132 THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY VOL. 41 especially the integrating circuit. The accuracy of the integrator is • 2% according to manufacturer's speci- fications. We have observed • 1%. This means that in a molecule containing 50 hydrogen atoms, these can be accounted for to within • 0.5-1.0 hydrogen atom. For dilute solutions, which give weaker signals, the signal to noise ratio becomes the limiting factor. This error can be reduced by averaging repetitive observa- tions. In ratioing the area of an unknown resonance peak to one which arises from a known number of hydrogens, any uncertainty in the measurement of the known peak area is multiplied by the ratio. This accounts for the greater uncertainty in the measure- merit of long EO chains. Another possible source of error arises because the process of obtaining the NMR spectrum disturbs the normal distribution of nuclear spin states. This saturation effect (4) must be kept negligibly small if all peaks are to exhibit their theoretical areas. In practice, this means operating at low radio frequency power levels which give less than optimum signal to noise ratios. Thus, in order to avoid biased peak areas, one must sacrifice some precision of measurement. In practice, a suitable com- promise is reached by using the instrumental condi- tions described in the experimental section. A final source of error arises due to incomplete resolution of overlapping peaks, as in the alkyl band. Choice of the integral inflection at the point of minimum intensity between two partially resolved peaks leads to biased answers if the peaks arc of different sizes. Data on average alkyl branching should be considered semi-quantitative for this reason. The ability of NMR to give average structural in- formation about mixtures of isomers and homologs is fortunate, but frequently it is desirable to know some- thing about the distribution of individual isomeric species in a mixture. Fractionation of a sample using high resolution preparative chromatographic tech- niques yields small samples of more nearly pure iso- mers which can then be identified by quantitative NMR using mierocell techniques (5). Quantitative spectra have been taken of 0.007 ml alkylbenzene in CC14, using spherical nylon sample cells of the type described by Shoolery (5). REFEI~ENCES 1. Storey, W. I-I., Jr., JOAOS 37, 677 (1960). 2. l~opkins, G. Y., Ibid. 38, 664 (1961). 3. Pople, J. A., W. C. Schneider, and H. J. Bernstein, "High-l~eso- lution Nuclear ~agnetie Resonance," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1959, p. 458. 4. Ibid., p. 30. 5. Shoolery, J. N., "An NMR Microcell," presented at the 3rd Conference on Experimental Aspects of NMR Spectroscopy, Pittsburgh, March 2-3, 1962. 6. Swisher, R. D., E. F. Kaelble, and S. K. Liu, J. Org. Chem. 26, 4066 (1961). 7. Jaekman, L. M., "Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry," Pergamon Press, London 1959, p. 20. 8. Flanagan, P. W., R. A. Greff, and H. F. Smith, "Quantitative Applications of High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic R, esonance. L The Identification of Nonionic Surfactants." Presented at the 13th Con- ference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Pittsburgh, Maroh, 1962; JAOCS 40, 118 (1963). [Recqived October 1, 1962--Accepted September 9, 1963] Lipolysis of Trivernolin by Pancreatic Lipase ]. SAMPUGNA, R. G. ]ENSEN, and R. M. PARRY, JR., Dept. of Animal Industries, University of Connecticut, and C. F. KREWSON, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory, ~ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Abstract Vernolie acid (cis-12,13-epoxy-cis-9-octadece- noic acid) occurs as the triglyceride in the seed of Ver~w~da anthelmintica. Incubation of the seed produces a 1,3-divernolin. To determine whether the structure of trivernolin is responsible for the apparent secondary ester position speci- ficity of the natural enzyme, trivernolin and tri- olein, were incubated with pancreatic lipase and the free fatty acids and monoglycerides were determined after 5 and 15 man digestion periods. The preponderance of 2-monoglyceride produced by the action of pancreas lipase was interpreted to indicate that the structure of trivernolin was not solely responsible for the secondary position specificity of the V. anthelmintica lipase toward trivernolin. Introduction T RIVERNOLIN, a simple triglyceride of vernolic acid was found by Krewson et al. (6) as a major con- stituent of the oil from the seed of Vernonia anthel- mintica. There was present a hydrolytic enzyme system in the seed which converted trivernolin to 1,3- divernolin and vernolic acid with no apparent forma- tion of monoglyeeride. (6) This was of interest in that most lipases are either specific for the primary esters of glyeerides, or do not exhibit any positional specificity (5,8,10,12). If the lipase system of V. anthelmintica is specific for the secondary esters o~ other triglycerides, it E. Utiliz. Res. & Dev. DAy., ARS, U'.S.D.A. would be most useful in determining triglyceride structure. But before pursuing such investigations, it is necessary to know whether the specificity is due to the action of the lipase, or to the epoxy structure of trivernolin. This investigation was undertaken to partially test this hypothesis by incubation of puri- fied trivernolin and pancreatic lipase of known specificity (10,12) and comparing free fatty acid and monoglyceride contents of this system with one of pancreatic lipase and triolein. Materials and Methods Purified trivernolin was prepared at the Eastern Regional Research Laboratory from V. anthelmintica seed oil by a process of crystallization and column chromatography (7). Commercial triolein (Hormel) was used as purchased. These triglycerides were checked for purity by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using 75:25 ethyl ether and petroleum ether (30-60C} as the developing solvent and a brom-thy- tool-blue spray (9) to visualize the spots. In the solvent system used, triglyeerides travel just below the sol- vent front. Both substrates gave only one spot and that was in the area of triglycerides. A crude preparation of pancreatic lipase (Steapsin, Fisher Scientific) was treated four times to remove ca. 10% lipid materials as follows: 2 g of the crude powder was slurried in 200 ml ethyl ether, stirred for 15 man magnetically and the mixture centrifuged; the ether layer was decanted and after the final treat- ment, the wet powder was dried at room temp over calcium sulfate in a desiccator. Prior to each diges-

