I Methodical Realism Etienne Gilson Chrisfendom Press

Methodical Realism - fbcweb.orgfbcweb.org/Doctrines/Metaphysics-3.pdf · Etienne Gilson Chrisfendom Press. IIy its .....,...,. Zi wei .. by ia inri

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Etienne Gilson

Chrisfendom Press

IIy its .....,...,. Zi wei .. by ia inri<i e_M.....~ .. ~ ~.COIoC....,of Ctloool. I"""'il>lrlIoe tOt_ itunprnn of"-"-~ ... _n-AJ C;;_ XlI it r""h ... 'hh ......... boot. ~

~.- of r....~ ...it,.,.. 110'"",,_ lItH _ 1\lJ:!._,Iood;""1 .""li>nI ....no. ;" _.........., It> kq>~.. foaos ,be~ of ,lie ~al ......,.. ,"" purdy-..:epr...... Me'bodit:al .......... ~ .,.'e..~'", ,«:>"'b' in.ob, .. k~1i" Is _ • ..,"" conccl"""~....I)M>." if ,he e"~,,,,-.I rc~l"y ,I>.>, ""'kco l......bIc ,h~

in,cI'ct:h••,1 ""'.Sur:h ;1 'h< .""cul~'rv< I'" <Jf M..h<.ohc~1 Rwli.",

w'rlch (iii..." ~mph"ll~cd "S''''''' ""'I-rrrc",rlrr~1'''omi", who Ih""&h' H," i' """ I.....il~e 'n 01«' "'''''''h"" h.lf ~ ,"" <b;n.. ni KM,I.n ide.li.m by .......J1~ Hrmm~""e ,e.li>.m." To ,...... '''"re or ,""_,,,,,.'i.. ide.'i>< ",,,"'ni ,he ""l>je<I""" ...bv<.......0( .......v.,""'" II c.U."bc 'i><>uJh'M~-"'".. rl' ~wea< i" -1""f'I'<'ic lithl



Methodical Realism





eli ..... 019!lO. T. I· bJI'tiIillT...-.;$ bJSoMIrJ' 1. Jab.M __

, $ , "". 1MU-.l_of ...-nca.

AI~"",,"II"""· ..4'"o I r.-. r... Ro,aI. IIA nwo.

....... of'" boOlt .., 11<~ 1ft aIIJ "",,,, bJ ...,._. .. _....... ........ R:~ inf""""'liDol.... .-1 ..vkYaI~_, p<m:>...........",.~

_ 1M piOblWIo'. ","pi by.~, ...11<> ""'1 ~""'. _I$ I~ -,,_.


,,- ,,. Met-..alRw- "" R_"""~ "

ill. The Sperifie N......,of Iloe ""b>pIo.. On?ef "

,V The Real... M<1\Iod ".V The Ra.l'" Bel'n...o'. Il>ndbook on





01 JHI: tOJ17n'TICiT-."'- sn'PIU


1I .._~•• _ .. ""l''''--'.... _.. ... . .,. .... ....,.- ~ "'"_..._.."".'

J1w ...,. _ ftJI-,.." _ f{ -....,

4. .~ ~ _,...,... -1fIIIII-tJ ",","~"' ....... .,....""" .._~N. y...,s-. NI,"'­_"'apn:<f"" . ' __.........IIIIl_ ....~. _ p" odtm c-.lNW '" rItot...,...... "" .. poNrMPo of """"" ......... .w..., I -JtI _--




n. 1l0oi< tala Ib ulk: m- In llnIl .........betint d 1'Iw~ -mla bo•••• 19)1 _ "15 bJEneueo- A bl : ""V j".

Giooa _ M 6SlII bw1Wo7" l~' '1cph-, ,. ck II .....-- .. tIoo IlIk '" •.....,_ aI _ Wf'UCll ill ...... bJ pi I

Call1obe pIoilo..,· IS IaI bJ J.,..a Mar..- ....IfY~an IMer ... be ~.~ _ tN<' ""'"llooooP _ ~ findi"C ,Illll ...~ -......ly....- cYelllII-' aaodo<aic<1Jda m- 1M

laic 1'11llo till the earIJ l!l6Olltl Europe .....U III lbcUnited Sto,o:s, afl"c"d aD ltd,pK out 01 whldl it ....lybcpDIlO ca>erse. ,.... hdl....n 01 plIiloo<>p/oy I>e SlOw

...,..c llYn c...,..p of the ;n,ubility '" phl'->phicalOOOVlC'ioftf and oI'he cY<' rc~ COIl'......iorI of loft,.....blW.<d tfU,,,, b)' lon, ",(.t<d Crfon. He hlld •pIo"ictJl.. fond_ for a phr:ue. "Ibe -.lid Ihin!Inlel1.", or man," of John Henry NCWJl\on, ..'1>0, asOJ'"''' 'ully kr\(w. did...,. offcr I' .... accolodc all'"hu n mind. '!lUll N an'••IIoul"t found In Gil""".pr_ n. We""'" "PI intln...'\onI of .ubfectivisal

,I • M •


- pIM:_-. t __ pan til u...'. \ok-bIcraw,. .. b<tId' til oc,«l- .not~ -.I d Ilolorp..,..,. ... --..-..,.at,onr.....lUI aopca '" _ CUlpaip. _ iIoriIivo'

uptft is OIl _ ill.- IOrtId<:o '"'do -...~"'C<tbtr ... book r_ oc tho d (iihooo'. JOOdfnmd. ,._5_. -r-llp, Gdocln"........_ ......... was "Cry cl<ar fO V....,. so-.. 1IiImdf.,...,.., pl>ibcphn 01 _. ,_..... ...pIot

-"'-_"F"ft'I"""Ia,... "Did _ ,hc''',c1c·~

•.-..- _llloodlq~'. loa... I Ionle ",.M Inract"",ncss

"" ...nit...o" MIlctl Gecq;a Vln RIO' 10 h....ill-.l "urvey. Tltcmus~ £pu"~. or MS'ud~

-...", 'he Pr<>N<m '" CoJn'h"" ,n ,hee-",.porl'Y n.o.....'ic School.n

1lyM)'ln,"li""'- Vln Ro.,. prole55Ol "'he IllS.;''''~..... ckPh~ of 1.'1.....1•. Idmi".d • V.a,....... Ne-e. before Of Ir"" bad the ~'"~ ". NllMl'''' II looMoilo rea:~ so..L' t I • joIl • ill till. '""~ _ tbe """" ,....f • d ... I. Ik 19'3IlJ. aN ia ,he 19S00. wIIeJIV. Rirl """* '- g_ --'C' d.. _ ......_ bool I a.p aeado<_ cl<'bMe .. _ eo<>trri<

..... I' ' ~-..IO_

f 1 ror _4pIiI..... '" Ilw.. Kilo I.,..foo' • _ <Iftc. b<c. --.l "T1IooIe -ac tht._ ....~ cI Piuo XI ........ XII pasion!poliry (...-. __ d __I)) olMl _ .


....... abooo' c.ho'ir 1Ie<:I.aaII _

.n ,. " doc*i- Irt c._-.",-' h___ ._ Iloqr

......w w.k. .,.u. ... _ (10 ..,. -.Joootc <II

.......iDo& ... ok '~ •• _ aid'"

IU"""" 10" tk • l I ~.... 01_', -.."......... _poiDts. Today. _ R-. • dapcnlel)'"Y""llOck_IOP_ r_ ........ed .;.. .s.__..II... plaiooly ........ rnll" of • - ..,...." lit>e~ 1Mr;..,~ """' tn.....,rt! ohoukl ._1 • l"opI>cto<1""nO<I"'~ .......

'1M pn>p/W'qr~ In • '-on. ""l)' doc.. to

G,•• of IiIc hislory of phlboplly Il~ loved to pc>lnt""',hlllhe lni'lal ~rr.".. of.ny IfUI phll<:«>pl>tr "'~ Imall .. I>f ul .....,lml""tl""~ \>e(llUM'. II th( hlj":O"Y 01phllooc>phial .oys,~"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"," ~rr",. ar~ bound tounfold 11><" II 1.-. IlI&k C'OIIoeq~n<U. If ,he~ of!lllo if; _ f<>Wld I" 11M: ,l."p oll/>Cllcplliloto9btfl.lb<y be: In "," mdor in IiIc ..monpollhdr disftpies, 1I1~ Of ",-.Ie.. TlMo _ ...110 Mfl"I of G~'I ~_ for ...,;.sm ..~ol~.~.~Ol)'Of~~~ol

loll, ... :':; t ... ilkM,fO<ld. __ Il~ kqII ........10'''' l'"-c 1*1""'" 41... Uo< __ .....- d ... _ ... 11lJOo. Ii ... tk>! lit__.. 6nc Cae' ,. to) P"" tIoc GilfOfd a _SaM'__ IIoc 'o\"..u. J.... Lea....,. II IbIvwd.I. _ ..... aa.. poodoo:~d -'" """'" .<Un'Cd

" "..,.-Idwlde ancnlion un<kr ,be .illa TIN: Sporil ofM«JirowI~ and TM UniIJ 0{ f¥UIo<q>lb!£ i ....... It __ .100 duria& ,he 19301 WI lieI t ti..... twa _. .-I Mo '!t'UJ '"'cldy lad~__Rc •• ' io.~",

.. Gal ... "" ; '; 01 ....... Ilioo linn _

........".. ia thirty run- II'- .. _IIJcdil.....A hutorian of p/liloooplrr 0,...,., _n,cd 10

""..lin ond 10 be rc"",mbrr<:<l, '",h , hI> ben, ""-'Yslt Ind kn.ocll'Of .,.., "'.ki"&- WlIat biI ""e....... Ir.wl: _ I... Itt ...,. be pthotr<d _ tbe

IWny ' ......fIb _""'" .... final or rlfih cIIapI....'""'" Bfa r R....'. H • ... 1...._

, M' eel.,...,. moioo«l -.... 01 ......"' ............. _ ... il..... Illldmll 01 I'!' ..CIlmtlan philaoopl'rJ -'&h' _ be ..ked to m ...- poonu. aMy> Inri,l"" ond 'I",klin. and SCOllyUfClIOIk wl><n 11«'141"')'. ~"l: ,_ pc«plJ by-.. -..Id vadl' belp ,.... to I "'-Yo .iftcIf-,01.' ..,. douup~ ,...,...,.....,.. .... .-I 01 tnM; cM&lU....-.c. no-.....,.1*_'" .., ...... fA fP? F·.... __ widI •

.m...... which ""'l' ,adijy be Ipp'tcia'rd~ 1Mbacqrou."" ot the 'flint..., <k' ntion ""'itll IIIe.boo , DOW for 1111>001 thirty ~ of an otY\<lllCOlee in <be CllYrdllw ....ady prodl>ttd.

TIoc _pNleooo ill j-roed kif twa rc_ 0...c-..'. _ ...,.,. Md .-I i I ~


Coll>Olicil", in w/llth .be...... ample mom fOf pr"ll''''bul_C'. """" r« \,Imporln, wltb tIoll<s. MOl'" 'unon<e lie ~rcd wi,,, prolound 000<lnaI "P"'h''Q~ <OoCt, I~ .... faitll which 0"-" 10T...... dot C!wduI'. Bet, Ifd .. ponio:• 01 '--110: .-..ocCalbollcL He _ -.. "h' ~ of -... '- ownin.dleel...,j ...,..., .. _ Mmcc oe Cbril.t ,boo Kin.. Ve, Inspit. '" his unlb.uhcd Call1OlM: Ioyollia, his _~r.ceived _ lriIkr 'teop;'ion In """·Calhollc .....xmlc_ Ihu lhe """k oeonylllba 2OIh_nlury Ca,IIolIr.........

1lle __ .- eM lie pdlttcd rr- d ...de 'f" -*'II _ wllII • ,derma: ..ot-cao. at olI'iciaI .......... For .. poloq<. _ ..lhe ....·1\1600 poolporlCd tboo d"'-;na up lJf suda •<:o'echlom Knill! fOrlh 'he If.....adl;n. of Vll.aln 11 ...... born el tlw; pIIilooophy at • ~lful &loop lJf,......,a ,mti It V"""",, II. TI>cy KprcKn,cd ,he

-...rinor el idcat, Of ell , " ." -' """..poiIMo. _ a.. t dlclc ....,s.

TIlio ill a-... 00'_'.ly IKe> ill til. booll _.1Id horn """-to< doct .......ntiool - .....n. ""l' "".... They we,. foetlw; ...,.. l"'rl IIOl only e<:da,uliao ""I moo, utfDploryonca. Ilu, llIcy WK .U .nl....'rd "';lb • ral "'blrh In""""'*"_ to M¥c illY<li¥cd _ ....1I.1l1ioll I

~ p'Ul pcriI. 1llc I I 0/.....,., ...

" u

h""'UI Sapf.xur de ""iloooptl~~. dud .~I< .....",er. ci'.od.', _ f""" ill ,'an ."Im.oed "';,h ,h. zeal<JL ,I> r"..ndoer. Ct.rdinal MOftier, 10 m.tke 'lMmbmKUpUbk I<> -.oknl Of cmical phllofoplry In 1M......... It 1lloupI pwoibIr '" f_ulatc tho >Un"",-. 01 ..- ... ..-.-~

; ;>• ..,,. Ilw 01 "-- _ ~

1 'isM. TIle dron ........ g..., __ '. d ......... 00 ...,.- • .....,.r 01 0"," ndiaI <I,tf• ..,__II pili _ .dul 10 ,••1rhinp .1Id .".... fromu.e. to Ilk•••bou, 'h.... 11M: pi of • possll>k-"""1 of "'illd< be_II Tn""'.....nd Kk.lu'. (10...... 'M &lea' ..,.,.i'y of .-od<m phi"*'Ph''''_ , 1 prior to 1M Nom. of Iopal pooiIMtts ......

_ --. "'"~) -.cd 10 b< ...._ .......,.r-.LWlla c;;-. ;"..' .' Ius __ c:aIl of WI....

_ eIf..-," bad alru<IJ~ NCb ..n ntdlllftS""wioM .. Fr "'",lellar. l!ve·"OIu... ""'"eY of1M 1",,0<)' of .pb,.~1 ..."Inl poinu. and ,""!'JiM!d~~ <JL MOM!""" lhn Noll (11P8.19:5J). once. pupil ond lI.e, tbo __~ of

Cardiaal MonxI ..... dlf'«l'" ol tbo IMt~gt

Wo S" Noel SWUIlI ,.- lpIIdJy bcca.c k-. as.... ..".............. GiIooll ~ tIM: -..

IIIoofoclI _ ...-.1 jNCKiWX <JI idt 'n He _pLrotd... ..wlllllc of tbo ..... of 1""' 11 C • In I.....

01 'llal liar,,,,, poi"•• "" ,II< _.d ,duh,," in

-"e, ""ide, 'M __ .nd br br 1M 1ooIFS'cIlaF«' In ,II;' book ....h.r.... onllyta rhe ;mpllQb"IU

01 'h'" ,urllllipoln, '" creal dc''''.In II>< third cluoplc' Gi_ owll,na; Ar..lQlk', OWI'I

4 .....,. _a.. .....una "",nlt, .n- ='~..,. ottI,_ .. ... ..kllll • paloaobr

-nod, vi boDkv.••~ ...- '" ...~.. td e.piricloI orit•• Giloooo',__or

... po"" P"'_ lbc _ '" IIio 1'C""'I'M1ft&~'" ........'n~ .nd ~ict.boIh __ibtlk illF"JI&ltlh U~nsl.1IOn .. ho<tr AMt"'k '" Ilo"';n .,.,J b<r<Jr<tg<Jin ond LiIr&w"'1a QnD PlubupJry. Had lie I;'c<!

.....,.. lie -em hIl"" ..ken • oi_1IM .....U,. or lhe

pr"""~"lI: P"l" ....' .... -io6cJPot """"""" '"__ ...., ofte" P"f*k • ,... oooIy~ (or. '"I' ? ; 'j Ia die l'U<'a "" ; tIf IIw 5<••'1'.,...._ ,. • noo.. J'q"MIM of ,.... -.' ,. 01 """" viAriototIIo, GikorI nplly .- ,• .- '" the orie",;r,~

LIIf~.tiIll)' '" S<lIooIudci.", .1Id ,lie -.ce '" _ ..,""'.....,. <:1)I\,~mpl,whICh ;1 brou&hl upon ludl by ,h~ ,;.." inruu (or"". '" ,he ,d~n,ill< """"""",nl in IIIe 17,h ",nt,,')'.

One <:aD only wuIl '/ur' Giloon had "'" '<:otri<rordIIi...u 10 IarJrly plIi........ic:a1 "'kn I. lbc IounIIr:Ioapa ill _ be """"4eAII_ die Jdr .....

~.IIlC.. of IIw IdeoIiol .anirt&~ 0r0Ir "_ ....... doa Ioc _ '"' tIM bn>oder noIhonl

"qoclllC" RICh "'-PM! "'ta,..... _!iUbjrcrlriorL Of , ........ IIOlcd ~! k _Id

_a_. '& .tIouI_"""1odf. To_tlulildoo bcpIno"l olllaal w...oc. "- .. pIliboi*\JTo __ rOOF tIliIlo lhe -.k 01110< philot<lp'cTwho io • Iow:, 01~ bd""" h< Irieo. br cri'iciMI, 10renne and dftpenhls"-fotl'.

T1>c ,,,,,,"la,or, Philip Trower, n,cd "'" b<

m,rndl>ttd '" erwi&h '"ukl". Catllolico ;nl....,ed In,be If... fa« of Int.IIea...IIM opiritlllilibe.llisno l!IIl.... plIyal ...... i. tlte 0>1UdI ......, Vitiellt n 1M...uwy to ito ••phade dirttliws. To r . ~......,.

• to tK __ baol. Mr. T""",," ........... ___

c:ltIf*r ....... tint II ..... .EttcI-lo tl .._ ito19J6. a..'.~ to I _ far _ ..a,.we " ~~ -.. '" Iloc dJrfAlll)" ofpnld...... faJtIlffll • -0 • ....,. rudlbI<~...raon of tile llriDlIn.F~ pro:- ot ..h/dt Gi ....• _tn, ...11 feel .....h i_bled to Mr. Trower ....my IDlJUfion pw:efully "_nook the Lut ofullUlation. IIoth he 11>11 myotlf can only conV-""I~t •ChrmtMom ""'*' for III eII&""'""" to publit.lllhis...wl-..p;eee of pcrblpo lho VUt... "'...., ot a.m.ilon


".... boa ,.,..... 10*- .. 110< I'XIo.•• I ,.It e_ _ al ...btioM ...~witMn Oothoti< pbl""""'''' IbcdolJ'. Bu. if one _loob for tbc ul,l..", jllSliflCl.iofI ""'1dI ""1 laUc...LaJ'Ibomiou (uge. '0 «pouse "anI', t~e_n..llIK'hod Ind ...ho ,he,efore would b< belle, ""llwAquikonl.i:.lo) off.red on bo:hal( 'hei. P"OV'"III, II canoafdy be ._ bod. lO 'ial~"" ....liom· Of 10 ill.......

10 ill .. , 01 OK Of .....1Ief 01 'haoc ...... AquibIoI Iri<clIO Idooc¥c ..... ill !he ....... _ ......,. 10 lWir "ft7 beoI~

~-.••'d 10 twuI&laI tho< Tra;.. Iocne al "aM'...... modo. 01 'flo = ~'.--..........-~ oIkn • _ d'r<a__udo4c 10 , ..... -'

OW....... ,hc_ ....id1 icleal....... I;'" .,tIl but

MIidI <:all 0lI1y man Mrici<k for 1boIIlba.MC1hodiQI reoJknI, .. 01...,., "'If II forth

(aped.llr In pp. 117-126 thai are ,he core Dr 'his_~.. "'" to ........ I *'"1"....1.,.,...... IIICDIaI.tll'.....,11 fOQlisu in 'he -.hodio:al 'tIOlVC 10 keep • ....". in..... lho pnooa<J 01 .... lUI O>'n lIlc ..-.:1'".... 10_iIo .... -... ,. '«all, , I"....,. .. Uo ..... II _ ..-..pc ~(if _ pIa." til' &). it .. Iloo __ reality•..,.,lot raIily 01 Ilic ......... IUt ~ tIoo.oMdIoccftoaI IC'l ,"",1dI io II> _ wit_........ Iloerc __ tit -.0~ oobout _It..... noo



SlIOllo<y L JUJ



IMethodical Realism

The owrridi"l _ponanoe '" 1M p'-. 01_led&< OIl _ ..~.... Io ......~ 8101<ll<1'e io IlOmetIuJII ..bdl II I"',bpo _ J(l USlty

-.oN 'IUI' '0""" """en, e-en .-..clloIaot1C.......,,"""to«! by ,he ~P>';onwith (plt,clll<lloo_ n, I.h.f.....

Whnl ,I><- opponent< of ,no ochoLu,oe ,~,rloo

blame it ,.,.. _ ,.hen .nc, <OII<les«nd '0 COO«ln,hem••J".,. wilh If _ ir. .,1"'" _ b<inI' pbik:>$Ophy",;l1J bto_ u.lQud b7' in........akln< with IhrokJcy; orbe"'l" dopIatoc aDd IWYC 'eal_ .. hlC~ "*" DO idea IIIII _, mtkal idc.- It, ud """"'" .. stopped .-,It 1M ....co/IoId 01 1O~ plio"""'" As. rewIt. til•."......_ Iud ............. ,100 .....~ of Ikp'!' I' ~_mIk"II"""""jt.7 ,.,...._~I0__.. bol_ .... .,....-

.~"'bo : .1O pnJIIk:_.-.:Iby .... r......_,...,. ................ .,.. _ 1M _I","' ic

....~ "'" .•_10'-."""". "'~ The ..


,hat ""iloooptuo:;;tl r.fIect;.,., . ' _ .....rtly '0 '"from 1"""1'" 1o Ih,op. Th. m..h.m.ucilm .I...yo1"__ hom '''''''&'>' '0 I><iol "'" Ihm&L eor,"qucnl.Iy, t'ritQl~ ..... born.M d.oy Dclcan~ <lea<kd... 1M _I~",", ...Ilnd ""-'<Iartlo be lbc--..l lor I" Rc " .. lbc -._ d~k _ __ III~_ Daaona 6cci<kd_._ ...,. """.' ... _.-. thol 1ItIt _ ,• ...., ...w;.t Iyp< d

irIf......... .., th.;o, lit hit ""iao.>phj....ha'.......r OM be<k.t1y.n<! d;,.i~1y.""bu,ed to 1M ide. of ,he: .h,nS ",...., of 1M Ihi",I...If' <u," qWI JKinuLf ill ull<up...,.;

_Ilw~.-nom; at~'".'><"WI" wi... "' _ ,..,.+-. 11Iis illr.n _ -.e ,100 _ .""""'_ i. pM • ..,........ ,.....,b.. r_ ....

TUt O'- h " all idcoJ;st ill ___ ill """n_ •r••!iot. is provftl "" bII ,..,.ol' ri_e- FInt I'Nb F',. w..... din..,. .ha, ,n~ hi U un<lc:r wful, rond"""'" a un,...r..1"priMIUIll<ma';", Is poulbk, It< 01111 lef, .... doOI open 100OICU"""",, "' • fC'nuio.e sdcnu. Uul ......n Kan'carried do< Conaoan _llood Ott'" "'Ion pn.nd _IIOhd -....- _ ""' "" ...oi.- •__

'ltlr. ""-c_~'WIlt -rm..,...liIIO.. ' __

"'..-efII m. fIU'IC>'lN ,.., ~ ;, ............ III "" on.., it ••"'" m "..lllIi,., '" could be afl"lt_ of ..

Newton..n """"" P""'ible. he firmly sIIg, "'" doo:w ""-.01•....,.. .. • .,".nce, b«aU$t' all pby>icopr_ppooc' Ie......, In.ui';"", ..... ich Is ","inly "'" ,,, be"'-'<l in ,he ....pII)'Nr:aIldcM ollb< _. Ind«d......... du1Ya I.... Dcocan.., .... f.- Kant, ....~ bodI "'IftIon","" _....,r _ h;,......... oyot_ ..,. it io ...- t1w_.... enlon r. .... Of. l I...t. it-..~ "'*"COIiiIdi_ mbdoo&

I' II, ,he"I",., qUI" "",",I 11\0'~i<pbilotophcDl ....... Id be .....inuo 10 "..,....bh.h "'"

Iawl"ulncoa oJ "'" 'l3ditiClllal poin' oJ ....... They ...nnorbil '0 1",1 "'" .-d 10. boa..... lhe ImpraaOon oi-.... -u..nc old.faohio<lcd """"" • .-. boo_1....... tt-...,. __ .,...d,I·1 ",'"..,. II .,...... p ll'm-r r-_ _<at oi ' ..wbido ~ ...I........,j kl ,be _ .. ponod.1Id lhe pracnl _ -.10 lb< Ubil, ond .-..r"'l"l Ihe pouiIliUly, oi Ihinkinl rrom .he "''''''", ..... d

"'",,"'.N~ 10 lay i, io "'" • .."", '" _ .Dd mob: •

fresh OWl, II _ ...... oDao1 oK Dcocanc:o. y,.-odoDaa.na .... c.po.. "1'" - _ iMo c..,.... .,., fa

-. But olcncd .. _ .., ""..... 1M I oKN I : __ 11_, _ I<d ...... koaljr II,,.ditr"",1ly oi I"rti<I& -.Ide .... k--. ""¥c't to ....ot;ect k-... Thai .. ....,. lb< pIll\ooophcr ...Iro Ifico ..

- . . ,

•j""IJ til< modi'ioBlol pooi'ion i.mediately fee" ,be

ne<d 10 """'" ''''''thou'''' ....', ,mpnson<d in 1"~lr, bu'eitherK~ Dr Impha l~. ot;<ct. And lb." is ..luIttrtaillllCO ..1>0 '.'ies aU ,('full'" ocldIlil4 II if In 10r. • tMy "'""*"'" .. tloulk tbey~ ....,.,..,clcd. tho,..,. It •__Ioft...u.e..""",,, .._ r....Iocrc 10 ~ . : ......._ .. evft'I _ _ of

...... 7 .......; M' ........ a Nt """"

.AOI'. p" '" .. _., IUl if • a. ctr_ WU9O'l"PI'" i6uli$aI, is an any r.,.. neo-tdw)I...;n".. 110 ..why It II today Lale" for &",ntw ,It:" .11 ..1I<>I icphiloo.op/ly is ...liOl, and .11 _hoLu,ic philooophy

DOI>reoliol; tho, they arc oudI "" defilllOOlL all' in wba'~-tIlqt!no. r- .. 11M: __ ;0 _ .. """"'* • It Ioob__ 11M:~ til __ lIIlJ••rd ..W .."

IlIc _ -. I"lot.. ,"" IliMpbI do<

'1-'" ............. 10 wIo>. .. boo.. (1I11ed ""'"1'f"'lM.. of ,he bricIft' A> L Nofl """ cludy 'hewn inhi< pone,,,,';,,. No<es d'~oIorH """"'''''' (p. 3J~ the"~.. ,h... <:oIICC~;' ,"" ...... 1' of piclll,ina ."Inp.. opI,ia1 ,..-. 'The ot,cc1 il pla<ftl 011 ..... -. 1M~ OIl 'Ile _. _ 11M: '1_ iI tIonI

..ud .... dol:~ .... be; wIwK it Is -1ooik ... u..__ ... .Ik't dooo. _ illO A)' - .._ """'* P'" ;, -...... J :" Dr ....

_10 wh'le ..lUi Itodf..... ","put r....;~I( 10 kldft .... ,... ol>jcet. F ,be.."ou, IS L Not, hao

.......cd In • deli...."", _"..... tlloupll"lJ beyond_ "'j~ly imo.I""ive ""S" ""ly '<> lind l!$elf In an_~. because Dr'" aon only <tOM • brill,. ,,'hictl-. and b<K .btl'<: is __ A '''''''&h' ..hidl ....n........n",1 repoCkn...... .-iI. _ ,.. beyond It:

.~ 1M d..plio::l'" or ...,., 'Ioere if ... -r d, t .• ..., .... ilJdf 0.0. uappcd • __

.... dllfllo<Mc if oaIy • ....ul ..,...,. .. will .­__ n.c prinel" d .-...IIiI)' cloa _ .. I!lc k_

dlarIfC 1M Ji....,;"" If 1"" "- I hooIc ,.,nled on....11, lhe only thi"ll"'" w;U <Yer toe Ible 10 hn. f,DI'II IIitl <bin .1 poinled on ,he .... 11. Rehef.n<! <loam.,,,,_...- U bdp III <Yen leaf; .. ...,n'ially I..'''.......... \hq'co....,. ,.. • _ dow 1"_ e,IIM:.~(p. 73).

•• 01........... M ....~... odoaliIt"nds .... odnloot;...,~ _.,.-".__... "-10 __ ,..;1 1M, 0... ......, 0I0IJ'"'Cd......., biolooy It , '0 teldI "" 111.. peon'.Copro "ll" ,." ........ pu'e CannllniMo: '1Ia' II '0 ..,..the CXIld In';'hcsio of wh., if lhouChl of • ",tooI..ti<rcaJi>.nI and th< tllIK of 11$ !\lIn. J'Oobocly h'" Irled a,_ .. Daca",," '0 bIooJd • brodF I.- tJ>oua:h' '0Iblp. by re.,.... 011 ,he priociplc 01 "'-';1)'- He ..._ ..., IInlIO _ door 1tI.-pl. did .. bcao_k _ Icncd 10 bJ ......., "" ~ pcoa! lOrtao .., 01' h .. d.. ,ef.....AnetIy t _ CYC!)' .d""I"lI< wa.o dlInb 1II....ctf I

n n

ruliR. bca_ be I!llo WJi1 01 _... tIo<

problc-. " '" fa« • Can.......With eYe" ID"'" rc.- is II<ICh ...baIalllC •

cart...... if he ",aka ,he roB! "Op In hi. prorcoo ofdo«!\I(llon tM ;mlMd...,. ptr'«pliool 01 boons" (""nodill the I!wItlolc 1Ull;ca. IV ... know. IhlJ pooi.ion ,...

Iud l>ca w-.. ....~ U P' I" """"'"Jo f .~ fiod"" S. Pard k.«po rfl1llWltf: to_

, " ' ....,. to .... 01 o..ana.. M"'....... alIoJoooo_,. lie .".. llIal I p*"p .. ..,.elf ...., ... WJi1 1M _,e ,g•• of be... " ...., I p-.p

..,...lfucmtilol: 1-. ill silllpk·l_·._ u..aboo!..'" cia'... <>florins, ..._Iy. 'hal ,I nillJ" (65).

