 1 2) 4() 1 2) '!'4 )2!"7

    4 ' )" ' ' 2* ' '

    2 ' )1) ' 4 22" '!'2 '

    1 ' )) ' ' 2" ' '

    ) (' 272 **4 4 1(" '!'2 7!)"

    1 1" 4' 4'' ' 4' ' 22!22

    4 7 4 )) 1 4 ' 7*!14

    1 2) ) )(1 ' 2 ' 17

    ) ( * )4) 2 *1 '!'7 )"!111 71 7" *4" 1 7) '!'1 (!1)

    ) ( * ' 7* ' 1!2

    2 ' 111 ' ' 77 ' '

    2 1 1** 4'2 1 11( ' 7!""

    7 44 14 *22 2 12 '!') 14!14

    1 1' 1)4 2* ) 127 '!'1 2!*

    2 ' 14 ' 4 1)4 '!'4 '

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    Page 10

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  • 8/20/2019 Library Science Journals List


  • 8/20/2019 Library Science Journals List



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