Mikelsen Restraining ORder Back

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  • 8/3/2019 Mikelsen Restraining ORder Back


    NOTICETO RESPONDENTYou are notified that under Section 455.050 and 455.523 RSMoifthecourt finds in favor o f the petitioner or you default. the court may grant any of the following forms of relief to the petitioner: . (I ) Order the respondent no t to stalk, abuse, threaten to abuse, molest or disturb the peace of the petitioner and/or childrea , W ~ r y ~ r t h epetitioner and/orchildrCl may be; (2) Order the respondent no t to enter upon th e premises of the dwelling unit of the petitioner and/or children and restrain the respondentfrom communicating with the petitioner in any manner or through any medium; (3) Order th e r e s p o n . d , ~ , o o t , \ O h , v eany contact with the child(ren).except as specifically authorized by the court; (4) Order the respondent not to transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose 9fthe, mUtlJaHy o,wned or leased ,.property; (5) Grant temporary possession of property as specified; (6) Order respondent to participate in court approvedcounseIing:1'oir batterers a n d ! o lsubstance abuse treatment; (7) Awa rd custody of minor children; (8) Establish a visitation schedule; (9) Award maintenance and! onmild support inaccordance with supreme court rule 88.01 and Chapter 452, RSMo to the petitioner; (10) Order the respondent to make an assignment of earnings orother income; (II) Order th e respondent to pay petitioner 's rent or mortgage, or to pay for housing or other services provided to the petitioner by ashelter; (12) Order the respondent to pay,CGurtcosts, p e t i t i o ~ e r : saU..Q.mey fees and/or petitioner's costs for maintaining or defending th e action; (13)

    Order the respondent to pay for medical tre atment and/or services providedto

    petitioner for injuries sustainedby an


    domestiG,Y i o ~ e n C l ;

    committedby the respondent . : . .. . . . . ! i ," ,DEFINITION OF ABUSE ! i . i . ~ . j ' l , c : ' i

    You are notified that under Section 455.010 RSMo, the term "abuse" i m : l u Q ~ b Q ~i ~ n o t : ' l i m i t , e d j t c : f : } l b e o c c t . h ' & i ~ t o f , j l l ' P P ttodo,.Qrthreatstodo anyof the following acts against the petitioner: (I ) purposely or knowingly placing or ~ U l R t i n g10 place peUt\P.Icr,il)l f @ " , f ~ ~ i c a lharm; (npurposelyor knowingJy clWsing physical harm to petitioner with or without a deadly weapon; (3) compelling petitioner by force or threat of force' to engage inconduct ffom which the petitioner ha s /l d g ~ t t ' \a b ~ t a i no ~~ o .a b ~ t ~ ~ 1 1 ; condu?t j ~ . w ~ j c . ~t h ~ . p e t i t i o n e rhas a .dgl}t.~ e n g a g e ;(4) engaging in apurposeful or knowing course of condtiet i r i v o I V i ~ < m d r e ' l h a noneill . .. t that alliirrfs or dwlses disiressto petitioner"aid serves no legitimate purpose.The course of conduct must be such as to cause a reasonable person'io s u l ' f ~ f ' s u b S t a n t i a l - e m o t i o n a ldistress and must actually cause substantial emotionaldistress to the petitioner. Such conduct might include but is not limited to: (a) following petitioher aboutinn public place o F i > l a ~ . { ) : j )peering in awindow or lingering outside the residence of th e petitioner; (5) ca using or attempting to cause petitioner to engage involuntarily in an y sexual act byforce, threat of force,(Jr d u r e s s ~ ~ l 6 )hl)iding, confining,. detaining or a b d ! o t C t i q i f ; e e t i J i . o n e . r . ~ j l i J ! s l J l y ; ~ j o n \ : r ' _ ~wiIl. You a r e J 1 ? t i ! i e q ~ a tunderSec.tion 4 . 5 . ~ 5 0 1(I ) RSMo, dIe. seem ' i a b l l ~ e "is defined as. any p h y s i ~ a li n j . u ~. ~ e 1 S : \ . I ~ L a b ! , l ~ ~~ , ' P m ' , ~ r i : t ~ don a child other .than byaCCidental meafl$ by ail a d u l t . l w u ~ h O l dmember, or stalk,mg of Ii child. PI_sclplme mc1l,ldmg spankmg, tered In a reasonable manner shall not beconstrued to be abuse. 7,,;;" t ~ -, . - ' ~ , -l ~ " : < O ' ~ : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. '-'1""- , ; ; ~ . : : - - - : - t ~ ' ' ~ J i - : - : " -: > ' - ~ " ,-""

    L., DEFINttIb ' t t f . STALKING'You are notified that under Section 455.0 I 0 (10) and Section 455.50 I(t 0) RSMo, the term "stalking" is when a person purposely and repeatedly harassesor follows with intent of harassing another person or child. As used in this subdivision, "harass" means to engage in a course of conduct directed at aspecific person or child that serves no legitimate purposc, that would cause a reasonable person or a'reasooobldldUlt to bbfieveai:bildwould suftersubstantial emotional distress. As