Lipolysis of trivernolin by pancreatic lipase

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132 THE J O U R N A L OF T H E A M E R I C A N O I L C H E M I S T S ' S O C I E T Y VOL. 41

especially the integrat ing circuit. The accuracy of the integrator is • 2% according to manufac turer ' s speci- fications. We have observed • 1%. This means that in a molecule containing 50 hydrogen atoms, these can be accounted for to within • 0.5-1.0 hydrogen atom. For dilute solutions, which give weaker signals, the signal to noise ratio becomes the limiting factor. This error can be reduced by averaging repetitive observa- tions. In ratioing the area of an unknown resonance peak to one which arises f rom a known number of hydrogens, any uncer ta inty in the measurement of the known peak area is multiplied by the ratio. This accounts for the greater uncer ta in ty in the measure- merit of long EO chains. Another possible source of error arises because the process of obtaining the NMR spectrum disturbs the normal distribution of nuclear spin states. This saturation effect (4) must be kept negligibly small if all peaks are to exhibit their theoretical areas. In practice, this means operating at low radio frequency power levels which give less than optimum signal to noise ratios. Thus, in order to avoid biased peak areas, one must sacrifice some precision of measurement. In practice, a suitable com- promise is reached by using the instrumental condi- tions described in the experimental section. A final source of error arises due to incomplete resolution of overlapping peaks, as in the alkyl band. Choice of the integral inflection at the point of minimum intensity between two part ia l ly resolved peaks leads

to biased answers if the peaks arc of different sizes. Data on average alkyl branching should be considered semi-quantitative for this reason.

The ability of NMR to give average s t ructural in- formation about mixtures of isomers and homologs is fortunate, but f requent ly it is desirable to know some- thing about the distribution of individual isomeric species in a mixture. Fract ionat ion of a sample using high resolution preparat ive chromatographic tech- niques yields small samples of more nearly pure iso- mers which can then be identified by quanti tat ive NMR using mierocell techniques (5). Quantitat ive spectra have been taken of 0.007 ml alkylbenzene in CC14, using spherical nylon sample cells of the type described by Shoolery (5).

REFEI~ENCES 1. Storey, W. I-I., Jr . , JOAOS 37, 677 (1960) . 2. l~opkins, G. Y., Ibid. 38, 664 (1961) . 3. Pople, J. A., W. C. Schneider, and H. J. Bernstein, "High-l~eso-

lution Nuclear ~ a g n e t i e Resonance ," McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1959, p. 458.

4. Ibid., p. 30. 5. Shoolery, J . N., "An NMR Microcell," presented at the 3rd

Conference on Exper imenta l Aspects of NMR Spectroscopy, Pi t t sburgh, March 2-3 , 1962.