1110:,. 11., it is 'rue. plenty 10 SlIy in f._ of 'MCD,JIo. ...hlCh an,ed.,,,, ne.cana by «',,'ufluon,;ull"l wi'" So. Aucusllne. k ......1... one of the::';~ry. 011' at kAtt F F' pilbn of ..-plryslcs.1110: only q '_ .. _ ..... rr- .., pcldI'

_ CIlII wriw< ..~ o-""""'f.....,. ...bdieo'C. _ Sl...... Iv~ .. -. _

.......... 01 tllooI&b. dial • .- panm- ..eUoI...... of _""'. _ it ..... _ ...... finl a:pcne4"""'P' 10 pcrfa'm IlUdl • laOl ODe c-. _ once

apin '0 ODc:ar.es. Now it is pt.fealy 'NC thaI thf.CtJ,;J'", .11ow1 m. '0 ruth b<;~ and e>'O". In I ..n..,."

.btaI.ue bcillJ. Ii""" " 1$ lIoOl t>ecauoc I thInk ,"". I "'"but I ... ,u, llbi..... H..-..:...... bean of ,beprnWc. rauiBo~ aamdJ, if II.. be"'ll ptif'

"...,.~ ud iJI .,. _.po....... by ,t.__ I evrI'~ '" sr-P"'I • boo,.. -..ttich is Ill)1h"'aadl<r thin 11.." of 'houlhl.

Dacan.. b<l~ 11 _ poul!>l<, but ....,,, _"",nr.- • di'«I ro.iqllC of .1><. proof lie Inernl"ed t" live.lIiIlofy it 'here 10 "'-' ... lbal bIo .n~..pt ~ndo illtaa.re. Ik wbo lq:iM _ o.-na.. .....- ............. "" Ikrl<oIeyOf"'UO Kaat. l1lc« _

~~:.:';"~ , t). ' __. .. 1M pmp_ 01~ i*J< p., lj ........"'&_.-r.-a~oI -....oI_ .., Mea. lliaIia~ ..ha, llaf>pt1Wd .. ,he ao< 01 o-arta ad ,heCan._ 1b<. real dlstlllClooa bc'"'«n body and _,• potcd by ,he SiDIt MttI,,,,,,,,,, kfl .....n tIM: inoolub'~

J'fObi"'" 01''''' "rommunica'ioll '" ,ubo,aJ>CU," and w.ohaIl rind OIU..,Na la tIM: ..me blind anq. Ir _ ,e,u."ao ill e"......... So to •• t.d:: III rul_ ~ _, do to

.... ao dM .. ooIlo 100ll Ihe fino "ql ... 1M ... to

....,.. __.- be IaKcd ao to ..""""*oIdo1rutoldM ... __ .. '"'"c.. i== ....... iooouoc __ ... pj tI ...,/,oluIClllapriac bann, ,be _aop01-. ....._ W. __ ~

, lV~a. cIclII, " it' ~ ia 0IIlj 1« """'" brilliandl'prow<IltUll ry UlIMrtaUIIS '" lbia kind it _1IIn«in """'"'" '" rall. H......,••" il it lb. uU.m. '" ...~'l'to beli" " au ".,... apln In lbe hope '" obtain,,,, 'M~ ......... co ._ wild ~ hat~ ............._ II ia 01 ill UUOK III~ .1Iea.

u.... -.........- Ii- ~ • 6<_."___ 0I1ioc IIofidF. _ boo: 101 ib , ...1_1 LNoel ...,h lois ....... pcllCU'lriooo _ ."b lIlc """"bluirJof.-p, .uthy 01. lnlC ph;Jooophcr. """ ruched .heconcl...iooI ,III, '0 M" """ ocllolutic 11><1 mltClllnr, ••Iism 1110 '0 be In Immtdlillt rft'liJm. Ind.ed."1IIUIICdil'lsm" become> IIllblolu,. _ity ontC M.

......... """ I"""P 'M object willlou' ....nl - -.01 ""or •. I to tudI iL lie juIIif"1Ci h.. lhcIla .....Iy.., ... oppeooI ... "fIo .'tC ..-';pIa of u.e ___it ...... _ .. ilMipally 10 oIJ;Kt oIl1lc............. 10 _ tIM: .....w oU-.ac_.i' r'). boo! ill _ •••enoI q 'Mlt} ..-a. as-.-. r_ ...... -,...m. die .....Ikct. ne.d"fC.ror toad~ L ~I 'h" tM 01 ''':''MiwndenWldinp wIlidI ...... multiplitd od ,h.queorion '" he In !be tcn<k...,. at '.... itnq:i '1orI ~,.",_n, wneepll and i<leU U mlle"..1 'hln". \'oem Ite '.11' live up 'M ill""""l' Ide. of an ""bilkInd \rtIl6<: mid' plI«. ""roefo,,,, in ,Ite orde' orin'dli£ibiliIJ II the indMoib!e p""" whe•• 'b".. IIldlIlc .-irld -... __ eon ,Ilea. .........., -ntlei,...,-1 to eiIIIer. 1l00dy lIlc1f fd>,t" tip' (/0_•.I., ' 'i ' .p.lIO).

We aid • doiorc ... taIilc- lUI wiIM--eue< if .. . , • .- 6<ulL L Noel --the ""'" 01 the q_aid ill _ op;oi<e -.....,. ....,., """'" iI. bon ....;kt~1y ri«b'- '4'hot_

........~ a.ndoa. after~... .. .... tbif for...•__11._.....-'.... I,_u__ "a """-iIIX _ rnIiIt theny or k_I"_"""""-........,_, ...,. donbe. 8." in .·haI ...._ '<alill?

for _one ........ tIlilld Ilu b«n ("""ed Of. If,.. ",d•• i,. "'''ped by ""an at hillorical IIndi... ,h.,... In ,he fin' pl.... an 0""""~..'Iorl ...hkh_ foil ,.. make hi,. <top IfId thInk. R...I;"" ~......,. be 0 ........ h I .10 dDnri Iluo It k ddirntdy_ 0 .............,.... Hci,htt So. n.o.u. _ So.• .. 0- Seoo_~ UIat ,_ ......___ it 10dIy 1'ho ruIiIII 0Im.. MiddIeoAces

il- 1, If"'Md •• ,..'u, r.- tho, 01 b. kdpo......pa 1<Idoy_ 1loe _ u.r-Iva. 0dMe.. .......pk. opted r.,.. e ' .._ 01 lite....... kll'lcl: by «>nlporioon .o,h il "'" , hi1\3 01 SI.Tloonut. lo<:>b _ lik. ldellbm tllln an)1hlnl .Isc.The f... lo, ......,. alncc,ned wid•• diff.re.' prnbkm"The Middle_","" _~ Iorll pre-<lCCOlple<l wi,h ,he..."'" 01 the r:oneept. or of the _ion wit... the....... m. I!Ie ot;e<o; b,,, tJoq- ..,...,.

......: lIIIt ... """'n'_ bor,o.ed f... the cooten'••oIl;en. - .... ,........ ..a;... -:Iy eciII..:

1loe '"- .,..11__"",...........-01 r if tlsM 0 odIll " .. rcaIiR c-:.:..,._-.. _ ~ it, __ ,,_ per,,",,"

r lltle. bu. ",·hidl ..u the ",oblt. '" "'..

JL _

'''''lU1a& _ w......Ily Wll,chful, iii..,. -..., _ .... doctIwr qlrite dlrruml. m- ,._ il_o·:" .,~ .... N..cdlOd.oy.lhoo_rulM _ i. 'Ile lin> pMoe lhoo~~ '0 Vl""""'ft i. el.i"" 'hal it io paooibk 10~ f.- ,he oubfoa'0 the abf«l. Applkd '0 ...dia'al m."physica h m<.na• dllC:lnM irI whidl the 'cal cmt,"""" of the ot;<c:l ..\ak£tI for pallled, dl1Ia bee- .... _ lKre ...pi ....... 10 be .....e-I llcft. or _ ... io • )'d

_~at._'pI ..Neo4<hoIaMic: real......'" Oft_ theft to boo ,n •

",,,)' .mbll....... pooIltion. <Inc." is ."",,,,iuo<I,o findl"1In 0 panlc:lllar: doctnn< tile """""'" 10 • problc_ ...hIChIhaI domi". had aoo _I o:D&&nl. 0. ,b<t'd"__., .. __ tK __ bodI,,,",

f-' ,....... at. t.. No<r. ,..... _ ,"'"diffic:ultic:o irlhet_ I. it. In ........ and at tint sip'. 111«.... 10 off.r .....hi"l boll _n'*'116 To A)' ,h",oaliIao in onl<r 10 be"Thoonill Ill,," tit Miftl.....ia••" II'" kill two _ "';'h _ ........ ......, by '" doolla OM........ tKa.tr ........,._. jWabkm-llle___ at. 0 -.dial< -.I _11 _

6q:r<e '" opIairl -toy St.~ had JI(I 10 be""",r. of his , .. Iii... Bu' do noIlh. very d'fr lti<s....,hoped '" oY<<<Oftle by ."",illaci... media,. , ••I"'m 1l1,nlOp ..... after • dol..., at. I"""rion, ill dJlll.......! I believe thcr <to. -.I ... 10_ I ......u liblOgy .............

It the ....-.I real. hao any -Inc .. aIL It

IIIpifiel.~ 10 .- clef n "" A'01 ··'ov. Ille "T1oI ~ _

be" 10 II t pc".' of ..,. eowI bowk. which

~ MIl;cc1Iaft '-'< at. II; .... io IlOl ""Uftoolen, '0p..<ipi, even ......n lha' _d ii uoed in ,he widell

........M CaD OM '''''n """"'''''' at. IUd! • "''''«. Oft'·.1...... WI_ ... ..,.. at.'~""lIiJIiIla

• .... wfdl .. · 1; . ,_.....,eI._~ C.

...... be ailed 10~ b'llly 00" -.lIia'Ily.11IythiD&.. "'" '''''''aflI! 1. NofI boliellu it .....nd- wi'" 0 perf«Uy <offiCI undotroWldil1l at. wlIa. '""",uired for the .nl<.p.hI co -.ed. """,. 'halI'l*ibI< - Ile _b I POioll -"<re mlrIp.oM _iIId-.ef .... Modi.' R' ...,....... it aoo "" ,."- realiIt ~p' +'IJ'''''''' -.. !lIooIch'........ .oM ocholur....... _ beqc>alllcd '"''

But ,h.. pcin~ if " ulab. islt.ill 'llouahl. fill' .ndf............ Cootooq~n'ly h,"he" one lik.. I' Of not,-ry epiol.......,., eve. d " .... will IUt1

fI'ooo 0 dar-. at. 1IoooopI ""'-. '" effut~ ........diou' M_ it will try ... Ill< ot,ect.~-"'_"''''''''''''_th.",,,,,iorI is tnurtl!' difl'trtnt fronIw, at. ,hoc: Cqrifo nro-1 EYidcnlly, k b beta_ I om w, r chink. bu' i, i._ ill .... 1taM <MdtoIlhat it io be<:a_ tIlio&o aiIIw.I tkirIk at. dIoe b: I bNt tIoa< .hI c.-.. ,. ') lO_ aoo-'r"'""'__ DO


.......... .......qDCIIU. wtoet..... doc opc1>I'" by....om1 aP!'"'l>cnd tile nbje<' U dill;"" r...... ~u I>< •procaI cf iD<h••u.- and 'heref,," ~i>ot... or an;..;;;.'.'.'.. P-. tk ...-.~ doc -. Itone'a OUIUIIC ....... a peripI. ,1M- .....,. ...........e>'C' ""adl will be: thaI cf the~

It Is """ lIUrpO'ioll\lo Il>c,d<><•. ,h" ,h_ 101110'*'- ...patII_ <If Ia'er ..- ... opinst ...no­clIt'IiouolloU. Uk ... pod« .. . dOOle .~"""" PI' witll """ ....- .,.,- cf ttyiftc to _ •

,ulllt me'aph)'"ia from ,ho noct/W)d <Jl Do_nea. the~ at. all idea.... * All '" .poolo.olosY Is 1IIer<,.

........ to L !'ioCl MeW'.. dle""" '" dcpon."«< ...,', 'a .-I .... fat."' ..... dtpcD"" ...'Illation ""Can _. <>< an ,.., _ arriYc a' th.... if_lUke ow mndpoin' W' of tl>< 0Jri16'r (p. 38). No. \oIC

CU'L _ 11" .... fa'. "'...- 4tpeiiido" ,h.. ,,--.ito &u .. IClIItd: It iI_, ... 10 IbllXt rr- .,. k.-dofC..., ......_.er•JoeIttfica- for Iloe ••aliMI '"S1."TlIorP.a> ,"",pm...

Shooold _ be UlOa..lotd a, t..... >in_.. J h """ dof'&_Ico....,......ol'oo<.;,,~No(

.. tIot. 1 hctie¥c, tIot. .._. '"~ amlicol ,oalis.. II Klf..eontndio<tory lih 1M _ 111Iq_.... a circle. To WIn ";Ih the,.........hobItitisrn;

I ably... I ' ..... beiie¥cd .. oK caAlCIO<C111_ oIIien diobIo<t rr- .. ..e.,ea - _ ........ ...,.doubc abooIl ""'t; bill ...hefocooer ott Ivri' a/Ii..-

Mt:r1IODiCtL R£AU5.W

..... It ls .. a pool""" a •• '.,,,"L.a,..., icl<a............ its appe..,. , IImnl <kcidetIlodefine 'caliI)' in .e,,,,,, of """'&ht. " ro..t Illed by til"_UIod to ..". a rulity hodcpe...... tJl tloooltfK. .....'tc 1 t .. _pl. ow,. Ilocol did ""doc ,,"ooc a 'n/isao ,,",*it, ........... to he _t111 idcali<m, dMl _ ,..Iile ,''''. it ItKlf 0<11)' t.dtIIr""fll _ .hub to Its ....,.. w, it .....

q ., .... _It it. _ tIIat _ f..- it

... Vft)'~ '" ....,....... lite had.....mirled iUcI"n a<lv>n<... _. or la,tt. ,0&MnlltsIoIlw:roa'Y ,Ile .......,. The rn IoIhldl peopIc _.... a"eoaopb of t.Io.. bad , r.- ...........n •...,............... ..- •. iI , """ .. OJI'''' _-tIlIcJclt "... an .pool.Mr>IocJ. aad, by lit" or lila,_lbod. d*""'<, In '''''''II" anytltlnl 'pon rromIItoucbL A -tIIuIt 0U!a><Ir Illoupt tuAOl be........ <JL 1loere aMd Ix .. """... II>, ... dea... Aad by It Idulis. ndo

COftdcmncd; hoa........ilaooptlyQn no more do "INNttohal " not thou&bt (or tbU1&1) tit... I. can do ";1""",......".. itodI; .uod If" _ ICC -... _If 1o............. wItC1I -u. l!looIJM tbc stanJnsporllt, Ilia' ptvo"CS U"" lhouf;tti it IlOI ,he poon' one-...wd h_ Olaned r.....

II _ tIta. one ls If'd thcrflly ;"10 an Ira~-_ It it """- wI .. ' 1m _ Ickaftoe.. if" It ls -..;,..... -..dia,.. .... . lia,...cal-.


......, 10 It? lien: .....re, ..........1ICd '0 f.ll -.t in'"n.~ •••1..... _ 'hoe dla.", 00 of,en matk .,.In,,IICboIut.......

1I~. .aybo lhc", io.~ """- Ku.........._ for it .. 1M riC:h'~

TUl ' '·· ..-,'3 ••""~ q _ .- _ ~ bc:'MCdidc:ol= _ rcaliooL Bool il .. I Ildino< - •

...... 'CaIiMO~ It <\tally 'OCOIJIUCI ,he aioI~

of ide.I..... 'hoe ""'u•• of 'M ...-'" illc.l...... ""*".1Id lh. ru) or Ippa..nl r",,~ of ill "..u"",nll. Modemscholalllclsm iI •~ ,ul;w", 'M 'flU' ofr~ ..... '1e'cd chootc. bool ""'*" rrl_ '0l».c .. ill fo ' .............;. of tile proWe.ta bJ., r bca_*po-'.iJpoocd__wWdl,oI

.. : 'I),"'" 1 r· iIMlf .. I ..... 110 "'.....

........ _po .... cK theoio ..,. appuf at finl,

..bell.';" __ .. _ • f..moo. 01 ,he fW·4 I .. '"~I" - ..ry a"",1t ,he lOll''''')' would be lIV<:­

bill In I' 'M ...1II P'l""c<l .. di." .... f."", '''''''&hI, ,h.~ .. d<>lulCt r... lbe~. In wi",.c of. ouuln...... 01 wb' ph~ .... ,... icIeI ...... is the

'" ... Jar tile "'"fJ po-ihi''"J of ph" ~P"J

SF' .-•• _," Iiool ........

T..r- ' hC,nIioIIits... ...._ rna ofall m to 1M &'2 ......... "".1'" 01,...,1naI tIlillltus r<i«t tINot 01 .he 1deaI_ AtbOllom lit.. ill wtlal Kan. hi"""U did. No.-c 'han S,

no.-"""'''' did "" 'hmk It IIC«Maf)' 10 d"PU'. liltmt abl"nce 01. l\OUm.""", durin" In 1,~lr f.om I'"appe&"'nce in .... Crmal icluJiom "duunJlliabed fl"Q/lldoe Idcalilll <II IkrIcd.,. by an IlDIkrlylaJ moliNo whidIlIlII<lfnhcr __pes <ririciooo iud', ... ...... IlboItF k ... ponocooW ~pt-.d-tlal pP '.j__ 01"' •• 1"" M< ,bocs""J'l" '.', j.

....",....,. tuo. 01.," '...... 1a,t~ 10 beia&• ph~. it .... thor. -..I (_k1", thr. M( '7.-.....1_ '"'fUi.ed by lIS IUbordi...\ion 10 lheoIosYlwilh lIS duM< ...onln&- S<holUlidim is. ph,looophy(i.e., • OIWdy of wiodolll) "hkh by dc6nlllon b II><......... 01 r I*iuo<ipla _ 01 nr.o..,......... 11>0 ItIIlb

.. ill. tlWI whMewr m.,o MoUcI be. will Makf~If ....- c:Wrfly 0<1<_ oIlllnM:p' ij. _ Iilot.' II" ., _

hotC-.. ... uot. wId"'., be 10 tiad • aa of_ ....... finI p..,gpo. wlII<h ;" -.l ....111

_ Olhcr and wi'" upcritllC\!. If idoeolism had

~ In prooudn, wdl ...I <If pri""pl.. and.......... lJl(ir upaanatory f."llt"lnea. xhowlldi",_ 1ore'e.oinllO olJjoeQ ro. UnfOl1"naIcl)". ua<tJy.... "'I'P"a'''' W b"l'F 'Ded. ..., WI ill why 1'/10 • Ie

IaIiow. aU st _. d d .. • m.... 01

....It's 11_.' llO~.fana"_

taIiow.. It beaea ilJ<1f .. lhc c.id<_ of ito P iIIripIu,_ i-llfla Itsdf by • ail""" of odn!j", ......." "'-"

UIc intp<><._ 01 WI 0)'S1<1D of '''''''I''' to build. "'blc


.M • .,. TIuf is _ ,he ...- 10 ok I. I!oII

altlollW- Ilooll -W Iikc III kalllO""1--.:­lIler-1* ,.....~-"-

F"_ Df .. C"O"J ode:loboI fU P"J"'- lIo<CoouoiM '!P"o _ .. 1Il< _ II idcanf_ 11K

F·" " -o.od __Df.~~.. 'rilJ _ by.-plylllf ptUlo ,.j of..,...-.taMDf itI_ ud 1<W' Indf 10 """'" .......n-. II io_ bf <hm<e that. pnor C¥e1I 10 e-,e ud uuu.Idea.... eDded ,hrnI:. be<*ISC ..11<-.- ..... usa •

Jdmtific """hod .. one'. philolophi< ooethod. c,wr1M "" ...110 obtained will be 'Ole ..... in \hi. caK""ICnIJroe, Of they ~', be ICICnld'lc.I><! ......., be 1nM:.

Jr the (hoocn mctbod Is llut ollUlhc >rs, lIS ........ he....., "'lh p<scum. IIIWlplly>k$ 'e""'i p<O"Kionally

poIIlble kca"'" In both """. an a ".w; k""""!ed&< iIOIl ...."" IJId if lh< ..tI>od -.. to< pattern 1l1ho' d~ .. _ ..... 13M WI'" KaM. _tapbyoia ....c*lilIcI fono of ~Iodp' ~: _poooIbk:. beoo_doc ~_ .. """ _ltd tro. .he~I.-' depnoal ill w...... vi doe _ ~.

...........,. ... _b II prod__ o.-an.... .--.e-,e .. _ 10 1M F co, of.,. 5 1ft

... m-~ 10~••..ciua. n..!My

... 1 t ......,'l·'-ophy................_.

..... _ '" ...... ol _ _ r..--ed "". tdoooI of1lrIIaten..,ohllcd lb<tI ,.... _ ...... _ 01tIMor ,.,. MIn '. f<x lb< c:ancoo- '" the 1M

....."..~.__ ,')....- ' dbf'"~ r.,..~ <JI1CMl(. -.;C_, ,he 0iIip0r 0(,...~~.....ooc .. r.Jlilyolllle e.-.­0/7t>«.-I R--. As lor 1M ....-.on 01 e-.. lib:tart, IIocy~IC' tSI(O... jiOIllQ.......... ­"'ill I ,pmiri.__ .<fU'lphilo Itj"'~

_ .....,.. aparI f.- _ Df -..e. I.ik_

.,.w.al _.k .he c.v' , all odcaboI.. -, '~I'"-. lbcu 0'" f«I -"- "",,1iJiDf; II..In tIo< tKODd pbK:e. • ,dlca_ OIl lh< ......Iu.,ned II)' hiot<lly _ld oloow. I belieYe'. ilia. ,lie r._

doc l6t.lbl mc1hod b tile ouiride 01 ptulooophj is....... it enppo ptIil<loopl'ry ,n .n 1nc:K1OeaNe ",ria~ in,omal """,radioctionl th.t ul'im.,ely d...... " in'"Ihl"id.." _ ...hi<h eoukl be catled .. Ir·libe...,ion

dltou&h ...ici<Ic. Why Il>ould metopll)'Sia I" ""~....nm, iIs ""'" aioIe...., ir it ean reae:h IX> 1"'""''''_"""'- and loow un It rfKh ...,. p<lIIillYe_ ....... by -..inl tile ldeaIiII _ohnd1 Daan«.. lim belioeml lUI lUI .-t/IncI-.&d ....... the p<IOiI~acIlIfw:......~ b t '--' boo' ... IIad _ lUIiud

-.c tIoac .-_R f*" ...t I*"i witII tIo< ­..,Udobc.ined_ As ........ nl........ aIId... '" tIo< .. _"5 H IUIiIy __......,. b4W<A1ed .... - II' ·7 -..,.--.ralat ..... 1.1 ,_ lOr .......

S ;N~ op;to ..... .-pk nl__ wIli<lI rbe ........,. '" 1"'+*'lJl',.... K¥a


.............. .. TluI • ....,.-. ... FI,.•so" .11 '*'"'" _ obdiale ..r- cI.-.re.~lllc appannce cI. a r..1d cl.bank whne i•.....-;.­>ba<\<>wO "'~ k><:ked in a mugk wi'ho<Il cnd; l"""&hl"""1lOl cxtenslon, ...bject .".1001 oIl;«', tile IMMdual...,.mo. -r. so ..., h,.."lS cI. 1M r..... brok..-.r f..- illIr """'1ICIoI cI. I" pI wbldo__""""*' 1) Irico n:irKq:r-.

What ..., <10 lin! ~ .n. 'I.. ,d.,,,; • frccau_I... f""" dK ob,co.ion wilh e"","n>oIo&Y" 'I\cIICCC&Olll)' ~i'ion I", p/IiIoooplty The

ph~ ,'" • - 10M 0Illj """ duIr to put "'-If ..-sI .-il!I1li.odI"'" 0Ibet r-.. lie .... N _......1C¥Cf 10 __ " ,.... WI .... '''''''PI .. ,1M:tondll;"" ~ be,nl- and, """"qllCn,ly, lie Ilas no" pricftoblipllon 10 III.:lke ,..ho, he 10 .., .bool belned<'p.-d OIl whal be~ .....I -.. ,-,....

IIr'"m.o.c I _... IOOIIW .....u.. IUt 1M""","",c ....... and .... _ jooatlj support llIalpoa...... The phi~1 .. MdI ....... V- fortltloki"lllh:o' h.. 1_lhl miJhl no< be 11M: mndillOll ofbelft&. ud 1M: can. if be ""'01& .0. ,he lask or..-..... 1bc uai ene br ukisIC 1 ......

....... poioL A,.... tIoc pmccdwc. so~ Ia-r.l

... _ -'f ... Des<:al1ca by It. ...... _ ~ to _

Ilas ""'lid any ..1id objecIion 10 u.. C"lJk'• .. """"- IIIthrJt.~ I "'" "' • l"'lh, bIll " I. 110I • >"'r1'"1poia.. Whal justifies .IM: oppoa.l~ _l/ood • lbe I..,.

..... tIoc GaplI> io -.fall) ............. t<-da....

.. '1 '$ I " ..... .... . I a .. 1U1noUl pooM.

"idI" ..., inotlDn .. 10 .... _ 1bc ....1 WOf). I'"GReks rlllllly enlC1"Cd 011 lbe .witt ~Ih and 11M:...........,;",. OItyftl on II bmllllC h led IOftICWheft.D.cana tried ... otbcr pllh, ud ..".., he """ ..... OIl II.....- __.-_10<10_ 1kII_ lcalile...., - .., bel.,. ........ is""". 10 _...,._ It.

So the.e ..... 1IoOtIl1,.. na"" .boul ,,,,•.,JUlIerulls.; I...... lhe .caIkno or lhe 'r;l\"Clcr ,h •........- ..--....-...w.... is '"I'P' in& ir..... <eM" ' 10 011 .... rip!.-. AMI II>c ..........cpt, .C benua_ ..... ilis'-'d... lbc _ cviOclleC .. ,he old realism, "1Od 10 ra"he._,fled by Ihc SllId)' 0( Ih.« <enlWliea 0( i<!ul..... and., balan<c sbcn oIlhcif ruullS. The only "llcrna'MsI cu _ IOday arc ....... I 10_ • _upllju:o.IIIIIocctllcr '" 'c.. I • 10" prc-ul6cal~ TIIio..._ .. olf _tho._-.. !Odo ............ lbeo<y

'It ~Ic<lfc, What If II«CNlIry if '''''I ~pbtc"""""._cad 01 bcl"l1bc p<c-mndilion r.. an,,*,,,. ahoukIflo. ill " aDd ';11I II, bein, "I IlIc .._ ri_ " -.0..

... • obJea 01 npI- 0_......... 0lph:JId. liOId

.... uphdcI bJ, "''''''''cr, .. ~ ports <It ..., ....: Fo3' _nail) will ...... each I ,c..._rIotanJII Pro(asor A N. Wllilchead hit Jl>l(kncs ,,'

Hamid Ihlt piece 01 o.cMoe. wlIid> sec"" '0 ........'Y

"" t, ~ ...."hctI,.. mod ,... lIIcoIy 0111I. t :Iv

::"1 .....n. II" boa_ tMK iii -w.e """'" ooil",...,.~~ To this.-W add.. f« "'Y plfl,.

tuuM< ..mark. ill k1ealison n<)lh'... workt. One ouSlllnot .h<rdore '0 Iool: for 1M fl:1IIC<!y '0 klealionl lJon&,be ldealilt Pl'th. Th<I only COlItCiYable n:me<ty .. 10tbllIfe OM" .......phySicI. No on< can __

1cIa." bJ "l'l"""'" it m- ,noook. beao_ """ ...­cppoIC it 110 .... 'QY ..;1lIout ......-.iq 10 It.

......... oaI)' be "'£1_ by~ ....~ ,10


IIRealism and Method

Un+ t :~ .....pIy .. "nc..p to~,.. po otl,. '"n ! lit ruIism _ ........ sIiPlJ)'

Ml"",~ fro:,. lIN: ..-eu.eo aooeptcd-. 110 c..... _...--..... cltIorq _rMa--' <Ott; I. panoadx. ill ....... oohrtloM oct .... ..,. iI Uw li«tI _i<:dtJr_""<I. con«dy "'''''ood. ...., blrtr cnto<uaL So......nlial poi.ts will luI>t 10 be; take. up one bJ """_ an 11l...pt IU<lc to JlIIIify 11......

'IllI, lo ""'at I am loins to lry and do. lin. 0( all......... '1... tbc C!t;f(lloft$~l ..I..., 1M iCluticw

I~ ...., leav1,.. until ...," 11K businDs ttl~ them. Th<I.-~ '" Ibo: ;"'IuJI)' UC ..

loa iodoepaodao' 01 cd odl«. AHu«dI)t. 'I """ "'!be..... , ditc.- __ i1_ ....~....... 1oסi:: for~ .... __ .. _

......ri~..... bea-. C'fll flal tIIoe po ,. IIIlcoria

..eft raloe it tllll _ .. InC; IhtK

_ <lOll)' pahaf- be _ 100I'< bloc theory. ,lid tiler•

..,<......p 01'-" an.ody


'AI"'; .. _ ........ "':" __ 0........., OM";' ..-- __ ..... ., 10.....,1111--. /.-."- 1911. Sec.. '.., p..m_pp.~

....... _ "'" 111<__d 111< __".

