Mathematical Contradictions in Bible

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  • 7/25/2019 Mathematical Contradictions in Bible


    Regarding more contradictions in the Bible It is mentioned in the 2ndKings, Chapter

    No.8, Verse No.26, it says thatAhezia he was 22 years old when he began to reign

    2ndChronicles, Chapter No. 22, Verse No. 2, says thatHewas 42 years old when he

    began to reign Was he 22 years old, or was he 42 years old? Mathematical


    In 2ndChronicles, Chapter No. 21, Verse No. 20, it says thatJoaram the father of

    Ahezia he reigned at the age of 32 and he reigned for 8 years and he died at the age

    of 40

    . Immediately Ahezia became the next ruler at the age of 42. Father died at the

    age of 40 Immediately son takes over, who is at the age of 42. How can a son, be two

    years older than the father?

    It cannot even be a miracle Even in miracles; it is not

    possible Impossible. In miracle, you can have a person being born of a virgin birth

    but in miracle you cannot have a son being older than the father, by 2 years.

    It is mentioned in the Bible, in 2ndSamuel Chapter No 24, Verse No 9, that The people

    that were involved in the battlefield.

    It gives a list of these people, in 2ndSamuel, Chapter

    24, Verse No. 9, and it says thatPeoplethat took part 800 thousand of the men of

    Israel took part and 500 thousand of the men of Judah same If you see other places,

    1stChronicle, Chapter 21, Verse No. 5, it says that 1 million Hundred thousand people

    took part in the battle field from the men o f Israel and ten thousand four hundred and

    sixty men took part of Judah Was it 800 thousand people who took part from the menof Israel, or was it 1 million 100 thousand? Was it 5 lakh people of Judah that took part

    or 10,460? A clear-cut contradiction.

    It is mentioned in the Bible in 2ndSamuel, Chapter No. 6, Verse No 23, thatMichaelthe

    daughter of Saul she had no sons

    2nd Samuel, Chapter 21, Verse No. 8 Michael

    the daughter of Saul had 5 sons

    One place it says No children, no son, no daughter

    Other place 5 sons.

    It is mentioned in Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 1, Verse No. 16 it says about the

    genealogy of Jesus Christ peace be upon him as well as Luke Chapter No. 3, Verse No.

    23, and it says thatJesusfather that is Joseph his father was JacobMathew,

    Chapter 1, Verse 16.

    And Luke, Chapter No 3, Verse No 23Jesusfather Joseph his

    father was Hailey

    . Did Jesus father Joseph, had two fathers ? What do you call a

    person who has got two fathers ? Or was it Hailey or was it Jacob ? Clear-cut