6. Swisher, R. D., E. F. Kaelble, and S. K. Liu, J . Org. Chem. 26, 4066 (1961) .

7. Jaekman, L. M., "Applicat ions of Nuclear Magnetic R e s o n a n c e Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry," P e r g a m o n Press, London 1959, p. 20.

8. F lanagan , P. W., R. A. Greff, and H. F. Smith, "Quanti tat ive Applications of H igh Resolution Nuclear Magnetic R, esonance. L The Identif ication of Nonionic Sur fac tan t s . " Presented a t the 13th Con- ference on Analyt ical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Pi t t sburgh, Maroh, 1962; JAOCS 40, 118 (1963) .

[ R e c q i v e d O c t o b e r 1, 1 9 6 2 - - A c c e p t e d S e p t e m b e r 9, 1 9 6 3 ]

Lipolysis of Trivernolin by Pancreatic Lipase ]. SAMPUGNA, R. G. ]ENSEN, and R. M. PARRY, JR., Dept. of Animal Industries, University of Connecticut, and C. F. KREWSON, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory, ~ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Abstract Vernolie a c i d (cis-12,13-epoxy-cis-9-octadece-

noic acid) occurs as the triglyceride in the seed of Ver~w~da anthelmintica. Incubat ion of the seed produces a 1,3-divernolin. To determine whether the s tructure of tr ivernolin is responsible for the apparent secondary ester position speci- ficity of the natural enzyme, tr ivernolin and tri- olein, were incubated with pancreatic lipase and the free f a t ty acids and monoglycerides were determined af ter 5 and 15 man digestion periods. The preponderance of 2-monoglyceride produced by the action of pancreas lipase was interpreted to indicate that the s tructure of tr ivernolin was not solely responsible for the secondary position specificity of the V. anthelmintica lipase toward trivernolin.


T RIVERNOLIN, a simple triglyceride of vernolic acid was found by Krewson et al. (6) as a major con-

st i tuent of the oil f rom the seed of Vernonia anthel- mintica. There was present a hydrolyt ic enzyme system in the seed which converted tr ivernolin to 1,3- divernolin and vernolic acid with no apparent forma- tion of monoglyeeride. (6) This was of interest in that most lipases are either specific for the pr imary esters of glyeerides, or do not exhibit any positional specificity (5,8,10,12).

I f the lipase system of V. anthelmintica is specific for the secondary esters o~ other triglycerides, it

E. Utiliz. Res. & Dev. DAy., ARS, U'.S.D.A.

would be most useful in determining tr iglyceride structure. But before pursuing such investigations, it is necessary to know whether the specificity is due to the action of the lipase, or to the epoxy s t ructure of trivernolin. This investigation was undertaken to part ia l ly test this hypothesis by incubation of puri- fied trivernolin and pancreatic lipase of known specificity (10,12) and comparing free f a t ty acid and monoglyceride contents of this system with one of pancreatic lipase and triolein.

Materials and Methods Purified tr ivernolin was prepared at the Eastern

Regional Research Labora tory from V. anthelmintica seed oil by a process of crystallization and column chromatography (7). Commercial triolein (Hormel) was used as purchased. These triglycerides were checked for pur i ty by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using 75:25 ethyl ether and petroleum ether (30-60C} as the developing solvent and a brom-thy- tool-blue spray (9) to visualize the spots. In the solvent system used, triglyeerides travel just below the sol- vent front. Both substrates gave only one spot and that was in the area of triglycerides.

A crude preparat ion of pancreatic lipase (Steapsin, Fisher Scientific) was t reated four times to remove ca. 10% lipid materials as follows: 2 g of the crude powder was slurried in 200 ml ethyl ether, s t irred for 15 man magnetically and the mixture centr i fuged; the ether layer was decanted and af ter the final treat- ment, the wet powder was dried at room temp over calcium sulfate in a desiccator. Pr io r to each diges-