.......pu. To allblifh mat Ill< ....'_ 01 _pu _ tIl-. dr-..tIII,~.

~~~~,~,~~~_~ obju:tioe... _ r"" .. t,. •\IOal .., ~ 01....1JicihIt roo- II _=ioII} wa . • ......

a- il. • auritNolcd 10 by _ jorlp<M.••1IdII ..... _ ~ dill ..". -,.co d. .......MiN<

.. ,eal""w. will pm "'" firsl "',~ two poi'" ..,lboIIt

_ ion If u.... it .... c:JUnc.. -W, and if lIIa1

........ world it t-abk '" DIlI'<'t'ptI, "'" """lei ...,.."

.... ,hooe c:o;>lIo<CplI unku "". ",illdl oc>mlllunico..'d11Ilo. =crior ....,.w bl' ..u'" 01 ......-, ,,:up.

0. .on deny, Of M.I.bran<~' did, ,ba, any_lIIwnia'ion ohhit kind It poalblo. bill tiK:n one will..... to conclude ""'~ hilll ,ha' ,he ..1.,,"'I....,.1d. if 1\-... • "'" the tIt!lC<' ~ OW' _pcllal l~intJn&.~r, it io • rftIlry .....- "'" _ wflo the_., iukw _ an .........WlnQ 10 P"'P- "Thus ,hit

Qoatrioloa lIaoplOd _1Of lOCk.. IX "krial~__... - c...r-iothe-,,-

n.c ",uIllc_ 01 *' cdol.... '" 1:100 ..uodot -W11M •~ .. CanJigI Nemer'.~ -'r ..... '",be _ "Y sup' ... P""'i"Ilhe~ reality of

Tlo< _ l""""'WO_ onkt » _ ......f«<.

_ to he ..... IinI 10 ddiM .... paM"- -nod)'-.:t .wdl I ........... 10 do by <lio","" • .-, '" _I It'" b be reIlOIoo. ......I~ ram- -, dioole..... tIIcJo tho -m '" -pm''''_' MIl fiaaII!, ~.....w ........ be_ ~dy PlJiJaaory. TrY 10 okf\K -.I Jl*ofJ. l!OIrd.

To 11( ..a-:I"~ tIM putlk_ t - ""'"10 ....... II the protlk_ of lKlJopll)·;'1 real.....PO",,"'!) lo·alled, .nd _ ,he proble_ "'tho critiquo:01~ Cnucal pIli'-l>hl' It oj_ply "'"' 01 ,1M""now f<>r1lU 01 i&a1ism. ........ If • rona which, innltoJn ........ <an ""tlfl$ulill luctf from ideal.... LO I~.

poln' of dioowni... ide.h,.. n.e pr••i<c problem we~ 10 dul ",1111. ,""',efore. ;. lhlt of k"""';n& why«,..in __Uti main..ln ,"", .1Ie ouu;d< world

u..u. II II their , ......... rOf .m..,illl'hiJ. 000 'Mi.Wll)'l' 01 affirm'. ,l Uld 0CllJ ,ha'. whido I •• pne 10apbia. Ii", .. ....,. oppellf In the 'udlull 0( CardiDaIMemn,_ tb<n ioI W! oIlho _ ~tI>., alhd.........

~Af{D/IIt'7HOD "

OK ..........,. _ ....,. 1M -""'" pain. Is

.. ''J. All we ~~ by 1M fin! ;. 1M~01._ da._ ill doc~~. t-iol&Jet ltM_~ 10 • real aIIjo:cI__ lKlCU*lp 1 brf.-briII& _ ill' IonUd .;do doc Ilnl Bmdcyw-w -. ..... Ihao die --:I bot c1cd«C'd....

1llc poW<.. Iloos'd_. II ;. Mn: ",__4. 10.r......, ........ -r_oI_tl"b , ......muiDIy dIM • reaIily aioa1 If -. we ...""-l '" cIc"l' .... _ ..-xpb .......,......,.~

.aIilJ." die _ ~.~ pi? ¥W' p"u 10

IIIal -a 11 doc 10 Va"~ .. --. 10WIwIer • r.- WI 1M realilJ '""'-_ ;. UM f"'O""'d io puiK'" doc rulolJ OWI",dloa _""'all.....\10 IJIrouCIl OW"_ OIIC-W 1IIcIced. iIy Uve 10 od.,1 it, it' ..

It:II!oIerIte oId.." r~.~1J' •••"" 10 be poUled .to llIe aoIeOOrlcdnble ca.... ot II>< ronl<:nl 01 our """""'pia. AI>d,hi' Is p<eciKly ,lie CO\IfK ""'ich lhil crilCl'ioloIl' Irwi,..... '0 rollow nO'"' on i, be "",,",'11 'hal 'llle,,, iolOInC,hl"ll ,c.l """",,pondi., \CI OIl' ocn"""J fornu. Ilhln, In ltocln

To p<0"0'<' ,hi. point. neo-aclIolal;,;" ruli'tIl ha. "'III diopooaJ Lwo <illl.: I fllCl 01 upcricncc '0 be

In'crpr"'''''.•nd I principle '0 be appli<:d 10 Ihll faco ...Lhal orith ;lllUppon It ••n P""' lqorId It. The principle

... _ raIoc all1di/fialllJ, .... at IeaM fOl .nyone who

....,. II "I' at ..... 1M crilCrioloIl' 11M rcadocd.no. ...-...... ill quea;.. ;, 11IM 01 .-lily, whoa<-.;caM: .- .... """ poe. .,. "" hI" hrl byIII 1.· ..~ /V. Jot. raaol ....... itl1C'" iIs_ • ...., dilllc*t ...~ .... Ioeoc__ '*'""I •

1Il'llat with Ia!he _ 01_-'ospait_ _ '...e. takc1i • iadr. IsIII ,ri...,.""'. No -. __ !he _

~ 'I h 'lim"'."" !\nan M;I""......... , ..... 01~ dny tllM ;" II cdaul .... uptoo&_ . p.cs•• I "'""""""" fxI tW . ...,

• 1M pi:.ocioiot& ....,..,. .... lUi 01 lloc ~pa,ei eli. 1llc q . Mn: Is _ 01 dcu.-.ac....... lloio fecliIII ;, wclI r....................... It Is .......... WI..._~ 10 ,he fxI irldl". '"'-__

...........-.. lUpUy 01 ,",""""". we~ In imorf llId

..... ron'- W' the ",'enoo _Id uaU. n.it;.oM oaarti", poirI. fOl tIoc: proof. bool illt Oil'" tIoc: ....un,;poi", bcca_ it n:maI... '0 be 1'fO""'l- Ind th... 1M...... .."" _ W' lIlc "",C'rioo~ In fOCI .....,. .,....

To ..hicvc Ih•. let ... flnl lnalyoc ,"" in..... "PC~II«...."'h hal. 00 far only bun dcfln<:d.

Who, II """nllal!)' In"ON"" It .n Imp,""""", 01,..,m1J."~ ... Icllt us lhol we ore pay"", In

'"J"rd \CI our tcllSldOil" WMn, ...hlle ""lkiJIlln .heftddo, I <OII'ClllpLo'C ,be b1"" ...... or lIlc Jky. ""or ,be


singinl of ,ho bird$. i ....U,"" scr"" in ,"" alt, r••1,h.VOOM under my r"" I OC"'" lh.l things are lakin.pi""" inside me which d(l1>()I COfII< from n>c; I bmil WimpI'a>ioN of IISht, tong. oun!>. louch. r l.Incc ...This is.1>< Ii....' poin"

1be s«ood point ....b1i.hc; ,b. """,ingen<)' of,h~ im~, Si"". the:)' are born, Iu. for a 'i ....and diUl'P".r to be "'born ""u more, it roll""" lbal,h.i, <:.ililcn« ;,. n<>l in iu.elr n««SOl)' It equallyfollows ,hl'th." ""is,•....,., <lcpcoo. on """0111;111 OIher,""" ,b."...,,,.., On """<'hln,"'lIich canoes them '0 bebOrn and 10 am; .."'" producing ,hom .nd 11I<y

d;"'ppear; prod"""'''''''' >pln and .bey ""PI""" In aword, 'hcir manifn, COnlln,<n<y obIiF' ... 10 look fOf •QuO<. This is why IIIe principle or cau..lily "'ill beapplied 10 tb. «KI1.n' of our 5<n»'ions _ to provide •,uN....,o, rcllJOII fOf them.

1\, this pain. in ttlc analysi.. two hyp<><h..... andonly two remain poosiblc; .i,lI« I am ll1e tauK of my""....,ions. or """,<thin, OIlier ,h,n myoelf Is. W. k""",.ffOlll h.vi".!: esI.blisl>ed .heir cootingency. ,h.' 'hey .r._'heir own ClOu$<. Thei, calIX. therdor., <an ""Iy bemyself",. some,"ing whkh .. neitller I nor 'bey. Bu' 1connl>l be 'heir caU$C, for "J do 001 (reale 'heimpresaions myselt. ,in« on 'he Mn"a'Y I ...t>m" ll.'he"," lber. m...,l!>erc!orc be ou,li<le me a ~ality. a•ubt'an<:c. indepcnden' of my 'hougJn. havin& an..",.noe diJlinc' from mine, .n" ","kll, u ...,ivc co""',

prod...... lhe even" of "'"kll my sense impressions a~<My the I"'uive ull. from ,II;' "'e are Ie" '0 ,he"""';ng concl ion: "Sen..'ions prC$uppose_,"ing ir><l<pcr><l<nl of my mcnUlI ~pr_n'a'ion ...king Of bei"" capable of maldng lIS expcricn« .._~""'~ _ ",hiell ;, "'h., l>a" 10 be pr<WC<l.'

There can be no q_ion 'M' ,he c:on<! ...ion of~ • cri'eriolo&y is a ~al;" OflC, bu' "'ltal kind ofrealism arc """ '.Ikin~ abou,' In 'he Ii.., place. a-.diate rul;'",; 'hall«.... dear. Tn beain wi'h an.........11y ClIpcrien<ed feeli~ and 'I>cn 10 infer lheedemal ",alily of ill ot>;c<'t by mean. of lhe pri"";pIc 01..-lity, ill ifa'ly 10 introd""e be,,,,een lhe...ll<lIngiall u:pc OI! ~d iu ot>;c<'t an in,.rmediary,.oMtb it illClt the proof. 1111> ""' M:VCrthckoa been~ and Ihe denial come:i from a pIIilOaOpber willi_ .n inti...,. knooole<l.. of Cardinal M..,ier',

JQIrdinal Mercie' ..re.. hio reade", m a ""'" 10 _..... "h;a, /IC <:<lrISidc'" .pcdally YI<lI'1lI)' of a"••,ion, G,c,..., Dtu _'""",,, tI6 Tho""'"""""'. Leiptia. O. R.-.,." and U"xr <Ii« I:mmu. thr ...........w</I. " seputorely---""",,Ie fm<nfkw"~ Zri/wlt. Nn. 'I. tll¥ol.I lila, I do "'" "- ei'/IC' of '/lCO<: ,,"" h<ca.....- ' find in them a -J' out of ,lie Iliff ' ,,""'h_ ;nb,,,en' In hio pooi'lOO.

"... lMexpa",_.-plitt llIia, "'" 10 IM• .....p~ i "1 "III ..to ......... -...w.",.--

One II.>< only 10 _It Cardiflll Me,....., lU~lf.. rc<opile that II 10 h'RS 01,,,,, oM. If bot proot.. "..,. kind of "'••nl if indeed it e>l<'n i.. proof, it ......rio<ly boca...., OW' in foeli 1I>00.U II.. realily oJ:......wnw """"d doa IIOt by If _nl lO • proal.,.. """'....... It iIU. ,... n'Y -.... poial. bOlO ~ iI__ lIo.alI dlal. Mod ... lIU<ti. _t"..~ ·10 dift'CIIJ p",«he _.......,

..-lily" (dol: 1IaIit:f ..... dol: .. r ro). 1 --.

.., -.t _ tl>e. dial« pot _ _

:::':=:::::-~"::..~_::•• real~Nt'. f:a<l at_ lou npetl __ autboriIc tl>e iIo.Icllecf

• am ,.", .he """,e""", of oJ.......lily wbidI~ lolL ·W, /\aYe. dUrer o.,,*, Intuition 01-..Ie lh.nso, Ind. wilboullnlennediariel, we form r.,.­_Mos d., .1uI""" IWu of ...hal tboy Ire." And. in

"'_ 001' oe-,. intuition inw:>/YeI; "'"i I flOOlrinI at • •_ .... OOIIOide the aind, II .......:y Ioe-,. """"108 <Jl __ ol>Iap. .. tbo_ 1M! tl>e ic poop "'"" -.llaIdy pra..."ed

T_ _ """ """ _ <Jldle...-. 1 __ .._.,-_~_"__be_'•• P'

..,. aIOrO .,. _ ....-. ..,...-..... b die1..,._..Q.jilftO_~ ~--.

... "1UirlIl'- _ap-wid>.icllcf

~ ....... ""c.lJ"''- .., L 11-. ..__• I'U (21JO""" pp..".. ..... S<c MilJ-/'IoU• ..,.,. l'U{lloolI,e.l.pp. ~212.

'L. NGll~ ,,~; [ t ' g' ......... L: _ r. io,Ins. PI" z»zu. 1_at til>.,. Incoo:l M. rllllb' O. B.......... DItcc1IOf ot "'" 10m.- of~ StIIdiot.

IlIoooIP' ,11M .-.-~ lilly wftlooooI: • III.......Accordi"110 Mcr. NoiII_ and I shaD _ IO.-c

bad< '0 the p:lint """'0 .ma..'1II hi.. ;0 hOI OWII richt­thrfc it no n«d 10 brina in.he pril>Ciple of u .....UIy In0«1<. '0 QtBblioll'hc Uill._ of ",,'.rna! fUlil~. In hitcya "II.. ab"'.- of an)1hi"l real it li"cn dlfCC11y '<>_ 100. _ When I "'- ..-eLIIinc ruJ. orIw. \I

fi.1C1y p.. In..,. ..... M••oelf it me real ohjocl.To radI 1t ....'"PIIft~""". tal __ Ill01 • ... ~ol"'''''''''w,. NoiL Illtf'e II ... ..,.., 10' . . • _ lie.. he..u. It loll -.l _ <II _ ..... -,

IiohiIiriM io WIliol& "'_ s..he JOel and .- _ ~ • fodlft& ofoonpriR he ....lai !!\at CardiDai Merac, loaf.-._,ibed'o~. H. ban bll U$e "" ,he"'lumen' ,hal the -"RIC of.n In~r ""pe.ie",",~whkhprovide••,," IJO"ndo fM .m,min,''''' "",.rklt """,kI',m-.e_ l..pIies. IIy iot WT'1 J'bSMIy. belief in llIeIU1iIy ellM~ wOOd • -thinl- oilllply ~nof ..,.., ...11I I .<UIy ".,. ..-, .... wIbdI isC3OIH<lwadr _. _ Flil :ll'" 1'" •


... 'I • beiIo&..... Sul:wl "·'lri_ .......-y",lullioo of oullidc Ihinp io In no way equ,val.nl to Inml.llcctualccnitllde of ,be reali.y oftbcir ~'1I<le.

"'__ ...- ,.,ccp<Jo;.- -.eo 10 .. is .ud.,..,. .... be tile pIIc of boooo iooclt 100whicll, in f..", llIe "'''''''Y In .." Ind llIe oubJcclin ad ••• idcn.icol. Who, the .botrxt _ of lheot;eetdcl il_......".. ...... be lUI pbc _.-01 ..- ,.. _1i;iNi ".ott _ oMin,~ .. .ott :at<' idc1rricoL If ,,,- -.:lilt,.OfI.oIotIicol ,•• ll<m "'.". not pvcn, lhe In••, ...1 'ceh".whlrtl ..."...... it -W _ "<iM. and ai'.rioIoIY-.Id Iloove -.lIief; loft '" "'Pf'O"I it .. -. ... P"""CoM .... _ 01 tIIooo -.ate "'" COiO ••..,ly. it"'is on'olooP<at Klrt.m we,. .1 lbe ...... Ii..... •rrl..riolopcol •••Iilm (," wlIich i• ....,.,ld be ania ii... ai'.""",,, 01 raIiooI). Iool&<r ...,.~ it -.Id ail boo _ of)''' do: _rok ....0 ....... -W', e:n.o._ Ii_ Ii _ boo pidl'cedy, no! OfIty in 'Uotlf. bul oven for ,lie Inl.Ilec1.

"' 1 OIl .bc ....mo.,. dlofac..ri:z.. CardinolM ·' ........... WI ibc pnoof 01 iloc nurior-', Q)MC'I<1t '" req.<cd b1 It (_.

tI"".ricJlockol ...J..... ) on ordo. lho. 1M ,n,.IIect, 10'"'beyond .bc '"'" foct oflllM' experlc...... onoy .m,," wi.hccNiolt:y iluo. Usc -..... -W a:iIU iIIId "I it •........ dautly "'" ibc r ~ " !

rei"""). The. "' i.. "'" ..-/I1rtI 11cct


.. t I hOI tile redly olin ot;eet Usc ..

.., "'fIIIln unpcrc<~ WIn Ibc ordl 'Y rseoll"._ oIlaIl no! fCODItliu .hls Ippul 10 • pnllriple otbc._ .bll 01~ """"- '" fuIiIiao are _ ....h ...__ Hobot l' "be' tIoo dJon 01 ..,...... _ • Im.h, 'bc _. • ... 01 , "'" IlK doons-~'cvc'lbc..... IIuI Io«Mfy lOCI Ind since ~d"cct

-.Iriool~ is _ ......... .-M 1 oupplo"n' it.11_ be .... """-II"" ill~ it .. _h it II _ ....eet. hoI1 t.eco.c if iI only .._.....1l1Ofl Ind tbcrcf<>tco, ,"""'" VlIid. incopoobk of......nl..,'''1 by 1 1f .Ionc illo own Vllid,ry So .....- ~ "A of tloinkcn .d_ 10 ......- __ Iloove' •..- I0 .... p· '11 of.....aity• orcIc. 10 ...... CltCt(lf lUI ,he ",,!Side -W nlOb..

1"IIq IIopply pet*UICk 'bc......kia thaI .... Ill... I dif'CCI~ 01 illo aJO"DCC.. W~ ore~ lbey IlK...... -

n............ Card",,", Merrier', pc=ilioa. .....

1IfOll&ly .. ploMiblo, .nd I' iI 'M ",.dulal hlm..1f who_aiL

A...t ....c isM,. N,xl'. J'f*Iioa. II .. d I ilia il:, "- ...., oUc. ill .,. opIooke, ..... p-.i" 01....~ry olIould _ be inl<nd1lC01l ill OllIe, '0 OIlIbl"".........nceof'..l")'.~

f.- wIIldI h follooos iluol of .... lh............... Eola- ... JUl.ey eo:iso.,..,., toIg No6oadlco dircaJy ill _ 01 w!Iom "'"" ..... pool

01,..., e:t<IenUll~ _Ilill", be produoed _ .­rUollM ....... be -..,.ljw:; lIf llliI ,ealily ...CdCn"" ....,.. .. ........ QK It .ukef CanIiaaIMndon........ I' ,,"1)-'-- ..., .... ..,-.... bodlCr .--. ........ -..., ntMr. -.. I,...-cI IIlor proof .. -'at -. _ ...

, I h"aatdy_M,p NcMaprv_ _ifloc io raIl)r ...« ..., ..... CMdlaaI t.kn:io7,l_ro..u.lr ,11M I .., .. lIoc """" __ ......, lie io.... .. • DO Ioftte. .ndenuDd ....... --"."e.eaIM -.I One 0I1l1c. ""'" l UfI'40 wi,bou"bcpriftdpk 01 .a lify The Olhe,""Y"' I """" no IlCCd 01il, Up '0 1m. poin' I undc...."" ...bOl 'hey arc uyinlJ­Bu, If""" 01 ,he ..... odds ,ha, lie 10 in "3reernen! w;,h,"" "'her. and ,hi< 10 ,.ally 110, I don"1 >eo ...h~l p<W&ibI.munina can be pvcn '0 any one 01 ,h. 'hree for.pn,propooItm..

Le, III "'ppclIIC k ,..nltd ,hal Cardinal Mcrd<,',...._ 10 "'" a dlrcn realitlo. h wiU tbcn be p......bk 10

cc.pore if wiIh odocr Mdiatc .--.~Dacana'. _ tiler....,. ...., 10 , alCll' lhoI -.

let ~ IM..- .. faithtlll .., illc iI .... 10

............. io ... tiIc..-..,.-....--rm- iI.

.". a ....... -'1Iio."drIII $ __ c-._Ir...,...._ -,Ir,..-.. : ...... 1.

j;~'~~~PI' Dl-loW, .,-., pItS' puof io _ dlc _ b<,...eI

Tk_ ••p<= i1_"""'"" ..... ...- ...... ., to, -..

.~_....-__b<Iicf ....

~~~M.,.. SofI_ II>""M -r;nto""" of".......-..... ea...... pm!" ...... _ dr:fl<"d .......

<Jt <Iiuoalily (L Nof~~ ~ , f, ""crn,..7 __ Itlryolo dr: lk'P! o-c ....

~ <l .... sacn<CI .-..Iu C1 p>Ii'........ k .me. ,.xV1~111·129: K'< parti<lll.o'i)' II- 124' "Dcocai1" bdicvm "

... P. 129: "I, ~ '1'1lC, Dcoao"a , .. "~and lie """'"" pc, .-II one on<! LIIc ' ilIaI _, Dco<wlc<' or

Men:iorf'. """"' <WI lb. ptinaplc. .........Dcocanc. • _.-. Ibc__ .... ...,... orappcalio&

......,_ belief .. lhe ...... MWld·......""" • 10.. 00lI ... ~_or_Idcar,,""~

::oi-~-.". bcIioI ..., -. -- .-.- bJ •God. __ bcapoot_~ 10 ... a _---_.._....,.-_-...-...,...br oI ,...."oI "._a•• ' or 01 If.,.• .,,.orD- ItS.' • be ..

.. CMIiIel Mcma'.......... 01 ..-. If ........... _doa .,

...._ ."CMIiIel-. """'--. ~.I_ llIic pootp:.c of llIic _ • _ 10 fCJIIlr III"IDM'.pcWb...._I•..a- 1...__..

pblf_ 10 ppon the I"'X""' d ....1ICtiooI he if JOiIt&10 8 'U ",••p";;itIk b7 *-<I¥a, OW

.. -.eed .0 dl'lodo.", ca_ <MM. _ lhe w""1«1

...... ,.,... ,-. ".. dear aIld ....1l<C ioka of~ for _ ·"Ied" ib ""'"....¥i'iIy. ..,.w be • .ed br _ .'cllccl rot" ill.... " ....... lUI~ dod _ em... Ooc..,.w...... __ft, _ .. _I""" lot 1M'" of__ Wa.o.< ........... -.. .....,,_

~ • it ..._1= '') _ '" M. III 1M dfOf'l01 j=. . I it, _ iIlldr:cl "''''''llorlyWIllI ....it iI __ Md, .. Ill at__If"' "..po $ b··"Y body bodall<C.. ""iI,ruIIy _ I lro. dlcIl """1 ...-~ it iI RiJl .. ......, I""" $ , pity. r....alief .. l~iI <rl o1alOioll • iliI dear ....~rI bc~ tbcrcf<n '" <be in.diJiblc _,, .nd II iI..idlO'" q If_ -r roond ..hidI _ rI. My taIIld CUIrot" klrw k at will, aIld tbc .aMI)' it dcployo In I_insIf _ .... 10 hldIco,e '1Ia1 II .. dependenl "" IIf)' -.nd.. _

OIl r>otJ>1n.I elie.Xnsa,Iort iI q",.e a"",ber mall.r. I, dlff.~ fJ'Olll

ilk. and IlIIaJ<, fin' I" ,lui' il ahByo carrico ..hh h,lIa,

,11<"' ........ UlImini.. ,II< criUalI"_m b<al_ ;, _ ... to1M i, _ III ,hlf f"'l"' ._ oU ...., hio on"",,_ oImoIl. IlID nor eYen h<I;"'" ........ "'" ""'" "cr;,o:aI" ill ,II< .._..__._""lKly, rho, _ "'" .Iot from"'" ooho••---


"ora- 0/_lIM': .... olw if iI _ ... po-an.. iI _ ill ..W>tJ~ _ 10 .._ It,~ The ~m 'lien

be_leO 'hI of k""";ns """"••~" f""" 'llio interiorf«li"&o , ...., Ihinp do ...." Ind from Iliac:~oc"""tions 1\ 10 po, 10 be poaible '0 ....b1ish 1MI'CIlily 01 tJod'~

In bodI_Ir .........~..,.....appal ..... be... 10"" p' 'i' ol~. W.. tllM... II doe -r bf CanliimoI tol"""",,, -..I~ ,.. t4 _ petII bdoR ll-. nophR., b "" dc tit_...,~ Hlo_..-mIIwere -.de ill ~ ..... Iloc ¥Of)' probk_ bdou.... "It is IIno principle .u, oil 'tali.,. Ind aD""tf«tion, "hlCh 10 Odly olljcClm:ly in "'" Idelll. mllStbe formally and eminen.ly in ,heir "''''>eo; and III ,lieopinlons ..., Iuo..., IO"ef """ .-. U'" aiMCll<C 011111l1li_ "'" ...... rat "'1)' OIl WI. For~ <r>uld.... __ ...., GlOI ...... .- fro-. if _

.: "eI, rn. doc beIid _ dory ...... radoed ....... tn.tJoe-...

101, ruclm will I Ioopo ""'"'" _ for' . . 'Ii ...... poml. but DDaI1..' poIl_ ... b«1Ia1Nll(\<f'SIood .., oI\en 'Ila' it ..~'Y'odI.lfy it •mudl .. poall>lo, 11><1 ,be lImplesl~ ofdolOS 'Il101 is to

ql104c II.. own _do.' Ite iI_'ncd wilh "'''''Ilfe for

'Ii: DaI:ar-. S '~. -oL 1X, po 107'"T1oc ....... _ ~ 10k<. _ -,,- Of __

__ IIooa-_...-Goor. f __ .....


_ flo_...... _ ..lf~1me-. "l n..... isIIIIdtin, ,11M _ 01 "",..h one can_ ...... wily il aIlU.

N. All ,he 'calit, ..... perfectiocl In I 'hin, .. '0 be""'nd fonn.olly. Of ..mlne.try. in 'II fir" and IOUI .._.V F""" whldllt fol""'" '/LOI the <>bjccu,• ...,alily of our... rcqvlrQ • _ AJld h olIould be __ ,....,

_ .... ill 10' .. .,. aDd~ lila, lhc

.. k<lF oi e•••, " $ ......, b .....*, II_it, Hc-."""'__ do ~lUitll<

1IIt)'<:doto~ "it II' Boot IM-.."""__ lIM; _ iII ... f.llII'. it if MIdu; id<a. I..,..~n, IiIlhc IlliIMlItIdf ond _ pi<i_ •

III< ;.ap ~ And wilen 'Ilio lcI<& 00<nns. "'" "'n_-.dude , , III< o.ky .._ uupl t')' IUpp:lti", , ....,th<,. mUI' I>< a ........ "" II>< oIl;«1~ ~IJi'Y ~ (:Wryoda. a "'.... ""'kh I~II' ..ally <:aisls; .....1dI "'__*rilt<, _ I>< tIM: o.ky 11IC1f. aDd lhc _ witll__do<-

OM ..., .--l 1M so.a N ,. .. til<..... oi lheoe P .......... ...w, tIIc faa ,"'" ...._. proal oi tIIc raol caiII..., oi m ....pi..'iflkoi 1ity

Bu' k'IIl our <oIltW.

If I _ ~Iy "'peri<1IC<d $C....tionl, 'II<nth<y mull have & <:IuM.. I ClnOOl bo lbol' ""_. b<c:l,_

III ... fru lhc.. I do "'" prod...., ,...... "M~,. r

IIDd 10. _WI catlin~ fIaolly b (...... (...., •10 A)' (Of rcu";"'C IIlCl~) ._ 0(..,......,. .hmp.8", It .....Id be _ '0 ltC, Ind I <OIlkl ,n no "'''I.ml'!<>l' it, if IMr r. IfOI In III)'KJf or in othe. bei"p IJcpam. IIId IClkrc f.."J'y ..poNe 0( forminK Indprod...... t"-..... HO'fo'e"C' IIu> ........ (otldl)'...- be InIOJOdf 10. .00 (ar II I _ Oldy I th"'l .1ricIIlIIooBb, -.. thai 01 _ pr ppooc: ay tJlooIPt...., ..... II"" .- otin pRKOItedIlw_ 10 _ '"""* .., .....-.0. OIl .,. pan.""" otin _ opiIIIl ay will roq- .... "",.dunE-ilJIWboiIl In _ MItItuo_ OllIe. 'Mn ."""- _

And UIII ..~ io ."Ioc, I ~. thao • 10 "1 Icorpor.11 """re or it is God hi lf. N_ since

God does "'" <l«eive, i mlnlf He doa "'" ocnd_ ,,- Idea dored/y H 1f , •• For "'" Juovin, p.~n_ 1"1 fltully f« ~ili,,& 'Mt II. does. bu' 011 "'"-""Y" OllOfIIedi'__ be that.....,. If.......10.« ..... *'- ....,... ' 1 do _

OM _ ~ II.. *'- deeettfDllr " • fICl.- - ......... _nil or """"~ bJ_olIlc' aide W. CIOI'J'O'f<'iIl'hiap. Coueqwrloly .... is'-pellrd to od"'it tM' ....poo-...t thlllp ClIIt.•

WII.t lIIOfe rould one want? lnd«d lie UJlIJ""""too ml>dl, aDd it It .""t whICh ml~ ho.... milled peoplelbout ""' .....1n'''o,. 0( Dacau..' '''''''lh',

TIlt,e II I (lilly widelprel6 opilIioa 'hal Dcoa....Jl""'CI tile~ 0111.. w.e.- _ by -....

•~ ,... is _ _orcIy a>rT«t.

0-.... aQbIisbe> lI>o e>.iotencc 01 bodies by ""'"'".....,. ort lI>o only P"*'llk no_ 01 OW" JloIU"""

....iornI. H. 0111)' bl'inp God Into the b...._"",,"Ide. once <KI' own thou"" lIM ....n .limin.ote<\..... lIi1l "'...... IWO po::uible "'ttrior ell..... 01_""'" God« boltia. God'. l1..,Ilf_ •-..l...... .....,. .. ,.... _ """ o:odII<k God Uql.......... lloe,d«e lie doeo _ tloe a 01.. emrial _ ..,. ...... tile lnIlhf ! 10

• ..... _ ~ bdid .. tloe reality 01 iIo

.-care. bclI ..,. .....b&,".. iIo aaoleace throotjII I

.-aI indU<lioll. Ind bJ -... ,hit no a_ of

...,Jon 10 .".....i""bIe a«1't COfponllhinp and tllqr......I 1m "'" he.e Il)llll 10 1""'.00 that Cudi...1

W......, "'» a dioaple 0( Deoan.... ""'n if ............1.- ..... O'IM....trwy, ........ltrioloc.Y-...... IiYdJ~ 01 c.... "." ..., iIo -uoct....... CUMM ....,. dolt tile okpo by -Il/do .. ......,...-.... owOdoe -W Is .. _ rapecu_........... Can...... proal 01 t'" aaole..... 01 bodies. In""' ..... ooe 1fId _ inn<, ..pe'I....' ..l .. ;t"";Ne to Im,m oJle I;l)'of ill abject by invoti... one... 'he ..me fi..! principle of knowle4je, mel)', ,liepnDClpk of ,,"....nl)'. One ""'Id not .....in ;n ,h." .._10,.. ia Da<:an.. withou. lIIIkinK _If~ -. loti -..1ooIe~ ........ on de<l......,

"I;:::,;:::_-::: 10 Old bJ 1M llmaaI ,en 01 tIocI i U : , ......... I""-PI '- 10 be _pried. TIli&,~r. noMs another problt..

As.oulIli"l lhcrc is Ulf,,1ootilao in ,lie proof in..." •.....,. dooro toW· Nofl..,.lberc "'" aay? MIJ.

