MMW Wheres Your Proof

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  • 8/7/2019 MMW Wheres Your Proof


    Wheres Your Proof?

    I dont know how many of us have thought about it but if we were asked what wouldbe our answer? It isnt just a Christian issue, the scientist must be able to prove histheory, the police must be able to prove a crime otherwise there was no offence.

    For many of us, I feel, would fail the criminal code if Christianity was a crime, and wewould cite an ancient book as our justification for our proof. The problem with that isthat the Muslims use the same book, as do the Jews. What makes our faith differentto them is that we claim Jesus as Lord and Son of God while the Muslims will acceptHim as a prophet, and the Jews Bible ends with the end of our Old Testament.

    To complicate matters even more, it takes an accepting belief that attributes the Bibleas Gods Word. Other areas where proof may be required have the benefit ofreproducibility.

    With some basic science it is reasonably easy to prove a theory, the fact that it worksdoes not explain why it is so. For example if you have a pile of rock beside anotherpile of rock you have two piles of rock (1+1=2) but if instead you move the first pileon to the second you get instead (1+1=1). The fact that the pile is bigger not beingsignificant to the equation.

    So then what is our proof? God is and Gods word are statements of belief, wetake a position of faith to build our position on. This is not to say that God is likesome hypothetical concept who we invent, or rationalize. Our experience of God inour life is the proof we have and that is aligned with claims that are included in Godsword, the Bible, or uttered by Gods Word Jesus.

    The problem is that our proof is our proof, it is an internalized statement. For

    someone else our proof must be accepted by that person before it becomes true forthem, or as I demonstrated with the mathematical equation reject as untrue, folly orwhatever. Karl Marx, who has been quoted as writing religion is the opiate of thepeople. What he actually said was:

    Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest againstreal distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world,

    just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of

    religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. Thedemand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which

    needs illusions. ~ Karl Marx, Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right

    We as Christians reject the claims that Marx makes because we believe differently to

    Karl Marx.

    We need a new proof if we are to speak to other peoples experience and questions,to be able to provide a proof that others can accept. Personal integrity andinterpersonal relationships provide a good basis for our claims of faith, based ontheir observations of us. But this is only a partial solution because other people havedifferent observations to us and we need to remember this. We wont always beasked for proof. We may be asked about things that others believe about us or thechurch and we may need an answer to these issues if we are to have an influencewith them.

    I dont intend for this to be a downer. This question really is about having a influencein the world. I am about equipping others, you the reader, with tools that will helpyou to have the answer to the questions of the world. This is not of the total solution

  • 8/7/2019 MMW Wheres Your Proof


    Jesus, prior to His ascension promised that He would sent another who wouldprovide the answer for the needs of the world. All I am about with this blog is to helpwith the intellectual background to the issues of the world oppressed, at least ask thequestions that may enable you to be prepared when Holy Spirit enables you to be anagent of change for someone.