FnsauaRY, 1964 S A M P U G N A E T A L . : L I P O L Y S I S O F T R I V E R N O L I N " 133

tion trial, the enzyme was dispersed by mixing either 30 or 80 mg with 1 ml of 1 M tris buffer (pH 8.0). The digest consisting of 200 mg of substratc, 10 ml of 10% gum arabic in 1 M tris buffer (pH 8.0), 0.2 ml of a 1% bile salt solution (Difco), and 0.5 ml of a 45% calcium chloride solution (11), was mixed in a War- ing Blender. To this, 1 ml of the lipase dispersion was added and the contents incubated at 37C with shaking. Controls were similarly prepared except that no enzyme was added. Eight trials were run with trivernolin and two with triolein each for 5 and 15 min digestion periods. T w o additional samples using 80 mg of pancreatic lipase were run at both of these digestion periods with each substrate. Immediately af ter incubation the mixture was placed in a casserole, acidified with 0.5 ml 20% sulfuric acid, and the lipids extracted in the following manner. The reagents and apparatus are described by t t a rpe r et al. (1), except that 90 :10 chloroform-methanol (v /v) was used as the solvent. F i f t y g activated silicie acid was added to the contents of the casserole and the mixture was ground with a pestle. To this, 50, ml of chloroform-methanol solvent was added with addi- tional grinding, and the resulting' s lurry was poured into a chromatographic column fitted to a suction flask. An additional 150 ml of solvent was used to rinse the casserole and elute the lipids from the column. The extraction was facilitated by vacuum from a water aspirator.

Hal f of the extract from each sample was analyzed for free fa t ty acids by t i t rat ion to the thymol blue end-point with 0.05N alcoholic KOH. The solvent was removed from the second half with a ro tary flash evaporator, and the lipid material was dried in a desiccator under vacuum. The contents were then diluted to 50 ml with chloroform and duplicate 1 nil aliquots were analyzed for monoglycerides. The monoglyeerides were estimated by the method of Jensen and Morgan (2) in which the formaldehyde produced by periodic acid oxidation is measured eolorimetrically by reaction with ehromotropic acid. In this procedure the ehloroform-monoglyceride mix- ture is analyzed before and af ter perchloric acid isomerization to determine one and total mono- glyeerides.

Results and Discussion The free f a t ty acid and monoglyceride contents are

given in Table I ; also the data for the diglyceride products which were calculated from the free fa t ty acid and monoglyceride contents with the assumption that glycerol was not formed in these digestions (3, 10). The free f a t ty acid and monoglyceride values obtained from tr ivernolin were somewhat lower than those obtained for triolein under the same digestion conditions, indicating that the rate of hydrolysis was different for the two glycerides. However, it should be noted that the difference occurred within the first 5 rain of digestion. I f the 5-rain values are subtracted from the 15-min vahles, it is clear that the rates of digestion were nearly identical for the last 10 rain. Similar calculations can be made for the 80 mg pan- creatic lipase samples and yield the same results, viz., tha t the difference in rate of hydrolysis between triolein and trivernolin is a difference in the initial rate of hydrolysis.

The 2-monoglyceride present as per cent of total monoglyceride formed was comparable for the two substrates and illustrates the similar behavior of these substrates during lipolysis by pancreatic lipase. The presence of 1-monoglyceride in the digestion products

T A B L E I P r o d u c t s of P a n e r e a t i e H ydr o ly s i s of Tr io le in a n d T r i v e r n o l i n (exoept

w h e r e o the rwise ind ica ted all f i gu res a re in m i e r e e q u i v a l e n t s )

30 m g )anerea t i e 80 m g p a n c r e a t i c l i p a s e / s a m p l e l i p a s e / s a m p l e

P r o d u c t 5-rain d iges t 15-rain d iges t 5-rain d iges t 15-rain d iges t


F F A ............ [ 163 192 228 253 196 265 308 368 Total MG ..... 39 55 73 85 50 83 103 139 1--MG .......... 10 16 26 34 9 24 25 42 2 - M G a ........ I 29 39 47 51 41 59 78 97 DG ~ ............ 85 82 82 83 96 99 102 90 % 2 - M G ..... 74 71 64 60 82 71 76 70

TV---- T r i v e r n o l i n ; TO ~ Tr io le in ; FFA--~ F r e e F a t t y Acid ; MG ---- Monoglycer ide ; D G ~ Dig lycer ide .

a Calcula ted by di f ference (Tota l MG - - 1 - M G ) . b Calcula ted f r o m FF 'A and M G - - a s s u m i n g no glycerol was p roduced

[ F F A - - 2 (Tota l MG) ].