, "- I MIOdl IottteJ be 1 • and __

Ie: $ ..... of Iloc o...dinar ' IlwII- I .ulilc lUI. Jdlool 01 '''''''&h' Is rIOt J'" •...... ol .... n ,.ho ,cpt., CloCh 01""1. boll II .IM: "'1)'

- conoisu d • I1""P d .Indo boopiral by lbe <aIDe7 ......~M ...._~".".wilWa; .....PO,. _''''

- _awq..1Illy ill.~ 10 6ct..... wIIM .......,..apks _:ul. I cu-. .hortfo«" find ~I(

-,,""1"1 wil/l MJr. ~~I OO'C. tt.. inlerprrlllllOfl ofc.dinaI Merticr'1 '''''''elM -itbo<lt recti,. lbc -.- ..xa Illr: dolly, to _k dte ruIly deep cd- ,." ,- iBacfprCUliooo Iie..-. for .... I _-Fletd)' .iItIh... it II f'OISlI*- tha, I _ .....fMhfIll to ,"" IeUIr, whil. t.. .. """. r.;thrlll '0 lheopi1I. The <C1tIlooy that th" ....... _ IIOl be

....-~,."tbc~of).l•. NotI"I_.......,.._b ... n.l I 10 01. ..... II I

Ify, ....m_, 10 Fl. It .... -1lIUlI 01. ond ..­blrill io,crprcution.

The tim poio, '0 conslckr .. lhe flC111w irl lb..

~ - ... ConllaoI calif -" .... If wt.o,~ ..oloer "" c:allcd -air II .... -.t a:iootoou •*" be kept. It cb:s _ me' 10 IChlI6ty oI.lbc 'hiol

the <::dNace fit _ ""'---' .......'" diolioa ".".,t; p, rn. • ~. t, ~ t.­CIte..... In _. JYOteII. the .._. of -kinz ..' ion 10 to raj 1"":01 hil .."",~<lKlarN i, 10 beli bIe, all dwhida rehllLed in lhc ........... ,il.nl c(

Makb ~ 01 "It , 1M life-

a' ..- ..~ _-, '" LriMlI, ....... I'W" Ie' ..ol &ndcJ How, '...... Mo it bHa _ibk 10.waUlin. ond (a>I it Mill be ...lnlll;l\ed. ,h........,ClI.no! "" ...id of Ddc:anco ClIn be ""'" of CarlIlnaiMerOcr1 If ne-rta' pn:oot ftd.da ...,. lund fIi~~'~.~ rtalioa,~ II III ......... pouibIe 10 IIoId~ CatdlNl Mftrirr'. -.-. il~ n... 10 ...,~_.... I\a,., 10 laoCkJc M>.L

A5 .... "- _ ... lhc IncMp' '. red_ rhe proof'olnl....dlilitm Iw been rude by NU. Noll.

I Mw: 10 ' .Mil C2Ilnol fuIIc>w lIio .-<1___.... I ...... ,.. ...,. 8<_.. CardiiIoal Marie<...-.. _.-......c 1M piaape 01 HI). II.-poaiblc 10 nx!l atIy kind cf~_ ouuld<c ,hi:mind. and Mcr. Notl wlIo....,ru 'h,"""""" II [Mve

JI*Mive _'.... lhc -tel)' cq>criclOC:ed fftliolliIlpIia," CanliN.I Nerrier".... ;I', lIic ....._ 01.- <Ii -,.~ 1 poodea. 01 "'YK1f. I r",,1

itself. but 10 a _pi< -...tI lei ... ,... . to. an"",,,,pie <Jl "-ell <Jl thae IWO <aMl.

!«am... tile an.atysll <Jl the "oe '" In Inn,.••perk...." witll ...hicb ,he prooh MV. Noil asl<J'

"Can """ helicYc '''''t ,he .~,hor """" -;'a lh.. 'hlnks<Iff lllc wJloIt ' blc <Iff 'Ile .._ ....Id _ plypN1 III _ ......... oUocr "ably. _ be .

,.....,. ...,. I iJ .. '* ?- Ny reply ir. No..AI. ...u. Oa<anct.. tU tee.. . ,..,dy IlIIplia ..10 I • • .. "'lief lor tile -.c III • -'" disbacrf.- -.yoelf i1wW ""Y rIitfn.o... _ a_n: """ "" .r phtno"" ""'.. I. ",he. _ thereiI no qucaliorl of our havi... '0 .,.""""n'. """"an,","""~11lJinn ,hll , ..,"" '0 '" .eI! is noc. And It is 'rue.lillo', for Card, 11.1,.0.., "' tioorI imlllCdrlt• .,. poliu• __If. BIl' ,he ~il)' til """'ed. is MilI .....,.,hewcDM...... 01 .. w-...JiIf (lllc cardiDal"IWb)._... wWdl .... _ -,.. • _alP' .l)'

.. ·"' or I.0 • ...... ...-___ br In ,.Iwipk III ..-ailY (...cardiul'1 itabQ). Thio leadl _ III uk~ ...r-m,; '1-' ....'Mot intcrp"lI,. Card:i.....M,.o.r'1 tar. ..!lat ~anlna docs /.IV Noll ."riboon,to it? Doco h. m.." IIlat the "lIS<- of an "'l"'....... by1... lf (and 'he"f"'" hef",. lhe u.. of the pr;nciple of

... uuJily) p.a III the """If..... el • .....lil)' oulOldr: ,he

.ind? Iflllc __ ir. Ya, It llaUy<Ooltnd..u the lUI.

"I..NofI,-~·I·' 's _ .... :w.

Or .... II< _ lila. wbt apcric_ In q_.... Or no ....., than a 1'1)' ""'" _ diori..a r,....,.elf In .nd tluoup my tllouPI (prudndin. from ill.....,,,«:)? If th' aN"""r Or Yes, it S«nlI to me 10 .V«pafott'" ....lh C.rdi""l Mercier, b." lhon .n inf........

..m he nccdcd aM 'Ile .....1isIo wiS no Iontcr be__~'~..,IC."leI._tdc_ ;1 el aoc.

""{"'O.; alIy,- N,. NCliI "if CanIiaallokrncr .. __ to tIM: P'*'''' el a-,..............- Ile docs tU lot «Ocr to n'abIiIIt lllc..., ..... <A. """....1f7"" CataiftIy -.or, Smaoot;"" b1-.If siva ....he o:isr,,,,,, of a _ ...If, but It is...."....;.", to c:onvi_ .. 'hal'h" "",,·.. If, ..hi<h _ let• no! fOf~t 'hil_ ilan "<nkmI>I ••ahly," .........u ""_~ reality. lz, ........tin... with lhe __.......

"TWo_ to __ .ukdy 0. <lOflInIfy,

tI~IO IlIaI_ ' , ~.

pr-.y dat_· I "FU- 80rt _ ..., ....kiooI ........ apr-.,. da"... whi<b .. pN1 d an "'iIl'"""I" ape' iel'CC,and ...hleb poe. ... Mimmcdllll~1y" ....Iy ,he "aIo,~""" ofani-' fulity,"" So _IXIIM back, UaIWIys,1O tlI~

......q~ _!y. ~n MV. ~oll ...11" abou'reality doeo he ..... by it what CardiDaI Mert.er calli_~ or 60a lie _ rttbn .u:~ .... wl>ok wcipl<II IoiI ..... dIoo&Iol, _ l-atly d lib~ karOl! die 1lnII: ... d ............. _.. _ ... 1IoI>ow ....~ doc • aIreadr ..,AlIyiIapIied ill iI? If to won ....~ .-. _ ...say even CaRlinal Mnocr', .......... -w ............Iess; bu' """ ......1<1 t!>eft undentand how i. illpoosibk. fOf MI'. Noel doa not Je' hi_If up N theo«',ial In'~rprttttof Cardln.J M~rcier', '''''''&h'. Whalbe ,;.e. ... Is his unclerstandl", al ......, be d_1I inboo -. .ud lIM l"KJtiQa, addiJlI ,be~ beIin<k ....W........... --. by",.,.,.,. tl>c _ of_ ,.. :&l"" 1.C1 .. tl>c'dooe. ",.,.. -. .... lie •

a pidII<'"~""'eloo.~The r-ma1 cIitI\<IIhy of 'apr_1D

propoocd 10 • _ II> _ 10 be th& ittilo& .....Cardin.ll Mtrcier <loa _ ""'ke UK of , prino::ipl< of

tlI",*lity 10 P""'" ,he ais'enee of !be u'e 1 world.IICYCrtbc:1ao, ..nee ......ill dotl "'"ke of thepriDeipk. foo- wha'~ <loa he do..,1 Mar. Nail',

•..,.,. • _ ....~ • _ IMd ... estalIIioII ....

e_ of the _ ....11. bu' ,hat of 'h••_~1Yu. lbe '1"""_ 'hen prntMi", IUdf Is '0_ ...ha'_ art '0 urlllemand by ,hit; 10".. ,erm,and-.. .11' ""ure of , r...llly .....i<h the prine,pI< of_lity ", '0 .1 10 rudL

To II "" "'~..., uy 10..,.plk__• __ .itsre · '·plO ....

• _It _ ...... ._. psat1lltd • ~

..... We .... "*l"" IJtot PSin<:it*: of r J ....._. Ito.! tl>c plk__ IO lIllart in iudl". 'All

1M ..-i'ion be rn- • ,hine 10 _ ,h,,,«- Of rn-a thioIc 10 _ ocher mi",? If 'Ile ,",os"ion 10 '0 Ile..ely and ..mply I,om I 'h,"I to 'he ...me Ulina. 'hen1M prll.dple of idtn~ly will be .ufrlC",nl and ... will...... no 11ft<! of ,lie pril><ipl< of ......~'Y. If ,be_'- ;. 10 be f..- _ ....... to _,. it will lit.....

I' .....-Id -., lMKfore. tIoc ,....~"":~.C_ ... .,. -u. __ dirtuIy to

,r :., botlI iI,:IUId It the _ '- ;. not, tilt... ito iloclt. CoeYertdr. _ ........ pcrl>npI say 'ha'1M t.lIIa,1a ilklf In a <aUln.cut. ,be pht__;

II. Is ,lie p/IenootM:r>on In 50 fa' .. i' • ~n '0...-dou$n-..., mll<h.., 'ha' ~he''''...n 'he 'h'", .nd.. pht .......r>on ,..... is no rodleal oppooi'ioII: lbe

__.riital icle.ciry '* • I\or-.I .... '01 . t ..-If """ 10 .....,. .............. ,lie jl ....., a(

do"...... proof dtM:::1 ,MI -W'. m-l"w, _-......

0... dOily .... _ iI 10 lloc ............ 01. tile

*","wWdl_~ .. $It pM aCOl 0... ....e-a .....,~ .......-d ... _ """'" be ..

fIodial oppoM.... bawun d.. 'hi", aM 1MpI><__ ... lbc """ID/)'....., ....,. porfecUy r....... 0Ihe< On tIIc 0l1I0ef band. ;, 10 .",,11 .-.. diff"ocall'0 Ill>dentand how ,1M: lxl ollJ>e phc_ftOII, .....ich

10 simply 11.." '" ,Ile~ bjftl, <:an at ,he o;uD<

,1m. MIhal 01. ,he obj«t k whkh Is uclusivelytII.I. of tile Ihln..

" common IICt In ,be <Kdn of ;n,enlionahty ""0_....""_ ltfo:lf ln,o • com..,., ..,. In ,Ioe on:k1" a(

cD.l<nn; on u.. """!la<y. it prauPP'*" rwo cIiotiDaaifI...-.. It,l~ tIoe raJ """"'" <II 00nIiRaItot.......... proal iL If I bt~. 10 IDle. f.- •

, eof~"'~'*" """'"~-*k""""_.... 11 1M plot _ '"w.o.! .. tile iIIleIiIil* .. ." .. tile i1udloa .."e Wo P'D, iI iI~~nil dot.. odfaM ~-r_ _,..f.-doee+· oIthc be _ 11I ..... _10....~ _10_'" "'___~, lii"lO_iaf.._f £ilkIlIloI

".fom1lC'O wiI 1M: "... .100: CQIlnol <II tbc I!Iaa& illlu<lf~ ......,_ .. 10 aa.mceallbc .....ktIcW .. jnd(, ;" _ ...., ...., - ....,.",.

,..-; boo t _ IaII.Iltt oboM ... - .... -rin • ..., cal)' ,.............-..: .. ..,....10 iIs ..., olruody JnM"d1loloL" Or tile ;..fe,,_ wliI be rn- • ph MIbdoos ... III -.. ...... ....-."_<"""... -tIiclI .... CWd_ Mt'frier'. proot ......l>cnU< proof. but lui lC~ iJ 1<Ift&rr ion h,e.11 Is _ ,"""'" .;,11 • ddf.....1 ". _ • K1tt<' 01 illOWl! _ I , ••Iif", ..n- ~UlC io ............ to

Daca.....', MIIlCIy•• p.-oof 01 ,be ~ ,~_ oI.hiDpouuld< .he ...111<I which oprdflQlly _ .he paooi....ImprcMioIU '"" have of ,he....

., __ MJiIc _ lIM .__ _ lieP1 2 .,. , ••_~_......__ Gf

~""""bol._bo " .lor ....,- ", ... at,cail 2 ......~_ ...__ • be,..... ••I' _ •• ..--. .. ;~~?.... 01

"'11 .~"''' .~ .....~ ......,.oI ....-..~_ jl, ......~___01 .......

Immrdiol~ R~olism

11 II laC _ 10 loot at IlIc poI'lD or~lt.-ill ..,..<1I_oood' , J ".-1)<11 .. ­or ....... .......,.;c. w;.. CardiIOIl totc:ma's ' .....

"ThefOoQpoubk.....,_' "ril1«blcd. Mil'Notl """Id have made .M lhoup. or 'M S<Ilool oflo ,ol~'$ r""n<l<r ...... ,'-r '0 hit own ,han it qui'e1ept, ,.1y~ _ u 1f.ar ..ay be Iloo caoc. """'P1__ .......... _ k-w;._-..\MrdI1~ .. _ pooil-. So it '" ill itodr oood .. i\$__1_1__ . II.. 111 ......... 1

oh:all UJ U ....... U pooslble .0 ""'*l I't'pca".. wtw thive already ..Id. "The only lhilll ahoul " I _n' '0.=1110 'bal,he problem <i,>irlinS u. 10 "",. problem of_plIysb bul oac or .,hod. Mil" Notl is •...-died....... So _ t. But _ arc IoobrllI for lbo

be>lWf1J<1Ilor I .-ooodor ";-.ib..t",•• ~"'. Noel rde1IlIf _If ...... IlIc <>01uaditiorL. So do I, Bin r.""" 10 d"-'er inour own ....y. how il$ prio>tipl« can be madc 10 thfO'"'

IW" OIl ,he problc_ or"". ,1m<, and t ... "'" ",•• 'ha'..... llIIdcntllod IlIat tnod,tlon In quilt .lw: -y.'J1lac ... lK od'I qootR_ lUI arc bu' tbey

arc .oaIq'_'_,.. ...... ....,~ Iloe ... <11 • ~i_rul.... lb<1. can. II,- dofonillOn, .., IoIlFr be ..,

qUtlllon or <1<""""""";'" or pnMnl 'he e:doI.fI<1' <1l

.he oulSidt ......Id. On< 1y Iw 10 find It, or,. 1.11'-NoiI..,....- it. 1lo<.d "'" 10k probIt .. «1IIalIIOIhat <11 '-'III _IO'-It, MId it 10 poc:oiod1"""t\uoI ~ drff.. SiKe I~~.,.._ _ al>orr' Mp. NoiI'.~ t willII)' 10jolIIliIy But fInt <11 ail what 10 1Iia-*'<l1

Eucnllally, II <'OfIlio1$ 10 1ta11!", from 1M

1I,,_Ia•• rlaLl <11~ accqltcd • ....,h.Stvcral 1aftI art Wd 10 llow rro. I!IlI "t!o«a.... it;.~~.'.'~ I iry <11,'-1 , ... .;,•• ".....- _ ...... _IO _1lIt-"'I rIala d.1loo po " aod ,_adJ 111 .-;lIitUol rlal.l •• hasio, it wflI be~ to "ota...

oonvcmtion.-"The 1..lIItdiat. «atut 10 IlOI. lM.dort. _one

..... rqardo l!lt ukIt..... 01 l!lt "".. wwId •~ t 1:rI:" iI_ eva a pcrac.-'" wilIIow ....Iacill ...._ f<dt ... .....t 10 """'" it. H< io ..,.,.ICI • wtoo ...... t1It real • dil'taly r-. buI wtoo ioocarehiD& for Ih< _ Wf1J d...k,,'1" ICC ""', for • uIOt>dI .. for him i' it fUlly _'hi"l eM". "I ... well......." hc"'", "\hal tIM: rut il tM lm"",~iloltrIato <11 10 bul II 10 _ ron< llll_, I

bttitIo< I lin«10""- III fM)a 01 io.q_<11 -.Ilary10'-" t liia« dM-:_ fW"'IlY, 10 feI • Wf1J '" .--. 01 ooodto juotiIy tbe -w1Mot <11 maki", S'dI.<k'our.

IJl: ~oII.L _d',pIt# ..'fit.-...... P. us.

..~aIiIy all be pwpcd IIIItw1f q(diIk.mI clepd...

It .. I 'riy ren '0 .. In • kirod '" bIoct ror..whICh ply IlIc ~'Jlllf~Ilcn<kd reality." 0.., ""'hiB,forbidt .. (we In: 'old) fl_llnl consider;"..... 'hin ,h;,;bIodl 0Il1y one 01 its upecu. .ha. .. '0 oay ~lbc

.ppn:MDlk<l.~ Fwtbcr.e&mooo shows III ,hi, ......,..",.' .. d~ io -Uuooc lUI, III.. c"'""" tile__ 01 I Aad dl fwtIltt _ wil~it oay -to bJ .... .. lUI 00'n _ :IlIow_~"""aiMs--.._... _....0'* be 'Ie" ltIc ..... mowkd,.. 1llis1'f'OC'I'dur~ io "'ply .....l"'I .p 01 "'k '''-'1 of St.1'hoIrI....1\0 fTOlll .IM: Nl'1 plka hilftrclf II ,"" KClII>d...,.,. Bu, w~ doa he 1>0( think it _<$l.>'}"~ '0..,. II<> ....p1ici.ly1 And ...hy door. lie DOt IWI from 1Mdurd IUJer"

...... afe~ q iIodud _ IlJlall

boo ...... bKtl Ill ....... For , .-e~_.-..w~"'lMraa_ · 'm .........."""'IO-.twldo .. · .. I._or, :io pbnaq.~ M It... 10: ·10, io ,he-"I'Jft"""""" •• ....,. .IM ~d 'd" ___tMrealioy

WillI! can I funnula 01 ,his bod poaibly mean? Ido noI heli••• ",1M: Ipp<c""ndcd" .. hel, noel'" 10 beun&mood u Ippn:h<nsion ftxlf.~ """ ohould~ CO pld&." kUl mnoLally IT_ ....pIe "' (<<1M or

'"lbocI.. pp. m-m.

..·'IMIYIO~""'-r~in_....loa thif upraaion olpIffieo ...._ til< j.......ot,

lnd in l!Ic <uc under dl$(_ • jlldpltn' 01 ,,",",oneeindcpcndcn, of 'M .nlily wrn- ui6....... i\ poilu.Th... all ODe 11M IIIc>wft .. the ".pprchcr>dcd" II"*f'I'«-- befo..........n." ...ca1, Ind 'h.........U-~.. 1M: bwrool, ...,. Uoo "1tflIl«be..sc.r 10~"" t.l Iloc roI __ ~'ia& ,• .-:l .. docIono d. l.aoo 'ito I, "P' __ - ..... -. iIdearty • tIIto pgiBI. _ ....,. MI'". NoH _ rad Itoo _

dea. iDeo CanliBaI Mndn". led ..1I1loolot ill ..,. ...,........i'" 'M Ie,,,,, 01 it. bnoo.... if tI>c _ 01 H IftMt

aperit_ ..... IIUI.......'h i",ludn 'M uitt~...,.01 'M,ea1 iuelf. 1M pfln.clple 01 ...usolo'y "';11 no ~. belOv<>lcd al a la'~. polnl 10 C>l.:Obli.h Ihal eYi..~_"H~I lha' -r be. loll'" Nolr. """" tbou&h' 10pnfenly elf... and if ItIt~ • a I<Ibtk thM It~ ,he pi .......... AJ no poiM _ "'Y he iI....., up -.ide 10 ...... rr- .... Iir><_.. ..- Itoo IJMP • H

app.........._,' •TIle ..". 'l1fOldoll ..... can Olin ... onc:odl'.

lIlcrdote. to _. 'M fNor-d ...._ 01 """""",tWlly iI lhe IIIOft .......n'orou> one. and lint 01 anwhe,lIe. i, ....kes lhe openilll 01d~ "';lh """.Iclooluoic philooaplor<l ~Micf. I "'"110I help r•• li",-rill , it. If..... adopU 'M ~e,<"tu,- "' 10 IIllU 0I1)eKan....... Mp. Not!

•hi_If i...... 'e> iii 10 <10 10 by <k>'oI"'I' tha",<. 10 ,heC......._"I'M '.ouble "';,II.1Ib n>ode olpr««dl",I'tka,il lbrU off tile diK....x.n. on • ",lIunders'.ndln" •KTiout eltOllP _CUr If III'U' ... II """'''' to IkriYc"... the.- ... P'*tfI<al -........ As...,. ....I, ·uOlIlMod>n'oldc_".'9' r.'-eoayrapdy .... II 1.";;'Ialks, ..-ilIced 1M! !lie _ ... t nk, -too ..,.-..lCd 10 _" 1M pM~ 10~ ha _eYe"~ wh.. lhe c.n..w. approach 10 lhc

queou"" ...E",,1)llIIC In fact U- 1111' willi o.~nff ,he /

""""'. '1Ot r... iDcIu<Ii"& • __If "'....". to '''''''P'.• I ...... by dcOlilXwo ~"1 "'*ll ill _ IlrlcIl1

,'''_'.~~~l'' _ why 1Io .. .,-. "'00 pioodpk '"a 'hy.~~edlO~tMUIOIaa'"

...........',...". f .,oodf.Here. 011 l!le avy. lhc c.,.. io <IwJcd m-

the ""...., wn/l .11 the _«If it ."",.~ e"" .....ichI. explicitly Jfl$" wi.l>OII. the n«d of eny .ubHq"cnlilbtion. II hcr. haa the l&Ot, IM,efor., af In"",h.cillleverydaln....tII... ill~. ""I.. It _ <Inoped 10

ud" WoO ~ ..te dw< ., aokf by~ 10 JW1 .. g,.. ... II iI raIlr ....aKllylllc to -- ~ I_it. B "I,d,d 'ilkdall vi ._io e"'" ... _ • ..an. ...

,~ oiplify eoact/)' ,he 0I'I"J'i'iIe ol-.1uo. Ilo<y __II for

TCIIisnI. bo<:......he lrnnotdl>" daUl of 1M •••1", :lie

".. fitol '" wID<:II 0.-.1.. _ .. bd",,", "'- PllolO. andofIc. Ililll Berpon _ rkb himo<lf 1ft u.k. 10 ....ur1l by

way at un""tI"" to> ......., rOf bim is im_"'•. IbOu,tlIMt (f« UIC ,ulis!). \lr'hJ. is ,m""'dil"e 10 I!Ie idealislQIl be Ide... l1IooaIl't, W"d~ DurM;o.. in • "'lId ""__ MlM, puoid<d il.. _lIIC objo<n. Ilo'hll poIftt isdlereUod"~.' S • __ Me ..

doo~_~TlIMiI_q ....Be Ucn: is.-locr o.c.., pat..popt--­

....encd 10, tNl is _ £Oi"I1O be .,.dm,,;q:!T 10 ,,",",

IlOl 0 riok, I -.n. at ",co,iJI~ ......ndc.-nd'nS .boullhe "I)' InUO'RJI at tile tnuh OM _nU '0 "-""to«<pted? ~ cpislconoloiY propooed to olrcadybee" critidmI- qui«: UlIiu.lll' ill ., in .. fa .. k• -.cd III dtawioc~ ... ld<aIIst dlfe<ticoo.0.... __ ...,. _ud ,.... NotI 00 -.. ..

cqe(l..,. III dolo' kiM\; boII:.... • j 'S '...-.tpcrUp 110< '-".. .ad< -... 01 "" doe bet ......<he ..-thod III expl.oim.c no:-;. Joe <lfen io.. h'dc in keepin& ..,lh lIM: IJIIl" of "ThoItt1w. Themore.nxIous one Is '0 keep j, .. 1111. ,he more .,.,dolone III,," be DOl to It)' and put It otr .. _lhiRJI '<han i< ... To trdt ...... II appebtn:kd terr- rulJIy, eva if '*l' .. l*" 01 11 .okai 0'

-.iI 00 do 1M 1>f1 • 01 So. ",.,... ......ciioI. AM t.::l q 1_ poor byMV. ~L Why SI. .- ""-Yo -. rt_

ralily told _ m- ...... appo....-..-, \10""1. '00,

doa be _ .... m- God'

11lr ThomiJtic MNhod

"1lIe IC~ ' ...;,.,- oald Spill"' ....n tn.lhiBp;Deoan.. tn. .......-: IIlarI _ God.~

He eoooW _ ...... said lIII)d· I....., .... -.I me- '" Spwwa • --P '".-_ ..,. ill bet tIo<... 1 iu<lo_-._Oooi.

Be............ CIlriI.uaQ Cod """ -.. Ibcu iI •....plIyolcaI ,.,...,."• ..""notln& ,lie~ry ffOlll ....COOIu.,.nL llIc world Oftly •.<iIu by a free ordinal\« ofGod; <tlfIKquenlfy. It n-ntlOl be <kd\lffi! from God. Infatt. It 10 ,be oppmJl< 'ha' II 'rve~ wtlieh "- .......i.poaibk the tbiolc it. l"<M Oftlycu one _ deduoe ,heeDIt~ '" tlic world _ tlic -..,._ '" God, t.IeqooaIy.~ _ .., _ ..,....~ '" dIe....-td, __

no '''-''''..,.01'''-'''1''''breadI. __ .... TIle .... ~ God

• 'la _1Onll -.I puper ot,ea. AI a trU',,",. it iIdftctI)' 1"01'01110".01 Oftly '" .....,ed loti,.. "" __ ...'ha' i....ead '" bei.. able to tled",. !be cMol<t>e<: 0(

Ihinp from 00<1.;, m...'. on 'he rorllrary. of __'J'.... on 'hinp In or<I<. '0~ '0 God.

So the ...u... ,...".. 0( Spi__ ....,10:1 be........ to ....~eJIOO*<-.,..


Iio _ ndicaI _ '1'. • neo-- to

Canaoan_ far frooo It, for tIo< ....~ •• ill",,"_n, till ....... I,,"n one point Bu' ,Mi.-......at kaot, ore imdUocibly oppoaed. FOf SI. p.om,.. _ alldit. ,/Ie ....ry_1I« 0( realism _"I> _...t _ ....Ie<....-., 0Il0 For IleKa".. _ it II """ foundl'lOfl_ of W";" " _ #II ax ~.,.. r _.............. Ilee oppoooI_ bel",", _.-. .. tIo< ", •• _, .'"' lhc<lrioeI '"kwz '" \loWe o.-ta ftIldt bNtc .. ,10 p, 51.TIolout tIDdo .....' ..~~ II 01 .... ill _ •pwadao.. bu' _I for s.. nc-- II _~

1nlI~. TIIe.-po. lin ...-..... io 00Il" lb<:oIPL B.n our'''''''&h'' Ief' to ilS 09'11 .-,..... ilillictfy inca~ ofpaulnl ff'Olll,lIe vi""'" k_lcdgc il h.. 0( ilklf 10 aft

KtWlIk~ On 'II 0'<"Il. it hal """ power of-... bu' _ .... powet" of~. 1\H1t. beelt_ "....,. I capoi>k d~ iuelf ...... a<t of-.. ," I.... n. n ..,. alUlIIIJ~ ;,__ alIjecla of-. q'" noocIuaI" MIo of .... iIrt, I _ So.. TIolout it. II_ if ....re -... • tIDp. _e _ be •

Il1l0"'ledco'. _ .......... e'p'··N"" itt /iii deaeripoioot0( our perapioOM be .Iooloyo <tartI by plaoml hi....1f .,'he oeeond lUll". lnd«<l. u ra, as he is con«metl. ,hero", Jlqe <loa 110I ....,.

no doubt. bul "'" at nil "" .imply appr"h"nd<d. In Ilion.ooe C\l<IId WI 'ha' if ,he block which """"riell« offers... f", analysis nee<b '0 he dioH<:'cd accordi", '0 ItS",'u,.1 .nleuLa';""'. i' is JliIl.n ".ppr~hendcd_IiI)'''..-hich I, delivers .... ar>d unlc>o "'" Ole going '0 alter ,he"",.'ure of ,oaUly. nO me,hod au'borll... ...s '0 pr.",n,it ",..ely ... "re.lity QI'P',Ik"PltkJ'· (i,.!iat added).

IleWu. on.. onl)' has 10 ''''ead ,he 'u, Ql S~Thom•• '0 re.l;'" ,ha, ,he or<Ie. he fol ...... Is DOl anoccid.n'al Ofte. or """"'h.Ing ooe con lI\Odify simply a. al<mponll)' upedicn'. The orde' Ii•• a"h.. hean of 'M,.ochin&- For an Inldl.., like "".. which i. no< I.. ""'n.....""".... God'. _Id be, and who>e OWII ......"." Isnot ;1$ na,uDI objen.•• wi'h ,he a"vl<. ,h., objurmuS' "".,.,..rily be !rQnIe'hi~ ClItrlnllc. Tha' is. "'hy 'heobjecl whicll "'" int.II«1 app'ehCl'IdI '"U" hesome"'lnl Q:'ri••ic •••uch. "The r. .... ,hing ;, grasP" is an.tur. inhabilintan ClIis,e""" whieh II not I.. 0"'11•• he~ Ql • m.terial ""'u,e.. nUll is 11$ prope' ",*<1: nM..,14 quod primo cOfJnl>JClllU Db In/dUe'u ~"'''''''D ~

/wjumtodj Dbjcc'u",.>' It is only o«on<Iarily ,h., i' Itll......

Ihe ..,"", ..' by ""hieh i'k~ lhe object; <I _"",1,.";,,rognmrillll ifW"'~ quo c<>gPJa>Cllut oOt«",,,,.'" And

Wbcn St. l1toma> ,~I"" thatth~ in,~llect ruehco~ 'hinp. 1>0 one can misund<..'ar>d "'hat h~

"",an> by Ih.,: ·Could "" 1>01 oar 'h., 'h" = St.Thom....I.. about. ar>d which the judg:m~n' .houldconform '0. .I'hough """",'hinB obfec!iv<' andind<""rnkn'. is """"rth<:kss ,n ,he mind? Anl""''' whotl>ongl!' 'ha' ......Id he d,o'OIIBhly """"B- If S~ Thom..

<Ion "'" f"el i' neee..ty '0 be caplici, on ,he ...~c~ ilIs pmbobly heau"" It<: nc:v<:, d,,,amed d"" arryone oouklm1sunde..tand him. Fo< him, ,he 'hlnB .. plainly "'" .ul'hinB poUted as an en",y ..isltng In ito own rigIl' .ndou,side human oon>ciou'n....~n

E..ac,1y "" and i' ClIuld nO< he be,,~, 1"". Bu' if,hi. i. ,he _y ,hillp are, how can one main'ain ,h.. inThomlsm one con ....n f,om. !rQnIe'hinB aFPT~h.ndcd

prucir>din. from il> re.Ii'y? ""n.'cvcr object Iapprehend. ,h~ Ii..' 'hing 1 apprehend is i.. bei"&, ....CIquod pri",~", NdiI ;" iN<Ii«Ir<." Du' 'h.. hein.which.. ,"" fint objur or ,h~ in'ellec, _ .... 51 pmpri~",

1JIJi«'~'" Inl(/!«,Wo ~ lie dl propn~", ;"ullipbik" - iI.in vinu" of wha' h"" ju" .... n ..id. """,,'hi~ "n'irelydiff~rent from "on apprehend<d" "i'hou"he ,...Iity; IIis ..ali'y i,..lf. given by m~a". 01 an lOC' oI.ppr~h"nWn


"'LNot~_d'~'_I.... p.JJ."11<". ir. who' fiIo' .uik.. 'ho in1~lIen.Z>Jlei"ll Is ,.... I""'P'" object ol!be inl<tJ<ct, arod dI", h Is

'ho .pec;flCally intelligibk. So.., Th<>cnu Aqu,,- S"....nrmL, U. 2, R<Sp.

"And 'betel'i>re "",", tIM: human m'.1lect k.-. fu";o an""""" 01 'h;" ~lfId _..

"AI>d """" .. k"""", _lily ;0 tl>e ... i*lf ny w~lch

tl>e ot;ec't \I k"""'" .•.

•,...,. it 1o""1k ad IIW 1M ...... lad 10"-' n".,-. -""',' -,-

1_':11 no. bclie.... 1llM Ntr l'/otl...: .........,..j ., dot firsl dl M_ 10 _ ....-I line p6Icc, bod ..__ I ck*III wIoeIloer _ llle .... "'_1M firsl III '- ....-- SL~ ...,. ....jlO1Clo:llcp:ol upcric_ d_ 10 mal ..- ill r....~ • II the_~ 011_..... A-.l IUflPOIIo"l... .-Id WIU!I' '" haM I!liI Ope,ic_ ....pI1Obc """"'" Ill'll iI _ lIM: aPlftIlcnok<l th"'& bot "'"aist."I chl"l- "1b<. .pp'~""-" .. tile ..1riDSiC.....ady Insl<k tile lnuiftSic tHO In.ellecl undodi,OCIly, In'ention:llly. ''''''''''''' lh. obi"''' il" in ilO<lfal>d 1>01 .. ;1 illn os. lI>:ll ill" Ny 10.....11. lI>e wrhuk.. entillJlc. N« to ",_n. ",,_Ie •••11$nI _dlllflto ilS -.. uloic.."'ndi"l of ilKlf io to It)' and ..' itattq>Ied ..,.. __ 1>01 _ for It.

,n .....,1M" dots it lOIU1U.dl' .......' The ..."",... p.a it __ little ..... idtd _ are" ocru­aboIot -til, it-: _ .. .etIIod dO'r _io.. -.l.. o-IJ •• " ; "'0' 100, II ,...., io...cc••' --. tile f-d .. 01 tK, -.Stc' tee ....... dots _ ..... _ ... ;'J ..r .".. r , Il&a<Ud r.- God II ......,......., .. 1,......,iI__ "" ......

.."""..................-......-,..­~,. t .s-.~Lrl'.).~

"... aT'} 01 docd....... _ , .. no. llw_ ., If .. ~ffo-lb:"" _.-.-.... bJ~ it .....,."w fail ..my...... at kif. dlftClUlt.- Be...«_ 0- taM ..

=.~" ..~_-=..::.,~~ w:; ;_ Il.u willi • b<iotc Ioeu:,.... - willi '''"P"''' 10

_loa ... 10 ''J'''C 10 radI. .- itbcaI_ tIM: ba"& 01 ,he otIIoef will be..,.elliltc for,lie l\nI ..... ~kaK»dIU __ ..nuf.." " So ,he

0I>Il' oolullon is In adlllll. .. "'P"'- ou t"-'ratJ>l,. ,han lbc ....t>,«t fmdill& I.. ohjen "''''''''' .na.alysb of k--'<:dte. ;, d_.. II' ~&e, andluelf, In ,I>< a.alytb of ,I>< ob;<et.

0 ... II led br ,be._ '0 ",ake ,he w"e""e of,I\( 01'_ ......Id • _ut< of cv\cl(n«. bu' !lie di~'

and COftCf(I( eYiclen« of a tertOOf)' ,"'ultion. .....i<b,.....,.. i....1f ab.lJxlly and diteetly ;,no a jlldp""ltL

"h po_..,...., ... '. d r l of prorIoc theclI of .. _ """"" -..oc _ of ...car- trP<- ... ..,. ........... "" 5

utOltd. AM oJ ", ,,_GocL:....._........ " ..... God_... -r ·s,. Aad ... - ~_",....._..-,._~a po \__ - ,1_.....,..- o-__ ajKJ I~;;;~ .. a "I! _~._

-~ ..-.. ---_.....-

""" !be _nal be,,,, 10 be ~abk • a 'h...,....iboll. il ..... be dluftI, p..... ibolf ond..,.o...-y f-..ll)' QIl do IIW.~onc '" ,..-llIc oc-,. ~idc..... Irlto 0 mioaaI clcdunioB .........._ OM -'r ...... ..., rauIl,' diMc or

___oc. ........ 10 '0 6cotnlf il bca_ ;, be"" 10 0dilr~""".

n.c. .- So.~ did _ p"c "pooOIe~~'h~_ 10 1M Pi tl. or Ihc. MC or Ihc_ -W 10 tocc.oc lot ... .. __ 10_"'"it of -.I As Ilc _ .... -.I .....__".., _k.lbe_<II_-focWIr W,.,oJ., • t •

..-- ,.,oJ at , _;iC ' • Mot:;;••-"_atioo_ I ' •• w ...,....opaaa_•., ..... _ ... fWYa-. . "5 6. ~~.. Utoq,__,..., lbe OIlldl<d __•

..... ben••• IIiIl<C ;, P'MoP" who, 10 -.artIy in<cUipllc.bu, i, lou MOlbt. r__..............Ie .... ""'"~.

~ ""'" ottWw· 8u' ,lie ,gnlt"'" ;" ,lieoonem.1)' real So 0fIC ."', <OI'IIIiJn lIIc lOSt. or .....'l/lf:

-Who' 'lie ..11K ' 11)' k-. ....teooll)' .nd <OOIC,....,.II _ <IlrffLIy" Ii r. _ 'l>c like_ ..hich if In 'l>c..noel if .""IlCI'" from "" Ill..... from • k.......bl< ",.".."and rcf<n ,lie ,""'- II>clf if <IlrffLIy _ """"'efI ,hoo,~~ ...

"'"'" ............J .. J:IOSPt'd ......., "'" ....._rMooII. III< .......~ ,...,. ate be .-do


Ibc pRIbIca '" ........ "~/f ...... ""',.m. r­....__M

Oa<:orta'-~....... tort.de .. 'I>....llIcda""<II_ ' __ lOrdy

5 • .., .. ..--.1 "'10 f_ ~_ .. idu""Fn plly _ 'lily be _"CM. 000 til<""'*'-Y. Toe --., _ III .. IIlc --., C"" iIwill be. Toe _ om.- ............~ ..-.,.--.- rr- .... ron _ ohn flnc ,.,._ ... ",.,..,~,..,......,..... or ' tIocy__....,mp ...... -*tIoap 1Ofio,d ..__ wb, _-.....::L· ... M _

......,..~ ....-. ...... 'Ilooooclo' --W die or .-.y_ "'OOIW ...-.. be _ 10.1 iad'bono.

As for tIamc idcaIiol; jAij "phW wWrb ..... _

''lOll I)' .... lMy or c4af......-e:nificad inIcIIcdual_....- _ ltIce 0fIC

...- O<hooift CDOIf&II, bu, ...... _1\IIaoI fo.1t 10 tbei.

... bci<I& ollXb«l 10 ..oijIY. Realism COn ....... f.--lIady\rI& the.. 8"';, .... Ilftly do '" .....tl' i,relllainllnOC '0 iboll, lho.;' '" "'1'. by '" i lr ....,he prl"'"'Y evidence ..-hlC!l 10 lu NboIt "",..., .1Ie dl•..,.pup oI,ht exist.1>CC of 'hlnp in lot'*' ptfccplion.

ii, . , 00 .... _n of at... """'h oclolC to r-ninllo'olI;<ca- __ 1IItol., .. ron. q.1I6, L ~ od ~. 0< v.... 'l- 2. a.6, _." q. 1Q. L 6, Sft/.- .nd Rn,.

mThe Specific Nature

of the Philosophic Order

....... 1Jtc~kK .._~ .......

d $ " $ 7 ,., illIodd """""', '" _"",11'-'_ .... _: ·'._u.'... lo .. .....,.~ '" ~ _ IlIot ditfiaolly tIIcft _.. ill ._ it _ .......1 ! I '" """""'"_.

'lbo. ota;Jily ... f...... II__• IOlal W:riIiIy...lbc poorly Iftfonacd _ ...~ In lb< 13th

ceo'u'Y then: _nt -.. a, !lie U"~nIri<s tIl 110I11 ""rioand Od'ard '""'" _'<l re IIIaI • 1<1<_ of ...,yte,.,,"". of • purdy 1Ie....,Ita: l)'pe. Ii",;"" '"Carl_n ocic""". or of an ,"pultal kllld likeArilIOlk'f, I"N I poosibilily.•nd who 1'" did not for I_nt o;loou\lllh., weh ••ci.nr:e ~kl M brmonil'cdwilli Iheolog. For no daub! _pin' ...oon., ,h.ul>lknakJ.., ClIme 10 !IOIh'Il&- H~r lhal may be.when lltc uuth is faotd, the", If _ • dnck ,",It

odenrille diootAcl) ...... co. ri&",1y luribulC 10 1M



Midd~ ...... -.:I ,....,. if one~ 10 al1ribul" ..­10 the.. tlocK WOIIId be d.. to ilolaud iaitiatiYu oa thoI*' '" __ ..... idea wet" _ ill the ............. '"

tk tlloolPt '" tkif u-.",., _ -I"""MI " 1""""" '" I!liI ran It

tIool. _ ........ bee_ _ • __ by ,...l , ....

ploilo ;' ). doc .Ie.alle __III "'..., 17•• oea,..."..... ,....., • "l'f'II'OO- 10 it. Apart r.- ..., pc.ibIy~.,.., '"~ -'0 ..... dnwB. ....-1e bydcq> atr_ lkf" .." ......,. M1 r ·.-atc ___ •• ".., 16.10. _ did _ ,.".. '-hoa

..-pc_ 10 a cloooDo boo...,.,a IICIUOI ..til lIS",ide.". one ..... aad ... t ........... ill...,.oIbml1_ OllM:'

f~ tIllt pomt _ ...... tIM: Middk·.. wID bebb...... .... io _ ...., the ....i<al ..crilily '" III~ tboooll"_ bu. abo -.:I """ll ....., tor ib''''''''''tICal "I<!y. n..~ .. all ,he ........... b«a pol'ipa'''ri< pl!iloooplry, .....ich _

obIc ... I"'" bomh '0 _Ill IIC"'_ I<>U&!' tnll i'lfOIll ,he _a, It ..... bonL. comM,e<! i, ia ,he ficld$ol >W<lc>Cl<Oy. p/lrolU: \looIos)' aDd ...die,n", aDd...rr",cd a..,rico of """lI:deoc""'" ....fcalS, from which I'ha.utill r>()I rc:"""".d.

I'acu like .hue, in proof of ...hich h _ld be caly

'" ",.I"pIy hlltOf>ca1 i"'tance&, .t. BIOI" thon facti; thq.rc >ymplorna,1t of ...nol. idotu If IICh<>I...icio", wasr>()I 1h<: ...hc, ol mock,. IIC"''''''', iDdccd hchol'cd

THE f'JIlt.O$()1'I1/C ORDER

,-00 if ....., ~kc a ...".011..", if is """,-bIc w,thio ..... doc '-t "'..- klad olluoloocal~L_t 11IttN:r IIW it _ d"" 10._...- ..."'" Ills.... duly 10 """""""'. 1'1rI¢ wllolc q__ bfliIo dowIo 10<i<u:.__"" .............. ph'; ..-.ph""" __ ill ....,.

IIW if II w-p'"ib1c ...... pooil_ ........... docj if)~ 10 be tnoe.. • _ ".. ; -'cl _

.,..~ 10 sacrifiooc it: or .. t1",

.......,.••• bdiooc 10 be tnoe.. • ...., 10 ""-110« '...w.l1O ill __ ...,..., .... II order ..,.. Ie"'" iCX&L _ eva llelp if ..,<i<.dop.

To wdu...-.t ..., ", .......... pEl•

_,' ,.., .. bad; 10 thc Ui;aI rIMa and 10 find ........ tbc rwpI>IK be....... llIC Moddle lop and .ode..l!loooII:lK ...., --. Sir>Do """ ... otud).... tile q__adoct ilt pIlIIooopIlical aspca. it It plaia """ _ ohouIdtu.n 10 a pIIiIooopMr ror .. apbaat-. and .... CIIainf_ ... about it ben.". lho. R"""~.... W1M:.the: aue-- "" &1_ app<lIrc:<L ~ ...., _ Iat" 0fI

the: """"" 10 till~;a.., All the (tea"". (OICCO '"""'I""'""",.,. thou&hll\ad Ioft& turned a"Q)' ff<>cn it_nd!>cuken 'hc ~ " .......he,... 8uo II '''....i... t"", thaIOcoar.n.. d, ~p lhe death c"nlrlUle, To _.alyo" ,hec• ....,. ol the dealh. to shooo "'ha' ~ """ thall".""n,.dochol..lIcl"" from thinki", .ad ... from Imn.. to dennelhe rul.. ol a """bod prod....ive 01_ "UIM bcc:o~...oppoocd a'~ painl 10 lbc old IDCIhod, wa. to do..lIC!I ........ lhan 1um nrwy r""" ..hoIaIIi<.... II

~mounled In IUpp<...,n; iL Ill' luW!.nlln;11. H~r.u.e ","",II" in ..hldl Delan.. "'ppIaonlrd II iIIIIfficien.ly .-bilk for ... to ...... It ......It(ntioll.

All ol Can"'ll..... ud III •~ oil ol-.kn,.. &' po bKt 10__., ....... 1619..............__._.Ce. ,.0.-... ~.d

,ho Idea <Jf • _1versaI _,,"-a. F... tlooIlarI<lpollll W( __ "",,p,'. 'M 60...;11 <Jf ,ho -'hod "willi.,.. draw from it or. olmin<>t imp"". Wh31;1 al>d

,"LUlno ol caplul bllporla_ 10 "'" spirit of "'".........,.. - ...... lor tho _nL a .... ..,..a olw, ....

A JO-I_b Oln_ iii... til' .. fiN; JaonItIfic• If•••• CIIIK'O.... til< pnai:lLty. doe.. , .......

ol.ppI)lll&~ 10......, pi ............. I .cr '"....Lhod Wllh .. lII<h M has ;'1 IUO<Oe<l«! 10 brillian,lyN..... bef",. had ,he hlA"'}..r human 'ho<apL -...an ()tlnpolatioll ........1Id b<oId .. 'ha'.•nd i, iI Ill' itw._.... liYo today.

It *"' pIl" •., iMo • fur ., ' ....... r 'IO ... P-lol-.. (MM

....dlb_'-"'w or __

ol "'" ...... II hal ~ lJIrouch. The fInr""""'lllt'_ of Cuwslan mllMma,;"Q:,.. lmd ,he .....f.om ""'I<II all ,h. 04""" 1Iow, was ,he oblip'ion ;,

illlpooed 011 "'" ph~r of aMyl froN.-pr 10 bed;. -.I '"""" ol ..,. ckfin ..~ olldeaf ot~ F« doe .... _iriM die

probk.. ol ....:_ a....·.,.. .......,. "'for. ,haL ofem,""",,; ,he 'n.Nl encl. aDd lhe tllK "ian'" a.e ,hedefutilloao 01 tile dttIe and of lhe~ ,Ie pes...... ...pne.I) III ...- apair:.- 0ftIy_ . . .. ,....-d def__ 11 i1_ '"eb«e 110M for: 0.- lor ...... ....,1)'. tIor.ae- ol..... AnJ- ~titappIicariorooltlll: _""-ric:aI -._ to reality COOl'" 0ftIy haw ...I.. Immedlatc .clUJl Lbo 'ubtli'ulion of I limited numbel

of 01.... Ideas,~ ... "'" """ .cal",. for ,hecc.ere.. _pI<xlty of 'hiftp.

To IWrI 10 n-:ar..s' ....""" apa.......C2/ity,•__......... 1IoiI...,. ollootirl; • .-p. It .cct.c:al .............. I II) 10 _1+.._ mo.p,..m..-. "-I....., it ill 01 tloo ",« of ideM ...

be ""''''11) o:r:t.iw. tadI """ n; """', .....h. up I.. dcfinlhon 100 1>Cllh1.. (bot. It Ily

bdoIIp '0 tho ""u" ol ...""-- '" 1_ "Ol!lu. CIdo OG< ...prilinf. ..no...... C1Ilcn "".. Ito"",oioio.".ulac__

II ill dil'lIrorII 00 rna _ tI.. : I 7 , .... J .....,n01 ~ I refonL Up... Oac:ana' -. _~....., tho Middle A&a.. _.....,. been"I'"'"d lhl, philooophy l.'OI1AOI(d in I lranopooltion 01.eality ;nlo <:<>n<cplualL In lhlLl(nH, it iI qui..f.ir 10 .....-"'"' it a""",""" """""ph....... Du'il._(.. ICI_11ol ~ia'-=..... 0...... ...uacy,.. I : io -a.od ....~ ....

Ilea 10 &0 m. ...... 10 ..... OI1tIIlloc rau/t t....

ocvnal..-...pu ..., I'ftIIlIftd '" eoprat.K ......... ot...... l!Im&o -..niI",1O lloc • ..-,. ot lloc poum otview it ..udies It m., .1Od th," _ JY'le.. it _ ap<*<lto the <bnser ot ••kln& ......t It IlIIIt"":l$ from ,....I"y for•••Illy ,lKlf.

To cor>Yince 0II....1f ot th'" I)I>e OIIly h.ao toa>fISide, any ...~ OIIC pk..... For,he ochoLo.tlr••..-...- ••....,. -.de "" ot ..tI.., _ fora. I.hat it

'" NY ot "'" """'...... .Jl""""" _n _ • "''''...m. tt.. 1orII. _ lloc Joo-. .pan f.- tile-.... n.. pc..- __~ .....,"" .. _ St.~ ... Daar,OS, _ Joe ...w _ .....:.l doouos ........ loe nised ......."" '0 tIoe otJ-. He ,-.cd~,..'riotos m. fftI/ty illlO ot .""Iify. __..."" it io ...,. .-.p 10 ..,. t1Yt re<llJly \0 IUppoI('d to......f.,..., 10 the", bIo, ..."lrh ",e .""h'y 1....lf. On ,htlp<>in"M d,ffere""" l>ctw«n ,be two philosophies lei,,"'0 ,he eye .. tooIl •• I)I>e ••• Ii,a ,h., for 0......" ••..... 1)' lUbs"''''''' II fuJly knoo-.... bfeI_ reducible '0 ,he<OfI,en' of Iu Idea, """"..... for I ochoIaouc 'Y.."'"'IN'" .......... 1fIII~ beat..... It 10 ill&"""" t.haII floe _ ot1M """pu we QttXI r.- It.

Br~rnIity_I""ot_......c.n..-. ......_10 ... .- diftlnoltia tIMwhoIc of IIoc I"" _ l8UI_.... Iricd to ..........._ _ .. I9Ih .......,. IiMlIy dapaorcd ot,.......u... at til< ......... dapurinl ot pIriIo ... P~j

".... A _..... ..,,. ot """""'"'" _ I!Ioooo&h'_ .....,. be ...... d "'""'clI • opoafic pili.........,.. 10

wilodI~ .. eqNlly spccil'Ic:.......... In 1Mlint ..... _ lit'" • pu." opui, ;1 tho occond • pure.......nlsao. For OCICIICe, _hi a, r"" .....1. <o\I1d be...... ..tllfyln.. and It 11111."", n.'u",1 ,ho. it lhouk!""rep.d 'hln&"- >ina I""". 'nspi,cd ,he m.lhod, i, IIbouDd 10 'roJSflize IIKlf II .he .....1... 8u' i, is""",,"be. dilfcun' for pIlilaoclphJ wIudI. ltowi"l-ated tIoe n,ht to I ....- ot in-... to Ity IIIodJIlllcr P"~ it. oj r-.allo f.- 1 -u.od _ ...._ bcltlooI to iL

1I>1lat Dac:arta doa _ is _ me_ot ptIIC ........' .. iIIIIo _ ..,t11 pure..........sr- ,hat u.. __.1ObC ot II.... a'" eoclndc eadl odIC. n...... Ieff II orilh 'hotI&Iu (_• _I). llOd a,e"""" (not. body). be <Ioof. not~_'0 _0' for ,lie unlorl ot _'ind body. Y.'hen,all ..:>Iu'lon. "" off.u III I ,h"d idea, 'hit ofl union of_, and body whk" ..n be fel. bIo, not k.-·n, he.....,ndlctt "'" whoIc _,loori ofdear .1Od dlstt..... Ideas.n.c ....... ot ................... tnoc: At 1M' """'I, M.Dac:ona _ 1 d tile p8<.

11>...... """""" aticr tI>c for t HIf'I ., • 01 tIoe - MX_ 01 ,.' :.,- tlo<y_ it .... die baIif ot doe ""'J" i wi" ftl t t heelby oac.na. -.d*-01_ <d tIl<_"'<:ll IIIa ..ria ot -'l' 1Iypor......., of wlridt. too ..ne.

llowdilranl "-Ik .... ..........booId • bri4p ;-.". "'FIIocr ... Illr sq.nlf 01,utiI)' ","'-<eli ...idI ..c.n- -...... _ d"l_u~ "'ltIl. N rl io by <ldiIllUOlll~bk t<) ...

dUedly r""" _ 10 lho< OIMr. lhere .. _hi",...."".....iol in flndi,,! ,ho, tho< bridp has to pooolhrou", God. The O«OOioNlil'" 01 Molebr:o""he. ,heJ'r<'-estoblioMd .........,. 01 Leibnll., \be panJlcl'" ofSprnou. are to ....,. .....plrIJWeol ".pi<ydu~ for

hiu&. -. ""I" .,,-1 .. ' I'*' ......_. ill10 be ~ by --.. wido •• Ildp of w­nw,,1 Ivy ---. .... YaJ ..................ill It II

TIO< ...... .el1.I, ".,.u.-oIdle 17l:II"'l'''''ar.....~ pcrllapt .. _ perf«tly ..It.e-iotrnt .,...... of Ich.- ....1ctI ...,... 11M CV'£.

prodlOUd. pr«>o<lj' bcca-. wor'kln, "" pur< id<....In "'.,he....Ir:o. ,he C'Omplai", of ..al,1)' DDUId in no '"'0)'

inconvenience 1Jle... What dou I...........nience ,he.. ",he difl'"lCtIlty of ..joon'. ".Ii.y. 11"""'1 apoll<dqwl)' fr_ tb< ll<1d 01 arc 'lley do _ ~llow 10 ........ r..- • ..- i, ppeart in ~IIIaoilIc: totr- m-pBudJ wit. ..... ..., ar"__Idy ......... to <:lIfII-,-,...aI-uo. - ....,0oס1 p .... .-peel. W ... Iiltcs, to,' t., I' • lrr ....... lIM _ _ b U-.. ioo appe__e ..... io _ r-'" IIooorPt. ........ it io_ .. ~I)'. but .......... _ ~ .,dler.


_ II io ......,. 110 uk H, ill order III ."py •priKapk. ... 10M 10 1MII>fIY~~h<oeo.

lUI io _. proof .. ",":lpk is faIIc, .... ir ill. "'P'_ 01 io. On< <an ...11 .aM "" 11<.. 01 tho prinripl< 01"<eonoIIIJ' of I""""'l," to dear 10 Em.. "looh: _nIhcorles1_.helRq.,h, ,n v""';nu """'p1italioM. .1• lime '0 look fOO" Jlmpler Ih<orieo and &M: ,he..J'r<',....",,,...

n. """....... of ,he_~ of ..........raiood __paabIo: d1~ • _ • IlIe .._ ....__ of r--i"fl m- 01 .- 10

--.. It _ drtfkOIll~ m- ...I • :> to --. witIolIo • 11""II _. fur ....

cliIf....,_ .... .-. Mol t .. 01

1M bet. aad tile ..- lie raolu."", rcjoftecI .-yro-illl~1)' of • '"'0)' OIl'...... ill 10 '"'1 oil lDnSllM:

....-hty '" l/Ie Oflk,of~'Y ......... _ pnasdyb<oca_. ear:h IUt.ooncc bo,n, ,..11y dil""", (rom ......'Yother •.,botance. ,h.. ",," of ..."u.l pIlrtldp,"lon in each..he<'. ""in&. ""'irk Qw.aJi", Il, b«:omco anionP<*ft!ility in hio "..,.... Lelbrlil'. -.od, a pI<

ioId....... ""l<Icdty. 'IOhido In _ .0 aiol bedirttd)'~ ""'" diroclly uniWalCll W;, • 10 o:cM<

10 aiol,. .... • .... """'"'P ..... ""Y'............. or ....... i1.~

~COlOId ... _ _ bIll....

"""01 FUl"'; I) 10 -eo TK ",...odedby _too..... __ aad i1 I)aooId H_

II)clconcs. L.c..... <lIM): <d, A","..To"""". vol. IV. po~7.1"11Jo.16.

.....tioa ...., br Dao:or\d ""--~... !he_ell fof -,.. <II proloaci"l .II..... ~,.. Ioc. declorcd......... .-1........plr III Iuc:Io '0 fu<-Owe _ he ......, .. 1,011 ........ 10...... _ the d'fcm <II ~....,.....,.--, = (d1 .. ,lie .e' ; I) 1lIcy

; aid .. -.II. I.. otr"",",,_I ''Cl' 'T1IIe .. , , Ic.fn Dc:ooc-...boo! no.. ''''''''''""' ..- I , "' ; t j _o _a' _~ __..cot')' ,

....bat ....... Jl"CII .. /UI;I) II • -..vI' ',_01. _ 'J __ cadoOlllcrMo. II _ oair • ntIOIOlll .......,.j, lie it aloo • politico:....... ttcaae ,he Su.. is tIoc. ., , lUI>dIt_ .....11M perf'" d<oo,l, ....I "'_ n'_ ..I)' TIlol II why... _ <e-e """" 1M illdMd.... It>ftPl •• __lie,

01 • SulC. "" hie.ll he "",Id _ f\llI)' .......iK !oilcae........ r':'C11 I ~ ,"" SIal< ;II<I( ,..._ uccpt iI'I indMd who"" Iu ""'1' ""'.II io, ''''',er 1'1 ,rue '0 uy lila, .... finds noch,"I,.. lhe ind ual ..hith do<1 /101 _ to him 'rtHllooricl)', olld ,har ,he" iI """hin& in lOCiol, which <loanot """e 10 I. from individ~11I, beca_ It rorml lhemIlld thcj'(QIItPQSC iI.


who I<lOt; it 10 Ioun. If we do ..... ~~1Id ..........bocly eM Kl .. _. -,.. Ilooupl ..__t,~ .... -,.... , lhooJIot ..• -,., ... Iokewuc do ~••~ tIoooIp, ... on .. bodIia, ""*- oil _

---OIld.e*-"-.... df- --e...w IIo¥e ... idea <II Golfl CHAIiIy -.., Mel ...ida <II _ -.' "_'1 obJ>t- lIoordoo'e.j """*ea_m-c:w.-_~

All It ..... • ...... ...... ? ilil, <II ,e-n' t! . alui ,~bt,.,...' I ........... ......,.

... lIT,':: ''1 KpItM<d .....AtIn 11-. , OIOIJ _ Id'lIO "- ....

10 _ • ....,. Ioo$er pottibk 10 l'iod ......... 10 _lade IbM ic ;, pracribcd fot: ,hi"," ..,.......... 1"-'" Cal_ <]de.-:bod "'pIc'"...., IlIo: poorio)r <II • pewfcct ........ .ud occordi"l to II.,doc.-do <II ill r"l1 p..."aplc: IIanaI OWW<I f... II.,.,ilOd, pN"*>pIly••ftcr -.aI rrui'- .11....... ll>

--'PC f,.,.. II. d,<la,cd ;10 rlUl '"""*"" lO .....n ","ro.II"""""",. ,here II "" .- '" rcpnl mil Kl cIr"",&,",,""" ... a UI....pII.. II rccallJ lhe >i1011ar ... '"

THE 1'HIt.OWI'f/IC {)RJ)£R. "

10 """''''''. leI ... Imatlne 1111. """,plea ,eallty <pinup Into idea. eac:h of which will lIef",e a .ubo,o.nee. T1w:individ ....1becom... 'hlDg in i<self. ,he S...'e a dirr••en,,hinS in i!>elf. and ,he problem of ,he """,muni.."iofl of.ubslanees I"""'n" i""lf In .. n"" form. j ....... insolubleas ,he nlS'. This is ...here Hoot>« led IDO<km thou.'"by defining me .... wh.""" bodily '" .piri' ....IIy. asio<>Ialllbk and ooo«<l<ly equal indl>"idualo.' 1h.poIIticol Carttsl3nism .." up ,he indlv;dual", .. bei,,& ""his ....... and conseq ...n,ly ... an end In him.. I(. whof<:.u""rdlna'k>n '<> 'he S,ale .. 0 higher end be<amedlfficull. i( n<>l Im"""lble,

F,om 1IIis p"'n' "". ,he p<>l1'"",1 p<<>blem be<on>eowha, I, will ,e"",ln f", R.,...,.au; finding In ,he

individual, ... •""h, a I<M<>n f", ""bo<d;na'ing him '0arl)'\hlng Dlhe' 1h.lon himself. which is ev<:n ""',. dlfr"",11,han findi,,& ...,.y of oqu.rlng rhe circle wi,h • ruler and"""'I'A", II is dt.,. ,u, for • toeW a10nl like lheH"'*-i.n Indlvid ....~ rhe rW>' of nO'uI< Is nothing 00',he Ubeny '0 .....k. _ of Iny means II< 'hln" fi, f",...uri,,& his "","'n .."Ifa'e.· Earh m3ll,"'Y' ,he Ln",'Iw~,

h........'ural lithr Q\IC' ev<:f"y olnCk 'hln.. How••ne."'a', and wi,h I'bem.. of ,his kind, .,e we ~"& '0 be

'1lobbn. LMo""'., ~ Cbop. 13. The whole tleJinninJ oflIu••hapl<T' if an awlka'inn '" poIl'i<aI "",n of "'ha' "'"belinnincof ,I><~"" Mnifod "'l" or 1n,.Ile<'ualll>lUl.E~ """" or Dexann' IJWII 'urm or phrase CIIn be f<>und Inn. The /..I>Wlt/wtMI _ pI>bIiIIKd in 1651.