was probably due to acyl migration (11), although 2-position hydrolysis cannot be ruled out. The lower percentage of 2-monoglyceride after the 15 rain di- gestion periods has been observed (4) and can be interpreted as increased acyl migration to the 1- isomer. The preponderance of 2-monoglyeeride sup- ports the concept of pancreatic lipase specificity for the pr imary ester position since this was observed for both triolein and trivernolin. Thus tr ivernolin acts as most triglycerides and does not possess peculiar behavior due to the epoxy groups. Although final proof awaits the incubation of other trigtycerides with the lipase of V. anthclmintica, the findings of Krewson e t a l . (6) can now be studies in terms of an enzyme system that may be specific for the internal position of tr ivernolin and other triglycerides.

An interesting observation dur ing this s tudy con- cerns the calculated amounts of diglyeeride. Whether tr ivernolin or triolein was used, the amount of di- g]yeeride present af ter 15-rain digestion periods was the same as that present af ter 5 rain fo r similar amounts of enzyme. An increase i n free f a t ty acid and an increase in monoglyceride with no increase in diglyeeride content implies that diglyceride was being converted to monoglyceride as quickly as triglyeeride was being hydrolyzed to diglyceride, at least during the last 10 rain. In contrast, we have noted recently (4) that pancreatic lipase did not hydrolyze 1,3- dilanrin as rapidly as it hydrolyzed tr i laurin. Al- though it is possible, under these conditions, that diolein may be digested as rapidly as triolein, it is tempting to ascribe the diglyeeride values in this s tudy to the enzyme-substrate complex. I f the en- zyme, once attached to a triglyceride, is released only when a monoglyceride is formed, the diglyceride con- tent would remain constant until all available tri- glyeeride substrate is gone.

A O K N O W L E D G M E N T S Th i s w o r k suppor t ed in p a r t by N I H r e s e a r c h g r a n t AM-2605

Scient i f ic Con t r ibu t ion No. 31, A gr i cu l t u r a l E :cper iment Stat ion, Uni- v e r s i t y of Connect icut , S tor rs , (Jonn. T L C ana lyses of t r i ve rno l in f rom F. E . L u d d y .

R E F E R E N C E S 1. H a r p e r , W. J . , D. P . Schwar tz , and I . S. E i h a g a r a w y , J . D a i r y

Sei., 39, 4 6 - 5 0 ( 1 9 5 6 ) . 2. J ensen , R. G., a n d :M. E . Morgan , Ibid., 42, 2 3 2 - 2 3 9 ( 1 9 5 9 ) . 3. J ensen , R. G., J-. S a m p u g n a , a n d G. W. Gander , Ibid., 44, 1 9 8 3 -

1988 ( 1 9 6 1 ) . 4. ffonsen, R. G., 3-. S a m p u g n a , R. M. P a r r y , J r . , a n d K. M. Shahan i ,

J . D a i r y Sei. 46, 907--910 ( 1 9 6 3 ) . 5. Kern, E. D., J . Biol. (}hem. ~86, 1 6 3 8 - 1 6 4 2 ( 1 9 6 1 ) . 6. Krewson , 13. F., J . S. Ard, and 1l. W. R icmensehne ide r , J A O C S

39, 3 3 4 - 3 4 0 ( 1 9 6 2 ) . 7. Krewson , C. F., a n d F. E. Luddy , "Vernonia. anthelmintiea ( L )

W'illd. H i g h l y Pu r i f i ed E p o x y F a t t y Acid C'omponents f rom the Seed OIL" J A O C S . in press .

�9 Lynn , }V. S., J r . , and N. C. P e r r y m a n , J. Biol. C~bem. 235, 1 9 1 2 - 1916 ( 1 9 6 0 ) .

9. 2~Iangold, H . K., JAOC'S 38, 7 0 8 - 7 2 7 ( 1 9 6 1 ) . 10. Mat tson, F. I~., a n d L,. W. Beck, J . Biol. Chem. 214, 1 1 5 - 1 2 5

(1955). 11. 3/~attson, F. I-I., and R. A. Volpenheim, J . L i p i d Resea rch 3,

2 8 1 - 2 9 6 ( 1 9 6 2 ) . 12. S a v a r y , P . , a n d P. Desnuelle , Biochem. Biophys . Aeta, 21, 3 4 9 -

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