·L",wwl.~.l,(lIop. I•.


obIe '0 pill ,.....'h•• a oocial body? lIow a,. we png '0be .b1e 1<> arr""llC 'hlnp so tha" in 1IIe name of my ownrishts, ...ho' bel""p '0 me ..,.... 10 be~ng '0 me'lienee .11 1IIe lheories of 0 """,i.ol con'rKt, by "",,,,",~ "",gl< '0 ""'.In from nahlS, ..gI,ded f.om1M .........lIoolu'e, lhe duly ohelKluDCing ,hem.._,

..tIirh is lllnlllfMUn, '0 prod""ing .1.0"'1)' 0\1' of 0

bundle of libenl~Pu, In ,hue te"",- lhe problem ...... '" difr..ulllhlo\

crt"", to ooIve il inevitably mush,oomed. Bu' lopaollythey we" bound '0 lead 10 1IIe ,""",&,,1'1"" of ,he<:on,radlc1ory <ha~e' of ,he problcm ond '0 IIC1. the><twO an,lnotnieal ,... 1111••• wtli<h are impooil>le '0

..con.cil., in IK""lle """""ltiDo. On 1IIe """ ~nd, we:ue giveo ,he individnal in a pIlre ....te; and .,~ ,II<dcnnl'iDo ofan Individual as ,uch bI'o eu>t 0<1 h.. own,,he o.ncom. Is ,bn lna,<hir Individualism or Ma.S,lm...' or 'he acfth..ic Individ ....lism of NIe":"'~The Unique Individual and hif ~no; not/"n,CO\IId be m<>re IoIi<aI. .nd S,lr"".~ himself, aphilooopll<r in bei,,& able to reduce an. 'd~. 10 '~•

no<. If lhe individual is "",hlnl but .n rnd,""uaJ, ,I~~l '0 ,".~e the eoll«ilvily from ,he individual.What;' Iopcalls ,he ...hoI....1e eJlmllUtiofl of lhe Sial<as a """,rain"" fom:. Bul if. 0<1 the Olll<. hand.....

JS<; _ "'" p<>ift1 ,be ......,UbIe work of.M. V: Ila><h,L'ind/IIiJua_ ......<tJoisrf, /o/IU $Iiorr<t, 1nd .Ili~ r...... Aka.,m.

-"'oft tf _ II{ * _ .. t1{ rtdlT ... tWill fat IN

......."',...,.Tbc rCSIlIl 01 .. f.olaI dKioiofo .....w -.. 00

.... be __ ........" ...a «,...... cLffotUltieo; iI

......w be IIoe~ of p.I»,.., ibdf~ ......... ..,b< jW t a_cncu_~~ ...........---.....-.. 10 ......... rn. dIat -.tllod"'" _ II eM

p""- lUI is 10.,. tneIODO'" _ FU: j'j F_

_' -1Odar-w-P' o..-w.' I<Iea ­..No f' _ • 100 IIalU~ ......-w they _.c.•__ • -elK " ..........c 00. 110........ ill

_If. MId • , ....,. of tIoo difl\Nllieo it -iII>dved ill, a o¢~ 01 II .,.....--a"""'lily I ito bodt~ ................ "" tIoo 01_;'- _ il3)'O in d><_ oI,.rc ideM. Cancaou~.....,. "".~, ctron rexII II>< ...,..1 • -.ho:<al_lapltyoia _ lite opul, iIy oI,lte: _I. ,I>< ullknu01 God. ,I>< ud'cnc< 01 ll.... Nrtcnbclua. ol it~Illllla'.ly ...... reach ,bno, it. <aft wll I>< _ 01"Iill~," lL iI qy;,C <III><~ "'lIh K;o~,. for ",,,- lItc

IlIOtbod 01 N ......""..~ pbpica pro>'Idet ,I>< rnc,al l)1lC.

I~ ph)"'CS. all knowl«lr l"....ppoon"MOI)' 1~,ui,iOfl.

fr, lh.rof<llc. <III><, bn.n.<hu ol k""",k~.. arc judrd I~

I...... ofl"'i, , "'blanc< 10 physka, k_1edac ill beablenl "'...rc ;,Iluillon ill.<lun.. eo....q nl!y. i,J"C& wlthou )ina lha, ,he r••• of _taphyli<:tl ...


•1.11<£ ...., ....1erlr.lI, >ince its __ II Lbo

KpIM. 01 me NMcl ~ No <mlf'ldi<l<wy 10

- "c., 01 oncIloiINo ill l~io ....n e-le _o.r~"""trKFt·1 .1 .... ~A_.iI_h'~H oil)' iI •• ~ ; lpaI~ .. _ .....

~lIt· -...-.m.n.. be_,...,. Ji:r ,_ loIdi\lf al .. .eta; • ....-.. ... '"dcl'iolllK. Jw r.... -. .......,rd, , t ed 10

_' ....... t &CL ,. 00 r... lioftcfDrc. ..-.. ....,...... "'10m.:... .......... ...., .....01 iIf _, ? • II iI d 10 0KillM<hu .... Oft ,'[ ...~ 10 IMo

:;-;-~~:- .. , ClIOlilo_

~ • I' ... tIlo nil III _" II '"..... ,hlrer:,t) ~ .....!IonI ",poioi&&'-' it.Kaat ....IcIos.-ilh IJlno:: lIeF!~ '" _ ......blllblluo• ...., t1fon 10 _, _ iI __lIti,UlU

p!'•• ; bj. n.. _ of_leva: pIlibophy....1M """''1, _ 10 a"'lIid lbcM. For St.n- """Dun> 5<ct.., ,he f... '''''Ilbey ... ""nn<lftltt(l In ru~1J'JIfO"'!S oIUIl they are nol UIlWnnoun1..>bIo and ,"", In

commlmn, Odnctr to "'p'ncnthll; ",.ijty .. II b. OMoo&'" n(>I 10 <0"'" oc.- ,Mm. F",-" II .." ",II<)

'01'00"'" ,he... by OUr malhcmaric>om. rr lhe•• is •.;n&l< I,,;,lal CITOf a, 11M mol of aU ,he dimeu"'"p"i~y " illYOlwd In. It can 0<LIy be 'he oneDeocan.. com",i".d ""'en""~.• priM, 'IIa,,~



,"pdWclls. " .a ~ ""' ......of all)' ............... ...,. l>cIoIlI' 10 lUt~__.•0Ikt.· .,.is,oJ " 10

it. F....k IIIethodo "'at !he k.d'" W'o IOfC'lher•one. ,,"0 d""w ooly ao .....mN< III odc_ whi<II • II...cOfllllh. bu, would lea.. 110 ,oom for 10 au'OflllfIIOI"pha.-phy. FoIlortri"l.hio ~'h. one. n«a$&rily .nd. upe,.her wiltl Ib< ebooIu,.~ ot a U.1rC ""'''r_ .... coatcol III philf*'1lll1lO tlYl '" 0«.

llW" IIIII.-pc. .. ..wo...... r. III 1.. Bo :'.ic,... rediIOOco I? t 10 I critital ...... - "'".... Ifl u~ by ..:.::.. ..... lloc' .,: .. "" III........... otIoa -onlt 10 alloAooyol d>< Mind.

So ....., _ ..... ............, iO I oUtle ......., "

_ dilf""," for it 10 CO IllY furtbd OIl ,he roed 10 '10own diseoluliool. lIu•••he "'" ....p OIl .he;oumcy OIl'is aIIo lhe nmll.p OIl lhe _1 hoole.lblt It pcrhlpl,h.pllec 10 IlOf' a1Id lhink "1"10 In plcpornlion r", I ­


orimoc is ....Ied .. IltvuR. Dopnyed "'..-qlU, it ...Jo-&a "'" anylhln£ but IdeM. and r... iudf1'f<"<""'bIy tnpptd in tht'ir InunomiEL

II is from lhis point OIl 'hal. ddpolrin, orpIlllotop/ly .. a ";.""". men lH,u. '0 look for pre'e<U10 j....lfy i. in .... onl<r other 1Iwl WI 0( r.ot>onal~. KMI.""" -.tiler ........ 10 _ eon do__Iaph)' me. '" ..,..eI ill I •

-..~ e-.c. .... _, , I,bjai...k t .. to oQrwlifI< _' 1, ~ II1II roo ......wIlo is ...... -.. III IlK .......... .......,. of a ,...dy•••piri<:d" Itoool&fll, seeks fa lqiti_ilc philooophy M• out;eetiYc "",,'h<:sif from IlK Jl<l'O' of VICW <JIIlumani.y. fi ....lly, Jlcrpon, f""linS 1M o«d <JIlutpUfln. 1M ";'o'if", ordo, 10 .. 10 ,ueh ,hepIliloeophic order...kes.o edmlnbk Illclllpi '" ,.joinlm.ioorI l>qtoad IlK a>o<cpl. 8uo w, 1••uItIon is Oft

4 • ""loa duuo • b ....r 0( 1M ,..... ""~ krtik __ 01 ill ''Plio- ruIoef thIaI fonulI for dloww::t ...... _ -tlik it...-. u.. _roo "ititimat ......., II If forpili"""""', it doa "'" __ for_inll I pIll\ooopby.' For III onl<. .0 ..te.

"The pr:liJll'l'''''o of l ....... I """. <OIIIpIin.«l bII......plli"*>p/lll:al cn~ .,od,,.,,o.. lO "'-" both oQ<na=_ ... ;4" • tbc.. .......,. rJl I!leod , '} -+_ .. ""'" to _ : I I • .,. Ilc_____IIli. ....


T" ..... .;u" ...,.1Jooacht '" relumillllO ....iewaIpili........,. _ .. lIM; dqra: -... I' ...._diL.......1 ,., _ ... paW..,. ill lIM;

d<l&-t..~ of 1M 1M _...,. .......__ e'-aIcd all -"'F',I I ICM'nl;a.._,",,"c " _ ~ ... Ali... lhrec ......_

of od<:aIlfk "' 'UI .....,. prop.. "tlidl tdtpctd.... -w of AnIIoIk 10 .... -w ol r-t-j'.~ e-wIlooro ... ..,.' • olIOW' &lOil~

.......e .... _ .. ' ...,. ...~

'" 'F r.,-wdI. ..... '" .&-"1 ......... 10... WIllI.... ;l,. no. - ""-. o&crilityollhe MidclIo.Afos ... 10 be """"" 1 ..... tIoc .­_ ....... ..u" ... ) I<ld:oy 10 _ ,.

phi•• F* "",ribl)' ol "Ida. ...._ ......

n 1I"'1Ir<;! tIoc ... "' Iu odeen: ,'''........ ol ill -.tllOd 10 lllc okm-m '" odltn. I" I....... lw. ~ bla••_chy cllMo Daolle>,bot...... he Ihc"br openly """tradlnllll thedo....1ldI of h. -..~ ",h.,,_ Da<:ana waelyfol'-c<l .he "" nels of hil IDCtbod. All tI>e UN.An""''''·, .,,'" philooophlC8Jly lao don,""",ben.UJt ic ..... on error of fKl .nd I<f, lhe rip.. '"I'hi!otophy Inl.... In lItoIo&iri~1 i""'pni<: noIU•••Aritl",k .nd CIIe ...dk:Vlil philOM>ph<" _mMdIhcIllOtJ.a, Co ~_ .boul 'he ocitn<:CI of I""lnorpnle ""OtId, ""'- presen' P"I"'lIrity ".lllI.bo¥eIII f,_ ,he i...."h:ouotiblc ~icII f""clul...... lhey

lIre:c po. proor of. III" II•• IOUil .-IM.''?!"II. ol~ II> pncdrc .... .......,.., .... $ \IiwitiIIC dfca ..~ awl dM:""'"'Y, ...tIdoIY. ....pII). I _ I 'Iy ....

'8p"'WNt TbiI iI doe po.- IlIre:c ... "' ......Fu. ,uIiII'" ,.. ,. dlocwpt _- ""-_ "' ........

rrow ~ _ ..... il daolll>I .-to II> IIa",' ij_ He _ -... ..

'" r a Illdoe_lOt "' 101-'$ "'rIoe_.e..-_ .... o._-w .........- of God. _ ol _ arioliMI liZ ii,

't ; "'.' frowlMpUj _ollilecqta. No .......,_dit.a1I'1' II _rudii)' .....~ 110 ~a tilew .. l<JCClhcr, lie but lile _ ...-.~oM""" dac _ .. ..,,,, 'I •.ppl_ iQclf to. BIlc if lIlc .11_ • .. cd •lttclf io .'-Yo .... ,II<: 1Ili.,. it • ....- If 110 ..... -.

.nd lha' io why ill WI)'I '" """,_hi", ""oJ'I)' *-Id ...diYc..ifird ~k< ,ea~l~ 1....1(. ..........iocOlcliM __..on 1M noc,lto4 iI the.e(.",••n 1.~bil,I)', 0- "-.pc.1t. In "'" Anot",.liln C«lCUl, only 01 • d ..mc/1toJs. The lI1alhe.....ckoll ....thod COI'r~PlW"" ....IMe order of.b,,,na q..nllty; ~n ... ictw I<> tIM,..".It..,lr llOC<JIdi"110 "'helher II II ~.IIIl1""lh~or dioaMltin...,... q.....u,y, ....Ch ,""","II)' or ....lrilhmclic. The pIl""'" "'dcr I\ai I......-.~

......... phi•• ,~.,T. QIOtlK .... mpylnc ._ ntOf.

Mob", • bluadtr '" ..., oppoIIl£ had ...~'.""-Ie ....., r _ IX """''''al~ II llIe__ lor~ I. is .,....., .ted w. tho: oUrlndclln flI pooitM La . 'c • ...ulI Ariol"'~......... tal lie for _ prop_ OR ­..-.<ltd...m. __,' 'e ....... .--.i, 0I1M1'1a ...'.... 'nil II • ~ fint ...for_ • _,. r ;... Iluao_ tint -100_. --..aa<i<iM; .......... _ -....ot 01.

lik1<~raI"'IX""""'''''--' : Iic....... IIIl~ IIot _, • ito __ III t.Iic

....-. SU=:t II! Ik do '_" 01 .... ito t.Iic..........-.e. ........ _ ...,. a prilKlpk for

£'fl'we... ..., pbc:_'" flI ~k. bul Dlotmitd It

MyooId '"". boo"", ............~ ill......... This_ lIic ...... <Jl """ '-'" .-,. "'_D'iol ror­'<Wbich it _ D«nortn' 1In<..-.o.... to ... rid 01 f",.",Iw>lasrit, inckc:l, pbysiW bodi£f • ..,.~ ....,hf<>nod CD ...hieh tloty ....., hoch tM" __n...... 'Mi.ptop<.'Mos;.nd j ...IOI tIM: 10<0I10 1 1n kind of for....111I1 of _thinS IMnt. f..... is a naln kind of IOUI. Ikl.... which the forllll of i"",pnic boologo IDd 11K: fomu... 10010 of orpniz,d \><'in, both "''''''110.

This ;, who, ",plaia 1M 'tl";"" >l£,nny ofochol=ti< pIIilofophy in 111<0 'kid 01' phyok:s and £v<:n in111I1 of tMmiouy, Ind 11 """ umc: Ii.... til<: lnadequ.acyof ean.....nism In the tkld 01' 1M bifIloIIeal oc"'flC£O- If

it 11M ,D....tyt.lic-..••1Id prop<rt_"' .....noc:bodiet. 1k """'opal .......~ .ua _he<-.1oDd, """'- it ...- 1IM: ....ty '"OIpIlozod ......

.-I .... ,.~, -.liIy..-I~ I.~ b< .....£ ....... til. 'T • .- _n_-.tI<>do • 00Glaud., WaoR llo< ..o.od '" a _.t.fXI w- ..-.- _ '" 11M: __ ..-.-

_ .-I w , ..... lor""<Iry; boot tllq ORop<cift< ~ ...... ito • _ •

ac:Il flI ra'ly. bJ ruo.- '" ita~' £ ... "'.. 'ipr_ no.W"~Oftlntl'r.i".""-',']' _4" .....II". pnll<lpla ......... '" h.£ ...... _ .....-co. -.•......,. "9'I.u.. ..pt*II OJ! _ '" m... Ai llo<""lin> ....,. ,lie ........ woda '"~ 1M ......bnnI" i .... If... ita aNa« and. lis propuUu. It II'M W- '" bmtc • ~ MI,,,,"...., _ 'MKIII.- 01 qllAilllty:~ " the Kiot_ 01 -.olllle1><1rtJ; biIllog' ,''', 01 IivUl« boelnz; Md"'*'a ,ha, 01beirl& ...hoc:h t--., ....._~ thll '" til<: hUllUIDboeilll IMIlI iD _""y Th.", rould not .... ""'"

<oftlp"I1<:"""" ..... 11<orib'" .""'_il.. ...... priori """d<>es ""'...., ...hy. pl"loooplIy ...hkh Idopl«l i. lhouldh•..., flik<! 10 aJv<: I PfOI't' In't'l"l't1Ii(ln of Iny of 111<0<>rd." 01' ",.Iily

The,£ ..... nolhlDl fOl't-or.uillCd aboullll<: falluf<ArisI"'''''. ,,,or .... not "'fUiniog ralthful ID hlaprinciP'" - ••d'lICe '" ,call.,. (Of ea<:h ookr of "'aJotYo

mE f'HILOSOI'ffIC 01WF.R '"

IMN io -u.... _ .. a ..... bo<tn& UwI. a ~.. ...... Oaarta 10 -..:I no~ 10 _ it.a... If llIaI_ dod"... Illc IivmIlhIoc" -'" io _ ...be fouad iIo ...,....., °d,dM';,;,,_ will _ ...,. laiI 10r.. It. boll .... _ 1 ...., ..... .....,. io 10 be"'-d I....... toforeower. iii Io<lWc ror II • ~."'M'__ d __... iIs-._loe II_<= ..... _ ..*....-<16.... -...1ft npt_ ' , • _ <16 for-. il ,...... ft.Io ............'....._~IO_-...ek.thIa. .... '*'01_....,. 10. • --. _ iIoIaIiIf; il .. ibdt.......... T10rce .eM ~ •

, If).. "'" 011 bot .... .....,. """"""or, " _.,. iIooiot.. .. .............be .....,. ' - "odwcod~ bon a poe '; fllylia

'II .... II." "'-'I ntot, ...... .,. _Doomnot,. _ tloc...... ;t '"... <16 __• __ .......___ rn. pomo III ..,.,. all _.~ ....

po&JPu rtlo F __ 0"" a 1<00 FDOnI_.. Daana dod. "' ,.., ,rw door oprn 10 r<a<I!lnIlolit< "Uet _."." _ .. _ .;0, lit< 'Of....'" .rw"""lit< pI>NibIr. it aIwap pon.... __,ion rtl bKJkv. 811Imoe.; lit< ...thod III • more .,.........d "'.,""" _ t..dOWr 0 more Fnc,ohll<\l one trI"", ;" <l<pr;.;1II ......" .. rtl(" /lIljt<1. So. ,. "101'11(I llIc prnpo, <Jbte<l or pIIy>io .ndoI>emlo't)'. Arlo,,,,...._ "' .". "In< "........l)1h,..""",rw".~t)' """ leD .. _, .lIt< 1>"", an' <lttlc,. whi<h,"""410 -., .tIe ""III "' ......, • 10 II< Om«! _ It _do< _ imponlDl PO'" '" pctblpo .... _ ..dill. 1I.,e bewoo JIIiIll' _ <OIl)' alii .,..., '''"''"'''1<1I,-""" "'" ."" all

• <baI<"'" ,.". 1M flllllfe <16 ........... I... ,,,"I <16~~. wtaicIl "rd iloeIf Iif'Ilcd 10 Ilwot 1*.....pllyOi<:o. n-. ... ' ,_ did _ ~ _ 10 __

rr- ib p_;.! lbt ,.,..,. ........ '""'*l aMI .....w""'--So> _ r.... dooIy IOday 10 10 100 __ faIllIhoIlO tIocdo t <16 rt__ .- iloo Modd/Ie-AfCS~ -......_ <16rca1iry iD ....

I. eadl 1M .....,. <16 tIoo ,... ........ 100.._, wa.o. Ii .... .- __ tOO'otnoet__ il , do< ..... ', I U talily'l

i&tdici''''" 1.10 bt .. il~ ,"" ..., 10"__.pelt ate di<KIcd _ tIo< • it, <16 , .......... . • e'bl_." ,..,... n F '4.. pIry<Ocal ... doc.... fcftd ou.a IaW'S _djw,nilJ -... -' _lain a ",01 disI be.-en.-ellCapeo. TIlere II ...... _ .uu ,.". ,he realiiy

<16 lbt ,.... 10 hllfiU dIG ,.. in bolIoay - molosY._,e f1p<$ ate~ _n,fdlly facto ond IaW'S.

Indeed, 'YfHlIot:! II abto!u,ely un"""'" ..;"n"r,•pt<Ibk.. II io j"'" .. -=-oay for u.e OllOlly <16 ,lielnorpnil: .......1<111 for ,1Ia' of ,lie ",pnlc:,.1Kl .'1/M:>IIlh,lie lCluol ",",n,ariOll of 11.0 oci<t>ttI II dl'e<,ed.'"""",ere, its r..' ....' re~llty rem" .... 1t...,11 K'wa,. h,,,101><. kepl in mit><!. 0"" ,he form ia ,ho .:>nlj' principle

which aplalno i'.

• ,...a;eat """' 101II<"""1: ..tlktI _ ...1111...._ ...tICYI:, ...............


We "'" _ tIlerefon: VI rid of me1IjJ~1 I • "'oar, "". wtaal _10 be0ft0cd io • cleM r . ,jo- berwu me -"- '"or..- ...... __ '" .., fora. f'-

.... _ " __t'_me5 t:' ia. S"'.... e.taiu -.,dllo' 7I • ...­

,..... _ iMo." t _ AmaowIiM ......

...- 'ra'... ....,..... -.... if""" wac __" jo

........ be POIftibk l<) find .- lor~ ill mepIoyMcI' onk, _ .n.JiI:M .. 1M. t..o•••, E....,."lUl,,,"" requireJ. lormal prineiple, bu' ..... """.,.lor.ill • IM"I 101".' Ah"""&h.1K illOfpnoc (01111 II a

IN.,,,,.llormo on..,.....,., q"';.1MIlt.'I, Is Indeed «noin Iba,;" ,,"Ie '" ,he error of Irnog!noliol>

""",,, PC"_ LIJ< IChoIMlICI "' Lbml of LIJ< lonno of.......... heinp .. rexmlllilrl LIJ< fonlw, ." !MIll bclnp.""-I' -leepoOliUwah,oe. O"....,. .... IO_n........plIJolI:Iol__ IO__ -...-.......... d _........................"';.. .""' "' ..lllO'" "'beioI; ..... .,.." .......... "' ioIi::ipt"'--.-..... , _._-'. I ......._"'II<eI.... Tloe-."'__'_"'_bo:L~_"" ,........ MoiIbaIp. a. ~io

..............~ ,. I _.-..,.

"'; .. .- - .., ""'"""'" ....-1',"_ ,.,. ';"1 , 1010*..........-- ...... .."...."'-.""--1loIIIiIw .. "'_-,Ie_" "II<eI"'F ............. , k"., :."

mE rHILOSQ"IIC ()1Il)£It

"'WIlD .... _ <>;iIr .' pon_ -J, .......he> wmP'l'_......,. ..

10 .-1ioIf;cnt. docs " _ pootuL.IC • -..-.,. ailtcnco..iI:t ..__..pIUM_'

Soodl '" 1M cqccr <'II ,Ile flail ....opai.ae.- tile u.a.. -*~ '0" "'" order <'IIpwdy urunrl k' 'v; lIM: oaucc 01 aioI....., .......... at-< 1M Kic.a dcaIioI wit. 1M _ <'II~ TMt ................ ~·Fb) ,"wloidl''''(;reds ~ • II.~ Krill a __fl. aw­l'" ... _ ...................... i"aollo_Pt"lIM: lint Mol""'''--'__ ud .... oca"....., f dt.c.p i, _11 ., _-'"'1.., ....- ~: "' _.............. ..... be ..- IIf •~ diMioocr r '''''0II1lcr • • .. wtIi<to , ~ illot,c<t is !he ..__ ."hout '" _k1 be ...011....... t I _ prOf'O'OOd N Ion;..OrilIl:ioury .....Illc", win be pbrsia 10 order- joiII ,he -..._ <'II llCC 10 Biro .. _ -.do at Idnt. ..." Eo<Il...cncc 10M lIS pIKe. bu,~ .:I.hearhef"l is llIc tcicftcc of lha' wi'''''''l whodl ,he•• _1dbe no oricncc bca.... ,he.. _Id be nel,he....Iily '0k__ IIQl' 1.11.lIiacoce 10 ,,*,p It.


.lraody eoIlropocd. t..l cYCf)'l.... in lIM:~Nld fI'Il'ClIoit>P .. order baod .. II~ ff'I.......*till it. 1'Iorrd"Ofe.. , 1ooMi.- <'II lIM: _" ""1fId".... _ -. wit. itt _ .. onIer OIl

6fri,k ill~c lkycu Of..- .....boo! OIl plII u.c. fruly 1M _ ........ __

.... ...., ... _ <'II ;" "'C ruliry ud '0"_bI II 0' ' 1llc .._ ••_IO_u.c... - ~ ..... • ck b tJoerwoooId -...., .. IoUcd. bot ... I'cYIW

.- .. ..... I j ~ plIIity _ fI1IIilf-. IC"'" ...

_ IbM IpOlloIoI J!'l"* ... ""'PI ... be p'" ....... iF' ........,_.-__....

,.. l\QI .. _ we .,. <'II tIIooc p>dIlo lIM:

C»IlCkC <'II I ~•., • i : l '-"'c:Il1o '""Y .. I'lu- ­

dIoapliM <'II II.. -. ..... <'II._~ '" crOWII •

n.. old dcll.iriorI <'II phibopIly... A.......c C_1tr....It,. '-.pOled. ",...hI tnoc: ". lIM: otudJ <'II..wIooo. "lhercfou_bJxco Ililhe orirlOCCO ..'her.uti. <If wb..b lUI"« 10 pe,feet 11M: inttnr....nl odapl~'" ,1M: order 01' ,c.bl)' il .... undc:nokco '0 """,,,io. S"I<we,.ncl _ tIM: probklM wbkb lhe diffc",nllllOdcf01 hein.raile. lhe,c b ,he probIcm _ bJ beloS il",lf;nol, bow do lu<:b ond tu<b lblfl,l;l cilir. b... whal l,c:d'lencc1 In whl' dou 11 roru...? WIIjr is tbc«..iolcncc ., all, _IftS ,hal lhe UJOlc...., we dr<ttl:"k_ docs _ """Ill '0~ In 1....1f. wMdcn, ,e_for 'IS ....I• ....,? I, It nccuoa.,. 0.- """",,&"011 I\n<Ilf il

mE f'fIlLQSQI'H!C OI/D£JI '"

IVThe Realist Method

I "- tried 10 "- IinI of an "'by ..... , ,..IlK it .. potoil>lc ,o"l'""k of a IIItlbodicll real ;n<>r6e. 10 deli"" an aul1UCle wblch I bolicYe to be in"lPc<o....nt "';,h./Ie AritlOlclian In<li'ion Ind also to b<:pIIi~........t. I .. _ ber<! ""''''crM<l ..w. """q ie., lbo. _ 0IIIflI 10 a<n'J'I -"-k'.jWj<llokIsl III _onl ..... t • ........... b<JI

..m ..hnq: ditl'''''..... Tlot '" " • I _dioc • 110 r-. "' pllik«ipl................

Now iI __ 10..., WI 'ooby. 011 just.1ris potnt.

~ are In I Slatellf DOl I\:a>i", IUIk up ou, .'ncb.....khmay be OOI'l""nlen1, btl, whkh, if we I"oui ly ...,.al '0.._b phiJooophy. _ '-u'ely III ' lin}'

f..-. lho tralll .. u..., rul_ k _ propelI)'~, _ <II _ ......pcnna lIwIk ...... at

boI bc"-I.,tB I' '_~0jA"'._-uod_ ... Md .... _,... ........... L_iI-.: 01 iu all",", and 01 .1Ie po.... -1odI«"""I.... it. sudI .n .'Il'U<k 10 <'Mloislent. V....., 10ll1COftN1'cn, ltId dan,....,... .. th~l il'-Ikfi1lW kl<11b.m.

.o..a aft« iL In. -0. __ ,... pl"""_ itpo ...... Iitoo .... .- _ boc'I< .. fact tllal~Iooc:HK IiIIio<d 10 Ih<.- of .....,.. 10 .. ibdf

1Mc.. tI .... iLIf ..., pes 10 .... -...- """"cI' ..., ...,. be

........., .... ...,.- lUwalol· , ,Uwl'OJ1_l.ly. _"", , wloo -.. _ <II~..... do _ ran, .-pi IlIc7 _ply. TIocywould ... _ ",hon.ln. to"I ItIc _ .... 1M IIIdid _ co.t before ,1>0 appa'""""- 011 it 01 ,lie Iowat«pn taP*t'lc 01 (<<Uns; i-. 'hey 'eacll juSl 'hoeoppmoi'e n eotabliolKd odcn'itk f.ct. 1t...,..1d bedlme.. I, 'O~, llKln In oaf IU' phyoia ;, nalure ilK".""he. ,han. ",j.,,,,,e '" U'U""; .11.0, ,he ocienllol doe.no< Oludy 'hi.... lHl' CO/I(etJ ..hlence on ,hem by aopedal """.live: power '" ,he m.jnd: WI ,,, oboe"'" • (acl

II 1M ...me at d.......m, it "'" '" noUunpess. On ,heCO/IInI.,.. lhey l.eodJIIU """" 110 """'I"iI:i~ WI.. 01' \he.... IoInd. IIlc inorplric """"'l 1"«_br- 'hoe01'1*'* _ .....""" -w. ......... c:ri'! • "......;.-.• tlw. ...... odoer Uood.~ ..-'r • I"P ",III ", ~ ""'odI.-...alI)t~ ill ... ...... lire"'" .... bf heelIt lei • .,......

1I ...__ ol ...... lObc _bJ.....10 Of'"'' _... _Iluoo .. 01 , I I" ' ...1.. \loerI! ..~ _ be-.ll<: •.._. *""do ........ >lrlta ..;0 ModI •


'"adoplcd •• _n... "'....." --.dt.. «:><by.....llca call ......, odQIiol, -bat doeo helull)' _ bl' II'

so... do< po II _ t II II ....

;::-::::"'::':_: d. do< ~eate tJI tIic -.to _lei, •P'" h· _ II .. finl pIwc be ..., ......, raIity 10. ,.......... ,..np nos pow oi.;..w. wtlldI .. borIr <be to 8o,bley'.. _lei ._,.....ily 10 lIlo "'ppe"'bIIf;:d~ a. 10 OW appftMIONOG

01 ,hot ~.pprche~· n.. _""'I'M. ...... ..,.pooal,.mtly of thoJoo&hlS _ i....,.,......uld <OIIlIiII ndlJl(,

..." ••, ..... lU~llll«S .-.1 ""lh an ""blo"'" '"lI>c" _n in<Iol""lden, oI'M Oo<l lila' """"" ,helll. In'hi' IelWl, the WOfId would 1\01 .... Iy ...colllom"",.".."... "';,h 'hoIovu, bul WOIIkl be

eonfOllnd«l "'lh II and "-" "" 01"'" un,.""" 'hantho, of lhou&h', It would I>f oaoy '-JII 10 find"."_nll by prutnHby pIoi"*"",,,~ and '""'"una.on orion.-. ..- _'PP"*' ...lid ill • 6onr_01 filii kDd. 1'Ilovtbt iI -.... boll • IIM.Io vi ,..,'1..... _ boot 11M: r· . ftuIo 11_ ~0: ....,__~.........Iloo·. ' .......~ .. _Mif", bI:l.' '""'l'toe 1IriIIiaM. diaa -:I dr_1o "w.. ,h IkII__ ....,. 10_' AItr--_....... 10 _ em)" " _ k radJ 10 IF" _-.ide ....... Iller•• ......w.,: .. tat. ...

, l.Io<R __~... bdon '" '*' _'..... If ' ......... -.... 10 +",. '. Illcn __ ...



bc""fl(llIl and fnI11ful 11IIpooct, appea.. to jt ...he ""'>'"Pl"'"ile of • (rfC clc<:rec .. L.w '" lhc """'L The "'3)'I.-p .n..,....-.... I. tIuo.by _oI00nft.lIlo¥ P'O$ltM'~lr ' ..... wIIM ... '-K III'-....... &i"C" 10 il rn- Wl.'-to _ W, II CKaoa bod!tile ,",.I~ribll1l)' ,lid .,.m...... ot .h.1l W<lfld. W. ar.'her.f",•. al ,m. POint. r_d ....lh ",akln. a <h<>i<e.which II bath free II>d~ry. W. 'r. f••• 10 """"""./ b,·cr ""'__ Iik. borl if_.te phi•• fh ...._ .... 110-". <loooa! 01_-,- ._ c.-. --.r.. idealiol....,.,. ... __ Ya No- _ !he bel.,. al tho ....-ax • ,cd_ 10 _ 01

1hou&h.1 If yn, ... "'ith... "",.1 .rjolft 8efkdcyand,lion, "';'h him. mt_ ,lie< w<lfkll0 I~ l:ln8u~ge opot:cnby .he Autl>ar of hlle 10 Mere .plnta. A. Ieaol hi.poomo. .... Iloe at Olnoip,fOl'OlWd-. If ...._il_ 'do .... _wloetI ...." 10." S ~

PI : .; lhcy "-= .. IOiIocl Oft oItn1YI,,,,", Idea;

"'"J Of. "Y'"," In othe. words, 1Q. Ibcy arc mInijlhllotopMrs, pan'..n. ot ,h. rnllnllldcali<m of Kan•.He,• .,..n ,he,. ar. r- ....,.. ¢l beln. wch Piniu......... ...... .. .-.&tnt, lloc ..... -. I. c

a-.l F'? -,., • _.~*. -ood,.-.-... ........toek ...-. ill ad>'MCC lbt poooibilily"'.olI-"'~d<pM_ T,,_-W••,.b "­on ..!La, roe<Ii.iono • pu•• II priM pllyN:o is~ .nd~ 'he proltk!fJl from ,he ''''ltiCcnd<nl:d point or "'.....

'" t" bAnbil (run ,1M: ",al.. of in>< Itnowk<l,. ~rydilriplilk' wIIooe iIIItl.oI .......til;... differ ,... .- ofNe. p/I)oi<a. Nd , t , -.II bd... 10

LIoot ca'''''''' .... Iinc ..... _ • do>< I .. well__ ..bili_, aDd p«>pIo .., rip. "' _ ......ortIelMr 'M <ntial _1_ .. _ n too .llmIkol.lIowev.:roll.o. IUJ be. it ;" in "".-.y <Ol\ Ic.<>r)'. IIOr ..

i. i"'~. ODly _ mull be ~.ay .0 II."" by .he.....~itl., Ii ': finl _ _ 01

!Moe • • ..- ,t-'.:F t, .IIioIdiac ....,. _ to __ ..,.'0 •-'.., ',' _polin 01 bclh)'UII ,.. -.. -.c. Crit.cal pIla-pllJ.therefore. h.. aboolu.elJ ""'h,nS to oay .bou, ,heprobIcm _ are .......,mcd ,.;th....... ,hit, ha> to clo

....1tI ~'" and .. _oually. ~...... K.JIlIlIIIoodt _ If>~ raIiled 1lIc P • ] _ ......0101--'01,'" j',I* lIlrir -if1(-0 iI moIlJ. afIiQII , _ 1M~....R are lJIillCH..·d Ms: by wtuo, rip, _ he"",ke.- of ,he .. 'ecorY oI" ........lil)' to ..Ublish 'heirable.....? _ elellfly.-.. the perslflen,lndependenccill ItMII 0I1Ile ......pbyt.ocaI _ nilQl poiau 01 .......~ • "·1') , 'M. lie _',~ -r 0I1Icrte..,.,.-,. .. ,......_01.... 1; t ..01 .hen.., ThiiI ....... de . 1 --. 10 _nltk:aI _,-. /, roelIlla- <OIIIhws m..Iid.>'a the"'.'hod in ....,.~ be.._ ills ....,. bel'ofth.nd. In


u.. __ 1. iii '$,~ clearly ........... Ill<....... oIcrirical... ..., _ II .. _ ..

...? ? • f*1IY. -1iPd1 ill - ~iI~ .. .,_ be fI"O""'d, __ die_~ 01

doc -.doDd Ill' ' .. ill Ixl .f",'·~...w .... --= InIO.- 1IoM.- _

..... 10 _'• .--poIIIt. 'Nbm.-'" laid _ ..,.

.. roo oU .hat. for ....""" is IIr dlfioli_ iIkntio:::oI

...,11 1M -If 01 tbc .- ........ _

Rlbooeql>nl'ly fotJI<I tha, """ I'W" "" 1M risfd .......,..u...bclbcr or not tbcK it ""'h II thiD& ........'"....1Jide ,he ..Ind. and if the,.....IIa, io ito pooo.iblcrcla1ionlhll' .,;,11 the Dllnd. One 110 Ioft&cr~ ,be riP'10 talk _bout ,be "f/l<.l<k" " ~_ ,he m..d. tinee ,It<pr<lblom of k""",,"3 "hether there is II ....'"'e hao "'"been poocd. and ..,<III.i... l>r dd;nltloll .,..•.ti<\r. ,be-.obi 01"";...,.1 philooophy. Slill lao ... one "'" ri&h'I lIt oIloa' ................... as ,hoqlI I. talnf>Cl in'".da tII II datu••.-....110 '10 ...... ".~I)'__ Oftfft iI a:>odd """" ilxlf wi'" ...roldml.NcYonlot u. ;, ..- _ ........... phlotot.M .1 K"tr_ PIaoo:ioIf; It ', .. rn. doo ~-.idetil< erf II 01 Marl,! , tIocy.- iwlc". ~_ it) f el q,. MId ra/IAl, .. if bodo ........"... ... dooor JIOo 'I.. WorM .... tbq _*_hu ~ ...., _ .. _ 01

_oj7) ='- ...... 10 .."'... DCMII__ body 10 Ibn' crilica.I 'j I' • .w.. ~.....,.

oomlo iI. III ....... 01 _ !My Xl WItIl I""'d

INK ~_""''''''''''''''',•.. I'''a; 80 *""& ..... nPt 10 laIl __ me "olIo<t- doc oMood ,cttf__ iL no....tr illhM, .. ....., ,...,. ..... 10 _ .-

tIocy P--.: &aoc-_ -.dot -Md (......... I....,........ _ ...... ~...wlcMlI •• __ref... 10 .aU II frut 1 .• 01 tIlrir raM(whidliu_ ..".,....10'. _ for *"-c).

All tIlis__ 10 soyl... ,.... be_~ <t'itdl

ph'loiIophn the,. .. II _"'phyNaan. ofln • ",.llftDCIaph)1lc\aft, ,.110 flib 1<I fft<l&1'1tt ~1"...,1f, "".... ltiIeya '0 hb __ c:<iolcncc, ...<1 'cfllOCl 1<I let OIbe.. lakecOS'liur>« of thclra, Ve, ,he land I. III ,lie ,cou.,oIolma '0 "" dol"," Fle 10 oI,"pIy ""'"COM "'00 Ul~"

lI<l«)Un, of hi> __ po&illOI'l Ind publICly 0"O"'J II, on hili.,..,. bchaJr.nd 'lun of ...... ",he... Who' 11><1'1 c:<a<tly

iob"poollioll7Facn'ialIy. it ......... in I <:oIIIIdc:r-...l dIoKc

trcowcc. TWO pDffibk: -.-. AnsI_'s _

o...lU' lilha ..... be&- WI. """"" .. """'""1IlooIpl1o-.t 1. M_.... ..._:",__rr-," II' ........... bculI. I ',~

._Ma..... U ,_ JUlMIotu of

KaM. Dacana doooc. fWWlic" aricIICIC.lloc. ....r", -Iotdp",..-.L no. dilJaeac "" 11><.10__<11" ! ,~"'doooc_'1 ...to ..... lie .- pltyIicI. TIocy IU<.... cadi. ",ha

pR~ ror UIcor ........,.,.. .....ead, thor ruod.... __ .. llldr FU •., So lIlqr -. u...10.. ,1M ,..,. __,Ila II ..~IC to -.,f_ 'hrir....hod inlo a ....ta~ brcau,," ""'ir "",,bod .. ltul

_UophJSic$, .-tUcb it fully -., of ill proo:ee<llnp. '"its iIIldaI ............ _ ollloe.- ;.p!let<iollo

no. ,.,,'. ar..ol p' 'j' vI.-. .... II

<Irlhoa iQdf .. ~ 10 loX..... "",,",hct....lIphytit.1 Of rritX:aI, It ,II,,, booauoc oIl UII'U« If

p..,n '" ....lIl-oup ... *'<l <A k........<!£e. h """" not ,nlIIc ...- foI_ .,. *'<l <A kao 'Ie. 10 lIM: ....... cI.... rrz'"" " r men • __....-- wloidI .. be __ it F'f8'<IIIb'1SCif oaIy all opoo...bte. bu.....1d\. ben ,. o/JerJ tlSClf

....>idenee. 'l>O uoily b«o"'e! 0 "'Ph"'" The fOCI that-1)'lttiBc 10 cNm _ ill doou&M ill -0 ....,. pmIllll _1O_"'e.co,c'·slor' 1I.....loJlat. I••

I • '. 10~ 10 real .- ntbn I .0'Ypointe. 11 ..... be""""cled, ~,. beea_ lIO ..nypeopk t<><I")' Uk<: I... 0 "",nif....1\1I indiopulabk rlrJlprit>dpIe the. rul_ ••n I.pc>&oible po*Ion, ........."ilodI.ill _ oelf~ 'llc..lnIlb...Da lIM:

*"Lill.... " r •• r-:e ......... r 7.whrh .....;,ll!! jllI!jIjp 1M t nssn ••web WI UN ftw wM pasOt i' 0' .Itt ilar1 'cminbi,b",1 'Q t' 10,,[ I .. _ be.e dloeussi"l ,be

dIlronollia..wdl ... up later, All _..,...." ,....... ,. c', -.....,.,.. .... -.doer ,he aid< '"


• lIlaI. Utiriplo..., K-.~ u-f..-d •M1lood iIl,o • -'~tl, = lie ttilI ,...deIII~ ... ocimu, ."itIl _ ... bIp:. pouit>lcIrK Kant. beau.. If ...,IKmllOn II ch_n as lite modolJrieoo£,. __ of _tap/l)'tlc:J ~ln.~. I,-... if~ pod 1M...sd. M1~~,,,,,

1Kts ..->' _ M4rf'" ill_'''-M' tri<_. C q ..ally, Dcoartu. -tlo lllou.... ,.......' ......,iaan. -. al)lo '0 ""rob""" hi..... I' .hal anI.xaliol _.hod ...,. 0ftIy ......ld "'" wppr""_u.~ bon _ .. ,lie """lnI)' plaa: ...._ btl '6t" ',,_

n.. DoI..- It _I k--. if..... "P'doCalleoian "" ,.physico, It c ..... In Ikrlclcy'okklliom; IN l>en rep"b It as • pu.,dy me,J>odjcalide.... it .-./It .. tile aJllQl idcaliMo 01 Ku.. So"""_bcp,"",~ ..".....d_KnptJ .. ato-.. .IM: c-.q"""'" -P'io< ..c."CSWUOlII: or ........ in the dayl"ln d _..enal>ll ctlftX<I...nHI" In philooophy. Du. If~ d«id....o0laM w>lII~ .... llaioII ""til AI_. aDd .0e.pIof- ...._WIOik 'h' ' 'r--e-of. rulity_ MoM.. 10, ...~c ....I!Ic han of p/liboplly atId ..k", Its 1tM."""I..poooiblc!. To IIllkt it pooIiblc .pin II.he,UloOn whyruIiou ... real...1Od caU lloc_ha oQ. ~ """,...,..~ _Ihoy do _..,. ..... "jaD' wi..·uc dol" __ It 10 ............. it ....., • .. ,


'"ao ,100 ""I"" '" • pi.aple. 1lltr......~.... ..",. - """"Id _ IWl by IUbIlC ~ltd&< l1li

""f'K' '" boo.. or.. .- "-I .. ...... tilboo 1 "I

r ......... ,........€. ... j_ .. ,1IeR '" illCart.. , ". __.. 11 .. '**'- till< __.....

W1ll1_, ....... be ...... " '...,..... _dlMMXUwitII_

.... \c'"'I.__ta__d. _-.

••,......i,;;. I ') : • _" Of _ ""appf<l.._ot.­.- before .-y. _ will ..- _ or ..... ddlI

10 * -a.oct. TIlt ualiR ..u.od ......-a ...~.' -. &ay &"'C"' raIiIy ...... 1MdoooIIfll whl<II ;; .~ iI. nerdoft bciIlI • 1M" 1jI•• "'.--., I-a to _ Ilw: .,.,...jilion '"beJIII. v...... tIlIf IlaI ""'"" nl • r ..... -'- OIep ill.... dir__ ol_pIlyMcs ... be tHee.

Oaoe Ie hallt«ll pallled ,"",lIM: rulil.l p*_ io~ ......hen .... loind or In"'rdin whi<h i<I..lioaIl'b 10 l..poK 011 II hal b«. lifled. It ;'.-dDte'"__leaf ""'1M relll"-!lip of lIM: _'bod 101MpIlllc>ooptlJ in ...li... 10 'lui,. dd'l'."", froao 'oO'fIaI'1 d illi<kIH"". II is _ .,1 11"01 •...,. 10 eocape from _Ilry.and the.....,,-\d hod '0 _it rM ...ntu~ before thou.'11contemplated this ,"'.. olllU;nde. nw:" was only OMway It~ do II. by Iayin, --.. I mdhod. >,...cl""1.u1;1)I on it .. 01\. bed of """"""'es. and Ioppln. on..tuo,_. pr<Ijo<lcd beyond ,I. Thl\ is wby .11 id<.".",

'"__ u.., • parueu.... ..clhod eM be 1,,1_

ud ......w........ ..a reprdo it • I t/titIe.lIl.ludf..,uxw 10 Fn • ..,., pe_~""

0_ 01 _ j'" ,oIJ. II II why............IdftIlIt ~ to ddioc R".aily, lie r.. ~If

,_polled 10 11); Min 1M -.Iood oM wtwait_ itr... ,.....,.. II ..... Ioolftr~ roo .... -.JlOd 10..,.. rtUrr- It _ .....M... ruliIy•• !hoI it ..._ ,he ...... '" ....,. dlc . '0lCC""" _ of__its.--...... '" r-.d Illne.

""r.... rnIiI& It it aJoocctIoa 4d'JcrdIL Ikrt~alily 10 _ diou<a doe ...-. 1106 _ .... -.lo0oi..... dcf_ mliIJ· The firsc _ 11"" •....t '1doe_ eof_' _,he_of

k-"'I wbII ~ I it. e.-n-ly ,hen: " -ma10 prCWl'l .. trooo .·K r ......... ...-..c ,1oTp_ IIappCll oU><....... The piTIT rTCt It. ,,",,-,cr,

,hal in the omiocrx ... lrYe ... lhIo • the .., ltD,,&,

TCt..lly do IlappefL I•• CanaUn ~.i¥cnc. lIloou&bu_Id finI of .11 u.... '0 thInk the_loa. Ih<n -_adill& >lep by ".p trooo 'hel. c.< '0 ,lie"ooroccpl.. r""" 'h<i• .......,pto 10 ,lie I..~f."", ,lie impnosion. '" 'lleb objects - 01 k.N1br 'hif nlrif~1I"1 p"'h repn ,lie O\I'tId< -.Id, If'hinp r••lly wer. like thl>. idl:.Ii,.. """'Id be .hc....'u...1 pIIilooophy or ,"" humon mind. w••n k_\hOI It iJ ""'. There if no ....h 'hi,,! .... " ...."'cickllitm~: the.. if IIllt evc•• na,.",l idc.lilDl F"""

!'b10 10 On<lona. e'W:"1 kte~JiII 1DC'1locl h.. bftnobIi.!;ed 10 apl.;n the ."d'l.nc. of f ••h.m .. the«lnKqllOnceol_ kind ol oripaal oin. Since rD.1'"iI ...f....,. ",'unI. ri 10 1'" 'id 01 it. lbe

CIIIly -r iI ""~ , lhM wtulIoob IiU~ iI _ IMt rloo _....,. 01_ lIIC_ wtooK 1 "' _ Ille

_ ...._ .nd In.....ibk, 10 01iII_.""•.,..0...

R••II"" """" nol ,.jee, "'" kte. of. crillqu. of die~iff...nl JJNII 0{Ie "" ". It --.pu it; II alb r"" IIIklo ir ,q.a all •~ a'Il><fUO 01 b. ' k ..-. 1 0Ip'-.1·1-... ..._.~...... IiraIlS ... ,1Ilioy ilo<lf......

oonpto rnIitr ... _ ... ..-rQ 1* ~k'" ""'IIC ..Ie oI ...~ry Ncx~1rI& ,.... IS ..Iidly k-.. _Idbe ... ir '\0 ot>,«t ~icll\Ol fim mOl: 1<) which"'" .on odd'ho' ,h.", 10 nolhl,,& 10 ",,",,,,n' lIS r",m _kin, 10...6.......Ibin lhiI ,nl or<Itr. lhe relotioM bnwccn lho-.._I"" I........~

no Iin'I otfeud '" 10 doe .....". 01.~lIoooopl -l'l' I_ ..,-,..m"""". If 'Ioe beiaco Iro foe II be .iled. to'IIC ti... <:qecl of lhe int.u.eo. WI II beQusc " II~"e<llr P""";'-"~; ,.. ...'11; <fJ'f> C<If''''. w. "'n """".."mn,.n ""isl...... whirllio p..,n '" in i...lhnd fIOl

fifSl 01 .... on ••~ 10 OWKhoeo. Ulff.OOI lIIqtrlriolc..... rloo t" ..... _ .... f... , ihk_


,eal~ IhOi the binh 01 Ibe rCftC"P' pr....PflOSCS ,h.r.rtilw,'..... 01 lhe In••11ed "" lhe ,eabry .....leb I'OflPtCkndl. Ild'on: I"'t.b ........ the thiIo& "".. io IrK;before i''; "' ... ,eoIiry .., IIf'ooIPl '"*' -.t.......................... q(1Ioe ' willi raIiIy, ir 10bcaIOK InIdeft ~ .....~ _he ito __ Bul tIlIo .

....tapbrob II 1....1( o'd,. on ;nl.....e,a,ion, romJIII'ftc.lhe Initial ........,. ••ide oflMI .n,.ol\l: In'o "" 01lhe 'blna .....1<10 "'" <all a licaI. So r.rot "".. lhe1__"le npc,le_ 01 ~ 'k"".........,. in 1ctI ,lie

..oIlIoe ............ "" .. elf... 01~~, r If. noruliR_oIj~"''''''

willi tile ..... ill or<Itr Ii:) lK pMa. h","'" a1_ one oIlhe puu. ltIC oIlboIe II .....1Ia, 10be pot<led • the "",..-dirioft fOf' the niP.nee 01""" I)'IlIIn& .be.

Thio "'" ...~n ""', the 'eol'" r... no onle....iI< * eIf_ to IQrI wIt.b ~ pan and .-<atria "'" __ ... lIoe """ _ loe '-Id ......... -.k lloe port. AI" lOb io Ihol lIoe id<aIioI

~ pMr lIIo ... POOPC'''' """ 10 nod. Md loe.llIl1le _ oIrealhu. It is _ IIII<tly 1en""" 01Ih.m do. w.~.. com'.Plly rorn,"I1Cf'OS1 .ul"", Wl\obe~n • 1<It4J..... and IdealiIU who .nd u ..allw. IIowrOIIJd lhey poooillIr.,..... EodI _ ,be othcr'.'"' I ,. "'" failo to _ M OWL IIo'lIoI I ..... is Ita

...........=.. t n..iI_ ........ _ ....

pruenl "Onf....,.,. """ j, .. I"'" m;o<lc" of mNoevot1I>oup, ....1>0 on ""'Ip ... 10'" ...., of i, beca_ 1""'''IJOIiti<- io 00 c:Ieu. SlartUlc. ,talioIs, Ihqr r.....- ..r"""- WIly -.....:1 __ .. bid: 10 dIoo dIIIi<~ 'IIprae , Be II _ bIdr10 IlIoo MIddle-"","' ,, __ "'.. 0 I 10 -dlia;.1ICh ........ ,.........,. Md pefMpo _ 1 ","'m 10~~

Somel~lng .... Wdc 'lIougJII woold Indeed boIUIthinkat>le we,. 11110l Jlu" ttruln 'hooI"' '" ..... 'IIkilO.' .... ' ODd 1Iw .....,. an 'II bo k ..pa;..____ bc)'OIDd l/looI;ht.. W,,",. ddiooo,_. it: ........

be ..... if_.-Id ....... IlIoo -'1Ir)' tndII tIlolIlIoo ot;<a 'II qMa - • ., II _ wtlldl .. ..,'ho ....... ' ..... '11.1 an "'k "",~ilKlf, wboch io ltN: pp of.o obI«1. All ",.li$In illlpliaaft .",,/yol, of k_lcdgo: oil k1.. lism de'i..... from 1ManaJyoio of • """'&ht Thol II wlIy lb< Ill'll dul)' whiohltM: ....... _ Ioopooeo io 10 ,d_ 0 Kan,.10 fall< .. :11 __ foJK II '" ito....._ _11 "- ......

I JIid ,.... I <rIoiqa< '" t-kdp 10lik•• "I_ell <ado. lid n.......... 1 (""I III duly

bound 10 tup on 1oIJ'i"l it A mtiq~ '" ktKrorkdF II• n .morprio< of 1 Jp<ciaI kind which""" <an only...... III ul>deo £CnIlII d£..1y <l<roned.-;........ II.u.s its ilio<oriraJ .,....._ II .... M whaoioI I' ...... d£dd«I ...... lid b II _ 10 .....

";I~ bo'n.. IIkN ''''It,,luo, i, wu ...... '0 do orith ,h.' ....M<£nd£nlOls. Onoc 'ho 1"'" io no longo, bol", ..k_ by 1M MInd. wllat II ""tllt Ooo<>r.ll1e no.........~I1......... "' e._ ,...... I Iy, __ _~ II

_ II 1M poioo: """ "'" ... Md ,Ill:t>o.rulld b£pD 10 u__ dIoo rwo IMo ..-.."b«a_ ..I.....r< simply nWl wbidl .u_lo.uboiol .ft.. lhq bave: red IMor "Ontl£<1lon ";lhboin). Bu, fmm ,he _n, 'hey no Ion,., IU£. "

be .. nK£Mary 1O.....-J tb<Io. Thio io d.. Ol"i;jn '"..... _<rile ....,...... of ,..,..,. ....... opcaoIac-.......... .....'._;17 jll.~_Md

d.... ~ t •• .. _ ~ ....tbot Uj........, .

"""'"*_ -. ........... III lIM: fan tho< ......toundadolll ..... 11<:\'£'d~............... hM lI....10 Irrive., III< vaJu.. 111<....." ...

On< d ,ho 1 0£ri0uI oWtacles de~", ,lieIIoro<riIl; of I d ..aIioII. pr«io<ly the I/hooiooolUI _ d"'T io 10 dnftop '"boo I 0 _ III ...... C'jIII« , -""'i£. .._ .........,. Ow....,.... 1M .........,.•• 10

'CCOliliH thai folo-Ul;.IOIdo """" -W be .........lhe _ d. _."lICC """",k1.dIlU _uh,n.f...- lhe f....ndali<lno 0( ....J~ whicb I' io only ...n«aoary 10 F""nd boa_ ""_ ....... IRlO be"" It

tile ....,_, lba< "'fI'I'CIO '" ..aLl)' U)'IO IIU 1M

pIao< cot .£Itily itodl'. R.... 10 • r... ot ..o ""

'"wltidI ,.......~ of ......1f ...1y ....WouP brioI&- II ·ftS'pa ....~ lO .....sc ...11oo _ ....c '" Iloc ruIII)' of -tlodl it is • pan, ..Ilw .... oIwWd1 k iDdf At ,,_

o-ly fioIdI .. ill ' lIS Do '"Ir 01olo<Ioc~ II _ ill t"- _ ill do< ..... _

kao ' 'i i1. q • os at.-IMlp"" '" 11K iJlldka......~ u.e. _ do< ........... __ deI...­_ _.? ... iL """ 1M ruliA. !1M" 0iIl)' I'f"'ril*...... call d""", 1 •• ....,. .............. be • 1M___UoeIIlObcooiY, docy-.

" M.- 10 .., Ma... It _ lorpoafiod '" _ ,.. 10 ill cbla Ftl_bqiIo WI'. I lludJ of _ IoonIbeo of boo ' ...., ....lUI oaI)r '" ....et.. .._ eM _ Id IIwdil'kfC8Ce bclWCn Iu_kdp: _ -. ",~.n..q.

of _ 1<"- ....,,11<•• rdl«tMo...,. oIll1c anof~... I. wlIkh j.-ice would be <Iono to bcltIl"'bIen _ ot>,cu; 1OOf;' ill "(fIDqIlC of Iloc bnn<heo of~kdC"·whI<h _ld tty ............, .f. the ......

'" wfllch tI>c IrIK QII be <lIMin,~iol><d ffOlll'hc f.ls<. his """,c,h1"l .be, • _'hi"1 wlIich doffen ~I!l''t"'" anyt/lJn. ,<alII.. OIl uDdenlke. h ...n cn'crpriocwll purP'* II '<> Jive our kJ><>wIc:dJC: an I pnorir" wnton by ra,nelln, iL

The probI<m ollfOl'''''ln~ I<n""""'d&" or monolayonly bccoma an otIIiption ...Itt" .talisrn ;1 ~t>doncd.

alld I\A$ "" """'.IIlI .......' .. """ iii ClOt.ful,,, rcm.o,n

'"r--'r planlCd ill ruliMl. A cririqtIe 0111oo f....1ty 011uw1'dr .... "'''plIO r....... _ fat'lllly ItKII tho_ *"1 .. ...t6dea1 coMilioa lor ....' y'-io to., IIle """'" 01_ ~1'dv I" ....' itilKit'~ ",10 • 1M 1IfpoI..... _ it

call ~ ...,...... m- """ '1M idraIIIt...,d"'.... IOcr-dkw' Iy ......... p~1y tl _ IoIr<Wo& ..,. ,)....... ' ,Ool .... obJecl_ ~·__ 1O

r"'a ;"Cfor...,_ .......~a ......... raliNI • F '..... ...,

Ideolioo: ..... fat. il. rid _ (Iii" a __)<1£

...,.' I_I. V"" 1I_ al ....<1tb<l- til ~mw' 1p 1lIaI. UrdIy jNr If............_.,' , ..... ...,. ... ~Cl'idcoI_1II... far .. " rnl8ioIs ~"; III 01.... __ aph......,. whida .- tn. W" III~ ..uko«~ tIlI<Joi&:h~ ..... """" .....'1_ tilw~If tllM .. __ .... Ie.. _PIXt. " MIl flO .......

....lIy a rulism ..-hid! is .rid.... Ind I"... Yr!llII owill ;t-...1 Wc: know ..bal <riliuI~ ",..u..; II .. anklc:11~ ......... ""I)' ...._ • III bII .rkIcal bII....... a'Iellt KC«dint 10 I.. InItiol ;nlc:n'lonI, I' .e:f..- to bII an.,"pi"""l idc:8liolll. W...... I" furlhc:r aftCl oar. "';1" Iprc:sc:nHlny ~JlO""nt of t"io domine. ,"", "ld.all,mholcb all ......physics to be II)'I'IOfI)'Il' ""h tIl. tiloW<)'of ~lc:d,,""; thaI ....by II II nitiell. Si..... 1MU""," of ualistn .. '0 rc:jc:cI _" I pool.im. in ..1Iat

Ie..... eo~ il be nirio<al? I toIlf... I fail '0 tee ""'" h CNI...NannIy' I .."...r.~ .... trillcd.

- _ "-elf .. lil>eny '"...."'cc ;~ an unctitiallCCCJlL>_ of lhc <OIICCplJ ~nd

joop"'''''' he ,""'" OIl ton".", ,..j,h ..""ri<nce. Bu'lblo...... al1Cttlhc' different q_1ion. Sl. TI>caat hadlbt _ iIIo:iohot of <riIical bndIia. yn he _ ~ rullot;

pJ ""~"". lit _ • ..... PI\"" • * ..........""'&:r-"".~_ """...,__ •~~rtIllia.~~ if be hid Iritd '0 btt>onN: ~mU<al, • llitrul;"'" .......kl h.ovt c-.l '0 tIlb!. I' "'e to "'"tvlcItl>CC of ,lit plaillt" klrwl 'ha' had lUI ruh «aft<!to ...__....,...,. _Id "..., cc.cd '0 _

- lUI _.,....,. ~>tliz"~ toebJ byIdW [ &tO~P'ft_"""" 8oIl_ ....,."""""ld in .. far .. _ n!jrt1 "I ....pro. WllllkItlillSlll••nd fI of all ,..jth I", ""'thod. buauu .1It

M(:'lIod .. ideal 1''''lf an<! .. tOO<I .. rulis", Itva"""'10 It, i," og ~,~ in~ '0 ...... OOIC: "r­all Ia pooit" , Let .... be IOlln1y pbirt lip& I- it~ bod II • _ IlIoo piIMrJ e .....""'dIll....,. we F' au 'kte if we .ue In ..... JUrrin&paint Tha,,, tII<l II ..... t>icIe""", ,he firJI in onJerof aU the evidence thefe IS. ",hich leado "" 'he ""e handto ode..... and on the ollk' ". lfIftlIp/Iysi<s. Jury """""_lbod wilL 1lIooftfcn. tate it lor IU -.... poiffL

VThe Realist Beginner's


I. 'T1It firsf Ilq> on the rullSt paUl b to retopIUe

thai Ofle """ .......1" betn a ","1m; ,he ICCOfId II torte"l"iJe WI.~ IwfI one 'r>eI 10 t1DnkdilTtf lJ, 0- __ -. 00; 1M third 10. totulirr , .- ...,. _ di/Jerea'lJ.........• .--.. • _ • they rOtJt'l ... oa .,.n. If.­

,ben ub OfItItlfwtty, one', toflVCfIOOIItO "'.1...... ~II

bl.tt compk'e.

1. MOIl pt<>pk _ II)' _ thiIIIlt: they or, 1...........w liU, If ....". ........ _ ... be. ..... botkwt II

itk Tlriq 1ft IOld ,1My ..... FI _

,lid, 1bou&l" """ 'ha' •_"'",& btyon<I 'houttn .."'nthinkable. If they limn '0 lh.. objtthon.nd i0oi< for.10 _r.o it, th<y .te loot rro. tbe ow\, b«I_ .11IdaliA ....,...... 10 tilt "'ahol pooifiIMI ..., ,_ ,....• idtolis< _ So iI • IIiItoDy _ fll , tIlrl:..... ..,. --. Hil q t......... -.. iIIIplr ...



dealisl ooluboft 10 Pfotll<-. The: rnIlM, .Ik.d.n"'h~n i,....hc<l '0 lak" pol" in diorlO#ionl on "'ha... ....;h.. -.. VOUDd. sbo<alcI r"" ol all ~OIII hifMclf '0~ No. Mel _ If • d:IfflnoIua--.. ... iI ...... II> -. '1_ which are illfan insoluble, hu. whldl for hi.. do arlw.


.... bayn-r: lhc idealiII calli ... 10 '''ply 10 lhcq.....1oolf raIoed by Illou&h~ one QI\ bt ""e tty, he isJpoaki"lln Ie... ollhc Mind "'" hillt, Mind io ",Iul.tIIiIW,;- • for • tho intdIect io ....,~ 0­.....ad lhcl~be. ill 10 tao • _ CIa. ....., • Iit'le ...~ 10 do wItJl lhc I..... TIoio II _ alwoaJs "afY.b«autc i. has a Irp'hn••c II>Cllnilllt hu. """ I'" 11viJII1'.......,.CIt It has be.- ""'u.cly -....ary 10 fC..

'""'"'"'" ............. ' • • .. do< ,~ ..­1 'ia- haf bol,a ~ r.- • _ corrupted. ""

ldalis' ••"" ia ..ne",1Iy I rclllJt ,...._i"l one 01lhc 'P/ril,,", In'«e<kma'e ~deo.__ coruicle.c<I• __......__at.

.s. The~ 'M realis' iI wtin& Ibcu. lI.heli~ and """"rkDCCd uniIJ ol In 1",.11«. ""h an.pprc........., reolilJ. n.. ia Qy I realist phi........,.I0Io IQ do ooidI ...~ iuclf u.. iI "f'PiC'" 1 rI, Mel~ wllKIo lbo,,, _ k ... be.1

.... IdcaliotpIIibcphm. on .IM: othcf holld. oi_ .My II,," rrn."""""~ qulUly .""dIM pole' 01 dIccoin;: "'''''>CC orpNl _ i I, .II .....~ "0'1_ .. IdeaIlIt ",DlIinCIYlhiItb .....~ ... pcrlealy nol ,. "'-.ccd I "'prd...-ol~;ooMfCM ,he I"aliot. whenM ,.,noinely .ltlnkt ... I ,cali>\. oonf<lnllJ hi...... lf Ie .IM:-twntic eaan 01 • phi"_.' r; for aph~lalb _ t.huip, __ .. prci'~01,. jjIo • ., taIb- ""',...".,.


.. J•• _ ..__ ... "-c......,........ et--I wc 1M _~ • _, ]')....uer ..__ ..... _w".. _ tb••

~ O,.,p. A_ ~

......,.., be ...cb P tl',"'"" _ ..P It ---.~ c......".. The r.n.... dliI _tl • ~ad tIoooIP III bf-.......". ..., • ",.,..... .... _ 1"' ~ Mill •_hbll~ Ilul t~ ideali$l at-yo <oftfus<:a"WirIa ..hicto io .... in l!I<IrIlpt" Wlch ....., odI ..p;Mn by 'houpL~ For atIJ'l'I" who r"""1tno'*I<dJe•• _China be)'ond 'hou"'C io "" ubriouoly'htnl:lttK ChaC lhll io 1M ""I)' kind olchoualn fOf whichChe,. CAn be. bqrond.

1. ",. , ••1..... CODIlllinllll.n "'0< olcbe _kiIId Ifho! _ hi....,lfloow. ouniD&"-' cho! Kit. MOft...- U. 0l0tr<_ 01 • __It. ro< c~ idealiK, who

~ "-' "'" ..It.... io eM-' and, illcked., !be0llI1 pooo'* W4'J 01 pull1D1 !be q '_ 1llc ,aIioI~~do-Wy~fine,~ be <loa_IUr1 ".. lK Idf; 1CCO<lISly.~ 1M _it _. __1_.'-woe>- t.. If. A...... . If.. be t"'aI ............ Kt aI kat P "A -W..-. reoIil)' 10 .-.. ... til' 1M ockaIiIt._ OM _d.... bo paoped by be P li. _ ..-by.......,..

.. Equdr, ....~ _ lot _If bo u-.ltil' lloc -.... Ij II) tile p"'..I..,. of............... iu If, _ !oaWIf; ,.-lao I '" II. V. cktiIlo \arl I, c....ookaIiIl..,s. d'q.... CGpf of reality. s-_eM JIO" _ c CGpf "'1M J w lito: it •

ioo iud'. --, II.." 'M 'h.... oaIy 10 JIO" ill'Ioooocl"- 'Ill<~ Iw lOll _'''"01 ........ fur~ whidI p<JIitJ C"'-&hl befur. k"'lo and -ia&iuclf "'" loaF' .bk: CO "-PO" ,he f !belin••. wond<1's bow IBJ'O"" .IK ..... The lioL on t,,"con'n'Y. dool .... haft 10 .... hi.-Pf whethe. Ch,,,.. cIoor do tIOl ronf""" 10 h" k-'"<l.. oi ,h..... brta.... fOIhim _Ioda< consUu in hlo INlmU.,lna hi< knowlcd..co thlnp. In. 'Y"." "",,",. II,.. bti"i'''I of CM InlCll«lInco aoootd .nCh !be chi... .....id1 the j,.jpncnc,_IlIItes. ~ppooa ,~ """"rd" lAd~ ­01 m. intcllccl ..,ch ;.. objccU. If -'d k ......., 10""PC'" k_' Y 10 parAnc.... conJonolry .n_wloIdIlf -'d _ ...... em..-

"w. _ ...... ,.._ I , _1M a.po.iN"­lko ...... P r Ina 10 ftItIIiII:k ...- •• ,....____ of ••&. \\...... io P , g _ 10

...,.,. tIo: !ldIIC~ -.do 1M ....... !rd. II

.....,. __ k _ ..

iL rOftho"'-~iI M .".tho~...,I-eo/.'<r



lIlId<...... lilt ta1L SiIlCC~ pre$'l1'P'*" liltpo to tIoo iIoIclkcl 01 lilt ' .... _. Ibcrc • ..,

.- 10 _ bdlIIId 11M: IloiD& .......... d...~-..e '" a -rMttiouI _ ...~_~..wldI~ be tIIo !hIIlc 0( tIoc IhiIlI ill **PI..K--a 10 '"PP'<' r, •0iiII&" iI 10 ill '~.bo!l.lJl mo.pc. 'I F clk St , llot -. .....

l .. To ' ', __ - iI)

to ".. '" ClIOI.... procffil...' i _-. ill 10 -. Ilw. nnr' .r- ........".. TIle WI 10. _ do~ ...-.Tk --=nIorc <II Illc ifllclte .....odu ..Ill. ,_

~llcMiooI of IllIolp. ......... 100II .. Ib<y .ejk,..', ........ d ·'...t __dil.IO ...... _nidt.,.-uariI1a. TIl'" fact. lO1lldIllM~ 10 do -... ...,.lheory. iI _hinl II.." lhoooy Mo 10 tlke 1ft08Il. 01Real... doa ~Iy 1lNo,. _lid 1ft lb. rflpOCt 10fol"""""1 DDM_..,-. That iI why C'o'ft}' for.. '"~.lism 10 I pIIiloloophy '" <.'011I""'" .......

II. It doeo IIOl follow from ,hi! that <om1llOfl sen..if. I phllooophy: bill III sound phi~y J'f _rom""", lotn.. and WIll h. anmed of <0\1 lh'l,...bellCVC' nee....'}', "1'1"'.1 ...11 be ID8de from Ill·Informed '0 be"n·lnfonMd """'_"'_. Thil iI _ocien<c pi lbou' thinp; ocien<e iI "'" • tri,iq"" '"


< I )0, oc.... bat ot tbe _ .pjH......'ionI '"rulily .-de by i........ n.........,. of teimceaa6 phih ,A J ...-- 10 1M fact lUt -.IJoaab, 1O ....."'xti<a' _ iI""oI,u,_..,.ec capabk "';'" W.. IiIooII4.IIl<,e:ae._ ItlO~aiciazioc" .' ' ....... _ .... i1.. "'.- iadf, .... 10 Ie_ llIdI"•

u. Tk ....n "ia - J;b< ....,. odorrs, -b<a .eoIby"'un To_.__...,.._ ... _ Tk ....., ..._ .1 .... cr-...,..11M: pnoctoc:oI onkr. lad e'F .., .. IIIot~ '"~ .""", ........ ... artIarit. UK ••.......... ,po, Ft ,..,. -.-.. by,...... to,__ we _ ... 10 doo, ..- luld bcao WeIdeL TIoo:

ocrioity cf WI~ t1k,d",£. ...... ad.-Iy.. lIle """* cf loio... ' m. ,.,....n ill ...prd 10

_lify. Ir it cn;>teS~ iI nell'•• -. ...olIJ<n. bu. a WOlJ cf cqJIaia Ulc 0117«< "... wnh",doo, 0117«<.

IJ. Th. ill abO wily .he ....Ii.. .-, ..peell his~IC '0 ~nl:"""'" In ot;<Cf wi'.....' ""'Ich hieu-Ied.., woul4 nor ...iIl.. Uke .hoIldealio'. he \OfeI his~. at ren«tlon. bu. b~pllt. I' withm lhe 11",1.. cf •, ...lilypit (roon with<lul. Thnd"", ,be , ...tI... ""'"'or hill rdl«100ns .... '0 "" be;"&o ...hi(h in etrw h (or- lISthe tqll1ninc or k~lC: m _ If ..... deeper

.. in f.... I 1Jlou&h~ j, doa _ rol!ow tho, ~ io ooIy I

tIoouch~ ." ..... _ ~I """k" .-.litioo.. l1li -J

""p---IS. 1 .sen.- 'II orhok llreftllh f... llIoe

COfII.d'~"", willi ich;' deYelopa 'M _quen«l dIII ;,11,111 error. 0... io, lII<'dOK, ll\b'"k in 11)';1\1: '0refvIC iI by ..-inc iI of _ briIlc ~ OIltIoe ...,." " • I cIoctriK wIlldI by .. _...,. by ....~ '- it .. anIn _ c 'niDa flI.... replica lIM: Ofdtl' IJlCI (Ol"..... 'b' _ "'......The filii kip (.... ..-IU) ..hJ(h "'"pulu 'M_DC inlo ill toIloequencap~ 'M docuinc.1_.,.. jwlify~ .idl ka _'hod """"pi16ra.. ...., fw ..... CIUIC d icIt.... _ 01 ideahANap; ir Goes __ -., ., I ,10 do wlllo u..'''-Yd~: II booloolp ... ,be -.I.....

... Prcordina any pIllloaopllicallll~n1p' .0 ..pIain~ Is lb<r fa«, _ .....,. of_~ IIxlr. bu'of __·~boonIia&_lO~ If ...... _oft.. .-1m< _ -..y _ jow .....,

9pIaAa_ it ir _ . ..... •• ' 10 1M r_by -ontIlC ,,,- ... I'IS""a ,""- oon in ..Imce "'''''n'hey.re IlKlQIW<:nionL j, ~ prcdscly bttI.... I" I"""ion'0 ~lI<kmand .. at,....t<. lbln ," <lao,~ '0 _. Of

beca.e 1M _ of~ tn_ltd&<: Ie ill

"'fO'II arc _ p "' hoi~ 10 1IItISfy... no.

JlfO"lcks the ..,criaI .....idI ,,_~,._~'I _.....ticaI

plIyIA"" _ 10 c:xplalJl.

". Tbc _ dans<:..... '" lllI d.. <it"....n.-.1roodI io lho-",~ ...:dlO""; llle real.. io <:onlonl...lth ",t;flccriooI.- When .dlet:l_ l>cc ga,•• ...mod. I.io no ionIC' j"" at! In.elliacn'!)' d"ectod ,cl1«tlOlLwlIklt it >Itould be, bu•• ,./1u\Ion wltlch $obslito'Ciltoel( for ",ality in ltuo. 111 prIndplet .nd 'l"lcm b«OfI>C,hOIo< or .eality i""lf. When ,ho -",nec.iw ttIC."",,­

'''....In. faithful '0 ill ...._.It ."""p Ulum.. lh.' 'MIi""l left. or 111 ",fl<cIion II a, lhe IInlC the liro'prir>riplc '" our ~""I"; II • t1lI'u 1tonSC<lucncc 01

IL ",. rc.oIioo. tIoe,dooc, _ ......... 10 lit

m..d that tile k\e ..,. '<"'__ )f1 * t 01>

aiotMific ~ at' "'"'I odctluol. .- it1t·, _,•. lay lie 11oioob kIeaIiR. .. _

<»pKiI, .. a .......... .- Ift/IIl.. A ....-.c. b<JIM ..,. der . S .... -'1IOd '" ... _ 10< io_ 10 -..-. I8dft4, dI:e _ ....,. '" ,- S ...r.Ioe ........... io..,. r.ct _ ...,. ....... -mod.-fint. n.. coa,_del_to-tile~ f.....~ 1lIrM io...,. ... raliN hM ..... wnn.. • 0-- orr w/IIctItDJ. Ik....- "- _ .... an:~~lie _ ollno, .. d- _ 10"- ndl orde< 01....ccc:,..bo ..


17. Tk ,_ It 'io- orr ..alIiMcc --...... io tbar. _ .........,.... io .,.. -i-'od_ ...... tI ....

'" _ ""Ulrc, ill .. r. .....'UlOIII ""....., 10'",","h q...mry 11.-..- idl ..ru *"Y -.p.c d.." dIetn_plio 01 ...u....1Ia .. _ way j-.lofy 'I. lllOM......plIo ......, ""''''''a''' kkol;oa They.", .. no~_ "I' wi.. iI, ..... Illoy juouly ir aD the~ _ .....tha, lhe _ ...,IIe-.b1ly oricn,ed physict ....."I ito ....lallO<\t ",hin ,lie alJObi' 01 tbc cspc..-n"'lr.... ..hleh ,,- ......lal..... Intc.pr<" SomeonedOt<OWCR • new fll<t and what happc ....? Me. vainallempu lo ....h II aMimlbble.•1l m.'hematical phpi<llwill ,.r""m itoelf 10 .. 10 be able to ""'m,ble iI, 11,eide.li" 10 ra.ely a "",-n'i... more nrely "ilIa rcscar,h""'nli., ,n a laboralory••Dd ye' ir" lhe laborlllory ,hat

realilt io j _h "f'OMd 10 lKK lCapcallODl ..

tJotldcaliol, ,..1Oo '0 lhoto PM" fre......'!)', TkdiIl'c",_ io WI he yioclds 10 tile. apiJIR WI pl,*1plu.

wloa.. oloo ""-- _co " a pr1D<:IIpIo Wt he """lnrfOlllyJldd IOtIIcIL Raiio.a, tIMotcr""c, _tdaol 1 fa .,..,. 1M -.....n duo, it will ......_ I ' _ OIl • ruIoIy ....,. e- ... kaaowl tv!1 r -.. .. or;po. ... tile ......_ "' • ...­...- _ 10 rcdootc .....,. 10~ 1 Ip "" .. 01> be

-., ...... k. I tv lea _ "''''''''-''-

".... i1-. _ Uoo" ilCp. Uoo"""'_coMJiIo .-....y Uoo ...... ~ .... io ...... M'')Kd;..... fiaaI)'. _ ..wtnn am* be .t-Jcd .. Uoo....,~~I!Ie.~_ ...... _..... "'CI"lepti,,'ely be !rUled .. MIl 1triIl1"l- Thio i; ""'"

ptoplc .re led Inlo utilldl". rr- k_lcdJc. and e.enfrom rulity...hal b necagry for the 'lCry als,e""", of


:e.. nc.c b • __~ 01 fCC<IIIliz\llJ doc false_ ae-ralcd bJ t r .. -.,. m. ....llocy .... ,' g' tlocyarc..-pclcd ... ddlno<tn:ll .lIJ"C>"I~ of crnlIt T_ OW • .--.. lor p>OII__.""'-<1 .- •• _ •••. _._ • ohowcd, •• '-' _ \ask ,- *ri)y..... Idu!jpo $cMalloa be_ ....ua 1lCIftlI1_10 "",,"n Ih.. hII1h.ri...,io;No 10 .... one. So we leiOUrKl'IC$ be ImprcslCd by d.c 1._1 ~e..on of ,he",nsco,n "'" "arlled 1»' ,he Irc"",ndoo. buoir>cMkk.lI... make ......., 1M~ Idc.IiI" are pcopk for.. toe. tbc _I can only be • ~niCu'" ........... of,. PO'" ""Ii I WIle. DcoCIroa>tam lriuapIIanlll'_ ,..... •• 7 '. _ daly .. r.. "'_ ~I

...... __ I _'.• IlcIpo .. ,,_ Iy ...._...,. 10,__ ,' d ... ,..f\nIploo:lpk.

!It We -. 1Ilcn:fo<c, rcpnl 1M., ­_ d<_~ uod • t bOho cd by

Id<aNooJ r... 0.1:""'..... elTCf'l of 1M ..- kiad. l1IcfllCl 'IW lhere an: obual iIIlllioat dudIy I'fO"'CI w, allour vbulol pcrccpticrd.re .... ill~ A ....... """ ..dre.mlnl feels no dlrterenl from. man "''''' io .wake....., ."l"""" who Is .WIlke me- .hal ... io allOSClhcrdiff"r",,' frorrI __ ",Ito II dre....iq; lie .100 k-.h II tocc-_ Ilc 10M 1Md... '__ wI he al"tcrwatdl... "' arc ailed Wori'a6o"'."" as __ ........w _ ......~ir heca

lOWake first. Tloc faa lIMn • ' ...,. ....f ~ .. __ _(....u. ....

'capccI ... l>acana) _ It " t ""

0Cf il '1lI& .... analMy ~ ... --- .apodal of ~lnoC dclln-.· The idcalbr only 6_

llIcM: ill up"'Ui"l tocc-.............. "'" """'"""'" Ie prove 'bey .,e Ullillor\$. The. rcalis< has norcuon '0 be up"" 1»' Ihe... IIl..... for him lhel' really >Ie


U. ec idcaliHo say WI oar d.eo., of __~ doc ,..-_ of d" •• 10 ... w".ibk

We _. Ittie ellj IiiwI K.ie"ly We...,IiIefII1 I ~ I ~ Fh n "" .............. It cnor........:.a. dIio .... __ iI II r-J cMicf for .....rcaclllllc muhu.-lIlr.'"__¢Cl ,re pnMcf

'-l1lL T1o< rcaIiof dfffeR 1..- .... Iiicabst. _ ........

..... 10 _kc . 'k- bool pOw', 'J .. !hat. ......

........ ..u _ea. tK ca-. GIl tK cnw • _ a

.........~__IIIIIlMw.I ............. _ .. GIl

tao ' .. ~ ... "'"'"" 1IOIfaitIIIlIl1O _~ IlOIiI:lIbooo all tIIo~ oaIy MMh ....ka ..............I0IIoI .. _... ;' ••Iou_ tIIo --. •• tho

rtpl 00IIy" to far as be is ..tailtdlol to'"U "'"hen ... ..,. mo, all Ilaooo", .......... ill

paop.. lIM III,.. as it ...... au br uo __ U)'Ul& wI,lie In'et1ccl Inf.nibly to cr-P iI. boI' dial Mil' wilen i'..........P iI as i' is will tbcr.... k_lcd&c. Slilileu do

...., IIIUII 11.., "-1:" U"'USl. lh. con'en' d '"/lIIjed In • loIn&le"1. What k_l~ pMI'I in lhe/lIIjed 10 _thin, rul. bu' rUlll)' 10 l""lhalLJllbk. Ind",,"d It ' .... Intellea had dioa:,""" III lu detallt. h_1d..m be COIIfronted l'l' tbc ldyI'e.,. d III very aIore_.The pe..- ,.1M) bcIicvcd he: """'Ill ..... ,he: whoIc drullty lJlfallibly .... a, 0ftC fdI twOllp. _ tbc .....Dacarla r..,.., doc rcabol,~ re(r;lplizcd __ _ c( rU: :pM.. wi tIlcy "'-'"• I -II dtlo.p.Mdf... lIocrc_

widll", ,h••_asl1oclr~_""10mn ..~.nc_ l raliutilliiOduI) Qoook""" eooN if _pxuceil. __lied ...i1Iof"~

'"l4. A third ..,., GIl " : tK falle Jcic....

wWdo .'.. i ala II br , _ IIIq" fed I_ 'lry ......,....r _ oIIte<tL TIlat. be: ,....,. ..,. _ ..., .- otJ;ccu cdII. for me reulIA.'"'-~ iIl 'acd,.fdo .......... Good. ...n.c ......... B If lhcf*"_ ........ _l!l<)' ..,. ...py as --. k- .......ired. 8aI as as~ , tiM .....~k.... 'hck .. .odenll. b<po 10 lIoIl irl 1M.oIr wilr",," knoo!ri"' ....... 10 IICrdllhcmK..... no••....,. idullnn """"" Iq; ti_ ·pound,,,,~ -.onlil)'.k_~ .nd Irt, as "'oup tbc ..,., men """'kl 1<:1.... re not IOTlnen in the "'ur. of ...n. ,he "'nnn ofklIow1... in ,he vc'Y'truelUK d OUr Inlcli«t.•00 Inc.". in lhe practical XIMI)' GIl ,he ."Is, hllllOClf, TheK;tilit never has '0 """nd 'lI)1h,n... bu' IIc: h.. 10d...,..., t/>c foundallont of IUo opentlont. Ind " illaIwIyI in 1M "". d 'hinp WI ... fil><b thcuo:.,...--., .

15.50__ ...,...,. alI.. 1"._......... t>or:u- _ oioopIy ... .....,.It tlt....... _ _udntl_briIIt __lr)iaf: 10 Ilk iI> 1k*' U • aroaM5- .....1Ilc8liII'••_ tK~ it. ; _

...n.c_,...... u... foo ._oI__•

_lObc ..tea ....·_........• Nc.utlltl .....

",al;" 'houkl rail" ~i_l( 10 .... Iorina ...... IorCllouetbe c:ritic:ol Spirit iI dIe tIltlJnl c4&c '" iclelJll.nl, IJId Inmil capwlly it """ the t!>&ra<I.,;.lI". _ <II. prillOpieOf~ but d zeal (or • Q-. 1M lfllOcal sportl0fI"_ • drcet. • OeM "8 10 rxu 10

""<tUM •• _ ·'Y.Ihal .....,_rtfrxIory IOtIIc.u..s. Toldlit-c th thue 10OIIty one policy. everywhere the porn' of "'"' of 11>0ollsc,,,,,, muol be .ubslilu'ed I", 'u, of ,"" t~i ...

obocI\ICd, 'The diIC.edll'", of realIty W1U be """-. rI~Iy. '0 ill _ <:nKMe ~ ud .-lIMdu rcalfl)' ......... tIIc __ dcu tIIc IdeaIiol

will lor ...~ iL Tloe tIIc 00lio« Iooood,............. ..,..,...,. u..t tM cq«t: • whM a-.1I....1•• _ sIoCl8ld Uc.' it 31th 1M IJUIUt rupcct.

'7. RCIp«lInl the ob;cct 01 kllOWlc4&c mum.above an•• rei"'"' to rcd...... It to -~in& W~I<~

complies ,.ft/t ,he ........ of • 'YJlC d "'''''''''''''''~ doDoaI by............. I......,..... fw............... DOl .......... 1'Cldoa ~~ ", IIIlMInd<llUcDI:I--. n.,k, _ • .-for oondoao,u"l in,tOOp!CriooI, (or it __ po"'**tlla~ the oll;c<1 of po-1"l........, bei", whOI i' IS.poychoiolYOUJhll'IOI'0 be.n cue' oci<:n«. 1>01 at leu,il il .. '0 remain f&ltM... to its ot;e<:t. Hu.....

~. --'."dot: bcw>s lI. ....I III be &lie...• ] I'e .........."'__;-....~

'" llI'U'" Is .boII, .. PC""''''''''''' human p)'ChoIoc.r asknown by I do&- The psy<hokv '" beh&\liof .. 'berdo,"VCIJ' wise 10 odopo "'" ...... oulIook 011 ..... b:cauoc as__ • " ..teo in~ " rcvcaIo.. _ III .. W, ,be ia/iIoiIo pII be:< __ ........ <II

!r am luclf kap 10 tIIc CJ'C.uour Of""'" wen odf "_....,"- w1lcIMrbio:lIoIY.1Id pIryoicI-w. Jdll be poooiblc?

1& 1hc ,ul... m...., thc.do<c. .twa,. '.....'..opimI "'" idcaliol. 'l\at fOf cw.ry <><dc, '" 19liry """<• a~.", ...,. of "PP' "'I .... "'pI C II.

11e..;a lIlcII fiIId 'cf-.l1O c-.n: .. I<nIIIjM l"cbMiury 10 "-"'''''"'' ... iI (..... - M.cIIlice' lIlall tIIoc iclealiof - ... c..... 011 • <fJbqou< of 1M

diff=n' bfandla '" koo-kdfC by tIIC"""';ns ,~.piRll tllelr r>b/«1: fO' ,he "ai'iesl .pu;'" cnti<;r.ucYCf)'Ihl"l UC<p1 iLMIf• ...tIc«.. ,he reolisl. bca..... 1>0If; DOl a "mlK:al .,.;m,w II con'inlOCNOly 1lCIf-a!llcaL 'The.caIiIl ..;0 _, bdicvc 1!I.fr. a iV'l' t I w .......Ofdcr 10 ' m ,.... _ bcl.1n 5UIU !Ifpi--: iuclf 0I0tMik .........If.... _ ..., _ thrcqllivalcn. '"__ W;U lie bclieYe. ...,11Ourkllc, ... tha' ,lie .cal .......,a o.c tIIoIc found III!><:lob, Of .h' .odal life conslsts _.......,. of

prnhibi"Ont wi'" ..1K1.IOnS Iltaehed., ........ Ihc ...,.oocidy ""C had to bplaiJr ""<1'< tIoo _ 1 n ibal ill

~ NOI"wilIloc ....... lUI b lMII=_.



'" • boou.... JX*'''''' \hall ,he wit_ I, inYokn '0clt,~what .,.. ' 10 ... or dooca-. tbc aacl

• m ..a.c lky.... • ..~ na. io ..,....-."" • r o,k. : ............. pMcame imd~ io ,... _ f~ JX*tioa for""'klnS d~rIes. For If it .. ' .... ""', 'hlnp did no!

'ho'I)s I\oppon uaetIy .. ,""if ..,!OCosn 1Ilf'I'O"<l:,he~blM ~rron lky IUY 111ft ...~ • tritba& _tl....

.......ed 10 .......... - ....M , -YI-..Il. ill if_ ~f:Ial, rttIiaplMl c.opo -'~ 10 OUr _ 00010... at _

-~-h S- 10 tho I;loo.., mtile rc.a1ioL W~ ClIl OQ/r

- boo'Au__ '.. to 1M f__ 00 bnrlI ftcc:

is ,lit .. or br""& fret _ .. !xu IMI doc -., m,lit p; So let .. ,.......... IIlanp tlle-e1Vc1 »tucII~V'ppr~Ik,,<lo••tId to ,he ~la'iorw~IP~n

"'" dirr~lcn, bnt>dlc. at """"'ledsc Ind ,be '~Inp....ich Ur<y .pprtllald. 00 ,hat, OOIIforWfli ;...,1( e>II:.

-- .......,. ro tbca, P'ri' """ (:Ill prttpaI Mu-:M: II io In ,b. "",n,. too. 'IIa, _ ...",Icl Iud ,be

~eal p~I'->ph~n ,,·ho b"" P"(~d ... on lh~ rell",patb. "II is "'" in Mo."..ipr<,· ......c r ......l "but inII)'ICIf ''''', I r.... ."...,.,..... I Oft: """""'-. AM:I _ (:Ill

......, -r""'" ~It it _ "" So. no- CIf """orle,

boM ill tb. w, ,be uue lI••1ioI '"" ncl')\lUDC be_" So IM: ..... _ koito,~ to"'" _ at.-.wen, lie rcprdf ooIdy • .-. -.10~.Iity_If ....... ",lie itlulia reptOoldled hi••• _at 'bom tw jUl' IIId ,he kind..... to do. .n,~ "d<dunS~h"'<If ou, In _.mc-downo lake" for ","h... he wi'lIll"" IWo~~ady: ...... bolle. to <ltd< _If OIl'.. ..... __ ......n _ IIarldn:I ........ as .be realioo,

_~.Io",ro""_"""liUtbcIda1ioo.. ret..... to do 00 IIfld .....I:ed.